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2601 items in this list.
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Angermuller, Johannes; Buckel, Sonja and Rodrian-Pfennig, Margit (2012). Solidarische Bildung. Crossover: Experimente selbstorganisierter Wissensproduktion. Münster: VSA-Verlag.

Bell, Simon and Morse, Stephen (2012). Resilient Participation: Saving the Human Project. London: Earthscan.

Burrows, Donald (2012). Handel. New York: Oxford University Press.

Dibb, Sally; Simkin, Lyndon; Pride, William M. and Ferrell, O. C. (2012). Marketing: Concepts and Strategies (6th ed.). London: Cengage.

Drake, Deborah (2012). Prisons, Punishment and the Pursuit of Security. Critical Criminological Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dumont D'Ayot, Catherine and Benton, Tim (2012). Le Corbusier's Pavilion for Zurich: Model and Prototype of an Ideal Exhibition Space. Ennetbaden: Lars Muller Verlag.

Elliott, David (2012). Fukushima: Impacts and Implications. Pivot. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

Finnegan, Ruth (2012). Oral literature in Africa (rev.ed.). World Oral Literature series, 1. Cambridge: Open Book.

Gray, Jeremy (2012). Henri Poincaré: a scientific biography. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin (2012). War Memory and the Making of Modern Malaysia and Singapore. Singapore: NUS Press.

Hack, Karl; Brocheux, Pierre; El Mechat, Samia; Frey, Marc; Nanta, Arnaud; Randrianja, Solofo and Regnault, Jean-Marc (2012). Les Décolonisations au XX Siècle: La Fin des Empires Européens et Japonais. Paris: Armand Colin.

Hanlon, Joseph; Manjengwa, Jeanette and Smart, Teresa (2012). Zimbabwe Takes Back Its Land. Sterling, Viirginia: Kumarian Press.

Harrison, Rodney (2012). Heritage: Critical Approaches. Abingdon: Routledge.

Hartley, Jean and Benington, John (2012). Leadership For Healthcare. Bristol: Policy Press.

Herbert, Trevor (2012). Music in words: a guide to researching and writing about music (2nd edition). London: Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.

Horne, John; Tomlinson, Alan; Whannel, Garry and Woodward, Kath (2012). Understanding Sport. Culture Economy and the Social. London: Routledge.

Hutchinson, Mark and Wolffe, John (2012). A Short History of Global Evangelicalism. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Ikegame, Aya (2012). Princely India Re-Imagined: A Historical Anthropology of Mysore. Routledge Edinburgh South Asia Studies. London: Routledge.

Isin, Engin F. (2012). Citizens Without Frontiers. London: Continuum.

Jobber, David and Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona (2012). Principles and Practice of Marketing. London: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Johns, Nick and Green, Alison (2012). Trust and Substitutes for Trust: The Case of Britain Under New Labour. European Political, Economic, and Security Issues. Huntington, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Kaplinsky, Raphael; Farooki, Masuma; Alcorta, Ludovico and Rodousakis, Niki (2012). Promoting Industrial Diversification in Resource Intensive Economies: The Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia Regions. Vienna: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation.

Neale, Derek (2012). The Book of Guardians. London: Salt.

Norris, Richard D.; Wilson, Paul A.; Blum, Peter; Fehr, Annick; Agnini, Claudia; Bornemann, André; Boulila, Slah; Brown, Paul R.; Cournede, Cecile; Friedrich, Oliver; Ghosh, Amit Kumar; Hollis, Christopher J.; Hull, Pincelli M.; Jo, Kyoungnam; Junium, Christopher K.; Kaneko, Masanori; Liebrand, Diederik; Lippert, Peter C.; Liu, Zhonghui; Matsui, Hiroki; Moriya, Kazuyoshi; Nishi, Hiroshi; Opdyke, Bradley N.; Penman, Donald; Romans, Brian; Scher, Howie D.; Sexton, Philip; Takagi, Haruka; Turner, Sandra Kirtland; Whiteside, Jessica H.; Yamaguchi, Tatsuhiko and Yamamoto, Yuhji (2012). Paleogene Newfoundland sediment drifts. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 342, Prelim Rep. La Jolla, CA: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc..

Pearce, Frank and Tombs, Steve (2012). Bhopal: Flowers at the Altar of Profit and Power. North Somercotes: CrimeTalk Books.

Pegg, Ann; Waldock, Jeff; Hendy-Isaac, Sonia and Lawton, Ruth (2012). Pedagogy For Employability. York, UK: Higher Education Academy.

Power, Marcus; Mohan, Giles and Tan-Mullins, May (2012). China's Resource Diplomacy in Africa - Powering Development? International Political Economy Series. London: Palgrave McMillan.

Revill, George (2012). Railway. Objekt Series. London: Reaktion.

Seargeant, Philip (2012). Exploring World Englishes: Language in a Global Context. Routledge Introductions to Applied Linguistics. Abingdon: Routledge.

Tackley, Catherine (2012). Benny Goodman's Famous 1938 Carnegie Hall Jazz Concert. Studies in Recorded Jazz. New York: Oxford University Press.

Tickell, Alex (2012). Terrorism, Insurgency and Indian-English Literature, 1830-1947. Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures. London: Routledge.

Watts, Simon and Stenner, Paul (2012). Doing Q Methodological Research: Theory, Method and Interpretation. London: Sage Publications.

Wheeler, Kathryn (2012). Fair Trade and the Citizen-Consumer: Shopping for Justice? Consumption and Public Life. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

Williams, Keith; Kear, Karen and Rosewell, Jon (2012). Quality Assessment for E-learning: a Benchmarking Approach (2nd ed.). Heerlen, The Netherlands: European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU).

Woodward, Kath (2012). Sex, Power and the Games. Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

Woodward, Kath (2012). Planet Sport. Shortcuts. London, UK: Routledge.

Woodward, Kath (2012). Sporting Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Yeh, Jane (2012). The Ninjas. Manchester, UK: Carcanet Press.

Younger, Neil (2012). War and Politics in the Elizabethan Counties. Politics, Culture and Society in Early Modern Britain. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Edited BookTo Top

Allington, Daniel and Mayor, Barbara eds. (2012). Communicating in English: Talk, Text, Technology. Worlds of English. London: Routledge.

Alvarez, F.; Cleary, F.; Daras, P.; Domingue, J.; Galis, A.; Garcia, A.; Gavras, A.; Karnourskos, S.; Krco, S.; Li, S. M.; Lotz, V.; Müller, H.; Salvadori, E.; Sassen, A. M.; Schaffers, H.; Stiller, B.; Tselentis, G.; Turkama, P. and Zahariadis, T. eds. (2012). Future Internet Assembly 2012: From Promises to Reality. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7281. Heidelberg: Springer.

Ball, Kirstie; Haggerty, Kevin and Lyon, David eds. (2012). Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge.

Barnard, Katharine D. and Lloyd, Cathy E. eds. (2012). Psychology and Diabetes Care: a Practical Guide. London: Springer-Verlag.

Bergin, Joseph; Eckstein, Jutta; Volter, Markus; Sipos, Marianna; Wallingford, Eugene; Marquardt, Klaus; Chandler, Jane; Sharp, Helen and Manns, Mary Lynn eds. (2012). Pedagogical Patterns: Advice For Educators. Joseph Bergin Software Tools.

Billsberry, Jon; Charlesworth, Julie and Leonard, Pauline eds. (2012). Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management. Charlotte NC: Information Age Publishing.

Bissell, Chris and Dillon, Chris eds. (2012). Ways of Thinking, Ways of Seeing: Mathematical and Other Modelling in Engineering and Technology. Automation, Collaboration and e-Services, 1. Berlin: Springer.

Bowman, Marion and Valk, Ülo eds. (2012). Vernacular Religion in Everyday Life: Expressions of Belief. New York & London: Routledge.

Boyle, Godfrey ed. (2012). Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press and Open University.

Browning, Gary; Prokhovnik, Raia and Dimova-Cookson, Maria eds. (2012). Dialogues with Contemporary Political Theorists. International Political Theory. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Clarke, Martin ed. (2012). Music and Theology in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Music in Ninteenth-Century Britain. Farnham: Ashgate.

Cooper, Barry; Glaesser, Judith; Gomm, Roger and Hammersley, Martyn eds. (2012). Challenging the Qualitative-Quantitative Divide: Explorations in Case-focused Causal Analysis. London: Continuum.

de Freitas, Sara and Jameson, Jill eds. (2012). The e-Learning Reader. London: Network Continuum Education.

Dixon, John and Levine, Mark eds. (2012). Beyond Prejudice: Extending the Social Psychology of Conflict, Inequality and Social Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Frankish, Keith and Ramsey, William eds. (2012). The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Science. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Garner, Steven and Evans, Chris eds. (2012). Design and Designing. A Critical Introduction. London: Berg.

Godwin, Peter and Parker, Jo eds. (2012). Information literacy beyond library 2.0. London: Facet.

Haslam, Sara and O'Malley, Seamus eds. (2012). Ford Madox Ford and America. International Ford Madox Ford Studies, 11. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Haslam, Sara and Asbee, Sue eds. (2012). The Twentieth Century. Reading and Studying Literature, 3. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Hewings, Ann and Tagg, Caroline eds. (2012). The Politics of English Conflict, Competition, Co-existence. Worlds of English. Abingdon: Routledge in association with the Open University.

Hobden, Fiona and Tuplin, Christopher eds. (2012). Xenophon: Ethical Principles and Historical Inquiry. Mnemosyne, Supplements, History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity, 348. Leiden: Brill.

Holland, Andrew and Beletic, James W. eds. (2012). High Energy, Optical and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy V. Proceedings of SPIE, 845. Bellingham WA: SPIE.

Horstmansoff, Manfred; King, Helen and Zittel, Claus eds. (2012). Blood, Sweat and Tears – The Changing Concepts of Physiology from Antiquity into Early Modern Europe. Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture, 25. Leiden: Brill.

Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine and Borodo, Michał eds. (2012). Global Trends in Translator and Interpreter Training: Mediation and Culture. Bloomsbury Advances in Translation. Bloomsbury.

Ismailov, Hamid; Gillespie, Marie and Aslanyan, Anna eds. (2012). Tales From Bush House. London: Hertfordshire Press.

Jacob, Copeman and Aya, Ikegame eds. (2012). The Guru in South Asia: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Routledge Edinburgh South Asia Studies. London: Routledge.

Jones, Linda and Douglas, Jenny eds. (2012). Public Health: Building Innovative Practice. Published in association with The Open University. London: SAGE Publications.

Lloyd, Cathy E.; Pouwer, Frans and Hermanns, Norbert eds. (2012). Screening for Depression and Other Psychological Problems in Diabetes: A Practical Guide. London: Springer.

Lymberopoulou, Angeliki; Bracewell-Homer, Pamela and Robinson, Joel eds. (2012). Art and Visual Culture: A Reader. London: Tate.

Male, David; Brostoff, Jonathan; Roth, David and Roitt, Ivan eds. (2012). Immunology (8th ed.). New York: Elsevier.

Miller, Tina; Birch, Maxine; Mauthner, Melanie and Jessop, Julie eds. (2012). Ethics in Qualitative Research (2nd ed). London: Sage.

Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill eds. (2012). Social justice and social policy in Scotland. Bristol: Policy Press.

Moore, Adam; Pammer, Viktoria; Pannese, Lucia; Prilla, Michael; Rajagopal, Kamakshi; Reinhardt, Wolfgang; Ullmann, Thomas and Voigt, Christian eds. (2012). Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning. CEUR-WS.

Muncie, John and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. (2012). The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (3rd ed.). London: Sage.

Nuttall, William; Clarke, Richard and Glowacki, Bartek eds. (2012). The Future of Helium as a Natural Resource. Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Oates, John; Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Johnson, Mark eds. (2012). Developing Brains. Early Childhood in Focus, 7. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Philpott, Chris and Spruce, Gary eds. (2012). Debates in Music Teaching. Debates in Subject Teaching. Abingdon: Routledge.

Ranasinha, Ruvani; Ahmed, Rehana; Mukherjee, Sumita and Stadtler, Florian eds. (2012). South Asians and the Shaping of Britain, 1870−1950: A Sourcebook. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Rose, Gillian and Tolia-Kelly, Divya P. eds. (2012). Visuality/Materiality: Images, Objects and Practices. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Ltd..

Sabsay, Leticia and Soley Beltrán, Patricia eds. (2012). Judith Butler en Disputa: Lecturas sobre la Performatividad. Barcelona-Madrid: Editorial Egales S.L..

Suárez-Figueroa, Mari Carmen; Gómez-Pérez, Asunción; Motta, Enrico and Gangemi, Aldo eds. (2012). Ontology Engineering in a Networked World. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Underwood, Sarah; Blundel, Richard; Lyon, Fergus and Schaefer, Anja eds. (2012). Social and Sustainable Enterprise: Changing the Nature of Business. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 2. Bradford: Emerald.

Woodhead, Martin and Brooker, Liz eds. (2012). Healthy Environments. Early Childhood in Focus, 8. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Dudley, Sandra H.; Barnes, Amy Jane; Binnie, Jennifer; Petrov, Julia and Walklate, Jennifer eds. (2012). Narrating Objects, Collecting Stories. Abingdon: Routledge.

Neighbour, Gareth ed. (2012). Modelling and measuring reactor core graphite properties and performance. Special Publication, 342. London: Royal Society of Chemistry.

Rowe, Matthew; Stankovic, Milan and Dadzie, Aba-Sah eds. (2012). Making Sense of Microposts: Proceedings of the WWW'12 Workshop on 'Making Sense of Microposts', Lyon, France, April 16, 2012. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 838. The Editors.

Book SectionTo Top

Adamou, Alessandro; Raúl, Palma; Haase, Peter; Montiel-Ponsoda, Elena; Aguado de Cea, Guadalupe; Peters, Wim and Gangemi, Aldo (2012). The NeOn Ontology Models. In: Suárez-Figueroa, Mari Carmen; Gómez-Pérez, Asunción; Motta, Enrico and Gangemi, Aldo eds. Ontology Engineering in a Networked World. Springer, pp. 65–90.

Alevizou, Panagiota; Galley, Rebecca and Conole, Grainne (2012). Collectivity, performance and self-representation: analysing Cloudworks as a public space for networked learning and reflection. In: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone; Hodgson, Vivien and McConnell, David eds. Exploring the Theory, Pedagogy and Practice of Networked Learning. New York: Springer, pp. 75–97.

Allington, Daniel and Hewings, Ann (2012). Reading and writing in English. In: Allington, Daniel and Mayor, Barbara eds. Communicating in English:Talk, Text, Technology. Worlds of English. Abingdon: Routledge in association with the Open University, pp. 47–90.

Allington, Daniel (2012). Material English. In: Allington, Daniel and Mayor, Barbara eds. Communicating in English: Talk, Text, Technology. Worlds of English. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 267–305.

Allington, Daniel (2012). Theorising postcolonial reception: writing, reading and moral agency in the Satanic Verses affair. In: Benwell, Bethan; Procter, James and Robinson, Gemma eds. Postcolonial audiences: readers, viewers and reception. Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures. London: Routledge, pp. 199–210.

Allington, Daniel and Benwell, Bethan (2012). Reading the reading experience: an ethnomethodological approach to 'booktalk'. In: Lang, Anouk ed. From Codex to Hypertext: Reading at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century. Studies in Print Culture and the History of the Book. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, pp. 217–233.

Alvarez, Inma (2012). El arte de recrear: el concepto de autenticidad en la danza. In: Giménez Morte, Carmen ed. La investigación de danza en España. 2012. Valencia: Ediciones Mahali, pp. 243–253.

Alvarez, Inma (2012). From paper to the web: the ELP in the digital era. In: Kühn, Bärbel and Perez Cavana, Maria Luisa eds. Perspectives from the European Language Portfolio: Learner autonomy and self-assessment. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 125–142.

Álvarez, Inma and Kan, Qian (2012). Supporting intercultural learning For beginners’ Chinese language learners at the Open University, UK. In: Jin, Lixian and Cortazzi, Martin eds. Researching Intercultural Learning: Investigations in Language and Education. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 209–234.

Anamuah-Mensah, Jophus; Banks, Frank; Moon, Robert and Wolfenden, Freda (2012). New modes of teacher pre-service training and professional support. In: Moon, Robert ed. Teacher Education and the Challenge of Development: A Global Analysis. Education, Poverty and International Development. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 201–211.

Anand, Paul and Leape, Jonathan (2012). What economists do - and how universities might help. In: Coyle, Diana ed. What's the Use of Economics? Teaching the Dismal Science after the Crisis. London: London Publishing Partnership.

Angermuller, Johannes (2012). Wissenschaft als Wissen/Macht. Für eine Wissenschaftssoziologie nach dem Strukturalismus. In: Soeffner, Hans-Georg ed. Transnationale Vergesellschaftungen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 707–718.

Ansine, Janice (2012). Reaching the public through iSpot: your place to share nature (Case Study 8.5). In: Bowater, Laura and Yeoman, Kay eds. Science Communication: A Practical Guide for Scientists. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 257–259.

Azadegan, Aida; Riedel, Johann C. K. H. and Baalsrud Hauge, Jannicke (2012). Serious Games Adoption in Corporate Training. In: Minhua, Ma; Oliviera, Manuela and Baalsrud Hauge, Jannicke eds. Serious Games Development and Applications: Third International Conference, SGDA 2012, Bremen, Germany, September 26-29, 2012. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7528). Berlin: Springer, pp. 74–85.

Bainbridge, Emma and Stadtler, Florian (2012). Calling from London, talking to India: South Asian networks at the BBC and the case of G.V. Desani. In: Nasta, Susheila ed. India in Britain: South Asian Networks and Connections, 1858-1950. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 164–178.

Banks, Frank and Dheram, Premakumari (2012). India: committing to change. In: Moon, Robert ed. Teacher Education and the Challenge of Development: a Gobal Analysis. Education, Poverty and International Development. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 76–90.

Bardach, Dendev; Knyazeva, Svetlana and Lane, Andy (2012). Introducing the opportunities and challenges of OER: the case of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Baltic States. In: Glennie, Jenny; Harley, Ken; Butcher, Neil and Van Wyk, Trudi eds. Perspectives on Open Educational Resources (OER) as a Catalyst for Educational Change: Case Studies and Reflections of Practice. Vancouver: Commonwealth of Learning, pp. 27–39.

Barker, Meg; Richards, Christina and Bowes-Catton, Helen (2012). Visualizing experience: using creative research methods with members of sexual and gender communities. In: Phellas, Constantinos N. ed. Researching Non-Heterosexual Sexualities. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 57–80.

Barnard, Katharine D.; Lloyd, Cathy E. and Holt, Richard I. G. (2012). Psychological burden of diabetes and what it means to people with diabetes. In: Barnard, Katherine D. and Lloyd, Cathy E. eds. Psychology and diabetes care: a practical guide. London: Springer, pp. 1–22.

Barnes, Amy Jane (2012). Introduction to Part III. In: Dudley, Sandra; Barnes, Amy Jane; Binnie, Jennifer; Petrov, Julia and Walklate, Jennifer eds. Narrating objects, collecting stories: essays in honour of Professor Susan M. Pearce. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 121–124.

Barnes, Jessica; French, Renee; Garber, Joshua; Poole, Wil; Smith, Phillipa and Tian, Yunsheng (2012). Science concept 2: The structure and composition of the lunar interior provide fundamental information on the evolution of a differentiated planetary body. In: Kring, David and Durda, Daniel eds. A Global Lunar Landing Site Study to Provide the Scientific Context for Exploration of the Moon. LPI Contribution No. 1694. Houston, TX: Lunar and Planetary Institute, pp. 47–131.

Barnett, Clive (2012). Changing cities. In: Tyszczuk, Renate; Smith, Joe; Clark, Nigel and Butcher, Melissa eds. ATLAS: Geography, Architecture and Change in an Interdependent World. London: Black Dog Publishing.

Barroca, Leonor and Gimenes, Itana M. S. (2012). Computing postgraduate programmes in the UK and Brazil: learning from experience in distance education. In: Azab, Nahed Amin ed. Cases on Web 2.0 in Developing Countries: Studies on Implementation, Application and Use. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 147–171.

Beattie, Hugh (2012). Custom and conflict in Waziristan: some British views. In: Marsden, Magnus and Hopkins, Benjamin eds. Beyond Swat: History, Society and Economy Along the Afghanistan-Pakistan Frontier. London: Hurst & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., pp. 209–220.

Beckerlegge, Gwilym (2012). Media savvy or media averse? The Ramakrishna Math and Mission’s use of the media in representing itself and a religion called “Hinduism”. In: Zavos, John; Kanungo, Pralay; Reddy, Deepa S.; Warrier, Maya and Williams, Raymond eds. Public Hinduisms. New Delhi: SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd, pp. 398–416.

Beetham, Helen; Littlejohn, Allison and Milligan, Colin (2012). Digital literacies for the research institution. In: Andrews, Richard; Borg, Erik; Davis, Stephen Boyd; Domingo, Myrrh and England, Jude eds. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Dissertations and Theses. London: SAGE, pp. 63–80.

Bell, Emma; Cullen, John and Taylor, Scott (2012). Sustainability and the Spiritual Work Ethic. In: Case, Peter; Höpfl, Heather and Letiche, Hugo eds. Belief and Organization. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 185–203.

Belshaw, Christopher (2012). Death, value and desire. In: Feldman, Fred; Bradley, Ben and Johannsen, Jens eds. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Death. Oxford Handbooks in Philosphy. Oxford, UK: OUP.

Bennett, Fran; de Henau, Jerome; Himmelweit, Susan and Sung, Sirin (2012). Financial togetherness and autonomy within couples. In: Scott, Jacqueline; Dex, Shirley and Plagnol, Anke eds. Gendered Lives: Gender Inequalities in Production and Reproduction. New York: Edward Elgar, pp. 97–122.

Benton, Tim (2012). Art Deco and Japonisme. In: Brown, Kendall H. ed. Deco Japan: Shaping Modern Culture 1920-1945. Alexandria, VA, USA: Art Services International, pp. 25–34.

Benton, Tim (2012). The miracle of Le Corbusier's roof terrace. In: Gargiani, Roberto ed. L'Architrave, le Plancher, la Plate-forme: Nouvelle Histoire de la Construction. Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, pp. 710–718.

Benton, Tim (2012). La rhétorique de la vérité: Le Corbusier à Alger. In: Bonillo, Jean-Lucien ed. Le Corbusier, Visions d'Alger. Les Rencontres de la Fondation Le Corbusier. Paris: Editions de La Villette, pp. 172–187.

Benton, Tim (2012). Le Corbusier's secret photographs. In: Herschdorfer, Natalie and Umstatter, Lada eds. Le Corbusier and the Power of Photography. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 30–55.

Benton, Tim (2012). La maison La Roche et les ateliers d’artistes de Le Corbusier. In: Torres, Jorge ed. Le Corbusier Mise au Point. Memorias culturales. Valencia: General de Ediciones de la Arquitectura, pp. 10–35.

Benton, Tim (2012). Funktionnel. In: Torres, Jorge ed. Le Corbusier Mise au Point. Memorias Culturales. Valencia: General de Ediciones de Arquitectura, pp. 253–268.

Benton, Tim (2012). La maison La Roche et les ateliers d'artistes de Le Corbusier. In: Torres Cueco, Jorge ed. Le Corbusier Mise au Point. Valencia: Memorias Culturales, pp. 8–33.

Benton, Tim (2012). Funktionnel (HO). In: Torres Cueco, Jorge ed. Le Corbusier Mise au Point. Memorias Culturales, pp. 227–242.

Bhagwat, Shonil A. (2012). Sacred groves and biodiversity conservation: a case study from the Western Ghats, India. In: Pungetti, Gloria; Oviedo, Gonzalo and Hooke, Della eds. Sacred Species and Sites: Advances in Biocultural Conservation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 322–334.

Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Cole, Lydia E. S. and Willis, Katherine J. (2012). Biodiversity conservation, rural livelihoods and sustainability of oil palm landscapes: problems and prospects. In: Simonetti, Javier A; Grez, Audrey A and Estades, Christian F eds. Biodiversity Conservation In Agroforestry Landscapes: Challenges And Opportunities. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universitaria, pp. 117–130.

Birch, Maxine; Miller, Tina; Mauthner, Melanie and Jessop, Julie (2012). Introduction to second edition. In: Miller, Tina; Birch, Maxine; Mauthner, Melanie and Jessop, Julie eds. Ethics in Qualitative Research (2nd ed.). London: SAGE Publiscations Ltd., pp. 1–13.

Birch, Maxine; Miller, Tina; Mauthner, Melanie and Jessop, Julie (2012). Introduction. In: Miller, Tina; Birch, Maxine; Mauthner, Melanie and Jessop, Julie eds. Ethics in Qualitative Research (2nd ed.). London: Sage, pp. 1–13.

Birch, Maxine and Nissen, Nina (2012). A different way of caring? An exploration of alternative health care relationships. In: Rogers, Chrissie and Weller, Susie eds. Critical Approaches to Care: Understanding Caring Relations, Identities and Cultures. Relationships and Resources. London: Routledge.

Bissell, Chris (2012). Metatools for information engineering design. In: Bissell, Chris and Dillon, Chris eds. Ways of Thinking, Ways of Seeing: Mathematical and Other Modelling in Engineering and Technology. Automation, Collaboration and e-Services (1). Berlin: Springer, pp. 71–94.

Blackmore, Chris; Cerf, Marianne; Ison, Raymond and Paine, Mark (2012). The role of action-oriented learning theories for change in agriculture and rural networks. In: Darnhofer, Ika; Gibbon, David and Dedieu, Benoit eds. Farming Systems Research into the 21st Century: The New Dynamic. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 159–177.

Blackmore, C. (2012). Sustainability. In: Chadwick, Ruth; Árnason, Vilhjálmur; Faunce, Thomas; Gillies, Alan; Holm, Soren; McGee, Glenn; Poff, Deborah; Reynolds, Martin and Zwart, Hub eds. Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Second Edition), Volume 4. Elsevier, pp. 274–280.

Blackmore, Chris and Ison, Ray (2012). Designing and developing learning systems for managing systemic change in a climate change world. In: Wals, Arjen E. J. and Corcoran, Peter Blaze eds. Learning for Sustainability in Times of Accelerating Change. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 347–363.

Blundel, Richard; Monaghan, Adrian and Thomas, Christine (2012). Promoting environmentally sustainable enterprises: some policy options. In: Blackburn, Robert and Schaper, Michael T. eds. Government, SMEs and Entrepreneurship Development: Policy, Practice and Challenges. Farnham: Gower, pp. 171–184.

Bossu, Carina (2012). Educação continuada e a EAD [Continuing education in distance education]. In: Litto, F. M. and Formiga, M. eds. Educação a Distância O Estado da Arte [Distance Education: The State of Art]. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Pearson, pp. 181–188.

Bowen, James; Cheneler, David; Andrews, James W.; Wu, Chuan-Yu; Ward, Michael C. L. and Adams, Michael J. (2012). Rebound of a particle from a solid surface with a viscous or nonlinear viscoelastic liquid film in the contact zone. In: Wu, Chuan-Yu ed. Discrete Element Modelling of Particulate Media. Special publication (339). Cambridge, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 86–94.

Bowman, Marion (2012). Restoring/Restorying Arthur and Bridget: Vernacular Religion and Contemporary Spirituality in Glastonbury. In: Bowman, Marion and Valk, Ülo eds. Vernacular Religion in Everyday Life: Expressions of Belief. New York & London: Routledge, pp. 328–348.

Boyle, Godfrey (2012). Solar Photovoltaics. In: Boyle, Godfrey ed. Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future (3rd edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press, in association with The Open University, pp. 75–115.

Boyle, Godfrey; Peake, Stephen and Everett, Robert (2012). Remedies: towards a sustainable energy future. In: Everett, Robert; Boyle, Godfrey; Peake, Stephen and Ramage, Janet eds. Energy Systems and Sustainability: Power for a Sustainable Future (2nd edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press, in association with The Open University, pp. 571–621.

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