Browse by publication year:2007
BookTo Top
Angermuller, Johannes (2007). Nach dem Strukturalismus: Theoriediskurs und intellektuelles Feld in Frankreich. Sozialtheorie. Bielefeld: Transcript-Verl.
Ball, Andrew; Garry, James; Lorenz, Ralph and Kerzhanovich, Viktor (2007). Planetary Landers and Entry Probes. UK: Cambridge University Press.
Banks, Mark (2007). The politics of cultural work. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
Barnes, Marion; Newman, Janet and Sullivan, Helen (2007). Power, participation and political renewal: Case studies in public participation. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Beinart, William and Hughes, Lotte (2007). Environment and Empire. Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Benton, Tim (2007). The Villas of Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret 1920-1930. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhauser.
Benton, Tim (2007). Le Corbusier conférencier. Paris, France: Editions Le Moniteur.
Billsberry, Jon (2007). Experiencing recruitment and selection. UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Cameron, Sheila (2007). The Business Student's Handbook: Skills for study and employment (4th Edition). UK: Pearson Education.
Cameron, Sheila (2007). The MBA Handbook: skills for mastering management. UK: Pearson Education.
Carter, Simon (2007). Rise and Shine: Sunlight, Technology and Health. Oxford, UK: Berg Publishers Ltd.
Clark, Norman; Mugabe, John and Smith, James (2007). Biotechnology Policy in Africa. Nairobi: African Centre for Technology Studies.
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet; Smith, Nick; Vidler, Elizabeth and Westmarland, Louise (2007). Creating citizen-consumers: Changing Publics and changing public services. London, UK: Sage Publications.
Clayton, Martin (2007). Music, time and place: Essays in comparative musicology. Delhi, India: B. R. Rhythms.
Cochrane, Allan (2007). Understanding urban policy: A critical approach. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Corrigan, Ray (2007). Digital Decision Making: Back to the Future. Springer-Verlag London Ltd.
Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa and Burnard, Pamela (2007). Creative learning 3-11: and how we document it. UK: Trentham.
Cremin, Teresa and Dombey, Henrietta (2007). Handbook of Primary English in Initial Teacher Education. Cambridge: NATE and UKLA.
De Geest, Els (2007). Many Right Answers: Learning in Mathematics Through Speaking and Listening. Basic Skills Agency.
Desmond, Adrian; Moore, James and Browne, Janet (2007). Charles Darwin. Very Interesting People. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (2007). The Birlinn companion to Scottish history. Edinburgh, UK: Birlinn Limited.
Drury, Rose (2007). Young bilingual learners at home and school researching multilingual voices. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books.
Dutton, Yanina and Knightley, Wendy (2007). An introduction to research methods for adult learning practitioners. Leicester: NIACE.
Earle, Sarah and Sharp, Keith (2007). Sex in Cyberspace: Men who pay for sex. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Emsley, Clive (2007). Crime, police and penal policy: European experiences 1750-1940. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Fensel, D.; Lausen, H.; Polleres, A.; Bruijn, J.; Stollberg, M.; Roman, D. and Domingue, J. (2007). Enabling semantic web services: the Web service modelling ontology. Springer.
Finnegan, Ruth (2007). The oral and beyond: doing things with words in Africa. Oxford / Chicago: James Currey / University of Chicago Press.
Finnegan, Ruth (2007). The Hidden Musicians: Music-Making in an English Town (2nd ed.). Music/Culture series. Middletown, CT, USA: Wesleyan University Press.
Fletcher-Campbell, Felicity; Whitby, Karen; White, Kerensa and Chamberlain, Tamsin (2007). Review of International Literature on Admissions. Reading: CfBT.
Garner, Steve (2007). Whiteness: an introduction. London: Routledge.
Godfrey, Barry S.; Williams, Chris A. and Lawrence, Paul (2007). History and Crime. Key approaches to criminology. London, UK: Sage.
Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary (2007). Challenging E-Learning in the University: a Literacies Perspective. Maidenhead & New York: McGraw Hill, Society for Research into Higher Education, Open University Press.
Gray, Jeremy (2007). Worlds out of nothing: a course in the history of geometry in the 19th Century. Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series. London, UK: Springer.
Gupta, Suman (2007). Social constructionist identity politics and literary studies. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hazareesingh, Sandip (2007). The colonial city and the challenge of modernity: urban hegemonies and civic contestations in Bombay city (1900-1925). Orient Longman.
Hazareesingh, Sandip (2007). The colonial city and the challenge of modernity: Urban hegemonies and civic contestations in Bombay (1900-1925). New Perspectives in South Asian History, 18. Andhra Pradesh, India: Orient Longman.
Hetherington, Kevin (2007). Capitalism's eye: cultural spaces of the commodity. London, UK: Routledge.
Hinchliffe, Stephen (2007). Geographies of nature: societies, environments, ecologies. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
Holland, Caroline; Clark, Andrew; Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila (2007). Social interactions in urban public places. Public Spaces. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Holloway, Jacky and Thorpe, Richard (2007). Performance management: multi-disciplinary perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan.
Hope, Valerie (2007). Death in Ancient Rome: A sourcebook. London, UK: Routledge.
Ivinson, Gabrielle and Murphy, Patricia (2007). Rethinking single sex teaching. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.
James, M.; McCormick, R.; Black, P.; Carmichael, P.; Drummond, M. J.; Fox, A.; MacBeath, J.; Marshall, B.; Pedder, D.; Proctor, R.; Swaffield, S.; Swann, J. and Wiliam, D. (2007). Improving learning how to learn: Classrooms, schools and networks. TLRP Improving Learning Series. London, UK: Routledge.
Kan, Qian (2007). Colloquial Chinese 2: The Next Step in Language Learning. London, UK: Routledge.
Katritzky, M. A. (2007). Women, medicine and theatre 1500-1750: literary mountebanks and performing quacks. Studies in performance and early modern drama. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
King, Helen (2007). Midwifery, Obstetrics and the Rise of Gynaecology: The Uses of a Sixteenth-Century Compendium. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Aldershot: Ashgate.
King, Catherine E. (2007). Representing Renaissance Art 1500-1600. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
Krakhmal, Vira (2007). Customer profitability analysis model for individual hotel properties: an activity-based costing approach. British Association of Hospitality Accountants.
Lamy, Marie-Noëlle and Hampel, Regine (2007). Online communication for language learning and teaching. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Langdridge, Darren (2007). Phenomenological Psychology: Theory, Research and Method. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education.
Littlejohn, Allison and Pegler, Chris (2007). Preparing for Blended e-Learning. Connecting with e-Learning. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Massey, Doreen (2007). World city. UK: Polity Press.
Mercer, Neil and Littleton, Karen (2007). Dialogue and the development of children's thinking: a sociocultural approach. London, UK: Routledge.
O'Day, Rosemary (2007). Women's Agency in Early Modern Britain and the American Colonies: Patriarchy, partnership and patronage. Themes in Social History. London, UK: Pearson/Longman.
O'Day, Rosemary (2007). Cassandra Brydges (1670-1735), First Duchess of Chandos: Life and Letters. Woodbridge, UK: Boydell Press.
O'Reilly, Sam (2007). You Spin Me Round. Penguin.
Pacheco, Anita (2007). William Shakespeare: Coriolanus. Writers and their Work. Tavistock, Devon: Northcote House.
Peasgood, Alice and Goodwin, Mark (2007). Introducing Environment. Oxford University Press.
Perkins, Philip (2007). Etruscan Bucchero in the British Museum. British Museum Research Publication, 165. London, UK: The British Museum Press.
Perry, Gill (2007). Spectacular Flirtations: Viewing the Actress in British Art and Theatre 1768-1820. New Haven, USA: Yale University Press.
Phillips, Richard; Blackmore, Paul; Anderson, Jane; Clift, Mike; Aguilo-Rullan, Antonio and Pester, Steve (2007). Micro-wind turbines in urban environments - an assessment. Watford: BRE Press.
Pike, Jon (2007). Political Philosophy A-Z. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Prestage, Stephanie; Watson, Anne and De Geest, Els (2007). Pocket PAL: Building Learning in Mathematics. Pocket PAL (Network Contimuum). London, U.K.: Network Continuum Education.
Prokhovnik, Raia (2007). Sovereignties: Contemporary Theory and Practice. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Rose, Wendy and Barnes, J (2007). Improving Safeguarding Practice: A Study of Serious Case Reviews 2001-2003. London, UK: Department for Education and Skills.
Rossade, Klaus-Dieter (2007). "Dem Zeitgeist Erlegen": Benno von Wiese und der Nationalsozialismus. Studien zur Wissenschafts- und Universitätsgeschichte, 9. Heidelberg: Synchron (Wissenschaftsverlag der Autoren).
Rothery, D. A. (2007). Teach Yourself Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tsunamis. Teach Yourself General. London, UK: Hodder Education.
Rugg, Gordon and Petre, Marian (2007). A Gentle Guide to Research Methods. Maidenhead: Open University Prerss.
Sabsay, Leticia Inés (2007). Los Dilemas del Antiesencialismo en la Teoría Feminista Contemporánea: una reflexión en torno a Judith Butler. Ciencias Sociales, 10. Almería (Spain): Instituto de Estudios Almerienses.
Safford, Kimberly and O'Sullivan, Olivia (2007). Their learning becomes your journey: Parents respond to children’s work in creative partnerships. UK: Centre for Literacy in Primary education.
Sharp, Helen; Rogers, Yvonne and Preece, Jenny (2007). Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction. Second Edition. UK: John Wiley.
Slapper, Gary (2007). How the Law Works. London: Collins.
Stefani, Lorraine; Mason, Robin and Pegler, Chris (2007). The educational potential of e-portfolios: Supporting personal development and reflective learning. Connecting with e-Learning. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Talbot, Deborah (2007). Regulating the night: race, culture and exclusion in the making of the night-time economy. Re-materialising cultural geography. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Tickell, Alex (2007). Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things. Routledge Guides to Literature. Abingdon: Routledge.
Toates, F. (2007). Biological Psychology (2nd edition). Harlow: Pearson.
Toynbee, Jason (2007). Bob Marley: Herald of A Postcolonial World? Celebrities. Cambridge, UK: Polity.
Tunstill, Jane; Aldgate, Jane and Hughes, Marilyn (2007). Improving Children's Services Networks: lessons from Family Centres. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
van Mourik, Carien (2007). Globalisation and the role of financial accounting information in Japan. Tinbergen Institute Research Series (399). Netherlands: Thela Thesis.
Warren, John; Lawson, Clare and Belcher, Kenneth (2007). The Agri-Environment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Weller, Martin (2007). Virtual Learning Environments: Using, Choosing and Developing your VLE. Oxford, UK: Routledge.
Winters, Ben (2007). Erich Wolfgang Korngold’s The Adventures of Robin Hood: A Film Score Guide. Scarecrow Film Score Guides, 6. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
Woods, Kim W. (2007). Imported Images: Netherlandish Late Gothic Sculpture in England, c.1400-c.1550. Donington: Paul Watkins Publishing.
Edited BookTo Top
Aldgate, Jane; Healy, Lynne; Malcolm, Barris; Pine, Barbara; Rose, Wendy and Seden, Janet eds. (2007). Enhancing Social Work Management: Theory and Best Practice from the UK and the USA. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishing.
Blakeley, Georgina and Bryson, Valerie eds. (2007). The impact of feminism on political concepts and debates. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Bond, John; Peace, Sheila M.; Dittmar-Kohli, Freya and Westerhof, Gerben eds. (2007). Ageing in society, 3rd edition. London: Sage.
Boyle, Godfrey ed. (2007). Renewable electricity and the grid: the challenge of variability. London, UK: Earthscan Publications Ltd.
Brown, Vivienne ed. (2007). The Adam Smith Review. The Adam Smith Review, 3. London and New York: Routledge.
Buckingham Shum, Simon; Lind, Mikael and Weigand, Hans eds. (2007). Proceedings ICPW'07: 2nd International Conference on the Pragmatic Web, 22-23 Oct. 2007, Tilburg: NL. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University.
Chataway, Joanna and James, Wilmot eds. (2007). Biotechnology and Health: South Africa's aspirations in health-related biotechnology. Pretoria, South Africa: Van Schaik.
Clayton, Martin ed. (2007). Music, words, and voice: A reader. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Clayton, Martin and Zon, Bennett eds. (2007). Music and Orientalism in the British Empire, 1780s to 1940s: Portrayal of the East. Music in 19th-Century Britain. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Conole, Grainne and Oliver, Martin eds. (2007). Contemporary perspectives in e-learning research: themes, methods and impact on practice. The Open and Flexible Learning Series. London, UK: Routledge.
Crone, Rosalind; Gange, David and Jones, Katy eds. (2007). New Perspectives in British Cultural History. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Douglas, Jenny; Earle, Sarah; Handsley, Stephen; Lloyd, Cathy and Spurr, Sue eds. (2007). A Reader in Promoting Public Health: Challenge and Controversy. London, UK: Sage.
Earle, Sarah; Lloyd, Cathy; Sidell, Moyra and Spurr, Sue eds. (2007). Theory and Research in Promoting Public Health. London, UK: Sage.
Elliott, David ed. (2007). Nuclear or not? Does nuclear power have a place in a sustainable energy future? Energy, Climate and the Environment Series. Basingstoke UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Emlyn-Jones, Chris ed. (2007). Plato, Republic 1-2.368c4. Aris and Phillips Classical Commenatries Series. Oxford, UK: Oxbow Books.
Faltin, Lucia and Wright, Melanie J. eds. (2007). The religious roots of contemporary European identity. T&T Clark Theology. London, UK: Continuum.
Goodman, Sharon; Graddol, David and Lillis, Theresa eds. (2007). Re-designing English. London, UK: Routledge.
Graddol, David; Leith, Dick; Swann, Joan; Rhys, Martin and Gillen, Julia eds. (2007). Changing English. London, UK: Routledge.
Grell, Ole Peter and Cunningham, Andrew eds. (2007). Medicine and Religion in Enlightenment Europe. History of medicine in context. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Gupta, Suman and Omoniyi, Tope eds. (2007). The cultures of economic migration: international perspectives. Studies in Migration and Diaspora. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Hall, Edith and Wrigley, Amanda eds. (2007). Aristophanes in Performance 421 BC-AD 2007: Peace, Birds and Frogs. Routledge.
Hammersley, Martyn ed. (2007). Educational Research and Evidence-based Practice. In association with the Open University. London: Sage.
Hammond, Mary and Towheed, Shafquat eds. (2007). Publishing in the First World War: Essays in Book History. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hardwick, Lorna and Gillespie, Carol eds. (2007). Classics in Post-Colonial Worlds. Classical Presences. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Hardwick, Lorna and Stray, Christopher eds. (2007). A Companion to Classical Receptions. Oxford, UK: Wiley - Blackwell.
Kehily, M.J. ed. (2007). Understanding youth: Perspectives, identities and practices. Youth: Perspectives and Practice. London: Sage/The Open University.
Langdridge, Darren and Barker, Meg eds. (2007). Safe, sane and consensual: Contemporary perspectives on sadomasochism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Lloyd, Cathy; Handsley, Stephen; Douglas, Jenny; Earle, Sarah and Spurr, Sue eds. (2007). Policy and Practice in Promoting Public Health. London, UK: Sage.
Locke, William and Teichler, Ulrich eds. (2007). The changing conditions for academic work and careers in select countries. Werkstattberichte (66). Kassel, Germany: International Centre for Higher Education Research.
Maybin, Janet; Mercer, Neil and Hewings, Ann eds. (2007). Using English. London, UK: Routledge.
McKendrick, John H.; Mooney, Gerry; Dickie, John and Kelly, Peter eds. (2007). Poverty in Scotland 2007. London, UK: Child Poverty Action Group.
Mercer, Neil; Swann, Joan and Mayor, Barbara eds. (2007). Learning English. London, UK: Routledge.
Missailidis, Sotiris ed. (2007). The Cancer Clock. Chicester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Mooney, Gerry and Law, Alex eds. (2007). New Labour/hard labour?: Restructuring and resistance inside the welfare industry. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Mordaunt, Jill and Paton, Rob eds. (2007). Thoughtful Fundraising: Concepts, Issues and Perspectives. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Muncie, John ed. (2007). Criminal Justice and Crime Control: Visions of Justice. London, UK: Sage.
Muncie, John ed. (2007). Criminal Justice and Crime Control: State Punishment. London, UK: Sage.
Muncie, John ed. (2007). Criminal Justice and Crime Control: Risk, Prevention and Security. London, UK: Sage.
Mytelka, Lynn ed. (2007). Innovation and economic development. London: Edward Elgar.
NicNeacail, Mairead and MacIver, Matthew eds. (2007). Foghlam Tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Policy and Practice in Education. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press.
Oates, John ed. (2007). Attachment Relationships: Quality of Care for Young Children. Early Childhood in Focus, 1. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.
Oates, John ed. (2007). Kötődési kapcsolatok. Early Childhood in Focus, 1. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.
Oliver, Michael J. and Aldcroft, Derek H. eds. (2007). Economic Disasters of the Twentieth Century. Edward Elgar.
Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth ed. (2007). A practical guide to teaching design & technology in the secondary school. A practical guide to teaching in the secondary school. London, UK: Routledge.
Owens, W. R. and Sim, Stuart eds. (2007). Reception, Appropriation, Recollection: Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Religions and Discourse, 33. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji and McCormick, Dorothy eds. (2007). Industrial clusters and innovation systems in Africa. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.
Robb, Martin ed. (2007). Youth in Context: Frameworks, Settings and Encounters. London: Sage.
Roberts, Jane ed. (2007). Environmental Policy. Critical concepts in the environment, 1. Abingdon: Routledge.
Roberts, Jane ed. (2007). Environmental Policy. Critical Concepts in the Environment, 2. Abingdon: Routledge.
Roberts, Jane ed. (2007). Environmental Policy. Critical Concepts in the Environment, 3. Abingdon: Routledge.
Roberts, Jane ed. (2007). Environmental Policy. Critical Concepts in the Environment, 4. Abingdon: Routledge.
Roth, Ilona ed. (2007). Imaginative Minds. Proceedings of the British Academy, 147. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Saward, Michael ed. (2007). Democracy. Critical Concepts in Political Science. London/New York: Routledge.
Storey, John ed. (2007). Human Resource Management: A Critical Text (3rd Edition). London: Thomson.
Toates, F. ed. (2007). Pain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Towheed, Shafquat ed. (2007). New Readings in the Literature of British India, c.1780-1947. Studies in English Literatures, Koray Melikoglu (ed.), 9. Stuttgart, Germany: Ibidem Verlag.
Towheed, Shafquat ed. (2007). The Correspondence of Edith Wharton and Macmillan, 1901-1930. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
TRANSIT MIGRATION, Forschungsgruppe and Andrijasevic, Rutvica eds. (2007). Turbulente Ränder. Neue Perspektiven auf Migration an den Grenzen Europas. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
Tyler, Sheila ed. (2007). The Manager's Good Study Guide (3rd ed.). Milton Keynes: Open University Worldwide.
Walton, Peter ed. (2007). The Routledge Guide to Fair Value and Financial Reporting. Abingdon: Routledge.
Warren, J. P. ed. (2007). Managing Transport Energy. Power for a Sustainable Future, 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press, in association with The Open University.
Wetherell, Margaret; Lafleche, Michelynn and Berkeley, Robert eds. (2007). Identity, ethnic diversity and community cohesion. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
White, Stephen; Batt, Judy and Lewis, Paul G. eds. (2007). Developments in Central and East European politics 4. Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wilkinson, Robert ed. (2007). New Essays in Comparative Aesthetics. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press.
Woodhead, Martin and Moss, Peter eds. (2007). Early Childhood and Primary Education: Transitions in the Lives of Young Children. Early Childhood in Focus (2). Milton Keynes: Open University.
Woods, Kim W.; Richardson, Carol M. and Lymberopoulou, Angeliki eds. (2007). Viewing Renaissance Art. Yale University Press.
Elliott, David ed. (2007). Sustainable Energy: Opportunities and Limitations. Energy, Climate and the Environment. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Philpott, Christopher and Spruce, Gary eds. (2007). Learning to Teach Music in the Secondary School. London, UK: Routledge.
Karmakar, Gour and Dooley, Laurence S. eds. (2007). Mobile Multimedia Communications: Concepts, Applications, and Challenges. 1. USA: Information Science Reference, pp. 185–206.
Book SectionTo Top
Aczel, James; Hardy, Pascale; Meiszner, Andreas; Staniland, Karen; Maillet, Katherine; Medina, Sara and Iggulden, Helen
Albers, Casper; Critchley, Frank and Gower, John
Albright, James; Walsh, Christopher S. and Purohit, Kiran D.
Alovskaya, A; Alekseeva, T; Phillips, JB; King, V and Brown, R
Andrijasevic, Rutvica
Andrijasevic, Rutvica
Andrijasevic, Rutvica
Andrijasevic, Rutvica
Araya, Yoseph Negusse and Garcia-Baquero, Gonzalo
Ariyo, O. O; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
Baldwin, Michael; Harrison, Charles and Ramsden, Mel
Ball, Kirstie
Banks, Frank
Banks, Frank
Banks, Frank and Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth
Barker, Meg
Barker, Meg
Barker, Meg; Iantaffi, Alessandra and Gupta, Camel
Barker, Emma
Barker, Meg; Gupta, Camelia and Iantaffi, Alessandra
Batista, Luciano
Baumann, Uwe
Beaumont, Kythe; Douglas, Jenny; Heller, Tom and Jones, Linda
Bebbington, Anthony and Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith
Bell, L. and Birch, M.
Bell, Simon and Wood-Harper, Trevor
Beswick, Kim; Watson, Anne and De Geest, Els
Birch, Maxine
Blackmore, B. S. and Blackmore, C. P.
Blackmore, Chris and Ison, Ray
Blakeley, Georgina
Blundel, Richard
Bowman, Marion
Boyle, Godfrey
Boyle, Godfrey
Bragg, Sara
Bragg, Sara
Brennan, John
Brennan, John; Locke, William and Naidoo, Rajani
Brennan, John
Brennan, John
Brennan, John
Brennan, John
Brown, Richard Danson
Buckingham Shum, Simon
Budelmann, Felix
Caddell, Martha
Caddell, Martha
Campoli, Alessandra
Capdevila, Rose
Carmichael, Patrick; Johnstone, Keith; Jordan, Katy; Tracy, Frances and Truscott, Harriet
Chantree, Francis; Willis, Alistair; Kilgarriff, Adam and De Roeck, Anne
Chappell, Timothy
Clark, Nigel
Clarke, Anna
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet and Westmarland, Louise
Clayton, Martin
Coleman, James A.
Cook, Guy
Cornelius, Nelarine and Gleadle, Pauline
Craft, A.; Cremin, T.; Burnard, P. and Chappell, K.
Craft, Anna
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Crone, Rosalind
Cross, Nigel
d'Aquin, M.; Schlicht, A.; Stuckenschmidt, H. and Sabou, M.
da Sousa Correa, Delia
Dalton, Nick Sheep and Dalton, Ruth Conroy
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia and Sparti, Donatella Livia
De Roeck, Anne; Sarkar, Avik and Garthwaite, Paul
De Roeck, Anne
Dhruv, Harshil; Turner, Nicholas and Britt, David
Di Domenico, Catherine and Di Domenico, MariaLaura
Di Domenico, MariaLaura and Miller, Graham
Dietze, Stefan
Dietze, Stefan
Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John
Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John
Dodsworth, Francis
Doolittle, Megan
Douglas, Jenny
Downes, Julia
Drake, Deborah
Drumm, Christian and Cabral, Liliana
Dzbor, Martin and Motta, Enrico
Earle, Sarah and Sharp, Keith
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve; Fusco, Maria and O, Steve
Elliott, Jane; Holland, Janet and Thomson, Rachel
Elmer, Peter
Elmer, Peter
Emlyn-Jones, Chris
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Erel, Umut
Erel, Umut; Haritaworn, Jinthana; Rodríguez, Encarnación Gutiérrez and Klesse, Christian
Fall, Juliet
Fall, Juliet J.
Farrington, C Paddy; Whitaker, Heather and Hocine, Mounia
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Frecknall Hughes, Jane
Gibbons, Rachel
Goergen, Marc and Frecknall Hughes, Jane
Goodfellow, Robin
Goodman, Sharon
Gordon, Ross; Hastings, Gerard; McDermott, Laura and Siquier, Pierre
Grannell, Mike and Griggs, Terry
Graps, A. L.; Green, S. F.; McBride, N.; McDonnell, J. A. M.; Bunte, K. D.; Svedhem, H. and Drolshagen, G.
Green, Monica and King, Helen
Green, S.F.; McBride, N.; Colwell, M.T.S.H.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; Tuzzolino, A.J.; Economou, T.E.; Clark, B.C.; Sekanina, Z.; Tsou, P. and Brownlee, D.E.
Grell, Ole
Grell, Ole Peter
Griffiths, J.; Oliver, E. C.; Fitzpatrick, M. E.; Finlayson, T.; Viano, D. and Wang, Q.
Griggs, T. S. and Grannell, M. J.
Guntupalli, Aravinda Meera
Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin
Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin
Haigh, Matthew
Hall, Kathy; Rix, Jonathan and Eyres, Ian
Hampel, Regine
Handsley, Stephen; Noguera, Anita and Beaumont, Kythé
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Harrison, Charles
Harrison, Charles
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Roger; Clarke, Julia and Marashi, Mahnaz
Harvey, Graham
Harvey, Graham
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Hauck, Mirjam and Lewis, Tim
Haughton, James and Spruce, Gary
Heath, Tom and Motta, Enrico
Heesch, Daniel and Rüger, Stefan
Heffernan, Richard
Heffernan, Richard and Webb, Paul
Heffernan, Richard and Webb, Paul
Hegarty, P.
Hegarty, P.
Heller, Tom; Beaumont, Kythé; Earle, Sarah; Douglas, Jenny and Jones, Linda
Henry, Jane
Herrington, Victoria and Millie, Andrew
Hewings, Ann; Lillis, Theresa and Mayor, Barbara
Hewson, Claire
High, Chris; Slater, Rachel and Rengasamy, S.
Hocine, Mounia; Whitaker, Heather and Farrington, Paddy
Holliman, Richard
Hope, Valerie M.
Hopkins, Brian and Wilson, Robin
Houqe, Tamjid; Chetty, Madhu and Dooley, Laurence S.
Houqe, Tamjid; Chetty, Madhu and Dooley, Laurence S.
Humphreys, David; Gosens, Jorrit; Jackson, Michael J.; Plasmeijer, Anouska; van Betuw, Wouter and Mohren, Frits
Huskinson, Janet
Huskinson, Janet
Isin, Engin and Finn, Melissa
Isin, Engin and Rygiel, Kim
Isin, Engin
Isin, Engin F. and Rygiel, Kim
Jackson, Michael
Jeffrey, Robert
Jelfs, Anne; Harvey, Jen and Jones, Ann
Jelfs, Anne; McDonald, Janet; Price, Linda; Richardson, John T. E. and Cannell, Pete
Jensen, Mike; Belcher, Martin and Ngimwa, Pauline
Johnson, David
Johnson, Jeffrey; Alexiou, Katerina; Creigh-Tyte, Anne; Chase, Scott; Duffy, Alex; Eckert, Claudia; Gascoigne, Damian; Kumar, Bimal; Mitleton-Kelly, Eve; Petry, Michael; Qin, Sheng Fen; Robertson, Alec; Rzevski, George; Teymour, Necdet; Thompson, Avril; Young, Robert; Willis, Mateo and Zamenopoulos, Theodore
Johnson, Julia; Rolph, Sheena and Smith, Randall
Johnston, Charlie and Mooney, Gerry
Joliffe, I.T.; Learmouth, J.A.; Pierce, G.J.; Santos, M.B.; Trendafilov, N.; Zuur, A.F.; Ieno, E.N. and Smith, G.M.
Jones, Ann and Issroff, Kim
Jones, Chris
Jones, Chris; Cook, John and de Laat, Maarten
Kangassalo, Marjatta; Kumpulainen, Kristiina; Tuominen, Eva; Vasama, Satu; Littleton, Karen and Ohsuga, Setsuo
Kar, S. and Hawkes, C.
Karmakar, Gour C.; Dooley, Laurence S. and Mathew, Michael
Katritzky, M.A.
Katritzky, M.A.
Kehily, Mary Jane
Kehily, Mary Jane
Kehily, Mary Jane
Kehily, Mary Jane
Keller, René; Alink, Thomas; Pfeifer, Christian; Eckert, Claudia M.; Clarkson, P. John and Albers, Albert
King, Helen
King, Helen
Knight, Peter
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Traxler, John
Kvavilashvili, L.; Kyle, F. and Messer, D. J.
Lane, Andrew
Langdridge, Darren
Langdridge, Darren and Barker, Meg
Langlois, Adele
Lapouchnian, Alexei; Yu, Yijun and Mylopoulos, John
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, John
Law, John
Law, John and Moser, Ingunn
Lewis, Paul
Little, Stephen
Little, Stephen and Hine, Julian
Lloyd, Cathy
Locke, William
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki
Lynch, Paul; Di Domenico, MariaLaura and Sweeney, Majella
Mackintosh, Maureen
Magalhaes, Joao and Rüger, Stefan
Maiden, John G.
Malpass, A.; Barnett, C.; Clarke, N. and Cloke, P.
Mannering, Derek; Hall, Jon and Rapanotti, Lucia
Mannering, Derek; Hall, Jon and Rapanotti, Lucia
Massey, Doreen and Meegan, Richard
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Maybin, Janet
Mayor, Barbara
Mayor, Barbara; Hewings, Ann; North, Sarah; Swann, Joan and Coffin, Caroline
McBride, N.; Hillier, J. K.; Green, S. F.; Srama, R.; Kempf, S.; Postberg, F.; Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.; McDonnell, J. A. M. and Gruen, E.
McCafferty, Tricia and Mooney, Gerry
McCormick, Robert
McCormick, Robert
McCormick, Robert
McFall, Liz
Mehigan, James and Rowe, Abigail
Mercer, Neil; Wegerif, Rupert; Dawes, Lyn; Sams, Claire and Fernandez, Manuel
Mileusnic, R.; Lancashire, C.; Clark, J. and Rose, S.
Millie, Andrew
Missailidis, Sotiris
Mol, Annemarie and Law, John
Monaghan, Frank and Mayor, Barbara
Montgomery, Heather
Montgomery, Heather
Montgomery, Heather
Montgomery, Heather
Montgomery, Heather
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry and Law, Alex
Mooney, Gerry and McCafferty, Tricia
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Adam
Moore, James
Morris, R.M.
Mountain, Gail and Tetley, Josie
Mulyadi, M.; Rist, M.; Edwards, L.; Brooks, J. W. and Wilson, A. F.
Muncie, John
Murphy, Linda
Nanas, Nikolaos and De Roeck, Anne
Newman, Janet
Newman, Janet
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John
NicNeacail, Mairead and MacIomhair, Màta
Noriega-Sanchez, Maria and Peña Calvo, Alicia
Norman, Diana
Norman, Diana
Okada, Alexandra
Okada, Alexandra Lilaváti Pereira
Oliver, Martin; Harvey, Jen; Conole, Grainne and Jones, Ann
Openshaw, R. and Soler, Janet
Orsenigo, Luigi
Owen, Katherine and Ledger, Sue
Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth and Steeg, Torben
Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth
Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth
Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth
Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth
Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth
Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth
Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna
Parsonage, Catherine
Parsonage, Catherine and Dyson, Kathy
Paton, Rob
Paton, Rob
Paton, Rob
Paul, Joanna
Peace, Sheila; Werner-Wahl, Hans; Oswald, Frank and Mollenkoph, Heidrun
Peake, Stephen
Perkins, Philip
Pittaway, Mark
Pittaway, Mark
Pond, Caroline M.
Potter, Stephen and Subrahumanian, Ramya
Prokhovnik, Raia
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati and Madge, Clare
Reynolds, Jill and Peace, Sheila
Reynolds, Martin
Ribbens McCarthy, Jane
Richards, Fiona
Richardson, John T. E.
Rix, Jonathan
Robb, Martin
Robb, Martin
Robb, Martin
Roberts, Gerrylynn K.
Robson, James
Rogers, Yvonne; Connelly, Kay; Tedesco, Lenore; Hazlewood, William; Kurtz, Andrew; Hall, Robert E.; Hursey, Josh and Toscos, Tammy
Rooney, Joseph
Rose, Wendy; Aldgate, Jane and Barnes, Julie
Roth, Ilona
Rothe, Ursula
Rowe, Abigail
Rowe, Abigail
Rowe, Abigail
Rowe, Abigail
Rowe, Abigail
Roy, Robin; Caird, Sally and Potter, Stephen
Ruedel, Cornelia; Whitelock, Denise and Mackenzie, Don
Rutterford, Janette
Rutterford, Janette
Sabsay, Leticia
Sabsay, Leticia Inés
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David
Seden, Janet
Seden, Janet and Ross, Trish
Seghal, Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal; Dooley, Laurence S.; Coppel, Ross and Mok, Goh Kiah
Sharples, Mike; Taylor, Josie and Vavoula, Giasemi
Shrestha, Prithvi
Silva, Elizabeth
Singh, M.
Slater, Rachel
Smith, Mark J. and Pangsapa, Piya
Smith, Richard Langham
Sohel, Ferdous Ahmed; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S.
Song, Dawei; Cao, Guihong; Bruza, Peter and Lau, Raymond
Specia, L. and Motta, E.
Spicer, R. A.
Spruce, Gary
Spruce, Gary
Stadtler, Florian
Swann, J.
Swann, J. and Sinka, I.
Szmigin, I; Carrigan, M. and Bekin, C.
Tagg, Caroline
Tanasescu, Vlad; Gugliotta, Alessio; Domingue, John; Gutiérrez Villarías, Leticia; Davies, Rob; Rowlatt, Mary; Richardson, Marc and Stin?i?, Sandra
Tanasescu, V.
Taylor, Stephanie
Thomson, Rachel
Toates, F.
Tyler, S. and Entwistle, N. J.
Ugochukwu, F.
Unkel, Steffen and Trendafilov, Nickolay T
Upchurch, G. R.; Spicer, R. A. and Leopold, E. B.
Vahasantanen, Katja; Hokka, Päivi; Eteläpelto, Anneli; Rasku-Puttonen, Helena and Littleton, Karen
Vargas-Vera, Maria; Moreale, Emanuela; Stutt, Arthur; Motta, Enrico and Ciravegna, Fabio
Viceconti, Marco; Taddei, Fulvia; Van Sint Jan, Serge; Leardini, Alberto; Clapworthy, Gordon; Domingue, John; Galizia, Stefania and Quadrani, Paolo
Voiculescu, Aurora
Voiculescu, Aurora
Wainwright, Leon
Wainwright, Leon
Walder, Dennis
Walker, Steve and Dearden, Andy
Walters, Reece
Walters, Reece
Watson, Nicola J.
Weait, Matthew
Webb, Brian
Weinbren, Daniel
Wetherell, Margaret
Whitelegg, Elizabeth; Murphy, Patricia and Hart, Christina
Whitelock, Denise M.
Whitfield, James
Wickstead, Myles
Wickstead, Myles
Widdowson, Mike
Widdowson, Mike
Wilkinson, Robert
Williams, Chris A.
Wilson, Tina and McAndrew, Patrick
Winship, Jonathan
Wolffe, John
Wolffe, John
Wolhuter, Lorraine
Wood, J. Carter
Wood, John Carter
Woodhead, Martin
Woodhead, Martin
Woodhead, Martin
Woods, Kim
Wright, Melanie
Wrigley, A.
Wrigley, Amanda
Wrigley, Amanda
Wynn, D.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
Yam, Tim Wing; Ghani, Abdul Karim Abdul; Ichihashi, Syoichi; Thame, Aung; Rao, Adisheshappa Nagaraja; Avadhani, Popuri Nageswara; Nair, Helen; Hew, Chou Sin; Arditti, Joseph and Tatarenko, Irina
Yanacopulos, Helen and Baillie Smith, Matt
Yanacopulos, Helen
Zuccolin, Gabriella
Journal ItemTo Top
Acharyya, K.; Fuchs, G. W.; Fraser, H. J.; van Dishoeck, E. F. and Linnartz, H.
Aczel, J. C. and Hardy, P.
Adams, John and Thomas, Ray
Afonso, P.V.; Ozden, S.; Prevost, M.C.; Schmitt, C.; Seilhan, D.; Weksler, B.B.; Couraud, P.O.; Gessain, A.; Romero, I.A. and Ceccaldi, P.E.
Ahmed, R.; Yu, H.; Stewart, S.; Edwards, L. and Santisteban, J. R.
Albert, M. H.; Atkinson, M. D. and Brignall, Robert
Alcaro, Stefano; Artese, Anna; Iley, James N.; Maccari, Rosanna; Missailidis, Sotiris; Ortuso, Francesco; Ottana, Rosaria; Ragazzon, Patricia and Vigorita, Maria Gabriella
Aldenius, M.; Tanner, J. D.; Johansson, S.; Lundberg, H. and Ryan, S. G.
Allen, John
Allen, John and Cochrane, Allan
Allington, Daniel
Allison, G.; Patanè, A.; Endicott, J.; Eaves, L.; Mori, N.; Kozlova, N.; Freudenberger, J.; Miura, N.; Maude, D. K. and Hopkinson, M.
Álvarez, Inma
Anand, Paul and Santos, Cristina
Anaya-Izquierdo, Karim and Marriott, Paul
Anaya-Izquierdo, K. A. and Marriott, P. K.
Anczkiewicz, R.; Szczepanski, J.; Mazur, S.; Storey, C.; Crowley, Q.; Villa, I. M.; Thirlwall, M. E. and Jeffries, T. E.
Anderson, S. J.; Gould, P. and Freeland, J. R.
Andersson, B.; Gustavsson, K.; Mehlig, B. and Wilkinson, M.
Andrijasevic, Rutvica
Aoki, W.; Honda, S.; Beers, T. C.; Takada-Hidai, M.; Iwamoto, N.; Tominaga, N.; Umeda, H.; Nomoto, K.; Norris, J. E. and Ryan, S. G.
Aradau, Claudia
Aradau, Claudia and van Munster, Rens
Arai, L.; Britten, N.; Popay, J.; Roberts, H.; Petticrew, M.; Rodgers, M. and Sowden, A.
Arai, Lisa
Archambault, Éric; Simonetti, Roberto; Côté, Grégoire and Kale, Dinar
Aretxaga, I.; Hughes, D.H.; Coppin, K.; Mortier, A.M.J.; Wagg, J.; Dunlop, J.S.; Chapin, E.L.; Eales, S.A.; Gastanaga, E.; Halpern, M.; Ivison, R.J.; van Kampen, E.; Scott, D.; Serjeant, S.; Smail, I.; Babbege, T.; Benson, A.J.; Chapman, S.; Clements, D.L.; Dunne, L.; Dye, S.; Farrah, D.; Jarvis, M.J.; Mann, R.G.; Pope, A.; Priddey, R.; Rawlings, S.; Seigar, M.; Silva, L.; Simpson, C. and Vaccari, M.
Arnold, Gillian M; Gower, John C; Gardner-Lubbe, Sugnet and Le Roux, Niël J
Asrat, Asfawossen; Baker, Andy; Mohammed, Mohammed Umer; Leng, Melanie J.; van Calsteren, Peter and Smith, Claire
Asrilhant, Boris; Dyson, Robert G. and Meadows, Maureen
Ataullah, Ali; Higson, Andrew and Tippett, Mark
Ataullah, Ali and Tippett, Mark
Atkinson, Adele; McKay, Stephen; Collard, Sharon and Kempson, Elaine
Aurich, C.; Seeber, P. and Müller-Schlösser, F.
Ayele, Seife
Baake, Michael; Frettlöh, Dirk and Grimm, Uwe
Baake, Michael; Frettlöh, Dirk and Grimm, Uwe
Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe
Baake, Michael and Huck, Christian
Babolian, E.; Bromilow, M.; England, R. and Saravi, M.
Bachmann, O.; Charlier, B. L. A. and Lowenstern, J. B.
Bailey, John E.; Self, Stephen; Wooler, Luke K. and Mouginis-Mark, Peter J.
Baines, T. S.; Lightfoot, H. W.; Evans, S.; Neely, A.; Greenough, R.; Peppard, J.; Roy, R.; Shehab, E.; Braganza, A.; Tiwari, A.; Alcock, J. R.; Angus, J. P.; Bastl, M.; Cousens, A.; Irving, P.; Johnson, M.; Kingston, J.; Lockett, H.; Martinez, V.; Michele, P.; Tranfield, D.; Walton, I. M. and Wilson, H.
Bakogianni, Anastasia
Baldwin, Michael; Harrison, Charles and Ramsden, Mel
Ballarini, N.; Berry, F. J.; Cavani, F.; Cimini, M.; Ren, X.; Tamoni, D. and Trifiro, F.
Baltacioglu, Tuncdan; Ada, Erhan; Kaplan, Melike D.; Yurt, Oznur and Cem Kaplan, Y.
Baravalle, Andres and Chambers, Sarah
Barber, Alex
Barbina, S.
Barbina, Silvia and Macpherson, Dugald
Bard, E. G.; Anderson, A. H.; Chen, Y.; Nicholson, H. B. M.; Havard, C. and Dalzel-Job, S.
Barker, Meg
Barker, Emma
Barker, Meg
Barker, Meg; Hagger-Johnson, Gareth; Hegarty, Peter; Hutchison, Craig and Riggs, Damien W.
Barker, Naomi
Barnard, K. D.; Lloyd, C. E. and Skinner, T. C.
Barnard, R.; Trudolyubov, S.; Kolb, U. C.; Haswell, C. A.; Osborne, J. P. and Priedhorsky, W. C.
Barnes, Cameron and Tynan, Belinda
Barnes, David and Hinton, Matthew
Barnett, Clive and Land, David
Barnett, Clive and Scott, Diane
Barnett, Clive and Scott, Dianne
Barrat, J. A.; Yamaguchi, A.; Greenwood, R. C.; Bohn, M.; Cotten, J.; Benoit, M. and Franchi, I. A.
Barry, T. L.; Ivanov, A. V.; Rasskazov, S. V.; Demonterova, E. I.; Dunai, T. J.; Davies, G. R. and Harrison, D.
Bassindale, Alan R; Codina Barrios, Antonio; Frascione, Nunzianda and Taylor, Peter G.
Beardon, Alan F. and Short, Ian
Beardon, Alan F. and Short, Ian
Beaven, Tita
Beckerlegge, Gwilym
Bekin, Caroline; Carrigan, Marylyn and Szmigin, Isabelle
Bekin, Caroline; Carrigan, Marylyn and Szmigin, Isabelle
Bekin, Caroline; Carrigan, Marylyn and Szmigin, Isabelle
Bell, Emma
Bell, Emma and Bryman, Alan
Bell, S. and Morse, S.
Bell, Simon and Morse, Stephen
Bell, Simon and Wood-Harper, A. T.
Bell, Simon and Wood-Harper, A.T.
Bello, Davide; Aslam, Tashfeen; Bultynck, Geert; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Roderick, H. Llewelyn; Bootman, Martin D. and Conway, Stuart J.
Belokurov, V.; Evans, N. W.; Irwin, M. J.; Lynden-Bell, D.; Yanny, B.; Vidrih, S.; Gilmore, G.; Seabroke, G.; Zucker, D. B.; Wilkinson, M. I.; Hewett, P. C.; Bramich, D. M.; Fellhauer, M.; Newberg, H. J.; Wyse, R. F. G.; Beers, T. C.; Bell, E. F.; Barentine, J. C.; Brinkmann, J.; Cole, N.; Pan, K. and York, D. G.
Bennett, Nigel; Woods, Philip; Wise, Christine and Newton, Wendy
Bennett, Tony
Bennett, Tony
Benz, W.; Anic, A.; Horner, J. and Whitby, J. A.
Berry, F.J; Dmitrieva, T. V.; Ovanesyan, N. S.; Lyubutin, I. S.; Thomas, M. F.; Sarkisyan, V.; Ren, X.; Aminov, T. G.; Shabunina, G. G.; Rudenko, V.; Vorotynov, A. and Dubinskaya, Yu L.
Bertin, M.; Caceres, D.; Lafosse, A.; Azria, R.; Davis, M. P.; Mason, N. J.; Balog, R. and Illenberger, E.
Bialkowski, Jedrzej; Gottschalk, Katrin and Wisniewski, Tomasz Piotr
Billsberry, Jon
Billsberry, Jon
Billsberry, Jon and Nelson, Patrick
Billsberry, Jon; Nelson, Patrick; van Meurs, Nathalie and Edwards, Gareth
Bissell, C.
Bissell, C. C.
Bissell, Chris
Blackmore, Chris
Blackmore, Chris; Ison, Raymond and Jiggins, Janice
Blake, Canan and Scanlon, Eileen
Blasiak, Pawel; Horzela, Andrzej; Penson, Karol A.; Solomon, Allan I. and Duchamp, Gerard H.E.
Boente, Graciela; Critchley, Frank and Orellana, Liliana
Boojihawon, Dev
Boojihawon, Dev
Boojihawon, Dev Kumar; Dimitratos, Pavlos and Young, Stephen
Bootman, Martin D.; Harzheim, Dagmar; Smyrnias, Ioannis; Conway, Stuart J. and Roderick, H. Llewelyn
Borbas, K. Eszter; Ferreira, Catia S. M.; Perkins, Alan; Bruce, James I. and Missailidis, Sotiris
Borg, Peter
Bornat, Joanna and Diamond, Hanna
Bossu, Carina; Smyth, R and Stein, S
Bouchard, P. J.
Bouchiha, D.; Gorfinkiel, J. D.; Caron, L. G. and Sanche, L.
Bovaird, Tony and Loeffler, Elke
Bowen, J.; Pettitt, M. E.; Kendall, K.; Leggett, G. J.; Preece, J. A.; Callow, M. E. and Callow, J. A.
Bowes-Catton, Helen
Bowey, J. E.; Morlok, A.; Kohler, M. and Grady, M.
Bowman, Marion
Bowman, Marion
Boyle, Godfrey
Bradley, Charles K.; Hynes, Robert I.; Kong, Albert K. H.; Haswell, C. A.; Casares, J. and Gallo, E.
Bragg, Sara
Bragg, Sara
Brennan, T and Hegarty, P
Bridges, J. C.; Schmitz, B.; Hutchison, R.; Greenwood, R. C.; Tassinari, M. and Franchi, I. A.
Brignall, Robert
Bristow, Alexandra
Brown, Robert A. and Phillips, James B.
Brown, Vivienne
Brown, William
Brownlow, Charlotte and O'Dell, Lindsay
Bruce, James
Bruce, James; Borbas, K. Eszter and Bodi, Andras
Bruce, James I. and Borbas, K. Eszter
Buchanan, David; Caldwell,, Raymond; Meyer, Julienne; Storey, John and Wainwright, Charles
Buchanan, Ian and Gunn, Robert
Buchanan, Tom; Paine, Carina; Joinson, Adam and Reips, Ulf-Dietrich
Buckingham Shum, Simon J.; Uren, Victoria; Li, Gangmin; Sereno, Bertrand and Mancini, Clara
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budelmann, Felix
Buechel, C and Hegarty, P
Burgess, Hilary and Shelton Mayes, Ann
Burkitt, Esther and Tala, Katri
Burnley, Stephen J
Burnley, S. J.
Burnley, S.J.; Ellis, J.C; Flowerdew, R.; Poll, A.J. and Prosser, H.
Burnley, Stephen J.
Burrows, D.
Busemann, Henner; Alexander, Cone M.O.D and Nittler, Larry R.
Bush, Mark B.; Silman, Miles R.; de Toledo, Mauro B.; Listopad, Claudio; Gosling, William D.; Williams, Christopher; de Oliveira, Paula E. and Krisel, Carolyn
Butcher, John; Sinka, Indra and Troman, Geoff
Butler, Michelle and Drake, Deborah
Butters, O. W.; Barlow, E. J.; Norton, A. J. and Mukai, K.
Byford, Jovan
c.a.s.e. collective; Aradau, Claudia; Bell, Colleen; Bonditti, Philippe; Davidshofer, Stephan; Guillaume, Xavier; Huysmans, Jef; Jeandesboz, Julien; Jutila, Matti; McCormack, Tara; Neal, Andrew; Olsson, Christian; Ragazzi, Francesco; Squire, Vicki; Stritzel, Holger; van Munster, Rens and Williams, Michael C.
Cable, Carrie; Goodliff, Gill and Miller, Linda
Cabrol, N. A.; Wettergreen, D.; Warren-Rhodes, K.; Grin, E. A.; Moersch, J.; Diaz, G. C.; Cockell, C. S.; Coppin, P.; Demergasso, C.; Dohm, J. M.; Ernst, L.; Fisher, G.; Glasgow, J.; Hardgrove, C.; Hock, A. N.; Jonak, D.; Marinangeli, L.; Minkley, E.; Ori, G. G.; Piatek, J.; Pudenz, E.; Smith, T.; Stubbs, K.; Thomas, G.; Thompson, D.; Waggoner, A.; Wagner, M.; Weinstein, S. and Wyatt, M.
Caddick, M. J.; Bickle, M. J.; Harris, N. B. W.; Holland, T. J. B.; Horstwood, M. S. A.; Parrish, R. R. and Ahmad, T.
Cameron, A Collier; Wilson, D. M.; West, R. G.; Hebb, L.; Wang, X.-B; Aigrain, S.; Bouchy, F.; Christian, D. J.; Clarkson, W. I.; Enoch, B.; Esposito, M.; Guenther, E.; Haswell, C. A.; Hebrard, G.; Hellier, C.; Horne, K.; Irwin, J.; Kane, S. R.; Loeillet, B.; Lister, T. A.; Maxted, P.; Mayor, M.; Moutou, C.; Parley, N.; Pollacco, D.; Pont, F.; Queloz, D.; Ryans, R.; Skillen, I.; Street, R. A.; Udry, S. and Wheatley, P. J.
Cameron, Lynne
Cameron, Lynne and Larsen-Freeman, Diane
Cameron, Lynne J.
Campo, Vanessa Leiria; Carvalho, Ivone; Allman, Sarah; Davis, Benjamin G. and Field, Robert A.
Canning, Natalie
Capdevila, Rose
Carabine, Jean
Caron, Laurent; Bouchiha, D.; Gorfinkiel, J. D. and Sanche, L.
Carrión, J. S.; Scott, L.; Arribas, A.; Fuentes, N.; Gil-Romera, G. and Montoya Romo, E.
Castells, Pablo; Fernandez, Miriam and Vallet, David
Cathcart, Charles
Cathcart, Charles
Cefis, Elena; Ciccarelli, Matteo and Orsenigo, Luigi
Chalapathi Rao, N.V.; Burgess, R.; Anand, Mahesh and Mainkar, D.
Cham, Karen
Cham, Karen and Johnson, Jeffrey
Chan, W.Y.; Kohsaka, S. and Rezaie, P.
Chao, Yimin; Šiller, Lidija; Krishnamurthy, Satheesh; Coxon, Paul R.; Bangert, Ursel; Gass, Mhairi; Kjeldgaard, Lisbeth; Patole, Samson N.; Lie, Lars H.; O'Farrell, Norah; Alsop, Thomas A.; Houlton, Andrew and Horrocks, Benjamin R.
Chappell, Timothy
Charlier, B. L. A.; Bachmann, O.; Davidson, J. P.; Dungan, M. A. and Morgan, D. J.
Chataway, Jo; Smith, James and Wield, David
Chataway, Joanna; Brusoni, Stefano; Cacciatori, Eugenia; Hanlin, Rebecca and Orsenigo, Luigi
Chataway, Joanna; Hanlin, Rebecca; Smith, James and Rosiello, Alessandro
Chataway, Joanna; Kale, Dinar and Wield, David
Chataway, Joanna and Smith, James
Chataway, Joanna; Tait, Joyce and Wield, David
Chaturvedi, Kalpana; Chataway, Joanna and Wield, David
Christodoulides, Y. T. and Mestel, B. D.
Chung, Emma M. L.; Hague, James and Evans, David H.
Cicman, P.; Skalny, J. D.; Mason, N. J.; Scheier, P,; Illenberger, E, and Mark, T, D,
Clark, Nigel
Clark, Norman; Smith, James and Hirvonen, Maija
Clark, Alison
Clark, Alison
Clark, J. S.
Clark, J. S.; Barnes, A. D. and Charles, P. A.
Clark, Nigel
Clark, Peter and Blundel, Richard
Clarke, John
Clarke, Nick; Barnett, Clive; Cloke, Paul and Malpass, Alice
Clarke, Nick; Barnett, Clive; Cloke, Paul and Malpass, Alice
Clarke, Caroline; Hope-Hailey, Veronica and Kelliher, Clare
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarkson, W. I.; Enoch, B.; Haswell, C. A.; Norton, A. J.; Christian, D. J.; Collier Cameron, A.; Kane, S. R.; Horne, K. D.; Lister, T. A.; Street, R. A.; West, R. G.; Wilson, D. M.; Evans, N.; Fitzsimmons, A.; Hellier, C.; Hodgkin, S. T.; Irwin, J.; Keenan, F. P.; Osborne, J. P.; Parley, N. R.; Pollacco, D. L.; Ryans, R.; Skillen, I. and Wheatley, P. J.
Clayton, Martin
Clayton, Martin R. L.
Cochrane, Allan and Etherington, David
Cockell, C.; Brack, A.; Wynn-Williams, D. D.; Baglioni, P.; Brandstatter, F.; Demets, R.; Edwards, H. G. M.; Gronstal, A.; Kurat, G.; Lee, P.; Osinski, G. R.; Pearce, D. A.; Pillinger, J.; Roten, C. A. and Sancisi-Frey, S.
Cockell, C. S.
Cockell, C. S.
Cockell, C. S.; Tsikos, H.; Durante, M. and Parnell, J.
Cockell, Charles and Raven, John A
Cockell, Charles S.; Kennerley, Niki; Lindstrom, Maurits; Watson, Jonathan; Ragnarsdottir, Vala; Sturkell, Erik; Ott, Sieglinde and Tindle, Andrew G.
Cohen, Anthony S. and Coe, Angela L.
Cohen, Anthony S.; Coe, Angela L. and Kemp, David B.
Coldwell, D. A. L.; Williamson, M. and Cameron, S.
Cole, Geoff G.; Skarratt, Paul A. and Gellatly, Angus R. H.
Coleman, James A.; Galaczi, Á. and Astruc, L.
Collard, Sharon
Collier Cameron, A.; Bouchy, F.; Hebrard, G.; Maxted, P.; Pollacco, D.; Pont, F.; Skillen, I.; Smalley, B.; Street, R. A.; West, R. G.; Wilson, D. M.; Aigrain, S.; Christian, D. J.; Clarkson, W. I.; Enoch, B.; Evans, A.; Fitzsimmons, A.; Fleenor, M.; Gillon, M.; Haswell, C. A.; Hebb, L.; Hellier, C.; Hodgkin, S. T.; Horne, K.; Irwin, J.; Kane, S. R.; Keenan, F. P.; Loellet, B.; Lister, T. A.; Mayor, M.; Moutou, C.; Norton, A. J.; Osborne, J.; Parley, N.; Queloz, D.; Ryans, R.; Triaud, A. H. M. J.; Udry, S. and Wheatley, P. J.
Collins, Richard
Collins, Richard
Collins, Kevin; Blackmore, Chris; Morris, Richard and Watson, Drennan
Collins, Richard
Collister, Adrian; Lahav, Ofer; Blake, Chris; Cannon, Russell; Croom, Scott; Drinkwater, Michael; Edge, Alastair; Eisenstein, Daniel; Loveday, Jon; Nichol, Robert; Pimbblet, Kevin; De Propris, Roberto; Roseboom, Isaac; Ross, Nic; Schneider, Donald P.; Shanks, Tom and Wake, David
Cook, Guy
Cooke, Julia and Edwards, Ted
Coombs, C. R.; Arnold, John; Loan-Clarke, John; Wilkinson, Adrian; Park, Jenny and Preston, Diane
Cooper, Martyn; Colwell, Chetz and Jelfs, Anne
Copperman, Jeanette and Newton, Paul D.
Corbett, Nicola; Gabbott, Paul; Stewart, Michael; Klementiev, Boris; Davies, Heather; Colyer, Frances; Novikova, Tatiana; Bock, Elisabeth and Berezin, Vladimir
Corbett, Nicola; Stewart, Michael; Gabbott, Paul; Klementiev, Boris; Davies, Heather; Colyer, Frances; Berezin, Vladimir and Bock, Elisabeth
Corbett, Nicola; Stewart, Michael; Gabbott, Paul; Klementiev, Boris; Davies, Heather; Colyer, Frances; Berezin, Vladimir and Bock, Elisabeth
Cornock, Marc
Cornock, Marc
Cornock, Marc
Cornock, Marc
Cornock, Marc
Cornock, Marc A.
Court, Richard; Sephton, Mark; Parnell, J. and Gilmour, Iain
Coven, Ethan M.; Pivato, Marcus and Yassawi, Reem
Cox, Lynne S.; Clancy, David J.; Boubriak, Ivan and Saunders, Robert D. C.
Coxall, Helen K.; Wilson, Paul A.; Pearson, Paul N. and Sexton, Philip F.
Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa; Burnard, Pamela and Chappell, Kerry
Crane, Edward and Short, Ian
Crawford, J. R. and Garthwaite, P. H.
Crawford, J. R. and Garthwaite, P. H.
Crawford, J. R.; Garthwaite, P. H. and Gault, C. B.
Critten, Sarah; Pine, Karen and Steffler, Dorothy
Cross, Simon
Crowther, P. A. and Clark, J. S.
Cummings, Damian M.; Milnerwood, Austen J.; Dallerac, Glenn M.; Vatsavayai, Sarat C.; Hirst, Mark C. and Murphy, Kerry P. S. J.
da Silva, Rui and Batista, Luciano
DaÂngela, J.; Shanks, T.; Croom, S. M.; Weilbacher, P.; Brunner, R. J.; Couch, W. J.; Miller, L.; Myers, A. D.; Nichol, R. C.; Pimbblet, K. A.; De Propris, R.; Richards, G. T.; Ross, N. P.; Schneider, D. P. and Wake, D.
Dale, C.W.; Gannoun, A.; Burton, K.W.; Argles, T.W. and Parkinson, I.J.
Dalgarno, Scott J.; Power, Nicholas P. and Atwood, Jerry L.
Daly, Kathleen
Dávalos, Liliana M.
Davidson, J. P.; Morgan, D. M.; Charlier, B. L. A.; Harlou, R. and Hora, J .M.
Davidson, Jon P.; Morgan, Daniel J. and Charlier, Bruce L. A.
Davies, John K.; Harris, Alan W.; Rivkin, Andrew S.; Wolters, Stephen D.; Green, Simon F.; McBride, Neil; Mann, Rita K. and Kerr, Tom H.
Dawes, Anita; Hunniford, Adam; Holtom, Philip; Mukerji, Robin J.; McCullough, Robert W. and Mason, Nigel
Dawes, Anita; Mukerji, Robin J.; Davis, Michael P.; Holtom, Philip D.; Webb, Sarah M.; Sivaraman, Bhalamurugan; Hoffmann, Søren V.; Shaw, David A. and Mason, Nigel J.
Daya, Sandeep; Loughlin, Alison J. and MacQueen, Hilary A.
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
Debarberis, L.; Acosta, B.; Zeman, A.; Pirfo, S.; Moretto, P.; Chernobaeva, A. and Nikolaev, A.
Decker, Carolin and Mellewigt, Thomas
Derossi, Sofia; Farrell, David T.; Harding, Charles J.; McKee, Vickie and Nelson, Jane
Di Domenico, MariaLaura and Lynch, Paul A.
Diefenbach, Thomas
Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John
Dikkes, P.; Hawkes, C.; Kar, S. and Lopez, M. F.
Dixon, Keith and Coy, David
Dmitrieva, T. V.; Lyubutin, I. S.; Stepin, A. S.; Dubinskaya, Y. L.; Smirnovskaya, E. M.; Berry, F. J. and Thomas, M. F.
Dockrell, Julie E. and Messer, David
Dodsworth, Francis
Dolatshad, N. F. and Saffrey, M. J.
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian and Mooney, Gerry
Donnelly, T.; Krishnamurthy, S.; Carney, K.; McEvoy, N. and Lunney, J. G.
Dougan, Sylvia
Drage, E. A.; Cahillane, P.; Hoffman, S. V.; Mason, N. J. and Limao-Vieira, P.
Drampyan, Rafael; Greentree, Andrew D. and Durrant, A. V.
Draper, Janet and Clark, Elizabeth
Dueck, Byron
Dzbor, M.; Stutt, A.; Motta, E. and Collins, T.
Dzbor, Martin; Motta, Enrico and Domingue, John
Earle, Sarah; Komaromy, Carol; Foley, Pam and Lloyd, Cathy
Earle, Sarah; Komaromy, Carol; Foley, Pam and Lloyd, Cathy
Earle, Sarah and Letherby, Gayle
East, Emma; Golding, Jon and Phillips, James
Eden, S.; Limao-Vieira, P.; Hoffmann, S. V. and Mason, N. J.
Edgar, Kirsty M.; Wilson, Paul A.; Sexton, Philip F. and Suganuma, Yusuke
Edwards, Andrew R.; Mortimer, Simon R.; Lawson, Clare S.; Westbury, Duncan B.; Harris, Stephanie J.; Woodcock, Ben A. and Brown, Valerie K
Edwards, Julian; Cockerton, Tracey and Guppy, Andrew
Edwards, Julian. A; Guppy, Andrew and Cockerton, Tracey
Edwards, Stephen
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Tamsin L.; Crucifix, Michel and Harrison, Sandy P.
Ellis, Elaine; Fortune, Joyce and Peters, Geoff
Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona; Doherty, Neil F. and Anastasakis, Leonidas
Emsley, Clive
Encarnação, João M.; Rosa, Luis; Rodrigues, Rogério; Pedro, Luisa; da Silva, Frederico Aires; Gonçalves, João and Ferreira, Guilherme N.M.
Endicott, James
Erel, Umut
Erling, Elizabeth J.
Erling, Elizabeth J. and Walton, Alan
Eschen, René; Mortimer, Simon R.; Lawson, Clare S.; Edwards, Andrew R.; Brook, Alex J.; Igual-Arroyo, José M.; Hedlund, Katarina and Schaffner, Urs
Evans, Margaret and Barker, Meg
Faeirs, Adam; Cook, Matt and Neame, Charles
Faeirs, Adam; Neame, Charles and Cook, Matt
Falconer, Isobel and Littlejohn, Allison
Fall, Juliet J.
Farrington-Flint, Lee; Canobi, Katherine. H.; Wood, Clare and Faulkner, Dorothy
Farrington-Flint, Lee and Wood, Clare
Fear, Trevor
Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark and Wood, Stephen
Fergusson, Ross
Fergusson, Ross
Fernández, Santiago; Fuentes, Noemí; Carrión, José; González-Sampériz, Penélope; Montoya, Encarna; Gil, Graciela; Vega-Toscano, Gerardo and Riquelme, José A.
Ferreira, Catia S. M. and Missailidis, Sotiris
Ferreira, Giselle M. d. S.
Ferreira, Guilherme N.M.; Encarnação, João M.; Rosa, Luis; Rodrigues, Rogério; Breyner, Roberta; Barrento, Sara; Pedro, Luisa; Aires da Silva, Frederico and Gonçalves, João
Fitch, C.; Simpson, A.; Collard, S. and Teasdale, M.
Fitch, Chris; Chaplin, Robert; Trend, Colin and Collard, Sharon
Flanagan, Tomas; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John
Fletcher, Roland
Flewitt, Rosie and Nind, Melanie
Flowers, Paul and Langdridge, Darren
Font, L; Murton, B. J.; Roberts, S and Tindle, A. G.
Forbes, A. D.; Grannell, M. J. and Griggs, T. S.
Forbes, A.D.; Grannell, M.J. and Griggs, T.S.
Forbes, Anthony; Grannell, Mike and Griggs, Terry
Forbes, Anthony; Grannell, Mike and Griggs, Terry
Forbes, Anthony; Grannell, Mike; Griggs, Terry and Stanton, R. G.
Foster, M. J. and Green, S. F.
Fowles, Malcolm
Fox, Alison; McCormick, Robert; Procter, Richard and Carmichael, Patrick
Francis, Graham and Holloway, Jacky
Franco, L.A. and Meadows, M.
Frankish, Keith
Frankish, Keith
Fraser, Robert
Frecknall Hughes, Jane and Oats, Lynne
Frederickson, James; Howell, Graham and Hobson, Andrew
Freeland, Joanna R.; Anderson, Sarah; Allen, David and Looney, Declan
Frettlöh, Dirk and Sing, Bernd
Fréville, Hélène; McConway, Kevin; Dodd, Mike and Silvertown, Jonathan
Frowd, Charlie D.; Bruce, Vicki; Ness, Hayley; Bowie, Leslie; Paterson, Jenny; Thomson-Bogner, Claire; McIntyre, Alex and Hancock, Peter J. B.
Frumkin, L. A. and Murphy, A
Frumkin, Lara
Frumkin, Lara A.; Milankovic-Atkinson, Maya and Sadler, Chris
Gabbott, P.L.A.; Warner, T. and Busby, S.J.
Gagg, C. R. and Lewis, P. R.
Gagg, Colin. R. and Lewis, Peter. R.
Galbraith, Stuart G.; Wang, Qiang; Li, Li; Blake, Alexander J.; Wilson, Claire; Collinson, Simon R.; Lindoy, Leonard F.; Plieger, Paul G.; Schröder, Martin and Tasker, Peter A.
Gannoun, A.; Burton, K.W.; Parkinson, I.J.; Alard, O.; Schiano, P. and Thomas, L.E.
Garbett, Dawn and Tynan, Belinda
Garner, Steve
Garner, Steve
Garner, Steve
Gehl Sampath, Padmashree
Gehl Sampath, Padmashree and Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji
Gilbert, Aaron; Tourani-Rad, Alireza and Wisniewski, Tomasz Piotr
Gill, Nick
Gill, Nick
and line-transitive linear spaces.
Gill, Nick
Gill, Rosalind
Gillen, Julia; Cameron, Catherine Ann; Tapanya, Sombat; Pinto, Giuliana; Hancock, Roger; Young, Susan and Accorti Gamannossi, Beatrice
Gillen, Julia; Kleine Staarman, Judith; Littleton, Karen; Mercer, Neil and Twiner, Alison
Gillespie, Marie
Gillman, Michael
Gilmour, Mabs; Currant, Andy; Jacobi, Roger and Stringer, Chris
Gleadle, Pauline; Cornelius, Nelarine; Pezet, Eric and Salaman, Graeme
Goddyn, Luis; Richter, R. Bruce and Širáň, Jozef
Golding, Jon P; Calderbank, Emma; Partridge, Terence and Beauchamp, Jonathan
Goldstein, Alisa M.; Chan, May; Harland, Mark; Hayward, Nicholas K.; Demenais, Florence; Bishop, D. Timothy; Azizi, Esther; Bergman, Wilma; Bianchi-Scarra, Giovanna; Bruno, William; Calista, Donata; Cannon Albright, Lisa A.; Chaudru, Valerie; Chompret, Agnes; Cuellar, Francisco; Elder, David E.; Ghiorzo, Paola; Gillanders, Elizabeth M.; Gruis, Nelleke A.; Hansson, Johan; Hogg, David; Holland, Elizabeth A.; Kanetsky, Peter A.; Kefford, Richard F.; Landi, Maria Teresa; Lang, Julie; Leachman, Sancy A.; MacKie, Rona M.; Magnusson, Veronica; Mann, Graham J.; Newton Bishop, Julia; Palmer, Jane M.; Puig, Susana; Puig-Butille, Joan A.; Stark, Mitchell; Tsao, Hensin; Tucker, Margaret A.; Whitaker, Linda; Yakobson, Emanuel; The Lund Melanoma Study Group and The Melanoma Genetics Consortium (GenoMEL)
Goodrich, Amanda
Gordon, R. Ya.; Ignat'ev, D. A.; Mel'nikova, E. V.; Rogachevskii, V. V.; Kraev, I. V. and Khutsyan, S. S.
Gosling, William D. and Bunting, M. Jane
Gottschalg, Elke; Scott, Gina B.; Burns, Philip A. and Shuker, David E.G.
Gottsmann, Joachim; Carniel, Roberto; Coppo, Nicolas; Wooller, Luke; Hautman, Stefanie and Rymer, Hazel
Grande, M.; Kellett, B. J.; Howe, C.; Perry, C H; Swinyard, B.; Dunkin, S.; Huovelin, J.; Alha, L.; D'Uston, L. C.; Maurice, S.; Gasnault, O.; Couturier-Doux, S.; Barabash, S.; Joy, K. H.; Crawford, I. A.; Lawrence, D.; Fernandes, V.; Casanova, I.; Wieczorek, M.; Thomas, N.; Mall, U.; Foing, B.; Hughes, D.; Alleyne, H.; Russell, S.; Grady, M.; Lundin, R.; Baker, D.; Murray, C. D.; Guest, J. and Christou, A.
Grannell, Mike; Griggs, Terry and Knor, M.
Grannell, Mike J.; Griggs, Terry S. and Siran, Jozef
Grant, Janet R.
Greenwood, R. C.; Schmitz, B.; Bridges, J. C.; Hutchison, R. and Franchi, I. R.
Greig, Tom; Castelli, Chris; Holland, Andrew and Burt, David
Griffiths, Rob; Holland, Simon and Edwards, Marion
Grimsley, Mike and Meehan, Anthony
Grimsley, Mike; Meehan, Anthony and Tan, Anna
Gronstal, Aaron; Cockell, Charles S.; Perino, Maria Antonietta; Bittner, Tobias; Clacey, Erik; Clark, Olathe; Ingold, Olivier; De Oliveira, Catarina and Wathiong, Steven
Guilbaud, M.-N.; Blake, S.; Thordarson, T. and Self, S.
Hadfield, L.; Rudoe, N. and Sanderson-Mann, J.
Hagermann, A.; Rosenberg, P. D.; Towner, M. C.; Garry, J. R. C.; Svedhem, H.; Leese, M. R.; Hathi, B.; Lorenz, R. D. and Zarnecki, J. C.
Hague, J. P.
Hague, J. P.
Hague, J. P.; Kornilovitch, P. E.; Alexandrov, A. S. and Samson, J. H.
Hague, J. P.; Kornilovitch, P. E.; Samson, J. H. and Alexandrov, A. S.
Hague, J. P.; Kornilovitch, P. E.; Samson, J. H. and Alexandrov, A. S.
Hague, J. P.; Kornilovitch, P. E.; Samson, J. H. and Alexandrov, A. S.
Haigh, Matthew and Jones, Marc T.
Hainsworth, S. V. and Fitzpatrick, M. E.
Haley, Debra; Thomas, Pete; De Roeck, Anne and Petre, Marian
Hall, Andy; Clark, Norman and Naik, Guru
Hall, David; Holland, Andrew and Turner, Martin
Hall, Stuart
Hallett, Catalina; Power, Richard and Scott, Donia
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn and Treseder, Peggy
Hancock, Roger and Gillen, Julia
Hanley, T.; Sutton, D.; Heeley, E.; Moad, G. and Knott, R.
Hanlin, R.; Chataway, J. and Smith, J.
Hanlin, Rebecca
Hanlon, Joseph
Hanson, Julienne; Percival, John; Aldred, Hazel; Brownsell, Simon and Hawley, Mark
Harada, Y; Suzuki, T; Ichimura, T and Xu, YZ
Hardwick, Lorna
Harris, Nigel
Harrison, Rodney
Hartley, Jean and Downe, James
Harvey, Morag and Norman, Lyn
Hassan, Louise M; Walsh, Gianfranco; Shiu, Edward; Hastings, Gerard and Harris, Fiona
Hathi, B.; Daniell, P. M.; Banaszkiewicz, M.; Hagermann, A.; Leese, M. R. and Zarnecki, J. C.
Hauck, Mirjam
Hawkes, C.; Amritraj, A.; MacDonald, R. G.; Jhamandas, J. H. and Kar, S.
Hawkes, Cheryl A. and McLaurin, JoAnne
Heap, Richard; Slater, Peter R.; Berry, Frank J.; Helgason, Orn and Wright, Adrian J.
Heber, Veronika S.; Brooker, Richard A.; Kelley, Simon P. and Wood, Bernard J.
Hegarty, P
Hegarty, P
Hegarty, P.
Hegarty, P.
Hegarty, PJ
Heins, Barbara; Duensing, Annette; Stickler, Ursula and Batstone, Carolyn
Hennessy, Sara; Wishart, Jocelyn; Whitelock, Denise; Deaney, Rosemary; Brawn, Richard; la Velle, Linda; McFarlane, Angela; Ruthven, Kenneth and Winterbottom, Mark
Herbert, David
Herbst, Mathias; Roberts, John M.; Rosier, Paul T. W and Gowing, David J.
Herbst, Mathias; Roberts, John M.; Rosier, Paul T. W.; Taylor, Michèle E. and Gowing, David J.
Herman, Clem and Webster, Juliet
Hernández-Leo, Davina; Bote-Lorenzo, Miguel L.; Asensio-Perez, Juan I.; Gómez-Sanchez, Eduardo; Villasclaras Fernandez, Eloy D.; Jorrín-Abellán, Iván M. and Dimitriadis, Yannis A.
Herrera, Aude and Cockell, Charles S.
Herring, Horace and Roy, Robin
Herron-Marx, Sandy; Williams, Amanda and Hicks, Carolyn
Hetherington, Kevin
Hewings, A. and Coffin, C.
Hewson, Claire
Hewson, Claire; Charlton, John and Brosnan, Mark
Hicks, C.; Song, D. P. and Earl, C. F.
High, Chris and Nemes, Gusztáv
Hill, Andrew
Hill, Andrew and Hill, John
Hill, Patrick; Holland, Simon and Laney, Robin
Hillier, J.K.; Green, S.F.; McBride, N.; Altobelli, N.; Kempf, S.; Postberg, F.; Schwanethal, J.; Srama, R.; McDonnell, J.A.M. and Gruen, E.
Hillier, Jon K.; Green, S. F.; McBride, N.; Schwanethal, J. P.; Postberg, F.; Srama, R.; Kempf, S.; Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.; McDonnell, J. A M. and Grun, E.
Himmelweit, Susan
Himmelweit, Susan
Hinchliffe, Stephen; Kearnes, Matthew B.; Degen, Monica and Whatmore, Sarah
Hirata, Christopher M.; Mandelbaum, Rachel; Ishak, Mustapha; Seljak, Uroš; Nichol, Robert; Pimbblet, Kevin A.; Ross, Nicholas P. and Wake, David
Hobbs, Dick; O'Brien, Kate and Westmarland, Louise
Hobden, Fiona
Hobden, Fiona
Hocine, M. N.; Farrington, C. P.; Touze, E.; Whitaker, H. J.; Fourrier, A.; Moreau, T. and Tubert-Bitter, P.
Hocine, M. N.; Tubert-Bitter, P.; Moreau, T.; Chavance, M.; Varon, E. and Guillemot, D.
Hodell, David A.; Kamenov, George D.; Hathorne, Ed C.; Zachos, James C.; Röhl, Ursula and Westerhold, Thomas
Hoekstra, Rosa A.; Bartels, Meike and Boomsma, Dorret I.
Hoekstra, Rosa A.; Bartels, Meike; Hudziak, James J.; Van Beijsterveldt, Toos C. E. M. and Boomsma, Dorret I.
Hoekstra, Rosa A.; Bartels, Meike; Verweij, Catharina J. H. and Boomsma, Dorret I.
Holliman, Richard
Holloway, Karen; Sade, Hadassah; Romero, Ignacio A. and Male, David
Hollway, Wendy
Holmes, Anthony M; Roderick, H. Llewelyn; McDonald, Fraser and Bootman, Martin D.
Holt, A.; Huang, C-Y. and Monk, J.
Holtom, P. D.; Dawes, A.; Davis, M. P.; Hoffmann, S. V.; Mukerji, R. J. and Mason, N. J.
Hopgood, A. A. and Hirst, A. J.
Horne, Joanna
Horton-Salway, Mary
Hughes, Lotte
Humphries, Andrea C; Penfold, David W and Macaskie, Lynne E
Hurd, Stella
Hurd, Stella
Hurd, Steve
Hurd, Steve; Jones, Marion; McNamara, Olwen and Craig, Barbara
Hutchens, Elena; Williamson, Ben J.; Anand, Mahesh; Ryan, Mary P. and Herrington, Richard J.
Hwang, Ho Seong; Serjeant, Stephen; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Lee, Kang Hwan and White, Glenn J.
Hwang, Narae; Lee, Myung; Lee, Hyung Mok; Im, Myungshin; Kim, Taehyun; Matsuhara, Hideo; Wada, Takehiko; Oyabu, Shinki; Pak, Soojong; Chun, Moo-Young; Watarai, Hidenori; Nakagawa, Takao; Pearson, Chris; Takagi, Toshinobu; Hanami, Hitoshi and White, Glenn J.
Ieromonachou, Petros; Potter, Stephen and Warren, James
Iqbal, Mudasser M.; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S.
Iqbal, Parvez; Critchley, Kevin; Bowen, James; Attwood, David; Tunnicliffe, David; Evans, Stephen D. and Preece, Jon A.
Ishihara, Daisuke; Onaka, Takashi; Kaneda, Hidehiro; Suzuki, Toyoaki; Kataza, Hirokazu; Sakon, Itsuki; Okada, Yoko; Doi, Yasuo; Fujishiro, Naofumi; Fujiwara, Hideaki; Ita, Yoshifusa; Kii, Tuneo; Kim, Woojung; Makiuti, Sin'itirou; Matsumoto, Toshio; Matsuhara, Hideo; Murakami, Hiroshi; Nakagawa, Takao; Ohyama, Youichi; Oyabu, Shinki; Serjeant, Stephen; Shibai, Hiroshi; Takagi, Toshinobu; Tanabe, Toshihiko; Uemizu, Kazunori; Ueno, Munetaka; Usui, Fumihiko; Wada, Takehiko and Watarai, Hidenori
Isin, Engin F.
Isin, Engin F. and Turner, Bryan S.
Ison, Ray; Blackmore, Chris; Collins, Kevin and Furniss, Pam
Ison, Ray; Roling, Niels and Watson, Drennan
Ison, Ray and Watson, Drennan
Ison, Ray
Ison, Ray; Blackmore, Chris and Armson, Rosalind
Ivison, R.J.; Greve, T.R.; Dunlop, J.S.; Peacock, J.A.; Egami, E.; Smail, I.; Ibar, E.; van Kampen, E.; Aretxaga, I.; Babbedge, T.; Biggs, A.D.; Blain, A.W.; Chapman, S.C.; Clements, D.L.; Coppin, K.; Farrah, D.; Halpern, M.; Hughes, D.H.; Jarvis, M.J.; Jenness, T.; Jones, J.R.; Mortier, A.M.J.; Oliver, S.; Papovich, C.; Perez-Gonzalez, P.G.; Pope, A.; Rawlings, S.; Rieke, G.H.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Savage, R.S.; Scott, D.; Seigar, M.; Serjeant, S.; Stevens, J.A.; Vaccari, M.; Wagg, J. and Willott, C.J.
Jacobsen, Leslie K.; Picciotto, Marina R.; Heath, Christopher; Frost, Stephen J.; Tsou, Kristen A.; Dwan, Rita A.; Jackowski, Marcel P.; Constable, Robert T. and Mencl, W. Einar
James, Jonathan A. and Edwards, Lyndon
James, Paula
Jančová, J. and Kohlíková, E.
Ageing and postural stability.
Jančová, Jitka and Tošnerová, Vlasta
Jehlicka, Petr and Smith, Joe
Jehlickova, Bohumira and Morris, Richard
Jelfs, Anne and Kelly, Patrick
Jeong, W. S.; Nakagawa, T.; Yamamura, I.; Pearson, C. P.; Savage, R. S.; Lee, H. M.; Shibau, H.; Makiuti, S.; Baba, H.; Barthel, P.; Serjeant, S. and et., al.
Johnson, Hazel
Johnson, Hazel and Thomas, Alan
Johnson, Hazel and Thomas, Alan
Johnson, David
Johnson, Jeffrey and Iravani, Pejman
Joinson, Adam N. and Reips, Ulf-Dietrich
Jones, Ann and Issroff, Kim
Jones, Harriet; Yeoman, K. and Cockell, C.
Jones, M C and Yu, Keming
Jones, M. C.
Jones, M. C. and Henderson, D. A.
Jones, M.C.
Jones, Marc T. and Haigh, Matthew
Jones, Raymond C.F.; Berthelot, Didier J.C. and Iley, James N.
Jones, Raymond C.F.; Hollis, Stephen J. and Iley, James N.
Jones, Russell G.; Bui, Thi; White, Carl; Madesh, Muniswamy; Krawczyk, Connie M.; Lindsten, Tullia; Hawkins, Brian J.; Kubek, Sara; Frauwirth, Kenneth A.; Wang, Y. Lynn; Conway, Stuart J.; Roderick, H. Roderick; Bootman, Martin D.; Shen, Hao; Foskett, J. Kevin and Thompson, Craig B.
Jupp, Eleanor
Kale, Dinar and Little, Stephen E.
Kale, Dinar and Little, Steve
Kampschulte, T.; Schulze, J.; Luggenholscher, D.; Bowden, M. D. and Czarnetzki, U.
Kane, Jean S.; Potts, Philip J.; Meisel, Thomas and Wiedenbeck, Michael
Kaneda, H.; Suzuki, T.; Onaka, T.; Doi, Y.; Kawada, M.; Koo, B. C.; Makiutu, S.; Nakagawa, T.; Okada, Y.; Serjeant, S.; Shibai, H. and Shirahata, M.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kartal, M.; Molak, R.; Turski, M.; Gungor, S.; Fitzpatrick, M. E. and Edwards, L.
Katajainen, S.; Butters, O. W.; Norton, A. J.; Lehto, H.J. and Piirola, V.
Kawabata, Maiko
Kawada, Mitsunobu; Baba, Hajime; Barthel, Peter D.; Clements, David; Cohen, Martin; Doi, Yasuo; Figueredo, Elysandra; Fujiwara, Mikio; Goto, Tomotsugu; Hasegawa, Sunao; Hibi, Yasunori; Hirao, Takanori; Hiromoto, Norihisa; Jeong, Woong-Seob; Kaneda, Hidehiro; Kawai, Toshihide; Kawamura, Akiko; Kester, Do; Kii, Tsuneo; Kobayashi, Hisato; Kwon, Suk Minn; Lee, Hyung Mok; Makiuti, Sin'itirou; Matsuo, Hiroshi; Matsuura, Shuji; Muller, Thomas G.; Murakami, Noriko; Nagata, Hirohisa; Nakagawa, Takao; Narita, Masanao; Noda, Manabu; Oh, Sang Hoon; Okada, Yoko; Okuda, Haruyuki; Oliver, Sebastian; Ootsubo, Takafumi; Pak, Soojong; Park, Yong-Sun; Pearson, Chris P.; Rowan-Robinson, Michael; Saito, Toshinobu; Salama, Alberto; Sato, Shinji; Savage, Richard S.; Serjeant, Stephen; Shibai, Hiroshi; Shirahata, Mai; Sohn, Jungjoo; Suzuki, Toyoaki; Takagi, Toshinobu; Takahashi, Hidenori; Thomson, Matthew; Usui, Fumihiko; Verdugo, Eva; Watabe, Toyoki; White, Glenn J.; Wang, Lingyu; Yamamura, Issei; Yamauchi, Chisato and Yasuda, Akiko
Kear, K.L. and Heap, N.W.
Keery, John; Binley, Andrew; Crook, Nigel and Smith, Jonathan W.N.
Kelley, Simon
Kelly, A.; Safford, K. and Montgomerie, D.
Kelly, Bob and Bening, R. B.
Kelly, Bob and Bening, Raymond
Kemp, Bob and Jones, Chris
Kemp, David and Coe, Angela L.
Khan, S.; Schafer, R.A.; Serjeant, S.; Willner, S.P.; Pearson, C.P.; Benford, D.J.; Staguhn, J.G.; Moseley, S.H.; Sumner, T.J.; Asmby, M.L.N.; Borys, C.K.; Chanial, P.; Clements, D.L.; Dowell, C.D.; Dwek, E.; Fazio, G.G.; Kovaks, A.; Le Floc'h, E. and Silverberg, R.F.
Kilminster, Sue; Cottrell, David; Grant, Janet and Jolly, Brian
King, Peter
King, Bernardine; Wood, Clare and Faulkner, Dorothy
King, Jess; Harris, Nigel; Argles, Tom; Parrish, Randy; Charlier, Bruce; Sherlock, Sarah and Zhang, Hong Fei
Klein, J.; Permana, P. A; Owecki,, M; Chaldakov, G. N.; Böhm, M; Hausman, G; Lapière, C. M.; Anatassova, P; Sowinski, J; Fasshauer, M.; Hausman, D. B.; Maquoi, E; Tonchev, A. B.; Peneva, V. N.; Vlachanov, K. P.; Fiore, M; Aloe, L; Slominski, A; Reardon, C. L.; Ryan, T. J. and Pond, C. M.
Knightley, Wendy M and Whitelock, Denise M
Knightley, Wendy M.
Komaromy, Carol; Earle, Sarah; Lloyd, Cathy and Foley, Pam
Komaromy, C.; Earle, S.; Foley, P. and Lloyd, C.
Komaromy, Carol; Earle, Sarah; Lloyd, Cathy and Foley, Pam
Kopecky, J.; Vitvar, T.; Bournez, C. and Farrell, J.
Kosmala-Anderson, Joanna; Wallace, Louise M.; Dunn, Orla and Law, Susan
Krauss, O.; Wurm, G.; Mousis, O.; Petit, J.-M.; Horner, J. and Alibert, Y.
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Traxler, John and Pettit, John
Kurtz, Matthew
Kyberd, Peter J.; Poulton, Adrian S.; Sandsjo, Leif; Jonsson, Stewe; Jones, Ben and Gow, David
Kynan-Wilson, William
Lambourne, Robert
Lamy, Marie-Noelle
Langdridge, D
Langdridge, D.; Sheeran, P. and Connolly, K. J.
Lávička, Roman; O'Farrell, Anthony G. and Short, Ian
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Susan M.; Dunn, Orla M.; Wallace, Louise M. and Inch, Sally A.
Lawes, S. D. A.; Fitzpatrick, M. E. and Hainsworth, S. V
Le Roux, V.; Bodinier, J. L.; Tommasi, A.; Alard, O.; Dautria, J. M.; Vauchez, A. and Riches, A. J. V.
Lea, Mary R.
Lee, C.; Lewis, S. R. and Read, P. L.
Legge, Karen; Sullivan-Taylor, Bridgette and Wilson, David
Lehrer, David; Leschke, Janine; Lhachimi, Stefan; Vasiliu, Ana and Weiffen, Brigitte
Lehrer, David; Leschke, Janine; Lhachimi, Stefan; Vasiliu, Ana and Weiffen, Brigitte
Lenihan, P and Hegarty, P
Lennon, Robert; Riyat, Manjeet S.; Hilliam, Rachel; Anathkrishnan, G. and Alderson, Gerry
Lenton, T. M.; Marsh, R.; Price, A. R.; Lunt, D. J.; Aksenov, Y.; Annan, J. D.; Cooper-Chadwick, T.; Cox, S. J.; Edwards, N. R.; Goswami, S.; Hargreaves, J. C.; Harris, P. P.; Jiao, Z.; Livina, V. N.; Payne, A. J.; Rutt, I. C.; Shepherd, J. G.; Valdes, P. J.; Williams, G.; Williamson, M. S. and Yool, A.
Lepš, Jan; Doležal, Jiri; Bezemer, T. Martijn; Brown, Valerie K.; Hedlund, Katarina; Igual-Arroyo, Mariano; Jörgensen, Helene Bracht; Lawson, Clare S.; Mortimer, Simon R.; Peix-Geldart, Alvaro; Rodríguez Barrueco, Claudino; Santa Regina, Ignacio; Šmilauer, Petr and van der Putten, Wim H.
Levidow, Les
Levidow, Les and Carr, Susan
Levidow, Les and Carr, Susan
Levidow, Les; Murphy, Joseph and Carr, Susan
Lewis, S. R.; Read, P. L.; Conrath, B. J.; Pearl, J. C. and Smith, M. D.
Lewis, Timothy and Stickler, Ursula
Li, Cai Heng and Širáň, Jozef
Li, Nai and Kirkup, Gill
Lillis, Theresa and Scott, Mary
Limao-Vieira, P.; Vasekova, E.; Giuliani, A.; Lourenco, J. M. C.; Santos, P. M.; Duflot, D.; Hoffmann, S. V.; Mason, N.J.; Delwiche, J. and Hubin-Franskin, M. J.
Lister, T. A.; West, R. G.; Wilson, D. M.; Cameron, A. Collier; Clarkson, W. I.; Street, R. A.; Enoch, B.; Parley, N. R.; Christian, D. J.; Kane, S. R.; Evans, A.; Fitzsimmons, A.; Haswell, C. A.; Hellier, C.; Hodgkin, S. T.; Horne, K.; Irwin, J.; Keenan, F. P.; Norton, A. J.; Osborne, J.; Pollacco, D. L.; Ryans, R.; Skillen, I.; Wheatley, P. J. and Barnes, J. R.
Little, Brenda and Connor, Helen
Little, Brenda and Harvey, Lee
Liu, X. W. and Plumbridge, W. J.
Lloyd, Cathy and Banks, Duncan
Locke, William
Lopez, Vanessa; Uren, Victoria; Motta, Enrico and Pasin, Michele
Lorenz, Ralph D.; Zarnecki, John C.; Towner, Martin C.; Leese, Mark R.; Ball, Andrew J.; Hathi, Brijen; Hagermann, Axel and Ghafoor, Nadeem A. L
Lovegrove, Fiona E.; Gharib, Sina A.; Patel, Samir N.; Hawkes, Cheryl A.; Kain, Kevin C. and Liles, W. Conrad
Lucas, Patricia J.; Baird, Janis; Arai, Lisa; Law, Catherine and Roberts, Helen M.
Lucas, P.; Arai, L.; Baird, J.; Kleijnen, J.; Law, C. and Roberts, H.
Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Robinson, Elizabeth and Merry, Sally N.
Luck, Rachael
Luck, Rachael
Lukman, Suryani; He, Yulan and Hui, Siu-Cheung
Lunn, J. C.; Kuhnle, G.; Mai, V.; Frankenfeld, C.; Shuker, D.; Glen, R. C.; Goodman, J. M.; Pollock, J. R. A. and Bingham, S. A.
Luszczynska, Aleksandra and Gunson, Keely S. E.
Mačaj, Martin; Širáň, Jozef and Ipolyiová, Mária
Macdonald, R.; Rogers, N. W and Tindle, A. G.
Macel, M.; Lawson, C. S.; Mortimer, S. R.; Smilauerova, M.; Bischoff, A.; Cremieux, L.; Dolezal, J.; Edwards, A. R.; Lanta, V.; van der Putten, W. H.; Rodriguez Barrueco, C.; Muller-Scharer, H. and Steinger, T.
Mackay, Hugh
Mackenzie Ross, S.; Clark, J.; Harrison, Virginia and Abraham, K.
Mackie, Robin
Mackintosh, Maureen; Chataway, Joanna and Wuyts, Marc
Mackintosh, Maureen and Tibandebage, Paula
Mackintosh, R. S. and Keeley, N.
MacQueen, Hilary A.; Sadler, Dawn A.; Moore, Sharon A.; Daya, Sandeep; Brown, Jacqueline Y.; Shuker, David E.G.; Seaman, Michael and Wassif, Wassif S.
Maenhaut, Barbara; Wanless, Ian M. and Webb, Bridget S.
Maingueneau, Dominique and Angermuller, Johannes
Malerba, Franco; Nelson, Richard; Orsenigo, Luigi and Winter, Sidney
Malpass, Alice; Cloke, Paul; Barnett, Clive and Clarke, Nick
Mann, Theresa and Cornock, Marc A.
Marcu, A.; Lyons, E. and Hegarty, P.
Mark, Darren F.; Parnell, John; Kelley, Simon P. and Sherlock, Sarah C.
Marshall, Jim D.; Lang, Barbara; Crowley, Stephen F.; Weedon, Graham P.; van Calsteren, Peter; Fisher, Elizabeth H.; Holme, Richard; Jones, Richard T.; Bedford, Alan; Brooks, Steven J.; Bloemendal, Jan; Kiriakoulakis, Kostas and Ball, James D.
Martin, Dave; Coffin, Caroline and North, Sarah
Martin, David; Domingue, John; Brodie, Michael L. and Leymann, Frank
Martin, David; Domingue, John; Sheth, Amit; Battle, Steve; Sycara, Katia and Fensel, Dieter
Martins, Z.; Hoffmann, B.A.; Gnos, E.; Greenwood, R.C.; Verchovsky, A.; Franchi, I.A.; Jull, A.J.T; Botta, O.; Glavin, D.P.; Dworkin, J.P. and Ehrenfreund, P.
Massey, Doreen
Matravers, Derek
Matsuhara, Hideo; Wada, Takehiko; Pearson, Chris P.; Oyabu, Shinki; Im, Myungshin; Imai, Koji; Takagi, Toshinobu; Kang, Eugene; Hwang, Narae; Jeong, Woong-Seob; Lee, Hyung Mok; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Pak, Soojong; Serjeant, Stephen; Nakagawa, Takao; Hanami, Hitoshi; Inami, Hanae; Onaka, Takashi; Fujishiro, Naofumi; Ishihara, Daisuke; Ita, Yoshifusa; Kataza, Hirokazu; Kim, Woojung; Matsumoto, Toshio; Murakami, Hiroshi; Ohyama, Youichi; Sakon, Itsuki; Tanabe, Toshihiko; Uemizu, Kazunori; Ueno, Munetaka and Watarai, Hidenori
Matsuhara, H.; Wada, T.; Pearson, C. P.; Oyabu, S.; Im, M.; Imai, K.; Takagi, T.; Kang, E.; Hwang, N.; Jeong, W. S.; Serjeant, S. and et., al.
Matthews, Brenda C.; Greaves, Jane S.; Holland, Wayne S.; Wyatt, Mark C.; Barlow, Michael J.; Bastien, Pierre; Beichman, Chas. A.; Biggs, Andrew; Butner, Harold M.; Dent, William R. F.; Di Francesco, James; Dominik, Carsten; Fissel, Laura; Friberg, Per; Gibb, A. G.; Halpern, Mark; Ivison, R. J.; Jayawardhana, Ray; Jenness, Tim; Johnstone, Doug; Kavelaars, J. J.; Marshall, Jonathan L.; Phillips, Neil; Schieven, Gerald; Snellen, Ignas A. G.; Walker, Helen J.; Ward-Thompson, Derek; Weferling, Bernd; White, Glenn J.; Yates, Jeremy; Zhu, Ming and Craigon, Alison
Matthews, David; Shields, Emily and Jones, Rosie
Maybin, Janet
Maybin, Janet and Swann, Joan
Maybin, Janet and Swann, Joan
McAlpine, C; Gill, A and Hegarty, P
McFall, Liz
McGarvie, D. W.; Stevenson, J. A.; Burgess, R.; Tuffen, H. and Tindle, A. G.
McKellar, Elizabeth
McKellar, Elizabeth
McLaughlin, Eugene and Neal, Sarah
McMillan, Elizabeth and Carlisle, Ysanne
Mcmullan, Rachel and Nurrish, Stephen J.
McNab, F.; Rippon, G.; Hillebrand, A.; Singh, K. D. and Swithenby, S. J.
McNeill, E.; Conway, S. J.; Roderick, H. L.; Bootman, M. D. and Hogg, N.
Meglecz, E.; Anderson, S. J.; Bourguet, D.; Butcher, R.; Caldas, A.; Cassel-Lundhagen, A.; Coeur d'Acier, A.; Dawson, D. A.; Faure, N.; Fauvelot, C.; Franck, P.; Harper, G.; Keyghobadi, N.; Kluetsch, C.; Muthulakshmi, M.; Nagaraju, J.; Patt, A.; Petenian, F.; Silvain, J. F. and Wilcock, H. R.
Mehigan, James
Mehlig, B. and Wilkinson, M.
Mehlig, Bernhard; Uski, Ville and Wilkinson, Michael
Mikoviny, T.; Skalny, J. D.; Orszagh, J. and Mason, N. J.
Mileusnic, Radmila; Lancashire, Christine; Clark, Jonathan and Rose, Steven
Milios, John and Sotiropoulos, Dimitris
Miller, M. F.; Röckmann, T. and Wright, Ian
Millie, Andrew
Millie, Andrew
Millie, Andrew; Tombs, Jacqueline and Hough, Mike
Milne, Andrew; Sethares, William and Plamondon, James
Minocha, Shailey and Thomas, Peter G.
Missailidis, Sotiris and Perkins, Alan
Mitkov, Ruslan and Hallett, Catalina
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles and Mawdsley, Emma
Mohan, Giles and Yanacopulos, Helen
Molak, R. M.; Kartal, M.; Pakiela, Z.; Manaj, W.; Turski, M.; Hiller, S.; Gungor, S.; Edwards, L. and Kurzydłowski, K. J.
Mombauer, Annika
Moneta, Giovanni B.; Spada, Marcantonio M. and Rost, Felicitas M.
Montaneri, Beatriz; O'Donovan, Peter; Reelfs, Olivier; Perrett, Conal M; Zhang, Xiaohong; Xu, Yao-Zhong; Ren, Xiaolin; Macpherson, Peter; Frith, David and Karran, Peter
Montemurro, M.A.; Senatore, R. and Panzeri, S.
Montemurro, Marcelo A.; Panzeri, Stefano; Maravall, Miguel; Alenda, Andrea; Bale, Michael R.; Brambilla, Marco and Petersen, Rasmus S.
Montgomery, Heather
Moon, Bob
Mooney, Gerry
Moore, Elaine
Moore, Elaine and Widatallah, Hisham
Moore, James
Mor, Yishay and Winters, Niall
Mordelet, Elodie; Davies, Heather A.; Hillyer, Philippa; Romero, Ignacio A. and Male, David
Moreira, Rui; Valente, Claudia; Guedes, Rita C.; Iley, Jim; Jaffar, Mohammed and Douglas, Kenneth T.
Morgan, L. K.; Urquhart, J. S.; Thompson, M. A. and White, G. J.
Motzkau, Johanna F.
Mousis, O.; Petit, J.-M.; Wurm, G.; Krauss, O.; Alibert, Y. and Horner, J.
Mulchande, Jalmira; Martins, Luísa; Moreira, Rui; Archer, Margarida; Oliveira, Tania F. and Iley, Jim
Müller-Wood, Anja and Wood, J. Carter
Muno, M. P.; Gaensler, B. M.; Clark, J. S.; De Grijs, R.; Pooley, D.; Stevens, I. R. and Portegies Zwart, S. F.
Munoz, A.; Oller, J. C.; Blanco, F.; Gorfinkiel, J. D.; Limao-Vieira, P. and Garcia, G.
Munoz, A.; Oller, J.C.; Blanco, F.; Gorfinkiel, J.D. and Garcia, G.
Murakami, H.; Baba, H.; Barthel, P.; Clements, D. L.; Cohen, M.; Doi, Y.; Enya, K.; Figueredo, E.; Fujishiro, H.; Fujiwara, H.; Serjeant, S. and et., al.
Murji, Karim
Murji, Karim
Mutton, Trevor and Butcher, John
Nasta, Susheila and Boehmer, Elleke
Neal, Sarah and Walters, Sue
Neale, Derek
Neate, A. D. and Truman, A.
Neate, Andrew and Truman, Aubrey
Negrello, M.; Perrotta, F.; Gonzalez, J. González-Nuevo; Silva, L.; De Zotti, G.; Granato, G. L.; Baccigalupi, C. and Danese, L.
Newcombe, Suzanne
Newman, R. D.; Showler, A. J.; Harvey, M. C. and Showler, D. A.
Newman, Edwina
Newman, Edwina
Newman, Janet
Newman, Janet
Newman, Janet
Newman, Janet and Kuhlmann, Ellen
Newman, Janet and Mahony, Nick
Ngoasong, Michael Zisuh
Nicolosi, Valeria; Nellist, Peter D.; Sanvito, Stefano; Cosgriff, Eireann C.; Krishnamurthy, Satheesh; Blau, Werner J.; Green, Malcolm L. H.; Vengust, Damjan; Dvorsek, Damjan; Mihailovic, Dragan; Compagnini, Giuseppe; Sloan, Jeremy; Stolojan, Vlad; Carey, J. David; Pennycook, Stephen J. and Coleman, Jonathan N.
Nocera, Jose Abdelnour; Dunckley, Lynne and Sharp, Helen
Norberto, F.P.; Santos, S.P.; Iley, J.; Silva, D.B. and Corte Real, M.
Norman, Diana
Norman, Kay and Old, Clare
Norman, Kay; Parker-Norton, Melanie and Ranford-Mills, Melanie
North, Sarah
Norton, A. J. and Mukai, K.
Norton, A. J.; Wheatley, P. J.; West, R .G.; Haswell, C. A.; Street, R. A.; Collier Cameron, A.; Christian, D. J.; Clarkson, W. I.; Enoch, B.; Gallaway, M.; Hellier, C.; Horne, K. D.; Irwin, J.; Kane, S. R.; Lister, T. A.; Nicholas, J. P.; Parley, N. R.; Pollacco, D.; Ryans, R.; Skillen, I. and Wilson, D. M.
O'Brien, F. and Meadows, M.
O'Day, Rosemary
O'Dell, Lindsay
O'Halloran, Kieran
O'Halloran, Kieran
O'Halloran, Kieran
O'Neil, Toby
O'Sullivan, Terry
O'Sullivan, Terry
Oak, Eileen
Oates, John
Oates, John and Messer, David
Öberg, Karin I.; Fuchs, Guido W.; Awad, Zainab; Fraser, Helen J.; Schlemmer, Stephan; Van Dishoeck, Ewine F. and Linnartz, Harold
Öberg, K. I.; Fraser, H. J.; Boogert, A. C. A.; Bisschop, S. E.; Fuchs, G. W.; van Dishoeck, E. F. and Linnartz, H.
Okada, Alexandra
Oldfield, Stanley and Morse, David
Oliveira, Cristóvão and Wermelinger, Michel
Oliveira, Tânia F.; Mulchande, Jalmira; Moreira, Rui; Iley, Jim and Archer, Margarida
Oliver, Michael J. and Hamilton, Arran
Orszagh, Juraj; Skalny, Ján D and Mason, Nigel J.
Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji and Gehl Sampath, Padmashree
Page, David P.
Paine, Carina; Reips, Ulf-Dietrich; Stieger, Stefan; Joinson, Adam and Buchanan, Tom
Panagiotidis, Theodore and Rutledge, Emilie
Panzeri, Stefano; Senatore, Riccardo; Montemurro, Marcelo A. and Petersen, Rasmus S.
Papaioannou, Theodoros
Parker, Jan
Parker, Jan
Parker, Janet
Parkinson, Ian J.; Hammond, Samantha J.; James, Rachael H. and Rogers, Nick W.
Parnell, J.; Cullen, D.; Sims, M. R.; Bowde, S.; Cockell, C. S.; Court, R.; Ehrenfreund, P.; Gaubert, F.; Grant, W.; Parro, V.; Rohmer, M.; Sephton, M.; Stan-Lotter, H.; Steele, A.; Toporski, J. and Vago, J.
Parsonage, Catherine; Fadnes, Petter Frost and Taylor, James
Paton, Rob; Mordaunt, Jill and Cornforth, Chris
Patrick, Matthew R.; Harris, Andrew J. L.; Ripepe, Maurizio; Dehn, Jonathan; Rothery, David A. and Calvari, Sonia
Payler, Jane
Payler, Jane; Meyer, Edgar and Humphris, Debra
Pearce, D. A.; Cockell, C. S.; Lindstrom, E. S. and Tranvik, L. J.
Pearce, C. R.; Coe, A. L. and Hesselbo, S. P.
Pearson, V. K.; Kearlsey, A. T.; Sephton, M. A. and Gilmour, I.
Pedro, Luisa; Costa, Maria J. L.; de Matos, António P. Alves; Aires-Barros, Maria R.; Belo, José A.; Goncalves, João and Ferreira, Guilherme N. M.
Pegg, Ann Elizabeth
Pellissier, Aymeric; Bretonnière, Yann; Chatterton, Nicholas; Pécaut, Jacques; Delangle, Pascale and Mazzanti, Marinella
Peppard, Joe; Ward, John and Daniel, Elizabeth
Percival, John and Hanson, Julienne
Perkins, Alan and Missailidis, Sotiris
Pettit, John and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes
Pewsey, Arthur; Lewis, Toby and Jones, M. C.
Piatek, Jennifer L.; Hardgrove, Craig; Moersch, Jeffrey E.; Drake, Darrell M.; Wyatt, Michael B.; Rampey, Michael; Carlisle, Orion; Warren-Rhodes, Kim; Dohm, James M.; Hock, Andrew N.; Cabrol, Nathalie A.; Wettergreen, David S.; Grin, Edmond A.; Diaz, Guillermo Chong; Coppin, Peter; Weinstein, Shmuel; Cockell, Charles S.; Marinangeli, Lucia; Ori, Gian Gabriele; Smith, Trey; Jonak, Dominic; Wagner, Michael; Stubbs, Kristen; Thomas, Geb; Pudenz, Erin and Glasgow, Justin
Pine, Karen J.; Lufkin, Nicola; Kirk, Elizabeth and Messer, David
Pittaway, Mark
Piwek, Paul
Piwek, Paul and Van Deemter, Kees
Planet, R.; Pradas, M.; Hernández-Machado, A. and Ortín, J.
Plumbridge, W. J.
Plumbridge, W.J.
Plumbridge, W.J.
Plume, Rene; Fuller, G. A.; Helmich, F.; van der Tak, F. F. S.; Roberts,, H.; Bowey, J.; Buckle, J.; Butner, H.; Caux, E.; Ceccarelli, C.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Friberg, P.; Gibb, A. G.; Hatchell, J.; Hogerheijde, M. R.; Matthews, H.; Millar, T. J.; Mitchell, G.; Moore, T. J. T.; Ossenkopf, V.; Rawlings, J. M. C.; Richer, J.; Roellig, M.; Schilke, P.; Spaans, M.; Tielens, A. G. G. M.; Thompson, M. A.; Viti, S.; Weferling, B.; White, Glenn; Wouterloot, J.; Yates, J. and Zhu, M.
Polehampton, Edward T.; Baluteau, Jean-Paul; Swinyard, Bruce M.; Goicoechea, Javier R.; Brown, John M.; White, Glenn J.; Cernicharo, José and Grundy, Timothy W.
Popay, Jennie; Kowarzik, Ute; Mallinson, Sara; MacKian, Sara and Barker, Jacqui
Popay, Jennie; Kowarzik, Ute; Mallinson, Sara; MacKian, Sara and Barker, Jacqui
Popov, V.I.; Medvedev, N.I.; Patrushev, I.V.; Ignat'ev, D.A.; Morenkov, E.D. and Stewart, M.G.
Potter, Stephen
Powell, Craig R.; Haswell, Carole A. and Falanga, Maurizio
Power, Nicholas P.; Dalgarno, Scott J. and Atwood, Jerry L.
Power, Nicholas P.; Dalgarno, Scott J. and Atwood, Jerry L.
Power, Tom and Thomas, Rhodri
Pradas, Marc; López, Juan M. and Hernández-Machado, A.
Pratihar, S.; Ganguly, S.; James, J. A.; Fitzpatrick, M. E. and Edwards, L.
Pratto, F.; Korchmaros, J. D and Hegarty, P.
Price, Linda
Price, Linda; Richardson, John T. E. and Jelfs, Anne
Prieto, P. A.; Wright, D. K.; Qin, S. F. and Lim, S. W.
Priola, Vincenza
Pryke, Michael
Pryke, Michael and du Gay, Paul
Ptasinska, Sylwia and Sanche, Leon
Ptasinska, Sylwia and Sanche, Leon
Ptasinska, Sylwia and Sanche, Leon
Pun, Kit Fai and Hosein, Anesa
Queen, Catriona M.; Wright, Ben J. and Albers, Casper J.
Raghuram, Parvati
Ramsey, Caroline
Ray, Dwijesh; Iyer, Sridhar D.; Banerjee, Ranadip; Misra, Saumitra and Widdowson, Mike
Ray, Tim and Clegg, Stewart
Read, Peter L.; Yamazaki, Yasuhiro H.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Williams, Paul D.; Wordsworth, Robin; Miki-Yamazaki, Kuniko; Sommeria, Joel and Didelle, Henri
Reelfs, Olivier; Xu, Yao-Zhong; Massey, Andrew; Karran, Peter and Storey, Alan
Reeve, Fiona; Gallacher, Jim and Ingram, Robert
Renfrew, M. J.; Spiby, H.; D'Souza, L.; Wallace, L. M.; Dyson, L. and McCormick, F.
Revill, George
Reynolds, Jill
Reynolds, Jill; Wetherell, Margie and Taylor, Stephanie
Rezaie, Payam and Al-Sarraj, Safa
Ribbens McCarthy, Jane
Ribeiro, Lina; Silva, Nuno; Iley, Jim; Rautio, Jarkko; Järvinen, Tomi; Mota-Filipe, Hélder; Moreira, Rui and Mendes, Eduarda
Richardson, Carol M.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.; Dawson, Lesley; Sadlo, Gaynor; Jenkins, Virginia and McInnes, Janet
Richardson, John T. E.; Slater, John B. and Wilson, Jane
Ridgwell, A.; Hargreaves, J. C.; Edwards, N. R.; Annan, J. D.; Lenton, T. M.; Marsh, R.; Yool, A. and Watson, A.
Ringrose, T. J.; Patel, M. R.; Towner, M. C.; Balme, M.; Metzger, S. M. and Zarnecki, J. C.
Ritchie, Ani and Barker, Meg
Rix, Jonathan
Rix, Jonathan and Twining, Peter
Robbins, Peter T.
Robbins, Peter T. and Crow, Ben
Roberts, Gerrylynn K. and Simmons, Anna E.
Robertson, A.; Lycouris, S. and Johnson, J.H.
Robinson, Hugh; Segal, Judith and Sharp, Helen
Robson, James
Roderick, H. L.; Higazi, D. R.; Smyrnias, I.; Fearnley, C.; Harzheim, D. and Bootman, M. D.
Roderick, H. Llewelyn and Bootman, Martin D.
Rogers, Yvonne
Rose, Gillian
Rose, A.; Crabb, E.M.; Qian, Y.; Ravikumar, M.K.; Wells, P.; Wiltshire, R.J.K.; Yao, J.; Bilsborrow, R.; Mosselmans, F. a