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Ball, Andrew; Garry, James; Lorenz, Ralph and Kerzhanovich, Viktor (2007). Planetary Landers and Entry Probes. UK: Cambridge University Press.

Banks, Mark (2007). The politics of cultural work. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.

Barnes, Marion; Newman, Janet and Sullivan, Helen (2007). Power, participation and political renewal: Case studies in public participation. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Beinart, William and Hughes, Lotte (2007). Environment and Empire. Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Benton, Tim (2007). Le Corbusier conférencier. Paris, France: Editions Le Moniteur.

Carter, Simon (2007). Rise and Shine: Sunlight, Technology and Health. Oxford, UK: Berg Publishers Ltd.

Clark, Norman; Mugabe, John and Smith, James (2007). Biotechnology Policy in Africa. Nairobi: African Centre for Technology Studies.

Corrigan, Ray (2007). Digital Decision Making: Back to the Future. Springer-Verlag London Ltd.

Cremin, Teresa and Dombey, Henrietta (2007). Handbook of Primary English in Initial Teacher Education. Cambridge: NATE and UKLA.

Desmond, Adrian; Moore, James and Browne, Janet (2007). Charles Darwin. Very Interesting People. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (2007). The Birlinn companion to Scottish history. Edinburgh, UK: Birlinn Limited.

Earle, Sarah and Sharp, Keith (2007). Sex in Cyberspace: Men who pay for sex. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Fensel, D.; Lausen, H.; Polleres, A.; Bruijn, J.; Stollberg, M.; Roman, D. and Domingue, J. (2007). Enabling semantic web services: the Web service modelling ontology. Springer.

Finnegan, Ruth (2007). The oral and beyond: doing things with words in Africa. Oxford / Chicago: James Currey / University of Chicago Press.

Finnegan, Ruth (2007). The Hidden Musicians: Music-Making in an English Town (2nd ed.). Music/Culture series. Middletown, CT, USA: Wesleyan University Press.

Fletcher-Campbell, Felicity; Whitby, Karen; White, Kerensa and Chamberlain, Tamsin (2007). Review of International Literature on Admissions. Reading: CfBT.

Garner, Steve (2007). Whiteness: an introduction. London: Routledge.

Godfrey, Barry S.; Williams, Chris A. and Lawrence, Paul (2007). History and Crime. Key approaches to criminology. London, UK: Sage.

Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary (2007). Challenging E-Learning in the University: a Literacies Perspective. Maidenhead & New York: McGraw Hill, Society for Research into Higher Education, Open University Press.

Gray, Jeremy (2007). Worlds out of nothing: a course in the history of geometry in the 19th Century. Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series. London, UK: Springer.

Hazareesingh, Sandip (2007). The colonial city and the challenge of modernity: Urban hegemonies and civic contestations in Bombay (1900-1925). New Perspectives in South Asian History, 18. Andhra Pradesh, India: Orient Longman.

Holland, Caroline; Clark, Andrew; Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila (2007). Social interactions in urban public places. Public Spaces. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Holloway, Jacky and Thorpe, Richard (2007). Performance management: multi-disciplinary perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan.

Hope, Valerie (2007). Death in Ancient Rome: A sourcebook. London, UK: Routledge.

Ivinson, Gabrielle and Murphy, Patricia (2007). Rethinking single sex teaching. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.

James, M.; McCormick, R.; Black, P.; Carmichael, P.; Drummond, M. J.; Fox, A.; MacBeath, J.; Marshall, B.; Pedder, D.; Proctor, R.; Swaffield, S.; Swann, J. and Wiliam, D. (2007). Improving learning how to learn: Classrooms, schools and networks. TLRP Improving Learning Series. London, UK: Routledge.

Katritzky, M. A. (2007). Women, medicine and theatre 1500-1750: literary mountebanks and performing quacks. Studies in performance and early modern drama. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

King, Helen (2007). Midwifery, Obstetrics and the Rise of Gynaecology: The Uses of a Sixteenth-Century Compendium. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Aldershot: Ashgate.

King, Catherine E. (2007). Representing Renaissance Art 1500-1600. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.

Littlejohn, Allison and Pegler, Chris (2007). Preparing for Blended e-Learning. Connecting with e-Learning. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Massey, Doreen (2007). World city. UK: Polity Press.

Pacheco, Anita (2007). William Shakespeare: Coriolanus. Writers and their Work. Tavistock, Devon: Northcote House.

Peasgood, Alice and Goodwin, Mark (2007). Introducing Environment. Oxford University Press.

Perkins, Philip (2007). Etruscan Bucchero in the British Museum. British Museum Research Publication, 165. London, UK: The British Museum Press.

Phillips, Richard; Blackmore, Paul; Anderson, Jane; Clift, Mike; Aguilo-Rullan, Antonio and Pester, Steve (2007). Micro-wind turbines in urban environments - an assessment. Watford: BRE Press.

Pike, Jon (2007). Political Philosophy A-Z. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Prestage, Stephanie; Watson, Anne and De Geest, Els (2007). Pocket PAL: Building Learning in Mathematics. Pocket PAL (Network Contimuum). London, U.K.: Network Continuum Education.

Prokhovnik, Raia (2007). Sovereignties: Contemporary Theory and Practice. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Rose, Wendy and Barnes, J (2007). Improving Safeguarding Practice: A Study of Serious Case Reviews 2001-2003. London, UK: Department for Education and Skills.

Rossade, Klaus-Dieter (2007). "Dem Zeitgeist Erlegen": Benno von Wiese und der Nationalsozialismus. Studien zur Wissenschafts- und Universitätsgeschichte, 9. Heidelberg: Synchron (Wissenschaftsverlag der Autoren).

Rothery, D. A. (2007). Teach Yourself Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tsunamis. Teach Yourself General. London, UK: Hodder Education.

Rugg, Gordon and Petre, Marian (2007). A Gentle Guide to Research Methods. Maidenhead: Open University Prerss.

Safford, Kimberly and O'Sullivan, Olivia (2007). Their learning becomes your journey: Parents respond to children’s work in creative partnerships. UK: Centre for Literacy in Primary education.

Slapper, Gary (2007). How the Law Works. London: Collins.

Stefani, Lorraine; Mason, Robin and Pegler, Chris (2007). The educational potential of e-portfolios: Supporting personal development and reflective learning. Connecting with e-Learning. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Tickell, Alex (2007). Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things. Routledge Guides to Literature. Abingdon: Routledge.

Toynbee, Jason (2007). Bob Marley: Herald of A Postcolonial World? Celebrities. Cambridge, UK: Polity.

Tunstill, Jane; Aldgate, Jane and Hughes, Marilyn (2007). Improving Children's Services Networks: lessons from Family Centres. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

van Mourik, Carien (2007). Globalisation and the role of financial accounting information in Japan. Tinbergen Institute Research Series (399). Netherlands: Thela Thesis.

Warren, John; Lawson, Clare and Belcher, Kenneth (2007). The Agri-Environment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Winters, Ben (2007). Erich Wolfgang Korngold’s The Adventures of Robin Hood: A Film Score Guide. Scarecrow Film Score Guides, 6. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.

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Aldgate, Jane; Healy, Lynne; Malcolm, Barris; Pine, Barbara; Rose, Wendy and Seden, Janet eds. (2007). Enhancing Social Work Management: Theory and Best Practice from the UK and the USA. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishing.

Blakeley, Georgina and Bryson, Valerie eds. (2007). The impact of feminism on political concepts and debates. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Bond, John; Peace, Sheila M.; Dittmar-Kohli, Freya and Westerhof, Gerben eds. (2007). Ageing in society, 3rd edition. London: Sage.

Boyle, Godfrey ed. (2007). Renewable electricity and the grid: the challenge of variability. London, UK: Earthscan Publications Ltd.

Brown, Vivienne ed. (2007). The Adam Smith Review. The Adam Smith Review, 3. London and New York: Routledge.

Chataway, Joanna and James, Wilmot eds. (2007). Biotechnology and Health: South Africa's aspirations in health-related biotechnology. Pretoria, South Africa: Van Schaik.

Clayton, Martin ed. (2007). Music, words, and voice: A reader. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Clayton, Martin and Zon, Bennett eds. (2007). Music and Orientalism in the British Empire, 1780s to 1940s: Portrayal of the East. Music in 19th-Century Britain. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Conole, Grainne and Oliver, Martin eds. (2007). Contemporary perspectives in e-learning research: themes, methods and impact on practice. The Open and Flexible Learning Series. London, UK: Routledge.

Crone, Rosalind; Gange, David and Jones, Katy eds. (2007). New Perspectives in British Cultural History. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Earle, Sarah; Lloyd, Cathy; Sidell, Moyra and Spurr, Sue eds. (2007). Theory and Research in Promoting Public Health. London, UK: Sage.

Elliott, David ed. (2007). Nuclear or not? Does nuclear power have a place in a sustainable energy future? Energy, Climate and the Environment Series. Basingstoke UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Emlyn-Jones, Chris ed. (2007). Plato, Republic 1-2.368c4. Aris and Phillips Classical Commenatries Series. Oxford, UK: Oxbow Books.

Faltin, Lucia and Wright, Melanie J. eds. (2007). The religious roots of contemporary European identity. T&T Clark Theology. London, UK: Continuum.

Goodman, Sharon; Graddol, David and Lillis, Theresa eds. (2007). Re-designing English. London, UK: Routledge.

Graddol, David; Leith, Dick; Swann, Joan; Rhys, Martin and Gillen, Julia eds. (2007). Changing English. London, UK: Routledge.

Grell, Ole Peter and Cunningham, Andrew eds. (2007). Medicine and Religion in Enlightenment Europe. History of medicine in context. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Gupta, Suman and Omoniyi, Tope eds. (2007). The cultures of economic migration: international perspectives. Studies in Migration and Diaspora. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Hammersley, Martyn ed. (2007). Educational Research and Evidence-based Practice. In association with the Open University. London: Sage.

Hardwick, Lorna and Gillespie, Carol eds. (2007). Classics in Post-Colonial Worlds. Classical Presences. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Hardwick, Lorna and Stray, Christopher eds. (2007). A Companion to Classical Receptions. Oxford, UK: Wiley - Blackwell.

Kehily, M.J. ed. (2007). Understanding youth: Perspectives, identities and practices. Youth: Perspectives and Practice. London: Sage/The Open University.

Locke, William and Teichler, Ulrich eds. (2007). The changing conditions for academic work and careers in select countries. Werkstattberichte (66). Kassel, Germany: International Centre for Higher Education Research.

Maybin, Janet; Mercer, Neil and Hewings, Ann eds. (2007). Using English. London, UK: Routledge.

McKendrick, John H.; Mooney, Gerry; Dickie, John and Kelly, Peter eds. (2007). Poverty in Scotland 2007. London, UK: Child Poverty Action Group.

Mercer, Neil; Swann, Joan and Mayor, Barbara eds. (2007). Learning English. London, UK: Routledge.

Missailidis, Sotiris ed. (2007). The Cancer Clock. Chicester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Mytelka, Lynn ed. (2007). Innovation and economic development. London: Edward Elgar.

NicNeacail, Mairead and MacIver, Matthew eds. (2007). Foghlam Tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Policy and Practice in Education. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press.

Oates, John ed. (2007). Attachment Relationships: Quality of Care for Young Children. Early Childhood in Focus, 1. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.

Oates, John ed. (2007). Kötődési kapcsolatok. Early Childhood in Focus, 1. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.

Oliver, Michael J. and Aldcroft, Derek H. eds. (2007). Economic Disasters of the Twentieth Century. Edward Elgar.

Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth ed. (2007). A practical guide to teaching design & technology in the secondary school. A practical guide to teaching in the secondary school. London, UK: Routledge.

Owens, W. R. and Sim, Stuart eds. (2007). Reception, Appropriation, Recollection: Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Religions and Discourse, 33. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.

Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji and McCormick, Dorothy eds. (2007). Industrial clusters and innovation systems in Africa. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.

Roberts, Jane ed. (2007). Environmental Policy. Critical concepts in the environment, 1. Abingdon: Routledge.

Roberts, Jane ed. (2007). Environmental Policy. Critical Concepts in the Environment, 2. Abingdon: Routledge.

Roberts, Jane ed. (2007). Environmental Policy. Critical Concepts in the Environment, 3. Abingdon: Routledge.

Roberts, Jane ed. (2007). Environmental Policy. Critical Concepts in the Environment, 4. Abingdon: Routledge.

Roth, Ilona ed. (2007). Imaginative Minds. Proceedings of the British Academy, 147. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Saward, Michael ed. (2007). Democracy. Critical Concepts in Political Science. London/New York: Routledge.

Toates, F. ed. (2007). Pain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Towheed, Shafquat ed. (2007). New Readings in the Literature of British India, c.1780-1947. Studies in English Literatures, Koray Melikoglu (ed.), 9. Stuttgart, Germany: Ibidem Verlag.

Towheed, Shafquat ed. (2007). The Correspondence of Edith Wharton and Macmillan, 1901-1930. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

TRANSIT MIGRATION, Forschungsgruppe and Andrijasevic, Rutvica eds. (2007). Turbulente Ränder. Neue Perspektiven auf Migration an den Grenzen Europas. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.

Tyler, Sheila ed. (2007). The Manager's Good Study Guide (3rd ed.). Milton Keynes: Open University Worldwide.

Warren, J. P. ed. (2007). Managing Transport Energy. Power for a Sustainable Future, 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press, in association with The Open University.

Wetherell, Margaret; Lafleche, Michelynn and Berkeley, Robert eds. (2007). Identity, ethnic diversity and community cohesion. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

White, Stephen; Batt, Judy and Lewis, Paul G. eds. (2007). Developments in Central and East European politics 4. Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Wilkinson, Robert ed. (2007). New Essays in Comparative Aesthetics. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press.

Woodhead, Martin and Moss, Peter eds. (2007). Early Childhood and Primary Education: Transitions in the Lives of Young Children. Early Childhood in Focus (2). Milton Keynes: Open University.

Elliott, David ed. (2007). Sustainable Energy: Opportunities and Limitations. Energy, Climate and the Environment. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Philpott, Christopher and Spruce, Gary eds. (2007). Learning to Teach Music in the Secondary School. London, UK: Routledge.

Karmakar, Gour and Dooley, Laurence S. eds. (2007). Mobile Multimedia Communications: Concepts, Applications, and Challenges. 1. USA: Information Science Reference, pp. 185–206.

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Aczel, James; Hardy, Pascale; Meiszner, Andreas; Staniland, Karen; Maillet, Katherine; Medina, Sara and Iggulden, Helen (2007). Identifying Innovation and Success Factors in Higher Education eLearning Strategies. In: Bernath, Ulrich and Sangrà, Albert eds. Research on competence development in online distance education and e-learning - Selected papers from the 4th EDEN Research Workshop in Castelldefels/Spain, October 25 - 28, 2006. Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag, pp. 141–156.

Albers, Casper; Critchley, Frank and Gower, John (2007). Group average representations in Euclidean distance cones. In: Brito, Paula; Bertrand, Patrice; Cucumel, Gucumel and de Carvalho, Francisco eds. Selected Contributions in Data Analysis and Classification. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 445–454.

Albright, James; Walsh, Christopher S. and Purohit, Kiran D. (2007). Towards a theory of practice: critical transdisciplinarymultiliteracies. In: McInerney, Dennis M.; Van Etten, Shawn and Dowson, Martin eds. Standards in Education. Research on sociocultural influences on motivation and learning. Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.: IAP - Information Age Publishing, pp. 93–116.

Alovskaya, A; Alekseeva, T; Phillips, JB; King, V and Brown, R (2007). Fibronectin, Collagen, Fibrin - Components of Extracellular Matrix for Nerve Regeneration. In: Ashammakhi, N.; Reis, R. L. and Chiellini, E. eds. Topics in tissue engineering, Volume 3. Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Group.

Andrijasevic, Rutvica (2007). Tra Lampedusa e la Libia. Storie di internamenti e deportazioni. In: Agenzia X ed. Internamenti, CPT e altri campi. Conflitti globali, 4. Milan, Italy: Agenzia X, pp. 145–156.

Andrijasevic, Rutvica (2007). Ost-, ostmittel- und südosteuropäische Prostituierte in West-, Mittel-, Nord- und Südeuropa seit den 1980er Jahren. In: Bade, K. J.; Emmer, P. C.; Lucassen, L. and Oltmer, J. eds. Enzyklopaedie Migration in Europa. Vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Schoeningh: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, pp. 835–838.

Andrijasevic, Rutvica (2007). Problematizing Trafficking for the Sex Sector: A Case of Eastern European Women in the EU. In: van Walsung, Sarah and Spijkerboer, Thomas eds. Women and Immigration Law: New Variations on Classical Feminist Themes. UK: Glasshouse Press, pp. 86–103.

Andrijasevic, Rutvica (2007). Das zur Schau gestellte Elend. Gender, Migration und Repräsentation in Kampagnen gegen Menschenhandel. In: Transitmigration, Forschungsgruppe ed. Turbulente Ränder Neue Perspektiven auf Migration an den Grenzen Europas. Bielefeld: Transcript.

Araya, Yoseph Negusse and Garcia-Baquero, Gonzalo (2007). Ecology of Water Relations in Plants. In: ed. Encyclopaedia of life sciences [26 vol. set]. Wiley.

Ariyo, O. O; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J. (2007). Unpleasant surprises in the design of complex products: why do changes propagate? In: Design Engineering Division, ASME and Computers and Information in Engineering Division, ASME eds. Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2006. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Baldwin, Michael; Harrison, Charles and Ramsden, Mel (2007). Emergency Conditionals. In: Goldie, Peter and Schellekens, Elisabeth eds. Philosophy and Conceptual Art. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 257–266.

Ball, Kirstie (2007). Call Centres. In: Clegg, Stewart R. and Bailey, James R. eds. International Encyclopaedia of Organization Studies. London, UK: Sage.

Banks, Frank (2007). International collaborative case studies: Developing professional thinking for technology teachers. In: Middleton, Howard ed. Researching technology education: Methods and techniques. International Technology Education Series. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers, pp. 28–45.

Banks, Frank (2007). Creating and Effective Learning Environment. In: Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth ed. A Practical Guide to Teaching Design and Technology in the Secondary School. Routledge Teaching Guides. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 85–94.

Banks, Frank and Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth (2007). The role of making in design and technology. In: Barlex, David ed. Design and technology for the next generation: A collection of provocative pieces, written by experts in their field to stimulate reflection and curriculum innovation. Whitchurch, UK: Cliffe & Company.

Barker, Meg (2007). Heteronormativity and the exclusion of bisexuality in psychology. In: Clarke, Victoria and Peel, Elizabeth eds. Out in Psychology: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Queer Perspectives. Chichester, UK: Wiley, pp. 86–118.

Barker, Meg (2007). Turning the world upside down: Developing a tool for training about SM. In: Langdridge, Darren and Barker, Meg eds. Safe, Sane and Consensual: Contemporary Perspectives on Sadomasochism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 261–270.

Barker, Meg; Iantaffi, Alessandra and Gupta, Camel (2007). Kinky clients, kinky counselling? The challenges and potentials of BDSM. In: Moon, Lindsey ed. Feeling Queer or Queer Feelings: Radical Approaches to Counselling Sex, Sexualities and Genders. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 106–124.

Barker, Emma (2007). Putting the viewer in the frame: Greuze as sentimentalist. In: Conisbee, Philip ed. French Genre Painting in the Eighteenth Century. Studies in the History of Art, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 72. New Haven, US: Yale University Press, pp. 105–127.

Barker, Meg; Gupta, Camelia and Iantaffi, Alessandra (2007). The power of play: The potentials and pitfalls in healing narratives of BDSM. In: Langdridge, Darren and Barker, Meg eds. Safe, Sane and Consensual: Contemporary Perspectives on Sadomasochism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 197–216.

Batista, Luciano (2007). CRM Practices and Resources for the Development of Customer-focused Multinational Organizations. In: O'Sullivan, Kevin ed. Strategic Knowledge Management in Multinational Organizations. New York, USA: IGI Global / Information Science Reference, pp. 227–255.

Baumann, Uwe (2007). Developing autonomy and intercultural competence in a distance learning environment. In: Gardner, David ed. Learner autonomy: integration and support. Learner autonomy, 10. Dublin: Authentik Language Learning Resources Ltd, pp. 93–112.

Beaumont, Kythe; Douglas, Jenny; Heller, Tom and Jones, Linda (2007). Making and changing healthy public policy. In: Lloyd, Cathy E.; Handsley, Stephen; Douglas, Jenny; Earle, Sarah and Spurr, Sue eds. Policy and Practice in Promoting Public Health. London: Sage/OU, pp. 65–93.

Bebbington, Anthony and Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith (2007). Conclusiones: Minería, neoliberalización y reterritorialización. In: Bebbington, Anthony ed. Minería, movimientos sociales y respuestas campesinas. Lima, Peru: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos and CEPES, pp. 281–313.

Bell, L. and Birch, M. (2007). Interweaving academic and professional power in higher education. In: Gillies, Val and Lucey, Helen eds. Power knowledge and the academy; the institution is political. UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 70–87.

Bell, Simon and Wood-Harper, Trevor (2007). Story telling in Action Research projects: Malta, Bangladesh, Lebanon and Slovenia. In: Kock, Ned ed. Information Systems Action Research: Bridging the Industry-University Technology Gap. New York: Springer, pp. 161–192.

Beswick, Kim; Watson, Anne and De Geest, Els (2007). Describing Mathematics departments: the strengths and limitations of complexity theory and activity theory. In: Watson, J. and Beswick, K. eds. Mathematics: Essential Research, Essential Practice, Volume 1. Adelaide, Austalia: MERGA, pp. 113–122.

Birch, Maxine (2007). Behind the scenes. In: Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Leavy, Patricia Linda eds. Feminist Research Practice: A Primer. Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 149–153.

Blackmore, B. S. and Blackmore, C. P. (2007). People, Robots and Systemic Decision Making. In: Stafford, J. V. ed. Precision agriculture '07. Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 433–439.

Blackmore, Chris and Ison, Ray (2007). Boundaries for thinking in action. In: Blackmore, Christine and Ison, Raymond eds. Research Skills for Policy and Development: How to Find Out Fast. London, UK: Sage Publications, pp. 47–71.

Blakeley, Georgina (2007). Democracy and Democratisation. In: Blakeley, Georgina and Bryson, Valerie eds. The impact of feminism on political concepts and debates. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, pp. 92–109.

Blundel, Richard (2007). Critical realism: a suitable vehicle for entrepreneurship research? In: Neergaard, Helle and Ulhoi, John Parm eds. Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 49–74.

Bowman, Marion (2007). Å følge strømmen. Moderne pilegrimsferd I Glastonbury [To follow the flow. Modern Pilgrimage to Glastonbury]. In: Gilhus, Ingvild Sælid and Kraft, Siv Ellen eds. Religiøse reiser. Mellom gamle spor og nye mål. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, pp. 51–62.

Boyle, Godfrey (2007). A Tale of Two Countries: Non-Nuclear Sustainable Energy Futures for the Germany and the UK. In: Elliott, David ed. Nuclear or not?: Does nuclear power have a place in a sustainable energy future? Energy, Climate and the Environment. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 183–196.

Boyle, Godfrey (2007). Non-nuclear sustainable energy futures for Germany and the UK. In: Elliott, David ed. Nuclear or not? Does nuclear power have a place in a sustainable energy future? London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 183–196.

Bragg, Sara (2007). What Kevin knows: students' challenges to critical pedagogical thinking. In: Nowak, Anita; Abel, Sue and Ross, Karen eds. Rethinking Media Education: Critical Pedagogy and Identity Politics. The Hampton Press Communication Series: Women, Culture and Mass Communication. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, pp. 57–75.

Bragg, Sara (2007). “It's not about systems, it's about relationships”: building a listening culture in a primary school. In: Thiessen, D and Cook-Sather, A eds. The International Handbook of Student Experience of Elementary and Secondary School. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 659–680.

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Brennan, John (2007). The Academic profession and increasing expectations of relevance. In: Kogan, Maurice and Teichler, Ulrich eds. Key Challenges to the Academic Profession. Werkstattberichte des INCHER-Kassel (Workshop Reports of the INCHER ) (65). Kassel, Germany: International Centre for Higher Education Research/UNESCO Forum on Higher Education Research and Knowledge, pp. 19–28.

Brennan, John; Locke, William and Naidoo, Rajani (2007). United Kingdom: an increasingly differentiated profession. In: Locke, William and Teichler, Ulrich eds. The Changing Conditions for Academic Work and Career in Selected Countries. Werkstattberichte. Kassel, Germany: International Centre for Higher Education Research.

Brennan, John (2007). The Multiple Functions of Evaluation and Quality Assessment. In: Cavalli, A. ed. Quality Assessment for Higher Education in Europe: Problems, Practices and Solutions. London, UK: Portland Press, pp. 17–26.

Brennan, John (2007). The rise of the evaluative society and the legitimisation of 'difference' in UK higher education. In: Enders, Jurgen and van Vught, Frans eds. Towards a cartography of higher education policy change. Enschede, NL: Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), pp. 105–111.

Brennan, John (2007). On Researching Ourselves: the difficult case of autonomy in researching higher education. In: Kayrooz, C.; Akerlind, G. and Tight, M. eds. Autonomy in Social Science University Research: The View from United Kingdom and Australian Universities. International Perspectives on Higher Education Research, 4. UK: Elsevier, pp. 167–182.

Brennan, John (2007). Equity, quality and employability - lessons from the United Kingdom. In: Kehm, Barbara M. ed. Looking back to look forward. Analyses of higher education after the Turn of the millennium. Kassel, Germany: INCHER-Kassel, pp. 31–42.

Brown, Richard Danson (2007). Everyman’s progresses: Louis MacNeice’s dialogues with Bunyan. In: Owens, W. R. and Sim, Stuart eds. Reception, Appropriation, Recollection: Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Religions and discourse (33). Oxford, UK: Peter Lang, pp. 147–163.

Buckingham Shum, Simon (2007). Hypermedia Discourse: Contesting networks of ideas and arguments. In: Priss, U.; Polovina, S. and Hill, R. eds. Conceptual Structures: Knowledge Architectures for Smart Applications. Berlin: Springer, pp. 29–44.

Budelmann, Felix (2007). Trojan Women in Yorubaland: Femi Osofisan's Women of Owu. In: Hardwick, Lorna and Gillespie, Carol eds. Classics in Post-Colonial Worlds. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 15–39.

Caddell, Martha (2007). Education and Change: A Historical Perspective on Schooling, Development and the Nepali Nation-State. In: Kumar, Krishna and Oesterheld, Joachim eds. Education and Social Change in South Asia. New Delhi: Orient Longman, pp. 251–284.

Caddell, Martha (2007). Private Schools and Political Conflict in Nepal. In: Srivastava, Prachi and Walford, Geoffrey eds. Private Schooling in Less Economically Developed Countries: Asian and African Perspectives. Oxford Studies in Comparative Education. Didcot, UK: Symposium, pp. 187–207.

Campoli, Alessandra (2007). Chintamani: Il Gioiello degli Dei. In: Macioce, Stefania ed. Ori nell'Arte: Per una storia del potere segreto delle gemme. Roma: Logart Press, pp. 144–161.

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