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Abdoul-Carime, Hassan; Limao-Vieira, Paulo; Gohlke, Sascha; Petrushko, Irina; Mason, Nigel J. and Illenberger, Eugen (2004). Sensitization of 5-bromouridine by slow electrons. Chemical Physics Letters, 393(4-6) pp. 442–447.

Abedi, A.; Cicman, P.; Coupier, B.; Gulejová, B.; Buchanan, G. A.; Marston, G.; Mason, N. J.; Scheier, P. and Märk, T. D. (2004). Dissociative electron impact ionization of N2O5. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 232(2) pp. 147–150.

Achtman, Ariel H. (2004). The B cell response to Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi malaria in the mouse model. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Adamowicz, E.; Borsi, B.; Cahil, E.; Devai, K.; Fazlagic, A.; Filacek, A.; Gallagher, N.; Jablecka, J.; Papaioannou, T.; Papanek, G.; Jozwiak, J.; Kedro, M.; Kurzydlowski, K.; Kultaca, D.; Loudin, J.; Mensink, W.; Micallef, j.; Papp, E.; Perenyi, A.; Restall, B.; Rush, H.; Schich, K.; Stanovnik, P. and Usenik, H. (2004). The RECORD experimental map: innovative research organisations in European accession countries.

Adamowicz, E.; Borsi, B.; Cahill, E.; Devai, K.; Fazlagic, A.; Filacek, A.; Gallagher, N.; Jablecka, J.; Jozwiak, J.; Kedro, M.; Kurzydlowski, K.; Kutlaca, D.; Loudin, J.; Mensink, W.; Micallef, J.; Papaioannou, T.; Papanek, G.; Papp, E.; Perenyi, A.; Restall, B.; Rush, H.; Schuch, K.; Stanovnik, P. and Usenik, H. (2004). The RECORD manual: Benchmarking innovative research organisations in European accession countries.

Adams, Anne; Attfield, Simon and Blandford, Ann (2004). Have digital resources taken a wrong turn on the health information journey. In: Health Digital Libraries Workshop (HDL04) at ECDL '04, 16 Sep 2004, University of Bath, Bath, UK.

Adams, Anne and Kostokova, Patty (2004). Healthcare digital libraries workshop - HDL 2004. D-Lib Magazine, 10(10)

Aderson, Samantha J. N. (2004). Magma Convective Recharge In Volcanic Systems. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Afonso-Luis, A.; Hatziminaoglou, E.; Pérez-Fournon, I.; González-Solares, E. A.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Vaccari, M.; Lari, C.; Serjeant, S.; Oliver, S.; Hernán-Caballero, A. and Montenegro-Montes, F. M. (2004). A study of the 15-μm quasars in the ELAIS N1 and N2 fields. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 354(4) pp. 961–970.

Ainsworth, Shaaron E. and Van Labeke, Nicolas (2004). Multiple forms of dynamic representation. Learning and Instruction, 14(3) pp. 241–255.

Aisbitt, Sally (2004). Why did(n't) the accountant cross the road? Towards a model of European enforcement of International Financial Reporting Standards. In: Emerging Issues in International Accounting & Business Conference, Department of Economic Sciences, 2 Jun 2004, University of Padova, Italy.

Al-Halabi, A.; Fraser, H. J.; Kroes, G. J. and van Dishoeck, E. F. (2004). Adsorption of CO on amorphous water-ice surfaces. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 422(3) pp. 777–791.

Al-Kuzee, J.; Matsuura, T.; Goodyear, A.; Nolle, L.; Hopgood, A. A.; Picton, P. D. and Braithwaite, N. St.J. (2004). Optimization of plasma etch processes using evolutionary search methods with in situ diagnostics. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 13(4) pp. 612–622.

Al-Sarraj, S.; Mohamed, S.; Kibble, M. and Rezaie, P. (2004). Subdural hematoma (SDH): assessment of macrophage reactivity within the dura mater and underlying hematoma. Clinical Neuropathology, 23(2) pp. 62–75.

Alani, Harith; Kim, Sanghee; Millard, David E.; Weal, Mark J.; Hall, Wendy; Lewis, Paul H. and Shadbolt, Nigel (2004). Using Protege for automatic ontology instantiation. In: 7th International Protégé Conference, 6-9 Jul 2004, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.

Albelda, Randy; Himmelweit, Susan and Humphries, Jane (2004). The dilemmas of lone motherhood: key issues for feminist economics. Feminist Economics, 10(2) pp. 1–7.

Albers, Albert; Ohmer, Manfred and Eckert, Claudia (2004). Engineering design in a different way: cognitive perspective on the contact and channel model approach. In: Visual and Spatial Reasoning in Design, 22-23 Jul 2003, University of Sydney, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Alderton, Tony; Bloor, Michael; Kahveci, Erol; Lane, Tony; Sampson, Helen; Thomas, Michelle; Winchester, Nik; Wu, Bin and Zhao, Minghua (2004). The Global Seafarer: Living and Working Conditions in Globalized Industry. Geneva: ILO.

Aldoshin, S.M.; Berry, Frank; Zakharov, A.V.; Sadekov, I.D.; Safoklov, G.V.; Tkachev, V.V.; Shilov, G.V. and Minkin, V.I. (2004). Intramolecular O -> Te and N -> Te coordination bonds in molecules of beta-tellurocyclohexenals and their nitrogen analogs. Russian Chemical Bulletin, 53(1) pp. 66–73.

Alexander, Gary (2004). Online tools for a sustainable collaborative economy knowledge management. In: Scharl, Arno ed. Environmental Online Communications. Advanced Information and Knowledge processing. UK: Springer.

Ali, Ameer; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2004). Image segmentation using fuzzy clustering incorporating spatial information. In: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA '04), 16-18 Feb 2004, Innsbruck, Austria.

Ali, Ameer; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2004). Fuzzy Image Segmentation using Suppressed Fuzzy C-Means Clustering (SFCM). In: International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 26-28 Dec 2004, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Ali, Syed Mustafa (2004). “The end of the Dreyfus affair”: (post)Heideggerian meditations on man, machine, and meaning. In: Gorayska, Barbara and Mey, Jacob L. eds. Cognition And Technology: co-existence, convergence and co-evolution. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co., pp. 333–344.

Allen, Barbara (2004). Pupils’ perspectives on learning mathematics. In: Allen, Barbara and Johnston-Wilder, Sue eds. Mathematics Education: Exploring the culture of learning. UK: Routledge, pp. 233–242.

Allen, John (2004). The whereabouts of power: politics, government and space. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 86(1) pp. 19–32.

Almeida, N. A.; Benilov, M. S.; Franklin, Raoul and Naidis, G. V. (2004). Transition from a fully ionized plasma to an absorbing surface. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 37(22) pp. 3107–3116.

Ambler, Tim; Braeutigam, Sven; Stins, John; Rose, Steven and Swithenby, Stephen (2004). Salience and choice: neural correlates of shopping decisions. Psychology and Marketing, 21(4) pp. 247–261.

Anand, M.; Mullane, E. and Grady, M. (2004). Fe isotopes in Martian meteorites: role of water and possibility of life on Mars. In: Second Conference on Early Mars: Geologic, Hydrologic, and Climatic Evolution and the Implications for Life, 11-15 Oct 2004.

Anand, Mahesh; Taylor, Lawrence A.; Misra, Kula C.; Carlson, William D. and Sobolev, Nikolai V. (2004). Nature of diamonds in Yakutian eclogites: views from eclogite tomography and mineral inclusions in diamonds. Lithos, 77(1-4) pp. 333–348.

Anand, Mahesh; Taylor, Lawrence A.; Nazarov, Mikhail A.; Shu, J.; Mao, H.-K. and Hemley, Russell J. (2004). Space weathering on airless planetary bodies: clues from the lunar mineral hapkeite. PNAS, 101(18) pp. 6847–6851.

Anand, Pallavi; Kroon, D.; Elderfield, H.; Ganssen, G. and Brise, S. E. A. (2004). Water mass evolution at intermediate depths off somalia for the past 31 kyr based on the benthic foraminiferal chemistry. In: 8th International conference on Paleoceanography, Sep 2004, Biarritz.

Anderson, Ian; Kaplan, Claude; Mottram, Toby; Taylor, Stephen Russell and Velasco, Maria (2004). DETECTING APPARATUS. Well Cow Limited, PCT/GB2003/004391.

Anderson, Jane; Jansz, Antonia; Steele, Kristian; Thistlethwaite, Paul; Bishop, Gordon and Black, Adam (2004). Green Guide to Composites: an environmental profiling system for composite materials and products. Watford: BRE Press.

Anderson, Lesley (2004). Decentralization, autonomy and school improvement. In: Coleman, Marianne and Earley, Peter eds. Leadership and management in education: cultures, change, and context. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Andersson, Gavin Michael (2004). Unbounded governance : a study of popular development organization. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Angelats I Coll, M.; Forget, F.; Lopez-Valverde, M.A.; Read, P.L. and Lewis, S.R. (2004). Upper atmosphere of Mars up to 120 km: Mars Global Surveyor accelerometer data analysis with the LMD general circulation model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 109 E01011.

Anner, Mark; Greer, Ian; Hauptmeier, Marco; Lillie, Nathan and Winchester, Nik (2004). Industrial determinants of transnational solidarity: global union politics in shipping, autos and apparel. In: Union Renewal in an International Economy, 14-15 May 2004, Brussels.

Antoniu, Manuela (2004). On hunger and the phagic in architecture : gaping, sectioning. The Open University.

Antony, B. K.; Joshipura, K. N. and Mason, N. J. (2004). Electron impact ionization studies with aeronomic molecules. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 233(1-3) pp. 207–214.

Antony, B. K.; Joshipura, K. N.; Mason, N. J. and Tennyson, Jonathan (2004). R-matrix calculation of low-energy electron collisions with LiH. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37(8) pp. 1689–1697.

Aradau, Claudia (2004). The perverse politics of four-letter words: Risk and pity in the securitisation of human trafficking. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 33(2) pp. 251–277.

Aradau, Claudia (2004). Security and the democratic scene: desecuritization and emancipation. Journal of International Relations and Development, 7(4) pp. 388–413.

Arai, Lisa and Harding, Seeromanie (2004). A review of the epidemiological literature on the health of UK-born black caribbeans. Critical Public Health, 14(2) pp. 81–116.

Archdeacon, D.; Bonnington, P. and Siran, J. (2004). Halin's theorem for cubic graphs on an annulus. Discrete Mathematics, 281(1-3) pp. 13–25.

Arciszewska, Barbara and McKellar, Elizabeth (2004). Articulating British classicism: New approaches in Eighteenth Century architecture. Reinterpreting classicism: culture, reaction and appropriation. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Arivo, O. O.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J. (2004). Tolerance margins as constraining factors of changes in complex products. In: 5th Integrated Product Development Workshop (IPD 2004), 22-24 Sep 2004, Schonebeck/Bad Salzelmen b. Magdeburg, Germany.

Arrisi Mercado, Pablo (2004). Molecular basis of the human ApoAII exon 3 splicing. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Arthur, Lore (2004). Work-life balance. Debatte, 12(2) pp. 137–153.

Arthur, Lore and Tait, Alan (2004). Too little time to learn?: Issues and challenges for those in work. Studies in the Education of Adults, 36(2) pp. 222–234.

Arthur, Raymond (2004). After Laffoy - what remedies for victims of abuse? Irish Journal of Family Law, 1 pp. 3–9.

Arthur, Raymond (2004). Young offenders: children in need of protection. Law and Policy, 26(3&4) pp. 309–327.

Asbee, Sue (2004). Margiad Evans's The Wooden Doctor: Illness and Sexuality. In: Brown, Tony ed. Welsh Writing in English, Volume 9. University of Wales Press, pp. 33–49.

Ataullah, Ali; Cockerill, Tony and Le, Hang (2004). Financial liberalization and bank efficiency: a comparative analysis of India and Pakistan. Applied Economics, 36(17) pp. 1915–1924.

Ataullah, Ali and Le, Hang (2004). Financial repression and liability of foreignness in developing countries. Applied Economics Letters, 11(9) pp. 545–549.

Attfield, J.P.; Berry, F.J.; Bland, J.; Beesley, A.M.; McLaughlin, A.C. and Thomas, M.F. (2004). Magnetic interactions on the tin sites in the tin-doped ferromagnetic superconductor Ru1-xSnxSr2GdCu2O8. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 16(6) pp. 955–961.

August, Elias; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John (2004). Using design structure matrices in visualizing design. In: Malcolm, Grant ed. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Visual Representations and Interpretations. Studies in Multidisciplinarity, 2. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 305–318.

Ayub, I.; Berry, Frank; Crabb, E. and Helgason, O. (2004). Titanium-doped γ-Fe2O3: Reduction and oxidation properties. Journal of Materials Science, 39(23) pp. 6921–6927.

Azad, S.A.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S. (2004). Bandwidth borrowing Schemes for instantaneous video-on-demand systems. In: 2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) (IEEE Cat. No.04TH8763), 27-30 Jun 2004, Taipei, Taiwan, IEEE, pp. 2011–2014.

Azpiazu, Jon; Pedrinaci, Carlos; Aguado, Jessica; Garcia-Alonso, Alejandro and Bernaras, Amaia (2004). A new navigation paradigm for virtual reality: the guided visit through a virtual world. In: 6th International Conference Virtual Reality IEEE-VRIC 2004, 11-16 May 2004, Laval, France.

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Baake, Michael; Grimm, Uwe and Scheffer, Max (2004). Tilings colourful - only even more so. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 334-335 pp. 83–85.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2004). Bravais colourings of planar modules with N-fold symmetry. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 219(2) pp. 72–80.

Bach, Wolfgang; Garrido, Carlos J.; Paulick, Holger; Harvey, Jason and Rosner, Martin (2004). Seawater-peridotite interactions: First insights from ODP Leg 209, MAR 15°N. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 5(9) Q09F26.

Back, Matthew Alan (2004). The interaction between potato cyst nematodes and Rhizoctonia solani diseases in potatoes. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Baczmanski, A.; Levy-Tubiana, R.; Fitzpatrick, M.E. and Lodini, A. (2004). Elastoplastic deformation of Al/SiCp metal–matrix composite studied by self-consistent modelling and neutron diffraction. Acta Materialia, 52 pp. 1565–1577.

Badaat, Saleem; Sursock, Andrée; Bekhradina, Bahram; Brennan, John and Lewis, Richard (2004). Ten years on: changing higher education in a changing world. In: CHERI ed. Not Set

Badea, Mihaela; Micheli, Laura; Messia, Maria Cristina; Candigliota, Tiziana; Marconi, Emanuele; Mottram, Toby; Velasco-Garcia, Maria; Moscone, Danila and Palleschi, Guiseppe (2004). Aflatoxin M1 determination in raw milk using a flow-injection immunoassay system. Analytica Chimica Acta, 520(1-2) pp. 141–148.

Baguley, John; Cornforth, Chris and Mallory, Geoff (2004). What drives non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to internationalise? In: 33rd Annual ARNOVA Conference, Nov 2004, Los Angeles, USA.

Baguley, John Maurice (2004). The globalisation of non-governmental organisations: drivers and stages. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Bailey, T. A.; Kanuga, N.; Romero, I. A.; Greenwood, J.; Luthert, P. J. and Cheetham, M. E. (2004). Oxidative stress affects the junctional integrity of retinal pigment epithelial cells. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 45(2) pp. 675–684.

Bains, Sunny Rukhsana Elynn (2004). Physical computation and embodied artificial intelligence. The Open University.

Baker, Sarah (2004). 'It's not about candy': Music, sexiness and girls’ serious play in after school care. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 7(2) pp. 197–212.

Bakhru, Anjali (2004). Managing online businesses. European Business Journal, 16(4) pp. 153–160.

Bakhru, Anjali (2004). Managerial knowledge to organisational capability: new e-commerce businesses. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 5(2) pp. 326–336.

Balart, M.J.; Bouzina, A.; Edwards, L. and Fitzpatrick, M.E. (2004). The onset of tensile residual stresses in grinding of hardened steels. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 367(1-2) pp. 132–142.

Ball, Andrew; Lognonné, P.; Seiferlin, K.; Pätzold, M. and Spohn, T. (2004). Lander and penetrator science for near-Earth object mitigation studies. In: Belton, M.J.S.; Morgan, T.; Samarasinha, N. and Yeomans, D. eds. Mitigation of hazardous comets and asteroids. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 266–291.

Ball, Kirstie (2004). Gendering new managerialism. In: Thomas, R; Helms-Mills, J and Mills, A eds. Identity politics at work: resisting gender, gendering resistance. Routledge studies in management, organizations and society. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 85–104.

Ball, Kirstie and Carter, Chris (2004). He came, he saw, he re-engineered: new managerialism and the legitimation of modern management practice. In: Hodgson, Damian E. and Carter, Chris eds. Management knowledge and the new employee. London, UK: Ashgate.

Ball, Kirstie and Hodgson, Damian E. (2004). Problematizing discourse analysis: can we talk about management knowledge? In: Hodgson, Damian E. and Carter, Chris eds. Management knowledge and the new employee. London, UK: Ashgate, pp. 56–57.

Ballabeni, Andrea (2004). Dual role of geminin during human cell cycle. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Balme, M.R.; Rocchi, V.; Jones, C.; Sammonds, P.R.; Meredith, P.G. and Boon, S. (2004). Fracture toughness measurements on igneous rocks using a high-pressure, high-temperature rock fracture mechanics cell. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 132(2-3) pp. 159–172.

Balme, Matthew R.; Sammonds, Peter R.; Vita-Finzi, Claudio and Couchman, Jonathon P. (2004). Experimental and theoretical fracture mechanics applied to fracture of the crust of Venus. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 109(E3) E03005.

Bandara, A. K.; Lupu, E. C.; Moffett, J. and Russo, A. (2004). A goal-based approach to policy refinement. In: Proceedings. Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks, 7-9 Jun 2004, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA, pp. 229–239.

Banks, Frank; Barlex, David; Jarvinen, Esa-Matti; O'Sullivan, Gary; Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth and Rutland, Marion (2004). DEPTH – Developing professional thinking for technology teachers: An international study. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 14(2) 141 -157.

Barber, Alex (2004). Idiolects. In: Zalta, Edward N. ed. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Palo Alto, Ca., USA: CSLI, University of Stanford.

Barber, K.R.; Leeds-Harrison, P.B.; Lawson, C.S. and Gowing, D.J.G. (2004). Soil aeration status in a lowland wet grassland. Hydrological Processes, 18(2) pp. 329–341.

Barker, Elton (2004). Between a rock and a safe place: the chorus becoming citizens in Sophocles’ Ajax. In: Sófocles el hombre, Sófocles el poeta: Actas del Congreso Internacional con motivo del XXV Centenario del nacimiento de Sófocles (Pérez Jiménez, Aurelio; Alcalde Martín, Carlos and Caballero, Raúl eds.), Charta Antiqua, Malaga pp. 259–272.

Barnard, P. J.; Scott, S.; Taylor, J.; May, J. and Knightley, W. (2004). Paying attention to meaning. Psychological Science, 15(3) pp. 179–186.

Barnes, David; Hinton, Matthew and Mieczkowska, Suzanne (2004). Managing the transition from bricks-and-mortar to clicks-and-mortar: a business perspective. Knowledge and Process Management, 11(3) pp. 199–209.

Barnes, David; Hinton, Matthew and Mieczkowska, Suzanne (2004). Avoiding the fate of the dotbombs: lessons from three surviving dotcom start-ups. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 11(3) pp. 329–337.

Barnes, David; Hinton, Matthew and Mieczkowska, Suzanne (2004). The strategic management of operations in e-business. Production Planning and Control, 15(5) pp. 484–494.

Barnes, Marian; Newman, Janet; Knops, Andrew and Sullivan, Helen (2004). The micro-politics of deliberation: case studies in public participation. Contemporary Politics, 10(2) pp. 93–110.

Barnes, Penelope (2004). Dissemination of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis from the intestinal lumen to the liver and spleen. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Barnett, Clive (2004). Media, democracy and representation: Disembodying the public. In: Barnett, Clive and Low, Murray eds. Spaces of Democracy: geographical perspectives on citizenship, participation and representation. London, UK: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 185–206.

Barnett, Clive (2004). Neither poison nor cure: Space, scale, and public life in media theory. In: Couldry, N. and McCarthy, A. eds. MediaSpace: Place, Scale and Culture in a Media Age. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 58–74.

Barnett, Clive (2004). A critique of the cultural turn. In: Duncan, James S.; Johnson, Nuala C. and Schein, Richard H. eds. A Companion to Cultural Geography. Blackwell Companions to Geography. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, pp. 38–48.

Barnett, Clive and Low, Murray (2004). Introduction: Geography and Democracy. In: Barnett, Clive and Low, Murray eds. Spaces of Democracy: geographical perspectives on citizenship, participation and representation. London, UK: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 1–22.

Barroca, Leonor; Fiadeiro, J.L.; Jackson, M.; Laney, Robin and Nuseibeh, B. (2004). Problem frames: a case for coordination. In: De Nicola, Rocco; Ferrari, Gianluigi and Meredith, Greg eds. Coordination models and languages: 6th International Conference, COORDINATION 2004 Pisa Italy, February 24-27, 2004: Proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science, 2949 (2949/2004). Heidleburg, Germany: Springer, pp. 5–19.

Barrow-Green, June (2004). Burnside’s applied mathematics. In: Neumann, Peter M.; Mann, A.J.S. and Tompson, Julia C. eds. The Collected Papers of William Burnside, Volume 1. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 63–70.

Barth, Karl F. and Rippon, Philip J. (2004). On a problem of MacLane concerning arc tracts. Computational Methods and Function Theory, 4 pp. 405–418.

Baruch, Yehuda; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Hind, Patricia and Vigoda-Gadot, Eran (2004). Pro-social behavior and job performance: does the need for control and the need for achievement make a difference? Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 32(4) pp. 399–412.

Bassindale, Alan R.; Chen, Huiping; Liu, Zhihua; MacKinnon, Iain A.; Parker, David J.; Taylor, Peter G.; Yang, Yuxing; Light, Mark E.; Horton, Peter N. and Hursthouse, Michael B. (2004). A higher yielding route to octasilsesquioxane cages using tetrabutylammonium fluoride, Part 2: Further synthetic advances, mechanistic investigations and X-ray crystal structure studies into the factors that determine cage geometry in the solid state. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 689(21) pp. 3287–3300.

Batista, Luciano and Kawalek, Peter (2004). Government readiness to CRM adoption: a LocalAuthority analysis. In: Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 6-8 Aug 2004, New York, US.

Batista, Luciano and Kawalek, Peter (2004). Translating Customer-Focused Strategic Issues into Operational Processes Through CRM – A Public Sector Approach. In: Traunmüller, Roland ed. Electronic Government. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3183/2004. Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, pp. 128–133.

Bátiz-Lazo, Bernardo (2004). Barclaycard: still the king of plastic. In: Johnson, Gerry; Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. eds. Exploring corporate strategy: text and cases, 7th edition. London, UK: Prentice Hall/Financial Times, pp. 886–900.

Baume, David; Beck, Roger; Cox, Graham and Hills, Laura (2004). Training and qualifying distance learning tutors. Discursos. Série: Perspectivas em Educaçāo, 2 pp. 75–94.

Bayon, Germaine; German, Christopher R.; Burton, Kevin W.; Nesbitt, Robert W. and Rogers, Nick W. (2004). Sedimentary Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides as paleoceanographic archives and the role of aeolian flux in regulating oceanic dissolved REE. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 224(3-4) pp. 477–492.

Beach, Dennis; Gobbo, Francesca; Jeffrey, Bob; Smyth, Geri and Troman, Geoff (2004). Ethnography of education in a European educational research perspective. European Education Research Journal, 3(3) pp. 534–538.

Bearne, Eve and Grainger, Teresa (2004). Research in Progress - Raising boys' achievements in writing: joint PNS/UKLA pilot research project. Literacy, 38(3) pp. 156–158.

Beckerlegge, Gwilym (2004). The early spread of Vedanta societies: an example of 'imported localism'. Numen: International Review for the History of Religions, 51(3) pp. 296–320.

Beckerlegge, Gwilym (2004). The Hindu Renaissance and notions of universal religion. In: Wolffe, John ed. Religion in History: Conflict, Conversion and Coexistence. Manchester: Manchester University Press in association with the Open University, pp. 129–160.

Beckerlegge, Gwilym (2004). The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's 'Tradition of Selfless Service'. In: Zavos, John; Wyatt, Andrew and Hewitt, Vernon eds. The Politics of Cultural Mobilization in India. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press, pp. 105–135.

Beckerlegge, Gwilym (2004). The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's "tradition of selfless service". In: Zavos, John; Wyatt, Andrew and Hewitt, Vernon Marston eds. The Politics of Cultural Mobilization in India. South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Oxford University Press, pp. 105–135.

Bell, Simon and Morse, Stephen (2004). Delivering sustainability therapy in a projectified world. In: Proceedings International Sustainable Development Research Conference, 2004, Manchester, UK.

Benington, John and Hartley, Jean (2004). Co-research: insider/outsider teams for organizational research. In: Cassell, Catherine and Symon, Gillian eds. Essential Guide to Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research. London: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 361–371.

Bennett, G. K.; Grannell, Mike and Griggs, Terry (2004). Exponential lower bounds for the numbers of Skolem-type sequences. Ars Combinatoria, 73 pp. 101–106.

Bennett, G. K.; Grannell, M. J. and Griggs, T. S. (2004). Non-orientable biembeddings of Steiner triple systems of order 15. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 73(1) pp. 101–106.

Bennett, Nigel (2004). Power, structure and culture: an organizational view of school effectiveness and school improvement. In: Harris, Alma and Bennett, Nigel eds. School effectiveness and school improvement: alternative perspectives. London, UK: Continuum, pp. 98–122.

Bennett, Nigel; Harvey, Janet A. and Anderson, Lesley (2004). Control, Autonomy and Partnership in Local Education: Views from Six Chief Education Officers. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 32(2) pp. 217–235.

Bennett, Tony (2004). The invention of the modern cultural fact: toward a critique of the critique of everyday life. In: Silva, Elizabeth B. and Bennett, Tony eds. Contemporary culture and everyday life. Durham, UK: SociologyPress, pp. 21–36.

Bennett, Tony and Silva, Elizabeth (2004). Everyday life and contemporary culture. In: Silva, Elizabeth and Bennett, Tony eds. Contemporary Culture and Everyday Life. Durham, UK: Routledge, pp. 1–20.

Bergamini, Silvia; Darquié, Benoît; Jones, Matthew; Jacubowiez, Lionel; Browaeys, Antoine and Grangier, Philippe (2004). Holographic generation of microtrap arrays for single atoms by use of a programmable phase modulator. Optical Society of America Journal B, 21(11) pp. 1889–1894.

Bergamini, S.; Darquie, B.; Browaeys, A. and Grangier, P. (2004). Single atoms in optical traps. Journal de Physique IV - Proceedings, 116 pp. 205–210.

Bergamini, S.; Darquie, B.; Jones, M.; Jacubowiez, L.; Browaeys, A. and Grangier, P. (2004). Holographic generation of microtrap arrays for single atoms. In: CLEO/ IQEC 2004, 15 May - 21 May 2004, San Francisco.

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