Browse by publication year:2003
BookTo Top
Allen, John (2003). Lost geographies of power. RGS-IBG Book Series. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Barker, Meg (2003). Introductory psychology: History, themes and perspectives. Crucial Study Texts for Psychology Degree Courses. Exeter, U.K.: Crucial.
Barnett, Clive (2003). Culture and democracy: media, space and representation. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.
Bates, A.W. and Poole, Gary (2003). Effective teaching with technology in higher education: foundations for success. San Francisco, CA, USA: Jossey-Bass.
Bearne, Eve; Dombey, Henrietta and Grainger, Teresa (2003). Classroom Interactions in Literacy. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.
Bell, Simon and Morse, Stephen (2003). Measuring sustainability: learning by doing. London, UK: Earthscan.
Bell, Simon and Wood-Harper, Trevor (2003). How to set up and run information systems: a non-specialist's guide. 2nd edition. London, UK: Earthscan.
Black, Paul; Harrison, Christine; Lee, Clara; Marshall, Bethan and William, Dylan (2003). Assessment for Learning- putting it into practice. Maidenhead, U.K.: Open university Press.
Breaks, F. W.; Selway, J. B. and Tindle, A. G. (2003). Fertile peraluminous granites and related rare-element mineralization in pegmatites, Superior Province, northwest and northeast Ontario : Operation Treasure Hunt. Open File Report (6099). Sudbury, Canada: Ontario Geological Survey.
Burt, Gordon (2003). Participation and performance. Newport Pagnell, UK: Mathematical Social Science Publishing.
Butcher, Melissa (2003). Transnational Television, Cultural Identity and Change: When STAR Came to India. Delhi, India: Sage.
Cameron, Lynne (2003). Metaphor in educational discourse. Advances in Applied Linguistics. London, UK: Continuum.
Coe, Angela L.; Bosence, Dam W.J.; Church, Kevin D.; Flint, Stephen S.; Howell, John A. and Wilson, R. Chris L. (2003). The Sedimentary record of sea-level change. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press and the Open University.
Coffin, Caroline; Curry, Mary Jane; Goodman, Sharon; Hewings, Ann; Lillis, Theresa and Swann, Joan (2003). Teaching Academic Writing: A Toolkit for Higher Education. London, UK: Routledge.
Cook, Guy (2003). Applied Linguistics. Oxford Introductions to Language. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Creme, Phyllis and Lea, Mary R. (2003). Writing at university: a guide for students. UK: Open University Press.
da Sousa Correa, Delia (2003). George Eliot, music and Victorian culture. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Diefenbach, Thomas (2003). Kritik und neukonzeption der Allgemeinen betriebswirtschaftslehre auf sozialwissenschaftlicher basis. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.
Elliott, David (2003). A Solar World: Climate Change and the Green Energy Revolution. Schumacher Briefing, 10. Totnes, UK: Green Books.
Emsley, Clive (2003). Napoleon: Conquest, Reform and Reorganisation. UK: Longman.
Featherstone, Brigid (2003). Family Life and Family Support: A Feminist Analysis. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Fielding, Michael and Bragg, Sara (2003). Students as Researchers: Making a difference. Consulting Pupils about Teaching and Learning. Cambridge, UK: Pearson Publishing.
Gallardo-Barbarroja, M (2003). Introducción y desarrollo del espanol en el sistema universitario ingles durante el siglo XIX. Estudios de Linguistica del Espanol, 20. Madrid: RedIRIS.
Garner, Steve (2003). Racism in the Irish Experience. London: Pluto Press.
Gillen, Julia (2003). The Language of children. Intertext. London, UK: Routledge.
Goodman, Sharon; Lillis, Theresa; Maybin, Janet and Mercer, Neil (2003). Language, literacy and education: A reader. Stoke on Trent, UK: Trentham Books in association with The Open University.
Gupta, Suman (2003). Re-reading Harry Potter. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hanlon, Joseph (2003). Peace Without Profit: How the IMF Blocks Rebuilding in Mozambique. Oxford, UK: James Currey.
Hardwick, Lorna (2003). Reception Studies. Greece and Rome: New Surveys in the Classics (33). Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
Hatchard, John (2003). Law and development: facing complexity in the 21st Century. London, UK: Cavendish Publishing, p. 287.
Hatchard, John and Ogowewo, Tunde I. (2003). Tackling the unconstitutional overthrow of democracies. Commonwealth Secretariat, p. 175.
Herbert, David (2003). Religion and civil society: rethinking public religion in the contemporary world. Ashgate Religion Culture and Society. Ashgate.
Hewson, Claire; Yule, Peter; Laurent, Dianna and Vogel, Carl (2003). Internet research methods: a practical guide for the social and behavioural sciences. New technologies for social research. London, UK: Sage.
Hill, Elizabeth; O'Sullivan, Terry and O'Sullivan, Catherine (2003). Creative arts marketing. 2nd edition. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann, p. 360.
Hoggart, Lesley (2003). Feminist Campaigns for Birth Control and Abortion Rights in Britain. Studies in British History, 69. The Edwin Mellen Press.
Hough, Mike; Jacobson, Jessica and Millie, Andrew (2003). The Decision to Imprison: Sentencing and the Prison Population. London, UK: Prison Reform Trust.
Hughes, Lotte (2003). The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples. The No-Nonsense Guides. London and Oxford, UK: New Internationalist Verso.
Jeffrey, Bob and Woods, Peter (2003). The Creative school: a framework for success, quality and effectiveness. London, UK: Routledge.
Kellett, Mary and Nind, Melanie (2003). Implementing intensive interaction in schools: guidance for practitioners, managers and coordinators. London: David Fulton.
Knight, Peter and Yorke, Mantz (2003). Assessment, learning and employability. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.
Knight, Peter and Yorke, Manze (2003). Learning, curriculum and employability in Higher Education. UK: Routledge.
Lewis, Peter R.; Reynolds, Ken and Gagg, Colin (2003). Forensic Materials Engineering: Case Studies. UK: CRC Press.
Lillis, Theresa (2003). Analysing language in context: A student workbook. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books/Open University Press.
Littlejohn, Allison and Higgison, Carol (2003). A guide for Teachers. LTSN Generic Centre e-Learning Series, 3. Learning and Teaching Support Network Publications.
Male, David (2003). Immunology: an illustrated outline. 4th edition. London, UK: Elsevier.
McMillan, Elizabeth (2003). Complexity, organizations and change. UK: Routledge.
Norman, Diana (2003). Painting in late medieval and Renaissance Siena (1260-1555). New Haven, USA: Yale University Press.
Norris, Don; Mason, Jon and Lefrere, Paul (2003). Transforming e-Knowledge – a revolution in the sharing of knowledge. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: Society for College and University Planning.
O'Halloran, Kieran (2003). Critical discourse analysis and language cognition. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.
Paton, Rob (2003). Managing and measuring social enterprises. London, UK: Sage Publications.
Phillips, David; Dahl, Bettina; Economou, Anastasia and Ertl, Hubert (2003). Interpreting EU Educational Policies: The Cases of the European Dimension in Education and the Socrates and Leonardo Programmes. Cadernos Prestige: Final Series, 7. Lisbon: Educa.
Proudfoot, Anna (2003). Italian Grammar. Teach Yourself (3rd Edition). London: Hodder & Stoughton.
Puwar, Nirmal and Raghuram, Parvati (2003). South Asian women in the diaspora. Oxford, UK: Berg.
Ribbens McCarthy, Jane; Edwards, Rosalind and Gillies, Val (2003). Making families: moral tales of parenting and step-parenting. London, UK: Sociology Press.
Rothery, David A. (2003). Teach Yourself Planets. London, UK: Hodder Headline.
Rothery, David A. (2003). Teach Yourself Geology. Teach Yourself. London, UK: Hodder Education.
Salaman, John Graham and Asch, David (2003). Strategy and capability: sustaining organizational change. Management, Organizations and Business. Blackwell.
Salmon, Gilly (2003). E-moderating: the key to teaching and learning online. 2nd edition. London: Taylor & Francis.
Saward, Michael (2003). Democracy. Key Concepts. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Simon, Sandrine (2003). Sustainability and water management. Environmental Web. UK: Open University Worldwide.
Simpson, Ormond (2003). Student Retention in Online Open and Distance Learning. Open and Flexible Learning Series. UK: Routledge.
Stott, Anne (2003). Hannah More: the First Victorian. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Thompson, Grahame F. (2003). Between hierarchies and markets: the logic and limits of network organization. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Vossler, Andreas (2003). Perspektiven der Erziehungsberatung. Kompetenzförderung aus der Sicht von Jugendlichen, Eltern und Beratern [Perspectives of child guidance and family counselling]. Tübingen: dgvt-Verlag.
Walder, Dennis (2003). Athol Fugard. Writers and their work. Tavistock, UK: Northcote House.
Walters, Reece (2003). Deviant Knowledge: Criminology, Politics and Policy. Cullompton, UK: Willan.
Walton, Peter; Haller, A. and Raffournier, B. (2003). International accounting. 2nd edition. London: Thomson Learning.
Warburton, Nigel (2003). Erno Goldfinger: the life of an architect. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Watson, Anne; De Geest, Els and Prestage, Stephanie (2003). Deep Progress in Mathematics - The Improving Attainment in Mathematics Project. Oxford, UK: University of Oxford, Department of educational studies.
Wilson, Robin (2003). Four colours suffice: how the Map Problem was solved. London, UK: Allen Lane.
Winchester, Nik and Alderton, Tony (2003). Flag State Audit 2003. Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre (SIRC), Cardiff University.
Woodward, Kath (2003). Understanding Identity. London, UK: Hodder Arnold.
Wright, Melanie (2003). Understanding Judaism. Cambridge, UK: Orchard Academic.
Edited BookTo Top
Anderson, Lesley and Bennett, Nigel eds. (2003). Developing educational leadership: using evidence for policy and practice. London: Sage.
Baillie, Deborah; Cameron, Kate; Cull, Lesley-Anne; Roche, Jeremy and West, Janice eds. (2003). Social Work and the Law in Scotland. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
Ball, Kirstie and Webster, Frank eds. (2003). The Intensification of surveillance: crime, terrorism and warfare in the information era. London, UK: Pluto Press.
Barber, Alex ed. (2003). Epistemology of language. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Barrett, Sheila; Komaromy, Carol; Robb, Martin and Rogers, Anita eds. (2003). Communication, relationships and care: A Reader. London: Routledge.
Bennett, Nigel and Anderson, Lesley eds. (2003). Rethinking educational leadership: challenging the conventions. Published in association with the British Educational Leadership and Management Society. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Bennett, Nigel; Crawford, Megan and Cartwright, Marion eds. (2003). Effective educational leadership. Trowbridge, UK: The Open University in association with Paul Chapman Publishing.
Borsi, Balazs; Papanek, Gabor and Papaioannou, Theodoros eds. (2003). The Ljubljana Proceedings of the RECORD Thematic Network: Towards the Practice of Benchmarking RTD Organisations in Accession Countries. European Union.
Boyle, Godfrey; Everett, Robert and Ramage, Janet eds. (2003). Energy Systems and Sustainability. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Brandon, Mark A. and Clark, N. H. eds. (2003). Environmental Changes: Global Challenges. Milton Keynes, UK: Open University Worldwide.
Bullman, Anne; Charlesworth, Julie; Henderson, Jeanette; Reynolds, Jill and Seden, Janet eds. (2003). The Managing care reader. UK: Routledge.
Butcher, Melissa and Thomas, Mandy eds. (2003). Ingenious: Emerging youth cultures in urban Australia. Melbourne: Pluto Press.
Chadwick, Andrew and Heffernan, Richard eds. (2003). The New Labour Reader. UK: Polity Press.
Clayton, Martin; Herbert, Trevor and Middleton, Richard eds. (2003). The Cultural study of music: A critical introduction. Abingdon, UK,: Routledge.
Cornforth, Chris ed. (2003). The Governance of public and non-profit organisations: what do boards do? Routledge Studies in the Management of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations. Oxford, UK: Routledge.
Delanty, Gerard and Isin, Engin F. eds. (2003). Handbook of historical sociology. London: Sage.
Donnachie, Ian and Lavin, Carmen eds. (2003). From enlightenment to romanticism. Anthology I. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
Dunleavy, Patrick; Gamble, Andrew; Heffernan, Richard and Peele, Gillian eds. (2003). Developments in British Politics. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Earle, Sarah and Letherby, Gayle eds. (2003). Gender, identity and reproduction: social perspectives. London, UK: Palgrave.
Elliott, David ed. (2003). Energy, Society and Environment (Second Edition). Routledge Introductions to Environment. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Fitzpatrick, M.E. and Lodini, Alain eds. (2003). Analysis of residual stress using neutron and synchrotron radiation. London, UK: Taylor & Francis.
Ghobadian, Abby; O'Regan, Nicholas; Gallear, David and Viney, Howard eds. (2003). Strategy and Performance: achieving competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Palgrave Macmillan.
Godfrey, Barry; Emsley, Clive and Dunstall, Graeme eds. (2003). Comparative Histories of Crime. UK: Willan Publishing.
Goodman, Sara; Kirkup, Gill and Michielsens, Magda eds. (2003). ICTs in Teaching and Learning Women's Studies: Perspectives and Practices in Europe: The Use of New Information and Communication Technologies in Women's Studies Teaching. Lund, Sweden: Advanced Thematic Network in Activities in Women's Studies in Europe (Athena).
Gullstrom-Hughes, Rolf and Monk, John eds. (2003). The Book of models: ceremonies, metaphor, performance. 2nd edition. Milton Keynes, UK and Stockholm, Sweden: Department of Telematics/Metamorphosis - Centre for Writing and Performance Research.
Harvey, Graham ed. (2003). Shamanism: A Reader. London, UK: Routledge.
Hatchard, John ed. (2003). Directory of Commonwealth Law Schools 2003-2004. London, UK: Cavendish Publishing.
Hawkridge, David ed. (2003). British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 34, Issue 4. British Educational Research Association.
Johnson, W. Lewis; André, Elisabeth and Domingue, John eds. (2003). Proceedings of IUI'03 2003 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Miami, Florida, USA. New York: ACM Press.
Katz, Jeanne Samson and Peace, Sheila eds. (2003). End of life in care homes: A palliative care approach. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Kaye, Roland and Hawkridge, David eds. (2003). Learning and teaching for business: case studies of successful innovation. London, UK: Kogan Page.
Kehily, Mary Jane and Swann, Joan eds. (2003). Children's Cultural Worlds. Childhood, 3. Chichester, UK: John Wiley in association with the Open University.
Kirschner, Paul A.; Buckingham Shum, Simon J. and Carr, Chad S. eds. (2003). Visualizing Argumentation: Software Tools for Collaborative and Educational Sense-Making. London, UK: Springer.
Lewis, Tim and Walker, Lesley eds. (2003). Autonomous Language Learning in Tandem. Sheffield: Academy Electronic Press.
Littlejohn, Allison ed. (2003). Reusing Online Resources: A Sustainable Approach to E-learning. Open & Flexible Learning Series. Kogan Page Limited.
Maybin, Janet and Woodhead, Martin eds. (2003). Childhoods in Context. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
Mombauer, Annika and Deist, Wilhelm eds. (2003). The Kaiser. New Research on Wilhelm II's role in Imperial Germany. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Monk, John and Hughes, Rolf eds. (2003). Hybrid thought. Milton Keynes, UK/Stockholm, Sweden: Department of Telematics, in conjunction with Metamorphosis, Centre for Writing and Performance Research.
Montgomery, Heather; Burr, Rachel and Woodhead, Martin eds. (2003). Changing childhoods: global and local. John Wiley.
Nicolson, Margaret and MacIver, Matthew eds. (2003). Gaelic medium education. Policy and Practice in Education, 10. Edinburgh, Scotland: Dunedin Academic Press.
Preedy, Margaret; Glatter, Ron and Wise, Christine eds. (2003). Strategic Leadership and Educational Improvement. Published in association with The Open University. London, UK: Sage.
Sandwell, Isabella and Huskinson, Janet eds. (2003). Culture and Society in late Roman Antioch. Oxford, UK: Oxbow.
Seden, Janet and Reynolds, Jill eds. (2003). Managing care in practice. London, UK: Routledge.
Shand, John ed. (2003). Fundamentals of Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Walder, Dennis ed. (2003). Literature in the modern world: critical essays and documents. 2nd edition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
White, Stephen; Batt, Judy and Lewis, Paul G. eds. (2003). Developments in Central and East European Politics 3. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Dorrian, Mark and Rose, Gillian eds. (2003). Deterritorialisations: Revisioning Landscape and Politics. London, UK: Black Dog Publishing.
Nind, Melanie; Rix, Jonathan; Sheehy, Kieron and Simmons, Katy eds. (2003). Inclusive education: diverse perspectives. Learning from each other. London: David Fulton Publishers Ltd.
Owens, W.R. ed. (2003). John Bunyan,'The Pilgrim's Progress'. Oxford World's Classics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Book SectionTo Top
Adams, Anne and Blandford, Ann
Anand, Paul
Andrijasevic, Rutvica
Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe
Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe
Bakhru, Anjali and Brown, Ann
Ball, K. and Webster, F.
Bannister, F.; Remenyi, D. and Batista, L.
Barber, Alex
Barber, Alex
Barker, Meg
Barker, Naomi Joy
Barnes, David; Mieczkowska, Suzanne and Hinton, Matthew
Barnes, Peter and Kehily, Mary
Bátiz-Lazo, Bernardo and Wood, Douglas
Beckerlegge, Gwilym
Belshaw, Chris
Bennett, Nigel
Bennett, Nigel
Bennett, Nigel and Anderson, Lesley
Benton, Tim
Benton, Tim and Benton, Charlotte
Benton, Tim and Benton, Charlotte
Benton, Tim and Benton, Charlotte
Berry, Frank; Bohorquez, A; Helgason, O; Jiang, J; Marco, J; Moore, Elaine and Morup, S
Betts, Eleanor
Blake, S.
Bowers, David S.
Bowman, Marion
Boyle, Godfrey
Boyle, Godfrey
Bradshaw, Pete; Powell, Stephen and Terrell, Ian
Brandon, Mark and Smith, Sandy
Breaks, F. W.; Selway, J. B. and Tindle, A. G.
Brennan, John and Shah, Tarla
Brown, Duncan
Brown, Stuart
Brown, Vivienne
Buckingham Shum, Simon
Buckingham Shum, Simon; Uren, Victoria; Li, Gangmi; Domingue, John and Motta, Enrico
Budd, Leslie Charles and Clear, F.
Burr, Rachel and Montgomery, Heather
Bush, Tony and Anderson, Lesley
Bytheway, Bill
Carter, Simon and Michael, Mike
Chappell, Timothy
Charlesworth, Julie
Chataway, Joanna; Quintas, Paul; Wield, David and Gault, Fred
Clark, Alison
Clayton, Martin
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Coffin, Caroline
Coffin, Caroline
Coffin, Caroline and Goodman, Sharon
Coffin, Caroline and Hewings, Ann
Coleman, James A.
Collins, Trevor
Colwell, Chetz; Di Paolo, Terry; Scanlon, Eileen; Cooper, Martyn; Uren, Victoria and Jelfs, Anne
Conole, Grainne; Evans, Jill and Simms, Ellen
Cooper, Martyn
Cornforth, Chris
Cornforth, Chris
Cornforth, Chris
Cornforth, Chris and Simpson, Claire
Critchley, Frank
Crooks, Beryl
Curry, Mary Jane and Hewings, Ann
Da Bormida, Giorgio and Lefrere, Paul
Dawes, Anita; Holtom, Philip and Mason, Nigel J.
Day, Judith and Taylor, P.J.
Dibb, Sally
Dixon, Keith
Earl, Christopher; Song, Dong Ping and Hicks, Christian
Earle, Sarah
Economou, Anastasia
Edwards, Charles and Cornforth, Chris
Edwards, Rosalind; Ribbens McCarthy, Jane and Gillies, Val
Edwards, Stephen
Edwards, Steve
Elliott, David
Elliott, David
Ellis, Sharon and Hancock, Roger
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Farrington, Paddy and Andrews, Nick
Farrington, Paddy and Miller, Elizabeth
Ferreira, Giselle Martins dos Santos
Fiadeiro, José Luiz; Lopes, Antónia and Wermelinger, Michel
Finnegan, Ruth
Finnegan, Ruth
Fleck, James
Foley, Pam; Parton, Nigel; Roche, Jeremy and Tucker, Stanley
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Frecknall Hughes, Jane and Glaister, Keith W
Furniss, Pamela
Geroski, Paul A. and Mazzucato, M
Geroski, P and Mazzucato, M
Gibson, Jonathan
Gillen, Julia
Gillen, Julia and Hall, Nigel
Gillespie, Marie
Gillies, Val; Holland, Janet and Ribbens McCarthy, Jane
Gimenes, I.M.S.; Junior, E.A.O.; Lazilha, F.R. and Barroca, L.
Glatter, Ron
Glatter, Ron
González-Solares, Eduardo A.; Pérez-Fournon, I.; McMahon, R.; Sabbey, C.; Almaini, O.; Willott, C.; Cabrera-Guerra, F.; Ciliegi, P.; Lawrence, A.; Mann, B.; Oliver, S.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Serjeant, S. and Verma, A.
Goodman, Sharon and Swann, Joan
Goodyear, Peter and Jones, Chris
Grady, Monica
Grady, Monica and Wright, Ian
Grainger, Teresa
Grell, Ole
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grimm, Uwe
Grimm, Uwe and Schreiber, Michael
Hack, Karl
Hampel, Regine and Baber, E
Hancock, Roger and Cox, Alison
Hanlon, Joseph
Harrison, Roger; Clarke, J; Edwards, R and Reeve, Fiona
Haslam, Sara
Hauck, Mirjam and Hampel, Regine
Hawkridge, David and Moon, Sue
Heffernan, Richard
Heffernan, Richard
Hegarty, P
Herman, Clem
Himmelweit, Susan
Hinchliffe, Steve
Hirst, Mark C. and Fisch, Gene S.
Honwana, Alcinda
Hope, Valerie M.
Houssart, Jenny
Huskinson, Janet
Isin, Engin F.
Jeffrey, Bob
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Jones, B.W. and Sleep, P.N.
Jones, Christopher; Alani, Harith and Tudhope, Douglas
Jordan, Timothy
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Katritzky, M.A.
Katz, Jeanne
Katz, Jeanne
Katz, Jeanne
Katz, Jeanne
Katz, Jeanne
Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila
Kaye, Roland and Hawkridge, David
Kaye, Roland and Hawkridge, David
Kehily, Mary
Kehily, Mary Jane
King, Pete
Kirby, Perpetua and Woodhead, Martin
Kirkup, Gill
Kirkup, Gill
Knight, Peter
Koivusalo, Meri
Komaromy, Carol
Komaromy, Carol and Russel, Angela
Lamy, Marie-Noelle
Law, John and Singleton, Vicky
Law, V.J.; Bergamini, S.; Kenyon, A.J.; Thornhill, N.F.; Lee, K.; Watkins, M. and Lea, L.
Lawrence, Paul
Lebeau, Y; Niame, B; Piriou, A and De Saint Martin, M
Lewis, Tim
Lewis, Timothy
Lewis, Timothy
Lewis, Timothy
Lewis, Timothy and Walker, L
Lillis, Theresa
Little, Stephen Edgar; Fowle, Wendy and Quintas, Paul
Littlejohn, A.; Jung, I. and Broumley, E.
Littlejohn, Allison
Littlejohn, Allison
Littlejohn, Allison
Littlejohn, Allison and Peacock, Susi
Littleton, Karen and Whitelock, Denise
Lloyde, J.; Braisby, Nick and Brace, Nicola
Lunn, Stephen
Mackie, Robin and Roberts, Gerrylynn
Mahendran, Kesi
Major, Edward and Cordey-Hayes, M.
Mallory, Geoff
Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Mason, Robin and Rehak, D
Massey, Doreen
Massey, Doreen
Massey, Doreen
Massey, Doreen and Thrift, Nigel
Matravers, Derek
Maybin, Janet
Maybin, Janet
Maybin, Janet and Woodhead, Martin
Mazzucato, Mariana
Mazzucato, Mariana
McAndrew, Patrick and Laurillard, Diana
McGlaughlin, Alex and Grayson, Andrew
Meera, A.; Nangia, P. and Roy, T. K.
Messer, David
Miller, Linda; Soler, Janet and Woodhead, Martin
Missailidis, Sotiris
Missailidis, Sotiris and Brady, Kevin
Monk, John
Monk, John
Monk, John
Montgomery, Heather
Montgomery, Heather
Montgomery, Heather
Montgomery, Heather and Burr, Rachel
Moon, Bob
Moon, Bob
Moon, Bob
Moon, Bob and Robinson, Bernadette
Mooney, Gerry
Moser, Ingunn and Law, John
Newman, Janet
Newman, Janet
Nicolson, Margaret and MacIver, Matthew
Noriega-Sanchez, Maria Ruth
O'Dell, L.
O'Dell, Lindsay
Okada, Alexandra Lilavati Pereira
Okada, Alexandra
Okada, Alexandra Lilavati Pereira
Paige-Smith, Alice and Miller, Linda
Paige-Smith, Alice and Wolfendale, S
Papaioannou, Theodoros
Parker, Janet
Paton, Rob and Taylor, Scott
Paton, Rob; Taylor, Scott and Storey, John
Paton, Rob; Taylor, Scott; Storey, John and Peters, Geoff
Pattman, Rob and Kehily, Mary Jane
Peace, Sheila and Katz, Jeanne
Peace, Sheila and Reynolds, Jill
Peace, Sheila M.
Peake, Stephen
Penson, Karol A. and Solomon, Allan I.
Perry, Gill
Peters, Geoffrey and Fortune, Joyce
Philip, Robert
Philip, Robert
Pile, Steve
Pittaway, Mark
Pittaway, Mark
Plumbridge, William
Potter, Jonathan and Wetherell, Margaret
Potter, Stephen
Potter, Stephen and Rye, Tom
Preedy, Maggie; Glatter, R and Wise, C
Prescott, Lynda
Prescott, Lynda
Prescott, Lynda
Prescott, Lynda
Price, Linda and Richardson, John T. E.
Puwar, Nirmal and Raghuram, Parvati
Quintas, Paul and Fowle, Wendy
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati and Montiel, Dawn
Ray, Tim; Clegg, Stewart and Gordon, T.E.
Reynolds, Jill
Ribbens McCarthy, Jane
Rix, Jonathan
Rix, Jonathan; Sheehy, Kieron; Simmons, Katy and Nind, Melanie
Robb, Martin
Robinson, Hugh and Sharp, Helen
Robinson, Jennifer
Robinson, Jennifer
Roche, Jeremy
Rogers, Anita and Reynolds, Jill
Rogers, Anita and Reynolds, Jill
Rose, Wendy
Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando
Rossade, K. D.
Salaman, John
Salmon, Gilly
Salmon, Gilly
Scanlon, Eileen
Schaefer, A.; Skea, J.; New, S.; Green, K. and Coulson, A.
Segal-Horn, Susan
Sharp, Keith and Earle, Sarah
Sheehy, Kieron
Shield, Lesley
Shuker, D.E.G.
Simon, Sandrine
Sims, Mark R.; Pullan, D.; Fraser, George W.; Whitehead, S.; Sykes, J.; Holt, J.; Butcher, Gillian I.; Nelms, Nick; Dowson, J.; Ross, D.; Bicknell, C.; Crocker, M.; Favill, B.; Wells, Alan A.; Richter, L.; Kochan, H.; Hamacher, Hans; Ratke, L.; Griffiths, Andrew D.; Coates, A. J.; Phillips, N.; Senior, A.; Zarnecki, John C.; Towner, M. C.; Leese, M.; Patel, M.; Wilson, C.; Thomas, Nicolas; Hviid, S.; Josset, Jean-Luc; Klingelhoefer, G.; Bernhardt, B.; van Duijn, P.; Sims, G. and Yung, K. L.
Singh, M.
Skelton, P.W.
Smith, Anne
Song, Dawei; Bruza, Peter; Huang, Helen and Lau, Raymond
Speedy, Jane; Winter, Jan; Broadfoot, Patricia; Thomas, Judith and Cooper, Barry
Spruce, Gary
Steinbauer, P.; Valášek, M.; Zdrahal, Z.; Mulholland, P. and Šika, Z.
Stickler, Ursula
Stickler, Ursula and Lewis, Tim
Stickler, Ursula
Stickler, Ursula
Storey, John
Storey, John
Storey, John
Storey, John and Mangham, I.
Sturges, J.
Sumner, Tamara; Buckingham Shum, Simon and Yates, Simeon
Swann, Joan
Taylor, S.; Shaw, S. and Atkinson, S.
Taylor, Scott; Thorpe, Richard and Shaw, S.
Thompson, Ken
Thordarson, T.; Self, S.; Miller, D.J.; Larsen, G. and Vilmundardottir, E.G.
Thorpe, Mary
Thorpe, Mary
Thorpe, Mary; Kubiak, Christopher and Thorpe, K. M.
Toynbee, Jason
Trigwell, Keith and Richardson, John T. E.
Uren, Victoria; Buckingham Shum, Simon; Li, Gangmin; Domingue, John and Motta, Enrico
Vangen, Siv
Vangen, Siv
Walder, Dennis
Walker, Colin
Walters, Reece
Walton, Peter
Walton, Peter
Warburton, Nigel
Watson, Sophie
Weller, Martin
Wetherell, Margaret
Wetherell, Margaret
Whalley, Peter
Whitelock, Denise and Raw, Yvonne
Widdowson, M.
Wield, David
Wilkinson, Robert
Wise, Christine
Wood, D; Konvitz, E and Ball, Kirstie
Wood, John Carter
Woodhead, Martin and Maybin, Janet
Woodhead, Martin; Montgomery, Heather and Burr, Rachel
Woods, Kim W.
Woodward, Kath
Wuyts, Marc
Yamagata, Naoko
Yang, Hui and Zhang, Minjie
Yang, Hui and Zhang, Minjie
Zamenopoulos, Theodore and Alexiou, Katerina
Zamenopoulos, Theodore and Alexiou, Katerina
Journal ItemTo Top
Aczel, James; Fung, Pat; Bornat, Richard; Oliver, Martin; O'Shea, Tim and Sufrin, Bernard
Adams, Anne
Ahier, John and Beck, John
Aisbitt, Sally
Alani, Harith; Dasmahapatra, Srinandan; O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel
Alani, Harith; Kim, Sanghee; Millard, David E.; Weal, Mark J.; Hall, Wendy; Lewis, Paul H. and Shadbolt, Nigel R.
Albers, C.J. and Schaafsma, W.
Albright, James and Walsh, Christopher
Aldred, R.; Siran, M. and Siran, J.
Ali, Syed Mustafa
Allan, John and Lawless, Naomi
Almaini, O.; Scott, S.E.; Dunlop, J.S.; Manners, J.C.; Willott, C.J.; Lawrence, A.; Ivison, R.J.; Johnson, O.; Blain, A.W.; Peacock, J.A.; Oliver, S.J.; Fox, M.J.; Mann, R.G.; Pérez-Fournon, I.; González-Solares, E.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Serjeant, S.; Cabrera-Guerra, F. and Hughes, D.H.
Alsindi, W. Z.; Gardner, D. O.; van Dishoeck, E. F. and Fraser, H. J.
Álvarez, I
Alzola Romero, Aaron
Amin, A.; Massey, D. and Thrift, N.
Amin, Ash; Massey, Doreen and Thrift, Nigel
Anand, M.; Gibson, S.A; Subbarao, K.V; Kelley, S.P and Dickin, A.P
Anand, Pallavi; Elderfield, Henry and Conte, Maureen H
Anand, Mahesh; Taylor, Lawrence A.; Misra, Kula C.; Demidova, Svetlana I. and Nazarov, Mikhail A.
Anand, Mahesh; Taylor, Lawrence A.; Neal, Clive R.; Snyder, Gregory A.; Patchen, Allan; Sano, Yuji and Terada, Kentaro
Anand, Paul
Anand, Paul
Anderson, Carl and McMillan, Elizabeth
Andrews, N. J.; Farrington, C. P.; Ward, H. T. J.; Cousens, S. N.; Smith, P. G.; Molesworth, A. M.; Knight, R. S. G.; Ironside, J. W. and Will, R. G.
Andrijasevic, Rutvica and Bracke, Sarag
Arai, Lisa
Arai, Lisa
Archdeacon, A.; Froncek, D.; Jajcay, R.; Ryjacek, Z. and Siran, J.
Argles, Tom; Foster, Gavin; Whittington, Alan; Harris, Nigel and George, Mark
Arnold, John; Coombs, Crispin; Wilkinson, Adrian; Loan-Clarke, John; Park, Jennifer and Preston, Diane
Ayalon, A.; Bar-Matthews, M.; Gilmour, M.; Matthews, A. and Hawkesworth, C. J.
Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe
Ball, Kirstie
Balme, Matthew; Metzger, Stephen; Towner, Martin; Ringrose, Tim; Greeley, Ronald and Iversen, James
Balme, Matthew; Whelley, Patrick and Greeley, Ronald
Baravalle, Andres and Lanfranchi, Vitaveska
Barker, J. and Kolb, U.
Barker, Meg
Barnard, R.; Church, M. J. and Balucinska-Church, M.
Barnard, R.; Kolb, U. and Osborne, J. P.
Barnard, R.; Osborne, J.P.; Kolb, U. and Borozdin, K.N.
Barnes, Amy Jane
Barnes, David; Mieczkowska, Suzanne and Hinton, Matthew
Barnes, Marian; Newman, Janet; Knops, Andrew and Sullivan, Helen
Barnett, Clive
Barth, Karl F. and Rippon, Philip J.
Bassindale, Alan R.; MacKinnon, Iain A.; Maesano, Maria G. and Taylor, Peter G.
Bassindale, Alan R.; Baukov, Yuri I.; Borbaruah, Moheswar; Glynn, Simon J; Negrebetsky, Vadim V.; Parker, David J.; Taylor, Peter G. and Turtle, Robert
Bassindale, Alan R.; Brandstadt, Kurt F.; Lane, Thomas H. and Taylor, Peter G.
Bassindale, Alan R.; Liu, Zhihua; MacKinnon, Iain A.; Taylor, Peter G.; Yang, Yuxing; Light, Mark E.; Horton, Peter N. and Hursthouse, Michael B.
Bassindale, Alan R.; Liu, Zhihua; Parker, David J.; Taylor, Peter; Horton, Peter N.; Hursthouse, Michael B. and Light, Mark E.
Bassindale, Alan R.; Liu, Zhihua; Parker, David J.; Taylor, Peter G.; Horton, Peter N.; Hursthouse, Michael B. and Light, Mark E.
Bassindale, Alan R.; Parker, David J.; Taylor, Peter G.; Auner, Norbert and Herrschaft, Bernhard
Bassindale, Alan R.; Pourny, Manuel; Taylor, Peter G.; Hursthouse, Michael B. and Light, Mark E.
Bassindale, Alan Richard; Parker; Taylor, Peter Geoffrey and Watt, Alison Claire
Bátiz-Lazo, Bernardo and Wood, Douglas
Baumann, Uwe and Shelley, Monica
Bekker, Mathilde; Beusmans, Julie; Keyson, David and Lloyd, Peter
Bell, Emma and Taylor, Scott
Belshaw, Christopher
Benjamin, Shereen; Nind, Melanie; Hall, Kathy; Collins, Janet and Sheehy, Kieron
Bennett, Nigel and Marr, Alan
Bennett, Zoe; Faltin, Lucia and Wright, Melanie
Berridge, Michael J.; Bootman, Martin D. and Roderick, H. Llewelyn
Berry, F. J. and Jones, C. J.
Bertie, Andrew and Farrington, Paddy
Bessant, John; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Lamming, Richard
Bessant, John; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
Bickle, Mike J.; Bunbury, Judith; Chapman, Hazel J.; Harris, Nigel B W.; Fairchild, Ian J. and Ahmad, Talat
Biss, Pamela; Freeland, Joanna; Silvertown, Jonathan; McConway, Kevin and Lutman, Peter
Bissell, C.C.
Bissell, Christopher; Chapman, David; Herman, Clem and Robinson, Lee
Blake, C. T. and Scanlon, E.
Blake, Canan Tosunoglu; Davies, C.; Jones, A.; Morris, E. and Scanlon, E.
Blasiak, P.; Penson, K.A. and Solomon, A.I.
Blasiak, P.; Penson, K.A. and Solomon, A.I.
Blasiak, P.; Penson, K.A. and Solomon, A.I.
Blomme, R.; van den Steene, G. C.; Prinja, R. K.; Runacres, M. C. and Clark, J. S.
Bloustien, Gerry and Baker, Sarah
Bon, Ranko; Gibson, Virginia and Luck, Rachael
Boraiah, K. T.; Vasudeva, R.; Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Kushalappa, C. G.
Bornat, J.
Bornat, Joanna
Bornett, H. L. I.; Edge, H. L. and Edwards, S. A.
Bornett, H. L. I.; Guy, J. H. and Cain, P. J.
Bovaird, Tony and Löffler, Elke
Bowman, Marion
Brack, Verity and Closier, Amanda
Braeutigam, Sven and Swithenby, Stephen J.
Braithwaite, N.St.J.; Sheridan, T.E. and Boswell, R.W.
Bras, W.; Dolbnya, I.P.; Detollenaere, D.; van Tol, R.; Malfois, M.; Greaves, G.N.; Ryan, A.J. and Heeley, E.
Brasher, Andrew and McAndrew, Patrick
Bridges, J.C.; Seabrook, A.M.; Rothery, D.A.; Kim, J.R.; Pillinger, C.T.; Sims, M.R.; Golombek, M.P.; Duxbury, T.; Head, J.W.; Haldemann, A.F.C.; Mitchell, K.L.; Muller, J.-P.; Lewis, S.R.; Moncrieff, C.; Wright, I.P.; Grady, M.M. and Morley, J.G.
Brierley, A.S; Fernandes, P.G; Brandon, M. A.; Armstrong, F.; Millard, N. W.; McPhail, S. D.; Stevenson, P.; Pebody, M.; Perrett, J.; Squires, M.; Bone, D.G. and Griffiths, G.
Brok, W.J.M.; van Dijk, J.; Bowden, M.D.; van der Mullen, J.J.A.M. and Kroesen, G. M.W.
Brooker, R.A.; Du, Z.; Blundy, J.D.; Kelley, S.P.; Allan, N.L.; Wood, B.J.; Chamorro, E.M.; Wartho, J.A. and Purton, J.A.
Brooker, Sally; Ewing, Janna D.; Ronson, Tanya K.; Harding, Charles J.; Nelson, Jane and Speed, David J.
Brown, W.
Brownlee, D.E.; Tsou, P.; Anderson, J.D.; Hanner, M.S.; Newburn, R.L.; Sekanina, Z.; Clark, B.C.; Horz, F.; Zolensky, M.E.; Kissel, J.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; Sandford, S.A. and Tuzzolino, A.J.
Bruno, Giovanni S. F. and Orsenigo, Luigi
Brunton, Deborah
Bryant, D.; Grannell, M. J. and Griggs, T. S.
Bryant, Darryn; Grannell, Mike; Griggs, Terry and Maenhaut, Barbara
Budds, Jessica and McGranahan, Gordon
Burgess, Hilary and Mayes, Ann Shelton
Burkitt, E.; Barrett, M. and Davis, A.
Burkitt, Esther; Barrett, Martyn and Davis, Alyson
Burt, C.G.; Chambers, E.; Maxted, M.; Grant, J.R.; Markham, N.; Watts, H. and Wilkins, D.C
Butcher, J.
Butcher, John
Butcher, Melissa
Butt, Trevor and Langdridge, Darren
Bywaters, Paul; Ali, Zoebia; Fazil, Qulsom; Wallace, Louise M. and Singh, Gurnam
Cain, P. J.; Guy, J. H. and Bornett, H. L. I.
Cameron, Lynne and Deignan, Alice
Candlin, Christopher N. and Sarangi, Srikant
Carbone, Daniele; Budetta, Gennaro; Greco, Filippo and Rymer, Hazel
Carbucicchio, M.; Bennett, S.; Berry, Frank; Prezioso, M.; Rateo, M. and Turilli, G.
Carrigan, M. and Szmigin, I.
Carter, Simon and Michael, Mike
Cathcart, Charles
Cathcart, Charles
Cathcart, Charles
Cathcart, Charles
Cathcart, Charles
Catt, R.
Chambers, Ellie
Chandler, Simon P.; Kansagra, Pushpa and Hirst, Mark C.
Charlier, B.L.A; Peate, D.W.; Wilson, C.J.N.; Lowenstern, J.B.; Storey, M. and Brown, S.J.A.
Chaty, S.; Haswell, C.A.; Malzac, J.; Hynes, R.I.; Shrader, C.R. and Cui, W.
Chera, Pav and Wood, Clare
Chimisso, Cristina
Chimisso, Cristina and Freudenthal, Gad
Chrastina, D.; Hague, J. P. and Leadley, D. R.
Christian, Kathleen Wren
Ciccolini, Francesca; Collins, Tony J.; Sudhoelter, Juliana; Lipp, Peter; Berridge, Michael J. and Bootman, Martin D.
Clark, Norman; Hall, Andy; Sulaiman, Rasheed and Naik, Guru
Clark, Alison
Clark, J. S.; Charles, P. A.; Clarkson, W. I. and Coe, M. J.
Clark, J. S.; Egan, M. P.; Crowther, P. A.; Mizuno, D. R.; Larionov, V. M. and Arkharov, A.
Clark, J. S.; Larionov, V. M; Crowther, P. A.; Egan, M. P. and Arkharov, A.
Clark, J. S.; Tarasov, A. E. and Panko, E. A.
Clark, Nigel and Stephenson, Nick
Clarke, Anna
Clarke, John
Clegg, Stewart and Ray, Tim
Cockell, C.S.
Cockell, Charles; Rettberg, Petra; Horneck, Gerda; Scherer, Kerstin and Stokes, Dale M.
Cockell, Charles S. and Ellery, A. Alex
Cockell, Charles S.; Lim, Darlene S. S.; Braham, Stephen; Lee, Pascal and Clancey, Bill
Cockell, Charles S.; Osinski, Gordon R. and Lee, Pascal
Coffin, C.
Cole, Geoff G.; Kentridge, Robert W.; Gellatly, Angus R.H. and Heywood, Charles A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, Phil
Collings, M. P.; Dever, J. W.; Fraser, H. J. and McCoustra, M. R. S.
Collings, M. P.; Dever, J. W.; Fraser, H. J.; McCoustra, M. R. S. and Williams, D. A.
Collins, Richard
Collins, Tony T. and Bootman, Martin D.
Collins, Trevor D.
Cook, Deirdre and Ralston, John
Cook, Guy
Cooke, Catherine
Cooke, Catherine
Cooke, Catherine
Coombs, C.R.; Park, J.R.; Loan-Clarke, J.; Arnold, J.; Preston, D. and Wilkinson, A.J.
Cooper, S.G. and Mackintosh, R.S.
Craft, A.
Craft, Anna
Craft, Anna
Crawford, Joh R.; Garthwaite, Paul H. and Gray, Colin D.
Crawford, John R.; Garthwaite, Paul H.; Howell, David C. and Venerri, Annalena
Crook, Robert; Ince, Darrel and Nuseibeh, Bashar
Crowther, P. A. and Clark, J. S.
Crubezy, M.; Musen, M. A.; Motta, E. and Wenjin, Lu
Culham, Andrew and Nind, Melanie
Cunningham, S. A.; Alderson, S. G.; King, B. A. and Brandon, M. A.
Daly, Mary and Yeates, Nicola
Daniel, Elizabeth
Daniel, Elizabeth; Wilson, Hugh and McDonald, Malcolm
Daniel, Elizabeth M. and Wilson, Hugh N.
Davies, H. A.; Kelly, A.; Dhanrajan, T. M.; Lynch, M. A. and Stewart, M. G.
de Chernatony, Leslie; Drury, Susan and Segal-Horn, Susan
de Chernatony, Leslie and Segal-Horn, Susan
de Rooij, Mark and Gower, John C.
Del Angel, Gustavo A. and Bátiz-Lazo, Bernardo
Demidova, S.I.; Nazarov, M.A.; Anand, Mahesh and Taylor, L.A.
Dewberry, Emma
Di Domenico, MariaLaura and Morrison, Alison
Dibb, Sally
Dibb, Sally and Simkin, Lyndon
Dickins, Rachel S.; Parker, David; Bruce, James I. and Tozer, David J.
Didier, Nathalie; Romero, Ignacio A.; Creminon, Christophe; Wijkhuisen, Anne; Grassi, Jacques and Mabondzo, Aloise
Dobbyn, Chris and Stuart, Susan
Dockrell, J.; Messer, D.; George, R. and Ralli, A.
Doherty, Neil and Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona
Doherty, Neil F. and Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona E.
Domingue, John; Stutt, Arthur; Martins, Maria; Tan, Jaicheng; Petursson, Helgi and Motta, Enrico
Doraisamy, Shyamala and Rüger, Stefan
Draper, Janet
Draper, Janet
Draper, Janet
Du Gay, Paul
Duckworth, J.C.; Firbank, L.G.; Stuart, R.C. and Yamamoto, S.
Dunkin, S. K.; Grande, M.; Casanova, I.; Fernandes, V.; Heather, D.J.; Kellet, B.; Muinonen, K.; Russell, S.S.; Browning, R.; Waltham, N.; Parker, D.; Kent, B.; Perry, C.H.; Swinyard, B.; Perry, A.; Feraday, J.; Howe, C.; Phillips, K.; McBride, G.; Houvelin, J.; Muhli, P.; Hakala, P. J.; Vilhu, O.; Thomas, N.; Hughes, D.; Alleyne, H.; Grady, M.M.; Lundin, R.; Barabash, S.; Baker, D.; Clark, P.E.; Murray, C.D.; Guest, J.; D'Uston, L.C.; Maurice, S.; Foing, B.; Christou, A.; Owen, C.; Charles, P.; Laukkanen, J.; Koskinen, H.; Kato, M.; Sipila, K.; Nenonen, S.; Holmstrom, M.; Bhandari, N.; Elphic, R. and Lawrence, D.
Earle, Sarah
Earle, Sarah
Eckert, Claudia and Boujut, Jean-François
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
Eden, S.; Limão-Vieira, P.; Hoffmann, S. V. and Mason, N. J.
Eden, S.; Limão-Vieira, P.; Kendall, P.; Mason, N. J.; Hoffmann, S. V. and Spyrou, S. M.
Edwards, Richard; Clarke, Julia; Harrison, Roger and Reeve, Fiona
Ehrenfreund, P.; Fraser, H. J.; Blum, J.; Cartwright, J. H. E.; García-Ruiz, J. M.; Hadamcik, E.; Levasseur-Regourd, A. C.; Price, S.; Prodi, F. and Sarkissian, A.
Ekins, Paul and Simon, Sandrine
Ekins, Paul; Simon, Sandrine; Deutsch, Lisa; Folke, Carl and De Groot, Rudolf
Ellery, A.; Barnes, D.; Buckland, R.; Welch, C.; Garry, J.; Zarnecki, J.; Gebbie, J.; Green, A.; Smith, M.; Hall, D.; McInnes, C.; Winfield, A.; Nehmzow, U. and Ball, A.
Ellery, A. Alex and Cockell, Charles S.
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Endicott, J.; Patanè, A.; Ibáñez, J.; Eaves, L.; Bissiri, M.; Hopkinson, M.; Airey, R. and Hill, G.
Enoch, M. P. and Warren, J. P.
Enoch, Marcus and Potter, Stephen
Evans, Jessica
Eyre, Mark D.; Richter-Levin, Gal; Avital, Avi and Stewart, Michael G.
Fagan, Adam and Jehlicka, Petr
Farrington, C. P.
Farrington, C. P.; Kanaan, M. N. and Gay, N. J.
Farrington, C. P. and Whitaker, H. J.
Fensel, Dieter; Motta, Enrico; van Harmelen, Frank; Benjamins, V. Richard; Crubezy, Monica; Decker, Stefan; Gaspari, Mauro; Groenboom, Rix; Grosso, William; Musen, Mark; Plaza, Enric; Schreiber, Guus; Studer, Rudi and Wielinga, Bob
Fenton-O'Creevy, M.; Nicholson, N.; Soane, E. and Willman, P.
Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark
Ferlie, Ewan; Hartley, Jean and Martin, Steve
Finnegan, Ruth
Fitzgerald, E.J.; Caffrey, J.M.; Nesaratnam, S.T. and McLoughlin, P.
Fitzpatrick, Ben
Flewitt, R.S.
Flynn, Geraldine; Maru, Seema; Loughlin, Jane; Romero, Ignacio A. and Male, David
Forbes, A. D.
Forbes, A.D.; Grannell, M.J. and Griggs, T.S.
Forbes, Barbara J.; Pike, E. Roy and Sharp, David B.
Forbes, Barbara J.; Sharp, David B.; Kemp, Jonathan A. and Li, Aijun
Franklin, R. N.
Franklin, R. N.
Franklin, R. N.
Franklin, R. N.
Franklin, R. N.
Franklin, R. N.
Franklin, R. N.
Franklin, R. N.
Franklin, R. N. and Slemrod, M.
Fraser, Helen; Williams, David; Sims, Ian; Richards, Anita and Yates, Jeremy
Fraser, Jennifer A.; Kansagra, Pushpa; Kotecki, Claire; Saunders, Robert D.C. and McLellan, Lesley I.
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Frederickson, James and Howell, Graham
Freeland, Joanna R.; Lodge, Rebecca J. and Okamura, Beth
Freeland, Joanna R.; May, Michael; Lodge, Rebecca and Conrad, Kelvin F.
Fulcher, G. and Márquez Reiter, R.
Gabbott, Paul L.A.
Gabbott, Paul L.A.; Warner, Tracy A.; Jays, Paul R.L. and Bacon, Sarah J.
Gardener, Mark C.; Rowe, Richard J. and Gillman, Michael P.
Garner, Steven and Mann, Phebe
Gaskill, Marion
Gaskill, Marion
Gaskill, Marion
Gellatly, Angus; Cole, Geoff; Fox, Claire and Johnson, Matthew
Genty, D.; Blamart, D.; Ouahdi, R.; Gilmour, M.; Baker, A.; Jouzel, J. and Van-Exter, S.
Gilbert, Joanne C.; Gowing, David J. G. and Bullock, Richard J.
Gilbert, Joanne C.; Gowing, David J.G. and Loveland, Peter
Gilbert, T.; Cochrane, A. and Greenwell, S.
Gilmour, I.; French, B.M.; Franchi, I.A.; Abbott, J. I.; Hough, R. M.; Newton, J. and Koeberl, C.
Giuliani, A.; Delwiche, J.; Hoffmann, S.V.; Limão-Vieira, P.; Mason, N.J. and Hubin-Franskin, M.-J.
Giuliani, A.; Walker, I.C.; Delwiche, J.; Hoffmann, S.V.; Limao-Viera, P.; Mason, N.J.; Heyne, B.; Hoebeke, M. and Hubin-Franskin, M.J.
Gladding, Toni; Thorn, Jorgen and Stott, David
Glatter, Ron and Kydd, Lesley
Gleiser, Pablo M.; Tamarit, Francisco A.; Cannas, Sergio A. and Montemurro, Marcelo A.
Goldsworthy, B. J.; Burchell, M. J.; Cole, M. J.; Armes, S. P.; Khan, M. A.; Lascelles, S. F.; Green, S. F.; McDonnell, J. A. M.; Srama, R. and Bigger, S. W.
Goodyear, Peter; Asensio, Mireia; Jones, Chris; Hodgson, Vivien and Steeples, Christine
Gorham, D. A.; Salman, A. D. and Pitt, M. J.
Gosling, William D.; Mayle, Francis E.; Killeen, Timothy J.; Siles, Marcelo; Sanchez, Lupita and Boreham, Steve
Gottsmann, Joachim; Berrino, Giovanna; Rymer, Hazel and Williams-Jones, Glyn
Gourrat, C.; Masse, J.-P. and Skelton, P.W.
Gower, John
Gower, John C. and de Rooij, Mark
Grady, Monica M.
Grady, Monica M. and Wright, Ian P.
Graham, Giles A.; Kearsley, Anton T.; Wright, Ian P.; Burchell, Mark J. and Taylor, Emma A.
Grainger, Teresa and Kendall-Seatter, Sue
Grainger, Teresa
Grainger, Teresa
Grainger, Teresa
Grainger, Teresa
Grainger, Teresa; Goouch, Kathy and Lambirth, Andrew
Grande, M.; Browning, R.; Waltham, N.; Parker, D.; Dunkin, S.K.; Kent, B.; Kellet, B.; Perry, C.H.; Swinyard, B.; Perry, A.; Feraday, J.; Howe, C.; McBride, G.; Phillips, K.; Huovelin, J.; Muhli, P.; Hakala, P.J.; Vilhu, O.; Laukkanen, J.; Thomas, N.; Hughes, D.; Alleyne, H.; Grady, M.; Lundin, R.; Barabash, S.; Baker, D.; Clark, P.E.; Murray, C.D.; Guest, J.; Casanova, I.; D'Uston, L.C.; Maurice, S.; Foing, B.; Heather, D.J.; Fernandes, V.; Muinonen, K.; Russell, S.; Christou, A.; Owen, C.; Charles, P.; Koskinen, H.; Kato, M.; Sipila, K.; Nenonen, S.; Holmstrom, M.; Bhandari, N.; Elphic, R. and Lawrence, D.
Grannell, M. J.; Griggs, T. S.; Maenhaut, B. M.; Quinn, K. A. S. and Stanton, R. G.
Grannell, M. J.; Griggs, T. S. and Knor, M.
Grannell, M.J.; Griggs, T.S.; Korzhik, V.P. and Siran, Jozef
Grannell, Mike; Griggs, Terry and Knor, M.
Grant, Janet; Kilminster, Sue; Jolly, Brian and Cottrell, David
Greeley, Ronald; Balme, Matthew R.; Iversen, James D.; Metzger, Stephen; Mickelson, Robert; Phoreman, Jim and White, Bruce
Green, Alison
Grieco, Margaret; Little, Stephen and Macdonald, Kenneth
Grimm, Uwe and Martin, Paul P.
Gunnell, Y.; Gallagher, K.; Carter, A.; Widdowson, M. and Hurford, A.J.
Gunter, Anthony
Gupta, Suman
Haggarty, Linda and Postlethwaite, Keith
Hague, J. P.
Hammersley, M.
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hampel, Regine
Hanlon, Joseph
Harris, Nigel; McMillan, Andy; Holness, Marian; Uken, Ron; Watkeys, Mike; Rogers, Nick and Fallick, Anthony
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Roger; Clarke, Julia; Reeve, Fiona and Edwards, Richard
Harvey, G.
Harvey, Graham
Hathorne, E. C.; Alard, O.; James, R. H. and Rogers, N. W.
Hawkes, Cheryl and Kar, Satyabrata
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
He, Y.; Hui, S. C. and Fong, A. C. M.
He, Yulan and Young, S.
Heeley, E.L.; Maidens, A.V.; Olmsted, P.D.; Bras, W.; Dolbyna, I.P.; Fairclough, J.P.A.; Terrill, N.J. and Ryan, A.J.
Heeley, Ellen L.; Poh, C. Kit; Li, Wu; Maidens, Anna; Bras, Wim; Dolbyna, Igor P.; Gleeson, Anthony J.; Terrill, Nicolas J.; Fairclough, Patrick A.; Olmsted, Peter D.; Ristic, Rile R.; Hounslow, Micheal J. and Ryan, Anthony J.
Heffernan, Richard
Hegarty, P.
Hegarty, P. J.
Hegarty, P. J.
Heiberg-Andersen, H.; Mackintosh, R.S. and Vaagen, J.S.
Helgason, Orn; Greneche, Jean-Marc; Berry, Frank J. and Mosselmans, Frederick
Henry, Jane
Hetherington, Kevin
Hewson, Claire
Hill, Andrew
Hill, R.R.; Moore, S.A. and Roberts, D.R.
Hill, Roger R.; Birch, David; Jeffs, Graham and North, Michael
Hill, Roger R.; Moore, Sharon A. and Roberts, David R.
Hillyer, P.; Mordelet, E.; Flynn, G. and Male, D.
Hogg, Gillian; Laing, Angus and Winkelman, Dan
Holliman, Richard
Hope, Valerie M.
Hough, Mike; Jacobson, Jessica and Millie, Andrew
Houghton, S. L.; Roberts, G. P.; Papanikolaou, I. D.; McArthur, J. M. and Gilmour, M. A.
Houssart, Jenny and Evens, Hilary
Hubbard, Richard; Farrington, Paddy; Smith, Chris; Smeeth, Liam and Tattersfield, Anne
Hubin, Timothy J.; McCormick, James M.; Collinson, Simon R.; Alcock, Nathaniel W.; Clase, Howard J. and Busch, Daryle H.
Hughes, Janet and Parkes, Steve
Humphreys, David
Hurd, Stella
Huskinson, Janet
Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv
Hynes, R.I.; Charles, P.A.; Casares, J.; Haswell, C.A.; Zurita, C. and Shahbaz, T.
Hynes, R.I.; Haswell, C.A.; Cui, W.; Shrader, C.R.; O'Brien, K.; Chaty, S.; Skillman, D.R.; Patterson, J. and Horne, K.
Ianataffi, Alessandra; Jarvis, Joy and Sinka, Indra
Imhoff, Rebecca D.; Power, Nicholas P.; Borrok, M. Jack and Tipton, Peter A.
In-Sun, Nam; Mengersen, Kerrie and Garthwaite, Paul
Inch, S.; Law, S. and Wallace, L.
Inch, S.; Law, S. and Wallace, L.
Itoh, H.; Inoue, J.; Umerski, A. and Mathon, J.
James, Paula
James, Rachael H.; Allen, Doug E. and Seyfried, Jr., W.E.
Janes, R. and Knightley, L.J.
Järvenpää, Esa; Järvenpää, Maarit; MacManus, Paul and O'Neil, Toby C.
Jeffrey, Bob
Jehlicka, Petr and Kostelecky, Tomas
Johnson, Jeffrey
Johnson, Jeffrey; Hirst, Tony and Garner, Steven
Joiner, Richard and Issroff, Kim
Jolliffe, I.T.; Trendafilov, N.T. and Uddin, M.
Jolly, Maggie and Cornock, Marc
Jones, Barrie
Jones, Barrie W.
Jones, Barrie W.
Jones, Clare and Doherty, M
Jones, David W.
Jones, Frank E.; Golding, Jon P. and Gassmann, Martin
Jones, Helen; Owen, Heather and Grant, Janet
Jones, M. C. and Koch, I.
Jones, M.C. and Faddy, M.J.
Jones, Nicholas
Jones, Rodney H. and Candlin, Christopher N.
Jordan, Sally; Butcher, Philip and Ross, Shelagh
Joshipura, K.N.; Vinodkumar, M.; Antony, B.K. and Mason, N.J.
Jurewicz, A.J.G.; Burnett, D.S.; Wiens, R.C.; Friedmann, T.A.; Hays, C.C.; Hohlfelder, R.J.; Nishiizumi, K.; Stone, J.A.; Woolum, D.S.; Becker, R.; Butterworth, A.L.; Campbell, A.J.; Ebihara, M.; Franchi, Ian; Heber, V.; Hohenberg, C.M.; Humayun, M.; McKeegan, K.D.; McNamara, K.; Meshik, A.; Pepin, R.O.; Schlutter, D. and Wieler, R.
Kane, Jean S.; Potts, P.J.; Wiedenbeck, Michael; Carignan, Jean and Wilson, Stephen
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Michael
Katritzky, M.A.
Katz, Jeanne
Kellett, Mary
Kendall, P.; Mason, N. J.; Buchanan, G. A.; Marston, G.; Tegeder, P.; Dawes, A.; Eden, S.; Limão-Vieira, P. and Newnham, D. A.
Kirkwood, A.
Kirkwood, Adrian
Kohut, Milan and Sherlock, Sarah C.
Laing, A.; Hogg, G. and Winkelman, D.
Laing, Angus
Lammer, H.; Wurz, P.; Patel, M.; Killen, R.; Kolb, C.; Massetti, S.; Orsini, S. and Milillo, A.
Lamy, Marie-Noelle
Lamy, Marie-Noëlle and Hassan, Xavière
Langdridge, Darren
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Lawrence, Paul
Lazard, Lisa
Lea, Jerry; Halliday, Tim. R. and Dyson, Mandy
Lea, Susan J.; Lanvers, Ursula and Shaw, Steve
Leach, Jennifer
Lebeau, Yann
Lebeau, Yann
Lee, C. S.
Lehman, Meir M. and Ramil, Juan F.
Levidow, Les
Lewis, Stephen R.
Lewis, Stephen R. and Read, Peter L.
Lewis, Vicky
Lillis, Theresa
Limão-Vieira, P.; Kendall, P. A.; Eden, S.; Mason, N. J.; Heinesch, J.; Hubin-Franskin, M.-J.; Delwiche, J. and Giuliani, A.
Limão-Vieira, P.; Eden, S. and Mason, N. J.
Limão-Vieira, P.; Eden, S.; Mason, N. J. and Hoffmann, S. V.
Lindridge, Andrew and Dibb, Sally
Little, Stephen
Littlejohn, Allison
Littlejohn, Allison
Littlejohn, Allison
Littlejohn, Allison; Campbell, Lorna M.; Tizard, Jenny and Smith, Alison
Littleton, Karen and Wegerif, Rupert
Liu, X.W.; Hopgood, A.A.; Usher, B.F.; Wang, H. and Braithwaite, N.St.J.
Liu, X.W. and Plumbridge, W.J.
Liu, X.W. and Plumbridge, W.J.
Lloyd, Cathy E.; Zgibor, Janice; Wilson, Robb R.; Barnett, Anthony H.; Dyer, Philip H. and Orchard, Trevor J.
Lloyd, P. and Snelders, D.
Lloyd, Peter and Busby, Jerry
Locke, Corinne A.; Rymer, Hazel and Cassidy, John
Longstaffe, F.J.; Sarkar, G.; Paul, D.K. and Potts, Philip
Lonsdale, Carol J.; Smith, Harding E.; Rowan-Robinson, Michael; Surace, Jason; Shupe, David; Xu, Cong; Oliver, Sebastian; Padgett, Deborah; Fang, Fan; Conrow, Tim; Franceschini, Alberto; Gautier, Nick; Griffin, Matt; Hacking, Perry; Masci, Frank; Morrison, Glenn; O'Linger, Joanne; Owen, Frazer; Pérez-Fournon, Ismael; Pierre, Marguerite; Puetter, Rick; Stacey, Gordon; Castro, Sandr; Polletta, Maria del Carmen; Farrah, Duncan; Jarrett, Tom; Frayer, Dave; Siana, Brian; Babbedge, Tom; Dye, Simon; Fox, Matt; Gonzalez-Solares, Eduardo; Salaman, Malcolm; Berta, Stefano; Condon, Jim J.; Dole, Hervé; and Serjeant, Steve
Lopes, Antónia; Wermelinger, Michel and Fiadeiro, José Luiz
Lowe, T. W. and Steel, J.
Lucas, M. R.
Lucey, Helen; Melody, June and Walkerdine, Valerie
Lucey, Helen; Melody, June and Walkerdine, Valerie
Luck, Rachael
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki
Macdonald, Janet
Macdonald, Janet and Mcateer, Erica
MacKian, Sara; Elliott, Heather; Busby, Helen and Popay, Jennie
Mackintosh, R.S.
Mackintosh, R.S. and Rusek, K.
MacQueen, H.A. and Sadler, D.A.
Manners, J.C.; Johnson, O.; Almaini, O.; Willott, C.J.; Gonzalez-Solares, E.; Lawrence, A.; Mann, R.G.; Perez-Fournon, I.; Dunlop, J.S.; McMahon, R.G.; Oliver, S.J.; Rowan-Robinson, M. and Serjeant, S.
Marimuthu, K.N.; Smart, L.E.; Berry, F.J. and Varadaraju, U.V.
Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Martin, J. K.; Matela, R. J. and Sherwen, R. G.
Martin, Oliver and Conole, Grainne
Mason, John and Mason, Nigel
Mason, Jon and Lefrere, Paul
Mason, N. J.; Limão-Vieira, P.; Eden, S.; Kendall, P.; Pathak, S.; Dawes, A.; Tennyson, J.; Tegeder, P.; Kitajima, M.; Okamoto, M.; Sunohara, K.; Tanaka, H.; Cho, H.; Samukawa, S.; Hoffmann, S. V.; Newnham, D. and Spyrou, S. M.
Mason, Nigel John
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matzdorf, Fides and Ramage, Magnus
Mazzucato, Mariana
McBride, Neil; Green, Simon F.; Davies, John K.; Tholen, David J.; Sheppard, Scott S.; Whiteley, Robert J. and Hillier, Jon K.
McClintock, David; Ison, Raymond and Armson, Rosalind
McMillan, Andy; Harris, Nigel B. W.; Holness, Marian; Ashwal, Lewis; Kelley, Simon and Rambeloson, Roger
Mcmullan, Rachel; Lax, Siân; Robertson, Vicki H.; Radford, David J.; Broad, Simon; Watt, Fiona M.; Rowles, Alison; Croft, Daniel R.; Olson, Michael F. and Hotchin, Neil A.
Mercer, Claire; Mohan, Giles and Power, Marcus
Mercer, Neil; Fernandez, Manuel; Dawes, Lyn; Wegerif, Rupert and Sams, Claire
Millie, Andrew
Millie, Andrew; Jacobson, Jessica and Hough, Mike
Miyaji, Hidekazu; Collinson, Simon R.; Prokeš, Ivan and Tucker, James H. R.
Modo, M.; Mellodew, K. and Rezaie, P.
Mol, Annemarie and Law, John
Monaghan, Frank
Montalti, M.; Krishnamurthy, S.; Chao, Y.; Butenko, Yu. V.; Kuznetsov, V. L.; Dhanak, V. R.; Hunt, M. R. C. and Šiller, L.
Montemurro, Marcelo A. and Tamarit, Francisco A.
Montemurro, Marcelo A.; Tamarit, Francisco A. and Anteneodo, Celia
Mulberg, Jon
Muller, Michael; McBride, Neil; Green, Simon F. and Zarnecki, John C.
Murji, Karim
Murray, John B.
Neal, Sarah
Negrebetsky, Vadim V.; Bylikin, Sergey Y.; Shipov, Alexander G.; Baukov, Yuri I.; Bassindale, Alan R. and Taylor, Peter
Negueruela, I.; Israel, G. L.; Marco, A.; Norton, A. J. and Speziali, R.
Newman, J. and Nutley, S.
Nicoll, Kathy and Harrison, Roger
Nicolson, Margaret
Nicolson, Margaret and Donnachie, Ian
O'Dell, L.
Oliveira, Alcyr; Hodges, Helen and Rezaie, Payam
Oliver, Kevin I. C. and Heywood, Karen J.
Oliver, Lee; Harris, Nigel; Bickle, Mike; Chapman, Hazel; Dise, Nancy and Horstwood, Matthew
Olsson, Karen; Keis, Stefanie; Morgan, Hugh W.; Dimroth, Peter and Cook, Gregory M.
Painter, Clare; Coffin, Caroline and Hewings, Ann
Papaioannou, Theodoros
Park, B. U.; Jeong, Seok-Oh; Jones, M. C. and Kang, Kee-Hoon
Park, J. R.; Coombs, Crispin; Wilkinson, A. J. and Preston, D.
Parker, Jan
Parker, Jan
Parker, Jan
Parker, Jo
Parkinson, I.J.; Arculus, R.J. and Eggins, S.M.
Parsonage, Catherine
Parsonage, Catherine
Patel, M. R.; Bérces, A.; Kolb, C.; Lammer, H.; Rettberg, P.; Zarnecki, J. C. and Selsis, F.
Paterson, Matthew; Humphreys, David and Pettiford, Lloyd
Pelc, A.; Sailer, W.; Scheier, P.; Mason, N.J.; Illenberger, E. and Märk, T.D.
Peppiatt, Claire M.; Collins, Tony J.; Mackenzie, Lauren; Conway, Stuart J.; Holmes, Andrew B.; Bootman, Martin; Berridge, Michael J.; Seo, Jeong T. and Roderick, H. Llewelyn
Percival, John
Peters, Geoff
Phoenix, Ann; Frosh, Stephen and Pattman, Rob
Pickering, Marcus and Rüger, Stefan
Piletsky, Sergey; Piletska, Elena; Bossi, Alessandra; Turner, Nicholas and Turner, Anthony
Pine, K. and Messer, D.
Pittaway, Mark
Platt, J.P.; Whitehouse, M.J; Kelley, S.P; Carter, A. and Hollick, L.
Plattner, Ulrike; Markl, Gregor and Sherlock, Sarah
Plumbridge, W.J.
Plumridge, L. and Thomson, R.
Pond, Caroline A. and Mattacks, Christine A.
Pond, Caroline M.
Pontoppidan, K. M.; Fraser, H. J.; Dartois, E.; Thi, W.-F.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Boogert, A. C. A.; d’Hendecourt, L.; Tielens, A. G. G. M. and Bisschop, S. E.
Pope, Sue; Haggarty, Linda and Jones, Keith
Popov, V. I.; Medvedev, N. I.; Rogachevskii, V. V.; Ignatev, D. A.; Stewart, M. G. and Fesenko, E E
Potts, P.; Ellis, A.T.; Kregsamer, P.; Marshall, J.; Steli, C.; West, M. and Wobrauschek, P.
Power, Richard; Scott, Donia and Bouayad-Agha, Nadjet
Prescott, Lynda
Price, Blaine A.; Richards, Mike; Petre, Marian; Hirst, Anthony and Johnson, Jeffrey
Price, Carolyn
Priddle, J.D.; Mattacks, C.A.; Sadler, D.A.; MacQueen, H.A. and Pond, C.M.
Priddle, Julian; Whitehouse, Michael J.; Ward, Peter; Shreeve, Rachael S.; Brierley, Andrew S.; Atkinson, Angus; Watkins, Jonathan L.; Brandon, Mark A. and Cripps, Geoffrey C.
Prinja, R. K.; Long, K. S.; Froning, C. S.; Knigge, C.; Witherick, D. K.; Clark, J. S. and Ringwald, F. A.
Purohit, Kiran D. and Walsh, Christopher
Quaintrell, H.; Norton, A. J.; Ash, T. D. C.; Roche, P.; Willems, B.; Bedding, T. R.; Baldry, I. K. and Fender, R. P.
Ramsden, Anne
Ramsey, Caroline
Reddy, S.M; Wheeler, J.; Butler, R.W.H; Cliff, R.A; Freeman, S.; Inger, S.; Pickles, C. and Kelley, S.P
Reddy, Sushma and Dávalos, Liliana M.
Renault, Andrew D.; Zhang, Xiao-Hua; Alphey, Luke S.; Frenz, Lisa M.; Glover, David M.; Saunders, Robert D. C. and Axton, J. Myles
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Jill and Wetherell, Margaret
Rezaie, Payam
Rezaie, Payam and Male, David
Rezaie, Payam; Ulfig, Norbert and Male, David
Ribbens McCarthy, Jane; Holland, Janet and Gillies, Val
Rice, Adrian C. and Wilson, Robin J.
Richardson, Carol M.
Richardson, J.C.; Kendal, C.E.; Anderson, R.; Priest, F.; Gower, E.; Soden, P.; Gray, R.; Topps, S.; Howlett, D.R.; Lavendar, D.; Clarke, N.J.; Barnes, J.C.; Haworth, R.; Stewart, M.G. and Rupniak, H.T.R.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.; Long, Gary L. and Woodley, Alan
Richardson, John T. E. and Price, Linda
Richardson, John T. E. and Woodley, A.
Richardson, John T. E. and Wydell, Taeko N.
Riley, Teal R.; Leat, Philip T.; Kelley, Simon P.; Millar, Ian L. and Thirlwall, Matthew F.
Riley, Teal R.; Leat, Philip T.; Storey, Bryan C.; Parkinson, Ian J. and Millar, Ian L.
Ringrose, T.J.; Towner, M.C. and Zarnecki, J.C.
Ritter, H. and Kolb, U.
Robbins, Peter T.
Robinson, Jennifer
Robinson, Jenny
Roche, Jeremy and Tucker, Stanley
Roderick, H. Llewelyn; Berridge, Michael J. and Bootman, Martin D.
Roderick, H.Llewelyn and Bootman, Martin D.
Rolph, Sheena; Atkinson, Dorothy and Walmsley, Jan
Romero, I.A.; Radewicz, K.; Jubin, E.; Michel, C.C.; Greenwood, J.; Couraud, P.O. and Adamson, P.
Ronto, Gyorgyi; Berces, Attila; Lammer, Helmut; Cockell, Charles S.; Molina-Cuberos, Gregorio J.; Patel, Manish R. and Selsis, Franck
Rooney, J. and Tanev, T. K.
Ros I Sole, Cristina
Rose, Gillian
Roth, Ilona
Rothery, D.A.; Thorne, M.T. and Flynn, L.
Rubin, A. E.; Kallemeyn, G. W.; Wasson, J. T.; Clayton, R. N.; Mayeda, T. K.; Grady, Monica; Verchovsky, Sasha; Eugster, O. and Lorenzetti, S.
Sacchetti, Silvia and Sugden, Roger
Sachs, Gertrude Tinker; Candlin, Christophe N. and Rose, Kenneth R.
Sadlo, Gaynor and Richardson, John T. E.
Sailer, W.; Pelc, A.; Limão-Vieira, P.; Mason, N.J.; Limtrakul, J.; Scheier, P.; Probst, M. and Märk, T.D.
Sall, Ebrima; Lebeau, Yann and Kassimir, Ron
Salman, A.D.; Fu, J.; Gorham, D.A. and Hounslow, M.J.
Samways, Damien S. K.; Li, Wen-hong; Conway, Stuart J.; Holmes, Andrew B.; Bootman, Martin D. and Henderson, Graeme
Sandi, Carmen; Davies, Heather; Isabel Cordero, M.; Rodriguez, Jose J.; Popov, Victor I. and Stewart, Michael G.
Sarangi, Srikant and Candlin, Christopher N
Saunders, David
Saunders, David
Saward, Michael
Saward, Michael
Sayer, E. J. and Newbery, D. M.
Schönbächler, Maria; Lee, Der-Chuen; Rehkämper, Mark; Halliday, Alex N.; Fehr, Manuela A.; Hattendorf, Bobo and Günther, Detlef
Scott, Peter and Quick, Kevin
Searle, Rosalind H. and Ball, Kirstie S.
Sephton, M.A.; Verchovsky, A.B.; Bland, P.A.; Gilmour, I.; Grady, M.M. and Wright, I.P.
Serjeant, S.; Dunlop, J.S.; Mann, R.G.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Hughes, D.; Efstathiou, A.; Blain, A.; Fox, M.; Ivison, R.J.; Jenness, T.; Lawrence, A.; Longair, M.; Oliver, S. and Peacock, J.A.
Serjeant, Stephen; Farrah, Duncan; Geach, James; Takagi, Toshinobu; Verma, Aprajita; Kaviani, Ali and Fox, Matt
Shahbaz, T.; Dhillon, V.S.; Marsh, T.R.; Zurita, C.; Haswell, Carole; Charles, P.A.; Hynes, R.I. and Casares, J.
Sharp, D.B.; Wright, H.A.K. and Ring, W.
Sherlock, Sarah C.; Kelley, Simon P.; Zalasiewicz, Jan A.; Schofield, David I.; Evans, Jane A.; Merriman, Richard J. and Kemp, Simon J.
Silverdale, Natalie and Katz, Jeanne
Silvertown, Jonathan and Bullock, James M.
Sims, Hallie J. and McConway, Kevin J.
Skelton, P.W.; Gili, E.; Vicens, E.; Obrador, A. and López, G.
Sklar, Elizabeth; Eguchi, Amy and Johnson, Jeffrey
Smith, Pamela; Nix, Andrew; Davey, Neil and Messer, David
Smith, A. D.; Schofield, P. F.; Scholl, A.; Pattrick, R.A.D. and Bridges, J.C.
Smith, Andrew; Wild, Catherine and Law, John
Smith, Warren and Higgins, Matthew
Soler, Janet and Miller, Linda
Song, D. and Bruza, P.D.
Spear, Roger; Aiken, Michael and Newholm, T.
Spicer, Robert A.; Harris, Nigel B.W.; Widdowson, Mike; Herman, Alexei B.; Guo, Shuangxing; Valdes, Paul J.; Wolfe, Jack A. and Kelley, Simon P.
Stacey, Martin and Eckert, Claudia
Stariolo, D.A.; Montemurro, M.A. and Tamarit, F.A.
Stefanescu, D.; Dutta, M; Wang, D. Q.; Edwards, L. and Fitzpatrick, M. E.
Stefanescu, D.; Edwards, L. and Fitzpatrick, M.E.
Steuwer, A.; Santisteban, J. R.; Withers, P. J.; Edwards, L. and Fitzpatrick, M. E.
Stevenson, D.S.; Johnson, C.E.; Highwood, E.J.; Gauci, V.; Collins, W.J. and Derwent, R.G.
Stewart, Bernard W.; Greim, Helmut; Shuker, David and Kauppinen, Timo
Stewart, Jill and Rhoden, Maureen
Strüder, Inge
Sturges, Jane; Simpson, Ruth and Altman, Yochanan
Sun, Weiwei; Shi, Weibin; Shi, Bole and Yu, Yijun
Sutton, Yvonne; Shaw, Adam and Zeqiri, Bajram
Szmigin, Isabelle; Maddock, Sarah and Carrigan, Marylyn
Tait, Alan
Tanner, Karen and Turney, Danielle
Tata, L. J.; West, J.; Harrison, T.; Farrington, P.; Smith, C. and Hubbard, R.
Taylor, Claire L.; Latimer, Mary P. and Winn, Philip
Taylor, Emma A.; Glanville, Jonathan P.; Clegg, Richard A. and Turner, Robert G.
Taylor, Lawrence A.; Anand, Mahesh; Promprated, Prinya; Floss, Christine and Sobolev, Nikolai V.
Taylor, Lawrence A.; Snyder, Gregory A.; Keller, Randall; Remley, David A.; Anand, Mahesh; Wiesli, Rene; Valley, John and Sobolev, Nikolai V.
Taylor, Peter and Fransman, Jude
Taylor, Stephanie
Taylor, V. J.; Beever, D. E.; Bryant, M. J. and Wathes, D. C.
Terry, A.E.; Hobbs, J.K.; Organ, S.J. and Barham, P.J.
Tetley, Josie; Haynes, Lorna; Hawthorne, Maud; Odeyemi, Joe; Skinner, Jeanne; Smith, Dora and Wilson, Vanlis
Thomson, Elizabeth S. and Laing, Angus W.
Thomson, Rachel; Henderson, Sheila and Holland, Janet
Thomson, Rachel; Henderson, Sheila and Holland, Janet
Thomson, Rachel and Holland, Janet
Thomson, Rachel; Plumridge, Libby and Holland, Janet
Thordarson, Thorvaldur and Self, Stephen
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tidcombe, Hester; Jackson-Fisher, Amy; Mathers, Kathleen; Stern, David F.; Gassmann, Martin and Golding, Jon P.
Trathan, P. N.; Brierley, A. S.; Brandon, M. A.; Bone, D.G.; Goss, C.; Grant, S. A.; Murphy, E. J. and Watkins, J. L.
Trendafilov, Nickolay T.
Trendafilov, Nickolay T.
Troman, Geoff
Tsamis, Y. G.; Barlow, M. J.; Liu, X.-W.; Danziger, I. J. and Storey, P. J.
Tsamis, Yiannis G.; Barlow, M. J.; Liu, X.-W.; Danziger, I. J. and Storey, P. J.
Tuzzolino, A.J.; Economou, T.E.; McKibben, R.B.; Simpson, J.A.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; Burchell, M.J.; Vaughan, B.A.M.; Tsou, P.; Hanner, M.S.; Clark, B.C. and Brownlee, D.E.
Underwood, Jonathan G.; Spanner, Michael; Ivanov, Misha Yu; Mottershead, Jeff; Sussman, Benjamin and Stolow, Albert
Urquhart, J. S.; White, Glenn J.; Pilbratt, G. L. and Fridlund, C. V. M.
Vakhrameeva, M. G.; Tatarenko, I. V.; Zhirnova, T. V.; Varlygina, T. I. and Timchenko, I. A.
Neottia nidus-avis.
Vaks, Anton; Bar-Matthews, Miryam; Ayalon, Avner; Schilman, Bettina; Gilmour, Mabs; Hawkesworth, Chris J.; Frumkin, Amos; Kaufman, Aaron and Matthews, Alan
Van Deemter, Kees and Power, Richard
van Dishoeck, E. F.; Dartois, E.; Pontoppidan, K. M.; Thi, W. F.; D'hendecourt, L.; Boogert, A. C. A.; Fraser, H. J.; Schutte, W. F. and Tielens, A. G. G.
van Hees, Martin and Anand, Paul
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris
Velasco-Garcia, Maria N. and Mottram, Toby
Verchovsky, A.B.; Wright, I.P. and Pillinger, C.T.
Verhagen, Justus V.; Gabbott, Paul L. and Rolls, Edmund T.
Vincent, D.M.
Vincent, David
Walder, Dennis
Walsh, Linda
Walters, Reece
Walton, Peter
Wang, Dong Q.; Critchley, F. and Smith, Peter J.
Ward, P.; Whitehouse, M.; Brandon, M.; Shreeve, R. and Woodd-Walker, R.
Ward Jones, Peter and Burrows, Donald
Warnecke, Sylvia
Warren, James P.
Warren, Clare J.; Parrish, Randall R.; Searle, Michael P. and Waters, David J.
Warren, J. P. and Enoch, M. P.
Waterhouse, Helen and Walter, Tony
Wathes, D. C.; Taylor, V. J.; Cheng, Z. and Mann, G. E.
Watson, Jonathan S.; Pearson, Victoria K.; Gilmour, Iain and Sephton, Mark A.
Waycott, J. and Kukulska-Hulme, A.
Wearmouth, Janice
Wearmouth, Janice
Wegerif, Rupert; Littleton, Karen and Jones, Ann
West, Susie
Whitaker, Heather J.; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J. and Best, Nicola G.
Whitaker, Heather; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J.; Best, Nicola; Fawell, John; Gowers, Alison and Elliott, Paul
White, Darren M.; Taylor, Emma A. and Clegg, Richard A.
White, G. J. and MacDonald, G.
White, Glenn J.; Araki, M.; Greaves, J. S.; Ohishi, M. and Higginbottom, N. S.
Whitelock, Denise; Watt, Stuart; Raw, Yvonne and Moreale, Emanuela
Whitfield, James
Wilkinson, M. and Mehlig, B.
Willems, B. and Claret, A.
Willems, B. and Kolb, U.
Willems, B. and Kolb, U.
Willems, B.; Van Hoolst, T. and Smeyers, P.
Williams, Chris
Williams, Chris A.
Williams, Chris A.
Williams-Jones, Glyn; Rymer, Hazel and Rothery, David A.
Williams-Thorpe, O.; Webb, P.C. and Jones, M.C.
Williart, A.; Kendall, P.A.; Blanco, F.; Tegeder, P.; García, G. and Mason, N.J.
Willott, C.J.; Simpson, C.; Almaini, O.; Manners, J.C.; Johnson, O.; Lawrence, A.; Dunlop, J.S.; Ivison, R.J.; Rawlings, S.; González-Solares, E.; Pérez-Fournon, I. and Serjeant, S.
Wilson, Robin
Winchester, N.
Winchester, Nik
Wiseman, Richard; Watt, Caroline; Stevens, Paul; Greening, Emma and O'Keeffe, Ciarán
Withers, Paul; Towner, M.C.; Hathi, B. and Zarnecki, J.C.
Wood, J. Carter
Woods, Phillip A.
Wright, I.P.
Wright, I.P.; Sims, M.R. and Pillinger, C.T.
Wu, Belinda M. and Hine, Julian P.
Wu, Mingqing and Hine, Julian
Xu, Xianzhong; Kaye, G. Roland and Duan, Yanqing
Yamagata, Naoko
Yassawi, Reem
Young, Katherine; Brent Seale, R.; Olsson, Karen; Aislabie, Jackie and Cook, Gregory M.
Zanette, Damián H. and Montemurro, Marcelo A.
Zanette, Damián H. and Montemurro, Marcelo A.
Zhang, Y.; Ganguly, S.; Stelmukh, V.; Fitzpatrick, M. E. and Edwards, L.
Journal IssueTo Top
Small Business Research Team ed.
Small Enterprise Research Team ed.
Small Enterprise Research Team ed.
Small Enterprise Research Team ed.
Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top
Adams, Anne
Aguado, J.; Bernaras, A.; Smithers, T.; Pedrinaci, C. and Cendoya, M.
Aisbitt, Sally
Alani, Harith
Alani, Harith; Kim, Sanghee; Millard, David E.; Weal, Mark J.; Hall, Wendy; Lewis, Paul H. and Shadbolt, Nigel
Alani, Harith; Kim, Sanghee; Millard, David E.; Weal, Mark J.; Lewis, Paul H.; Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel R.
Alexander, Gary
Ali, M. Ameer; Dooley, Laurence S. and Karmakar, Gour C.
Anand, P.; Ganssen, G.; Elderfield, H.; Peeters, F.; Kroon, D. and Jung, S.
Angelats i Coll, M.; Forget, F.; Hourdin, F.; Wanherdrick, Y.; López-Valverde, M.A.; González-Galindo, F.; Read, P.L. and Lewis, S.R.
Angelats i Coll, M.; Forget, F.; Lopez-Valverde, M.A.; Read, P.L. and Lewis, S.R.
Azad, S. A.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S.
Baker, L.; Franchi, I.A.; Wright, I.P. and Pillinger, C.T.
Bandara, A. K.; Lupu, E. C. and Russo, A.
Banks, Frank
Baravalle, Andres; Lanfranchi, Vitaveska and Gribaudo, Marco
Baravalle, Andres and Lanfranchi, Vitaveska
Bell, Simon and Morse, Stephen
Bennett, Nigel and Anderson, Lesley
Bergamini, S.; Law, V.; Kenyon, T.; Thornhill, N. and Lea, L.
Billsberry, Jon and Charlesworth, Julie
Bingham, S.J.; Lewis, S.R.; Read, P.L.; Forget, F.; Hourdin, F.; Talagrand, O.; Wanherdrick, Y.; Angelats i Coll, M.; Lopez-Valverde, M.; Lopez-Puertas, M. and Huot, J.-P.
Blackhurst, R. L.; Jarvis, K.; Verchovsky, Sasha and Grady, Monica
Blackhurst, R.L.; Jarvis, K. and Grady, M.M.
Bland, P.A.; Menzies, O.N.; Shelfer, T.; Berry, F.J. and Grady, M.M
Boojihawon, Dev
Borbas, K. E.; Ferreira, C. S. M.; Bruce, J. I. and Missailidis, S.
Borro, Diego; Recio, Iñigo; Pedrinaci, Carlos; Sanchez, Hector and Gracia-Alonso, Alejandro
Bottger, H.M.; Lewis, S.R.; Read, P.L. and Forget, F.
Bowen, James; Manickam, Mayandithevar; Rotov, Mikhail; Kendall, Kevin and Preece, Jon A.
Bradshaw, Pete and Powell, Stephen
Bridges, J.; Jeffries, T.E. and Grady, M.M.
Bridges, J.; Seabrook, A. M.; Rothery, D. A.; Pillinger, C. T.; Sims, M. R. and Wright, I. P.
Bruza, Peter and Song, Dawei
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie and Hirmis, Amer
Budd, Leslie and Tyrrall, David
Bullock, E. S.; Gounelle, M.; Grady, M. M. and Russell, S. S.
Bullock, E.S.; McKeegan, K.D.; Gounelle, M.; Grady, M.M. and Russell, S.S.
Burke, A. and Shipp, K.
Burnley, S.J.
Busemann, H.; Baur, H. and Wieler, R.
Busemann, H. and Eugster, O.
Busemann, H.; Eugster, O.; Baur, H. and Wieler, R.
Butcher, John; Burgess, Hilary and Sieminski, Sandy
Caddell, Martha and Holmes, Keith
Canning, Natalie
Carey, Matthew; Heesch, Daniel and Rüger, Stefan
Carr, Susan and Oreszczyn, Sue
Cimiano, Philipp; Ciravegna, Fabio; Domingue, John; Handschuh, Siegfried; Lavelli, Alberto; Staab, Steffen and Stevenson, Mark
Clarke, Anna
Coats, Maggie and Stevenson, Anne
Cockell, Charles
Cockell, Charles
Cockell, Charles; Lee, P.; Osinski, G. and Fike, D.
Collins, Trevor; Mulholland, Paul; Bradbury, David and Zdrahal, Zdenek
Conklin, Jeff; Selvin, Albert; Buckingham Shum, Simon and Sierhuis, Maarten
Cooper, Martyn
Corbisiero, V.; Hagger, G.; Topps, S.; Kohsaka, S.; Imai, Y.; Male, D. and Rezaie, P.
Cornforth, Chris
Cornforth, Chris and Mordaunt, Jill
Cullen, Jane
Daniel, Elizabeth and Ward, John
De Geest, E; Watson, A and Prestage, S
Dietze, Stefan
Dietze, Stefan
Dooley, L. S.; Karmakar, G. C. and Murshed, M.
Dzbor, Martin; Domingue, John and Motta, Enrico
Eckert, C. M and Clarkson, P. J
Eckert, C. M.; Stacey, M. K. and Clarkson, P. J.
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
Eckert, Claudia; Stacey, Martin and Earl, Christopher
Eger, T.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
Ehrenfreund, Pascale and Fraser, Helen
Ferreira, C. S. M. and Missailidis, Sotiris
Fisenko, A. V.; Verchovsky, A. B.; Semjonova, L. F.; Wright, I. P. and Pillinger, C. T.
Flanagan, T. L.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
Flanagan, T. L.; Eckert, C. M.; Smith, J.; Eger, T. and Clarkson, P. J.
Forget, F.; Angelats i Coll, M.; Wanherdrick, Y.; Hourdin, F.; Lewis, S.; Read, P.; Taylor, F.; Lopez-Valverde, M. and Lopez-Puertas, M.
Fu, Hongchen; Solomon, Allan I. and Wang, Xiaoguang
Garforth, Jason; McHale, Sue and Meehan, Anthony
Gaskill, Marion
Gauci, V.
Gauci, V.; Blake, S. and Stevenson, D.
Gibson, V. and Luck, R.
Gibson Jr., E. K.; Pillinger, Colin T.; Wright, Ian P.; Morse, Andy; Stewart, Jenny; Morgan, G.; Praine, Ian; Leigh, Dennis; Sims, Mark R. and Pullan, Derek
Gilmour, Iain; Sephton, M. A. and Morgan, J. V.
Glatter, R
Gnos, E.; Hofmann, B.A.; Al-Kathiri, A.; Lorenzetti, S.; Villa, I.; Eugster, O.; Jull, A.J.T.; Eikenberg, J.; Spettel, B.; Krähenbühl, U.; Franchi, I.A. and Greenwood, G.C.
Golding, J.P.; Beauchamp, J.R.; Partridge, T.A. and Zammit, P.S.
Gower, John
Grady, Monica and Wright, Ian
Greenwood, R.G.; Franchi, I.A. and Jambon, A.
Greenwood, R.G.; Kearsley, A.T. and Franchi, I.A.
Grimsley, Michael and Meehan, Anthony
Grimsley, Michael; Meehan, Anthony; Green, Geoffrey and Stafford, Bernard
Haley, Charles B.
Haley, Charles and Nuseibeh, Bashar
Hall, J.G. and Rapanotti, L.
Hall, Jon and Silva, Andrés
Hancock, Roger
Hawkridge, David
Hayes, Ian J.; Jackson, Michael A. and Jones, Cliff B.
He, Yulan and Young, S.
Heesch, Daniel C. and Rüger, Stefan
Hill, H. G. M.; Gilmour, I.; Pearson, V. K. and Nuth, J. A.
Hodgson, B.; Whitelegg, L. and Scanlon, E.
Huang, Zi; Wong, Kam-Fai; Li, Wenjie; Song, Dawei and Bruza, Peter
Hyvonen, Pirkko; Lahti, Jaana; Marjomaa, Esko and Littleton, Karen
Islam, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, Laurence S.
Islam, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, Laurence S.
Ison, Ray; Blackmore, Chris and Armson, Rosalind
Jambon, A.; Bohn, M.; Boudouma, O.; Chennaoui-Aoudjehane, H. and Franchi, I.A.
James, Mary; Black, Paul and McCormick, Robert
Jarratt, T. A. W.; Eckert, Claudia; Weeks, R. and Clarkson, P. J.
Johnson, Jeffrey and Price, Blaine
Jones, Barrie W.; Underwood, David R. and Sleep, P. Nick
Kear, Karen
Kellett, Mary
Lahti, Jaana; Marjomaa, Esko and Littleton, Karen
Lau, Raymond Y.K.; Essam, Brant; Chan, Siu Y. and Huang, Zi
Lee, P.W. Ruby; Dooley, Laurence S. and Chan, F.T.
Lei, Yuangui; Motta, Enrico and Domingue, John
Lewis, Stephen R.; Read, Peter L.; Montabone, Luca; Conrath, Barney J.; Pearl, John C. and Smith, Michael D.
Lin, Luncheng; Nuseibeh, Bashar; Ince, Darrel; Jackson, Michael and Moffett, Jonathan
Little, S.E. and Grieco, M.S.
Little, Stephen
Littlejohn, A.H.
Littlejohn, Allison
Lloyd, P.; Valkenburg, R. and McDonnell, J.
Lloyd, Peter; Valkenburg, Rianne and McDonnell, Janet
Locke, William
Maier, Andreas; Aguado, J.; Bernaras, A.; Laresgoiti, I.; Pedrinaci, C.; Peña, N. and Smithers, T.
Manickam, M.; Bowen, J.; Rotov, M.; Preece, J. A. and Kendall, K.
Manoranjan, Paul; Murshed, Manzur and Dooley, Laurence S.
Margolis, Judith; Bizley, Richard and Dempsey, Michael
Martin, Keith
Martin, Keith James; Parkins, David Walter and Jia, Haibo
Mauthner, Melanie; Hadfield, Lucy and Edwards, Ross
McCormick, R.; James, M. and Pedder, D.
McCormick, R.; James, M.; Pedder, D.; Wiliam, D. and Black, P.
McCormick, Robert
McCormick, Robert; Leach, Jenny; Harison, David; Hills, Laura; Moon, Bob and Beevor, Rebecca
McCormick, Robert; Leach, Jenny; Moon, Bob and Harrison, David
McDonnell, Janet; Lloyd, Peter and Valkenburg, Rianne
McMillan, Elizabeth and Carlisle, Ysanne
Meiszner, Andreas
Miell, Dorothy; Littleton, Karen and MacDonald, Raymond
Millard, David E.; Alani, Harith; Kim, Sanghee; Weal, Mark J.; Lewis, Paul; Hall, Wendy; Roure, David De and Shadbolt, Nigel
Minocha, Shailey and Dawson, Liisa
Minocha, Shailey; Millard, Nicola and Dawson, Liisa
Missailidis, S. and Matthews, C.
Missailidis, S.; Thomaidou, D. and Price, M. R.
Monk, John
Montabone, L.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Read, Peter L.; Conrath, Barney J.; Pearl, John C. and Smith, Michael D.
Moon, Bob and Leach, Jenny
Morlok, A.; Jones, G.C. and Grady, M.M.
Morlok, A.; Jones, G.C. and Grady, M.M.
Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Leese, M. R.; Morgan, G. H.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P.; Zarnecki, J. C. and Pillinger, C. T.
Morse, David R.; Ytow, Nozomi; Roberts, David McL. and Sato, Akira
Motta, Enrico; Domingue, John; Cabral, Liliana and Gaspari, Mauro
Mulholland, Paul and Zdrahal, Zdenek
Mulholland, Paul; Zdrahal, Zdenek; Valasek, Michael; Sainter, Phillip; Koss, Matt and Trejtnar, Lukas
Mwanza, Daisy
Mwanza, Daisy and Bertelsen, Olav W.
Mwanza, D. and Engeström, Y.
Mwanza, Daisy
Nanas, Nikolaos; Uren, Victoria; De Roeck, Anne and Domingue, John
Newman, C.E.; Read, P.L. and Lewis, S.R.
Newman, C.E.; Read, P.L.; Lewis, S.R. and Forget, F.
Noriega-Sanchez, Maria Ruth
Norton, Andrew
O'Donovan, B. D.; Clarkson, P. J. and Eckert, Claudia
Okada, Alexandra
Okada, Alexandra and Zeiliger, Romain
Okada, Alexandra
Okada, Alexandra Lilaváti Pereira
Okada, Alexandra Lilavati Pereira
Okada, Alexandra Lilavati Pereira
Okada, Alexandra Lilavati Pereira and Santos, Edméa Oliveira dos
Okada, Alexandra Lilavati Pereira and Santos, Edméa Oliveira dos
Paige-Smith, A.
Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L.
Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L.
Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S.
Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, Laurence S.
Peace, Sheila; Holland, Caroline and Kellaher, Leonie
Pell, David J.
Phillips, J.B.; Bunting, S.C.J.; Ward, Z.; Hall, S.M. and Brown, R.A.
Phillips, J.B.; King, V.R.; Ward, Z.; Porter, R.A.; Priestley, J.V. and Brown, R.A.
Phillips, J.B.; Tillett, R.L.; Georgeu, G.A.; Brown, R.A. and Afoke, A.
Phillips, J.B.; Tillett, R.L.; Georgeu, G.A.; Bunting, S.C.J.; Afoke, A.; Hall, S.M. and Brown, R.A.
Pickering, Marcus J.; Wong, Lawrence and Rüger, Stefan
Pirfo, S.; Debarberis, L.; Acosta, B. and Sevini, F.
Pirfo, S.; Szielasko, K.; Altpeter, I. and Dobmann, G.
Piwek, Paul
Pontoppidan, K. M.; Fraser, H.; Schöier, F. L.; Dartois, E.; Thi, W. F. and van Dishoeck, E. F.
Power, Richard; Scott, Donia and Hartley, Anthony
Ragazzon, P.; Iley, J. N. and Missailidis, S.
Rajpathak, Dnyanesh; Motta, Enrico; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Roy, Rajkumar
Ramil, J. F.
Raymond, Georges; Bergamini, Silvia; Browaeys, Antoine; Darquie, Benoit and Grangier, Philippe
Read, P.L.; Lewis, S.R.; Newman, C.E.; Bottger, H.; Forget, F.; Hourdin, F. and Talagrand, O.
Reilly, Cate; Dooley, Laurence S. and Aswathanarayaniah, Srinivas
Reiter, Ehud; Sripada, Somayajulu and Williams, Sandra
Reynolds, Martin
Rezaie, Payam
Richards, Debbie; Splunter, Sander van and Sabou, Marta
Riddy, P.; Calverley, G.; Littlejohn, A. and Duncan, C.
Ringrose, Tim; Towner, Martin and Zarnecki, John
Rix, Jonathan
Rodden, Tom; Rogers, Yvonne; Halloran, John and Taylor, Ian
Rosewell, Jonathan; Bromley, Jane; Marshall, Sam and Smith, Steve
Rossade, Klaus-Dieter
Sangster, Alan
Schaefer, Anja
Schirmer, S.G.; Pullen, I.C.H. and Solomon, A.I.
Selway, J. B.; Breaks, F. W. and Tindle, A. G.
Sephton, M. A.; Love, G. D.; Watson, J. S.; Verchovsky, A. B.; Wright, I. P.; Snape, C. E. and Gilmour, I
Sephton, Mark; Love, Gordon; Watson, Jonathan; Verchovsky, Sasha; Wright, Ian; Snape, Colin and Gilmour, Iain
Sharp, Helen; Taylor, Josie; Löber, Andreas; Frohberg, Dirk; Mwanza, Daisy and Murelli, Elena
Sheridan, Simon; Morse, Andrew; Barber, Simeon; Wright, Ian and Pillinger, Colin
Smith, C.L.; Franchi, I.A.; Grady, M.M. and Verchovsky, A.V.
Solomon, A.I.; Blasiak, P.; Duchamp, G.; Horzela, A. and Penson, K.A.
Solomon, Allan I.; Duchamp, Gerard; Blasiak, Pawel; Horzela, Andrzej and Penson, Karol A.
Sorwar, G.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L.
Sorwar, G.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L.
Stacey, M. K.; Earl, Christopher; Eckert, Claudia and O'Donovan, B. D.
Strat, D. and Missailidis, S.
Street, R.A.; Pollaco, D. L.; Fitzsimmons, A.; Keenan, F. P.; Horne, K.; Kane, S.; Collier Cameron, A.; Lister, T. A.; Haswell, C.; Norton, A. J.; Jones, B. W.; Skillen, I.; Hodgkin, S.; Wheatley, P.; West, R. and Brett, D.
Summers, Neil
Szmigin, I. and Carrigan, M.
Thomas, Christine; Slater, Rachel; Yoxon, Mark; Leaman, J. and Downing, J.
Thomas, N.; Hviid, S. F.; Keller, H. U.; Markiewicz, W. J.; Blümchen, T.; Basilevsky, A. T.; Smith, P. H.; Tanner, R.; Oquest, C.; Reynolds, R.; Josset, J.-L.; Beauvivre, S.; Hofmann, B.; Rüffer, P.; Pillinger, C. T.; Sims, M. R.; Pullan, D. and Whitehead, S.
Thomas, Pete
Towner, M. C.; Ringrose, T.; Patel, M. R.; Pullan, D.; Sims, M. R.; Haapanala, S.; Harri, A.-M.; Polkko, J.; Wilson, C. F. and Zarnecki, J. C.
Uren, Victoria; Sereno, Bertrand; Buckingham Shum, Simon and Li, Gangman
van Kesteran, Ilse E. H.; Bekker, Mathilde M.; Vermeeren, Arnold P.O.S . and Lloyd, Peter A.
Vargas-Vera, Maria; Motta, Enrico and Domingue, John
Verchovsky, A. B.; Wright, I. P. and Pillinger, C. T.
Watson, Jonathan S.; Sephton, Mark A. and Gilmour, Iain
White, A. and Daniel, E.M.
White, Glenn J. and Serjeant, Stephen B. G.
White, Glenn J.; Thompson, Mark A.; Fridlund, C. V. Malcolm and Huldtgren-White, Monica Huldtgren
Wiles, Kathy and Littlejohn, Allison
Williams, Sandra
Williams, Sandra and Reiter, Ehud
Williams, Sandra; Reiter, Ehud and Osman, Liesl
Winchester, Nik
Wynn, David; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John
Xeniou, O.; Romero, I. and Saffrey, M. J.
Xeniou, Ourania; Romero, Ignacio A and Saffrey, Jill
Yang, Hui and Zhang, Minjie
Yu, Y; Mylopoulos, J; Leite, J.C.S.P; Liu, L and D'Hollander, E.H
Zdrahal, Zdenek; Mulholland, Paul; Valasek, Michael; Sainter, Phil; Koss, Matt and Trejtnar, Lucas
ThesisTo Top
Agboluaje, Oladipo
Aguilar Peña, Claudio Andrés
Agustin D'Andrea, Laura Mari
Akhtar Karim, Shamim
Albertinazzi, Chiara
Alexander, Kimberly Ervin
Anim, Emmanuel Kwesi
Arroyo-Urquijo, Mercedes
Asensio, Cristian Jorge Alejandro
Ayele, Seife
Barker, John
Barltrop, Bojana
Barsacchi, Rico
Bate, Elizabeth
Bateman, Andrew R
Beaumont, Ivor Mark
Bederr, Nassima
Bicknell, David Charles
Blake, Lisa A
Blundel, Richard Kenneth
Bogni, Silva
Brandstadt, Kurt Friedrich
Brockwell, Christopher Peter
Broggini, Massimo
Burck, Charlotte
Burleigh, Laura
Burrett, Julie Ann
Burrill, Paul Geoffrey
Campbell, Alasdair James
Caputo Galarce, Valentina
Carbone, Roberta
Carroll, Mora
Castles, Margaret Jane
Cazalla, Demián
Čemažar, Maša
Clement, Tim
Clode, Fiona Elizabeth
Coetzee, Wendy Dilys
Colombo, Ricardo
Cooper, Marc Damien
Cornock, Edward
Costantini, Maria
Costelloe, Anne
Creamer, Neil J
Dale, Sheila M.
Dawes, Anita
De Filippis, Lidia
De Wouters d'Oplinter, Isabelle
Denner, Stanley Adrian
Dibbo, John
Domenico, Migliorini
Dunsby, Cyril Samuel
Edmonds, David
Elvin, Stephen J
Evens, Hilary
Eyre, Mark David
Ferrari, Maurizio Farhan
Field, Dorothy
Formiggini, Fabio
Fox, Nicholas James
Freebury, Richard
Gal, Shira
Gifford, Elizabeth Patricia
Glatter, Ron
Goddard, Sharon
Greenhough, Beth Joanna
Gregory, Simon Gray
Hall, Matthew
Hayes, Norma
Herring, Horace
Hillyer, Philippa
Hodgeon, Julia
Hogan, Susan Elizabeth
Holdsworth, Gillian
Howell, Brian Stephen
Ibrahim, Ludmilla M
Insinga, Alessandra
Jaakkola, Elisa Johanna
Jacobs, Jessica
Jarvis, Christopher I.
Jarvis, Toby
Jehlickova, Bohumira
Jennings, Andrew John
Johnson, Clive
Jones, Rebecca Loveday
Jones, Steven Alan
Kearney, Gordon Christopher
Kilstrup-Nielsen, Charlotte
Knightley, Louissa Jane
Korsak, Kris
Kovachev, Ivo Stojanov
Küchemann, Christine
Langford, Cordelia F
Large, Janet
Lienhardt, Christian
Lim, Dmitri
Lin, Guang
Linardakis, Emmanouela
Liu, Zhihua
Loh, Hsiao-Wei
Lotti, Francesco
Ludwin, Linda Grace
Lunt, Mark
Mancini, Clara
Martin, Claire J. L.
Mauchline, Alice Louise
McAnulty, John
McCabe, Victoria Jane
McKain, Ruth A. E.