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1584 items in this list.
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Ahier, J.; Beck, J. and Moore, R. (2002). Graduate Citizens. Oxford, UK: Routledge.

Andrews, R.; Burn, A.; Leach, J.; Locke, T.; Low, G. and Torgerson, C. (2002). A systematic review of the impact of networked ICT on 5-16 year olds' literacy in English. London, UK: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education..

Balchin, Paul N. and Rhoden, Maureen (2002). Housing Policy: An Introduction (4th edition). UK: Routledge.

Black, Paul; Harrison, Christine; Lee, Clare; Marshall, Bethan and William, Dylan (2002). Working Inside the Black Box- Assessment for Learning in the Classroom. London, U.K.: GL assessment.

Burrows, Donald and Dunhill, Rosemary (2002). Music and theatre in Handel's world : the family papers of James Harris 1732-1780. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Collins, Janet; Harkin, Joe and Nind, Melanie (2002). Manifesto for learning: fundamental principles. London, UK: Continuum.

Craft, Anna (2002). Creativity and Early Years Education: A lifewide foundation. Continuum Studies in Lifelong Learning. London, UK: Continuum.

Dobson, Michael and Watson, Nicola J. (2002). England's Elizabeth: an afterlife in fame and fantasy. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Ferguson, Iain; Lavalette, Michael and Mooney, Gerry (2002). Rethinking Welfare: A Critical Perspective. UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Forbes, Naushad and Wield, David (2002). From Followers to Leaders: Managing Technology and Innovation. London, UK: Routledge.

Fraser, Robert (2002). Ben Okri: Towards the Invisible City. Writers and their work. Tavistock, UK: Northcote House.

Garthwaite, Paul; Jolliffe, Ian and Jones, Byron (2002). Statistical Inference. UK: Oxford University Press.

Gilbert, John and Jordan, Camilla (2002). Guide to Mathematical Methods (Second Edition). Mathematical Guides. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Grant, Janet; Jones, Helen and Lambert, Trevor (2002). An analysis of trends in applications to medical school. Open University, Centre for Education in Medicine.

Haslam, Sara (2002). Fragmenting modernism: Ford Madox Ford, the novel and the Great War. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.

Isin, Engin F. (2002). Being Political: Genealogies of Citizenship. Minneapolis. USA: University of Minnesota Press.

Ison, Stephen; Peake, Stephen and Wall, Stuart (2002). Environmental issues and policies. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education Limited.

Knight, Peter (2002). Being a teacher in Higher Education. Maidenhead, UK: Society for Research in Higher Education and the Open University Press.

Laing, Angus; Fischbacher, Moira; Hogg, Gillian and Smith, Anne (2002). Managing and marketing health services. London, UK: Thomson Learning EMEA.

Law, John (2002). Aircraft Stories: Decentering the Object in Technoscience. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.

Lewis, Vicky (2002). Development and disability. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.

Mackay, Hugh; Maples, Wendy and Reynolds, Paul (2002). Investigating the Information Society. London, UK: Routledge.

Mason, John and Sutherland, R. (2002). Key aspects of teaching algebra in schools. London, UK: QCA.

Melton, Reginald F. (2002). Planning and Developing Open and Distance Learning. RoutledgeFalmer Studies in Distance Education. Abingdon, UK: RoutledgeFalmer.

Noriega Sanchez, Maria Ruth (2002). Challenging realities: magic realism in contemporary American women’s fiction. Biblioteca Javier Coy d'estudis nord-americans. València, Spain: Universitat de València.

Pierson, Stacey and Barnes, Amy Jane (2002). A Collector's Vision: Ceramics for the Qianlong Emperor. London: Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art.

Pollard, Andrew; Collins, Janet; Simco, Neil; Swaffield, Sue; Warin, Jo and Warwick, Paul (2002). Reflective Teaching: Effective and Evidence-Informed Professional Practice. UK: Continuum.

Salmon, Gilly (2002). E-tivities: the key to active online learning. London, UK: RoutledgeFalmer.

Simpson, Ormond (2002). Supporting students in Open and Distance Learning. Open and Flexible Learning. London, UK: Routledge.

Sinka, Indra; Jarvis, J. and Lanataffi, A. (2002). Inclusion: what deaf pupils think. London, UK: RNID.

Toates, Frederick and Coschug-Toates, Olga (2002). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). London, UK: Class Publishing.

Warburton, Nigel (2002). The Art Question. London, UK: Routledge.

Weller, Martin (2002). Delivering Learning on the Net: the why, what and how of online education. Open and Flexible Learning. London, UK: RoutledgeFalmer.

Wright, Melanie (2002). Moses in America: the cultural uses of biblical narrative. American Academy of Religion Cultural Criticism Series. New York, USA: Oxford University Press.

Edited BookTo Top

Anderson, Kay; Domosh, Mona; Pile, Steve and Thrift, Nigel eds. (2002). Handbook of cultural geography. London, UK: Sage Publications Limited.

Blake, Nigel; Smeyers, Paul; Smith, Richard D. and Standish, Paul eds. (2002). The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Blackwell Philosophy Guides. Wiley-Blackwell.

Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie eds. (2002). Blackwell Reader on the City. Blackwell Readers in Geography. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Brown, Usha; Scott, Gill; Mooney, Gerry and Duncan, Bryony eds. (2002). Poverty in Scotland 2002: people, places and policies. London/Glasgow: Child Poverty Action Group in association with Scottish Poverty Information Unit.

Candlin, Chris ed. (2002). Research and practice in professional discourse. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.

Chamberlayne, Prue; Rustin, Michael and Wengraf, Tom eds. (2002). Biography and social exclusion in Europe. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Coleman, James A.; Grotjahn, Rüdiger and Raatz, Ulrich eds. (2002). University language learning and the C-Test. Bochum, Germany: AKS-Verlag.

Du Gay, Paul and Pryke, Michael eds. (2002). Cultural economy: cultural analysis and commercial life. Culture, Representation and Identity Series. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Green, S.F.; Williams, I.P.; McDonnell, J.A.M. and McBride, N. eds. (2002). Dust in the Solar System and other planetary systems. COSPAR Colloquia Series, 15. Oxford, UK: Pergamon, Elsevier Science.

Grell, Ole Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Jütte, Robert eds. (2002). Health care and poor relief in 18th and 19th Century Northern Europe. The History of medicine in context. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Hawkridge, David ed. (2002). The BEST stories [of innovation in UK Business Schools]. Milton Keynes: The Open University Business School.

Herbert, David ed. (2002). Religion and social transformations. Religion Today: Tradition, Modernity and Change, 2. Ashgate.

Hooper, Glenn and Graham, Colin eds. (2002). Irish and postcolonial writing: history, theory, practice. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.

Hutchinson, Steven; Moon, Bob and Shelton-Mayes, Ann eds. (2002). Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum in Secondary Schools. London, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.: RoutledgeFalmer.

Isin, Engin F. and Turner, Bryan S. eds. (2002). Handbook of citizenship studies. London: Sage.

Lea, Mary R. and Nicoll, Kathy eds. (2002). Distributed Learning: Social and cultural approaches to practice. London: Routledge.

MacDonald, Raymond A.R.; Hargreaves, David J. and Miell, Dorothy eds. (2002). Musical Identities. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

McLaughlin, Eugene; Muncie, John and Hughes, Gordon eds. (2002). Criminological perspectives: essential readings. 2nd edition. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Miller, Linda; Drury, Rose and Campbell, Robin eds. (2002). Exploring Early Years Education and Care. London: David Fulton.

Miller, Tina; Birch, Maxine; Mauthner, Melanie and Jessop, Julie eds. (2002). Ethics in Qualitative Research. London: Sage.

Muncie, John; Hughes, Gordon and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. (2002). Youth Justice: Critical readings. London, UK: Sage.

Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth ed. (2002). Teaching design and technology in secondary schools: a reader. Teaching in secondary schools. London, UK: RoutledgeFalmer.

Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth ed. (2002). Aspects of teaching secondary design and technology: perspectives on practice. Perspectives on practice. London, UK: RoutledgeFalmer.

Pile, Steve and Jordan, Tim eds. (2002). Social Change: Sociology and society. Sociology and Society. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Steeples, Christine and Jones, Christopher eds. (2002). Networked learning: perspectives and issues. Computer Supported Cooperative Work. London, UK: Springer-Verlag.

Ward, H and Rose, Wendy eds. (2002). Approaches to Needs Assessment in Children's Services. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Wood, Paul and Harrison, Charles eds. (2002). Art in Theory 1900-2000. Oxford: Blackwell.

Scott, Rosemary; Barnes, Amy Jane; Nikles, Estelle; Teo, Catherine and Pierson, Stacey eds. (2002). Qingbai Ware: Chinese Porcelain of the Song and Yuan Dynasties. London: Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art.

Law, John and Mol, Annemarie eds. (2002). Complexities: Social Studies of Knowledge Practices. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 116–141.

Pacheco, Anita ed. (2002). A companion to early modern women's writing. Blackwells Companions to Literature and Culture. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Silva, Elizabeth B. ed. (2002). Monsters and Morals. Soundings, Themed Spe (21). London: Lawrence and Whishart.

Book SectionTo Top

Adams, Anne and Blandford, Ann (2002). Digital libraries in academia: Challenges and changes. In: Goos, G.; Hartmanis, J. and van Leeuwen, J. eds. Digital Libraries: People, Knowledge, and Technology. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2555. Berlin: Springer, pp. 392–403.

Alderton, Tony and Winchester, Nik (2002). Internationale Regulierung und die Praxis von Flagenstaaten. Eine global vergleichende Analyse.

[International regulation and the practice of flag states: A global comparative analysis].
In: Gerstenberger, Heide and Welke, Ulrich eds. Seefahrt im Zeichen der Globalisierung. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 180–196.

Aldgate, Jane (2002). Measuring outcomes in short-term fostering services. In: Canali, Cinzia; Maluccio, Anthony N. and Vecchiato, Tiziano eds. Evaluation in child and family services: comparative client and program perspectives. Modern applications of social work. New York, USA: Aldine de Gruyter, pp. 67–85.

Ali, Syed Mustafa (2002). The nature of the artificial: augmenting Negrottian artificiality with neo-Whiteheadian naturality. In: Negrotti, Massimo ed. Nature, Culture & Technology: Methodological Aspects and Cultural Issues. Yearbook of the Artificial (1). Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 25–51.

Anderson, Lesley (2002). Resource acquisition and allocation. In: Bush, Tony and Bell, Les A. eds. The Principles and practice of educational management. Educational management: research and practice. London: Paul Chapman Publishing, pp. 207–222.

Anderson, Lesley (2002). A leadership approach to managing people and teams in education. In: Kydd, Lesley; Newton, Wendy and Anderson, Lesley eds. Leading people and teams in education. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Arthur, Lore (2002). Networking and intercultural communication: triumphs and tribulations. In: Field, John ed. Promoting European Dimensions in Lifelong Learning. Leicester, UK: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, pp. 43–53.

Arthur, Lore (2002). Intercultural communication and identities; foreign language teachers’ perceptions of culture and citizenship. In: Schweisfurth, Michele; Davies, Lynn and Harber, Clive eds. Learning democracy and citizenship: international experiences. Oxford, UK: Symposium Books, pp. 67–80.

Atkinson, Dorothy (2002). Self-advocacy and research. In: Gray, Barry and Jackson, Robin eds. Advocacy and Learning Disability. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 120–136.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2002). Further Reading: Literature on Quasicrystals. In: Suck, J.-B.; Schreiber, M. and Häussler, P. eds. Quasicrystals: An Introduction to Structure, Physical Properties, and Applications. Springer Series in Materials Science, 55. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 539–544.

Ball, Kirstie (2002). Categorizing the workers: electronic surveillance and social ordering in the call centre. In: Lyon, David ed. Surveillance as social sorting: privacy, risk and automated discrimination. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 201–225.

Barnett, Clive (2002). ‘More Than Just TV’: Educational broadcasting and popular culture in South Africa. In: von Feilitzen, Cecilia and Carlsson, Ulla eds. Children, Young People, and Media Globalisation: Yearbook 2002. Yearbooks. Göteborg: Nordicom, pp. 95–110.

Barrow-Green, June E. (2002). Gösta Mittag-Leffler and the Foundation and Administration of Acta Mathematica. In: Hunger Parshall, Karen and Rice, Adrian C. eds. Mathematics unbound: the evolution of an International Mathematical Research Community, 1800-1945. History of Mathematics (23). Providence, USA: American Mathematical Society/London Mathematical Society, pp. 138–164.

Bates, Gillian P. and Murphy, Kerry P.S.J. (2002). Mouse models of Huntington's disease. In: Bates, Gillian; Harper, Peter and Jones, Lesley eds. Huntington's Disease. 3rd ed. Oxford Monographs on Medical Genetics (45). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 387–426.

Bátiz-Lazo, Bernardo (2002). GSK- a merger of equals? In: Johnson, Gerry and Scholes, Kevin eds. Exploring corporate strategy: text and cases, 6th edition (includes teaching note). FT Prentice Hall, pp. 956–967.

Beattie, Hugh (2002). Etnicidad, nacionalismo y el Estado en Afganistán. In: Devalle, Susana ed. Identidad y Etnicidad Continuidad y Cambio. Mexico City: El Colegio de Mexico, pp. 83–117.

Beaven, Tita (2002). The transitory, the fugitive, the contingent: Cristina Terzaghi’s mural in La Boca, Buenos Aires. In: Godsland, Shelley and White, Anne M. eds. Cultura Popular: Studies in Spanish and Latin American Popular Culture. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang.

Beaven, Tita (2002). La enseñanza de ELE a personas adultas inmigrantes no alfabetizadas. In: Perez Gutierrez, M. and Coloma Maestre, J. eds. El Español, Lengua del Mestizaje y la Interculturalidad. Universidad de Murcia, pp. 180–190.

Belshaw, Christopher (2002). Death, brains, and persons. In: Fisher, Robert N.; Primozic, Daniel T.; Day, Peter A. and Thompson, Joel A. eds. Suffering, Death and Identity. Value Inquiry Book Series/Personalist Studies (135). Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, pp. 141–154.

Bingham, Nick (2002). In the belly of the monster: Frankenstein, food, factisches, and fiction. In: Kitchin, Robert and Kneale, James eds. Lost in space: geographies of science fiction. London, UK: Continuum, pp. 180–192.

Birch, Maxine and Miller, Tina (2002). Encouraging participation: Ethics and responsibilities. In: Mauthner, Melanie; Birch, Maxine; Jessop, Julie and Miller, Tina eds. Ethics in Qualitative Research. London, UK: Sage Publications Limited, pp. 91–105.

Birch, Maxine; Miller, Tina; Mauthner, Melanie and Jessop, Julie (2002). Introduction. In: Mauthner, Melanie; Birch, Maxine; Jessop, Julie and Miller, Tina eds. Ethics on Qualitative Research. London: Sage Publications Limited, pp. 1–11.

Blackmore, Christine and Smyth, John (2002). Living with the big picture: a systems approach to citizenship of a complex planet. In: Dower, Nigel and Williams, John eds. Global Citizenship: A critical reader. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.

Boojihawon, Dev K. and Young, Stephen (2002). Understanding international strategy in the professional service industry: the case of the international marketing communications sector. In: McDonald, F.; Tüselmann, H. and Wheeler, C. eds. International Business: Adjusting to New Challenges and Opportunities. Academy of International Business Series. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Publishing, pp. 166–180.

Bootman, Martin and Lipp, Peter (2002). Calcium signalling and regulation of cell function. In: Zheng, Yixian ed. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Chichester: Wiley.

Bowman, Marion (2002). Contemporary Celtic spirituality. In: Pearson, Joanne ed. Belief beyond boundaries: Wicca, Celtic spirituality and the New Age. Religion today: tradition, modernity and change (5). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 55–101.

Breaks, F. W.; Selway, J. B. and Tindle, A. G. (2002). Project Unit 02-003. Fertile and peraluminous granites and related rare-element pegmatite mineralization, Superior Province, Northeastern Ontario. In: Ontario Geological Survey ed. Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2002. Open File Report (6100). Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, 6.1-6.42.

Breaks, F. W. and Tindle, A. G. (2002). Rare-element mineralization of the Separation Lake area, northwest Ontario: characteristics of a new discovery of complex-type, petalite-subtype, Li-Rb-Cs-Ta pegmatite. In: Dunlop, S. and Simandl, G. J. eds. Industrial Minerals in Canada, Volume 53. Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, pp. 159–178.

Brennan, John (2002). Transformation or Reproduction? Contradictions in the Social Role of the Contemporary University. In: Enders, J. and Fulton, O. eds. Higher Education in a Globalising World: International Trends and Mutual Observation - A Festschrift in Honour of Ulrich Teichler. Higher Education Dynamics (1). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp. 73–86.

Brown, Duncan (2002). 'Structures of feeling' and constructions of history: Mazisi Kunene's 'Emperor Shaka the Great'. In: Jones, Eldred Durosimi and Jones, Marjorie eds. South and Southern African Literature. African Literature Today (23). Oxford, UK: James Currey, pp. 63–78.

Brunton, Deborah (2002). Power, policy and practice: the public response to public health in the Scottish city. In: Sturdy, Steven ed. Medicine, health and and the public sphere in Britain, 1600-2000. Routledge Studies in the Social History of Medicine. UK: Routledge, pp. 171–188.

Bull, Joanne; Conole, Grainne; Davis, Hugh C.; White, Su; Danson, Myles and Sclater, Niall (2002). Rethinking assessment through learning technologies. In: Williamson, Andy and Gunn, Cathy eds. Winds of Change in the Sea of Learning. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Computers in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE), Auckland, New Zealand, 8-11 December 2002. Auckland, New Zealand: UNITEC Institute of Technology, pp. 75–86.

Burgess, Hilary (2002). Transition between Primary and Secondary Schools. In: Moon, R.E.; Shelton Mayes, A. and Hutchinson, S. eds. Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum in Secondary Schools. London: RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 253–262.

Burr, Rachel and Montgomery, Heather (2002). Children and rights. In: Woodhead, Martin and Montgomery, Heather eds. Understanding Childhood: an Interdisciplinary Approach. Chichester: Wiley.

Bytheway, Bill (2002). Positioning gerontology in an ageist world. In: Andersson, Lars ed. Cultural gerontology. Westport, CT, USA: Auburn House, pp. 59–76.

Candlin, C and Pilmer, D (2002). State policy and institutional practices: access by immigrant women in Australia to translation and interpreting services. In: Benson, P.; Grundy, P. and Hakura, H. eds. Access to Language Rights. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Candlin, C and Plum, G (2002). Becoming a psychologist: contested orders of discourse in academic writing. In: Barron, C and Bruce, N eds. Discourse, practice and social change. London, UK: Addison Wesley Longman.

Candlin, C. N. (2002). Communicative competence revisited. In: Legutke, M. ed. Verstehen and verstaendigung revisited. Festschrift for C. Edelhoff. Giessen, Germany: University of Giessen Press, pp. 20–35.

Candlin, Christopher; Bhatia, Vijay and Jensen, Christian (2002). Must the worlds collide? Professional and academic discourses in the study and practice of law. In: Cortese, Giuseppina and Riley, Philip eds. Domain-specific English: textual practices across communities and classrooms. Linguistic insights (2). Oxford: Peter Lang.

Chamberlayne, Prue (2002). Second-generation transcultural lives. In: Chamberlayne, Prue; Rustin, Michael and Wengraf, Tom eds. Biography and social exclusion in Europe: Experiences and life journeys. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 229–245.

Charlesworth, Julie (2002). Managing unpaid workers. In: Reynolds, Jill; Henderson, Jeanette; Seden, Janet; Charlesworth, Julie and Bullman, Anne eds. The Managing Care Reader. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 49–55.

Cochrane, Allan; Peck, Jamie and Tickell, Adam (2002). Olympic dreams: visions of partnership. In: Peck, Jamie and Ward, Kevin eds. City of Revolution: Restructuring Manchester. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 95–115.

Cochrane, Allan (2002). Thinking about the English regions. In: Marshall, Tim; Glasson, John and Headicar, Peter eds. Contemporary Issues in Regional Planning. Urban and regional planning and development. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate, pp. 23–34.

Coleman, James A. (2002). The European Language Proficiency Survey: an overview of findings. In: Coleman, James A.; Grotjahn, Rudiger and Raatz, Ulrich eds. University language learning and the C-Test. Bochum, Germany: AKS-Verlag, pp. 201–206.

Coleman, James A. (2002). Translating research into disseminated good practice: the case of student residence abroad. In: Macdonald, R. and Wisdom, J. eds. Academic and educational development : research, evaluation and changing practice in higher education. London, UK: Kogan Page, pp. 87–98.

Coleman, James A.; Grotjahn, Rudiger and Raatz, Ulrich (2002). Language learning and language testing at university level. In: Coleman, James A.; Grotjahn, Rudiger and Raatz, Ulrich eds. University language learning and the C-Test. Bochum, Germany: AKS-Verlag, pp. 7–14.

Colwell, Chetz and Petrie, H (2002). Computer access by visually impaired people. In: Kent, Allen and Williams, James G eds. Encyclopedia of microcomputers, Volume 28, Supp 7. New York, USA: Marcel Dekker Inc.

Conole, Grainne and Martin, Oliver (2002). Planning and understanding change: toolkits for course design and evaluation. In: Macdonald, Ranald and Wisdom, James eds. Academic and Educational Development: Research, Evaluation and Changing Practice in Higher Education. Staff and Educational Development. UK: Routledge, pp. 62–75.

Cook, Guy (2002). Imposed unity, denied diversity: changing attitudes to artifice in language and learning. In: Spelman-Miller, Kristyan and Thompson, Paul eds. Unity and Diversity in Language Use. British Studies in Applied Linguistics. London: BAAL in association with Continuum, pp. 183–197.

Cross, Nigel (2002). Creative cognition in design: processes of exceptional designers. In: Hewett, Tom and Kavanagh, Terence eds. Creativity and cognition. New York, USA: ACM Press, pp. 14–19.

Cross, Nigel (2002). The nature and nurture of design ability. In: Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth ed. Design and Technology in Secondary Schools. Routledge.

Daly, Kathleen (2002). Pape, empereur, roi de France : pouvoir et protocole a la fin du Moyen Age. In: Villain-Gandossi, C. ed. L'Europe a la recherche de son identite: actes du 125e. Lille: CTHS, pp. 93–116.

Devai, Katalin; Mensink, Wouter and Papaioannou, Theodoros (2002). University-Industry Links: a panacea for innovation in transition. In: Borsi, Balazs; Papanek, Gabor and Papaioannou, Theodoros eds. Budapest Proceedings of the RECORD Thematic Network: Industry Relatinships for Accession States Centres of Excellence in Higher Education. European Commission, pp. 7–22.

Devereux, Jane (2002). Observing children. In: ed. ? ?.

Devereux, Jane (2002). Developing thinking skills through scientific and mathematical experiences in the Early Years. In: Miller, Linda; Drury, Rose and Campbell, Robin eds. Exploring Early Years Education and Care. London, UK: David Fulton.

Domingue, John (2002). Software visualization and education. In: Diehl, Stephan ed. Software Visualization: International Seminar Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, May 20-25, 2001 Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2269). Berlin: Springer, pp. 205–212.

Draper, Janet (2002). Fatherhood as transition: The contemporary relevance of transition theory. In: Horrocks, C.; Milnes, K.; Roberts, B. and Robinson, D. eds. Narrative, memory and life transitions. Narrative and memory research group. Huddersfield, UK: University of Huddersfield Press, pp. 85–94.

Dunckley, Lynne; Rapanotti, Lucia and Hall, Jon (2002). Extending low-cost remote evaluation with synchronous communication. In: Faulkner, Xristine; Finlay, Janet and Detienne, Francoise eds. People and computers XVI - memorable yet invisible: Proceedings of HC12002, Volume XIII. Springer-Verlag.

Dyson, Miranda and Gerhardt, H. C. (2002). Decoding the frog chorus. In: Halliday, Tim and Adler, Kraig eds. The New Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 92–95.

Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J. (2002). Connectivity as a key to supporting design a state-action approach to planning. In: Gero, John S. ed. Artificial Intelligence in Design 02. Norwell, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 479–502.

Edwards, Steve (2002). Snapshooters of history: passages on the postmodern argument. In: Wells, Liz ed. The Photography Reader. Routledge, pp. 180–195.

Emsley, Clive (2002). The English police: A unique development? In: Bottoms, Anthony and Tonry, Michael eds. Ideology, Crime and Criminal Justice: A symposium in honour of Sir Leon Radzinowicz. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, pp. 74–93.

Emsley, Clive (2002). La gendarmerie et l'état. In: Luc, Jean-Noël ed. Gendarmerie, État et Société au XIXe Siècle. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, pp. 475–477.

Emsley, Clive and Clapson, Mark (2002). Street, beat and respectability : the culture and self-image of the Victorian and Edwardian policeman. In: Knafla, Louis A. ed. Policing and War in Europe: Criminal Justice History, Volume 16. Greenwood Press, pp. 107–131.

Evans, Jessica (2002). Making up disabled people: charity, visibility and the body. In: Briggs, Adam and Cobley, Paul eds. The Media: An Introduction (2nd ed). Harlow: Pearson, pp. 383–400.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark (2002). Seeking success by involving workers. In: Pickford, J. ed. Mastering People Management. London, UK: Prentice Hall, pp. 165–170.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark (2002). HR practice: vive la difference. In: Pickford, James ed. Mastering people management. London, UK: Prentice Hall, pp. 143–148.

Finnegan, Ruth (2002). Epilogue: ways back and forward. In: Kaschula, Russell H. ed. African oral literature: Functions in contemporary contexts. Claremont, South Africa: New Africa Books, pp. 274–285.

Fortune, Joyce and White, Diana (2002). Emergent or just unexpected? In: Ragsdell, G; West, D and Wilby, J eds. Systems theory and practice in the Knowledge Age: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference of the UK Systems Society, held July 7th to 10th, 2002, at York University, UK. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum, pp. 3–10.

Fraser, Robert (2002). Charles Kingsley (1819-1875). In: Clark, Robert and Todd, Janet eds. The Literay Encycopaedia and Dictionary. London: The Literary Dictionary.

Fraser, Robert (2002). Sir James Frazer (1854-1941). In: Clark, Robert and Todd, Janet eds. The Literary Encyclopaedia and Dictionary. London, UK: The LIterary Dictionary.

Fraser, Robert (2002). George Barker (1913-1991). In: Clark, Robert and Todd, Janet eds. The Literay Encyclopaedia and Dictionary. London: The Literary Dictionary.

Fraser, Robert (2002). Ben Okri (1959-). In: Clark, Robert and Todd, Janet eds. The Literary Encyclopaedia and Dictionary. London: The Literary Dictionary.

Gaiger, Jason (2002). The Aesthetics of Kant and Hegel. In: Smith, Paul and Wilde, Carolyn eds. A Companion to Art Theory. Blackwell Companions in Cultural Studies (5). Oxford, UK: Blackwell, pp. 127–138.

Gardner, A.F. and Gilmour, Ian (2002). Organic geochemical investigation of terrestrial Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary successions from Brownie Butte, Montana, and the Raton Basin, New Mexico. In: Koeberl, Christian and Macleod, Kenneth G. eds. Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond. Special Papers (SPE356). USA: Geological Society of America, pp. 351–362.

Garrido, Cecilia and Beaven, Mary (2002). The European Framework of Reference for language teaching and learning: The OU experience. In: Council of Europe ed. Common European Framework of References for languages : Learning, Teaching, Assessment - Case studies. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

Garrido, Cecilia and Beaven, Mary (2002). The European Framework underpinning the language teaching/learning process from curriculum design to the delivery of outcomes. In: Ruane, M ed. T'Qila: Today's Quality Issues in European Language Centres. CercleS Proceedings. Strasbourg: CercleS.

Gellatly, Angus (2002). Color perception: processing of wavelength information and conscious experience of color. In: Saunders, B. ed. Theories, technologies and instrumentalities of color. New York, NY, USA: University Press of America, pp. 77–91.

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Adewole, Adebisi (2002). Information sharing and supply chain relationships in small and medium sized garment manufacturing firms in the UK. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Aszalós, Zoltán (2002). Anti-Asylum Policies of Hungary. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Ayub, Ibrar (2002). Oxidation and reduction properties of iron-containing oxides. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Barclay, Austin (2002). Dealkylation of HMPA and DMPU. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Barnes, Piers Robert Fitzgerald (2002). The Location of Impurities in Polar Ice. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Barroy, Pierre Rene (2002). Electron kinetics in non-equilibrium plasmas. The Open University.

Bartos, Paul D. (2002). Connectionist Modelling of Category Learning. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Beinart, Helen (2002). An exploration of the factors which predict the quality of the relationship in clinical supervision. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

Bennett, Mary Kathleen (2002). Investigating Teacher-Pupil Oral Communication in Mathematics at Key Stage Two. Doctor of Education (EdD) thesis The Open University.

Black-Hawkins, Kristine (2002). Understanding school cultures : developing participation. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Blunt, Gordon (2002). Mining credit card data. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Bolton, Sylvia (2002). When Dyspraxia Meets Dyslexia At 11+. Doctor of Education (EdD) thesis The Open University.

Borgonovo, Barbara (2002). Characterisation of a novel Ca²⁺-dependent exocytosis. The Open University.

Bulley, Sean M. W. (2002). Modification of gibberellin biosynthesis in apple (Malus) for an improved dwarfing habit. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Buret, Marc (2002). New analytical models for outdoor moving sources of sound. The Open University.

Cockram, Trevor John (2002). The use of Bayesian networks to determine software inspection process efficiency. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Collicott, Roland (2002). Investigation of chiral silicon compounds for the determination of enantiomeric purity. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Collins, Alexandra (2002). Verticillium wilt of crucifers: characterising novel interspecific fungal hybrids. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Connor, Peter Michael (2002). Strategic development of renewable energy technology in Europe. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Cooper, Sarah Louise (2002). Dietary manipulation of the fatty acid composition of sheep meat. The Open University.

Cooper, Shellene (2002). Creep behaviour of the ternary lead-free solder alloy : Sn-3.8wt.%Ag-0.7wt.%Cu. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Cooper, Stephen A (2002). Revolt and orthodoxy in the work of Philip Larkin. The Open University.

Cree, Alistair Murray (2002). Fatigue in boric acid-sulphuric acid anodised aluminium alloys. The Open University.

de Echaniz, Sebastián R. (2002). Coherence effects in three- and four-level laser-cooled rubidium systems. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

De Renzis, Stefano (2002). Sequential action of Rab proteins along the endocytic-recycling pathway. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Deacon, Bernard William (2002). The reformulation of territorial identity: Cornwall in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Duncan, Emma (2002). The genetics of osteoporosis. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Eysell, Joanne (2002). A medical companion to Dickens's fiction. The Open University.

Finney, Helene Margaret (2002). Recombinant receptor model for studying activation in human primary T cells. The Open University.

Fowler, Sarah (2002). Structural and immunological studies of pertussis toxin: effect of toxoiding. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Frances, Jennifer Mary (2002). From field to fridge : innovation in UK food retailing. The Open University.

Fraser, Carole (2002). Upper limb absence and prosthetic use. The Open University.

Gardener, Mark (2002). The role of amino acids in floral nectar. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Garry, James Robert Creighton (2002). Coring Planetary Ices; Their Thermomechanical Behaviour. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

Godi, Anna (2002). Regulation and Molecular Composition of the Golgi-Associated Spectrin Skeleton. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Gómez Gutiérrez, Juan José (2002). Italian Communist Party cultural policies during the post-war period 1944-1951. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Goruppa, Alexander (2002). Modifications of radiofrequency capacitive discharge for deposition of carbon coatings. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Green, Anna (2002). Growing up with 'modernité' : representations of childhood and adolescence in French painting, 1848-1886. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Haffegee, Julian (2002). Collagen self-assembly, induced alignment and quantitative image analysis. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Hamilton-Hopkins, Graham M. (2002). Neural Networks and Nonlinear Optimisation Applied to the Approximation of Functions. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Harris, Fiona J. (2002). Internal factors affecting brand performance. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Henderson, Shirley (2002). The achondroplasia mutation rate paradox. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Hope-Hume, Robert Alan (2002). Computer mediated communication of discourse: learning together online. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Howell, Gareth Rhys (2002). Physical, Transcriptional and Comparative Mapping on the Human X Chromosome. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Hunter Powell, Patricia A (2002). Service unseen : a study of hotel accommodation workers. The Open University.

Ilić, Dejan (2002). Inhabiting the "zone of uninhabitability". Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Jayatilleke, Buddhini Gayathri (2002). An investigation of teaching and learning biology at a distance : with special reference to Sri Lanka. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Keshavarz, Homa (2002). Cervical Pathology and Infection in Nomadic and Non-nomadic Women in Southern Iran. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Kevis, Jane Clare Higginson (2002). A comparison of the staff and patient view of the suitable admission ward milieu for those with borderline personality disorder. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

Khoo, Lorna Lock-Nah (2002). Wesleyan eucharistic sprituality : its nature, sources and future. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Kinyanjui, Samson Muchina (2002). The natural history of immune responses to malaria. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Knightley, Wendy (2002). Women re-entry students: an investigation into changes in their self-esteem. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Lagostena, Laura (2002). Calcium dynamics in sensory and supporting cells of the organ of Corti. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Lane, Benjamin (2002). Optimising implementation strategies for fuel cell powered road transport systems in the United Kingdom. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Liversidge, Anthony (2002). Perceptions of effective mentoring. Doctor of Education (EdD) thesis The Open University.

Lloyd, Christopher James (2002). Diffusing wave spectroscopy applied to material analysis and process control. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Lovatt, Peter (2002). The radio war waged by the Royal Air Force against Germany, 1940-1945. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Lyne, Anthony R (2002). The travel writings of Lawrence Durrell. Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) thesis The Open University.

Maitland, Kathleen M (2002). Information systems evolution. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Makinson, Keith (2002). Tidal currents and vertical mixing processes beneath Filchner-Ronne ice shelf. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Margolies, Eleanor (2002). Dancing with forks : a study of objects in contemporary performance. The Open University.

Marra, Pierfrancesco (2002). Role of the spectrin-based cytoskeleton in the function and dynamics of the Golgi complex. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Mbopi-Kéou, Franҫois-Xavier (2002). The Role of Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) as a cofactor in HIV transmission. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

McLeish, Duncan Riddell Ruthven (2002). Petronius : protest or sensationalism? Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) thesis The Open University.

McMillan, Andrew Peter (2002). Crustal melting associated with gabbroic intrusions in southern Africa. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Mellone, Barbara (2002). Investigating the role of histones in fission yeast centromere function. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Migliaccio, Enrica (2002). The p66shc adaptor protein, controls oxidative stress response and life span in mammals. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Milner, Lucy J. (2002). Herbicide resistance in Black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.). Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Mohamed, Mohamed Ahmed Ali (2002). Embankment breach formation and modelling methods. The Open University.

Mok, Chen-Lang (2002). Role of Bad in regulating T cell apoptosis. The Open University.

Morgan, Sarah (2002). Re-opening the community envelope or sealing its fate? The Open University.

Morris, Kerry John (2002). Power line communication systems for industrial control applications. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Murphy, Linda Mary (2002). Reflection And The Distance Language Learner. Doctor of Education (EdD) thesis The Open University.

Newton, Jonathan Richard (2002). Epidemiological studies of inflammatory airway disease in horses. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Nicholson, Peter J. (2002). Application of the conditioned network concept in high frequency power line carrier. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Noad, Rupert Francis (2002). The importance of positive cognitive processes in psychological well-being. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Oostingh, Gertie Janneke (2002). Human sensitisation to porcine transplantation antigens. The Open University.

Orleth, Annette (2002). Analysis of gene expression patterns in acute myeloid leukemia using microarray technology. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Osman, Selen (2002). An investigation into the nature and meaning of spontaneously occurring images in people with body dysmorphic disorder. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

Ota, Martin Matthew Okechukwu (2002). Immune responses to vaccines in early life. The Open University.

Otero Villanueva, Maria del Mar (2002). Diets, energetics and ecology of the sea urchin Psammechinus miliaris. The Open University.

Overell, M (2002). Italian reform and the English Reformation in the mid-sixteenth century. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Parad-Rajmankina, Yelena (2002). Convergence Of Proliferative And Survival Signals On The pRB/E2F Pathway In Haematopoietic Cells. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Pewsey, Arthur Richard (2002). Some contributions to the analysis of skew data on the line and circle. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Phillips, Marilyn Eileen (2002). Classroom explorations of mathematical writing with nine- and ten-year-olds. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.