Browse by publication year:2002
BookTo Top
Ahier, J.; Beck, J. and Moore, R. (2002). Graduate Citizens. Oxford, UK: Routledge.
Alexander, Gary (2002). eGaia: growing a peaceful, sustainable Earth through communications. Norfolk, UK: Lighthouse Press.
Anderson, J.; Edwards, S.; Mundy, J. and Bonfield, P. (2002). Life cycle impacts of timber: A review of the environmental impacts of wood products in construction. Watford: BRE Press.
Anderson, Jane and Mills, Kate (2002). Refurbishment or redevelopment of office buildings? Sustainability comparisons and Sustainability case histories. Watford: BRE Press.
Anderson, Jane; Shiers, David and Sinclair, Mike (2002). The Green Guide to Specification: An Environmental Profiling System for Building Materials and Components (Third Edition). Oxford: Blackwell.
Andrews, R.; Burn, A.; Leach, J.; Locke, T.; Low, G. and Torgerson, C. (2002). A systematic review of the impact of networked ICT on 5-16 year olds' literacy in English. London, UK: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education..
Arthur, Lore (2002). Work-Life balance: towards an agenda for policy learning between Britain and Germany. London, UK: Anglo-German Foundation.
Balchin, Paul N. and Rhoden, Maureen (2002). Housing Policy: An Introduction (4th edition). UK: Routledge.
Black, Paul; Harrison, Christine; Lee, Clare; Marshall, Bethan and William, Dylan (2002). Working Inside the Black Box- Assessment for Learning in the Classroom. London, U.K.: GL assessment.
Brennan, John; Blasko, Z.; Little, B. and Woodley, A. (2002). UK graduates and the impact of work experience. UK: HEFCE.
Burrows, Donald and Dunhill, Rosemary (2002). Music and theatre in Handel's world : the family papers of James Harris 1732-1780. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Collins, Janet; Harkin, Joe and Nind, Melanie (2002). Manifesto for learning: fundamental principles. London, UK: Continuum.
Collins, Richard (2002). Media and identity in contemporary Europe: consequences of global convergence. Bristol, UK: Intellect, p. 174.
Craft, Anna (2002). Creativity and Early Years Education: A lifewide foundation. Continuum Studies in Lifelong Learning. London, UK: Continuum.
Dobson, Michael and Watson, Nicola J. (2002). England's Elizabeth: an afterlife in fame and fantasy. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Ferguson, Iain; Lavalette, Michael and Mooney, Gerry (2002). Rethinking Welfare: A Critical Perspective. UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Finnegan, Ruth (2002). Communicating: The multiple modes of human interconnection. London, UK: Routledge.
Forbes, Naushad and Wield, David (2002). From Followers to Leaders: Managing Technology and Innovation. London, UK: Routledge.
Fraser, Robert (2002). Ben Okri: Towards the Invisible City. Writers and their work. Tavistock, UK: Northcote House.
Fraser, Robert (2002). The Chameleon Poet: A Life of George Barker. Paperback edition [revised]. London, UK: Pimlico.
Frosh, Stephen and Phoenix, Ann (2002). Young masculinities: understanding boys in contemporary society. UK: Palgrave.
Garthwaite, Paul; Jolliffe, Ian and Jones, Byron (2002). Statistical Inference. UK: Oxford University Press.
Gilbert, John and Jordan, Camilla (2002). Guide to Mathematical Methods (Second Edition). Mathematical Guides. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Grant, Janet; Jones, Helen and Lambert, Trevor (2002). An analysis of trends in applications to medical school. Open University, Centre for Education in Medicine.
Gupta, Suman (2002). The replication of violence: thoughts on international terrorism after September 11th 2001. London, UK: Pluto Press.
Hammersley, Martyn (2002). Educational Research, Policymaking and Practice. London: Paul Chapman.
Haslam, Sara (2002). Fragmenting modernism: Ford Madox Ford, the novel and the Great War. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
Hatchard, John (2002). An Introduction to law and human rights for young people in the Commonwealth. Great Britain: Commonwealth Secretariat, p. 93.
Henry, Jane and Mayle, David (2002). Managing innovation and change. 2nd edition. London, UK: Sage.
Isin, Engin F. (2002). Being Political: Genealogies of Citizenship. Minneapolis. USA: University of Minnesota Press.
Ison, Stephen; Peake, Stephen and Wall, Stuart (2002). Environmental issues and policies. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education Limited.
Jewkes, Yvonne (2002). Captive audience: media, masculinity and power in prisons. Cullompton, UK: Willan Publishing.
Joinson, Adam (2002). Understanding the psychology of Internet behaviour: virtual worlds, real lives. Palgrave Macmillan.
Jones, David W. (2002). Myths, Madness and the Family: The Impact of Mental Illness on Families. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Jordan, Timothy (2002). Activism! Direct action, Hacktivism and the future of society. London, UK: Reaktion.
Kehily, Mary (2002). Sexuality, Gender and Schooling: Shifting Agendas in Social Learning. London: Routledge.
Knight, Peter (2002). Being a teacher in Higher Education. Maidenhead, UK: Society for Research in Higher Education and the Open University Press.
Laing, Angus; Fischbacher, Moira; Hogg, Gillian and Smith, Anne (2002). Managing and marketing health services. London, UK: Thomson Learning EMEA.
Laurillard, Diana (2002). Rethinking University Teaching: A Conversational Framework for the Effective Use of Learning Technologies (Second Edition). London: Routledge.
Law, John (2002). Aircraft Stories: Decentering the Object in Technoscience. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.
Lewis, Vicky (2002). Development and disability. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
Mackay, Hugh; Maples, Wendy and Reynolds, Paul (2002). Investigating the Information Society. London, UK: Routledge.
Mason, John (2002). Researching your own practice: the discipline of noticing. UK: Routledge.
Mason, John and Sutherland, R. (2002). Key aspects of teaching algebra in schools. London, UK: QCA.
Mason, John H. (2002). Mathematics Teaching Practice: a guide for university and college lecturers. Chichester, UK: Horwood Publishing.
Melton, Reginald F. (2002). Planning and Developing Open and Distance Learning. RoutledgeFalmer Studies in Distance Education. Abingdon, UK: RoutledgeFalmer.
Mombauer, Annika (2002). The origins of the First World War: controversies and consensus. UK: Pearson.
Nasta, Susheila (2002). Home truths: fictions of the South Asian diaspora in Britain. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
Noriega Sanchez, Maria Ruth (2002). Challenging realities: magic realism in contemporary American women’s fiction. Biblioteca Javier Coy d'estudis nord-americans. València, Spain: Universitat de València.
Pierson, Stacey and Barnes, Amy Jane (2002). A Collector's Vision: Ceramics for the Qianlong Emperor. London: Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art.
Pollard, Andrew; Collins, Janet; Simco, Neil; Swaffield, Sue; Warin, Jo and Warwick, Paul (2002). Reflective Teaching: Effective and Evidence-Informed Professional Practice. UK: Continuum.
Prokhovnik, Raia (2002). Rational Woman: A Feminist Critique of Dichotomy. Manchester University Press.
Reid, Gavin; Soler, Janet and Wearmouth, Janice (2002). Meeting difficulties in literacy development: research, policy and practice. Routledge.
Rogers, Yvonne and Sharp, Helen (2002). Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction. John Wiley.
Salmon, Gilly (2002). E-tivities: the key to active online learning. London, UK: RoutledgeFalmer.
Shand, John (2002). Philosophy and philosophers: An introduction to Western philosophy. Routledge.
Simpson, Ormond (2002). Supporting students in Open and Distance Learning. Open and Flexible Learning. London, UK: Routledge.
Sinka, Indra; Jarvis, J. and Lanataffi, A. (2002). Inclusion: what deaf pupils think. London, UK: RNID.
Toates, Frederick and Coschug-Toates, Olga (2002). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). London, UK: Class Publishing.
Warburton, Nigel (2002). The Art Question. London, UK: Routledge.
Wegerif, Rupert (2002). Literature review in thinking skills, technology and learning literature review in thinking skills, technology and learning: a report for futurelab. Futurelab Series. Bristol, UK: Futurelab.
Weller, Martin (2002). Delivering Learning on the Net: the why, what and how of online education. Open and Flexible Learning. London, UK: RoutledgeFalmer.
Woodhead, Martin and Montgomery, Heather (2002). Understanding childhood: an interdisciplinary approach. Wiley.
Wright, Melanie (2002). Moses in America: the cultural uses of biblical narrative. American Academy of Religion Cultural Criticism Series. New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
Edited BookTo Top
Anderson, Kay; Domosh, Mona; Pile, Steve and Thrift, Nigel eds. (2002). Handbook of cultural geography. London, UK: Sage Publications Limited.
Bacigalupo, Vivien; Bornat, Joanna; Bytheway, Bill; Johnson, Julia and Spurr, Susan eds. (2002). Understanding care, welfare and community: A reader. London: Routledge.
Blake, Nigel; Smeyers, Paul; Smith, Richard D. and Standish, Paul eds. (2002). The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Blackwell Philosophy Guides. Wiley-Blackwell.
Borsi, Balazs; Papanek, Gabor and Papaioannou, Theodoros eds. (2002). The Budapest Proceedings of the RECORD Thematic Network: Industry Relationships for Accession States Centres of Excellence in Higher Education. European Commission.
Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie eds. (2002). Blackwell Reader on the City. Blackwell Readers in Geography. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Brown, Usha; Scott, Gill; Mooney, Gerry and Duncan, Bryony eds. (2002). Poverty in Scotland 2002: people, places and policies. London/Glasgow: Child Poverty Action Group in association with Scottish Poverty Information Unit.
Candlin, Chris ed. (2002). Research and practice in professional discourse. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.
Chamberlayne, Prue; Rustin, Michael and Wengraf, Tom eds. (2002). Biography and social exclusion in Europe. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Coleman, James A.; Grotjahn, Rüdiger and Raatz, Ulrich eds. (2002). University language learning and the C-Test. Bochum, Germany: AKS-Verlag.
Du Gay, Paul and Pryke, Michael eds. (2002). Cultural economy: cultural analysis and commercial life. Culture, Representation and Identity Series. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Gaiger, Jason ed. (2002). Sculpture: Some observations on Shape and Form from Pygmalion's Creative Dream by Johann Gottfried Herder. Chicago, Illinois, USA: University of Chicago Press.
Green, S.F.; Williams, I.P.; McDonnell, J.A.M. and McBride, N. eds. (2002). Dust in the Solar System and other planetary systems. COSPAR Colloquia Series, 15. Oxford, UK: Pergamon, Elsevier Science.
Grell, Ole Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Jütte, Robert eds. (2002). Health care and poor relief in 18th and 19th Century Northern Europe. The History of medicine in context. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Hawkridge, David ed. (2002). The BEST stories [of innovation in UK Business Schools]. Milton Keynes: The Open University Business School.
Herbert, David ed. (2002). Religion and social transformations. Religion Today: Tradition, Modernity and Change, 2. Ashgate.
Hooper, Glenn and Graham, Colin eds. (2002). Irish and postcolonial writing: history, theory, practice. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
Hutchinson, Steven; Moon, Bob and Shelton-Mayes, Ann eds. (2002). Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum in Secondary Schools. London, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.: RoutledgeFalmer.
Isin, Engin F. and Turner, Bryan S. eds. (2002). Handbook of citizenship studies. London: Sage.
Lea, Mary R. and Nicoll, Kathy eds. (2002). Distributed Learning: Social and cultural approaches to practice. London: Routledge.
MacDonald, Raymond A.R.; Hargreaves, David J. and Miell, Dorothy eds. (2002). Musical Identities. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Matravers, Derek and Pike, Jon eds. (2002). Debates in Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology. London: Routledge.
McLaughlin, Eugene; Muncie, John and Hughes, Gordon eds. (2002). Criminological perspectives: essential readings. 2nd edition. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Miller, Linda; Drury, Rose and Campbell, Robin eds. (2002). Exploring Early Years Education and Care. London: David Fulton.
Miller, Tina; Birch, Maxine; Mauthner, Melanie and Jessop, Julie eds. (2002). Ethics in Qualitative Research. London: Sage.
Muncie, John; Hughes, Gordon and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. (2002). Youth Justice: Critical readings. London, UK: Sage.
Oliver, Michael J. ed. (2002). Studies in Economic and Social History: Essays Presented to Professor Derek Aldcroft. Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth ed. (2002). Teaching design and technology in secondary schools: a reader. Teaching in secondary schools. London, UK: RoutledgeFalmer.
Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth ed. (2002). Aspects of teaching secondary design and technology: perspectives on practice. Perspectives on practice. London, UK: RoutledgeFalmer.
Pile, Steve and Jordan, Tim eds. (2002). Social Change: Sociology and society. Sociology and Society. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Steeples, Christine and Jones, Christopher eds. (2002). Networked learning: perspectives and issues. Computer Supported Cooperative Work. London, UK: Springer-Verlag.
Ward, H and Rose, Wendy eds. (2002). Approaches to Needs Assessment in Children's Services. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Wolffe, John ed. (2002). Global Religious Movements in Regional Context. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Wood, Paul and Harrison, Charles eds. (2002). Art in Theory 1900-2000. Oxford: Blackwell.
Scott, Rosemary; Barnes, Amy Jane; Nikles, Estelle; Teo, Catherine and Pierson, Stacey eds. (2002). Qingbai Ware: Chinese Porcelain of the Song and Yuan Dynasties. London: Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art.
Law, John and Mol, Annemarie eds. (2002). Complexities: Social Studies of Knowledge Practices. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 116–141.
Pacheco, Anita ed. (2002). A companion to early modern women's writing. Blackwells Companions to Literature and Culture. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Silva, Elizabeth B. ed. (2002). Monsters and Morals. Soundings, Themed Spe (21). London: Lawrence and Whishart.
Book SectionTo Top
Adams, Anne and Blandford, Ann
Alderton, Tony and Winchester, Nik
[International regulation and the practice of flag states: A global comparative analysis].
Aldgate, Jane
Ali, Syed Mustafa
Anderson, Lesley
Anderson, Lesley
Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore
Atkinson, Dorothy
Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe
Ball, Kirstie
Barnett, Clive
Barrow-Green, June E.
Bates, Gillian P. and Murphy, Kerry P.S.J.
Bátiz-Lazo, Bernardo
Beattie, Hugh
Beaven, Tita
Beaven, Tita
Belshaw, Christopher
Bingham, Nick
Birch, Maxine and Miller, Tina
Birch, Maxine; Miller, Tina; Mauthner, Melanie and Jessop, Julie
Blackmore, Christine and Smyth, John
Boojihawon, Dev K. and Young, Stephen
Bootman, Martin and Lipp, Peter
Bowman, Marion
Breaks, F. W.; Selway, J. B. and Tindle, A. G.
Breaks, F. W. and Tindle, A. G.
Brennan, John
Brown, Duncan
Brunton, Deborah
Bull, Joanne; Conole, Grainne; Davis, Hugh C.; White, Su; Danson, Myles and Sclater, Niall
Burgess, Hilary
Burr, Rachel and Montgomery, Heather
Bytheway, Bill
Candlin, C
Candlin, C and Pilmer, D
Candlin, C and Plum, G
Candlin, C. N.
Candlin, Christopher; Bhatia, Vijay and Jensen, Christian
Catt, Robert
Chamberlayne, Prue
Charlesworth, Julie
Cochrane, Allan; Peck, Jamie and Tickell, Adam
Cochrane, Allan
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.; Grotjahn, Rudiger and Raatz, Ulrich
Colwell, Chetz and Petrie, H
Conole, Grainne and Martin, Oliver
Cook, Guy
Cross, Nigel
Cross, Nigel
Daly, Kathleen
Devai, Katalin; Mensink, Wouter and Papaioannou, Theodoros
Devereux, Jane
Devereux, Jane
Domingue, John
Draper, Janet
Dunckley, Lynne; Rapanotti, Lucia and Hall, Jon
Dyson, Miranda and Gerhardt, H. C.
Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
Edwards, Steve
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive and Clapson, Mark
Evans, Jessica
Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark
Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark
Finnegan, Ruth
Fortune, Joyce and White, Diana
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Gaiger, Jason
Gardner, A.F. and Gilmour, Ian
Garrido, Cecilia and Beaven, Mary
Garrido, Cecilia and Beaven, Mary
Gellatly, Angus
Gibbons, Rachel
Gladding, T.L.
Glatter, Ron
Goldsworthy, G.J.; Burchell, M.J.; Cole, M.J.; Green, S.F.; Leese, M.R.; McBride, N.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; Mueller, M.; Gruen, E.; Srama, R.; Armes, S.P. and Khan, M.A.
Grainger, Teresa
Gray, C.; Langkjaer, K. and Oliveira, A.
Gray, Jeremy
Grell, Ole
Grell, Ole Peter and Cunningham, Andrew
Grimm, Uwe
Grimm, Uwe and Joseph, Dieter
Grimm, Uwe and Repetowicz, Przemyslaw
Grimm, Uwe and Schreiber, Michael
Hammersley, M.
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hampel, Regine
Hanlon, Joseph and Christie, Frances
Hardill, Irene; Raghuram, Parvati and Strange, Adam
Harrison, Charles
Harrison, Roger
Haslam, Sara
Hawkridge, David
Henry, Jane
Henry, Jane
Henry, Jane
Hewings, Ann
Hewings, Ann
Himmelweit, Susan
Himmelweit, Susan
Hobbs, John D. and Rooney, Joe
Holland, S.; Morse, D.R. and Gedenryd, H.
Honwana, Alcinda
Huskinson, Janet
Isin, Engin F.
Isin, Engin F.
Isin, Engin F. and Turner, Bryan S.
James, Paula
Jelfs, Anne and Colbourn, C.
Johnson, David
Jones, Chris
Jones, Chris
Jones, Chris and Asensio, M.
Jones, Christopher R.
Katritzky, M.A.
Katz, Jeanne
Kehily, Mary
Kehily, Mary and Montgomery, Heather
Kellaher, L. A. and Peace, S. M.
King, Catherine
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Peter
Kirkwood, Adrian and Joyner, C.
Kodwani, D. K.
Kodwani, Devendra
Komaromy, Carol
Laurence, Anne
Law, John
Law, John
Lebeau, Y
Lebeau, Yann
Lei, Yuangui; Motta, Enrico and Domingue, John
Levidow, Les
Lewis, Timothy
Lewis, Timothy
Little, Stephen
Littleton, Karen and Hoyles, Cecila
Lucas-Smith, Anthony
MacDonald, Raymond A. R and Miell, Dorothy
Mackay, Hugh
Mackie, Robin
Mackintosh, Maureen and Gilson, Lucy
Malerba, F; Nelson, R; Orsenigo, L and Winter, S
Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Martin, Keith
Maruoka, Teruyuki; Koeberl, Christian; Newton, Jason; Gilmour, Iain and Bohor, Bruce F.
Mason, John
Mason, John
Mason, John
Mason, Robin
Mason, Robin
Mason, Robin
Massey, Doreen
Maybin, Janet
Maybin, Janet
Maybin, Janet
Maybin, Janet
Mayle, David; Hinton, Matthew; Francis, Graham and Holloway, Jacky
McCormick, R
McCormick, R and Hennessy, S
McCormick, Robert
Mercer, Neil
Miller, Linda; Devereux, Jane; Paige-Smith, Alice and Soler, Janet
Miller, Linda; Drury, Rose and Campbell, Robin
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles
Mol, Annemarie and Law, John
Moon, Bob
Muller, M.; Goldsworthy, J.B.; McBride, N.; Green, S. F.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; Srama, R.; Kempf, S. and Grun, E.
Murji, Karim
Murji, Karim
Newman, Janet
Oates, John
Owens, W. R.
Pacheco, Anita
Paige-Smith, Alice
Papaioannou, Theodoros
Papanek, Gabor; Borsi, Balazs; Papaioannou, Theodoros and Perenyi, Aran
Parke, Tim and Drury, Rose
Paton, Rob
Peace, Sheila
Pearce, Trevor and Fortune, Joyce
Pettit, John and Mason, Robin
Pile, Steve
Pile, Steve
Pittaway, Mark
Poulton, A.S.; Kyberd, P.J. and Gow, D.
Preedy, Maggie
Proudfoot, Anna
Pryke, Michael and Du Gay, Paul
Quintas, Paul
Ramage, Magnus
Remenyi, D; Batista, Luciano and Kawalek, P
Ribbens McCarthy, Jane and Edwards, Rosalind
Richards, Fiona
Rist, Martin; Roberts, S.M.; Reed, R.C. and Brooks, J.W.
Roberts, Gerrylynn
Robinson, David J. and Hall, Marion J.
Robson, James
Roche, Jeremy
Rooney, J. and Tanev, T.K.
Rose, Wendy
Rose, Wendy
Rowland, David
Sabsay, Leticia
Salmon, Gilly
Saward, Michael
Simon, Sandrine
Simpson, Ormond
Singh, U.; Williams, Ruth; Salter, I.D.; Hallam, K.R. and Allen, G.C.
Skelton, P.W.
Slater, Rachel; Gilbert, J. and Frederickson, James
Smith, Mark J.
Smith, Richard Langham
Spruce, Gary
Spruce, Gary and Atkinson, P
Steeples, Christine; Jones, Chris and Goodyear, Peter
Stickler, Ursula
Storey, John
Stott, Anne
Swann, Joan
Swann, Joan
Tait, Alan
Tanev, T. K. and Rooney, J.
Taylor, Stephanie
Thompson, P. and Callaghan, G.
Thomson, R.; Holland, J.; McGrellis, S. and Sharpe, S.
Tibandebage, Paula and Mackintosh, Maureen
Toates, Frederick
Toynbee, Jason
Toynbee, Jason
Troman, Geoff
Tuffen, H.; McGarvie, D.W.; Gilbert, J.S. and Pinkerton, H.
Ugochukwu, Francoise
Van Mourik, Catharina
Vangen, S. and Huxham, C.
Vargas-Vera, Maria; Motta, Enrico; Domingue, John; Lanzoni, Mattia; Stutt, Arthur and Ciravegna, Fabio
Wainwright, Leon
Walker, Colin
Walker, Colin
Walker, Colin
Walker, Colin
Walker, Colin
Walton, Peter
Waterhouse, Helen
Waterhouse, Helen
Watson, Sophie
Wearmouth, Janice
Wearmouth, Janice
Wearmouth, Janice and Reid, Gavin
Wearmouth, Janice and Soler, Janet
Wearmouth, Janice and Soler, Janet
White, Glenn J.; Nelson, R. P.; White, Monica Huldtgren; Fridlund, C. V. M.; Liseau, René; Miao, Jingqi and Thompson, Mark A.
Wield, David
Willems, B.; Mundin, R.P. and Kolb, U.
Williams, Ruth; Singh, U. and Salter, I.D.
Willis, Alistair and Manandhar, Suresh
Wilson, Gordon
Wilson, Tina
Wolffe, John
Woodhead, Martin
Woodhead, Martin
Wright, Melanie
Wuyts, Marc
Xu, Yao-Zhong
Zhu, Jianhan; Hong, Jun and Hughes, John G.
Journal ItemTo Top
Adams, Anne and Blandford, Ann
Adams, Anne and Blandford, Ann
Agasi, Lorenza; Berry, Frank J.; Carbucicchio, Massimo; Marco, José F.; Mortimer, Michael and Vetel, Frederick F.F.
Agazzi,, L.; Bennett, S.; Berry, F.J.; Carbucicchio, M.; Rateo, M.; Ruggiero, G. and Turilli, G.
Ahlberg, A.; Herman, A.B.; Raikevich, M.; Rees, P.M. and Spicer, R.A.
Aisbitt, Sally
Aisbitt, Sally
Alani, Harith; Kalfoglou, Yannis; O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel
Albright, James; Purohit, Kiran and Walsh, Christopher
Alderton, Tony and Winchester, Nik
Alderton, Tony and Winchester, Nik
Alderton, Tony and Winchester, Nik
Alevizou, Panagiota
Ali, S. M.
Allen, John
Anand, Paul
Anokhin, Konstantin V.; Tiunova, Anna A. and Rose, Steven P.R.
Archdeacon, D.; Bonnington, P.; Richter, B. and Siran, J.
Argles, T.W. and Edwards, M.A.
Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Raymond
Arthur, Raymond
Arthur, Raymond
Arthur, Raymond
Arthur, Raymond
Assonov, S.S.; Franchi, I.A.; Pillinger, C.T.; Semenova, A.S.; Shukolyukov, Yu A.; Verchovsky, A.V. and Lassevitch, A.N.
Ayers, J.G. and Gabbott, P.L.G.
Ayub, I.; Berry, F. and Helgason, O.
Ayub, Ibrar; Berry, Frank J.; Johnson, Clive; Johnson, David A.; Moore, Elaine A.; Ren, Xiaolin and Widatallah, Hisham M.
Baake, Michael; Grimm, Uwe and Scheffer, Max
Baker, L.; Franchi, I.A.; Maynard, J.; Wright, I.P. and Pillinger, C.T.
Baker, L.; Franchi, I.A.; Wright, I.P. and Pillinger, C.T.
Ball, Kirstie
Ball, Kirstie and Carter, Chris
Ball, Kirstie and Wicks, David
Banks, Mark
Baptista, Raymundo; Haswell, Carole A. and Thomas, Gino
Bar-Matthews, M.; Ayalon, A.; Gilmour, M.; Matthews, A. and Hawkesworth, C. J.
Barker, Trevor; Jones, Sara; Britton, Carol and Messer, David
Barnett, Clive and Svendsen, Njord V.
Barroy, P.R.J.; Goodyear, A. and Braithwaite, N.St.J
Barth, Karl F. and Rippon, Philip J.
Basilakos, S.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Pérez-Fournon, I.; Efstathiou, A.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Cabrera-Guerra, F.; González-Solares, E.; Alexander, D.M.; Serjeant, S. and Oliver, S.
Bassindale, Alan R.; Baukov, Yuri I.; Taylor, Peter and Negrebetsky, Vadim V.
Bátiz-Lazo, Bernardo and Wood, Douglas
Batsanov, Andrei S.; Bruce, James I.; Ganesh, Thota; Low, Paul J.; Kataky, Ritu; Puschmann, Horst and Steel, Patrick G.
Bell, E.; Taylor, S. and Thorpe, R.
Bell, Emma; Taylor, Scott and Thorpe, Richard
Bell, Simon
Bennett, G.K.; Grannell, M.J. and Griggs, T.S.
Bennett, G.K.; Grannell, M.J. and Griggs, T.S.
Berardi, Andrea
Berry, F.J. and Jones, C.J.
Berry, Frank
Berry, Frank J.; Costantini, Nicola and Smart, Lesley E.
Berwick, Daniel C.; Hers, Ingeborg; Heesom, Kate J.; Moule, S. Kelly and Tavare, Jeremy M.
Bissell, C.C.
Bissell, Chris
Bland, P. A.; Berry, F. J.; Jull, A. J. T.; Smith, T. B.; Bevan, A. W. R.; Cadogan, J. M.; Sexton, A. S.; Franchi, L. A. and Pillinger, C. T.
Bon, Ranko; Gibson, Virginia and Luck, Rachael
Bootman, Martin; Petersen, Ole H. and Verkhratsky, Alexei
Bootman, Martin D.; Berridge, Michael J. and Roderick, H. Llewelyn
Bootman, Martin D.; Berridge, Michael J. and Roderick, H. Llewelyn
Bootman, Martin D.; Collins, Tony J.; MacKenzie, Lauren; Roderick, H. Llewelyn; Berridge, Michael J. and Peppiatt, Claire M.
Bouchard, P. J.; Treimer, W. and Fiori, F.
Bovaird, Tony and Löffler, Elke
Bovaird, Tony; Löffler, Elke and Parrado-Díez, Salvador
Boxall, M.; Wallace, L.; Affie, E.; Grainger, C.; Mills, K. and Russell, M.
Boztosun, I and Mackintosh, R.S.
Brack, A.; Baglioni, P.; Borruat, G.; Brandstatter, F.; Demets, R.; Edwards, H. G. M.; Genge, M.; Kurat, G.; Miller, M.F.; Newton, E. M.; Pillinger, C.T.; Roten, C.-A. and Wasch, E.
Bragg, Sara
Brankovic, L.; Miller, M. and Siran, J.
Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie
Brierley, Andrew S.; Fernandes, Paul G.; Brandon, Mark A.; Armstrong, Frederick; Millard, Nicholas W.; McPhail, Steven D.; Stevenson, Peter; Pebody, Miles; Perrett, James; Squires, Mark; Bone, Douglas G. and Griffiths, Gwyn
Brown, Duncan
Brown, Duncan
Brown, Richard Danson
Brown, Vivienne
Brownlow, Charlotte and O'Dell, Lindsay
Bruce, James I.; Chambron, Jean-Claude; Kolle, Phillipe and Sauvage, Jean-Pierre
Bruce, James I.; Parker, David; Lopinski, Stefan and Peacock, Robert D.
Bruce, Vicki; Ness, Hayley; Hancock, Peter J. B; Newman, Craig and Rarity, Jenny
Buick, J.M.; Kemp, J.; Sharp, D.B.; van Walstijn, M.; Campbell, D.M. and Smith, R.A.
Burden, Robert; Williams, Marion and Lanvers, Ursula
Burton, Kevin W.; Gannoun, Abdelmouhcine; Birck, Jean-Louis; Allegre, Claude J.; Schiano, Pierre; Clocchiatti, Roberto and Alard, Olivier
Butcher, John
Byford, J.
Byford, Jovan
Callaghan, George and Thompson, Paul
Cameron, Lynne
Cameron, Lynne
Cameron, Peter J. and Webb, Bridget S.
Candlin, C.N.; Bhatia, V.K. and Jensen, C.H.
Candlin, Christopher N. and Candlin, Sally
Cathcart, Charles
Cathcart, Charles
Chamorro, E.M.; Brooker, R.A.; Wartho, J.-A.; Wood, B.J.; Kelley, S.P. and Blundy, J.D.
Chapman, D.A.; Davies, P.A. and Monk, J.
Chappell, Timothy
Cheesman, Tom and Gillespie, Marie
Christian, Kathleen
Christian, Kathleen Wren
Clare, Linda; Wilson, Barbara A.; Carter, Gina; Roth, Ilona and Hodges, John R.
Clare, Linda; Wilson, Barbara A.; Carter, Gina; Roth, Ilona and Hodges, John R.
Clark, Norman
Clark, Norman; Stokes, Kathryn and Mugabe, John
Clark, J. S.; Goodwin, S. P.; Crowther, P. A.; Kaper, L.; Fairbairn, M.; Langer, N. and Brocksopp, C.
Clark, J. S. and Negueruela, I.
Clark, Nigel
Clarke, J.; Harrison, R.; Reeve, F. and Edwards, R.
Clarke, Julia
Clarke, Julia; Harrison, Roger; Reeve, Fiona and Edwards, Richard
Clayton, Martin
Cockell, Charles S.; McKay, Christopher P. and Omelon, Christopher
Cockell, C.
Cockell, C.S.
Cockell, Charles
Cockell, Charles
Cockell, Charles; Horneck, Gerda; Rettberg, Petra; Arendt, Jo; Scherer, Kerstin; Facius, Rainer and Gugg-Helminger, Anton
Cockell, Charles; White, Don; Messier, Douglas and Stokes, M. Dale
Cockell, Charles S.
Cockell, Charles S. and Airo, Alessandro
Cockell, Charles S. and Barlow, Nadine G.
Cockell, Charles S. and Lee, Marco
Cockell, Charles S. and Lee, Pascal
Cockell, Charles S.; Lee, Pascal; Osinski, Gordon; Horneck, Gerda and Broady, Paul
Cockell, Charles S.; Rettberg, Petra; Horneck, Gerda; Wynn-Williams, David D.; Scherer, Kerstin and Gugg-Helminger, Anton
Coffin, Caroline
Cohen, Anthony S. and Coe, Angela L.
Coleman, Philip M.
Coleman, Philip M.
Collins, Patricia; Maguire, Moria and O'Dell, Lindsay
Collins, Tony J.; Berridge, Michael J.; Lipp, Peter and Bootman, Martin D.
Collins, Trevor D. and Fung, Pat
Colwell, Chetz; Scanlon, Eileen and Cooper, Martyn
Conole, Grainne
Conole, G.
Conole, Grainne; Hall, Mike and Smith, Susan
Cooke, Catherine
Corner, Ian and Hinton, Matthew
Cornforth, Chris
Cornforth, Chris and Simpson, Claire
Cornock, Marc
Cornock, M. and Goodman, B.
Cornock, Marc
Cottrell, David; Kilminster, Sue; Jolly, Brian and Grant, Janet
Crabb, E.M.; Ravikumar, M.K.; Qian, Y.; Russell, A.E.; Maniquet, S.; Yao, J.; Thompsett, D.; Hurford, M. and Ball, S.C.
Craft, Anna R.; Martin, David. S. and Tillema, Harm
Crawford, J.R. and Garthwaite, Paul H.
Critchley, Frank; Marriott, Paul and Salmon, Mark
Crompton, Sally; Roy, Robin and Caird, Sally
Daniel, Elizabeth and Wilson, Hugh
Daniel, Elizabeth; Wilson, Hugh and Myers, Andrew
Daniel, Elizabeth M. and Grimshaw, David J.
Datta, Saroj and Macdonald-Ross, Michael
Davies, S; Gell, Lynn; Tetley, Josie and Aveyard, Barry
Day, Judith and Kontor, E
Day, Judy and Kontor, Eszter
De Landtsheer, Christ'l; Palmer, Jerry and Middleton, Dave
De Marco, Orsola; Clayton, Geoffrey C.; Herwig, F.; Pollacco, D. L.; Clark, J. S. and Kilkenny, David
De Renzi, Silvia
Demaid, A. and Zucker, J.
Dermon, C. R.; Zikopolous, B.; Panagis, L.; Harrison, E.; Lancashire, C. L.; Mileusnic, R. and Stewart, M.G.
Dewberry, Emma and Sherwin, Chris
Dibb, Sally; Stern, Philip and Wensley, Robin
Dibb, Sally and Wensley, Robin
Dickins, Rachel S.; Aime, Silvio; Batsanov, Andrei S.; Beeby, Andrew; Botta, Mauro; Bruce, James I.; Howard, Judith A.K.; Love, Christine S.; Parker, David; Peacock, Robert D. and Puschmann, Horst
Dobbyn, Chris and Stuart, Susan A. J.
Dobson, Michael and Watson, Nicola
Dolatshad,, Nazanin F.; Silva, Ayona T. and Saffrey, M. Jill
Doloughan, Fiona J.
Doloughan, Fiona J.
Dong, P.; Zhang, J. and Bouchard, P. J.
Draper, Jan
Draper, Janet
Draper, Janet and Watson, Roger
Driver, Ciaran and Thompson, Grahame
Du Gay, Paul
Dunbar, G.; Lewis, V. and Hill, R.
Dussart, Yann; Harding, Charlie; Dalgaard, Pia; McKenzie, Christine; Kadirvelraj, Renuka; McKee, Vickie and Nelson, Jane
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod; Newburn, Tim and Crawford, Adam
Earle, S.
Earle, Sarah and Letherby, Gayle
Eckert, Claudia; Stacey, M. K. and Wiley, J.
Edwards, Viv; Pemberton, Lyn; Knight, John and Monaghan, Frank
Edwards, Charles; Jones, Geoff; Lawton, Alan and Llewellyn, Nick
Edwards, Richard; Clarke, Julia; Harrison, Roger and Reeve, Fiona
Edwards, Rosalind; Back-Wiklund, Margareta; Bak, Maren and Ribbens McCarthy, Jane
Edwards, S.
Egan, M. P.; Clark, J. S.; Mizuno, D. R.; Carey, S. J.; Steele, I. A. and Price, S. D.
Ellery, A.; Kolb, C.; Lammer, H.; Parnell, J.; Edwards, H.; Richter, L.; Patel, M.; Romstedt, J.; Dickensheets, D.; Steele, A. and Cockell, C.
Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona; Doherty, Neil and Hart, Cathy
Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona; McHardy, Peter and Wiesehofer, Hildegard
England, Roland; Lamour, René and López-Estrada, Jesús
Enoch, Marcus and Potter, Stephen
Erling, Elizabeth J.
Fairley, B. W.; Jones, L. R.; Wake, D. A.; Collins, C. A.; Burke, D. J.; Nichol, R. C. and Romer, A. K.
Fall, Juliet
Farmer, Peter B.; Bartsch, H.; Boobis, A.; Chipman, K.; Gescher, A.; Kadlubar, F.F.; Manson, M.M.; Phillips, D.H.; Shuker, David; Swenberg, J.A.; Tannenbaum, S.R. and Wild, C.P.
Farrah, D.; Serjeant, S.; Efstathiou, A.; Rowan-Robinson, M. and Verma, A.
Farrington, Paddy
Fazil, Qulsom; Bywaters, Paul; Ali, Zoebia; Wallace, Louise and Singh, Gurnam
Fergusson, Ross
Ferreira, G. M. d. S.
Fike, David A.; Cockell, Charles; Pearce, David and Lee, Pascal
Fink, Janet
Fisenko, A.V.; Verchovsky, A.B.; Semenova, L.F. and Pillinger, C.T.
Fisenko, A.V.; Verchovsky, A.V.; Semenova, L.F. and Pillinger, C.T.
Fitzpatrick, Ben
Fitzpatrick, M. E.; Moffatt, J. E.; Dubois, A.; Gregoire, F. and Tarrant, A. D
Fitzpatrick, M. E.; Withers, P. J.; Baczmanski, A.; Hutchings, Michael; Levy, R.; Ceretti, M. and Lodini, A.
Fletcher, Kate and Dewberry, Emma
Fletcher, Roland
Ford, A.; Jeffries, R. D. and Smalley, B.
Ford, A.; Jeffries, R.D.; Smalley, B.; Ryan, S.G.; Aoki, W.; Kawanomoto, S.; James, D.J. and Barnes, J.R.
Foster, G.; Vance, D.; Argles, T. and Harris, N.
Foster, Gavin; Gibson, H. D.; Parrish, Randy; Horstwood, Matthew; Fraser, James and Tindle, Andrew G.
Fox, M. J.; Efstathiou, A.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Dunlop, J.; Scott, S.; Serjeant, S.; Mann, R. G.; Oliver, S.; Ivison, R. J.; Blain, A.; Almaini, O.; Hughes, D.; Willott, C. J.; Longair, C. J.; Lawrence, A. and Peacock, J. A.
Francis, G. and Holloway, J.
Franek, F.; Grannell, M.J.; Griggs, T.S. and Rosa, A.
Franek, F.; Griggs, T.S.; Lindner, C.C and Rosa, A.
Frankish, Keith
Franklin, R. N.
Franklin, R. N.
Franklin, R. N.
Franklin, R. N.
Franklin, R. N.
Fraser, Helen J.; Collings, Mark P. and McCoustra, Martin R. S.
Fraser, Helen J.; McCoustra, Martin R. S. and Williams, David A.
Fraser, Jennifer A.; Saunders, Robert D.C. and McLellan, Lesley I.
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fridlund, C. V. M.; Bergman, P.; White, G. J.; Pilbratt, G. L. and Tauber, J. A.
Fu, Hongchen and Solomon, Allan
Fu, Hongchen; Solomon, Allan I. and Wang, Xiaoguang
Fulchignoni, M.; Ferri, F.; Angrilli, F.; Bar-Nun, A.; Barucci, M.A.; Bianchini, G.; Borucki, W.; Coradini, M.; Coustenis, A.; Falkner, P.; Flamini, E.; Grard, R.; Hamelin, M.; Harri, A.M.; Leppelmeier, G.W.; Lopez-Moreno, J.J.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; McKay, C.P.; Neubauer, F.H.; Pedersen, A.; Picardi, G.; Pirronello, V.; Rodrigo, R.; Schwingenschuh, K.; Seiff, A.; Svedhem, H.; Vanzani, V. and Zarnecki, J.
Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R.
Gabbott, Paul; Headlam, Anthony and Busby, Sarah
Gaiger, Jason
Gale, Rodney and Grant, Janet
Gardener, Mark C. and Gillman, Michael P.
Garner, Steven
Gauci, Vincent; Dise, Nancy and Fowler, David
George, R. and Rogers, N.
Geroski, P.A. and Mazzucato, M.
Geroski, Paul and Mazzucato, Mariana
Gervasi, Vincenzo and Nuseibeh, Bashar
Ghanem, F.; Sidhom, H.; Braham, C. and Fitzpatrick, M. E.
Ghobadian, Abby and Viney, Howard
Gill, Rosalind
Gillen, Julia
Gimenes, Itana M.S. and Barroca, Leonor
Glück, Peter and Humphreys, David
Gnos, E.; Hofmann, B.; Franchi, I. A.; Al-kathiri, A.; Hauser, M. and Moser, L.
Golding, Jon P.; Dixon, Monica and Gassmann, Martin
Goldsworthy, B.J.; Burchell, M.J.; Cole, M.J.; Green, S.F.; Leese, M.R.; McBride, N.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; Muller, M.; Grun, E.; Srama, R.; Armes, S.P. and Khan, M.A.
Goodfellow, Robin; Lamy, Marie-Noelle and Jones, Glyn
Gorfinkiel, J.D.; Morgan, L.A. and Tennyson, Jonathan
Grady, M.M.; Verchovsky, A.B.; Franchi, I.A.; Wright, I.P. and Pillinger, C.T.
Grande, M.; Dunkin, S.; Heather, D.; Kellet, B.; Perry, C.H.; Browning, R.; Waltham, N.; Parker, D.; Kent, B.; Swinyard, B.; Fereday, J.; Howe, C.; Huovelin, J.; Muhli, P.; Hakala, P. J.; Vilhu, O.; Thomas, N.; Hughes, D.; Alleyne, H.; Grady, M.; Russell, S.; Lundin, R.; Barabash, S.; Baker, D.; Clark, P.E.; Murray, C.D.; Christou, A.; Guest, J.; Casanova, I.; d'Uston, L.C.; Maurice, S.; Foing, B. and Kato, M.
Grannell, M. J.; Griggs, T. S. and Siran, J.
Grant, Janet
Gray, C. and Gonsalves, E.
Gray, Colin
Gray, Colin
Gray, Colin and Allan, John
Green, A.J.K.
Greentree, A.D.; Smith, T.B.; de Echaniz, S.R.; Durrant, A.V.; Marangos, J.P.; Segal, D.M. and Vaccaro, J.A.
Greer, Shelley; Harrison, Rodney and McIntyre-Tamwoy, Susan
Grimm, Uwe
Gstir, B.; Hanel, G.; Fedor, J.; Probst, M.; Scheier, P.; Mason, N.J. and Mrk, T.D
Gungor, Salih
Gurney-Smith, Ben; Cooper, Myra J. and Wallace, Louise M.
Haas, F.A.; Goodyear, A. and Braithwaite, N.St.J
Hack, Karl A.
Hagermann, A. and Schnepp, E.
Haggarty, Linda and Pepin, Birgit
Haggarty, Linda and Postlethwaite, Keith
Hahn, G.; Kratochvil, J.; Sotteau, D. and Siran, J.
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammond, Mary
Hammond, Mary
Hampel, Regine
Hancock, Roger
Hancock, Roger and Cox, Alison
Hancock, Roger and Mansfield, M.
Hanel, G.; Fedor, J.; Gstir, B.; Probst, M.; Scheier, P.; Mrk, T.D.; Tegeder, P. and Mason, N.J.
Hanlon, Joseph
Hanlon, Joseph
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Hartley, Jean
Hartley, Jean and Allison, Maria
Hartley, Jean; Butler, Michael J. R. and Benington, John
Harvey, Graham
Harvey, Graham
Haslam, Sara
Haswell, C.A.; Hynes, R.I.; King, A.R. and Schenker, K.
Hawkes, Cheryl and Kar, S.
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
He, Y.; Hui, S. C. and Fong, A. C. M.
He, Yulan and Hui, Siu Cheung
Heeley, Ellen L.; Morgovan, Ariana C.; Bras, Wim; Dolbyna, Igor P.; Gleeson, Anthony J. and Ryan, Anthony J.
Heffernan, Richard
Hegarty, P; Pratto, F and Crawford, M
Hegarty, P.
Helgason, Orn; Ayub, Ibrar; Berry, Frank J. and Crabb, Eleanor
Henderson, Sheila; Taylor, Rebecca and Thomson, Rachel
Henry, Jane
Herman, A.B. and Spicer, R.A.
Herring, Horace and Roy, Robin
Hetherington, Kevin
Hetherington, Kevin
Hewings, Martin and Hewings, Ann
Hewitt, R. P.; Watkins, J. L.; Naganobu, M.; Tshernyshkov, P.; Brierley, A. S.; Demer, D. A.; Kasatkina, S.; Takao, Y.; Goss, C.; Malyshko, A.; Brandon, M. A.; Kawaguchi, S.; Siegel, V.; Trathan, P. N.; Emery, J. H.; Everson, I. and Miller, D. G. M.
Hewitt, Tom; Wangwe, Sam and Wield, David
Higgins, Matthew and Smith, Warren
Higgins, Matthew and Smith, Warren
Higgins, Matthew and Tadajewski, Mark
Hill, Andrew
Hiltont, Adrian and Hall, Jon G.
Himmelweit, Susan
Hinton, C. Matthew
Hirst, Paul and Thompson, Grahame
Holland, Simon; Morse, David R. and Gedenryd, Henrik
Holloway, J. and Francis, G.
Holmes, Janice
Horton-Salway, Mary
Houssart, Jenny
Houssart, Jenny
Hubin-Franskin, M-J.; Delwiche, J.; Giuliani, A.; Ska, M-P.; Motte-Tollet, F.; Walker, I.C.; Mason, N.J.; Gingell, J.M. and Jones, N.C.
Hunt, Michael R. C.; Montalti, Massimo; Chao, Yimin; Krishnamurthy, Satheesh; Dhanak, Vinod R. and Šiller, Lidija
Hunt, Nicoll; Hughes, Janet and Rowe, Glenn
Huysmans, Jef
Huysmans, Jef
Hynes, R. I.; Clark, J. S.; Barsukova, E. A.; Callanan, P. J.; Charles, P. A.; Collier Cameron, A.; Fabrika, S. N.; Garcia, M. R.; Haswell, C. A.; Horne, Keith; Miroshnichenko, A.; Negueruela, I.; Reig, P.; Welsh, W. F. and Witherick, D. K.
Hynes, R.I.; Haswell, C.A.; Chaty, S.; Shrader, C.R. and Cui, W.
Hynes, R.I.; Zurita, C.; Haswell, C.A.; Casares, J.; Charles, P.A.; Pavlenko, E.P.; Shugarov, S.Yu. and Lott, D.A.
Isin, Engin F.
Issroff, K. and Scanlon, E.
Issroff, Kim and Scanlon, Eileen
Ivison, R.J.; Greve, T.R.; Smail, Ian; Dunlop, J.S.; Roche, N.D.; Scott, S.E.; Page, M.J.; Stevens, J.A.; Almaini, O.; Blain, A.W.; Willott, C.J.; Fox, M.J.; Gilbank, D.G.; Serjeant, S. and Hughes, D.H.
Jajcay, R. and Siran, J.
Jazaeri, H and Humphreys, F. J.
Jeetle, J.K.; Hagger, G.N.; Topps, S.S.; Male, D.K. and Rezaie, P.
Jeffrey, Bob
Jelfs, Anne and Colbourn, Chris
Jewkes, Y.A.
Johnson, Julia
Joinson, Adam N. and Dietz-Uhler, Beth
Jolley, David W.; Clarke, Benjamin and Kelley, Simon
Jolliffe, I.T.; Uddin, M. and Vines, S.K.
Jones, B. W. and Sleep, P. N.
Jones, Chris and Brophy, Peter
Jones, David W.
Jones, M. C.
Jones, M. C.
Jones, M. C.
Jones, M. C.
Jones, M. C.
Jones, M. C.
Jones, M. C. and Balakrishnan, N.
Jones, Nicholas
Jones, P.H.; Saunders-Singer, H.; Bergamini, S. and Meacher, D.R.
Jones, Raymond C. F.; Iley, James N. and Lory, Pedro M. J.
Jones, Rebecca
Jordan, C. R.; Jordan, D. A. and Jordan, J. H.
Kanaan, M.N. and Farrington, C. P.
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Morris, Mike and Readman, Jeff
Karmakar, G. C. and Dooley, L. S.
Katritzky, M.A.
Kehily, Mary Jane
Kelley, Simon
Kelley, Simon P. and Gurov, Eugene
Kennedy, Elizabeth M.; Spicer, Robert A. and Rees, Peter M.
Kilburn, John P.; Lau, Jesper and Jones, Raymond C.F.
Kilburn, John Paul; Lau, Jesper and Jones, Raymond C. F.
King, Helen
King, Helen
Kirkup, Gill
Kitajima, M.; Okamoto, M.; Sunohara, K.; Tanaka, H.; Cho, H.; Samukawa, S.; Eden, S. and Mason, N. J.
Knight, Peter
Knight, Peter
Knight, Peter T.
Knight, Peter T.
Knight, Peter T. and Yorke, Mantz
Koeberl, Christian; Gilmour, Iain; Reimold, Wolf Uwe; Claeys, Philippe and Ivanov, Boris
Koizumi, Schuichi; Rosa, Patrizia; Willars, Gary B.; Challiss, R. A. John; Taverna, Elena; Francolini, Maura; Bootman, Martin D; Inoue, Kazuhide; Roder, John and Jeromin, Andreas
Kudesia, G.; Partridge, S.; Farrington, C. P. and Soltanpoor, N.
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes
Kurtz, Matthew
Kyberd, P.J.; Winkel, S.T. and Poulton, A.
Laing, Angus
Laing, Angus and Hogg, Gillian
Laing, Angus; Lewis, Barbara; Foxall, Gordon and Hogg, Gillian
Lari, C.; Gruppioni, C.; Pozzi, F.; Zamorani, G.; Franceschini, A.; Oliver, S.; Rowan-Robinson, M. and Serjeant, S.
Laurent, Pierre; Miyaji, Hidekazu; Collinson, Simon R.; Prokeš, Ivan; Moody, Christopher J.; Tucker, James H. R. and Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.
Law, John
Law, John
Law, John and Mol, Annemarie
Lawless, Clive and Richardson, John T. E.
Lea, Jerry; Dyson, Mandy and Halliday, Timothy
Leach, Jenny
Lehman, M.M.; Kahen, G. and Ramil, J.F.
Lehman, Meir M. and Ramil, Juan F.
Leuratti, Chiara; Watson, Mark A.; Deag, Eliot J.; Welch, Ailsa; Singh, Rajinder; Gottschalg, Elke; Marnett, Lawrence J.; Atkin, Wendy; Day, Nicholas E.; Shuker, David E.G. and Bingham, Sheila A.
Levacic, Rosalind and Woods, Philip A.
Levidow, L. and Bijman, J.
Levidow, L.; Oreszczyn, S.; Assouline, G. and Joly, P.-B.
Levidow, L.; Søgaard, V. and Carr, S.
Levidow, Les
Lewis, P. R. and Reynolds, K.
Lewis, V.; Collis, G.; Shadlock, R.; Potts, M. and Norgate, S.
Lewis, Vicky; Norgate, S. and Collis, G.
Li, Nai and Kirkup, G.
Limão Viera, P.; Eden, S.; Kendall, P. A.; Mason, N. J. and Hoffmann, S. V.
Limão-Vieira, P.; Eden, S.; Kendall, P. A.; Mason, N. J. and Hoffmann, S. V.
Lingaiah, N.; Sai Prasad, P.S.; Kanta Rao, P.; Berry, F.J. and Smart, L.E.
Littlejohn, Allison
Littlejohn, Allison; Suckling, Colin; Campbell, Lorna and McNicol, David
Lloyd, Cathy E.
Lloyd, Cathy E. and Brown, Florence J.
Lloyd, Peter
Loan-Clarke, John and Preston, Diane
Loeffler, Elke
Loft, Anne; Jorissen, Ann and Walton, Peter
Loftus, Donna
Lopez-Moreno, J. J.; Molina-Cuberos, G. J.; Hamelin, M.; Brown, V. J. G.; Ferri, F.; Grard, R.; Jernej, I.; Jeronimo, J. M.; Leppelmeier, G. W.; Makinen, T.; Rodrigo, R.; Sabau, L.; Schwingenschuh, K.; Svedhem, H.; Zarnecki, J. and Fulchignoni, M.
Low, Graham and Cameron, Lynne
Lucey, Helen and Reay, Diane
Lucey, Helen and Reay, Diane
Luckett, T.; Powell, S. D.; Messer, D.; Thornton, M. E. and Schulz, J.
Lunn, Stephen
Macdonald, Janet
Macdonald, Janet and Twining, Peter
MacDonald, Janet; Weller, Martin and Mason, Robin
MacDonald, Raymond A.R.; Miell, Dorothy and Mitchell, Laura
Macintyre, Maria; Brooks, Fiona; Scott, Peter; Rosopopa, Christine and Quick, Kevin
Mackenzie, Lauren; Bootman, Martin D.; Laine, Mika; Berridge, Michael J.; Thuring, Jan; Holmes, Andrew; Li, Wen-Hong and Lipp, Peter
MacKian, Sara
Mackintosh, Maureen and Tibandebage, Paula
Malerba, Franco and Orsenigo, Luigi
Mann, Robert G.; Oliver, Seb; Carballo, Ruth; Franceschini, Alberto; Rowan-Robinson, Michael; Heavens, Alan F.; Kontizas, Maria; Elbaz, David; Dapergolas, Anastasios; Kontizas, Evanghelos; Granato, Gian Luigi; Silva, Laura; Rigopoulou, Dimitra; Gonzalez-Serrano, J. Ignacio; Verma, Aprajita; Serjeant, Steve; Efstathiou, Andreas and van der Werf, Paul P.
Marchetti, S.G.; Borzi, R.A.; Cabanillas, E.D.; Stewart, S.J. and Mercader, R.C.
Martin, David S.; Craft, Anna R. and Tillema, H.
Martin, J. K.
Martin, J. K. and Parkins, D. W.
Mason, Joan; Larkworthy, Leslie and Moore, Elaine
Mason, N.J.; Skalny, J.D. and Hadj-Ziane, S.
Massey, Andrew; Xu, Yao-Zhong and Karran, Peter
Massey, D.B.
Massey, Doreen
Matute, I.; La Franca, F.; Pozzi, F.; Gruppioni, C.; Lari, C.; Zamorani, G.; Alexander, D.M.; Danese, L.; Oliver, S.; Serjeant, S. and Rowan-Robinson, M.
Mazzucato, M. and Semmler, W.
Mazzucato, Mariana
Mazzucato, Mariana
McAndrew, Patrick; Mackinnon, Lachlan and Rist, Roger
McFall, Liz
Mendes, Eduarda; Furtado, Tania; Neres, Joao; Iley, Jim; Jarvinen, Tomi; Rautio, Jarkko and Moreira, Rui
Mercer, Neil
Mieczkowska, Suzanne; Barnes, David and Hinton, Matthew
Miell, Dorothy and MacDonald, Raymond
Miller, Martin F.; Franchi, Ian A.; Thiemens, Mark H.; Jackson, Teresa L.; Brack, Andre; Kurat, Gero and Pillinger, Colin T.
Missailidis, Sotiris; Stanslas, Johnson; Modi, Chetna; Ellis, Michael J.; Robins, R Adrian; Laughton, Charles A. and Stevens, Malcolm F.G.
Modo, Michael; Rezaie, Payam; Heuschling, Paul; Patel, Sara; Male, David K. and Hodges, Helen
Mohan, G. and Mohan, J.
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles and Zack-Williams, A.B.
Montemurro, Marcelo A. and Pury, Pedro A.
Montemurro, Marcelo A. and Zanette, Damián H.
Moore, D.G.; Oates, J.M.; Hobson, P. and Goodwin, J.
Moore, Elaine A.
Moore, Elaine A. and Mason, Joan
Moore, Elaine A.; Widatallah, Hisham M. and Berry, Frank J.
Moro, Alan; Skelton, Peter W. and Ćosović, Vlasta
Morris, E.J.; Joiner, R. and Scanlon, E.
Motta, Enrico
Mottram, T.; Velasco-Garcia, M.; Berry, P.; Richards, P.; Ghesquiere, J. and Masson, L.
Mulholland, P. and Collins, T.
Mulholland, Paul; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Collins, Trevor
Müller, M.; Green, S.F.; McBride, Neil; Koschny, D.; Zarnecki, J.C. and Bentley, M.S.
Müller, Michael; Green, Simon F. and McBride, Neil
Murray, A.; Missailidis, S. and Price, M.R.
Murray, J.B. and Ramirez Ruiz, J.J.
Murray, John B. and Wooller, Luke K.
Mwanza, D.
Neal, Sarah
Newman, Claire E.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Read, Peter L. and Forget, François
Newman, Claire E.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Read, Peter L. and Forget, François
Newman, Janet
Newman, Janet
Newman, Janet
Nicholas, Victoria
Nind, Melanie
Nind, Melanie and Cochrane, Steve
Nind, Melanie and Kellett, Mary
Nind, Melanie and Kellett, Mary
Nolle, L.; Goodyear, A.; Hopgood, A.A.; Picton, P.D. and Braithwaite, N.St.J
North, R.C.; Marsh, T.R.; Kolb, U.; Dhillon, V.S. and Moran, C.K.J.
Norton, A. J.; Quaintrell, H.; Katajainen, S.; Lehto, H. J.; Mukai, K. and Negueruela, I.
O'Brien, K.; Horne, Keith; Hynes, R.I.; Chen, W.; Haswell, C.A. and Still, M.D.
Oliver, Martin and Aczel, James
Oliver, Seb; Mann, Robert G; Carballo, Ruth; Franceschini, Alberto; Rowan-Robinson, Michael; Kontizas, Maria; Dapergolas, Anastasios; Kontizas, Evanghelos; Verma, Aprajita; Elbaz, David; Granato, Gian Luigi; Silva, Laura; Rigopoulou, Dimitra; Gonzalez-Serrano, J. Ignacio; Serjeant, Steve; Efstathiou, Andreas and van der Werf, Paul P.
Openshaw, Roger; Soler, Janet; Wearmouth, Janice and Paige-Smith, Alice
Owens, W.R. and Furbank, P. N.
Pablos, J.L.d; Kendall, P.A.; Tegeder, P.; Williart, A.; Blanco, F.; Garca, G. and Mason, N.J.
Park, B.U.; Kim, W.C. and Jones, M.C.
Parke, Tim; Drury, Rose; Kenner, Charmian and Helavaara Robertson, Leena
Parker, Janet
Patel, M.R.; Zarnecki, J.C. and Catling, D.C.
Pathak, Shashi K. and Mason, Nigel J.
Patzer, A.; Hill, D. H.; Boynton, W. V.; Franke, L.; Schultz, L.; Jull, A. J. T.; McHargue, L. R. and Franchi, Ian
Peake, Stephen
Peake, Stephen
Pearson, Victoria K.; Sephton, Mark A.; Kearsley, Anton T.; Bland, Philip A.; Franchi, Ian A. and Gilmour, Iain
Pekala, M.; Berry, F. and Widatallah, H.M.
Pelc, A.; Sailer, W.; Scheier, P.; Mason, N.J. and Märk, T.D.
Pelc, Andrzej; Sailer, Wolfgang; Scheier, Paul; Probst, Michael; Mason, Nigel J.; Illenberger, Eugen and Märk, Tilmann D.
Pels, Dick; Hetherington, Kevin and Vandenberghe, Frederic
Percival, John
Peter, Annette; Schoettler, Petra; Werner, Meike; Beinert, Nicole; Dowe, Gordon; Burkert, Peter; Mourkioti, Foteini; Dentzer, Lore; He, Yuchun; Deak, Peter; Benos, Panayiotis V.; Gatt, Melanie K.; Murphy, Lee; Harris, David; Barrell, Bart; Ferraz, Concepcion; Vidal, Sophie; Brun, Christine; Demaille, Jacques; Cadieu, Edouard; Dreano, Stephane; Gloux, Stephanie; Lelaure, Valerie; Mottier, Stephanie; Galibert, Francis; Borkova, Dana; Minana, Belen; Kafatos, Fotis C.; Bolshakov, Slava; Siden-Kiamos, Inga; Papagiannakis, George; Spanos, Lefteris; Louis, Christos; Madueno, Encarnacion; de Pablos, Beatriz; Modolell, Juan; Bucheton, Alain; Callister, Debbie; Campbell, Lorna; Henderson, Nadine S.; McMillan, Paul J.; Salles, Cathy; Tait, Evelyn; Valenti, Phillipe; Saunders, Robert D.C.; Billaud, Alain; Pachter, Lior; Klapper, Robert; Janning, Wilfried; Glover, David M.; Ashburner, Michael; Bellen, Hugo J.; Jackle, Herbert and Schafer, Ulrich
Pike, A.W.G.; Hedges, R.E.M. and van Calsteren, P.
Pine, K. J.; Messer, D. J. and St. John, K.
Pittaway, Mark
Pivato, Marcus and Yassawi, Reem
Plewes, Louise and Issroff, Kim
Postlethwaite, Keith and Haggarty, Linda
Potts, P.; Ellis, A.T.; Kregsamer, P.; Marshall, J.; Steli, C.; West, M. and Wobrauschek, P.
Potts, P.; Ramsey, M. H. and Carlisle, J.
Potts, P.; Thompson, M. and Wilson, S.
Prescott, Gordon J. and Garthwaite, Paul H.
Prescott, Lynda
Price, Carolyn
Probst, M.; Hermansson, K.; Urban, J.; Mach, P.; Muigg, D.; Denifl, G.; Fiegele, T.; Mason, N.J.; Stamatovic, A. and Mark, T.D.
Pywell, Stephanie
Raghuram, Parvati and Kofman, Eleonore
Ramil, Juan F. and Smith, Neil
Ramsay, Craig R.; Wallace, Sheila A.; Garthwaite, Paul H.; Monk, Andrew F.; Russell, Ian T. and Grant, Adrian M.
Rapanotti, Lucia; Blake, Canan T. and Griffiths, Robert
Rashman, Lyndsay and Hartley, Jean
Redman, Peter; Epstein, Debbie; Kehily, Mary Jane and Mac an Ghaill, Mairtin
Renvoizé, V.; Baraffe, I.; Kolb, U. and Ritter, H.
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Jill
Reynolds, M.
Rezaie, P.; Trillo-Pazos, G.; Greenwood, J.; Everall, I.P. and Male, D.K.
Rezaie, Payam and Dean, Andrew
Rezaie, Payam and Dean, Andrew
Rezaie, Payam and Male, David
Rezaie, Payam and Male, David
Rezaie, Payam; Trillo-Pazos, G.; Everall, I.P. and Male, David
Richards, Fiona
Richardson, J. T. E..
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E. and Roy, Archie W. N.
Richardson, John T. E. and Vecchi, T.
Rist, M.A. and Reed, R.C.
Rist, M.A.; Sammonds, P.R.; Oerter, H. and Doake, C.S.M.
Robinson, David J. and Ikeda, Terumasa
Rolfe, Daniel J.; Abbott, Timothy M.C. and Haswell, Carole A.
Rolph, Sheena; Walmsley, Jan and Atkinson, Dorothy
Romero, I.A.; Amos, C.L.; Greenwood, J. and Adamson, P.
Romero, Ignacio A.; Hazan, Uriel; Cancello, Raffaella; Valente, Susana; Perrin, Virginie; Mariot, Virginie; Dumonceaux, Julie; Cindy C., Gerhardt; Strosberg, A. Donny; Courard, Pierre-Olivier and Pietri-Rouxel, France
Rooney, Joseph and Hobbs, John
Rose, Christine; Wallace, Louise; Dickson, Rumona; Ayres, Jon; Lehman, Richard; Searle, Yvonne and Burge, P. Sherwood
Rose, Steven P.R.
Ross, S. M. and Bolton, J. P. R.
Rossi, Daniela; Simeoni, Ilenia; Micheli, Marcella; Bootman, Martin; Lipp, Peter; Allen, Paul D. and Sorrentino, Vincenzo
Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen
Rozum, I.; Mason, N.J. and Tennyson, J.
Ryan, Sean G.; Gregory, Scott G.; Kolb, Ulrich; Beers, Timothy C. and Kajino, Toshitaka
Sailer, W.; Drexel, H.; Pelc, A.; Grill, V.; Mason, N.J.; Illenberger, Eugen; Skalny, J.D.; Mitoviny, T.; Scheier, P. and Märk, T.D.
Salaman, Graeme and Storey, John
Salmon, Gilly
Salmon, Gilly
Sanghera, J.; de Chernatony, L. and Brown, A.
Santisteban, J. R.; Edwards, L.; Fitzpatrick, M. E.; Steuwer, A.; Withers, P. J.; Daymond, M. R.; Johnson, M. W.; Rhodes, N. and Schooneveld, E. M.
Santisteban, J. R.; Steuwer, A.; Edwards, L.; Withers, P. J. and Fitzpatrick, M. E.
Santisteban, J.R.; Edwards, L.; Fitzpatrick, M.E.; Steuwer, A. and Withers, P.J.
Saunders, David
Scanlon, Eileen; Morris, Erica; Di Paolo, Terry and Cooper, Martyn
Schaefer, Bruce F.; Turner, Simon; Parkinson, Ian; Rogers, Nick and Hawkesworth, Chris
Schenker, K.; King, A.R.; Kolb, U.; Wynn, G.A. and Zhang, Z.
Schirmer, S. J.; Pullen, I. C. H. and Solomon, A. I.
Schirmer, S.G; Solomon, A.I. and Leahy, J.V.
Schirmer, S.G.; Solomon, A.I. and Leahy, J.V.
Schmidt-Neumeyer, Heike; Vossler, Andreas and Schmidt-Neumeyer, Willibald
Scott, S.E.; Fox, M.J.; Dunlop, J.S.; Serjeant, S.; Peacock, J.A. and Ivison, R.J. [et al.]
Seden, Janet
Segal-Horn, Susan
Selvin, Albert M. and Buckingham Shum, Simon J.
Sephton, M.A.; Wright, I.P.; Gilmour, I.; de Leeuw, J.W.; Grady, M.M. and Pillinger, C.T.
Sephton, Mark A.; Amor, Ken; Franchi, Ian A.; Wignall, Paul B.; Newton, Robert and Zonneveld, John-Paul
Serjeant, Stephen; Gruppioni, Carlotta and Oliver, Seb
Seymour-Smith, Sarah; Wetherell, Margaret and Phoenix, Ann
Shand, John
Sharp, Keith and Earle, Sarah
Sheehy, Kieron
Sheehy, Kieron
Sherlock, Sarah and Kelley, Simon
Sherlock, Sarah C.; Jones, Kevin A. and Kelley, Simon P.
Shim, S.; Zerovnik, J. and Siran, J.
Shuker, David E.G.
Silva, Elizabeth B.
Silvertown, Jonathan; McConway, Kevin J.; Hughes, Zoe; Biss, Pamela; Macnair, Mark and Lutman, Peter
Simons, Joan
Simons, Joan
Simons, Joan and Roberson, Elaine
Sims, M.R.; Pullan, D.; Pillinger, C.T. and Wright, I.P.
Singleton, Chris; Horne, Joanna and Thomas, Kevin
Singleton, Chris; Thomas, Kevin and Horne, Joanna
Sklair, Leslie and Robbins, Peter T.
Slade, R.C.T.; Bambrough, C.M. and Williams, R.T.
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Smith, Anne M. and Reynolds, Nina L.
Smith, Richard G.; Missailidis, Sotiris and Price, Michael R.
Solomon, Allan I. and Schirmer, Sonia G.
Song, D.P.; Hicks, C. and Earl, C.F.
Spencer, Jonathan P. and Murphy, Kerry P.S.J.
Spicer, Robert A.; Ahlberg, Anders; Herman, Alexei B.; Kelley, Simon P.; Raikevich, Mikhail I. and Rees, Peter M.
Storey, Anne
Storey, J.
Storey, John; Quintas, Paul; Taylor, Phil and Fowle, Wendy
Sturges, Jane; Guest, David; Conway, Neil and Mackenzie Davey, Kate
Summers, Neil
Sutaria, F. K.; Kolb, U.; Charles, P.; Osborne, J. P.; Kuulkers, E.; Casares, J.; Harlaftis, E. T.; Shahbaz, T.; Still, M. and Wheatley, P.
Szmigin, Isabelle; Carrigan, Marylyn and McLeod, Rob
Tafforeau, Marc; Verdus, Marie-Claire; Norris, Vic; White, Glenn; Demarty, Maurice; Thellier, Michel and Ripoll, Camille
Tait, J.; Chataway, J. and Wield, D.
Tancioni, Massimiliano and Simonetti, Roberto
Taylor, Scott; Thorpe, Richard and Down, Simon
Thomas, Judy and Arrowsmith, Vickie
Thomas, Pete; Price, Blaine; Paine, Carina and Richards, Michael
Thompson, Ken
Thompson, M. O.; Vines, S. K.; Aquilina, J.; Wathern, N. C. and Harrington, K.
Thomson, Rachel; Bell, Robert; Holland, Janet; Henderson, Sheila; McGrellis, Sheena and Sharpe, Sue
Thomson, Rachel and Blake, Simon
Thomson, Rachel and Holland, Janet
Thomson, Rachel and Holland, Janet
Thorpe, Mary
Thorpe, Sally E.; Heywood, Karen J.; Brandon, Mark A. and Stevens, David P.
Tincknell, Estella and Raghuram, Parvati
Tindle, Andrew G.; Breaks, Fred W. and Selway, Julie B.
Toates, F.
Toates, F.
Toates, F.
Tothill, N.F.H.; White, Glenn J.; Matthews, H.E.; McCutcheon, W.H.; McCaughrean, M.J. and Kenworthy, M.A.
Treiman, Allan H.; Lindstrom, David J.; Schwandt, Craig S.; Franchi, Ian A. and Morgan, Matthew L.
Trendafilov, Nickolay T.
Trendafilov, Nickolay T. and Lippert, Ross A.
Trigg, Andrew B.
Tucker, James H. R. and Collinson, Simon R.
Tuffen, H.; Pinkerton, H.; McGarvie, Dave and Gilbert, J.S.
Twining, Peter
Ugochukwu, Francoise
Ugochukwu, Francoise
Upton, P. J.
Väisänen, P.; Morel, T.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Serjeant, S.; Oliver, S.; Sumner, T.; Crockett, H.; Gruppioni, C. and Tollestrup, E.V.
Valentine, Gill; Holloway, Sarah and Bingham, Nick
van den Brandt, P.; Voorrips, L.; Hertz-Picciotto, I.; Shuker, D.; Boeing, H.; Speijers, G.; Guittard, C.; Kleiner, J.; Knowles, M.; Wolk, A. and Goldbohm, A.
Verchovsky, A.B.; Sephton, M.A.; Wright, I.P. and Pillinger, C.T.
Verdonck, P.; Goodyear, A.; Mansano, R.D.; Barroy, P.R.J. and Braithwaite, N St.J.
Verrecchia, F.; Israel, G. L.; Negueruela, I.; Covino, S.; Polcaro, V. F.; Clark, J. S.; Steele, I. A.; Gualandi, R.; Speziali, R. and Stella, L.
Walder, Dennis
Walkden, Gordon; Parker, Julian and Kelley, Simon
Walker, Colin
Wallace, L. M.; Wright, S.; Parsons, A.; Wright, C. and Barlow, J.
Wallis, D. and McBride, N.
Wallis, D.; Solomon, C.J.; Kearsley, A.T.; Graham, G. and McBride, N.
Ward-Thompson, Derek; Fraser, Helen and Rawlings, Jonathan
Watson, Anna; Viney, Howard and Schomaker, Patrick
Watson, J. S.; Jones, D. M.; Swannell, R. P. J. and van Duin, A. C. T.
Wei, L. W.; Edwards, L. and Fitzpatrick, M. E.
Weinbren, Dan
Weller, Martin
Weller, Martin and Robinson, Ley
Wermelinger, Michel and Fiadeiro, José Luiz
West, Susie
Westcott, Helen L. and Page, Marcus
Westmarland, Louise
White, Diana and Fortune, Joyce
Widatallah, H.M.; Johnson, C. and Berry, F.J.
Widatallah, Hisham M. and Berry, Frank J.
Willems, B. and Kolb, U.
Williams-Jones, Glyn and Rymer, Hazel
Williams-Thorpe, O. and Potts, P.
Willman, Paul; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Soane, Emma and Nicholson, Nigel
Wilson, Hugh; Daniel, Elizabeth and McDonald, Malcolm
Wood, Clare
Wood, Clare
Woods, Peter and Jeffery, Bob
Woods, Kim W.
Woods, Peter and Troman, Geoff
Woods, Philip A.
Woods, Philip A. and Levacic, Rosalind
Woods, Philip A. and Woods, Glenys J.
Yeates, Nicola
Yorke, Mantz; Barnett, Greg; Bridges, Paul; Evanson, Peter; Haines, Chris; Jenkins, Don; Knight, Peter; Scurry, David; Stowell, Marie and Woolf, Harvey
Zarnecki, J.C.; Leese, M.R.; Garry, J.R.C.; Ghafoor, N. and Hathi, B.
Zuur, Grietje; Garthwaite, Paul H. and Fryer, Rob J.
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The Small Business Research Trust ed.
The Small Business Research Trust ed.
The Small Business Research Trust ed.
The Small Business Research Trust ed.
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Aczel, James
Alani, Harith; Dasmahapatra, Srinandan; Gibbins, Nicholas; Glaser, Hugh; Harris, Steve; Kalfoglou, Yannis; O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel
Alani, Harith; O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel
Baravalle, Andres; Beria, Alessandro; Guberti, Silvia; Lanfranchi, Vita and Pravettoni, Gabriella
Baravalle, Andres and Lanfranchi, Vitaveska
Barker, Meg
Barroca, Leonor and Fiadeiro, José Luiz
Bartholomew, Peter; Lockett, Helen and Gallop, Julian
Beaven, Tita and Álvarez, Inma
Bennett, Nigel; Anderson, Lesley and Wise, Christine
Bennett, Nigel; Anderson, Lesley and Wise, Christine
Bennett, Nigel and Marr, Alan
Bennett, Nigel and Marr, Alan
Beyls, Kristof; D'Hollander, Erik H. and Yu, Yijun
Biele, J.; Ulamec, S.; Garry, J.; Sheridan, S.; Morse, A. D.; Barber, S.; Wright, Ian and Tug, H.
Billsberry, Jon; Moss-Jones, John and Marsh, Philip
Blackmore, C. P.
Blum, J.; Ehrenfreund, P.; Fraser, H.; Garcia Ruiz, J.; Hadamcik, E.; Levasseur-Regourd, A.; Sarkissan, A.; Price, S.; Prodi, F. and Williams, D.
Blundel, Richard
Bornett, H. L. I. and Edwards, S. A.
Bowen, James; Rotov, Mikhail; Kendall, Kevin and Preece, Jon A.
Bowman, Cliff and Gleadle, Pauline
Bradshaw, Pete; Powell, Stephen and Terrell, Ian
Bradshaw, Pete; Gee, Alison and Powell, Stephen
Bridges, John; Jeffries, T. E. and Grady, Monica
Bridges, John; Schofield, P. F.; Smith, A. D.; Scholl, A. and Grady, Monica
Brooks, Fiona; Macintyre, Maria and Scott, Peter
Bruza, P. D and Song, D.
Buckingham Shum, Simon; De Roure, David; Eisenstadt, Marc; Shadbolt, Nigel and Tate, Austin
Buckingham Shum, Simon; Marshall, Samuel; Brier, John and Evans, Tony
Buckingham Shum, Simon; Motta, Enrico and Domingue, John
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Bullock, E. S.; Gounelle, M.; Grady, M. M. and Russell, S. S.
Buratti, B. J.; Hicks, M. D.; Soderblom, L.; Hillier, J. and Britt, D.
Busemann, H.; Baur, H. and Wieler, R.
Busemann, H.; Baur, H. and Wieler, R.
Busemann, H. and Eugster, O.
Butterworth, A. L.; Chater, R. J. and Franchi, I. A.
Campbell, L.M. and Littlejohn, A.H.
Carlisle, Ysanne and McMillan, Elizabeth
Chang, Dempsey; Dooley, Laurence and Tuovinen, Juhani E.
Coats, Maggie
Collings, M. P.; Dever, J. W.; Fraser, H. J. and McCoustra, M. R. S.
Collins, T. and Mulholland, P.
Cook, M. B. and Bhamra, T. A.
Cornforth, Chris and Mordaunt, Jill
Critchley, Frank
Critchley, Frank
Crook, Robert; Ince, Darrel; Lin, Luncheng and Nuseibeh, Bashar
De Geest, Els; Watson, Anne and Prestage, Stephanie
Dewberry, Emma
Dietze, Stefan
Dillon, Christopher and Hodgkinson, Linda
Domingue, John; Martins, Maria; Tan, Jaicheng; Stutt, Arthur and Pertusson, Helgi
Donelan, H. and O'Farrell, T.
Donelan, H. and O'Farrell, T.
Dowling, Monica
Drury, Stephen and Andrews Deller, M.E.
Dzbor, Martin and Zdrahal, Zdenek
Dzbor, Martin and Zdrahal, Zdenek
Dzbor, Martin and Zdrahal, Zdenek
Earl, C. F. and Eckert, C. M.
Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
Eckert, C. M. and Earl, C. F.
Edwards, S. and Anderson, J.
Eugster, O.; Busemann, H. and Lorenzetti, S.
Eugster, O.; Busemann, H.; Kurat, G.; Lorenzetti, S. and Varela, M. E.
Fernandez-Toro, Maria and Wilczynski, Andrea
Ferreira, C. S. M. and Missailidis, Sotiris
Fisenko, A. V.; Verchovsky, A. B.; Semjonova, L. F.; Ott, U.; Wright, I. P. and Pillinger, C. T.
Fitzsimon, Cate and Dooley, Laurence S.
Folco, L.; Bland, P.A.; D'Orazio, M.; Franchi, I.A. and Rocchi, S.
Fraser, H.; van Dishoeck, E. and Tielens, X.
Genge, M. J. and Grady, Monica
Gilmour, I.; Franchi, I. A.; Koeberl, C. and French, B. M.
Gilmour, I.; Hill, H. G. M.; Pearson, V.K.; Sephton, M.A and Nuth, J. A.
Gilmour, J. D.; Verchovsky, A. B. Sasha and Turner, G.
Greenwood, R.C.; Franchi, I.A. and Pillinger, C.T.
Greenwood, R.G.; Franchi, I.A.; Gibson, J.M. and Pillinger, C.T.
Grimsley, Michael and Meehan, Anthony
Grimsley, Michael and Meehan, Anthony
Grimsley, Micheal and Meehan, Anthony
Grove-Stephenson, Ian; Sclater, Niall and Heath, Andy
Hall, J.G.; Jackson, M.; Laney, R. C.; Nuseibeh, B. and Rapanotti, L.
Haslam, Sara
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Heesch, Daniel and Rüger, Stefan
Herman, Clem
Hilliam, Rachel and Lawrance, Anthony
Holland, C.; Peace, S. and Kellaher, L.
Holland, Simon; Gedenryd, Henrik and Morse, David
Hoyle, C. H. V.; Cowen, T. and Saffrey, M. J.
Hoyles, C. and Littleton, K.
Hughes, Lotte
Humphreys, D.
Hurd, Stella
Islam, Mohammad M.; Murshed, Manzur and Dooley, Laurence S.
Ison, R. L.
Ison, Ray L.
Jarratt, T. A. W; Eckert, C. M.; Clarkson, P. J. and Schwankl, L.
Jarratt, T. A. W.; Clarkson, P. J.; Parks, G. and Eckert, C. M.
Jeetle, J.; Hagger, G.N.; Topps, S.; Male, David and Rezaie, Payam
Johnson, O.; Almaini, O.; Lawrence, A.; Manners, J.; Dunlop, J.; Mann, B.; Perez Fournon, I.; Gonzales Solares, E.; Willott, C.; Oliver, S.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Serjeant, S.; Ciliegi, P. and McMahon, R.
Joiner, Richard; Scanlon, Eileen; O'Shea, Tim; Smith, Randall B. and Blake, Canan
Jones, Allan
Jull, A.J.T.; Koblitz, J.; Hofmann, B.; Franchi, I.A.; McHargue, L.R. and Shahab, A.
Juwah, C.; Peacock, S.; Littlejohn, A.; McAtreer, E.; Bates, D. and Bruce, S.
Kalfoglou, Yannis; Alani, Harith; O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel
Karmakar, G. C.; Dooley, L. and Murshed, M.
Karmakar, Gour; Dooley, Laurence and Murshed, Manzur
Karmakar, Gour C.; Dooley, Laurence S. and Murshed, M.
Kear, Karen
Kear, Karen; Monk, John and Herman, Clem
Kim, Sanghee; Alani, Harith; Hall, Wendy; Lewis, Paul; Millard, David; Shadbolt, Nigel and Weal, Mark
Kolb, U.
Kolb, U.
Krenn, B.; Pirker, H.; Grice, M.; Baumann, S.; Piwek, P.; van Deemter, K.; Schroeder, M.; Klesen, M. and Gstrein, E.
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes
Kwelemtini, A.; Leach, J. and Power, T.
Leach, Jenny; Moon, Bob and Power, Tom
Leach, Jenny and Moon, Bob
Lei, Yuangui; Motta, Enrico and Domingue, John
Li, G.; Uren, V; Motta, E.; Buckingham Shum, S. and Domingue, J.
Littlejohn, A. and Campbell, L.M.
Lloyd, P.; Bekker, M.; Beusmans, J. and Keyson, D.
Locke, William
Locke, William
Lockett, Helen L. and Guenov, Marin D.
Lopes, Antónia; Fiadeiro, José Luiz and Wermelinger, Michel
Luck, R.
Marsh, T. R.; Morales-Rueda, L.; Steeghs, D.; Maxted, P.; Kolb, U. and et, al
Martin, Keith and Matela, Ray
Matthews, Elaine; Gauci, Vincent and Prigent, Catherine
McAteer, Erica; Littlejohn, Allison; Peacock, Susi; Juwah, Charles; Bates, Dennis and Bruce, Stephen
McMillan, Elizabeth
Mens, Kim; Mens, Tom and Wermelinger, Michel
Middleton, Stuart E.; Alani, Harith; Shadbolt, Nigel R. and Roure, David C. De
Miell, D; Littleton, K S and MacDonald, R A R
Miell, D; MacDonald, R and Littleton, K
Miell, D.; Littleton, K. and MacDonald, R.
Mohamed, S.; Rezaie, P. and Al-Sarraj, S.
Monk, John
Monk, John
Monk, John
Moon, B. and Nhalnganiso, D.
Moon, Bob
Morris, R. M.; Oreszczyn, S. M.; Stoate, C. and Lane, A. B.
Motta, Enrico; Rajpathak, Dnyanesh; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Roy, Rajkumar
Norton, A.J.; Quaintrell, H. and Negueruela, I.
O'Hara, Kieron; Alani, Harith and Shadbolt, Nigel
Paige-Smith, A.
Paige-Smith, Alice
Paige-Smith, Alice; Wearmouth, Janice and Soler, Janet
Patel, M. R. and Zarnecki, J. C.
Patel, M. R.; Zarnecki, J. C. and Towner, M. C.
Paton, Rob and Mordaunt, Jill
Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L.
Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S.
Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S.
Peace, Sheila; Kellaher, Leonie and Holland, Caroline
Pearson, V. J.; Kearsley, A. T.; Sephton, M. A. and Gilmour, I.
Pearson, V. K.; Sephton, M. A. and Gilmour, I.
Pemberton, R.M.; Hart, J.P.; Pickard, Amanda; Velassco-Garcia, M.N. and Mottram, T.T.
Petra, M.; Theologis, T.; Missailidis, S.; Anastasopoulou, Y. and Theophanides, T.
Petre, Marian
Pickering, Marcus J.; Rüger, Stefan and Sinclair, David
Piwek, Paul; Krenn, Brigitte; Schroeder, Marc; Grice, Martine; Baumann, Stefan and Pirker, Hannes
Piwek, Paul and van Deemter, Kees
Plumbridge, W. J. and Gagg, C. R.
Pontikis, C.; Hudson, L.; Lantos, P.L. and Rezaie, P.
Prestage, S.; Watson, A. and De Geest, E.
Rapanotti, Lucia; Blake, Canan T. and Griffiths, Rob
Rapanotti, Lucia; Blake, Canan Tosunoglu and Griffiths, Robert
Ringrose, Tim; Towner, Martin and Zarnecki, John
Ringrose, Tim and Zarnecki, John
Russo, Alessandra; Miller, Rob; Nuseibeh, Bashar and Kramer, Jeff
Savory, Clive
Sclater, Niall; Low, Boon and Barr, Niall
Scott, Peter and Quick, Kevin
Sehgal, Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence
Selway, J. B.; Breaks, F. W. and Tindle, A. G.
Siddharthan, Advaith
Solomon, Allan I. and Schirmer, Sonia G.
Somerscales, R. V.; Norton, A. J.; Wynn, G. A. and West, R. G.
Sorwar, G.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, Laurence S.
Sorwar, G.; Murshed, M. M. and Dooley, L. S.
Sorwar, Golam; Murshed, M. and Dooley, Laurence S.
Sorwar, Golam; Murshed, M. and Dooley, Laurence S.
Sorwar, Golam; Murshed, Manzur and Dooley, Laurence
Stutt, Arthur; Martins, Maria Cleci and Domingue, John
Szmigin, I. and Carrigan, M.
Szmigin, I. and Carrigan, M.
Thomas, Christine and Parfitt, Julian
Tillett, R.L.; Afoke, A; Phillips, James and Brown, R.A.
Tillett, R.L.; Afoke, A.; Phillips, J.B. and Brown, R.A.
Ulfig, Norbert; Bohl, Jürgen; Neudörfer, Frank and Rezaie, Payam
Valášek, Michael; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Mulholland, Paul
van Broekhuizen, Fleur A.; Fraser, Helen J.; Schutte, Willem A.; de Kuijper, Ewie and van Dishoeck, Ewine F.
van der Linden, Janet
Van Labeke, Nicolas and Ainsworth, Shaaron
Vargas-Vera, Maria; Motta, Enrico; Domingue, John; Lanzoni, Mattia; Stutt, Arthur and Ciravegna, Fabio
Verchovsky, A. B.; Gilmour, J. D.; Holland, G.; Sephton, M. A.; Wright, I. P. and Franchi, I. A.
Warren, James P. and Gaskell, Anne F.
Watson, J. S.; Sephton, M. A.; Love, G. D.; Verchovsky, A. B.; Snape, C. E. and Gilmour, I.
Watson, Anne; De Geest, Els and Prestage, Stephanie
Whitby, J. A.; Busemann, H.; Eugster, O.; Holland, G. and Gilmour, J. D.
Whitby, J. A.; Busemann, H.; Rohner, U.; Benz, W. and Wurz, P.
Whitelegg, Elizabeth; Hodgson, Barbara; Scanlon, Eileen and Donovan, Claire
Wills, Gary and Alani, Harith
Wilson, Tina
Withers, Paul; Hathi, Brijen; Towner, Martin and Zarnecki, John
Wolff, A.; Zdrahal, Z. and Kouba, Z.
Wong, K.C.P.
Yang, Hui and Zhang, Minjie
Yang, Hui and Zhang, Minjie
Zhu, Jianhan; Hong, Jun and Hughes, John G.
ThesisTo Top
Adewole, Adebisi
Agar, Elenor
Aiken, Mike
Alimehmeti, Evis
Ansell, Keith Hugh
Aszalós, Zoltán
Atkins, Elisabeth Anice
Ayub, Ibrar
Barclay, Austin
Barnes, Piers Robert Fitzgerald
Barroy, Pierre Rene
Bartos, Paul D.
Bateman, Philip William
Baxter, Irene A.
Bealey, Clive E.
Beinart, Helen
Bennett, Mary Kathleen
Biggerstaff, Maureen
Black-Hawkins, Kristine
Blunt, Gordon
Bold, Christine Elizabeth
Bolton, Sylvia
Boreham, Steve
Borgonovo, Barbara
Boulton, Charlotte
Bousfield, Ann
Bowman, Marcus David
Boyle, Mari-Louise
Brooks, Donald Andrew John
Bulley, Sean M. W.
Buret, Marc
Caronia, Giuliana
Case, Ruth
Chapman, David
Cockram, Trevor John
Collicott, Roland
Collins, Alexandra
Connor, Peter Michael
Cooper, Sarah Louise
Cooper, Shellene
Cooper, Stephen A
Cree, Alistair Murray
Cripps, Jennifer Ann
Cunnell, Deborah Ann
Day, Therese
De Bruler, Curran A.
de Echaniz, Sebastián R.
De Renzis, Stefano
Deacon, Bernard William
Descombes, Christine Ruth Elisabeth Hermine
Di Paolo, Terry
Dolatshad, Nazanin Fatima
Duncan, Emma
Džbor, Martin
Evans, Christina Fay
Evans, Paul Eirwyn
Evans, Robert
Eysell, Joanne
Featherstone, David John
Finney, Helene Margaret
Fisher, Frank Graham
Fitzgerald, Edmund
Fowler, Sarah
Frances, Jennifer Mary
Fraser, Carole
Gardener, Mark
Gardner, David
Garry, James Robert Creighton
Glynn, Neil Charles
Godi, Anna
Gómez Gutiérrez, Juan José
González Estepa, Francisco Javier
Goruppa, Alexander
Green, Anna
Green, Sue M
Gri, Giorgia
Haffegee, Julian
Halner, Alan Joseph
Hamilton-Hopkins, Graham M.
Harris, Fiona J.
Helme, Marion
Henderson, Shirley
Henry, Leroi Wendel
Herbert, Claudia
Hodson, Mary
Holland, Caroline Anne
Hollinshead, Anne
Hope-Hume, Robert Alan
Horner, Chris
Howell, Gareth Rhys
Hunter Powell, Patricia A
Ilić, Dejan
Jakins, Tracy Jane
James, Carol
Jayatilleke, Buddhini Gayathri
Jiménez Alcalá, Benito
Johns, Robert Geraint
Jones, Stuart
Jordan, Anne T.
Kaul, Rupert
Keating, Iris
Keshavarz, Homa
Kevis, Jane Clare Higginson
Khoo, Lorna Lock-Nah
Kilburn, John Paul
Kinyanjui, Samson Muchina
Knightley, Wendy
Lagostena, Laura
Lane, Benjamin
Latchem, Brian
Li, Nai
Liddell, Bette
Liversidge, Anthony
Lloyd, Christopher James
Lovatt, Peter
Lumbard, Darren John
Lyne, Anthony R
Maitland, Kathleen M
Major, Angela Elizabeth
Makinson, Keith
Marchini, Sergio
Margolies, Eleanor
Marra, Pierfrancesco
Massa, Helena Maria Poc
Mbopi-Kéou, Franҫois-Xavier
McCracken, Janet
McLeish, Duncan Riddell Ruthven
McMillan, Andrew Peter
Mellone, Barbara
Metykova, Monika
Migliaccio, Enrica
Milner, Lucy J.
Mohamed, Mohamed Ahmed Ali
Mok, Chen-Lang
Morgan, Sarah
Morris, Andy
Morris, Kerry John
Murphy, Linda Mary
Muyrers-Chen, Inhua Taveira
Mwanza, Daisy
Nahapetyan, Argine
Nardini, Elena
Newson, Marc John
Newton, Jonathan Richard
Nicholson, Peter J.
Noad, Rupert Francis
Norgate, Roger
Obeid, Victoria MacLeroy
Oostingh, Gertie Janneke
Orleth, Annette
Ormrod, Susan
Osman, Selen
Ota, Martin Matthew Okechukwu
Otero Villanueva, Maria del Mar
Overell, M
Palmer, Shea T
Parad-Rajmankina, Yelena
Pascolo, Elena
Pease, Arnold Paul
Pennington, Jodi
Pewsey, Arthur Richard
Phillips, Marilyn Eileen
Pirgozliev, Stoyan Radoslavov
Platman, Kerry