Browse by publication year:1997
BookTo Top
Callaghan, George (1997). Flexibility, mobility and the labour market. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate.
Cameron, Sheila and Pearce, Sue (1997). Against the grain: tools and techniques for the thinking manager. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Caplan, Paula J.; Crawford, Mary; Hyde, Janet Shibley and Richardson, John T. E. (1997). Gender Differences in Human Cognition. Oxford University Press.
Du Gay, Paul; Hall, Stuart; Janes, Linda; Mackay, Hugh and Negus, Keith (1997). Doing Cultural Studies: the Story of the Sony Walkman. SAGE.
Hanlon, Joseph (1997). Guia Básico Sobre as Autárquias Locais. Maputo: Ministério de Administração Estatal e Associação de Parlamentares Europeus para Africa.
Hetherington, Kevin (1997). The Badlands of Modernity: Heterotopia and Social Ordering. International Library of Sociology. London, UK: Routledge.
Melton, Reginald (1997). Objectives, Competencies and Learning Outcomes: Developing Instructional Materials in Open and Distance Learning. London: Routledge.
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John (1997). The managerial state: Power, politics and ideology in the remaking of social welfare. London, UK: Sage.
Northedge, Andrew (1997). The Sciences Good Study Guide. Milton Keynes: The Open University.
Northedge, Andrew and Chambers, Ellie (1997). The Arts Good Study Guide. Milton Keynes: The Open University.
Oliver, Michael J. (1997). Whatever happened to monetarism? Economic policy–making and social learning in the United Kingdom since 1979. Modern Economic and Social History. Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Peace, Sheila; Kellaher, Leonie and Willcocks, Dianne (1997). Re-evaluating residential care. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Peake, Stephen (1997). Vehicle and fuel challenges beyond 2000: Market impacts of the EU's Auto Oil programme (FT management report). FT Management Reports. London: Financial Times.
Peake, Stephen and Schipper, Lee (1997). Transport, Energy and Climate Change. Energy and environment policy analysis series. Paris: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Pearson, C.J and Ison, R.L. (1997). Agronomy of Grassland Systems [second edition]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Potter, Stephen (1997). Vital Travel Statistics: a compendium of data and analysis about transport activity in Britain. London: Landor.
Rowntree, Derek (1997). Making Materials-based Learning Work. London: Kogan Page.
Rüger, Stefan (1997). Zur Theorie künstlicher neuronaler Netze. Reihe Physik (71). Thun, Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Harri Deutsch, 228 pages.
Storey, John; Edwards, Paul and Sisson, Keith (1997). Managers in the Making: Careers, Development and Control in Corporate Britain and Japan. Industrial management series and Issues in Marketing series, 1. London, U.K., Thousand Oaks, U.S. and New Delhi, India: Sage.
Weinbren, Daniel (1997). Generating socialism: recollections of life in the Labour Party. Thrupp, Stroud, Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing Limited.
Woods, Peter; Jeffrey, Bob; Troman, Geoff and Boyle, Mari (1997). Restructuring schools, reconstructing teachers: Responding to change in the primary school. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Edited BookTo Top
Brewer, Derek and Gibson, Jonathan eds. (1997). A companion to the Gawain-poet. Arthurian Studies, 38. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer.
Burt, Neville; Parker, R. and Watts, Jacqueline H. eds. (1997). Cohesive Sediments. Chichester, UK: John Wiley.
Craft, Anna; Dugal, Jana; Dyer, Gordon; Jeffrey, Bob and Lyons, Tom eds. (1997). Can you teach creativity? Nottingham: Education Now.
Edgell, Stephen; Hetherington, Kevin and Warde, Alan eds. (1997). Consumption Matters: The Production and Experience of Consumption. Sociological Review Monographs. Oxford: Blackwell.
Evans, Jessica ed. (1997). The Camerawork Essays: Context and Meaning in Photography. London: Rivers Oram Press.
Hawkridge, D. G. ed. (1997). Foundations of Open and Distance Education [Course H801]. Milton Keynes: The Open University Press.
Herbert, Trevor and Wallace, John eds. (1997). The Cambridge Companion to Brass Instruments. Cambridge Companions to Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hetherington, Kevin and Munro, Rolland eds. (1997). Ideas of Difference: Social Spaces and the Labour of Division. Sociological Review Monographs. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Hitchcock, Tim; King, Pete and Sharpe, Pam eds. (1997). Chronicling Poverty: The Voices and Strategies of the English Poor 1640-1840. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Jones, Linda and Sidell, Moyra eds. (1997). The challenge of promoting health: Exploration and action. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Keith, Michael and Pile, Steve eds. (1997). Geographies of Resistance. London: Routledge.
Mackay, Hugh ed. (1997). Consumption and Everyday Life. SAGE.
Stowell, Frank A.; Ison, Ray L.; Armson, Rosalind; Holloway, Jacky; Jackson, Susan and McRobb, Steve eds. (1997). Systems for Sustainability: People, Organizations and Environments. Proceedings of UKSS Conference. New York: Springer.
Widdowson, M. ed. (1997). Palaeosurfaces: Recognition, Reconstruction and Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation. Special Publication, 120. London: Geological Society of London.
Wolffe, John ed. (1997). Culture and Empire. Religion in Victorian Britain, 5. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Atkinson, Dorothy; Jackson, Mark and Walmsley, Jan eds. (1997). Forgotten lives: Exploring the History of Learning Disability. Kidderminster: BILD Publications.
Book SectionTo Top
Batsleer, Julian and Paton, Rob
Beckerlegge, G.
Beckerlegge, Gwilym
Breaks, F. W. and Tindle, A. G.
Clark, E. and Sleep, J.
Cochrane, Allan
Coffin, Caroline
da Sousa Correa, Delia
Dudgeon, Ralph T.; Eastop, Phillip; Herbert, Trevor and Wallace, John
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Evans, Jessica
Farmer, E. S. and Holloway, Jacky
Gower, John; Hand, D. J. and Ngouenet, R. F.
Hammersley, Martyn
Hanlon, Joseph
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Hetherington, Kevin
Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel
Horrocks, Ivan
Höwing, F.; Wermser, D and Dooley, L. S.
Hughes, Gordon
Jeffrey, Bob
Jeffrey, Bob and Woods, Peter
Johnson, Hazel
Jones, Linda
Jones, Linda
King, Pete
Kodwani, Devendra and Wood, Douglas
Ludwin, L and Wield, David
Madge, C.; Raghuram, P.; Skelton, T.; Willis, K. and Williams, J.
Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Matravers, Derek
Maybin, Janet
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry and Danson, Mike
O'Day, Rosemary
Paton, Rob
Peacock, D. S.; Williams-Thorpe, O.; Thorpe, R. S. and Tindle, A. G.
Perry, Gill
Perry, Gillian
Pile, Steve
Potter, Stephen
Rees, S. J.; Swoodham, S. and Dooley, L.S.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Robinson, D.; Hall, M.; Watson, N. and Balbirnie, C.
Robson, James
Saward, Michael
Tetley, J.; Berthold, H.; Sundin, O.; Chambers, M.; Brito, L. and O'Reilly, A.
Twining, Peter
Twining, Peter
Twining, Peter and McNeil, A.
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, C.
Williams-Thorpe, O; Tindle, A. G. and Jones, M. C.
Wolffe, John
Wolffe, John
Woods, Peter and Jeffrey, Bob
Journal ItemTo Top
Ahmad, H. Y.; Fitzpatrick, M. E. and Edwards, L.
Anyanwu, E. and Watson, N.
Baluteau, J.-P.; Cox, P.; Cernicharo, J.; Péquignot, D.; Caux, E.; Lim, T.; Swinyard, B.; White, G.; Kessler, M.; Prusti, T.; Barlow, M.; Clegg, P. E.; Emery, R. J.; Furniss, I.; Glencross, W.; Gry, C.; Joubert, M.; Liseau, R.; Nisini, B.; Saraceno, P.; Serra, G.; Armand, C.; Burgdorf, M.; Digiorgio, A.; Molinari, S.; Price, M.; Texier, D.; Sidher, S. and Trams, N.
Barber, Alex
Barker, Emma
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive
Belshaw, Christopher
Bootman, Martin; Niggli, Ernst; Berridge, Michael and Lipp, Peter
Bootman, Martin D.; Berridge, Michael J. and Lipp, Peter
Buckley, Peter J. and Frecknall Hughes, Jane
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Burston, Colin; Martin, Ralph and Walker, Colin
Caird, Sally; Roy, Robin and Wield, David
Carrigan, Marylyn
Carrigan, Marylyn and Carrigan, John
Clayton, Martin
Cross, Nigel
Cross, Nigel
Daniel, Elizabeth and Harris, G
Daniel, Elizabeth and Storey, Chris
Davis, Adrian and Jones, Linda
Domingue, John and Mulholland, Paul
Domingue, John and Mulholland, Paul
Draper, Janet
Edley, Nigel and Wetherell, Margaret
Edwards, Michael and Budd, Leslie
Faria, Álvaro and Smith, Jim Q.
Fenton-O'Creevy, M.P.; Winfrow, P.; Lydka, H. and Morris, T.
Fitzpatrick, M. E.; Hutchings, Michael and Withers, P. J.
Furbank, P N and Owens, W R
Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R.
Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R.
Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R.
Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R.
Gaiger, Jason
Gibson, Jonathan
Goldschmidt, P.; Oliver, S. J.; Serjeant, S. B. G.; Baker, A.; Eaton, N.; Efstathiou, A.; Gruppioni, C.; Mann, R. G.; Mobasher, B.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Sumner, T. J.; Danese, L.; Elbaz, D.; Franceschini, A.; Egami, E.; Kontizas, M.; Lawrence, A.; McMahon, R.; Norgaard-Nielsen, H. U.; Perez-Fournon, I. and Gonzalez-Serrano, J. I.
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn and Gomm, Roger
Hand, D. J.; McConway, K. J. and Stanghellini, E.
Hanlon, Joseph
Haswell, Carole A.; Patterson, Joseph; Thorstensen, John R.; Hellier, Coel and Skillman, David R.
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Hayes, Kay; King, Estelle and Richardson, John T. E.
Hegarty, P. J.
Henry, Jane; Stevens, Richard; Valentine, Elizabeth; Pickering, John and Velmans, Max
Herbert, Trevor and Sarkissian, Margaret
Hetherington, Kevin
Hewitt, Tom and Wield, David
Horrocks, Ivan and Bellamy, Christine
Isin, Engin F.
Ison, R. L.; Maiteny, P.T and Carr, S.
Itteyrah, H. and Sharma, R.
Jeffrey, B.
Jones, Ann and Selby, Carolyn
Jones, M. C.
Jones, M. C. and Karunamuni, R. J.
Jones, M. C. and Signorini, D. F.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Mhlongo, Edmund
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Kodwani, Devendra
Lamy, Marie-Noelle
Lee, Kelley; Humphreys, David and Pugh, Michael
Levidow, Les; Carr, Susan; von Schomburg, Rene and Wield, David
Lipp, P. and Bootman, M. D.
Lipp, Peter; Thomas, David; Berridge, Michael J. and Bootman, Martin D.
Loeffler, Elke
Löffler, Elke
Loughlin, A. J.; Copelman, C. A.; Hall, A.; Armer, T.; Young, B. C.; Landon, D. N. and Cuzner, M. L.
Mackay, Hugh and Powell, Anthony
Mann, R. G.; Oliver, S. J.; Serjeant, S. B. G.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Baker, A.; Eaton, N.; Efstathiou, A.; Goldschmidt, P.; Mobasher, B.; Sumner, T. J.; Danese, L.; D. Elbaz, D.; Franceschini, A.; E. Egami, E.; Kontizas, M.; Lawrence, A.; McMahon, R.; Norgaard-Nielsen, H. U.; Perez-Fournon, I. and Gonzalez-Serrano, J. I.
Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Matravers, Derek
McMahon-Parkes, K. and Cornock, M. A.
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles
Mulberg, Jon
Nesaratnam, Suresh; Jones, Alan and Porteous, Andrew
Norton, A. J.; Hellier, C.; Beardmore, A. P.; Wheatley, P. J.; Osborne, J. P. and Taylor, P.
Oliver, M. J.
Oliver, Michael J.
Oliver, S. J.; Goldschmidt, P.; Franceschini, A.; Serjeant, S. B. G.; Efstathiou, A.; Verma, A.; Gruppioni, C.; Eaton, N.; Mann, R. G.; Mobasher, B.; Pearson, C. P.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Sumner, T. J.; Danese, L.; Elbaz, D.; Egami, E.; Kontizas, M.; Lawrence, A.; McMahon, R.; Norgaard-Nielsen, H. U.; Perez-Fournon, I. and Gonzalez-Serrano, J. I.
Park, B. U.; Kim, W. C. and Jones, M. C.
Park, B. U.; Kim, W. C.; Ruppert, D.; Jones, M. C.; Signorini, D. F. and Kohn, R.
Peake, Stephen
Phoenix, Jo
Raper, Paula; Ashton, David; Felstead, Alan and Storey, John
Reynolds, Jill and Shackman, Jane
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.; Robinson, Alistair and Robinson, Ian
Robertson, S.; Calder, J.; Fung, P.; Jones, A. and O'Shea, T.
Roche, Jeremy
Roche, Jeremy
Roche, P.; Larionov, V.; Tarasov, A. E.; Fabregat, J.; Clark, J. S.; Coe, M. J.; Kalv, P.; Larionova, L.; Negueruela, I.; Norton, A. J. and Reig, P.
Rowan-Robinson, M.; Mann, R. G.; Oliver, S. J.; Efstathiou, A.; Eaton, N.; Goldschmidt, P.; Mobasher, B.; Serjeant, S. B. G.; Sumner, T. J.; Danese, L.; Elbaz, D.; Franceschini, A.; Egami, E.; Kontizas, M.; Lawrence, A.; McMahon, R.; Norgaard-Nielsen, H. U.; Perez-Fournon, I. and Gonzalez-Serrano, J. I.
Roy, Robin
Roy, Robin and Reidel, Johann C. k. h.
Rüger, Stefan and Ossen, Arnfried
Schaefer, Anja
Schaefer, Anja
Serjeant, S. B. G.; Eaton, N.; Oliver, S. J.; Efstathiou, A.; Goldschmidt, P.; Mann, R. G.; Mobasher, B.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Sumner, T. J.; Danese, L.; Elbaz, D.; Franceschini, A.; Egami, E.; Kontizas, M.; Lawrence, A.; McMahon, R.; Norgaard-Nielsen, H. U.; Perez-Fournon, I. and Gonzalez-Serrano, J. I.
Siemiatycki, Myer and Isin, Engin F.
Silvertown, Jonathan and McConway, Kevin J.
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Smith, Jim Q.; Faria, Á. E.; French, S.; Raniard, D.; Vlesshouwer, D.; Bohunova, J.; Duranova, T.; Stubna, M.; Dutton, L.; Rojas, C. and Sohier, A.
Storey, John; Cressey, Peter; Morris, Tim and Wilkinson, Adrian
Storey, John; Mabey, Chris and Thomson, Andrew
Taylor, P.; Beardmore, A. P.; Norton, A. J.; Osborne, J. P. and Watson, M. G.
Thomson, Rachel
Toates, F.
Toates, F.
Toates, F.
Toates, F. and Jensen, P.
Trathan, P. N.; Brandon, M. A. and Murphy, E. J.
Walker, Colin
Walker, Colin
Walker, Colin
White, Glenn J.; Lefloch, B.; Fridlund, C. V. M.; Aspin, C. A.; Dahmen, G.; Minchin, N. R. and Huldtgren, M.
White, Glenn J.; Tothill, N. F. H.; Matthews, H. E.; McCutcheon, W. H.; Huldtgren, M. and McCaughrean, Mark J.
Widdowson, M.
Widdowson, M.; Walsh, J. N and Subbarao, K. V.
Wield, David
Wilson, Tina and Whitelock, Denise
Wilson, Tina and Whitelock, Denise
Wilson, Tina and Whitelock, Denise
Wilson, Tina and Whitelock, Denise
Wolhuter, Lorraine
Wood, Douglas and Kodwani, Devendra
Yamagata, Naoko
Yamagata, Naoko
Yu, Keming and Jones, M. C.
Journal IssueTo Top
The Small Business Research Trust ed.
The Small Business Research Trust ed.
The Small Business Research Trust ed.
The Small Business Research Trust ed.
Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top
Bell, Simon and Lane, Andrew
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Ceccarelli, C.; Caux, E.; Liseau, R.; Molinari, S.; Nisini, B.; White, G. J.; Wolfire, M.; Furniss, I. and Saraceno, P.
Ceccarelli, C.; Caux, E.; Wolfire, M.; Rudolph, A.; Nisini, B.; Saraceno, P. and White, G. J.
Collins, Trevor
Collins, Trevor
Edwards, Charles and Cornforth, Chris
Gillemot, F.; Oszwald, F.; Gillemot, L.; Uri, G. and Pirfo Barroso, Soraia
Hall, Marion; Robinson, David and Anjaneyulu, K. S. R.
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Holland, Simon; Griffiths, Robert and Woodman, Mark
Holloway, Jacky; Hinton, Matthew and Mayle, David
Klump, G. M. and Dyson, M. L.
Komaromy, Carol
Komaromy, Carol
Komaromy, Carol
Lane, Andrew and Oreszczyn, Sue
Martin, J. K. and Parkins, D. W.
Martin, Keith and Matela, Raymond J.
Martins, Geraldo de P.; Terra, Jose L.; Di Lorenzo, Roberto; Pirfo, Soraia B. and Mansur, Tanius R.
Matela, R. J. and Martin, J. K.
Mulholland, Paul
Nisini, B.; Saraceno, P.; Ceccarelli, C.; Giannini, T.; Molinari, S.; Tommasi, E.; Spinoglio, L. and White, G. J.
Nisini, B.; Giannini, T.; Ceccarelli, C.; Liseau, R.; Lorenzetti, D.; Molinari, S.; Saraceno, P.; Spinoglio, L.; Leeks, S.~J.; Naylor, D. and White, G. J.
Paton, Rob and Foot, J.
Pellionisz, P.; Gillemot, F.; Goswami, G. L.; Jha, S. K. and Pirfo, S.
Peters, Geoff
Piwek, Paul
Price, Blaine and Petre, Marian
Rudolph, A.; Ceccarelli, C.; Caux, E.; Wolfire, M.; Nisini, B.; Saraceno, P. and White, G. J.
Saraceno, P.; Benedettini, M.; Caux, E.; Ceccarelli, M. C.; Clegg, P. E.; Correia, J. C.; di Giorgio, A. M.; Giannini, T.; Griffin, M. J.; Leeks, S. J.; Liseau, R.; Lorenzetti, D.; Molinari, S.; Nisini, B.; Smith, H.; Spinoglio, L.; Tomassi, E. and White, G. J.
Sato, K.; Hasegawa, T. and White, G. J.
Wermelinger, Michel
Wermelinger, Michel
Wong, K. C. P.; Ryan, H. M. and Tindle, J.
Woodman, Mark; Law, Andrew; Holland, Simon and Griffiths, Rob
ThesisTo Top
Allcock, Sarah
Amos, Miche
Ayres, Michael William
Bailey, Douglas John
Bannerman, Elaine
Barcham, Lesley
Batley, Sarah Jane
Bills, Elizabeth
Blackwood, Susan Kim
Blumenthal, Stephen B
Bradbury, David
Brown, Ralph Stuart
Brunelli, Silvia
Bryson, Elzbieta Anna
Butt, Richard
Butterworth, Anna Lucy
Campbell, Louise
Cerny, Keith
Churcher, Mark Jonathan
Collier, Justin
Cooper, David L.
Cottee, Michaela J.
Cowell, Susan
Crawford, Alexander Dettmar
Crowe, William David
Curwen, Jon Owen
Cutajar, Josephine-Anne
Daniel, H
Das, Shobha
Dendy, Catherine Mary
Dickinson, John
Eckert, Claudia
Ecochard, Rene
Edirisingha, Palitha
Essex, Linda Jane
Etheridge, Jane Victoria
Evans, Paul Charles
Fantes, Judith
Fayers, Peter Michael
Fellowes, Christine Irene
Fidler, Carrie
Fink, Dean
Folco, Luigi
Forjanic Klapproth, Julia Pearl
Foster, Michelle Elizabeth
Frangoulis, Sandy
Furst, Maria Louise
Galbraith, Michael
George, Rhiannon Mair Mansel
Githiga, Gideon Gichuhi
Gray, Gemma
Gray, Julie Anne
Haddon, Catherine
Hancock, David Christopher
Hare, Martin Christopher
Harvey, Alison Nichola
Hashimoto, Lara
Herron, Noel Hall
Howe, Paul D
Hunt, Jenny
Hunter, Malcolm Ian
James, Brian William
Jenkins, Helen
Jenner, Mark Steven
Jones, Aidan Charles Antony
Jones, David Leslie
Jones, Nerys Anwen
Jones, Phyllis Kelson
Keating, James
Kelsell, David Peter
Kemp, Robert Urquhart
King, Charles Albert
King, Jason Anthony
King, Peter James
Kirstein, Linda A.
Klumpp, Klaus
Krausa, Peter
Kuboni, Olabisi I.
Kuyken, Willem
Laeeq, Sabahat
Lawal, Zarah Yetunde
Leverington, David
Lewis, Gail
Liggitt, Joanne
Linton, Dennis
Lorenc, Diana
López Rodriguez, Dario A.
Mallett, Jane
Marcos-Gutierrez, Camelia Victoria
Marlett, Nancy J
Marsh, Steven George Edward
Marshall, William Aldwin
McArdle, Christopher
McGowan, John
McIntosh, Alison Jane
McIntosh, Pauline Bernadette
McLeod, T
Meares, Kevin James Martin
Metcalfe, Peter Anthony
Miah, Jennifa
Miller, Carol Jane
Miller, William
Millie, Andrew
Moar, Magnus
Monaghan, James Malcolm
Morgan, James Geoffrey Selwyn
Moss, Simon H. O.
Mullan, Barbara Ann
Muskett, Paul
Nairn, Moray
Nathwani, Amit Chunilal
Neumann, Carl Joachim
Norris, Vivien
Nunes da Ponte, Maria Margarida
Ofei, Kwadwo Ansah
Ortlepp, Susan
Parker, David J.
Patel, Ashok
Pell, David J.
Pinchin, Sheena Margaret
Potterton, Michael Andrew
Provan, William McLean
Reed, Jonathan Charles
Roberts, Clive Lynton
Saito, Harumi
Samarasekera, Jayaneththi Koralalage Ramani Radhika
Sarginson, James Stanley
Sattar, Nusrat
Sciancalepore, Marina
Sephton, Mark Andrew
Sgotto, Barbara Maria
Sharpe, Sally Anne
Shelkov, Denis Alexander
Silvera, Peter Montague
Skinner, Stephen John
Slack, Anthony John
Smee, Peter E. H.
Smith, Adam
Smith, Andrew Mark
Smith, Matthew Richard
Spencer Valero, Lilian Maritza
Stanfield, Calvin
Stanwell-Smith, Damon Peter
Strutt, Helen Lesley
Sudbury, Nany Wahyuni
Sultan, Pervaiz
Taherzadeh, Shahram
Tang, Lei
Taylor, Stephanie Joyce Ann
Thomas, Emyr Vaughan
Trafford, Robert Sydney
Troman, Arthur Geoffrey
Vivas, Livia Valentina
Waldron, Lucy Anne
Wallace, James Smyth
Watson, Jocelynne Margaret Maxwell
Wheeldon, Dereck Ronald
Whitehead, Suzanne
Whittington, Alan Geoffrey
Wood, Sara Elizabeth
Wynick, David
Xu, Xianzhong
Yu, Keming
Scholarly EditionTo Top
Furbank, Philip Nicholas and Owens, W. R., eds. The True-Born Englishman and Other Writings. By Daniel Defoe . London, Penguin Books (1997).
Waley, Arthur and Wilkinson, Robert, eds. Tao Te Ching. By Li Er Lao Tzu . Ware, Wordsworth (1997). Translated from Chinese (Traditional) [繁體字]
PatentTo Top
Kowal, Jan
OtherTo Top
Brennan, John; Fredericks, Mark and Shah, Tarla (1997). Improving the quality of education: the impact of quality assessment upon institutions. Quality Support Centre; Centre for Higher Education Research and Information (CHERI); Council for Industry and Higher Education, London.
Carswell, Linda (1997). What is the impact of individual student differences in providing strategies to teach introductory programming? Technical Report 1997/07; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Carswell, Linda (1997). Does Internet Communication Affect Performance? Some Results for Distance Learning Introductory Computer Students (2). Technical Report 1997/13; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Carswell, Linda (1997). Supporting Student Diversity Through On-Line Learning Materials. Technical Report 1997/14; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Cook, John (1997). Mentoring, Metacognition and Music - An analysis of the Interactions used to Support creative reflexion. Technical Report 1997/01; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Eckert, Claudia (1997). Design Inspiration and Design Performance. Technical Report 1997/02; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Eckert, Claudia (1997). Understanding Design Creativity by Researching Intelligent Computer Support Strategies. Technical Report 1997/03; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Eckert, Claudia (1997). Design Inspiration and Design Performance. Technical Report 1997/08; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Eckert, Claudia and Demaid, Adrian (1997). Concurrent Design. Technical Report 1997/09; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin (1997). Fortune Favours Only The Prepared Mind. Technical Report 1997/11; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Hall, Jon G. (1997). From Concrete Phase Transition Systems to ERTL. Technical Report 1997/12; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Hall, Jon G. (1997). An Algebra of High Level Petri Nets. Technical Report 1997/15; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Hawkridge, David (1997). Future directions for learning in higher education. [Brief for a Dearing Review seminar]. The Open University.
Herbert, Trevor (1997). Virtuosi: Ian Bousfield. EMI.
Mackintosh, Maureen (1997). Managing Public Sector Reform: The Case of Health Care. DPP Working Paper 37; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.
Mulberg, Jon (1997). Market Socialism: Old and New Debates. Centre for Law and Economics, University of Ulster, Belfast, UK.
Petre, Marian; Carswell, Linda and Price, Blaine (1997). Innovations in large-scale supported distance teaching transformation for the Internet, not just translation. Technical Report 1997/05; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Petre, Marian; Carswell, Linda; Price, Blaine and Thomas, Pete (1997). The MZX Trials: Update April 1997. Technical Report 1997/10; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Petre, Marian and Cole, Paula (1997). Summary of a preliminary comparison of costs for a conventional and Internet delivery of M205. Technical Report 1997/06; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Potter, Stephen (1997). Overview of the English new towns [Chapter 1 keynote article]. In The New Towns Record, (CD ROM) Commission for the New Towns, London.
Potter, Stephen (1997). Transport and land use planning in the new towns [Chapter 3 keynote article]. In The New Towns Record, (CD ROM) Commission for the New Towns, London.
Rzevski, George; Sharp, Helen; Petre, Marian and Buckland, Rodney (1997). Intelligent Support for Conceptual Design: A flow modeling approach. Technical Report 1997/04; Department of Computing, The Open University.