Browse by publication year:1993
BookTo Top
Donnachie, Ian (1993). History Bibliography: Industrial Archaeology. Curriculum support series, 16 (3). Dundee: Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum.
Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (1993). Historic New Lanark: the Dale and Owen Industrial Community since 1785. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Hand, David J.; Daly, Fergus; McConway, K.; Lunn, D. and Ostrowski, E. (1993). A handbook of small data sets. London, U.K.: Chapman and Hall.
Jones, Ann; Kirkup, Gill and Kirkwood, Adrian (1993). Personal Computers for Distance Education. The Study of an Educational Innovation. London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.
Storey, John and Sisson, Keith (1993). Managing Human Resources and Industrial Relations. Managing work and organizations. Milton Keynes, U.K. and Philadephia, U.S.: Open University Press.
Edited BookTo Top
Atkinson, D.; French, S. and Shakespeare, P. eds. (1993). Reflecting on research practice. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Beattie, Alan; Gott, Marjorie; Jones, Linda and Sidell, Moyra eds. (1993). Health and wellbeing: A reader. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bond, John; Coleman, Peter G. and Peace, Sheila eds. (1993). Ageing in society: An Introduction to social gerontology, 2nd edition. London: Sage.
Claire, Hilary; Maybin, Janet and Swann, Joan eds. (1993). Equality matters: Case studies from the primary school. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Hammersley, Martyn ed. (1993). Educational research: Current issues. London: Sage.
Johnson, Julia and Slater, Robert eds. (1993). Ageing and later life. London: Sage.
Keith, Michael and Pile, Steve eds. (1993). Place and the Politics of Identity. London: Routledge.
Nattiez, Jean-Jacques and Samuels, Robert [trans.] eds. (1993). The Boulez-Cage Carrespondence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Perry, Gillian; Frascina, Francis and Harrison, Charles eds. (1993). Primitivism, Cubism, Abstraction: The Early Twentieth Century. Yale University Press.
Thomson, Rachel ed. (1993). Religion, ethnicity and sex education: exploring the issues. London: National Children's Bureau.
Book SectionTo Top
Ampt, P. R. and Ison, R.
Bond, J; Coleman, P and Peace, Sheila
Bowman, Marion
Clark, Elisabeth and Montague, Susan
Hammersley, M.
Hammersley, Martyn
Harris, N. B. W.; Hawkesworth, C. J. and Tindle, A. G.
Hawkridge, David
Holland, J.; Ramazanoglu, C.; Scott, S.; Sharpe, S. and Thomson, R.
Ison, Raymond
Jones, Ann and Mercer, Neil
Kaplinsky, R.; Joffe, A.; Kaplan, D. and Lewis, D.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Keith, Michael and Pile, Steve
Keith, Michael and Pile, Steve
Kendall, Jeremy; Paton, Rob; Knapp, Martin and Thomas, Alan
King, Helen
Lloyd, C. E. and Orchard, T. J.
Maybin, Janet
Mayor, Barbara
Nasta, Susheila
Peace, Sheila
Peace, Sheila
Perry, Gill
Raghuram, Parvati
Reynolds, Jill
Richardson, John T. E.
Ugochukwu, Francoise
Journal ItemTo Top
Aiken, Fiona; Cox, Brian G. and Sørensen, Poul E.
Bacon, Nicolas and Storey, John
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive
Belshaw, Christopher
Bowman, Marion
Bromley, Jane; Bentz, James W.; Bottou, Léon; Guyon, Isabelle; LeCun, Yann; Moore, Cliff; Säckinger, Eduard and Shah, Roopak
Bromley, Jane and Denker, John S.
Burgess, Hilary
Burgess, Hilary and Carter, Bob
Burton, E.; Remington, B; Richardson, J. T. E.; Riddoch, J.; Williamson, J. and Kaminska, Z.
Caird, Sally
Carroll, B.; Richardson, J. T. E. and Thompson, P.
Chappell, Timothy
Cheek, Timothy R.; Moreton, Roger B.; Berridge, Michael J.; Stauderman, Kenneth A.; Murawsky, Michael M. and Bootman, Martin D.
Clayton, Martin
Cohen, Anthony and O'Nions, R. Keith
Coleman, Philip M.
Coonrod, B. A.; Ellis, D.; Becker, D. J.; Bunker, C. H.; Kelsey, S. F.; Lloyd, C. E.; Drash, A. L.; Kuller, L. H. and Orchard, T. J.
Drury, S. A. and Berhe, S. M.
Duncan, G.; Webb, S. F.; Dawson, A. P.; Bootman, M. D. and Elliott, A. J.
Fuller, Malcolm F. and Garthwaite, Paul
Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R.
Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R.
Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R.
Furbank, P.N. and Owens, W. R.
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn and Scarth, John
Haswell, Carole A.; Robinson, Edward L.; Horne, Keith; Stiening, Rae F. and Abbott, Timothy M.C.
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David
Herbert, Trevor
Humphreys, Catherine and Ison, Raymond
Humphreys, David
Ison, R. L.
Jenkins, Alison L.; Bootman, Martin D.; Taylor, Colin W.; Mackie, Eleanor J. and Stone, Stuart R.
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Jones, Ann
Jones, Chris
Jones, M. C.
Jones, M. C.
Jones, M. C. and Bradbury, I. S.
Jones, M. C. and Foster, P. J.
Jonkers, Bert and Walker, Colin C.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kendall, J.; Knapp, M. R. J.; Paton, R. and Thomas, A.
Lloyd, C. E.; Robinson, N.; Andrews, B; Elston, M. A. and Fuller, J. H.
Lloyd, Cathy E.; Wing, Rena R.; Orchard, Trevor J. and Becker, Dorothy J.
Longoni, A. M.; Richardson, J. T. E. and Aiello, A.
Loughlin, A. J.; Woodroofe, M. N. and Cuzner, M. L.
Matravers, Derek
Maybin, Janet and Moss, Gemma
Maybin, Janet and Moss, Gemma
Megarry, Jacquetta and Hawkridge, David
Minchin, Nigel R.; White, Glenn J. and Padman, Rachael
Missiaen, Ludwig; Parys, Jan B.; Bootman, Martin D.; De Smedt, Humbert; Droogmans, Guy and Casteels, Rik
Neighbour, Gareth B and McEnaney, Brian
Neighbour, Gareth B.
Norton, A. J.
Owens, W. R. and Furbank, P. N.
Peace, Sheila
Pearce, Julian A. and Parkinson, Ian J.
Pile, Steve
Potter, Jonathan; Edwards, Derek and Wetherell, Margaret
Quintas, Paul; Massey, Doreen and Wield, David
Raghuram, Parvati and Momsen, Janet
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Roy, Robin
Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen
Rymer, Hazel and Tryggvason, Eysteinn
Samiuddin, M.; Jones, M. C. and El-sayyard, G. M.
Sieminski, Sandy
sieminski, sandy
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Sleep, J. and Clark, E.
Smith, David M. and Pile, Steve
Storey, John
Storey, John
Storey, John and Bacon, Nicolas
Storey, John; Bacon, Nicolas; Edmonds, John and Wyatt, Phil
Thomson, Rachel and Holland, Janet
Toates, F. and Jensen, P.
Walker, Colin
Walsh, Vivien; Roy, Robin; Bruce, Margaret and Potter, Stephen
Wand, M. P. and Jones, M. C.
Warde, Alan and Hetherington, Kevin
Webb, P. C.; Tindle, A. G. and Ixer, R. A.
White, Glenn
Whitelock, Denise; Taylor, Josie; O'Shea, Tim; Scanlon, Eileen; Clark, Paul and O'Malley, Clare
Yamagata, Naoko
Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top
Dooley, L. S.; Hetzheim, H. and Knoll, A.
Hewson, Claire
Holland, Simon and Alty, Jim
Humphreys, David
Ison, R.
Kersten, S. M. M. and Ison, R.
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes
Meylemans, Paul and Simpkins, Neil
Russell, D. B. and Ison, R. L.
Simpkins, N. K.; Groenendijk, M. and Meylemans, P.
Wermelinger, Michel and Bejan, Alex
Wermelinger, Michel and Lopes, José Gabriel
ThesisTo Top
Albano, R
Araújo, Helena Costa
Ayres, Nicole
Barrow-Green, June Elizabeth
Beer, D
Benson, G
Benyon, David
Binns, R
Bissell, C
Bittencourt, Leonard Salazar
Bradley, L
Brech, E
Bundock, Edward Leigh
Burrows, Judith Ann
Chappel, J
Chen, Yu-chen
Chicken, Eric
Clarke, Bridget Mary
Clarke, Francis Alan
Clarke, Jane B
Cockett, Mark Ian
Coggan, R
Collins, I
Cooper, Ann
Coward, Philip David
Cranstoun, James G. M.
Cullen, James Eric
Cursiter, M
Dando, Paul
Davies, Michele L
Deshayes, Claudine
Docking, Philip John
Dolny, Helena
Dooley, Brian
Doubell, Timothy Peter
Dove, Henry Mervyn
Dunn, I
Dyball, Celia
Emans, N
Ezquerra Santolaria, M
Freeman, G
Furr, P
Goff, L
Goodman, Michael Leslie
Gowing, Charles John Buttress
Gravett, John
Gray, T
Green, P
Hahlo, Kenneth Geoffrey
Hamilton, T
Hasdogan, G
Hayes, D. A.
Hermann, Reinhold
Hunter, Arlene Graham
Hutchinson, Margaret Anne
James, B
Jarvis, Robert K
Ji, Y.
Joiner, Richard
Jones, E
Jones, Samantha
Kalapothakis, E
Knight, A
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes
Lekamge, G. D.
Lomas, Simon
Lunn, N
Lutz, Rudi
Mackerness, C
MacLeod, Roderick
MacMartin, Morag I.
Malik, Farooq
Malik, Nageena S.
McMahon, Anthony
Meng, Hua
Milligan, Brian James
Millum, Trevor
Moola, Z
Neighbour, Gareth Bryan
Nolan, C
Ozdemir, Abbas Tamer
Parish, T
Parker, David Hugh
Peake, H
Peake, Stephen
Pemberton, L
Pereira, L
Petty, Stephen John
Pillinger, Judith Mary
Pitt, Jo-Anne
Pliego-Rivero, F
Porter, R
Potter, John
Prosser, Simon John
Pullen, J
Rafferty, P
Rayner, M
Regelous, Marcel
Riablershirun, S
Riley, G
Robinson, Stephen John
Russell, Sara
Sananpanichkul, Wanna
Serghides, D.
Sinclair, William T
Smith, L
Smith, S
Speight, S
Stuart, Susan Alice Jane
Suggate, Jennifer
Swatton, Nicholas Paul
Temoltzin-Palacios, F
Tinsley, A
Wain, Denise Elizabeth
Wallis, William George Kendall
Walters, Bryan
Ward, Jennifer
Ward, R
Watson, Walter
Wattam-Bell, John
Whelan, S
Wilby, Philip Richard
Williams, Fiona
Willis, Jennifer
Willis, Sarah Eveline
Wilson, R
Woodnutt, David John
Wotton, D
Wusteman, M
Wyk de Vries, Benjamin van
Yates, Paul David
Yates, Simeon J
Youd, Nicholas John
OtherTo Top
Brennan, John and van Vucht, Frans (1993). Questions of quality: In Europe and beyond. Higher Education Report No. 1; Quality Support Centre, London.
Cawthorne, Pamela (1993). The Labour Process Under Amoebic Capitalism: A Case Study of the Garment Industry in a South Indian Town. DPP Working Paper 23; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.
Harriss, Barbara (1993). Markets, Society and the State: problems of Marketing Under Conditions of Small Holder Agriculture in West Bengal. DPP Working Paper 26; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.
Kaplinsky, R. and Hoffman, K. (1993). Transnational Corporations and the Transfer of New Management Practices to Developing Countries. United Nations Centre of Transnational Corporations.
Kaplinsky, R. and Posthuma, A. (1993). Organisational Change in Zimbabwean Manufacturing. United Nations University (INTECH).
Littlejohn, Allison (1993). Process Plant Operations 1. Thurso College.
Ludwin, Linda (1993). In Search of a Profession: Training Needs of Development Workers in Local and Community Economic Development. The first UK research report of the Local and Community Economy (LACE) project. Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.
Newholm, Terry; Spear, Roger and Thomas, Alan (1993). Trends in Co-operative Development. Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.
Potter, Stephen (1993). The 1992 Beckton Travel Survey: A study of travel patterns in Beckton before the opening of the extension of the Docklands Light Railway. Energy and Environment Research Unit Reports 69; Energy and Environment Research Unit, The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Quality Support Centre (1993). A guide to the changes in higher education. Quality Support Centre.
Sheen, D.B.; Sherwood, J.N.; Gallagher, H.G.; Littlejohn, A. and Pearson, A. (1993). Final Report to the US Office of Naval Research - An Investigation of Mechanically Induced Lattice defects in Energetic Materials. US Office of Naval Research.
Trigg, Andrew B. and Dubourg, W. Richard (1993). Valuing the environmental impacts of open cast coalmining: the case of the Trent Valley in North Staffordshire. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 1; Economics Department, The Open University.
Wilson, Gordon (1993). Technological capability in small-scale development projects supported by UK-based NGOs. DPP Working Paper 25; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.
Wood, Andy (1993). Buzz Co-operative. Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.