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170 items in this list.
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BookTo Top

Crow, Ben; Thorpe, Mary and Wield, David (1988). Survival and Change in the Third World. UK: Oxford University Press.

Donnachie, Ian; Graves, Adrian; Howe, Alexia and Richards, Eric (1988). That Land of Exiles: Scots in Australia. Edinburgh: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R. (1988). The Canonisation of Daniel Defoe. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.

Hawkridge, David; Newton, Wendy and Hall, Carole (1988). Computers in Company Training. Croom Helm.

Edited BookTo Top

Denis, M.; Engelkamp, Johannes and Richardson, John eds. (1988). Cognitive and Neuropsychological Approaches to Mental Imagery. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff.

Herbert, Trevor and Jones, Gareth Elwyn eds. (1988). Tudor Wales. Welsh History and its Sources. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

Herbert, Trevor and Jones, Gareth Elwyn eds. (1988). Wales 1880-1914. Welsh History adnd its Sources. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

Herbert, Trevor and Jones, Gareth Elwyn eds. (1988). People and Protest: Wales 1815-1880. Welsh History and its Sources. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

Herbert, Trevor and Jones, Gareth Elwyn eds. (1988). Wales Between the Wars. Welsh History and its Sources. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

Herbert, Trevor and Jones, Gareth Elwyn eds. (1988). The Remaking of Wales in the Eighteenth Century. Welsh History and its Sources. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

Herbert, Trevor and Jones, Gareth Elwyn eds. (1988). Edward I and Wales. Welsh History and its Sources. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

Jones, Ann and Scrimshaw, Peter eds. (1988). Computers in Education 5-13. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Kaplinsky, Raphael ed. (1988). The state of small scale sugar. London: Intermediate Technology Publications.

Martin, Graham and Owens, W. R. eds. (1988). Literature and Liberation: Selected Essays. Manchester, U.K.: Manchester University Press.

Nasta, Susheila ed. (1988). El Dorado West One. Leeds: Peepal Tree Press.

Paton, Rob ed. (1988). Organizations: cases, issues, concepts. Thousand Oaks, CA, U.S.: Sage Publications.

Book SectionTo Top

Barry, C. and Richardson, J. T. E. (1988). Accounts of oral reading in deep dyslexia. In: Whitaker, H. A. ed. Phonological Processes and Brain Mechanisms. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Bottomley, A and Roche, Jeremy (1988). Conflict and consensus: a critique of the language of informal justice. In: Matthews, R ed. Informal Justice? Sage Contemporary Criminology. London: Sage, pp. 86–107.

Burgess, Hilary (1988). Curriculum practice: aims, content, methods and assessment. In: Campbell, R. J. ed. The Routledge Compendium of Primary Education. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 42–45.

Burgess, Hilary (1988). Perceptions of the primary and middle school curriculum. In: Carrington, Bruce and Troyna, Barry eds. Children and Controversial Issues: Strategies for the Early and Middle Years of Schooling. London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 71–90.

Burgess, Hilary (1988). Collaborating in curriculum research and evaluation. In: Woods, Peter and Pollard, Andrew eds. Sociology and the Teacher. London: Croom Helm, pp. 176–191.

Cornforth, Chris (1988). The role of managers in worker co-operatives. In: Bayley, J. Elise; Parnell, Edgar and Plunkett Foundation for Co-operative Studies, The eds. Yearbook of Co-operative Enterprise 1988. Oxford, UK: Plunkett Foundation for Co-operative Studies.

Cornforth, Chris and Paton, Rob (1988). Worker co-operatives and the democratisation of work in Europe. In: Wiseman, J. ed. Worker Freedom: The Promise of Workplace Democracy. New York: TOES Books.

Gilhooly, K. J. and Green, A. J. K. (1988). The use of memory by experts and novices. In: Colley, A. M. and Beech, J. R. eds. Cognition and Action in Skilled Behaviour. Advances in Psychology (55). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 379–395.

Johnson, Hazel (1988). Survival and Change on the Land. In: Crow, Ben; Thorpe, Mary and Wield, David eds. Survival and Change in the Third World. Oxford University Press: UK, pp. 147–162.

Johnson, Hazel (1988). Developing Production on the Land. In: Crow, Ben; Thorpe, Mary and Wield, David eds. Survival and Change in the Third World. UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 127–146.

Kaplinsky, Raphael (1988). Technological change: The increasing costs of 'keeping up' in the microelectronics era. In: Stoneman, Colin ed. Zimbabwe's Prospects. UK: Macmillan Education.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (1988). Computer-assisted reference skill development. In: Ager, D. E. ed. Written Skills in the Modern Languages Degree. Birmingham, U.K.: AMLC in association with CILT (Centre for Information on Language Teaching & Research), pp. 149–157.

Maybin, Janet; Edwards, Derek and Mercer, Neil (1988). Putting the context into oracy: The construction of shared knowledge through classroom discourse. In: Maclure, M; Phillips, T and Wilkinson, A eds. Oracy Matters. English language and education series. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, pp. 122–134.

Nasta, Susheila (1988). Teaching the lonely Londoners. In: Dabydeen, David ed. A Handbook for the Teaching of Caribbean Literature. Heinemann, pp. 25–35.

Owens, W.R. (1988). Bunyan, John 1628-88. In: Ousby, Ian ed. The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 140–142.

Owens, W.R. (1988). Pilgrim's progress, The: from this world to that which is to come. In: Ousby, Ian ed. The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 780–781.

Paton, Rob (1988). Powers visible and invisible. In: Paton, Rob ed. Organisations: Cases, Issues and Concepts. Thousand Oaks, CA, U.S.: Sage Publications, pp. 105–110.

Paton, Rob (1988). The launch of the Centaur. In: Paton, Rob ed. Organisations: Cases, Issues and Concepts. Thousand Oaks, CA, U.S.: Sage Publications, pp. 17–21.

Richardson, John T. E. (1988). Cognitive science. In: Kuper, J. ed. A Lexicon of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Psychoanalysis. London: Routledge.

Thomas, P. C.; Roberston, S.; Chamberlain, D. G.; Livngstone, R. M.; Garthwaite, P. H.; Dewey, P. J. S.; Smart, R. and Whyte, C. (1988). Predicting the metabolizable energy content of compounded feeds for ruminants. In: Haresign, W. and Cole, D. J. A. eds. Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition. London, UK: Butterworths, pp. 127–146.

Toates, F. M. (1988). Motivation and emotion from a biological perspective. In: Hamilton, V.; Bower, G. H. and Frijda, N. H. eds. Cognitive Perspectives on Emotion and Motivation. NATO ASI. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 3–35.

Wield, David (1988). Sunrise or sunset industries? Technology transfer. In: Blackburn, Phillip; Sharpe, Richard and Kinnock, Neil eds. Britain’s Industrial Renaissance. UK: Routledge, pp. 103–192.

Wield, David (1988). Industry and industrialization. In: Crow, Ben; Thorpe, Mary and Wield, David eds. Survival and Change in the Third World. Oxford University Press, pp. 187–215.

Wield, David (1988). Making a Living. In: Crow, Ben; Thorpe, Mary and Wield, David eds. Survival and Change in the Third World. Oxford University Press, pp. 242–260.

Wield, David (1988). International relocation of industry. In: Crow, Ben; Thorpe, Mary and Wield, David eds. Survival and Change in the Third World. Oxford University Press, pp. 264–287.

Journal ItemTo Top

Aucott, Lorna S.; Garthwaite, Paul H. and Buckland, Stephen T. (1988). Transformations to reduce the effect of particle size in near-infrared spectra. Analyst, 113 pp. 1849–1854.

Avons, P.; Garthwaite, P. H.; Davies, H. L.; Murgatroyd, P. R. and James, W. P. (1988). Approaches to estimating physical activity in the community: calorimetric validation of actometers and heart rate monitoring. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 42(3) pp. 185–196.

Charlesworth, Julie and Robb, John (1988). Gentrification and housing improvement: the case of Nurnberg. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 31(2) pp. 116–122.

Clark, Norman (1988). Some New Approaches to Evolutionary Economics. Journal of Economic Issues, 22(2) pp. 511–531.

Cornforth, Chris (1988). Can entrepreneurship be institutionalised? The case of worker co-operatives. International Small Business Journal, 6(4) pp. 10–19.

Crawford, J. R.; Howell, David C. and Garthwaite, Paul H. (1988). Payne and Jones revisited: Estimating the abnormality of test score differences using a modified paired samples t-test. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 20(6) pp. 898–905.

Crawford, J. R.; Stewart, L. E.; Garthwaite, P. H.; Parker, D. M. and Besson, J. A. (1988). The relationship between demographic variables and NART performance in normal subjects. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 27(2) pp. 181–182.

Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R. (1988). William Lee of Sheffield: Sanitary Reformer and Defoe Bibliographer. The Book Collector, 37(2) pp. 185–206.

Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R. (1988). The Defoe canon again. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 82 pp. 95–98.

Garthwaite, Paul H. and Dickey, James M. (1988). Quantifying expert opinion in linear regression problems. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 50(3) pp. 462–474.

Hammersley, Martyn (1988). On Transmissionism and Evaluative Inquiry: a reply to Heap. Curriculum Inquiry, 18(2) pp. 231–233.

Haresnape, J. M.; Taylor, W. P. and Lungu, S. A. M. (1988). The epidemiology of bluetongue in Malawi. Epidemiology and Infection, 100(3) pp. 493–499.

Harris, N. B. W.; Holland, T. J. B. and Tindle, A. G. (1988). Metamorphic rocks of the 1985 Tibet Geotraverse, Lhasa to Golmud. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 327(1594) pp. 203–213.

Hawkridge, David (1988). Distance education and the World Bank. British Journal of Educational Technology, 19(2) pp. 84–95.

Herbert, Trevor (1988). The virtuosi of Merthyr. Llafur: the Journal of the Society for the Study of Welsh Labour History, 5(1) pp. 60–69.

Herbert, Trevor and Myers, Arnold (1988). Instruments of the Cyfarthfa Band. Galpin Society Journal, 41 pp. 2–10.

Katritzky, M. A. (1988). A renaissance commedia dell'arte performance: towards a definitive sequence of Sieur Fossard's woodcuts? Nationalmuseum Bulletin, 12(1) pp. 37–53.

Katritzky, M.A. (1988). Commedia dell'arte och kvinnornas debut pa teaterscenen. Astra, 70(9) pp. 24–27.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (1988). Designing the User Interface to a Lexical Database for CALL: What Principles? Sprache und Datenverarbeitung - International Journal for Language Data Processing, 12(1) pp. 41–51.

Lean, M. E. J.; Garthwaite, P. and James, W. P. T. (1988). Dependence of energy expenditure on carbohydrate and not on fat intake in post-obese and control women. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 47 137A-137A.

Maybin, Janet (1988). A critical review of the DES assessment of performance unit's oracy surveys. English in Education, 22(1) pp. 3–18.

Packham, R. G; Ison, R. L. and Roberts, R. J (1988). Soft-systems methodology for action research: the role of a college farm in an agricultural education institution. Agricultural Administration and Extension, 30(2) pp. 109–126.

Paton, Rob and Emerson, Tony (1988). Top down versus bottom up: good-bye to all that. Local Economy, 3(3) pp. 159–167.

Phillips, J. P.; White, G. J.; Rainey, R.; Avery, L. W.; Richardson, K. J.; Griffin, M. J.; Cronin, M. J.; Monteiro, T. and Hilton, J. (1988). CO J = 3-2 and J = 2-1 spectroscopy and mapping of ten high velocity molecular outflow sources. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 190(1-2) pp. 289–319.

Potter, Jonathan and Wetherell, Margaret (1988). Accomplishing attitudes: Fact and evaluation in racist discourse. Text - Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Discourse, 8(1-2) pp. 51–68.

Richardson, John T. E. (1988). Student learning and the menstrual cycle: Myths and realities. Studies in Higher Education, 13(3) pp. 303–314.

Richardson, K. J.; White, Glenn J.; Monteiro, T. S. and Hayashi, Saeko S. (1988). Submillimetre HCO+ observations of warm cloud cores: the excitation of molecular lines in dense star formation regions. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 198(1-2) pp. 237–248.

Scarth, John and Hammersley, Martyn (1988). Examinations and teaching. British Educational Research Journal, 14(3) pp. 231–249.

Shorrocks, Bryan and Rosewell, Jonathan (1988). Aggregation does prevent competitive exclusion: A response to Green. American Naturalist, 131(5) pp. 765–771.

Sisson, Keith and Storey, John (1988). Developing Effective Managers: A review of the issues and an agenda for research. Personnel Review, 17(4) pp. 3–8.

Ugochukwu, Francoise (1988). Contes igbo 1900 - 1987 : une bibliographie. Journal des Africanistes, 58(1) 133 -143.

Ugochukwu, Francoise (1988). L’artisanat en France des origines à nos jours. Contemporary French Civilization, 12(1) pp. 129–143.

Ugochukwu, Francoise (1988). Vie et mœurs des Pygmées - par un romancier. Ethiopiques, 5(1- 2) pp. 232–241.

Walker, C. C. (1988). xBrachypelia: a novel intergeneric hybrid. Asklepios, 43 pp. 83–86.

Walker, Colin C. (1988). Cussonia paniculata: the mountain cabbage tree. British Cactus & Succulent Journal, 6(4) pp. 98–100.

Walsh, Vivien; Roy, Robin and Bruce, Margaret (1988). Competitive by design. Journal of Marketing Management, 4(2) pp. 201–216.

Watt, G. D.; White, G. J.; Millar, T. J. and van Ardenne, A. (1988). CCH N = 4-3 emission from dense interstellar clouds. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 195(1-2) pp. 257–262.

White, Glenn J. and Phillips, J. P. (1988). CO J = 2-1 mapping of NGC 1976. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 197(1-2) pp. 253–260.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Denis, M.; Engelkamp, J. and Richardson, J. T. E. (1988). European contributions to research on imagery and cognition. In: Cognitive and Neuropsychological Approaches to Mental Imagery (Denis, M.; Engelkamp, J. and Richardson, J. T. E. eds.), Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht.

Dooley, Laurence S. and Evans, W. Alun (1988). Digital synthesis of ship-board generated acoustics for marine and bridge simulators. In: 12th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, 18-22 Jul 1988, Paris, International Association for Mathematics and Computers In Simulation, pp. 250–253.

Gillespie, K.; Roberts, K.J.; Littlejohn, A.; Sheen, D.B. and Sherwood, J.N. (1988). An Environmental Facility For Synchrotron Radiation Topography. In: SRI:88 - 3rd International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, 29 Aug - 2 Sep 1988, Tsukuba, Japan.

Richardson, J. T. E. (1988). Mental imagery and the effects of closed head injuries. In: Cognitive and Neuropsychological Approaches to Mental Imagery (Denis, M.; Engelkamp, J. and Richardson, J. T. E. eds.), Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht.

Richardson, J. T. E. (1988). Student learning and the menstrual cycle. In: Practical Aspects of Memory: Current Research and Issues, Vol. 2 (Gruneberg, M. M.; Morris, P. E. and Sykes, R. N. eds.), Wiley, Chichester.

Richardson, J. T. E. (1988). Learning skills and cognition. In: Evaluating Information Technology in the Arts and Humanities (Miall, D. S. ed.), Computers in Teaching Initiative Support Service., Bath.

Richardson, John T. E. (1988). The effects of minor closed head injury upon memory. In: Functional Neurology, 3(Supp. 2) pp. 131–136.

ThesisTo Top

Ali, Shahid M (1988). The role of phosphoproteins during development and memory formation in the chick. PhD thesis The Open University.

Brooks, Jeanette Rosamund (1988). Assessment of Domestic Appliance Noise. PhD thesis The Open University.

Christodoulou, Joan Patricia (1988). The Universalists: radical sectarianism (1760-1850). MPhil thesis The Open University.

Conn, William John Thomas (1988). School phobia: In search of a syndrome. PhD thesis The Open University.

Cooper, Christopher John (1988). Electoral politics in Grimsby 1818-1835. PhD thesis The Open University.

Dickinson, Susan Caroline (1988). Mental practice and motor learning. MPhil thesis The Open University.

Gauntlett, David Allan (1988). A study of specific learning difficulties in tertiary education. PhD thesis The Open University.

Gyi, Tracy Joanne (1988). A comparison of the structure of the corneal stroma in a variety of animal species. PhD thesis The Open University.

Horlock, Andrew J (1988). Metal powder processing. The Open University.

Hurdle, Burton G. (1988). Acoustic interference fields in the ocean. PhD thesis The Open University.

Littlefair, Alison Barbara (1988). An exploration into pupil and teacher awareness of the register and genres of books used in school. PhD thesis The Open University.

Martin, Robin Peter Adolphus (1988). Minority influence and social categorization. PhD thesis The Open University.

Morgan, Colin (1988). Submission of published work for the award of PhD. PhD thesis The Open University.

Murphy, Elizabeth M (1988). The combined nursery centre. BPhil thesis The Open University.

Ormerod, David Stephen (1988). Late- to post-subduction magmatic transitions in the Western Great Basin, U.S.A. PhD thesis The Open University.

Ozga, Jennifer T (1988). Teachers and the state. PhD thesis The Open University.

Paṭela, Sureśa (1988). The nature and dynamics of Asian retailing in Britain. PhD thesis The Open University.

Ramirez, Carlos Felipe (1988). The geology of Socompa volcano and its debris avalanche deposit, northern Chile. The Open University.

Roy, Jane Christine (1988). Attribution theory and marriage guidance counselling. PhD thesis The Open University.

Smith, Colin Adrian (1988). Molecules in diffuse interstellar clouds. MPhil thesis The Open University.

Sutkowski, Andrew Czeslaw (1988). The synthesis and biosynthesis of natural products. PhD thesis The Open University.

Webb, Julie (1988). Home-based education : some aspects of its practice and consequences. PhD thesis The Open University.

Willis, Matthew G (1988). The tectonic history of the Lusitanian Basin of Portugal. PhD thesis The Open University.

Wright, Nigel Philip (1988). Radicals in English education, 1960-1980: A critical study. PhD thesis The Open University.

OtherTo Top

Akçay, A (1988). From Landlordism to Capitalism in Turkish Agriculture. DPP Working Paper 12; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.

Amin, Nick (1988). Maize Production, Distribution Policy, and the Problem of Food Security in Zimbabwe's Communal Areas. DPP Working Paper 11; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.

Clark, N.; Edquist, C.; Kaplinsky, R. and Pimentel, D. (1988). Cyprus Technology Strategy. UNDP/OPE and Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, UK.

Development Policy and Practice Research Group (1988). Annual Report: 1988. Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.

Evans, Trevor (1988). Economic Policy and Social Transition in Revolutionary Nicaragua. DPP Working Paper 13; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.

Hawkridge, D. G.; Watson, N. and Futagami, S. (1988). Training and technical assistance: Fifth report of the International Advisory Panel (Chinese Television Universities and Polytechnics). The Open University for the State Education Commission, Beijing, and the World Bank, Washington DC.

Herbert, Trevor and Wallace, John (1988). Divertimento in D: (Trumpet and Piano) by Josef Fiala. Faber Music, London.

Plumpton, Ben (1988). Oakleaf: The Story of a Radical Bookshop. A Case Study. Occasional Paper 11; Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.

Wood, Andrew (1988). "Greentown": A Case Study of a Proposed Alternative Community. Energy and Environment Research Unit Report 57; Energy and Environment Research Unit, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Woodhouse, Philip (1988). The Green Revolution and Food Security in Africa: Issues in Research and Technology Development. DPP Working Paper 10; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.


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