Browse by publication year:1988
ATo Top
Akçay, A
Ali, Shahid M
Amin, Nick
Anderson, Valerie Anne
Aucott, Lorna S.; Garthwaite, Paul H. and Buckland, Stephen T.
Austin, Stephen William
Avons, P.; Garthwaite, P. H.; Davies, H. L.; Murgatroyd, P. R. and James, W. P.
BTo Top
Barclay, George
Barry, C. and Richardson, J. T. E.
Bates, Rachel Margaret
Beaman, A L
Berhe, Seife Michael
Bottomley, A and Roche, Jeremy
Brehony, Kevin Joseph
Brooks, Jeanette Rosamund
Burgess, Hilary
Burgess, Hilary
Burgess, Hilary
CTo Top
Carroll, Thomas F
Charlesworth, Julie and Robb, John
Christodoulou, Joan Patricia
Clark, N.; Edquist, C.; Kaplinsky, R. and Pimentel, D.
Clark, Norman
Conn, William John Thomas
Conroy, Peter William
Cooper, Christopher John
Cornforth, Chris
Cornforth, Chris
Cornforth, Chris and Paton, Rob
Cornforth, Chris; Thomas, Alan; Spear, Roger and Lewis, Jenny (1988). Developing Successful Worker Co-operatives. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
Coulter, John Christopher
Crawford, J. R.; Howell, David C. and Garthwaite, Paul H.
Crawford, J. R.; Stewart, L. E.; Garthwaite, P. H.; Parker, D. M. and Besson, J. A.
Crow, Ben; Thorpe, Mary and Wield, David (1988). Survival and Change in the Third World. UK: Oxford University Press.
DTo Top
Denis, M.; Engelkamp, J. and Richardson, J. T. E.
Development Policy and Practice Research Group
Dickinson, Susan Caroline
Donnachie, Ian; Graves, Adrian; Howe, Alexia and Richards, Eric (1988). That Land of Exiles: Scots in Australia. Edinburgh: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
Dooley, Laurence S. and Evans, W. Alun
Dyson, Miranda L. and Passmore, Neville I.
Dyson, Miranda L. and Passmore, Neville I.
ETo Top
Energy and Environment Research Unit
Etherington, James Edward
Evans, Trevor
FTo Top
Franchi, Ian
Fraser, Kirsten Jane
Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R. (1988). The Canonisation of Daniel Defoe. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R.
Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R.
GTo Top
Garthwaite, Paul H. and Dickey, James M.
Gauntlett, David Allan
Gilhooly, K. J. and Green, A. J. K.
Gillespie, K.; Roberts, K.J.; Littlejohn, A.; Sheen, D.B. and Sherwood, J.N.
Gyi, Tracy Joanne
HTo Top
Hallas, Christine Sarah
Hammersley, Martyn
Haresnape, J. M.; Taylor, W. P. and Lungu, S. A. M.
Haresnape, J. M.; Wilkinson, P. J. and Mellor, P. S.
Harris, N. B. W.; Holland, T. J. B. and Tindle, A. G.
Hawkridge, D. G.; Watson, N. and Futagami, S.
Hawkridge, David
Hawkridge, David; Newton, Wendy and Hall, Carole (1988). Computers in Company Training. Croom Helm.
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor and Myers, Arnold
Herbert, Trevor and Wallace, John
Hess, Heather Mary
Hill, Colin
Horlock, Andrew J
Hurdle, Burton G.
JTo Top
Janday, Balwinder S
Johnson, Hazel
Johnson, Hazel
KTo Top
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M.A.
Knight, David
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes
LTo Top
Lean, M. E. J.; Garthwaite, P. and James, W. P. T.
Littlefair, Alison Barbara
MTo Top
MacLeod, Christopher John
Martin, Robin Peter Adolphus
Maybin, Janet
Maybin, Janet; Edwards, Derek and Mercer, Neil
Maynard, J
Miller, James Fisher
Moore, Elizabeth Frances
Morgan, Colin
Murphy, Elizabeth M
NTo Top
Nasta, Susheila
OTo Top
Ormerod, David Stephen
Owens, W.R.
Owens, W.R.
Ozga, Jennifer T
PTo Top
Packham, R. G; Ison, R. L. and Roberts, R. J
Paton, Rob
Paton, Rob
Paton, Rob and Emerson, Tony
Paṭela, Sureśa
Payne, Irene
Payne, Shirley and McIntyre, P.
Phillips, J. P.; White, G. J.; Rainey, R.; Avery, L. W.; Richardson, K. J.; Griffin, M. J.; Cronin, M. J.; Monteiro, T. and Hilton, J.
Plumpton, Ben
Potter, Jonathan and Wetherell, Margaret
Pryke, Michael David
RTo Top
Ramirez, Carlos Felipe
Richardson, J. T. E.
Richardson, J. T. E.
Richardson, J. T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, John T. E.
Richardson, K. J.; White, Glenn J.; Monteiro, T. S. and Hayashi, Saeko S.
Roy, Jane Christine
STo Top
Scarth, John and Hammersley, Martyn
Shilling, Chris
Shone, Ursula R
Shorrocks, Bryan and Rosewell, Jonathan
Sisson, Keith and Storey, John
Smith, Colin Adrian
Spencer, Terence
Storey, John
Strachan, Brigid Helen
Sutkowski, Andrew Czeslaw
TTo Top
Tatton, Derek
Telford, Steven R. and Dyson, Miranda L.
Thoday, Anne
Thomas, P. C.; Roberston, S.; Chamberlain, D. G.; Livngstone, R. M.; Garthwaite, P. H.; Dewey, P. J. S.; Smart, R. and Whyte, C.
Thompson, Marion Claire
Tindle, A. G.; McGarvie, D. W. and Webb, P. C.
Toates, F. M.
Towner, Michael Antony
UTo Top
Ugochukwu, Francoise
Ugochukwu, Francoise
Ugochukwu, Francoise
Ugochukwu, Francoise
VTo Top
Vickers, Ilse Renate
WTo Top
Walker, C. C.
Walker, Colin C.
Walsh, Vivien; Roy, Robin and Bruce, Margaret
Watt, G. D.; White, G. J.; Millar, T. J. and van Ardenne, A.
Watt, Julie Margaret
Webb, Julie
White, Glenn J. and Phillips, J. P.
Wield, David
Wield, David
Wield, David
Wield, David
Willis, Matthew G
Wood, Andrew
Woodhouse, Philip
Wright, Nigel Philip