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ATo Top

Alden, Brian Edwin Peter (1986). An expert system approach to retrograde-analysis. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Ames, Janet Christine (1986). Hard bargains: a study of inter-agency collaboration in the provision of day care. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Anderson, John Cooper (1986). A history of wear and wear prevention 1700-1940. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Apperley, David Charles (1986). Nuclear magnetic resonance studies in solids containing dipolar coupled spin-half species. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

BTo Top

Barker, Carol; Bhagavan, Malur R.; Collande, Peter Von and Wield, David (1986). African Industrialisation: Technology and Change in Tanzania. Aldershot, UK: Gower Press.

Barnes, Derek Charles (1986). The effects of teacher's written comments on pupil performance and attitudes. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Bell, Robert Elliott (1986). Educational studies in the Scottish Universities : 1870-1970. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Bernstein, Henry (1986). Capitalism and Petty Commodity Production. DPP Working Paper 3; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.

Biart, Brian N. M. (1986). Deep sea seismic stratigraphy. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Bielinski, Andrew (1986). The population dynamics of the crested newt (Triturus Cristatus Cristatus (Laurenti)). Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Birch, David (1986). The aqueous photochemistry of small peptides. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Blythe, Colin Richard (1986). Oesophageal cancer: with special reference to deaths in Scotland in 1970-1974. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Blythe, I. M.; Bromley, J. M.; Ruddock, K. H.; Kennard, C. and Traub, M. (1986). A study of systematic visual perseveration involving central mechanisms. Brain, 109(4) pp. 661–675.

Blythe, Isobel M.; Bromley, Jane M.; Holliday, I. E. and Ruddock, K. H. (1986). The contribution of blue-sensitive cones to spatial responses of post-receptoral visual channels in man. Spatial Vision, 1(4) pp. 277–289.

Blythe, Isobel M.; Bromley, Jane M.; Kennard, C. and Ruddock, K. H. (1986). Visual discrimination of target displacement remains after damage to the striate cortex in humans. Nature, 320(6063) pp. 619–621.

Boyd, Mark Allen (1986). The ecology of homostyle and heterostyle primroses : Primula vulgaris Huds. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Bromley, J. M.; Humphreys, G. W.; Javadnia, A.; Riddoch, M. J. and Ruddock, K. H. (1986). Pattern discrimination in a human subject suffering visual agnosia. In: Journal of Physiology, 377(suppl) 67P.

Brooks, Alison Margaret (1986). The systematics, palaeoecology and stratigraphy of British palaeozoic scolecodonts. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Burgess, Hilary (1986). Doubting Thomas: the primary curriculum and classroom practice. Journal of Educational Policy, 1(1) pp. 85–99.

CTo Top

Cassells, James Alexander (1986). A review of the causes of abortion in farm animals with special reference to lesser known bacterial species. Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) thesis The Open University.

Chapman, Eva Maria (1986). The social construction of birth and the effects of culturally induced birth factors. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Coates, David (1986). Some aspects of the applied biology of ichthyofaunas in tropical freshwaters. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Cornforth, Chris (1986). Worker co-operatives: factors affecting their success and failure. In: Curran, James; Stanworth, John and Watkins, David eds. The Survival of the Small Firm. Aldershot: Gower.

Cornforth, Chris (1986). The role of local co-operative development agencies in promoting worker co-operatives. In: Faulkner, Terry ed. Readings in Small Business. Aldershot: Gower.

Cornforth, Chris (1986). Local co-operative support organizations in Britain: an assessment of their effectiveness in developing working co-operatives. In: Plunkett Foundation for Co-operative Studies, The; International Co-operative Alliance, The and Horace Plunkett Foundation, The eds. The Yearbook of Agricultural Co-operation. Oxford, UK: Plunkett Foundation.

Crow, Ben (1986). U.S. Policies in Bangladesh: The Making and the Breaking of Famine? DPP Working Paper 4; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.

DTo Top

Davies, Ivor Harley (1986). Changing the contours of college government : the consequences of the Weaver reforms in colleges of further education. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

De Silva, Ajit Amal (1986). Measurement of some radiative properties of solar absorber materials. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Donnachie, Ian (1986). The convicts of 1830: Scottish criminals transported to New South Wales. Scottish Historical Review, 65(1) pp. 34–47.

Donnachie, Ian (1986). Economy and society in the seventeenth century in the Highlands. In: Maclean, Loraine ed. The Seventeenth Century in the Highlands. Inverness: Inverness Field Club, pp. 52–59.

Dooley, Laurence S and Evans, W. Alun (1986). Thermocouple and RTD approximations for the design of portable microprocessor-based simulators. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 8(5) pp. 235–240.

Dooley, Laurence S.; Evans, W. Alun; Mahmoud, Waleed A. and Bennett, L. A. M. (1986). A fast vector quantisation algorithm for digital marine sound simulation. In: EUSIPCO-86: Signal Processing III: Theories and Applications, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 461–464.

ETo Top

Edwards, Deidre Jennifer (1986). The evaluation of an earth science course at the Open University. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Everett, R. and Andrews, D. C. (1986). An Introduction to Domestic Micro-C.H.P. ERG Report 56; Energy Research Group, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

FTo Top

Feakes, Leslie Francis (1986). The location of printing houses : a case-study of the Bristol area. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Fitz, John (1986). Childhood and the law. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R. (1986). What if Defoe did not write the "History of the Wars of Charles XII"? Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 80 pp. 333–347.

Furbank, P. N. and Owens, W. R. (1986). Defoe and the 'improvisatory' sentence. English Studies, 67(2) pp. 157–166.

GTo Top

Gibson, Paul Jude (1986). Remote sensing techniques applied to the pan-African terrain of north-east Africa. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Greville-Harris, Gillian (1986). Child-infant interaction: a micro-analysis. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Grieves, Ruth Anne (1986). Multinuclear NMR spectroscopy of transition metal complexes. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

HTo Top

Hammersley, Martyn (1986). Measurement in ethnography. In: Hammersley, Martyn ed. Controversies in Classroom Research. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Hammersley, Martyn and Scarth, John (1986). The impact of examinations on secondary school teaching: A research report. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Hammersley, Martyn and Scarth, John (1986). Questioning ORACLE: An assessment of ORACLE'S analysis of teachers' questions. Educational Research, 28(3) pp. 174–184.

Harris, Laurence (1986). Finance and Money with Underdeveloped Banking. DPP Working Paper 2; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.

Harris, Nigel B. W.; Pearce, Julian A. and Tindle, Andrew G. (1986). Geochemical characteristics of collision zone magmatism. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 19 pp. 67–81.

Hawkridge, D. G.; Watson, N. and Futagami, S. (1986). Training and technical assistance: Third report of the International Advisory Panel (Chinese Television Universities and Polytechnics). The Open University for the State Education Commission, Beijing, and the World Bank, Washington DC.

Hawkridge, David (1986). Computers and educating adults. In: City of Amsterdam's Conference on Adult Education and Computers, 1986, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Hawkridge, David and Henderson, Euan (1986). EDI's training materials. Economic Development Institute, World Bank.

Hilton, John; White, Glenn J.; Cronin, Nigel J. and Rainey, Ruth (1986). LYNDS 379 - a new source of bipolar molecular flow. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 154 pp. 274–278.

JTo Top

Jones, Ann and Preece, Jenny (1986). Relating research to curriculum and course development. Computers & Education, 10(1) pp. 149–163.

KTo Top

Kaplinsky, Raphael (1986). Policies Towards the Development and Diffusion of Microelectronics Technologies. Vierteljahresberichte de Entwicklungslanderforschung, 103 pp. 19–28.

Kaplinsky, Raphael (1986). Appropriate Technology in Sugar Manufacturing. In: Stewart, Frances ed. Macro-policies for Appropriate Technology in Developing Countries. Washington, D. C.: Appropriate Technology International (ATI)/Westview.

LTo Top

Lau, Juliana C.Y. (1986). The mechanism of nucleophilic substitution at silicon. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Leith, Philip (1986). Legal knowledge engineering: Computing, logic and law. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Lindsay-Clift, Laura A. (1986). An investigation of factors influencing adolescent health behaviour. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Littlejohn, A.H.; Sheen, D.B. and Sherwood, J.N. (1986). The Effects of Radiation on the Reactivity of Solid Propellants. In: Proceedings of Science and Engineering Research Council Conference.

MTo Top

Mamdani, Mahmood (1986). Extreme but not exceptional: towards an analysis of the agrarian question in Uganda. DPP Working Paper 5; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.

Markham, S (1986). The problem of evil : a challenge to the concept of God. The Open University.

Millington, Joyce Hilda Mary (1986). Homeostasis and energy storage in man. Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) thesis The Open University.

Mitchell, Stephen Charles (1986). THE METABOLISM AND TOXICITY OF PHENOTHIAZINE. Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) thesis The Open University.

NTo Top

Naranjo, Jose Antonio (1986). Geology and evolution of the Lastarria volcanic complex, North Chilean Andes. The Open University.

Norman, Paul Michael (1986). Plant plasmalemma structure: an immunological approach. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

OTo Top

Oliver, M. J. (1986). Christmas 1985: The Floods and High Winds in Kent. The Journal of Meteorology, 11(109) pp. 153–155.

Oliver, Nicholas (1986). Commitment in producer co-operatives : a perspective from the social psychology of organizations. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Owens, W. R. (1986). The date of Bunyan's "Treatise of Antichrist". The Seventeenth Century, 1(2) pp. 153–157.

Owens, W. R. and Furbank, P. N. (1986). Defoe and the Dutch Alliance: some attributions examined. British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 9(1) pp. 169–182.

Owens, W. R. and Furbank, P. N. (1986). Defoe and imprisonment for debt: Some attributions reviewed. Review of English Studies, 37(148) pp. 495–502.

PTo Top

Paton, Rob and Lay, Christina (1986). Learning to manage and managing to learn. Open Learning, 1(3) pp. 18–21.

Pearce, J. A.; Rogers, N.; Tindle, A. G. and Watson, J. S. (1986). Geochemistry and petrogenesis of basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 92, Eastern Pacific. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 92 pp. 435–457.

Pinder, Alan David (1986). The designer's mind's eye : a study of cognitive imaging skills. The Open University.

Pocock, Rowland F (1986). Snatching the thunderbolt : the origins of Britain's radio industry. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Pollard, Phyllis; Nasta, Susheila; Guptara, Prabhu; Thieme, John and Hoeppner, Kenneth (1986). African, Caribbean, Indian, Australian, and Canadian literatures in English. The Year's Work in English Studies, 67 pp. 701–775.

Pope, Clive William (1986). Gas dynamics and thermodynamics of unsteady flow in a railway tunnel. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Price, Margaret Anne (1986). Sound propagation in woodland. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

RTo Top

Rapley, Patricia Anne (1986). Photochemistry of thiophthalimides. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Reeve, Paul (1986). Sanitation and mortality in Liverpool, 1847-1900 : a case study in the control of urban disease. Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) thesis The Open University.

Richardson, K. R.; White, Glenn J.; Gee, G.; Griffin, M. J.; Cunningham, C. T.; Ade, P. A. R. and Avery, L. E. (1986). Erratum - Submillimetre line and continuum observations of the S255 molecular cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 219 p. 223.

Richardson, K. J.; White, Glenn J.; Phillips, J. P. and Avery, L. W. (1986). The structure and kinematics of the DR21 region. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 219 pp. 167–190.

Roberts, Stephen (1986). The role of igneous processes in the formation of ophiolitic chromitite. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Robinson, Mike (1986). Views on Success and Failure in Large Co-operatives. Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.

STo Top

Scarre, Geoffrey Francis (1986). Logic and reality in the philosophy of John Stuart Mill. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Scarth, J and Hammersley, M (1986). Some problems in assessing the closedness of classroom tasks. In: Hammersley, Martyn ed. Case Studies in Classroom Research. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, pp. 70–84.

Shand, John (1986). Grayling, Feyerabend and the constancy of sense. Analysis, 46(4) pp. 211–212.

Shorrocks, Bryan and Rosewell, Jonathan (1986). Guild size in drosophilids: A simulation model. Journal of Animal Ecology, 55(2) pp. 527–541.

Smith, Stephen and Wield, David (1986). New technologies in banking - revolutionary change? Telecommunications Policy, 10(1) pp. 13–16.

Smith, R. P. (1986). Software Portability. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Stanger, Gordon (1986). The hydrogeology of the Oman Mountains. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Stevens, David John (1986). Thomas Traherne's "Centuries of meditations": the Quality of Liberation. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Summers, Anne (1986). Women as voluntary and professional military nurses in Great Britain, 1854-1914. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

TTo Top

Taylor, Derek Alan (1986). The design and testing of a horizontal axis wind turbine with sailfoil blades. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Thompson, John Richard (1986). Applications of pattern recognition in medicine. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Toates, F. M. (1986). Biological Foundations of Behaviour. Open Guides to Psychology. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Toates, F. M. (1986). Motivational Systems. Problems in the Behavioural Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Toeman, Rosemary (1986). A grammar of radio drama. The Open University.

Troman, Arthur Geoffrey (1986). Processes of typification and allocation in a 9-13 middle school. Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) thesis The Open University.

UTo Top

WTo Top

Walker, Colin (1986). More on Dischidia. Asklepios, 38 pp. 11–13.

Watt, G. D.; Millar, T. J.; White, Glenn J. and Harten, R. H. (1986). Observations of a high-excitation transition of SO in galactic H II regions. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 155 pp. 339–343.

White, Glenn J.; Avery, L. W.; Richardson, K. J. and Lesurf, J. C. G. (1986). Submillimeter wavelength molecular spectroscopy of the Orion molecular cloud. The Astrophysical Journal, 302 pp. 701–710.

White, Glenn J.; Monteiro, T. S.; Richardson, K. J.; Griffin, M. J. and Rainey, R. (1986). A submillimetre wavelength spectral line search of the Orion molecular cloud core. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 162(1-2) pp. 253–258.

White, Glenn J.; Phillips, J. P.; Richardson, K. J. and Harten, R. H. (1986). CO J = 4 - 3 observations of molecular clouds. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 159(1-2) pp. 309–316.

Wightman, Roger Thomson (1986). Constraints on crustal development and tectonics in the Archaean rocks of South India. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Wiles, Patricia Margaret (1986). The Role of the Teacher in a General Hospital. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Willcocks, Dianne; Peace, Sheila and Kellaher, Leonie (1986). Private lives in public places: a research-based critique of residential life in local authority old people's homes. London, UK / New York, USA: Tavistock Publications Ltd. (Routledge).

Willemstyn, Claire Julie (1986). SYSTEMS METHODS AND THEIR APPLICABILITY TO ACCIDENT COSTING. Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) thesis The Open University.

Wingate, Vincent Paul Mary (1986). An immunological approach to study the cell surface of Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Wright, David (1986). Pleistocene deposits of the South Wales coalfield and their engineering significance. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Wuyts, Marc (1986). Money and planning for socialist transition: the Mozambican experience. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

YTo Top

Yasin, Mohammad Mahboob (1986). On the management and performance of a class of local area networks. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.


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