Currently browsing: Postcolonial and Global Literatures Research Group (PGL)
ATo Top
Abodunrin, Femi; Dale, Leigh; Tiffin, Chris; Lane, Richard; Scafe, Suzanne; Tickell, Alex; Chambers, Claire and Wattie, Nelson
Allen, Richard
Allen, Richard
BTo Top
Boehmer, Elleke and Tickell, Alex
Booth, James; Nasta, Susheila; Guptara, Prabhu; Thieme, John and Steele, Charles
Booth, James; Nasta, Susheila and Knowles, Owen
Booth, James; Nasta, Susheila; Steele, Charles R.; Pollard, Arthur and Guptara, Prabhu
CTo Top
Campbell, Siobhan
Towheed, Shafquat, ed. The Sign of Four. By Arthur Conan Doyle (1890). Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, Broadview Press (2010).
Cui, Feng and Tickell, Alex
DTo Top
Dale, Leigh; Tiffin, Chris; Lane, Richard; Mills, Chester St. H.; Tickell, Alex and Wattie, Nelson
Doloughan, Fiona
Doloughan, Fiona
Doloughan, Fiona J. (2023). Radical Realism, Autofictional Narratives and the Reinvention of the Novel. Anthem Frontiers of Global Political Economy and Development. London: Anthem Press.
Doloughan, Fiona
Doloughan, Fiona
Doloughan, Fiona J.
Doloughan, Fiona J.
FTo Top
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, R.
Fraser, Robert (2002). Ben Okri: Towards the Invisible City. Writers and their work. Tavistock, UK: Northcote House.
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert (2008). Book History Through Postcolonial Eyes: Rewriting the Script. London, UK: Routledge.
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
GTo Top
Giles, Jessica
Griffiths, Andrew
Griffiths, Andrew
Griffiths, Andrew
Griffiths, Andrew
Griffiths, Andrew
Griffiths, Andrew (2015). The New Journalism, the New Imperialism and the Fiction of Empire, 1870-1900. Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Griffiths, Andrew
Griffiths, Andrew
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman (2022). Political Catchphrases and Contemporary History: A Critique of New Normals. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gupta, Suman (2002). The replication of violence: thoughts on international terrorism after September 11th 2001. London, UK: Pluto Press.
Gupta, Suman (2009). Globalization and Literature. Cambridge: Polity.
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman (2015). Consumable Texts in Contemporary India: Uncultured Books and Bibliographical Sociology. New Directions in Book History. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman; Allen, Richard; Chattarji, Subarno and Chaudhuri, Supriya (2015). Reconsidering English Studies in Indian Higher Education. Routledge Research in Higher Education. Abingdon: Routledge.
Gupta, Suman and Chattarji, Subarno
Gupta, Suman and Virdee, Satnam
JTo Top
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David; Nieftagodien, Noor and Van der Walt, Lucien
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David (2011). Imagining the Cape Colony. History, Literature and the South African Nation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David (1996). Shakespeare and South Africa. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David (2019). Dreaming of Freedom in South Africa: Literature between Critique and Utopia. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David and Hutchison, David
Johnson, David; Pete, Steve and Du Plessis, Max (2001). Jurisprudence: a South African perspective. Durban, South Africa: Butterworths.
KTo Top
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
King, Edmund
King, Edmund G. C.
King, Edmund
King, Edmund
MTo Top
Marino, Alessandra
Morales, Andrés
NTo Top
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila; Ahmed, Rehana; Stadtler, Florian; Mukherjee, Sumita; Boehmer, Elleke and Ranasinha, Ruvani (2010). Making Britain: discover how South Asians shaped the nation, 1870-1950. The Open University.
Nasta, Susheila and Stadtler, Florian (2013). Asian Britain: A Photographic History. London: Westbourne Press.
Nasta, Susheila; Stadtler, Florian; Visram, Rozina; Pulham, Sheila and Villani, Lisa
Nasta, Susheila (2002). Home truths: fictions of the South Asian diaspora in Britain. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila (1992). An Annotated Bibliography of Novelists from Africa, the Caribbean and South Asia. London, UK: British Council Publications.
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila
Nasta, Susheila ed. (2006). The Lonely Londoners by Sam Selvon. Penguin Modern Classics. London, U.K.: Penguin Books, v-xvii.
Nasta, Susheila and Boehmer, Elleke
Nasta, Susheila; Stadtler, Florian and Visram, Rozina
OTo Top
O’Brien-Kop, Karen and Newcombe, Suzanne
PTo Top
Pollard, Phyllis; Nasta, Susheila; Guptara, Prabhu; Thieme, John and Hoeppner, Kenneth
Pollard, Phyllis; Nasta, Susheila; Thieme, John; Steele, Charles R. and Guptara, Prabhu S.
Prescott, Lynda
Prescott, Lynda
Prescott, Lynda
Prescott, Lynda
Prescott, Lynda
Prescott, Lynda
Prescott, Lynda
RTo Top
Rodgers, Michael
STo Top
Nasta, Susheila, ed. Moses Migrating: A Novel (new edition). By Samuel Selvon (1983). Boulder, Colorado, Lynne Reiner (2009).
TTo Top
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex and Wetherilt, Anne
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex (2007). Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things. Routledge Guides to Literature. Abingdon: Routledge.
Tickell, Alex (2012). Terrorism, Insurgency and Indian-English Literature, 1830-1947. Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures. London: Routledge.
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex
Tickell, Alex and Gabriel, Sharmani
Tickell, Alex and Ranasinha, Ruvani
Towheed, Shafquat
Towheed, Shafquat
Towheed, Shafquat
Towheed, Shafquat
Towheed, Shafquat
Towheed, Shafquat
WTo Top
Walder, Dennis (2003). Athol Fugard. Writers and their work. Tavistock, UK: Northcote House.
Walder, Dennis
Walder, Dennis
Walder, Dennis
Walder, Dennis
Walder, Dennis
Walder, Dennis
Walder, Dennis (2011). Postcolonial Nostalgias: Writing, Representation, and Memory. Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures. Abingdon: Routledge.
Walder, Dennis
Walder, Dennis
Walder, Dennis
Walder, Dennis
Walder, Dennis
Walder, Dennis
Walder, Dennis
Watts, Stephen and Johnson, David