Currently browsing: OpenSpace Research Centre (OSRC)
2024To Top
Lorne, Colin
Raghuram, Parvati and Sondhi, Gunjan
Raghuram, Parvati and Sondhi, Gunjan
2023To Top
Adam, Matthieu; Ernwein, Marion; Paddeu, Flaminia; Amandine, Mélanie; Arnoux, Claire and Parreaux, Marie-Hélène
Lorne, Colin and Lambert, Michael
Lorne, Colin; Thompson, Matthew and Cochrane, Allan
Pile, Steve
Pile, Steve; Yazici, Edanur; Cramer-Greenbaum, Susannah; Keith, Michael; Murji, Karim and Solomos, John
Revill, George and Griffin, Liza
Sondhi, Gunjan
Thompson, Matthew and Lorne, Colin (2023). Can we design the future? Civic economics in austerity Britain. Stir to Action.
Thompson, Matthew and Lorne, Colin
Van Lieshout, Carry and Newman, Benjamin
2022To Top
Newman, Benjamin; Martin, Peter and Crawford, Laura eds. (2022). Environments, Spaces, Knowledges: New and Emerging Research in Historical Geography. Historical Geography Research Series (47). Historical Geography Research Group.
Bhagwat, Shonil
Biehler, Dawn Day; Agyeman, Julian; Wakefield, Stephanie; Ernwein, Marion and Gandy, Matthew
Cochrane, Allan
Lorne, Colin
McDermott, Constance L. and Humphreys, David
Mittelmeier, Jenna; Gunter, Ashley; Raghuram, Parvati and Rienties, Bart
Neal, Sarah and Cochrane, Allan
Pryke, Michael and Allen, John
Raghuram, Parvati and Sondhi, Gunjan
Schapper, Andrea; Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid J; Humphreys, David and Bliss, Cebuan
2021To Top
Ernwein, Marion; Ginn, Franklin and Palmer, James eds. (2021). The work that plants do: Life, labour and the future of vegetal economies. Social and Cultural Geography. Bielefeld: Transcript.
Adam, Matthieu and Ernwein, Marion
Bowes-Catton, Helen
Hagen, Kim; Petterson, Michael G.; Humphreys, David and Clark, Nigel
Humphreys, David and Lorne, Colin
Lorne, Colin
Lorne, Colin; Coleman, Anna; McDonald, Ruth and Walshe, Kieran
Mittelmeier, Jenna; Rienties, Bart; Gunter, Ashley and Raghuram, Parvati
Mooney, Gerry and Ferguson, Iain
Oldekop, Johan A.; Gabay, Monica; Humphreys, David; Kamoto, Judith F.M.; Mutta, Doris N.; Song, Conghe; Timko, Joleen; Vang Rasmussen, Laura and Stoian, Dietmar
Pile, Steve (2021). Bodies, Affects, Politics: The Clash of Bodily Regimes. RGIS-IBG Book Series. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Pile, Steve
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati and Sondhi, Gunjan
Sanderson, Marie; Allen, Pauline; Osipovic, Dorota; Boiko, Olga and Lorne, Colin (2021). The Developing Architecture of System Management: Integrated Care Systems and Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships. In PRUComm Report London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK.
van Duppen, Jan
van Duppen, Jan
2020To Top
Allen, John
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Corrigan-Kavanagh, E.; Scarles, C.; Revill, G.; Beynon, M. and van Duppen, J.
Gabay, Monica; Oldekop, Johan A.; Humphreys, David; Kamoto, Judith; Mutta, Doris N.; Rai, Nitin; Song, Conghe; Timko, Joleen; Rasmussen, Laura Vang; Cheek, Jennifer Zavaleta; Devkota, Dikshya and Stoian, Dietmar
Hetherington, Kevin
Keighren, Innes M. and Newman, Benjamin
Kofman, Eleonore and Raghuram, Parvati
Lembani, Reuben; Gunter, Ashely; Breines, Markus and Dalu, Mwazvita Tapiwa Beatrice
Lorne, Colin
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati and Sondhi, Gunjan
Ray, Aditya
Ray, Aditya
Ray, Aditya
Sanders, Michele Jeanette; Miller, Laura; Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Grient, Jesse Marije Anne and Rogers, Alex David
van Duppen, Jan
2019To Top
Asis, Maruja; Piper, Nicola and Raghuram, Parvati
Bhagwat, Shonil
Breines, Markus Roos; Raghuram, Parvati and Gunter, Ashley
Brennan, John and Cochrane, Allan
Burrell, Kathy; Hopkins, Peter; Isakjee, Arshad; Lorne, Colin; Nagel, Caroline; Finlay, Robin; Nayak, Anoop; Benwell, Matthew C; Pande, Raksha; Richardson, Michael; Botterill, Katherine and Rogaly, Ben
Cashore, Benjamin; Bernstein, Steven; Humphreys, David; Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid and Rietig, Katharine
Cochrane, Allan
Coghlan, Christopher M. and Bhagwat, Shonil A.
Cole, Lydia E. S.; Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Willis, Katherine J.
Davies, Thom; Lorne, Colin and Sealey-Huggins, Leon
Ernwein, Marion (2019). Les natures de la ville néolibérale: Une écologie politique du végétal urbain. Ecotopiques. Grenoble: UGA Editions.
Evans, Ruth; Bowlby, Sophie; Gottzén, Lucas and Ribbens McCarthy, Jane
Frohlich, D.; Corrigan-Kavanagh, E.; Bober, M.; Yuan, H.; Sporea, R.; Le Borgne, B.; Scarles, C.; Revill, G.; van Duppen, J.; Brown, A. W. and Beynon, M.
Lorne, Colin; Allen, Pauline; Checkland, Kath; Osipovic, Dorota; Sanderson, Marie; Hammond, Jonathan and Peckham, Stephen (2019). Integrated Care Systems: What can current reforms learn from past research on regional co-ordination of health and care in England? A literature review. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London. (Unpublished)
Lorne, Colin; Allen, Pauline; Checkland, Kath; Osipovic, Dorota; Sanderson, Marie; Hammond, Jonathan and Peckham, Stephen (2019). Integrated Care Systems: What can current reforms learn from past research on regional co-ordination of health and care in England? A literature review ? Executive summary. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK, London. (Unpublished)
Lorne, Colin; McDonald, Ruth; Walsh, Kieran and Coleman, Anna
MacKian, Sara
Moran, Dominique; Jewkes, Yvonne and Lorne, Colin
Newman, Benjamin
Ngendo, Mary and Bhagwat, Shonil
Pile, Steve
Pile, Steve; Bartolini, Nadia and MacKian, Sara
Pryke, Michael and Allen, John
Sondhi, Gunjan; Raghuram, Parvati; Herman, Clem and Ruiz-Ben, Esther
van Duppen, Jan
Visser, Oane; Dorondel, Stefan; Jehlička, Petr and Spoor, Max
Watson, Sophie
2018To Top
Bartolini, Nadia; MacKian, Sara and Pile, Steve eds. (2018). Spaces of Spirituality. Routledge Research in Culture, Space and Identity. London: Routledge.
Bhagwat, Shonil ed. (2018). Conservation and Development in India: Reimagining Wilderness. Routledge.
Allen, John
Bartolini, Nadia; MacKian, Sara and Pile, Steve
Bhagwat, S. A.
Brennan, John; Cochrane, Allan; Lebeau, Yann and Williams, Ruth (2018). The University in its Place: Social and Cultural Perspectives on the Regional Role of Universities. Heidelberg: Springer.
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Dudley, Nigel; Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Harris, Jim; Maginnis, Stewart; Moreno, Jaime Garcia; Mueller, Gregory M.; Oldfield, Sara and Walters, Gretchen
Fendrychová, Lenka and Jehlicka, Petr
Fransman, Jude
Fraser, Arabella
Gunter, Ashley and Raghuram, Parvati
King, Russell and Sondhi, Gunjan
Kohler, Florent; Kotiaho, Janne S.; Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Navarro, Laetitia; Reid, Robin S.; Wang, Tao and Desrousseaux, Maylis
Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo
MacKian, Sara
Mittelmeier, Jenna; Rienties, Bart; Tempelaar, Dirk; Hillaire, Garron and Whitelock, Denise
Mohan, Giles; Asante, Kojo Pumpuni and Abdulai, Abdul-Gafaru
Mooney, Gerry and McCall, Vikki
Mountford, Owen; Clarke, Stewart; Gowing, David; Rothero, Emma and Wallace, Hilary
Neal, Sarah; Bennett, Katy; Cochrane, Allan and Mohan, Giles (2018). Lived Experiences of Multiculture: The New Social and Spatial Relations of Diversity. Routledge Research in Race and Ethnicity. Abingdon: Routledge.
Neal, Sarah; Bennett, Katy; Cochrane, Allan and Mohan, Giles
Ng'endo, Mary; Bhagwat, Shonil and Keding, Gudrun B
Nogué, Sandra; Tovar, Carolina; Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Finsinger, Walter and Willis, Kathy J.
Pelling, Mark; Leck, Hayley; Pasquini, Lorena; Ajibade, Idowu; Osuteye, Emanuel; Parnell, Susan; Lwasa, Shuaib; Johnson, Cassidy; Fraser, Arabella; Barcena, Alejandro and Boubacar, Soumana
Pile, Steve
Pile, Steve; Bartolini, Nadia and MacKian, Sara
Revill, George and Gold, John R.
Shepheard-Walwyn, Emma and Bhagwat, Shonil A.
Smith, Joe; Revill, George and Hammond, Kim
Tempelaar, Dirk; Rienties, Bart; Mittelmeier, Jenna and Nguyen, Quan
Tyszczuk, Renata and Smith, Joe
Valdez Juarez, Alan; Cook, Matthew and Potter, Stephen
Valdez Juarez, Alan-Miguel; Cook, Matthew; Langendahl, Per-Anders; Roby, Helen and Potter, Stephen
Valdez Juarez, Alan-Miguel; Cook, Matthew; Potter, Stephen and Langendahl, Per-Anders
Vávra, Jan; Daněk, Petr and Jehlička, Petr
Walshe, Kieran; Lorne, Colin; McDonald, Ruth; Coleman, Anna and Turner, Alex (2018). Devolving health and social care: learning from Greater Manchester. University of Manchester, Manchester.
Wigley, Edward
Willson, Catherine Louise; Tetley, Josie; Lloyd, Cathy; Messmer Uccelli, Michele and MacKian, Sara
2017To Top
Bartolini, Nadia; Chris, Robert; MacKian, Sara and Pile, Steve
Beierkuhnlein, Carl; Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Potthoff, Kerstin
Bennett, Katy; Cochrane, Allan; Mohan, Giles and Neal, Sarah
Bhagwat, S. A.
Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Humphreys, David and Jones, Nikoleta
Cochrane, A. (2017) Urban Policy. in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. 1-4.
Coghlan, Christopher M. and Bhagwat, Shonil A.
Cook, Sarah; Peacock, Mike; Evans, Chris D.; Page, Susan E.; Whelan, Mick J.; Gauci, Vincent and Kho, Lip Khoon
Cross, Simon; Rogaten, Jekaterina; Bektik, Duygu; Whitelock, Denise and Rienties, Bart
De Hoop, Evelien and Jehlička, Petr
Degen, Monica; Melhuish, Clare and Rose, Gillian
Ernwein, Marion
Fraser, Arabella
Fraser, Arabella; Leck, Hayley; Parnell, Sue and Pelling, Mark
Fraser, Arabella; Leck, Hayley; Parnell, Susan; Pelling, Mark; Brown, Donald and Lwasa, Shuaib
Gold, John R.; Revill, George and Grimley, Daniel
Hammond, Jonathan; Lorne, Colin; Coleman, Anna; Allen, Pauline; Mays, Nicholas; Dam, Rinita; Mason, Thomas and Checkland, Kath
Humphreys, D.; Cashore, B.; Visseren-Hamakers, I.J.; de Jong, W.; McGinley, K.; Denvir, A.; Caro Torres, P. and Lupberger, S.
Humphreys, David
Jehlicka, Petr and Daněk, Petr
Johnson, Nevil and Cochrane, Allan (2017). Economic Policy-Making by Local Authorities in Britain and Western Germany (2nd ed). Routledge Library Editions: The German Economy, 7. Abingdon: Routledge.
Jones, Phil; Isakjee, Arshad; Jam, Chris; Lorne, Colin and Warren, Saskia
Kivland, Sharon and Pile, Steve
Lavau, Stephanie and Bingham, Nick
Lorne, Colin
Materić, Dušan; Lanza, Matteo; Sulzer, Philipp; Herbig, Jens; Bruhn, Dan; Gauci, Vincent; Mason, Nigel and Turner, Claire
Materić, Dušan; Peacock, Michael; Kent, Matthew; Cook, Sarah; Gauci, Vincent; Rockman, Thomas and Holzinger, Rupert
Mittelmeier, Jenna
Nogué, Sandra; Whicher, Katie; Baker, Ambroise G.; Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Willis, Kathy J.
Pangala, Sunitha R.; Enrich-Prast, Alex; Basso, Luana S.; Bittencourt Peixoto, Roberta; Bastviken, David; Hornibrook, Edward R. C.; Gatti, Luciana V.; Moratta, Humberto; Calazans, Luana Silva Braucks; Sakuragui, Cassia Mônica; Bastos, Wanderley Rodrigues; Malm, Olaf; Gloor, Emanuel; Miller, John Bharat and Gauci, Vincent
Papaioannou, Theo
Paton, Kirsteen; McCall, Vikki and Mooney, Gerry
Peacock, Mike; Ridley, Luke; Evans, Chris D. and Gauci, Vincent
Potter, Stephen and Valdez Juarez, Alan
Pryke, Michael
Revill, George
Rienties, Bart; Clow, Doug; Coughlan, Tim; Cross, Simon; Edwards, Chris; Gaved, Mark; Herodotou, Christothea; Hlosta, Martin; Jones, Jan; Rogaten, Jekaterina and Ullmann, Thomas (2017). Scholarly insight Autumn 2017:a Data wrangler perspective. Open University UK.
Rienties, Bart; Rogaten, Jekaterina; Nguyen, Quan; Edwards, Chris; Gaved, Mark; Holt, Deborah; Herodotou, Christothea; Clow, Doug; Cross, Simon; Coughlan, Tim; Jones, Jan and Ullmann, Thomas (2017). Scholarly insight Spring 2017: A Data Wrangler Perspective. Open University UK.
Rogaten, Jekaterina; Mittelmier, Jenna; Van Zyl, Dion; Cin, Melis; Long, Dianne and Rienties, Bart
Rogaten, Jekaterina and Moneta, Giovanni B.
Rose, Gillian
Rose, Gillian
Scheer, David and Lorne, Colin
Smith, Joe
Smith, Joe (2017). Climate Change and Television: What the Paris Agreement means for broadcasters. International Broadcasting Trust, London.
Smith, Joe; Butler, Robert; Day, Rosie; Fyfe, Hamish; Goodbody, Axel; Llewellyn, David; Rohse, Mel; Smith, Bradon; Tyszczuk, Renata; Udall, Julia and Whyte, Nicola
Smith, Joe and Tyszczuk, Renata
Sondhi, Gunjan and King, Russell
Valdez Juarez, Alan-Miguel and Valdez, Ruben
van Duppen, Jan
Watson, Sophie
Wigley, Edward
Wijedasa, Lahiru S.; Jauhiainen, Jyrki; Könönen, Mari; Lampela, Maija; Vasander, Harri; LeBlanc, Marie-Claire; Evers, Stephanie; Smith, Thomas E.L.; Yule, Catherine M.; Varkkey, Helena; Lupascu, Massimo; Parish, Faizal; Singleton, Ian; Clements, Gopalasamy R.; Aziz, Sheema Abdul; Harrison, Mark E.; Cheyne, Susan; Anshari, Gusti Z.; Meijaard, Erik; Goldstein, Jenny E.; Waldron, Susan; Hergoualc'h, Kristell; Dommain, René; Frolking, Steve; Evans, Christopher D.; Posa, Mary Rose C.; Glaser, Paul H.; Suryadiputra, Nyoman; Lubis, Reza; Santika, Truly; Padfield, Rory; Kurnianto, Sofyan; Hadisiswoyo, Panut; Lim, Teck Wyn; Page, Susan E.; Gauci, Vincent; van der Meer, Peter J; Buckland, Helen; Garnier, Fabien; Samuel, Marshall K.; Choo, Liza Nuriati Lim Kim; O'Reilly, Patrick; Warren, Matthew; Suksuwan, Surin; Sumarga, Elham; Jain, Anuj; Laurance, William F.; Couwenberg, John; Joosten, Hans; Vernimmen, Ronald; Hooijer, Aljosja; Malins, Chris; Cochrane, Mark A.; Perumal, Balu; Siegert, Florian; Peh, Kelvin S.-H.; Comeau, Louis-Pierre; Verchot, Louis; Harvey, Charles F.; Cobb, Alex; Jaafar, Zeehan; Wösten, Henk; Manuri, Solichin; Müller, Moritz; Giesen, Wim; Phelps, Jacob; Yong, Ding Li; Silvius, Marcel; Wedeux, Béatrice M. M.; Hoyt, Alison; Osaki, Mitsuru; Takashi, Hirano; Takahashi, Hidenori; Kohyama, Takashi S.; Haraguchi, Akira; Nugroho, Nunung P.; Coomes, David A.; Quoi, Le Phat; Dohong, Alue; Gunawan, Haris; Gaveau, David L.A.; Langner, Andreas; Lim, Felix K. S.; Edwards, David P.; Giam, Xingli; van der Werf, Guido; Carmenta, Rachel; Verwer, Caspar C.; Gibson, Luke; Grandois, Laure; Graham, Laura Linda Bozena; Regalino, Jhanson; Wich, Serge A.; Rieley, Jack; Kettridge, Nicholas; Brown, Chloe; Pirard, Romain; Moore, Sam; Ripoll Capilla, B.; Ballhorn, Uwe; Ho, Hua Chew; Hoscilo, Agata; Lohberger, Sandra; Evans, Theodore A.; Yulianti, Nina; Blackham, Grace; Onrizal; Husson, Simon; Murdiyarso, Daniel; Pangala, Sunita; Cole, Lydia E.S.; Tacconi, Luca; Segah, Hendrik; Tonoto, Prayoto; Lee, Janice S.H.; Schmilewski, Gerald; Wulffraat, Stephan; Putra, Erianto Indra; Cattau, Megan E.; Clymo, R.S.; Morrison, Ross; Mujahid, Aazani; Miettinen, Jukka; Liew, Soo Chin; Valpola, Samu; Wilson, David; D'Arcy, Laura; Gerding, Michiel; Sundari, Siti; Thornton, Sara A.; Kalisz, Barbara; Chapman, Stephen J.; Su, Ahmad Suhaizi Mat; Basuki, Imam; Itoh, Masayuki; Traeholt, Carl; Sloan, Sean; Sayok, Alexander K. and Andersen, Roxane
Wolff, Annika; Valdez Juarez, Alan; Barker, Matthew; Potter, Stephen; Gooch, Daniel; Giles, Emilie and Miles, John
2016To Top
Mooney, Gerry; McKendrick, John; Scott, Gill; Dickie, Peter and McHardy, Fiona eds. (2016). Poverty in Scotland 2016: Tools for Transformation. Poverty in Scotland. London: Child Poverty Action Group.
Allen, John (2016). Topologies of Power: Beyond territory and networks. Oxford & New York: Routledge.
Allen, John and Pryke, Michael
Baker, Ambroise G.; Cornelissen, Perry; Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Vera, Fransciscus W. M. and Willis, Katherine J.
Baker, Ambroise G.; Zimny, Marcelina; Keczyński, Andrzej; Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Willis, Kathy J. and Latałowa, Małgorzata
Bartolini, Nadia; Raghuram, Parvati and Revill, George
Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Economou, Anastasia and Thornton, Thomas F.
Cashore, Benjamin; Leipold, Sina; Cerutti, Paolo Omar; Bueno, Gabriela; Carodenuto, Sophia; Chen, Xiaoqian; de Jong, Wil; Denvir, Audrey; Hansen, Christian; Humphreys, David; McGinley, Kathleen; Nathan, Iben; Overdevest, Christine; Rodrigues, Rafael Jacques; Sotirov, Metodi; Stone, Michael W; Tegene, Yitagesu Tekle; Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid; Winkel, Georg; Yemelin, Valentin and Zeitlin, Jonathan
Cashore, Benjamin; Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid; de Jong, Wil; Humphreys, David; McGinley, Kathleen; Caro Torres, Paloma and Denvir, Audrey (2016). How can Global Legality verification Initiatives Enhance Local Rights to Forest resources in Peru? IUFRO.
Cochrane, Allan
Cook, S.; Peacock, M.; Evans, C.D.; Page, S.E.; Whelan, M.; Gauci, V. and Khoon, K.L.
Cross, Simon; Whitelock, Denise and Mittelmeier, Jenna
de Jong, Wil and Humphreys, David
Denvir, Audrey; Caro, Paloma; Humphreys, David; Yin, Daphne; Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid; Cashore, Ben; McDermott, Connie and Auld, Graeme
Erenler, Hilary E.; Orr, Michael C.; Gillman, Michael P.; Parkes, Bethan R. B.; Rymer, Hazel and Maes, Jean-Michel
Evans, Chris; Morrison, Ross; Burden, Annette; Williamson, Jenny; Baird, Andrew; Brown, Emma; Callaghan, Nathan; Chapman, Pippa; Cumming, Alex; Dean, Hannah; Dixon, Simon; Dooling, Gemma; Evans, Jonathan; Gauci, Vincent; Grayson, Richard; Haddaway, Neal; He, Yufeng; Heppell, Kate; Holden, Joseph; Hughes, Steve; Kaduk, Jörg; Jones, Davey; Matthews, Rachel; Menichino, Nina; Misselbrook, Tom; Page, Sue; Pan, Gong; Peacock, Michael; Rayment, Mark; Ridley, Luke; Robinson, Inma; Rylett, Dan; Scowen, Matthew; Stanley, Kieran and Worrall, Fred (2016). Final report on project SP1210: Lowland peatland systems in England and Wales – evaluating greenhouse gas fluxes and carbon balances. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
Ferguson, Rebecca; Brasher, Andrew; Clow, Doug; Cooper, Adam; Hillaire, Garron; Mittelmeier, Jenna; Rienties, Bart; Ullmann, Thomas and Vuorikari, Riina (2016). Research Evidence on the Use of Learning Analytics: Implications for Education Policy. Science for Policy Reports; Joint Research Centre, Seville, Spain.
Flantua, S. G. A.; Hooghiemstra, H.; Vuille, M.; Behling, H.; Carson, J. F.; Gosling, W. D.; Hoyos, I.; Ledru, M. P.; Montoya, E.; Mayle, F.; Maldonado, A.; Rull, V.; Tonello, M. S.; Whitney, B. S. and González-Arango, C.
Frascaroli, Fabrizio; Bhagwat, Shonil; Guarino, Riccardo; Chiarucci, Alessandro and Schmid, Bernhard
Fraser, Arabella
Fraser, Arabella; Paterson, Shona and Pelling, Mark
Fraser, Arabella; Pelling, Mark and Solecki, Bill
Garcia-Baquero, Gonzalo; Silvertown, Jonathan; Gowing, David J. and Valle, Cipriano J.
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Hinchliffe, Steve; Bingham, Nick; Allen, John and Carter, Simon (2016). Pathological Lives: Disease, Space and Biopolitics. RGS-IBG Book Series. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.
Hoogakker, B. A. A.; Smith, R. S.; Singarayer, J. S.; Marchant, R.; Prentice, I. C.; Allen, J. R. M.; Anderson, R. S.; Bhagwat, S.A.; Behling, H.; Borisova, O.; Bush, M.; Correa-Metrio, A.; de Vernal, A.; Finch, J. M.; Fréchette, B.; Lozano-Garcia, S.; Gosling, W. D.; Granoszewski, W.; Grimm, E. C.; Grüger, E.; Hanselman, J.; Harrison, S. P.; Hill, T. R.; Huntley, B.; Jiménez-Moreno, G.; Kershaw, P.; Ledru, M.-P.; Magri, D.; McKenzie, M.; Müller, U.; Nakagawa, T.; Novenko, E.; Penny, D.; Sadori, L.; Scott, L.; Stevenson, J.; Valdes, P. J.; Vandergoes, M.; Velichko, A.; Whitlock, C. and Tzedakis, C.
Humphreys, David
Humphreys, David
Humphreys, David; Denvir, Audrey; McGinley, Kathleen; Visseren-hamakers, Ingrid; Cashore, Ben; de Jong, Wil; McDermott, Connie and Auld, Graeme
Johnson, Hazel; Borda-Rodriguez, Alexander; Shaw, Linda and Vicari, Sara
Lampert, Ben and Mohan, Giles
Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo
MacKian, Sara; Bartolini, Nadia; Pile, Steve and Sambo, Daniele (2016). Spiritualism in Stoke-on-Trent. Glasgow: TWTD Press.
Materić, D.; Blenkhorn, D.; Gonzalez-Mendes, R.; Bruhn, D.; Turner, C.; Morgan, G.; Mason, N. and Gauci, V.
Matthews-Bird, Frazer; Brooks, Stephen J.; Holden, Philip B.; Montoya, Encarni and Gosling, William D.
Matthews-Bird, Frazer; Gosling, William D.; Coe, Angela L.; Bush, Mark; Mayle, Francis E.; Axford, Yarrow and Brooks, Stephen J.
McGinlay, J.; Gowing, D. J. G. and Budds, J.
McGinlay, J.; Gowing, D.J.G. and Budds, J.
McGinley, Kathleen; de Jong, Wil; Humphreys, David; Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid; Denvir, Audrey; Luppberger, Sarah; Cashore, Ben; McDermott, Connie and Auld, Graeme
McKendrick, John H.; Asenova, Darina; McCann, Claire; Reynolds, Rebecca; Egan, James; Hastings, Annette; Mooney, Gerry and Sinclair, Stephen
Melhuish, Clare; Degen, Monica and Rose, Gillian
Miller, Charlotte S.; Gosling, William D.; Kemp, David B.; Coe, Angela L. and Gilmour, Iain
Mittelmeier, Jenna
Mittelmeier, Jenna; Héliot, YingFei; Rienties, Bart and Whitelock, Denise
Mittelmeier, Jenna and Kennedy, John James
Mittelmeier, Jenna; Tempelaar, Dirk; Rienties, Bart and Nguyen, Quan
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill
Neal, Sarah; Mohan, Giles; Cochrane, Allan and Bennett, Katy
Newsham, Andrew and Bhagwat, Shonil (2016). Conservation and Development. Routledge.
Ng’endo, Mary; Bhagwat, Shonil and Keding, Gudrun B.
Ormsby, Alison; Jackson, Wendy and Bhagwat, Shonil
Papaioannou, Theo
Papaioannou, Theo and Srinivas, Smita
Papaioannou, Theo; Watkins, Andrew; Kale, Dinar and Mugwagwa, Julius
Papaioannou, Theo; Watkins, Andrew; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar
Papaioannou, Theo; Watkins, Andrew; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar
Park, Yoon Jung; Lampert, Ben and Robertson, Winslow
Payne, Kellie and Watson, Sophie (2016). Smart Practices: Reflections on the Smarter Home Visit in two London boroughs. CRESC, The University of Manchester and the Open University.
Punalekar, Survarna; Verhoef, Anne; Tatarenko, Irina V.; van der Tol, Christiaan; Macdonald, David M.J.; Marchant, Benjamin; Gerard, France; White, Kevin and Gowing, David
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati; Bornat, Joanna and Henry, Leroi
Revill, George
Revill, George
Rogaten, Jekaterina and Moneta, Giovanni B
Rogaten, Jekaterina and Moneta, Giovanni B.
Rogaten, Jekaterina; Rienties, Bart; Whitelock, Denise; Cross, Simon and Littlejohn, Allison
Rogaten, Jekaterina; Rienties, Bart; Whitelock, Denise; Cross, Simon; Littlejohn, Allison; Sharpe, Rhona; Lygo-Baker, Simon; Scott, Ian; Warburton, Stephen and Kinchin, Ian
Rogaten, Jekaterina; Whitelock, Denise and Rienties, Bart
Rose, Gillian
Rose, Gillian
Rose, Gillian; Degen, Monica and Melhuish, Clare
Sambo, Daniele; Bartolini, Nadia; MacKian, Sara and Pile, Steve (2016). Nature Light Truth: An exploration of Spiritualism in the Everyday Life of Stoke-on-Trent. Glasgow: TWTD Press.
Shanahan, Timothy M.; Hughen, Konrad A.; McKay, Nicholas P.; Overpeck, Jonathan T.; Scholtz, Christopher A.; Gosling, William D.; Miller, Charlotte S.; Peck, John A.; King, John W. and Heil, Clifford W.
Siegenthaler, Andy; Welch, Bertie; Pangala, Sunitha R.; Peacock, Michael and Gauci, Vincent
Watson, Sophie
Watson, Sophie and Zanetti, Oliver
2015To Top
Croall, Hazel; Mooney, Gerry and Munro, Mary eds. (2015). Crime, Justice and Society in Scotland. London: Routledge.
Allen, John and Lavau, Stephanie
Bennett, Katy; Cochrane, Allan; Mohan, Giles and Neal, Sarah
Boardman, C.; Burnley, S.; Gauci, V. and Gladding, T.
Borda-Rodriguez, Alexander and Johnson, Hazel (2015). Reshaping inclusive development? The case of cooperative enterprises. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Campbell, Jan and Pile, Steve
Cochrane, Allan; Colenutt, Bob and Field, Martin
Cochrane, Allan; Colenutt, Robert and Field, Martin
Cochrane, Allan; Neal, Sarah; Bennett, Katy and Mohan, Giles
Cole, Lydia E. S.; Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Willis, Katherine J.
Colenutt, Robert; Cochrane, Allan and Field, Martin
Dodsworth, Francis; Vacchelli, Elena and Watson, Sophie
Flantua, Suzette G.A.; Hooghiemstra, Henry; Grimm, Eric C.; Behling, Hermann; Bush, Mark B.; González-Arrango, Catalina; Gosling, William D.; Ledru, Marie-Pierre; Lozano-Garciá, Socorro; Maldonado, Antonio; Prieto, Aldo R.; Rull, Valenti and van Boxel, John H.
Hetherington, Kevin
Hilbrandt, Hanna
Humphreys, D.
Humphreys, David
Humphreys, David
Jardine, Phillip E.; Fraser, Wesley T.; Lomax, Barry H. and Gosling, William D.
Jones, Hannah; Neal, Sarah; Mohan, Giles; Connell, Kieran; Cochrane, Allan and Bennett, Katy
Jones, P.; Layard, A.; Lorne, C. and Speed, C.
Jones, Phil; Speed, Chris and Lorne, Colin
Kale, Dinar; Watkins, Andrew; Papaioannou, Theo and Mugwagwa, Julius
Kofman, Eleonore and Raghuram, Parvati (2015). Gendered Migrations and Global Social Reproduction. Migration Diaspora and Citizenship. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Kofman, Eleonore and Raghuram, Parvati
Kullman, Kim
Lampert, Ben and Mohan, Giles
Latham, Alan and Wood, Peter R. H.
Lebeau, Yann and Cochrane, Allan
Madge, C.; Raghuram, P. and Noxolo, P.
Materić, Dušan; Bruhn, Dan; Turner, Claire; Morgan, Geraint; Mason, Nigel and Gauci, Vincent
Materić, Dušan; Lanza, Matteo; Sulzer, Philipp; Herbig, Jens; Bruhn, Dan; Turner, Claire; Mason, Nigel and Gauci, Vincent
Mittelmeier, Jenna (2015). Using Learning Analytics to Implement Evidence-Based Interventions to Support Ethnic Minority and International Student Social Integrations. 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, ECTEL doctoral consortium.
Mohan, Giles
Mooney, Gerry; Croall, Hazel; Munro, Mary and Scott, Gill
Mooney, Gerry; McCall, Vikki and Paton, Kirsteen
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill
Neal, Sarah; Bennett, Katy; Jones, Hannah; Cochrane, Allan and Mohan, Giles
Neal, Sarah and Murji, Karim
Neal, Sarah and Murji, Karim (2015). Sociology. Special Issue: Sociologies of Everyday Life. SAGE.
Ng’endo, Mary; Keding, Gudrun B.; Bhagwat, Shonil and Kehlenbeck, Katja
Pangala, Sunitha R.; Hornibrook, Edward R.C.; Gowing, David J. and Gauci, Vincent
Papaioannou, Theo
Papaioannou, Theo; ; and
Papaioannou, Theo; Watkins, Andrew and Kale, Dinar
Papaioannou, Theo; Watkins, Andrew; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar
Peacock, Mike; Freeman, Chris; Gauci, Vincent; Lebron, Inma and Evans, Chris D.
Potter, Stephen; Valdez, Alan; Cook, Matthew and Langendahl, Per-Anders
Rodgers, Scott; Barnett, Clive and Cochrane, Allan
Rogaten, Jekaterina and Moneta, Giovanni B.
Rogaten, Jekaterina and Moneta, Giovanni B.
Silvertown, Jonathan; Araya, Yoseph and Gowing, David
Smith, Joe
Smith, Joe; Kostelecký, Tomáš and Jehlicka, Petr
Taylor, G.; Scharlemann, J. P. W.; Rowcliffe, M.; Kümpel, N.; Harfoot, M. B. J.; Fa, J. E.; Melisch, R.; Milner-Gulland, E. J.; Bhagwat, S.; Abernethy, K. A.; Ajonina, A. S.; Albrechtsen, L.; Allebone-Webb, S.; Brown, E.; Brugiere, D.; Clark, C.; Colell, M.; Cowlishaw, G.; Crookes, D.; De Merode, E.; Dupain, J.; East, T.; Edderai, D.; Elkan, P.; Gill, D.; Greengrass, E.; Hodgkinson, C.; Ilambu, O.; Jeanmart, P.; Juste, J.; Linder, J. M.; Macdonald, D. W.; Noss, A. J.; Okorie, P. U.; Okouyi, V. J. J.; Pailler, S.; Poulsen, J. R.; Riddell, M.; Schleicher, J.; Schulte-Herbrüggen, B.; Starkey, M.; van Vliet, N.; Whitham, C.; Willcox, A. S.; Wilkie, D. S.; Wright, J. H. and Coad, L. M.
Thorn, Jessica; Snaddon, Jake; Waldron, Anthony; Kok, Kasper; Zhou, Wen; Bhagwat, Shonil; Willis, Kathy and Petrokofsky, Gillian
Valdez Juarez, Alan Miguel
Ward, Kevin; Newman, Janet; John, Peter; Theodore, Nik; Macleavy, Julie and Cochrane, Allan
Watkins, Andrew; Papaioannou, Theo; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar
Watson, Sophie
Yanacopulos, Helen (2015). International NGO Engagement, Advocacy, Activism: The Faces and Spaces of Change. Non-Governmental Public Action. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
2014To Top
Kingsbury, Paul and Pile, Steve eds. (2014). Psychoanalytic Geographies. Farnham: Ashgate.
McKendrick, John H.; Mooney, Gerry; Dickie, John; Scott, Gill and Kelly, Peter eds. (2014). Poverty in Scotland 2014: The Independence Referendum and Beyond. Poverty in Scotland. London: Child Poverty Action Group.
Smith, Joe; Tyszczuk, Renata and Butler, Robert eds. (2014). Culture and Climate Change: Narratives. Culture and Climate Change, 2. Cambridge, UK: Shed.
Allen, John and Cochrane, Allan
Bhagwat, Shonil
Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Nogué, Sandra and Willis, Katherine J.
Birch, Kean; Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo
Bornat, Joanna; Raghuram, Parvati and Henry, Leroi
Buizer, Marleen; Humphreys, David and de Jong, Wil
Butcher, Melissa
Cárdenas, Macarena L.; Gosling, William D.; Pennington, R. Toby; Poole, Imogen; Sherlock, Sarah C. and Mothes, Patricia
Cole, Lydia E. S.; Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Willis, Katherine J.
Ebrahim, Naazia; Pravat, Poshendra; Humphreys, David and Rayner, Jeremy
Evans, Chris D.; Page, Susan E.; Jones, Tim; Moore, Sam; Gauci, Vincent; Laiho, Raija; Hruška, Jakub; Allott, Tim E. H.; Billett, Michael F.; Tipping, Ed; Freeman, Chris and Garnett, Mark H.
Frascaroli, Fabrizio; Bhagwat, Shonil and Diemer, Matthias
Fraser, Wesley; Lomax, Barry H.; Jardine, Phillip E.; Gosling, William D. and Sephton, Mark A.
Fraser, Wesley T.; Watson, Jonathan S.; Sephton, Mark A.; Lomax, Barry H.; Harrington, Guy; Gosling, William D. and Self, Stephen
Green, Sophie; Baird, Andy J.; Boardman, Carl P. and Gauci, Vincent
Hetherington, Kevin
Hoyt, Alison; Pangala, Sunitha; Gandois, Laure; Cobb, Alex; Kai, Fuu-Ming; Xu, Xiaomei; Gauci, Vincent; Mahmud, Y.; Kamariah, A.; Eri, Jangarun and Harvey, Charles
Humphreys, David
Humphreys, David and Stober, Spencer S.
Johnson, Hazel and Shaw, Linda
Jones, N. and Clark, J. R. A.
Jones, N.; Koukoulas, S.; Clark, J. R. A.; Evangelinos, K. I.; Dimitrakopoulos, P. G.; Eftihidou, M. O.; Koliou, A.; Mpalaska, M.; Papanikolaou, S.; Stathi, G. and Tsaliki, P.
Keen, Hayley F.; Gosling, William D.; Hanke, Felix; Miller, Charlotte S.; Montoya Romo, Encarni; Valencia, Bryan G. and Williams, Joseph J.
Kingsbury, Paul and Pile, Steve
Kofman, Eleonore and Raghuram, Parvati
Lampert, Ben
Lampert, Ben and Mohan, Giles
Levidow, Les; Borda-Rodriguez, Alexander and Papaioannou, Theo
Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo
Ludgate, Natalie Frances
Miller, Charlotte S.
Miller, Charlotte S. and Gosling, William D.
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles; Lampert, Ben; Tan-Mullins, May and Chang, Daphne (2014). Chinese Migrants and Africa's Development: New Imperialists or Agents of Change? London: Zed Books.
Mooney, Gerry (2014). Journal for the Study of British Cultures: Poverty. Königshausen & Neumann.
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry; Gilmour, Alison; McCall, Vikki and Rutherford, Paul
Pangala, Sunitha R.; Gowing, David J.; Hornibrook, Edward R. C. and Gauci, Vincent
Papaioannou, Theo
Papaioannou, Theo
Papaioannou, Theo; Kale, Dinar; Mugwagwa, Julius and Watkins, Andrew
Papaioannou, Theo; Watkins, Andrew; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar
Pile, Steve
Pile, Steve
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati; Noxolo, Pat and Madge, Clare
Revill, George
Revill, George
Revill, George
Rodgers, Scott; Barnett, Clive and Cochrane, Allan
Rogaten, Jekaterina
Rogaten, Jekaterina and Moneta, Giovanni B
Rose, Gillian
Rose, Gillian
Rose, Gillian; Degen, Monica and Melhuish, Clare
Saha, Anamik and Watson, Sophie
Sayer, Emma J.; Featherstone, Helen C.; Gosling, William D. and the BES Roadies
Seddon, Alistair W. R.; Mackay, Anson W.; Baker, Ambroise G.; Birks, H. John B.; Breman, Elinor; Buck, Caitlin E.; Ellis, Erle C.; Froyd, Cynthia A.; Gill, Jacquelyn L.; Gillson, Lindsey; Johnson, Edward A.; Jones, Vivienne J.; Juggins, Stephen; Macias-Fauria, Marc; Mills, Keely; Morris, Jesse L.; Nogués-Bravo, David; Punyasena, Surangi W.; Roland, Thomas P.; Tanentzap, Andrew J.; Willis, Kathy J.; Aberhan, Martin; van Asperen, Eline N.; Austin, William E. N.; Battarbee, Rick W.; Bhagwat, Shonil; Belanger, Christina L.; Bennett, Keith D.; Birks, Hilary H.; Bronk Ramsey, Christopher; Brooks, Stephen J.; de Bruyn, Mark; Butler, Paul G.; Chambers, Frank M.; Clarke, Stewart J.; Davies, Althea L.; Dearing, John A.; Ezard, Thomas H. G.; Feurdean, Angelica; Flower, Roger J.; Gell, Peter; Hausmann, Sonja; Hogan, Erika J.; Hopkins, Melanie J.; Jeffers, Elizabeth S.; Korhola, Atte A.; Marchant, Robert; Kiefer, Thorsten; Lamentowicz, Mariusz; Larocque-Tobler, Isabelle; López-Merino, Lourdes; Liow, Lee H.; McGowan, Suzanne; Miller, Joshua H.; Montoya Romo, Encarnacion; Morton, Oliver; Nogué, Sandra; Onoufriou, Chloe; Boush, Lisa P.; Rodriguez-Sanchez, Francisco; Rose, Neil L.; Sayer, Carl D.; Shaw, Helen E.; Payne, Richard; Simpson, Gavin; Sohar, Kadri; Whitehouse, Nicki J.; Williams, John W.; Witkowski, Andrzej and McGlone, Matt
Singh, Minerva; Malhi, Yadvinder and Bhagwat, Shonil
Skouloudis, Antonis; Jones, Nikoleta; Malesios, Chrisovaladis and Evangelinos, Konstantinos
Smith, Joe
Talbot, Deborah
Valdez, Alan-Miguel
Valdez Juarez, Alan-Miguel and Potter, Stephen
Watkins, Andrew; Papaioannou, Theo; Kale, Dinar and Mugwagwa, Julius
Watson, Sophie
Yanacopulos, Helen
2013To Top
Banks, Mark; Gill, Rosalind and Taylor, Stephanie eds. (2013). Theorizing Cultural Work: Labour, Continuity and Change in the Cultural and Creative Industries. CRESC. Abingdon: Routledge.
Butcher, Melissa and Papaioannou, Theo eds. (2013). New Perspectives in International Development. The Open University's International Development series. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Graves-Brown, Paul; Harrison, Rodney and Piccini, Angela eds. (2013). The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Contemporary World. Oxford Handbooks in Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Harrison, Rodney; Byrne, Sarah and Clarke, Anne eds. (2013). Reassembling the Collection: Ethnographic Museums and Indigenous Agency. Advanced Seminar. Santa Fe, NM: SAR Press.
MacKian, Sara and Simons, Joan eds. (2013). Leading, Managing, Caring: Understanding Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care. Abingdon: Routledge in association with The Open University.
Papaioannou, Theo and Butcher, Melissa eds. (2013). International Development in a Changing World. The Open University's International Development series. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Smith, Robin and Hetherington, Kevin eds. (2013). Urban Rhythms: Mobilities, Space and Interaction in the Contemporary City. The Sociological Review Monographs. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Adwera, Andrew; Hanlin, Rebecca and Johnson, Hazel
Allen, John
Allen, John and Pryke, Michael
Araya, Yoseph N.; Gowing, David J. and Dise, N.
Baker, Ambroise G.; Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Willis, Katherine J.
Banks, Mark; Gill, Rosalind and Taylor, Stephanie
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive; Clarke, Nick and Cloke, Paul
Bartolini, Nadia; Chris, Robert; MacKian, Sara and Pile, Steve
Barua, Maan; Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Jadhav, Sushrut
Boardman, Carl P.; Gauci, Vincent; Fox, Andrew; Blake, Stephen and Beerling, David J.
Borda-Rodriguez, A. and Johnson, H.
Brandon, Mark; Smith, Joe; Garrow, Kat and Law, Andrew
Bridle, Helen; Vrieling, Anton; Cardillo, Monica; Araya, Yoseph and Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith
Clarke, Nick and Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan; Colenutt, Bob and Field, Martin
Cochrane, Allan and Williams, Ruth
Dodsworth, Francis; Vacchelli, Elena and Watson, Sophie
Feurdean, Angelica; Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Willis, Katherine J.; Birks, H. John B; Lischke, Heike and Hickler, Thomas
Gauci, Vincent; Pangala, Sunitha; Gowing, David and Hornibrook, Edward
Gosler, Andrew; Bhagwat, Shonil; Harrop, Stuart; Bonta, Mark and Tidemann, Sonia
Gosling, William D.; Miller, Charlotte S. and Livingstone, Daniel A.
Gosling, William D. and Williams, Joseph J.
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Hartley, Sally and Johnson, Hazel
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Hetherington, Kevin
Hinchliffe, Steve; Allen, John; Lavau, Stephanie; Bingham, Nick and Carter, Simon
Hodkinson, Stuart; Watt, Paul and Mooney, Gerry
Hornibrook, Edward; Maxfield, Peter; Gauci, Vincent and Stott, Andrew
Humphreys, David
Humphreys, David
Humphreys, David
Humphreys, David
Humphreys, David
Jehlicka, Petr; Kostelecký, Tomáš and Smith, Joe
Jehlička, Petr and Kurtz, Matthew
Jones, N. and Clark, J.R.A.
Jones, Nikoleta
King, Russell and Raghuram, Parvati
Koerth, Jana; Jones, Nikoleta; Vafeidis, Athanasios T.; Dimitrakopoulos, Panayiotis G.; Melliou, Androniki; Chatzidimitriou, Evaggelia and Koukoulas, Sotirios
Kofman, Eleonore and Raghuram, Parvati
Lavalette, Michael and Mooney, Gerry
Levidow, Les; Birch, Kean and Papaioannou, Theo
Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo
Levidow, Les; Papaioannou, Theo and Borda-Rodriguez, Alexander
Levidow, Les; Papaioannou, Theo and Borda-Rodriguez, Alexander
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles and Lampert, Ben
Mohan, Giles and Lampert, Ben
Moore, S.; Gauci, V.; Evans, C. and Page, S. E.
Moore, Sam; Evans, Chris D.; Page, Susan E.; Garnett, Mark H.; Jones, Tim G.; Freeman, Chris; Hooijer, Aljosja; Wiltshire, Andrew J.; Limin, Suwido H. and Gauci, Vincent
Neal, Sarah; Bennett, Katy; Cochrane, Allan and Mohan, Giles
Pangala, S. R.; Hornibrook, E. R.; Gowing, D. J.; Bastviken, D.; Enrich-Prast, A. and Gauci, V.
Pangala, Sunitha R.; Moore, Sam; Hornibrook, Edward R. C. and Gauci, Vincent
Papaioannou, Theo
Payne, Richard J.; Caporn, Simon J. M.; Stevens, Carly J.; Carroll, Jacky A.; Edmondson, Jill L.; Gowing, David J. and Dise, Nancy B.
Payne, Richard J.; Dise, Nancy B.; Stevens, Carly J. and Gowing, David J.
Pile, Steve (2013). Postcards from the Unconscious: the shifting spaces of Kivland's Rome. Sharon Kivland: Reproductions II. London: Domobaal Editions.
Raghuram, Parvati
Revill, George
Revill, George
Rogaten, Jekaterina; Moneta, Giovanni B. and Spada, Marcantonio M.
Roucoux, K. H.; Lawson, I. T.; Jones, T. D.; Baker, T. R.; Honorio Coronado, E. N.; Gosling, W. D. and Lähteenoja, O.
Satyal Pravat, Poshendra and Humphreys, David
Singh, Minerva and Bhagwat, Shonil A.
Smith, Joe
Smith, Joe
Smith, Joe and Jehlička, Petr
Talbot, Deborah
Tan-Mullins, May and Mohan, Giles
Urban, Frauke; Mohan, Giles and Cook, Sarah
van Duppen, Jan and Spierings, Bas
Watson, Sophie
Watson, Sophie and Saha, Anamik
2012To Top
Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith ed. (2012). Gas y Desarrollo. Dinamicas territoriales rurales en Tarija - Bolivia. La Paz: Fundacion Tierra and CERDET.
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill eds. (2012). Social justice and social policy in Scotland. Bristol: Policy Press.
Rose, Gillian and Tolia-Kelly, Divya P. eds. (2012). Visuality/Materiality: Images, Objects and Practices. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Ltd..
Tyszczuk, Renata; Smith, Joe; Clark, Nigel and Butcher, Melissa eds. (2012). ATLAS: Geography, Architecture and Change in an Interdependent World. London: Black Dog Publishing.
Allen, John
Araya, Yoseph N.; Silvertown, Jonathan; Gowing, David J.; McConway, Kevin J.; Linder, H. P. and Midgley, Guy
Banks, Mark
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive
Bennett, K. D.; Bhagwat, S. A. and Willis, K. J.
Bhagwat, Shonil
Bhagwat, Shonil A.
Bhagwat, Shonil A.
Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Breman, Elinor; Thekaekara, Tarsh; Thornton, Thomas F. and Willis, Katherine J.
Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Cole, Lydia E. S. and Willis, Katherine J.
Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Nogué, Sandra and Willis, Katherine J.
Bingham, Nick and Lavau, Stephanie
Bornat, Joanna; Raghuram, Parvati and Henry, Leroi
Budds, Jessica and Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith
Budds, Jessica and Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith
Bush, Mark B. and Gosling, William D.
Butcher, Melissa
Butcher, Melissa
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan; Coe, Neil; Randalls, Samuel; Thornes, John; Adey, Peter and Whitehead, Mark
Cochrane, Allan and Ward, Kevin
Danson, Mike; MacLeod, Gordon and Mooney, Gerry
Degen, Monica Montserrat and Rose, Gillian
Farooki, Masuma and Mohan, Giles
Gauci, Vincent and Pangala, Sunitha R.
Halkos, George E. and Jones, Nikoleta
Hancock, Lynn and Mooney, Gerry
Hancock, Lynn and Mooney, Gerry
Hancock, Lynn; Mooney, Gerry and Neal, Sarah
Harrison, Rodney (2012). Heritage: Critical Approaches. Abingdon: Routledge.
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith; Bebbington, Anthony and Barrientos, Armando
Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith; Chumacero, Juan Pablo; Cortez, Guide and Bebbington, Anthony
Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith and Hennermann, Karl
Huzair, Farah and Papaioannou, Theo
Jehlicka, Petr and Smith, Joe
Jehlička, Petr and Smith, Joe
Johnson, Hazel; Pinder, Richard and Wilson, Gordon
Jones, N.; Clark, J. R. A.; Panteli, M.; Proikaki, M. and Dimitrakopoulos, P. G.
Jones, Nikoleta; Clark, Julian and Tripidaki, Georgia
Jones, Nikoleta; Gleridou, Chrysi; Dimitrakopoulos, Panayiotis G. and Evangelinos, Konstantinos I.
Jones, Nikoleta; Iosifides, Theodoros; Evangelinos, Konstantinos I.; Florokapi, Ioanna and Dimitrakopoulos, Panayiotis G.
Jones, Nikoleta; Panoriou, E.; Thiveou, K.; Roumeliotis, S.; Allan, S.; Clark, J. R. A. and Evangelinos, K. I.
Koerth, J.; Jones, N.; Vafeidis, A. T.; Koukoulas, S. and Dimitrakopoulos, P. G.
Kofman, Eleonore and Raghuram, Parvati
Kofman, Eleonore and Raghuram, Parvati
Lampert, Ben
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Levidow, Les; Birch, Kean and Papaioannou, Theo
Levidow, Les; Papaioannou, Theo and Birch, Kean
MacKian, Sara (2012). Everyday Spirituality: Social and Spatial Worlds of Enchantment. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
MacKian, Sara
Marx, Colin; Halcli, Abigail and Barnett, Clive
McDermott, Constance L; van Asselt, Harro; Streck, Charlotte; Assembe Mvondo, Samuel; Duchelle, Amy E.; Haug, Constanze; Humphreys, David; Mulyani, Mari; Shekhar Silori, Chandra; Suzuki, Regan; Zelli, Fariborz; Frick, Simone; Lentini, Marco; Luintel, Harisharan and Salimon, Cleber
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles and Butcher, Melissa
Moneta, Giovanni B.; Vulpe, Alina and Rogaten, Jekaterina
Mooney, Gerry; McKee, Kim and Paton, Kirsteen
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill
Mosblech, Nicole A.S.; Bush, Mark B.; Gosling, William D.; Hodell, David; Thomas, Louise; van Calsteren, Peter; Correa-Metrio, Alexander; Valencia, Bryan G.; Curtis, Jason and van Woesik, Robert
Noxolo, Pat; Raghuram, Parvati and Madge, Clare
Pangala, S. R.; Gauci, V.; Hornibrook, E. R. C. and Gowing, D. J.
Pangala, Sunitha R.; Gauci, Vincent; Hornibrook, Edward R. C. and Gowing, David
Pangala, Sunitha R.; Gauci, Vincent; Hornibrook, Edward R. C. and Gowing, David J.
Papaioannou, Theo
Papaioannou, Theo
Papaioannou, Theo (2012). Reading Hayek in the 21st Century: A Critical Inquiry into His Political Thought. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Papaioannou, Theo and Rosiello, Alessandro
Paterson, Mark; Dodge, Martin and MacKian, Sara
Pile, Steve
Power, Marcus; Mohan, Giles and Tan-Mullins, May (2012). China's Resource Diplomacy in Africa - Powering Development? International Political Economy Series. London: Palgrave McMillan.
Pryke, Michael
Pungetti, Gloria and Bhagwat, Shonil A.
Raghuram, Parvati
Revill, George (2012). Railway. Objekt Series. London: Reaktion.
Revill, George
Rodgers, Scott
Rogaten, Jekaterina; Moneta, Giovanni B and Spada, Marcantonio
Rogaten, Jekaterina; Moneta, Giovanni B and Spada, Marcantonio
Rose, Gillian
Silvertown, Jonathan; Araya, Yoseph N.; Linder, H. Peter and Gowing, David J.
Smith, Joe
Smith, Michael L. and Jehlicka, Petr
Tong, Chuan; Wang, Wei-Qi; Huang, Jia-Fang; Gauci, Vincent; Zhang, Lin-Hai and Zeng, Cong-Sheng
Watson, Sophie and Dodsworth, Francis
William, Joseph J.; Brooks, Stephen J. and Gosling, William D.
Williams, Ruth and Cochrane, Allan
Бхагават (Bhagwat), Шонил А. (Shonil A.)
2011To Top
Bush, Mark B.; Flenley, John R. and Gosling, William D. eds. (2011). Tropical Rainforest Responses to Climatic Change (2nd ed.). Chichester: Springer/Praxis.
Butler, Robert; Margolies, Eleonor; Smith, Joe and Tyszczuk, Renata eds. (2011). Culture and Climate Change: Recordings. Culture and Climate Change, 1. Cambridge: Shed.
McKendrick, John; Mooney, Gerry; Dickie, John and Kelly, Peter eds. (2011). Poverty in Scotland 2011: Towards a More Equal Scotland? Poverty in Scotland. London: Child Poverty Action Group.
Voiculescu, Aurora and Yanacopulos, Helen eds. (2011). The Business of Human Rights: An Evolving Agenda for Corporate Responsibility. London, England: Zed Publishers.
Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary eds. (2011). The New Blackwell Companion to the City. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Allen, John
Allen, John
Allen, John
Araya, Yoseph N.; Silvertown, Jonathan; Gowing, David J.; McConway, Kevin J.; Linder, H. Peter and Midgley, Guy
Banks, Mark
Banks, Mark and Milestone, Katie
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive; Cloke, Paul; Clarke, Nick and Malpass, Alice (2011). Globalizing Responsibility: The Political Rationalities of Ethical Consumption. RGS-IBG Book Series. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Barnett, Clive and Mahony, Nick (2011). Segmenting Publics. National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement, Bristol.
Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Dudley, Nigel and Harrop, Stuart R.
Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Ormsby, Alison A. and Rutte, Claudia
Boardman, Carl P.; Gauci, Vincent; Watson, Jonathan S.; Blake, Stephen and Beerling, David J.
Bornat, Joanna; Henry, Leroi and Raghuram, Parvati
Bornat, Joanna; Raghuram, Parvati and Henry, Leroi
Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie
Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie
Budds, Jessica
Bush, M. B.; Gosling, W. D. and Colinvaux, P. A.
Butcher, Melissa
Butcher, Melissa (2011). Managing Cultural Change: Reclaiming Synchronicity in a Mobile World. Global Connections. Farnham: Ashgate.
Byrne, Sarah; Clarke, Anne; Harrison, Rodney and Torrence, Robin eds. (2011). Unpacking the Collection: Networks of Material and Social Agency in the Museum. One World Archaeology. New York: Springer.
Byrne, Sarah; Clarke, Anne; Harrison, Rodney and Torrence, Robin
Campbell, Janet and Pile, Steve
Cárdenas, Macarena L.; Gosling, William D.; Sherlock, Sarah C.; Poole, Imogen; Pennington, R. Toby and Mothes, Patricia
Cárdenas, Macarena L.; Gosling, William D.; Sherlock, Sarah C.; Poole, Imogen; Pennington, R. Toby and Mothes, Patricia
Clark, Nigel (2011). Inhuman Nature: Sociable Life on a Dynamic Planet. Theory Culture & Society. London: Sage.
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Gauci, Vincent; Moore, Sam; Evans, Chris and Page, Susan
Gold, Margaret M. and Revill, George
Gosling, William D. and Holden, Philip B.
Gray, Neil and Mooney, Gerry
Green, S; Boardman, Carl; Baird, A and Gauci, Vincent (2011). Investigation of peatland restoration (grip blocking) techniques to achieve best outcomes for methane and greenhouse gas emissions/balance. Controlled Environment (Mesocosm) Experiment. Final Report to Defra. Project code SP1202. Defra.
Hanselman, Jennifer A.; Bush, Mark B.; Gosling, William D.; Collins, Aaron; Knox, Christopher; Baker, Paul A. and Fritz, Sheri C.
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Hazareesingh, Sandip (2011). Plants, power and productivity: the East India Company and cotton imperialism in early nineteenth-century India. Backdoor Broadcasting Company, London, UK.
Hetherington, Kevin
Hetherington, Kevin
Hinojosa, Leonith
Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith; Chumacero, Juan Pablo; Cortez, Guido and Bebbington, Anthony (2011). Dinamicas territoriales y formacion de territorios en contextos de expansion de industrias extractivas: Tarija Bolivia. Programa Dinamicas Territoriales Rurales; Rimisp-Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural, Santiago, Chile.
Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith and Hennermann, Karl (2011). La dimensión ambiental de las dinámicas territoriales rurales en contextos de expansión de industrias extractivas. Rimisp-Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural, Santiago, Chile.
Humphreys, David
Jehlička, Petr; Kostelecký, Tomáš and Kunštát, Daniel
Jehlicka, Petr and Smith, Joe
Johnson, Hazel; Pinder, Richard and Wilson, Gordon
Jones, Nikoleta
Jones, Nikoleta; Evangelinos, Konstantinos; Gaganis, Petros and Polyzou, Eugenia
Jones, Nikoleta; Halvadakis, Constantinos P. and Sophoulis, Costas M.
Jones, Nikoleta; Panagiotidou, Kalliopi; Spilanis, Ioannis; Evangelinos, Konstantinos I. and Dimitrakopoulos, Panayiotis G.
Jones, Nikoleta; Proikaki, Marina and Dimitrakopoulos, Panayiotis G.
Kesten, Jamie; Cochrane, Allan; Mohan, Giles and Neal, Sarah
MacKian, Sara
MacKian, Sara
Massey, Ashley; Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Porodong, Paul
Michalovà, Dana; Gilbert, Joanne C.; Lawson, Clare S.; Gowing, David J. G. and Marrs, Rob H.
Mooney, Gerry (2011). Stigmatising poverty? The ‘Broken Society’ and reflections on anti-welfarism in the UK today. Oxfam, Oxford.
Mooney, Gerry and Hancock, Lynn
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill
Moore, S.; Gauci, V.; Evans, C. D. and Page, S. E.
Murji, Karim and Neal, Sarah
Papaioannou, Theo
Papaioannou, Theo
Papaioannou, Theo
Pile, Steve
Pile, Steve
Pile, Steve
Pile, Steve
Polyzou, E.; Jones, N.; Evangelinos, K.I. and Halvadakis, C.P.
Pryke, Michael D.
Raghuram, Parvati; Bornat, Joanna and Henry, Leroi
Raghuram, Parvati and Piper, Nicola
Revill, George
Revill, George
Rogaten, Jekaterina; Moneta, Giovanni B and Spada, Marcantonio
Rose, Gillian (2011). Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to Researching with Visual Materials (3rd ed.). London: Sage.
Rose, Gillian
Rouquette, J.R.; Posthumus, H.; Morris, J.; Hess, T.M.; Dawson, Q.L. and Gowing, D.J.G.
Stevens, Carly; Duprè, Cecilia; Gaudnik, Cassandre; Dorland, Edu; Dise, Nancy; Gowing, David; Bleeker, Albert; Alard, Didier; Bobbink, Roland; Fowler, David; Vandvik, Vigdis; Corcket, Emmanuel; Mountford, J. Owen; Aarrestad, Per Arild; Muller, Serge and Diekmann, Martin
Talbot, Deborah
Tong, Chuan; Zhang, Linhai; Wang, Weiqi; Gauci, Vincent; Marrs, Rob; Liu, Baigui; Jia, Ruixia and Zeng, Congsheng
Triantis, Kostas A. and Bhagwat, Shonil A.
Tscharntke, Teja; Clough, Yann; Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Buchori, Damayanti; Faust, Heiko; Hertel, Dietrich; Hölscher, Dirk; Juhrbandt, Jana; Kessler, Michael; Perfecto, Ivette; Scherber, Christoph; Schroth, Götz; Veldkamp, Edzo and Wanger, Thomas C.
Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary
Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary
Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary
Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary
Watson, Sophie and Dodsworth, Francis
Williams, Joseph J.; Gosling, William D.; Brooks, Stephen J.; Coe, Angela L. and Xu, Sheng
Williams, Joseph J.; Gosling, William D.; Coe, Angela L.; Brooks, Stephen J. and Gulliver, Pauline
Williams, Joseph James
2010To Top
Croall, Hazel; Mooney, Gerry and Munro, Mary eds. (2010). Criminal Justice in Scotland. Abingdon: Routledge/Willan.
Mahony, Nick; Newman, Janet and Barnett, Clive eds. (2010). Rethinking the Public: Innovations in Research, Theory and Politics. Bristol: Policy Press.
Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary eds. (2010). The Blackwell City Reader (2nd ed.). Oxford: Blackwell.
Allen, John
Allen, John
Allen, John and Cochrane, Allan
Andersson, Matilda; Gillespie, Marie and Mackay, Hugh
Araya, Yoseph; Silvertown, Jonathan; Gowing, David; McConway, Kevin; Linder, Peter and Midgley, Guy
Araya, Yoseph N.; Gowing, David J. and Dise, Nancy
Asis, Maruja M. B.; Piper, Nicola and Raghuram, Parvati
Banks, Mark
Banks, Mark
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive
Bartelheimer, Maik; Gowing, David and Silvertown, Jonathan
Bernstein, Steven; Cashore, Benjamin; Eba'a Atyi, Richard; Maryudi, Ahmad; McGinley, Kathleen; Cadman, Tim; Gulbrandsen, Lars; Goehler, Daniela; Hogl, Karl; Humphreys, David; Kant, Shashi; Kozak, Robert; Levin, Kelly; McDermott, Constance; Purdon, Mark; Scher, Irene; Stone, Michael W; Tacconi, Luca and Yasmi, Yurdi
Birch, Kean; Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo
Boykoff, Max and Smith, Joe
Brandon, Mark and Smith, Jonathan
Brennan, John; Arthur, Lore; Little, Brenda; Cochrane, Allan; Williams, Ruth; Locke, William; Singh, Mala; David, Miriam; Kim, Terri and King, Roger (2010). Higher Education and Society: A research report. CHERI, London.
Budds, Jessica
Budds, Jessica
Bush, M. B.; Hanselman, J. A. and Gosling, W. D.
Butcher, Melissa
Butcher, Melissa
Butcher, Melissa and Harris, Anita
Campbell, Jan and Pile, Steve
Carmin, JoAnn and Jehlicka, Petr
Cashore, Benjamin; Galloway, Glenn; Cubbage, Frederick; Humphreys, David; Katila, Pia; Levin, Kelly; Maryudi, Ahmad; McDermott, Constance and McGinley, Kathleen
Clark, N. H.
Clark, Nigel
Clark, Nigel
Cloke, Paul; Barnett, Clive; Clarke, Nick and Malpass, Alice
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Croall, Hazel; Mooney, Gerry and Munro, Mary
Davenport, Deborah; Bulkan, Janette; Hajjar, Reem; Hardcastle, Patrick; Assembe Mvondo, Samuel; Eba'a Atyi, Richard; Humphreys, David and Maruudi, Ahmad
Degen, Monica; Rose, Gillian and Basdas, Begum
Dimitrakopoulos, Panayiotis G.; Jones, Nikoleta; Iosifides, Theodoros; Florokapi, Ioanna; Lasda, Ourania; Paliouras, Foivos and Evangelinos, Konstantinos I.
Dudley, Nigel; Bhagwat, Shonil; Higgins-Zogib, Liza; Lassen, Barbara; Verschuuren, Bas and Wild, Robert
Dupre, Cecilia; Stevens, Carly J.; Ranke, Traute; Bleeker, Albert; Peppler-Lisbach, Cord; Gowing, David J.; Dise, Nancy B.; Dorland, Edu; Bobbink, Roland and Diekmann, Martin
Edge, Dawn and MacKian, Sara C.
Erenler, H. E. and Gillman, M. P
Erenler, Hilary E.; Ashton, Paul A.; Gillman, Michael P. and Ollerton, Jeff
Ferguson, Rebecca; Harrison, Rodney and Weinbren, Daniel
Garcia, Claude A.; Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Ghazoul, Jaboury; Nath, Cheryl D.; Nanaya, Konerira M.; Kushalappa, Chepudira G.; Raghuramulu, Yenugula; Nasi, Robert and Vaast, Philippe
Gauci, Vincent; Gowing, David J. G.; Hornibrook, Edward R. C.; Davis, Joanna M. and Dise, Nancy B.
Gillespie, Marie; Herbert, David and Andersson, Matilda
Glück, Peter; Angelsen, Arild; Appelstrand, Marie; Assembe Mvondo, Samuel; Auld, Graeme; Hogl, Karl; Humphreys, David and Wildburger, Christoph
Harrison, Nicola; Delmelle, Pierre; Toet, Sylvia; Gauci, Vincent and Ineson, Phil
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney and Schofield, John (2010). After Modernity: Archaeological Approaches to the Contemporary Past. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.
Hetherington, Kevin
Hetherington, Kevin
Hinojosa, Leonith; Bebbington, Anthony; Barrientos, Armando and Addison, Tony (2010). State revenue and social policies in mineral-rich developing countries. United Nations Research Institute in Social Development-UNRISD, Geneva, Switzerland.
Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith and Bebbington, Anthony
Humphreys, David
Hutta, J. Simon
Jehlicka, Petr
Jones, N.; Evangelinos, K.; Halvadakis, C.P.; Iosifides, T. and Sophoulis, C.M.
Jones, Nikoleta
Jones, Nikoleta
Khan, Muhammad Siddiq and Bhagwat, Shonil A.
Lampert, Ben
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex; Mooney, Gerry and Helms, Gesa
MacKian, Sara and Goldring, John E.
McCafferty, Patricia and Mooney, Gerry
McDermott, Constance L.; Humphreys, David; Wildburger, Christoph and Wood, Peter
Miller, David and Mooney, Gerry
Mohan, Giles
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry; Croall, Hazel and Murno, Mary
Mooney, Gerry and Neal, Sarah
Moore, S.; Gauci, V.; Evans, C. D. and Page, S. E.
Moore, S.; Gauci, V.; Page, S.; Evans, C. and Limin, S.
Munro, Mary; Mooney, Gerry and Croall, Hazel
Ormsby, Alison A. and Bhagwat, Shonil A.
Papaioannou, Theo (2010). Robert Nozick's Moral and Political Theory: A Philosophical Critique of Libertarianism. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press.
Papaioannou, Theo
Payne, Richard; Gauci, Vincent and Charman, Dan J.
Pile, Steve
Pile, Steve
Posthumus, H.; Rouquette, J. R.; Morris, J.; Gowing, D. J. G. and Hess, T. M.
Power, Marcus and Mohan, Giles
Power, Marcus and Mohan, Giles
Pryke, Michael D.
Pykett, J.; Cloke, P.; Barnett, C.; Clarke, N. and Malpass, A.
Raghuram, Parvati; Henry, Leroi and Bornat, Joanna
Rayner, Jeremy; Humphreys, David; Perron Welch, Frederic; Prabhu, Ravi and Verkooijen, Patrick
Rose, Gillian (2010). Doing Family Photography: The Domestic, The Public and The Politics of Sentiment. Rematerialising Cultural Geography. Kent, UK: Ashgate.
Rose, Gillian; Degen, Monica and Basdas, Begum
Roumeliotis, Spyros and Jones, Nikoleta
Stevens, Carly; Duprè, Cecilia; Dorland, Edu; Gaudnik, Cassandre; Gowing, David J. G.; Bleeker, Albert; Diekmann, Martin; Alard, Didier; Bobbink, Roland; Fowler, David; Corcket, Emmanuel; Mountford, J. Owen; Vandvik, Vigdis; Aarrestad, Per Arild; Muller, Serge and Dise, Nancy B.
Stevens, Carly J.; Thompson, Ken; Grime, J. Philip; Long, Christopher J. and Gowing, David J. G.
Tan-Mullins, May; Mohan, Giles and Power, Marcus
Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary
Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary
Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary
Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary
Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary
Williams, Ruth and Cochrane, Allan (2010). The role of higher education in social and cultural transformation. Centre for Higher Education Research and Information, The Open University, London.
Willis, K. J.; Bailey, R. M.; Bhagwat, S. A. and Birks, H. J. B.
Willis, K. J. and Bhagwat, S. A.
Willis, Kathy J.; Bennett, Keith D.; Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Birks, H. John B.
2009To Top
Butcher, Melissa and Velayutham, Selvaraj eds. (2009). Dissent and Cultural Resistance in Asia's Cities. Routledge Contemporary Asia Series. UK: Routledge.
Dikec, Mustafa; Clark, Nigel and Barnett, Clive eds. (2009). Extending Hospitality: Giving Space, Taking Time. Paragraph Special Issues. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Fawssett, Susan; Hanlin, Rebecca; Le Mare, Ann; Papaioannou, Theodoros and Wilson, Gordon eds. (2009). Introducing Development. Milton Keynes: Open University Worldwide.
Lyall, Catherine; Papaioannou, Theo and Smith, James eds. (2009). The limits to governance: The challenge of policy-making for the new life sciences. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
Mooney, Gerry and Neal, Sarah eds. (2009). Community: Welfare, Crime and Society. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.
Muncie, John; Talbot, Deborah and Walters, Reece eds. (2009). Crime: Local and global. Uffculme: Willan Publishing.
Agyeman, Julian and Neal, Sarah
Allen, John
Annetts, Jason; Law, Alex; McNeish, Wallace and Mooney, Gerry (2009). Understanding social welfare movements. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Banks, Mark
Banks, Mark and Hesmondhalgh, David
Banks, Mark and O'Connor, Justin
Barnett, Clive
Barrientos, Armando and Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith (2009). A review of social protection in Latin America. Centre for Social Protection - IDS, Sussex.
Bhagwat, Shonil A.
Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Palmer, Martin
Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Willis, Katherine J.
Binney, Heather A.; Willis, Katherine J.; Edwards, Mary E.; Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Anderson, Patricia M.; Andreev, Andrei A.; Blaauw, Maarten; Damblon, Freddy; Haesaerts, Paul; Kienast, Frank; Kremenetski, Konstantin V.; Krivonogov, Sergey K.; Lozhkin, Anatoly V.; MacDonald, Glen M.; Novenko, Elena Y.; Oksanen, Pirita; Sapelko, Tatiana V.; Väliranta, Minna and Vazhenina, Ludmila
Bornat, Joanna; Henry, Leroi and Raghuram, Parvati
Budds, Jessica
Budds, Jessica
Butcher, Melissa
Butcher, Melissa
Butcher, Melissa and Velayutham, Selvaraj
Clark, Norman; Chataway, Joanna; Hanlin, Rebecca; Kale, Dinar; Kaplinsky, Raphael; Muraguri, Lois; Papaioannou, Theo; Robbins, Peter and Wamae, Watu (2009). Below the radar: What does innovation in the Asian driver economies have to offer other low income economies. Economic and Social Research Council.
Cochrane, Allan
Cooke, David; Gillman, Michael; Humphreys, David and Wilson, Gordon
Dikeç, Mustafa; Clark, Nigel and Barnett, Clive
Dise, N. B.; Rothwell, J. J.; Gauci, V.; van der Salm, C. and de Vries, W.
Divall, Colin and Revill, George
Evangelinos, Konstantinos I. and Jones, Nikoleta
Evangelinos, Konstantinos I.; Jones, Nikoleta and Panoriou, Eugenia M.
Gilbert, Joanne; Gowing, David and Wallace, Hilary
Gillespie, Marie; Rizvi, Sadaf; Andersson, Matilda; Michael, Lucy and West, Sophie (2009). Pakistan connection: diasporas at the BBC World Service. Open University & BBC World Service Confidential Report.
Gillman, M. P. and Erenler, H. E.
Gillman, Michael
Gillman, Mike (2009). An Introduction to Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution: Time and Space (2nd rev.ed.). Ecological Methods & Concepts. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd..
Gosling, William D.; Hanselman, Jennifer A.; Knox, Christoper; Valencia, Bryan G. and Bush, Mark B.
Gosling, William D.; Mayle, Francis E.; Tate, Nicholas J. and Killeen, Timothy J.
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney and Schofield, John
Harrison, Rodney and Schofield, John (2009). Special Issue: Archae-ethnography, Auto-archaeology: Introducing Archaeologies of the Contemporary Past. Springer.
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Hazareesingh, Sandip and Curry-Machado, Jonathan
Hinchliffe, Stephen; Oreszczyn, Sue and Levidow, Les
Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith
Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith
Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith; Chumacero, Juan Pablo and Chumacero, Mauricio (2009). Dinámicas provinciales de bienestar en Bolivia. Rimisp-Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural, Santiago, Chile.
Humphreys, David
Humphreys, David
Humphreys, David
Humphreys, David
Humphreys, David
Hutta, J. Simon
Jehlicka, Petr
Johnson, Hazel and Wilson, Gordon
Johnson, Hazel and Wilson, Gordon (2009). Learning for Development. Development Matters. London: Zed Books.
Jones, Nikoleta; Malesios, Chrisovaladis and Botetzagias, Iosif
Jones, Nikoleta; Sophoulis, Costas M.; Iosifides, Theodoros; Botetzagias, Iosif and Evangelinos, Konstantinos
Jordan, Tim
Kalusová, Veronika; Le Duc, Michael G.; Gilbert, Joanne C.; Lawson, Clare S.; Gowing, David J. G. and Marrs, Rob H.
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Chataway, Jo; Hanlin, Rebecca; Clark, Norman; Kale, Dinar; Muraguri, Lois; Papaioannou, Theo; Robbins, Peter and Wamae, Watu
Kofman, Eleonore and Raghuram, Parvati (2009). The Implications of Migration for Gender and Care Regimes in the South. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Geneva.
Lampert, Ben
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Lyall, Catherine; Papaioannou, Theo and Smith, James
Lyall, Catherine; Papaioannou, Theo and Smith, James
MacKian, Sara
Madge, Clare; Raghuram, Parvati and Noxolo, Patricia
Marchant, R.; Cleef, A.; Harrison, S. P.; Hooghiemstra, H.; Markgraf, V.; van Boxel, J.; Ager, T.; Almedia, L.; Anderson, R.; Baied, C.; Behling, H.; Berrio, J. C.; Burbridge, R.; Bjorck, S.; Byrne, R.; Bush, M.; Duivenvoorden, J.; Flenley, J.; de Oliveria, P.; van Geel, B.; Graf, K.; Gosling, W. D.; Harberle, S.; van der Hammen, T.; Hansen, B.; Horn, S.; Kuhry, P.; Ledru, M.-P.; Mayle, F.; Leyden, B.; Lozano-Garcia, S.; Melief, A. M.; Moreno, P.; Moar, N. T.; Priesto, A.; van Reenen, G.; Salgado-Labouriau, M.; Schabitz, F.; Schreve-Brinkman, E. J. and Wille, M.
Matthews, Elaine; Gauci, Vincent; Nilsson, Mats and Prigent, Catherine
Mohan, G.
Mohan, Giles and Power, Marcus
Mohan, Giles and Tan-Mullins, May
Mooney, Gerry and Wright, Sharon
Mooney, G.; Morelli, C. and Seaman, P.
Mooney, G. and Wright, S.
Mooney, Gerry
Moore, Samuel; Gauci, Vincent; Gosling, William; Page, Susan and Evans, Chris
Morris, Joseph; Posthumus, Helena; Hess, Timothy; Gowing, David and Rouquette, James
Muncie, John; Talbot, Deborah and Walters, Reece
Neal, Sarah (2009). Rural Identities: Ethnicity and Community in the Contemporary English Countryside. Farnham: Ashgate.
Neal, Sarah and McLaughlin, Eugene
Papaioannou, Theo
Papaioannou, Theo
Papaioannou, Theo and Rosiello, Alessandro
Papaioannou, Theo; Wield, David and Chataway, Joanna
Papaioannou, Theo; Yanacopulos, Helen and Aksoy, Zuhre
Peake, Stephen and Smith, Joe (2009). Climate Change: From Science to Sustainability. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Pile, Steve
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati; Bornat, Joanna and Henry, Leroi
Raghuram, Parvati; Madge, Clare and Noxolo, Pat
Rodgers, Scott; Barnett, Clive and Cochrane, Allan
Rodgers, Scott; Barnett, Clive and Cochrane, Allan
Rodgers, Scott
Rose, Gillian
Rose, Gillian; Basdas, Begum and Degen, Monica
Rouquette, J. R.; Posthumus, H.; Gowing, D. J. G.; Tucker, G.; Dawson, Q. L.; Hess, T. M. and Morris, J.
Scott, Dianne and Barnett, Clive
Stevens, C. J.; Maskell, L. C.; Smart, S. M.; Caporn, S. J. M.; Dise, N. B. and Gowing, D. J. G.
Stevens, Carly J.; Dise, Nancy B. and Gowing, David J.
Talbot, Deborah
Tyszczuk, Renata and Smith, Joe
Watson, Sophie
Watson, Sophie
Watson, Sophie
Willis, Kathy J. and Bhagwat, Shonil A.
Yanacopulos, Helen
Zoomers, A.; Rivera-Salgado, G.; Asis, M.; Piper, N.; Raghuram, P.; Awumbila, M.; Manuh, T. and Schapendonk, J.
2008To Top
Carter, Simon; Jordan, Tim and Watson, Sophie eds. (2008). Security: Sociology and social worlds. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
Fairclough, Graham; Harrison, Rodney; Jameson, John H. and Schofield, John eds. (2008). The Heritage Reader. New York: Routledge.
Hetherington, Kevin and Cronin, Anne eds. (2008). Consuming the entrepreneurial city: Image, memory, spectacle. New York: Routledge.
Horrell, Sara; Johnson, Hazel and Mosley, Paul eds. (2008). Work, Female Empowerment and Economic Development. Routledge Studies in Development Economics. London, UK: Routledge.
Allen, John
Allen, John
Allen, John
Anderson, Sarah J.; Conrad, Kelvin F.; Gillman, Mike P.; Woiwod, Ian P. and Freeland, Joanna R.
Araya, Y. N.; Silvertown, J.; Linder, H. P; Gowing, D. J.; Midgley, G. F. and McConway, K. J.
Barnett, C.; Clarke, N.; Cloke, P. and Malpass, A.
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive
Bebbington, Anthony; Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith; Humphreys Bebbington, Denise; Burneo, Maria Luisa and Warnaars, Ximena
Bhagwat, Shonil; Willis, Katherine J.; Birks, H. John B. and Whittaker, Robert J.
Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Willis, Katherine J.
Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Willis, Katherine J.
Bingham, Nick
Bingham, Nick; Enticott, Gareth and Hinchliffe, Stephen
Bingham, Nick and Hinchliffe, Stephen
Bingham, Nick and Hinchliffe, Steve
Boardman, C.; Gauci, V. and Beerling, D.
Budds, Jessica
Butcher, Melissa
Clark, Nigel
Clarke, Nick; Cloke, Paul; Barnett, Clive and Malpass, Alice
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Degen, Monica; DeSilvey, Caitlin and Rose, Gillian
Gauci, V. and Wallage, Z. E.
Gauci, Vincent (2008). Methane (CH4) flux data for Moidach More. Years 1997 - 1998. National Centre for Ecolocigal Analysis and Synthesis.
Gauci, Vincent; Blake, Stephen; Stevenson, David S. and Highwood, Eleanor J.
Gauci, Vincent; Dise, Nancy B.; Howell, Graham and Jenkins, Meaghan E.
Gibbs, Martin and Harrison, Rodney
Gillman, Michael and Erenler, Hilary
Goldring, J.; Bellaby, P. and MacKian, S. (2008). Health Literacy and the Framing of Health Messages in the Gay Community. Final Report to ESRC. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
Gosling, William D.; Bush, Mark B.; Hanselman, Jennifer A. and Chepstow-Lusty, Alex
Gowing, David; Wallace, Hilary; Prosser, Mike and Dodd, Michael (2008). Nutrient Analysis of the Oxford Floodplain Meadows. Research Report by The Open University for Black and Veatch/Environment Agency.
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney; Fairclough, Graham; Jameson, John H. and Schofield, John
Harrison, Rodney; Gibbs, Martin; Burke, Shane; Przywolnik, Kathryn and Sellers, Annette
Herbst, Mathias; Rosier, Paul T. W.; McNeil, David D.; Harding, Richard J. and Gowing, David J.
Herbst, Mathias; Rosier, Paul T. W.; Morecroft, Michael D. and Gowing, David J.
Hetherington, Kevin
Hickey, Samuel and Mohan, Giles
Hinchliffe, Stephen and Bingham, Nick
Hinchliffe, Stephen and Bingham, Nick
Hinchliffe, Steve
Humphreys, David
Humphreys, David
Jehlička, Petr
Jones, Nikoleta; Malesios, Chrisovaladis; Iosifides, Theodoros and Sophoulis, Costas M.
Jones, Nikoleta; Sophoulis, Costas M. and Malesios, Chrisovaladis
Jordan, Timothy (2008). Hacking: Digital Media and Technological Determinism. Digital Media and Society. Cambridge, UK: Polity.
Jordan, Timothy
MacKian, Sara C.
MacKian, Sara C.
Massey, Doreen
Massey, Doreen
Merriman, Peter; Revill, George; Cresswell, Tim; Lorimer, Hayden; Matless, David; Rose, Gillian and Wylie, John
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles and Power, Marcus
Mohan, Giles and Stokke, Kristian
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry; Scott, Gill and Mulvey, Gareth
Neal, Sarah and Walters, Sue
Noxolo, Pat; Raghuram, Parvati and Madge, Clare
Papaioannou, T.; Antal, D.; Borsi, B.; Bergenholtz, C.; Berndt, T.; Dam, H.; Duras, V.; Dziemianowicz, W.; Filacek, A.; Hochgerner, J.; Katzy, B.; Kedro, M.; Kerdova, M.; Kolenka, B.; Kostka, M.; Lindgren, P.; Loudin, J.; Mensink, W.; Nyiry, A.; Papanek, G.; Pasterz, T.; Readman, J.; Rush, H.; Sedova, M.; Szlachta, J.; Tydlackova, K.; Udvardi, A.; Viszt, E.; Walczyk, K.; Wyrwa, D. and Zaleski, J. (2008). Regional Innovation and Research Policy Outlook: Policy Practices in Eight European Regions. GKI Economic Research Co., Budapest.
Papaioannou, Theo
Papaioannou, Theo
Papaioannou, Theo
Peachey, Anna and Yanacopulos, Helen
Pile, Steve
Posthumus, H.; Rouquette, J. R.; Morris, J.; Hess, T. M.; Gowing, D. J. and Dawson, Q. L.
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati; Sahoo, Ajay; Maharaj, Brij and Sangha, Dave eds. (2008). Tracing an Indian Diaspora: Contexts, Memories, Representations. London, New Delhi: Sage.
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati
Robinson, Jennifer
Smith, Joe (2008). Mihin uskovat vihreät. Beliefs series. Keuruu: Otava Publishing Company.
Thompson, J. R.; Gavin, H.; Refsgaard, A.; Refstrup Sørenson, H. and Gowing, D. J.
Watson, Sophie
Watson, Sophie
Watson, Sophie
Williams, Charlotte and Mooney, Gerry
2007To Top
McKendrick, John H.; Mooney, Gerry; Dickie, John and Kelly, Peter eds. (2007). Poverty in Scotland 2007. London, UK: Child Poverty Action Group.
Mooney, Gerry and Law, Alex eds. (2007). New Labour/hard labour?: Restructuring and resistance inside the welfare industry. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Allen, John
Allen, John and Cochrane, Allan
Banks, Mark (2007). The politics of cultural work. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
Barnett, Clive and Land, David
Barnett, Clive and Scott, Diane
Barnett, Clive and Scott, Dianne
Bebbington, Anthony and Hinojosa-Valencia, Leonith
Bhagwat, Shonil (2007). Church forests in Ethiopia: The Author Replies. In Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Ecological Society of America.
Bush, Mark B.; Silman, Miles R.; de Toledo, Mauro B.; Listopad, Claudio; Gosling, William D.; Williams, Christopher; de Oliveira, Paula E. and Krisel, Carolyn
Clark, Nigel
Clark, Nigel
Clark, Nigel
Clarke, Nick; Barnett, Clive; Cloke, Paul and Malpass, Alice
Clarke, Nick; Barnett, Clive; Cloke, Paul and Malpass, Alice
Cochrane, Allan (2007). Understanding urban policy: A critical approach. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Cochrane, Allan and Etherington, David
Dodge, Martin; Jayne, Mark; Perkins, Chris; MacKian, Sara and Smyth, Fiona (2007). EBL from the very first day: developing new senses of place. University of Manchester, Manchester.
Donnachie, Ian and Mooney, Gerry
Gillman, Michael
Gosling, William D. and Bunting, M. Jane
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Hazareesingh, Sandip (2007). The colonial city and the challenge of modernity: urban hegemonies and civic contestations in Bombay city (1900-1925). Orient Longman.
Hazareesingh, Sandip (2007). Chasing commodities over the surface of the globe: shipping, port development and the making of networks between Glasgow and Bombay, c.1850-1880. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Hazareesingh, Sandip (2007). The colonial city and the challenge of modernity: Urban hegemonies and civic contestations in Bombay (1900-1925). New Perspectives in South Asian History, 18. Andhra Pradesh, India: Orient Longman.
Herbst, Mathias; Roberts, John M.; Rosier, Paul T. W and Gowing, David J.
Herbst, Mathias; Roberts, John M.; Rosier, Paul T. W.; Taylor, Michèle E. and Gowing, David J.
Hetherington, Kevin
Hetherington, Kevin (2007). Capitalism's eye: cultural spaces of the commodity. London, UK: Routledge.
Hinchliffe, Stephen (2007). Geographies of nature: societies, environments, ecologies. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
Hinchliffe, Stephen; Kearnes, Matthew B.; Degen, Monica and Whatmore, Sarah
Humphreys, David; Gosens, Jorrit; Jackson, Michael J.; Plasmeijer, Anouska; van Betuw, Wouter and Mohren, Frits
Jehlicka, Petr and Smith, Joe
Johnson, Hazel
Johnson, Hazel and Thomas, Alan
Johnson, Hazel and Thomas, Alan
Johnston, Charlie and Mooney, Gerry
Jones, N.; Malesios, C. and Sophoulis, C. M.
Jones, Nikoleta; Malessios, Chrisovaladis and Botetzagias, Iosif
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Malpass, A.; Barnett, C.; Clarke, N. and Cloke, P.
Malpass, Alice; Cloke, Paul; Barnett, Clive and Clarke, Nick
Massey, Doreen (2007). World city. UK: Polity Press.
Massey, Doreen
Massey, Doreen and Meegan, Richard
McCafferty, Tricia and Mooney, Gerry
McLaughlin, Eugene and Neal, Sarah
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles and Mawdsley, Emma
Mohan, Giles and Yanacopulos, Helen
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry and Law, Alex
Mooney, Gerry and McCafferty, Tricia
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Adam
Neal, Sarah and Walters, Sue
Papaioannou, Theo; Wield, David and Chataway, Joanna
Papaioannou, Theodoros
Popay, Jennie; Kowarzik, Ute; Mallinson, Sara; MacKian, Sara and Barker, Jacqui
Popay, Jennie; Kowarzik, Ute; Mallinson, Sara; MacKian, Sara and Barker, Jacqui
Pryke, Michael
Pryke, Michael and du Gay, Paul
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati and Madge, Clare
Revill, George
Rose, Gillian
Sarre, Philip and Jehlicka, Petr
Sarre, Philip
Smith, Joe; Clark, Nigel and Yusoff, Kathryn
Smith, Jonathan and Jehlicka, Petr
Talbot, Deborah (2007). Regulating the night: race, culture and exclusion in the making of the night-time economy. Re-materialising cultural geography. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Talbot, Deborah and Böse, Martina
Urry, John; Dingwall, Robert; Gough, Ian; Omerod, Paul; Massey, Doreen; Scott, John and Thrift, Nigel
Wilson, Gordon and Johnson, Hazel
Yanacopulos, Helen and Baillie Smith, Matt
2006To Top
Hickey, Samuel and Mohan, Giles eds. (2006). Participation - from tyranny to transformation?: Exploring new approaches to participation in development. UK: Zed Books.
Mooney, Gerry; Sweeney, Tony and Law, Alex eds. (2006). Social Care, Health and Welfare in Contemporary Scotland. Paisley: Kynoch and Blaney.
Neal, Sarah and Agyeman, Julian eds. (2006). The new countryside? Ethnicity, nation and exclusion in contemporary rural Britain. Bristol: The Policy Press.
Yanacopulos, Helen and Hanlon, Joseph eds. (2006). Civil war, civil peace. Oxford, UK: James Currey Publishers.
Allen, John
Banks, Mark
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive
Bhagwat, Shonil A. and Rutte, Claudia
Bingham, Nick
Bush, M.B.; Gosling, W.D. and Colinvaux, P.A.
Butcher, Melissa
Butcher, Melissa and Thomas, Mandy
Caddell, Martha and Yanacopulos, Helen
Clark, Nigel
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Cochrane, Allan
Gauci, V.; Dise, N. B. and Howell, G.
Gauci, Vincent and Chapman, Stephen J.
Gunderson, P.; Berg, B.; Currie, W. S.; Dise, N. B.; Emmett, B. A.; Gauci, V.; Holmberg, M.; Kjonaas, O. J.; Mol-Dijkstra, J.; van der Salm, C.; Schmidt, I. K.; Tietema, A.; Wessel, W. W.; Vestgarden, L. S.; Akselsson, C.; De Vries, W.; Forsius, M.; Kros, H.; Matzner, E.; Moldan, F.; Nadelhoffer, K. J.; Nilsson, L. -O.; Reinds, G. J.; Rosengren, U.; Stuanes, A. O. and Wright, R. F. (2006). Carbon - Nitrogen Interactions in Forest Ecosystems - Final Report. Forest & Landscape Working Papers 17; Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, Denmark.
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Rodney
Harrison, Stephan; Massey, Doreen and Richards, Keith
Hetherington, Kevin
Hetherington, Kevin
Hinchliffe, Steve and Whatmore, Sarah
Humphreys, David (2006). Logjam: Deforestation and the crisis of global governance. Earthscan Forestry Library. London: Earthscan Publications Ltd.
Johnson, Hazel and Wilson, Gordon
Johnson, Hazel and Wilson, Gordon
Kofman, Eleonore and Raghuram, Parvati
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Mallinson, Sara; Popay, Jennie; Kowarzik, Ute and MacKian, Sara
Massey, Doreen
Massey, Doreen
Massey, Doreen
Massey, Doreen
Mohan, Giles
Mohan, Giles
Mooney, G.
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry and Fyfe, Nick
Mooney, Gerry; Scott, Gill and Williams, Charlotte
Mooney, Gerry; Sweeney, Tricia and Law, Alex
Mooney, Gerry and Williams, Charlotte
Neal, Sarah and Agyeman, Julian
Neal, Sarah and Walters, Sue
Papaioannou, Theodoros
Papaioannou, Theodoros; Rush, Howard and Bessant, John
Parnell, Susan and Robinson, Jenny
Pile, Steve
Poole, Lynne and Mooney, Gerry
Pryke, Michael
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati
Raghuram, Parvati and Madge, Clare
Revill, George
Rose, G.
Rose, Gillian (2006). Visual methodologies: an introduction to interpreting visual materials. 2nd edition. UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Rose, Gillian
Silvertown, Jonathan; Dodd, Mike; Gowing, David; Lawson, Clare and McConway, Kevin
Silvertown, Jonathan; McConway, Kevin; Gowing, David; Dodd, Mike; Fay, Michael F.; Joseph, Jeffrey A. and Dolphin, Konrad
Smith, Joe (2006). What do Greens believe? What Do We Believe. London, UK: Granta.
Smith, Joe; Edge, Lucy and Morris, Vanessa (2006). Reflecting the real world?: How British TV portrayed developing countries in 2005. London, UK: International Broadcasting Trust.
Stevens, C. J.; Dise, N. B.; Gowing, D. J. G. and Mountford, J. O.
Talbot, Deborah
Watson, Sophie (2006). City publics: the (dis)enchantments of urban encounters. Questioning Cities. UK: Routledge.
Watson, Sophie and Studdert, David (2006). Markets as sites for social interaction : spaces of diversity. Bristol: Policy Press.
Welch, A.R.; Gillman, M.P. and John, E.A.
Whalley, W.R.; Clark, L.J.; Gowing, D.J.G.; Cope, R.E.; Lodge, R.J. and Leeds-Harrison, P.B.
Yanacopulos, Helen and Mohan, Giles
2005To Top
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill eds. (2005). Exploring social policy in the ‘New’ Scotland. The Policy Press.
Banks, Mark
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive; Cafaro, Philip and Newholm, Terry
Barnett, Clive; Clarke, Nick; Cloke, Paul and Malpass, Alice
Barnett, Clive; Cloke, Paul; Clarke, Nick and Malpass, Alice
Barnett, Clive
Barnett, Clive
Battista, Kathy; LaBelle, Brandon; Penner, Barbara; Pile, Steve and Rendell, Jane
Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Kushalappa, Cheppudira G.; Williams, Paul A. and Brown, Nick D.
Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Kushalappa, Cheppudira G.; Williams, Paul H. and Brown, Nick D.
Bingham, Nick
Birnie, Jacky; Madge, Clare; Pain, Rachel; Raghuram, Parvati and Rose, Gillian