Currently browsing: Harm and Evidence Research Collaborative (HERC)
2024To Top
Cooper, Victoria and McCulloch, Daniel (2024). The UK government aims to stop publishing stats on homeless people’s deaths – here’s why that’s a problem. The Conversation.
Dimou, Eleni; Boukli, Avi and Papanikolaou, Georgios
Hagley-Dickinson, Lystra
Scott, David
Taylor, Olivia Elizabeth Vere; Philpot, Richard; Fitton, Oliver; Walkington, Zoe and Levine, Mark
2023To Top
Dimou, Eleni; Downes, Leigh; McCulloch, Daniel and Speed, Carly eds. (2023). Researching Current Issues in Criminology. Milton Keynes: The Open University.
Levell, Jade; Young, Tara and Earle, Rod eds. (2023). Exploring Urban Youth Culture Outside of the Gang Paradigm: Critical Questions of Youth, Gender and Race On-Road. UK: Bristol University Press (In Press).
Cooper, Vickie and McCulloch, Daniel
Cooper, Vickie and McCulloch, Daniel
Darley, Danica; Davies, Bill; Earle, Rod; Honeywell, David and Schreeche-Powell, Ed
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod; Darley, Danica; Davies, Bill; Honeywell, David and Schreeche-Powell, Ed
Earle, Rod; Parmar, Alpa and Phillips, Coretta
Harvey, Joel and Drake, Deborah H.
Havard, Catriona; Breese, Emily; Thirkettle, Martin; Kask, Kristjan; Leol, Kris-Loreen and Mädamürk, Kaja
Minhas, Rashid and Frumkin, Lara
Parmar, Alpa; Earle, Rod and Phillips, Coretta
Scott, D. and Sim, J.
Sim, Joe and Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Williams, Chris A
2022To Top
Ayres, Tammy and Taylor, Stuart
Cooper, Vickie and Whyte, David
Edwards, Julian and Buckley, Paul
Mooney, Gerry and Morelli, Carlo
Parmar, Alp; Earle, Rod and Phillips, Coretta
2021To Top
Canning, Victoria and Tombs, Steve (2021). From Social Harm to Zemiology: A Critical Introduction. New Directions in Critical Criminology. London: Routledge.
Canning, Victoria and Tombs, Steve
Cooper, Vickie and Paton, Kirsteen
Coyle, Michael J. and Scott, David
Drake, Deborah H. and Scott, David
Elphick, Camilla; Philpot, Richard; Zhang, Min; Stuart, Avelie; Pike, Graham; Strathie, Ailsa; Havard, Catriona; Walkington, Zoe; Frumkin, Lara; Levine, Mark; Price, Blaine; Bandara, Arosha and Nuseibeh, Bashar
Hartles, Sharon and McCulloch, Daniel (2021). Brexit, migration and homelessness: the new terrain. In HERC blog HERC.
Havard, Catriona
Kelly-Corless, Laura and McCulloch, Daniel (2021). Why deaf prisoners have been in a state of lockdown since well before COVID-19. In The Conversation The Conversation.
McCulloch, Daniel and Cooper, Victoria (2021). Lessons from Covid-19: It’s time for a radical approach to homelessness and housing policies. OpenLearn.
McCulloch, Daniel and Westmarland, Louise
Mooney, Gerry and Ferguson, Iain
Scott, David
Tombs, Steve
2020To Top
Copson, Lynne and Boukli, Avi
Earle, Rod (2020). Degrees of Freedom - prison education at The Open University. In Discover Society Discover Society.
Earle, Rod and Davies, Bill
Edwards, Julian and Billsberry, Jon
Edwards, Julian and Buckley, Paul
McCulloch, Daniel (2020). Critical reflections on participatory visual methods and voice. In The Sociological Review Online The Sociological Review, May 2020.
Scott, D.
Scott, David
Scott, David (2020). For Abolition: Essays on Prisons and Socialist Ethics. Waterside Press.
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
2019To Top
Boukli, Avi and Copson, Lynne
Boukli, Avi and Papanicolaou, Georgios
Boukli, Avi and Renz, Flora
Cooper, Vickie
Downes, Julia
Downes, Julia; Kelly, Liz and Westmarland, Nicole
Fransman, Jude and Newman, Kate
Havard, Catriona; Richter, Stephanie and Thirkettle, Martin
Hebert, Jasmine; Bittle, Steve and Tombs, Steve
Lawrence, Paul
McCulloch, Daniel (2019). When does sleeping rough not count as sleeping rough? Harm and Evidence Research Collaborative.
McCulloch, Daniel
Morales, Andrés
Pearce, Frank and Tombs, Steve (2019). Toxic Capitalism: corporate crime and the chemical industry. London: Routledge.
Pike, Graham
Pike, Graham; Brace, Nicola; Turner, Jim; Ness, Hayley and Vredeveldt, Annelies
Pike, Graham E.; Brace, Nicola A.; Turner, Jim and Vredeveldt, Annelies
Scott, David
Sheehy, Kieron; Budiyanto; Kaye, Helen and Khofidotur, Rofiah
Tombs, Steve
Walkington, Zoe; Pike, Graham; Strathie, Ailsa; Havard, Catriona; Harrison, Virginia and Ness, Hayley
Weinberg, Charlotte and Drake, Deborah H.
2018To Top
Bittle, Steve; Snider, Laureen; Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David eds. (2018). Revisiting Crimes of the Powerful: Marxism, Crime and Deviance. London: Routledge.
Boukli, Avi and Kotzé, Justin eds. (2018). Zemiology: reconnecting crime and social harm. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Boukli, Avi and Renz, Flora
Briggs, Gemma F. and
Budiyanto; Sheehy, Kieron; Kaye, Helen and Rofiah, Khofidotur
Canning, Victoria
Cooper, Vickie and Paton, Kirsteen
Crone, Rosalind
Drake, Deborah H. and Scott, David
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod; Phillips, Coretta and Parmar, Alpa
McCulloch, Daniel (2018). Do participatory visual methods give voice? ESRC National Centre for Research Methods.
McCulloch, Daniel (2018). Understanding poverty using visual participatory methods: can it work? ESRC National Centre for Research Methods.
McGlynn, Clare and Downes, Julia
Mooney, Gerry and McCall, Vikki
Pike, Graham and Clark, Clifford
Pike, Graham and Gore, Hannah
Pike, Graham; Westmarland, Louise; Conway, Steve and Rowe, Michael
Rusoja, Evan; Haynie, Deson; Sievers, Jessica; Mustafee, Navonil; Nelson, Fred; Reynolds, Martin; Sarriot, Eric; Swanson, Robert Chad and Williams, Bob
Scott, David (2018). Against Imprisonment: An Anthology of Abolitionist Essays. Waterside Press.
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Westmarland, Louise and Rowe, Michael
2017To Top
Cooper, Vickie and Whyte, David eds. (2017). The Violence of Austerity. London: Pluto Press.
Vossler, Andreas; Havard, Catriona; Pike, Graham; Barker, Meg-John and Raabe, Bianca eds. (2017). Mad or Bad? A Critical Approach to Counselling and Forensic Psychology. Sage.
Bissell, Christopher and Boukli, Avi (2017). How the last man to see Sylvia Plath alive was punished for his quiet homosexuality. In The Conversation The Conversation, London.
Briggs, Gemma and Turner, Jim (2017). To see or not to see? The effectiveness of seen and unseen exams and end of module assessments in level 2 psychology modules. OU Scholarship Exchange.
Canning, Victoria (2017). Gendered Harm and Structural Violence in the British Asylum System. Routledge Studies in Criminal Justice, Borders and Citizenship. London: Routledge.
Canning, Victoria
Cooper, Vickie
Cooper, Vickie and Paton, Kirsteen
Cooper, Vickie and Whyte, David
Cooper, Victoria and McCulloch, Daniel (2017). Britain's dark history of criminalising homeless people in public spaces. The Conversation.
Crone, Rosalind
Downes, Julia
Earle, Rod (2017). Anti-racist criminology? A recall. HERC, HERC.
Earle, Rod
Enciso Domínguez, Giazú; Pujol, Juan; Motzkau, Johanna F. and Popper, Miroslav
Havard, Catriona
Havard, Catriona; Laybourn, Phyllis and Klecha, Barbara
Havard, Catriona; Memon, Amina and Humphries, Joyce E.
Havard, Catriona and Watson, Katherine D.
Lawrence, Paul
Mansfield, Maureen and Cooper, Vickie
McCulloch, Dan
McCulloch, Daniel (2017). Austerity’s impact on rough sleeping and violence. Harm and Evidence Research Collaborative.
McGlynn, Clare; Downes, Julia and Westmarland, Nicole
Mehigan, James (2017). Legal aid cuts prevent the police from being held accountable for their actions. The Conversation.
Motzkau, Johanna F. and Clinch, Megan
Paton, Kirsteen and Cooper, Vickie
Paton, Kirsteen; McCall, Vikki and Mooney, Gerry
Stenner, Paul; Greco, Monica and Motzkau, Johanna
Turner, Jim and Briggs, Gemma (2017). Using third-party audio-visual materials in module production: learning design, cost effectiveness and student satisfaction on DD210 and DE200. OU Scholarship Exchange.
Vossler, Andreas; Havard, Catriona; Barker, Meg-John; Pike, Graham; Raabe, Bianca and Walkington, Zoe
Wager, Nadia and Pike, Graham
Westmarland, Louise
2016To Top
Mooney, Gerry; McKendrick, John; Scott, Gill; Dickie, Peter and McHardy, Fiona eds. (2016). Poverty in Scotland 2016: Tools for Transformation. Poverty in Scotland. London: Child Poverty Action Group.
Benton, Christopher P.; Thirkettle, Martin and Scott-Samuel, Nicholas E.
Boukli, Evi and Kotzé, Justin
Bouklis, Paraskevi S.
Briggs, Gemma; Turner, Jim and Pike, Graham
Briggs, Gemma F.; Hole, Graham J. and Land, Michael F.
Canning, Victoria
Cooper, V.
Cooper, Vickie
Cooper, Victoria
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
Downes, Julia; Hanson, Karis and Hudson, Rebecca (2016). Salvage: Gendered Violence in Activist Communities. Footprinters Workers Co-op, Leeds.
Earle, Rod (2016). Convict Criminology - Inside and Out. New Horizons in Criminology. UK: Policy Press.
Earle, Rod
Edwards, Julian and Buckley, Paul
Erel, Umut; Murji, Karim and Nahaboo, Zaki
Fergusson, Ross (2016). Young people, welfare and crime: governing non-participation. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Harrison, Virginia and Mackenzie Ross, Sarah
Havard, Catriona; Humphries, Joyce and Memon, Amina
Kent, Gabi
Lawrence, Paul
Lay, Stephanie; Brace, Nicola; Pike, Graham and Pollick, Frank
Mackenzie Ross, Sarah and Harrison, Virginia
McCulloch, Daniel (2016). Homelessness in our towns and cities: policing disorder? The Open University, Milton Keynes.
McKendrick, John H.; Asenova, Darina; McCann, Claire; Reynolds, Rebecca; Egan, James; Hastings, Annette; Mooney, Gerry and Sinclair, Stephen
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill
Murji, Karim and Solomos, John
Paton, Kirsteen and Cooper, Vickie
Rowe, Abigail
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David with Bell, Emma; Gilmore, Joanna; Gosling, Helena; Moore, J. M. and Spear, Faith. (2016) Emancipatory Politics and Praxis: An anthology of essays written for the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, 2013–16. EG Press, London.
Thirkettle, Martin; Havard, Catriona and Richter, Stephanie
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve (2016). ‘Better Regulation’: better for whom? Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, London.
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David (2016). La Empresa Criminal: Por qué las corporaciones deben ser abolidas. Barcelona: Icaria.
Turner, Jim
Westmarland, Louise
Westmarland, Louise
Williams, Chris A.
2015To Top
Capdevila, Rose; Dixon, John and Briggs, Gemma eds. (2015). Investigating Psychology 2 (Volumes 1-3). Milton Keynes: Open University.
Croall, Hazel; Mooney, Gerry and Munro, Mary eds. (2015). Crime, Justice and Society in Scotland. London: Routledge.
Drake, Deborah H.; Earle, Rod and Sloan, Jennifer eds. (2015). The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Ethnography. Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Murji, Karim ed. (2015). Investigating the Social World 1. The Open University.
Murji, Karim and Solomos, John eds. (2015). Theories of Race and Ethnicity: Contemporary Debates and Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bouklis, P. S. and Chatzopoulos, Georgios
Briggs, Gemma and Davies, Simon
Briggs, Gemma and Hole, Graham
Briggs, Gemma and Pike, Graham
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
Drake, Deborah
Drake, Deborah; Earle, Rod and Sloan, Jennifer (2015). Pushing the boundaries of prison ethnography. HERC, HERC.
Drake, Deborah and Walters, Reece
Drake, Deborah H.; Darke, Sacha and Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod and Drake, Deborah H.
Earle, Rod and Phillips, Coretta
Fergusson, Ross (2015). Is there a link between youth poverty and crime? The answers may surprise you. The Conversation.
Havard, Catriona
Havard, Catriona; Thirkettle, Martin; Barrett, David and Ritcher, Stephanie
Lay, Stephanie Claire
Mackenzie Ross, Sarah; McManus, Chris; Harrison, Virginia and Mason, Oliver
McCulloch, Daniel (2015). Rough sleepers in policy and practice: chaotic and off course, or misunderstood? Harm and Evidence Research Collaborative, Milton Keynes.
McCulloch, Daniel Cameron
Mooney, Gerry; Croall, Hazel; Munro, Mary and Scott, Gill
Mooney, Gerry; McCall, Vikki and Paton, Kirsteen
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill
Motzkau, Johanna and Schraube, Ernst
Murji, Karim and Silva, Elizabeth
Murji, Karim and Solomos, John
Murji, Karim and Solomos, John
Neal, Sarah and Murji, Karim
Neal, Sarah and Murji, Karim (2015). Sociology. Special Issue: Sociologies of Everyday Life. SAGE.
Ness, Hayley; Hancock, Peter J.B.; Bowie, Leslie; Bruce, Vicki and Pike, Graham
Scott, David
Scott, David
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve (2015). Social Protection After the Crisis: regulation without enforcement. Bristol: Policy Press.
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David (2015). The Corporate Criminal. Why Corporations Must Be Abolished. Key Ideas in Criminology. Abingdon: Routledge.
Turk, David J.; Gillespie-Smith, Karri; Krigolson, Olave E.; Havard, Catriona; Conway, Martin A. and Cunningham, Sheila J.
Turner, Jim
2014To Top
Canning, Victoria ed. (2014). Sites of Confinement: Prisons, Punishment and Detention, Weston-Super-Mare. Weston-Super-Mare: The European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control.
Crone, Rosalind ed. (2014). Policing Entertainment. The Making of the Modern Police (4). London: Pickering & Chatto.
Godfrey, Barry and Lawrence, Paul eds. (2014). Crime and Justice since 1750 (2nd ed). Abingdon: Routledge.
Lawrence, Paul ed. (2014). Policing the Poor. The Making of the Modern Police, 3. London: Pickering & Chatto.
McKendrick, John H.; Mooney, Gerry; Dickie, John; Scott, Gill and Kelly, Peter eds. (2014). Poverty in Scotland 2014: The Independence Referendum and Beyond. Poverty in Scotland. London: Child Poverty Action Group.
Murji, Karim and Bhattacharyya, Gargi eds. (2014). Race Critical Public Scholarship. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Abingdon: Routledge.
Bhattcharyya, Gargi and Murji, Karim
Canning, Victoria
Capdevila, Rose; Briggs, Gemma and Dixon, John
Capdevila, Rose; Dixon, John and Briggs, Gemma
Clarke, Janine; Proudfoot, Judith; Birch, Mary Rose; Whitton, Alexis E.; Parker, Gordon; Manicavasagar, Vijaya; Harrison, Virginia; Christensen, Helen and Hadzi-Pavlovic, Dusan
Downes, Julia
Downes, Julia; Kelly, Liz and Westmarland, Nicole
Drake, Deborah and Harvey, Joel
Drake, Deborah H.
Drake, Deborah H.; Fergusson, Ross and Briggs, Damon B.
Drake, Deborah H. and Henley, Andrew J.
Drake, Deborah H.; Simmons, Katy and Smith, Kate
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Fergusson, Ross
Fergusson, Ross
Fergusson, Ross and Yeates, Nicola
Havard, Catriona
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Mooney, Gerry (2014). Journal for the Study of British Cultures: Poverty. Königshausen & Neumann.
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry; Gilmour, Alison; McCall, Vikki and Rutherford, Paul
Motzkau, Johanna
Murji, Karim
Ross, Jeffrey Ian; Darke, Sacha; Aresti, Andreas; Newbold, Greg and Earle, Rod
Rowe, Abigail
Rowell, Nancy; Green, Alison; Kaye, Helen and Naish, Peter
Scott, David
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Williams, Chris A. (2014). Police Control Systems in Britain, 1775–1975: From Parish Constable to National Computer. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
2013To Top
Groome, David; Brace, Nicola; Edgar, Graham; Edgar, Helen; Eysenck, Michael; Manly, Tom; Ness, Hayley; Pike, Graham; Scott, Sophie and Styles, Elizabeth eds. (2013). An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: Processes and Disorders. Hove, East Sussex: Psychology Press.
Marvakis, Athanasios; Motzkau, Johanna; Painter, Desmond; Ruto-Korir, Rose; Sullivan, Gavin; Triliva, Sofia and Wieser, Martin eds. (2013). Doing Psychology under New Conditions: Proceedings of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology Conference 2011. Toronto, Canada: Captus Press.
Muncie, John and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. (2013). Criminological Perspectives (3rd ed.). London: Sage.
Downes, Julia; Breeze, Maddie and Griffin, Naomi
Drake, Deborah H. and Earle, Rod
Drake, Deborah H. and Sloan, Jennifer
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod and Phillips, Coretta
Edgar, Graham; Edgar, Helen and Pike, Graham
Emsley, Clive (2013). Soldier, Sailor, Beggarman, Thief: Crime and the British Armed Services since 1914. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fergusson, Ross
Fergusson, Ross
Fergusson, Ross and Yeates, Nicola
Havard, Catriona and Memon, Amina
Hodkinson, Stuart; Watt, Paul and Mooney, Gerry
James, Phil; Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Lavalette, Michael and Mooney, Gerry
Lawrence, Paul
Lee, Nicholas Mark and Motzkau, Johanna Franziska
Lee, Nick and Motzkau, Johanna
Mackenzie-Ross, Sarah; McManus, I. C.; Harrison, Virginia and Mason, Oliver
Muncie, John and Goldson, Barry
Proudfoot, Judith; Clarke, Janine; Birch, Mary-Rose; Whitton, Alexis; Parker, Gordon; Manicavasagar, Vijaya; Harrison, Virginia; Christensen, Helen and Hadzi-Pavlovic, Dusan
Scott, D.
Scott, David
Thirkettle, Martin; Walton, Thomas; Redgrave, Peter; Gurney, Kevin and Stafford, Tom
Thirkettle, Martin; Walton, Thomas; Shah, Ashvin; Gurney, Kevin; Redgrave, Peter and Stafford, Tom
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David (2013). Triennial Review of the Health and Safety Executive. Submission to the Department for Work and Pensions. Institute of Employment Rights, Liverpool.
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Walton, Tom; Thirkettle, Martin; Redgrave, Pete; Gurney, Kevin N. and Stafford, Tom
Westmarland, Louise
2012To Top
Downes, Julia ed. (2012). Women Make Noise: Girl bands from Motown to modern. London: Supernova Books.
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill eds. (2012). Social justice and social policy in Scotland. Bristol: Policy Press.
Muncie, John and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. (2012). The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (3rd ed.). London: Sage.
Burdis, Kate and Tombs, Steve
Clifford, Brian R.; Havard, Catriona; Memon, Amina and Gabbert, Fiona
Crone, Rosalind (2012). Violent Victorians: Popular entertainment in nineteenth-century London. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind and Halsey, Katie
Danson, Mike; MacLeod, Gordon and Mooney, Gerry
Downes, Julia
Drake, Deborah (2012). Prisons, Punishment and the Pursuit of Security. Critical Criminological Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Drake, Deborah and Gunn, Ben
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod and Phillips, Coretta
Earle, Rod and Wakefield, Alison
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Hancock, Lynn and Mooney, Gerry
Hancock, Lynn and Mooney, Gerry
Hancock, Lynn; Mooney, Gerry and Neal, Sarah
Havard, Catriona; Laybourn, Phyllis and Klecha, Barbara
Havard, Catriona and Memon, Amina
Havard, Catriona and Memon, Amina
Havard, Catriona; Memon, Amina; Laybourn, Phyllis and Cunningham, Clare
Havard, Catriona and Willis, Alexandra
Holdaway, Simon and Murji, Karim
James, Phil; Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David (2012). The Löfstedt Review of Health and Safety: a Critical Evaluation. IER.
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Lee, Nick and Motzkau, Johanna
McCulloch, Daniel (2012). Not hearing us: An exploration of the experience of deaf prisoners in English and Welsh prisons. The Howard League for Penal Reform, London, UK.
McCulloch, Daniel and Drake, Deborah (2012). Where do we turn (and why) when apples ‘go bad’. Harm and Evidence Research Collaborative, Milton Keynes.
Megreya, Ahmed M.; Bindemann, Markus; Havard, Catriona and Burton, A. Mike
Megreya, Ahmed M.; Memon, Amina and Havard, Catriona
Mooney, Gerry; McKee, Kim and Paton, Kirsteen
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill
Muncie, John and Goldson, Barry
Murji, Karim
Pearce, Frank and Tombs, Steve (2012). Bhopal: Flowers at the Altar of Profit and Power. North Somercotes: CrimeTalk Books.
Pembertion, Simon; Tombs, Steve; Chan, Ming Ming Joiy and Seal, Lizzie
Pike, Graham and Brace, Nicola
Pike, Graham; Edgar, Graham and Edgar, Helen
Rowe, Abigail
Scott, David
Stafford, Tom; Thirkettle, Martin; Walton, Tom; Vautrelle, Nicolas; Hetherington, Len; Port, Michael; Gurney, Kevin and Redgrave, Pete
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Turner, Jim
Wharne, Simon; Langdridge, Darren and Motzkau, Johanna
Wood, John Carter (2012). The Most Remarkable Woman in England: Poison, Celebrity and the Trials of Beatrice Pace. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
2011To Top
Crone, Rosalind and Towheed, Shafquat eds. (2011). The History of Reading, Volume 3: Methods, Strategies, Tactics. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Emsley, Clive ed. (2011). Theories and Origins of the Modern Police. The History of Policing, 1. Farnham: Ashgate.
Lawrence, Paul ed. (2011). The New Police in the Nineteenth Century. The History of Police, 2. Farnham, U.K.: Ashgate.
McKendrick, John; Mooney, Gerry; Dickie, John and Kelly, Peter eds. (2011). Poverty in Scotland 2011: Towards a More Equal Scotland? Poverty in Scotland. London: Child Poverty Action Group.
Stenner, Paul; Cromby, John; Motzkau, Johanna; Yen, Jeffrey and Haosheng, Yu eds. (2011). Theoretical psychology: global transformations and challenges. Ontario, Canada: Captus.
Williams, Chris A. ed. (2011). Police and Policing in the Twentieth Century. The History of Policing, 3. Farnham: Ashgate.
Bouklis, Paraskevi S. and Papanicolaou, Georgios
Briggs, Gemma; Hole, Graham and Land, Michael
Briggs, Gemma; Hole, Graham and Land, Michael
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
Drake, Deborah
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Emsley, Clive (2011). Crime and Society in Twentieth-Century England. Harlow: Longman/Pearson.
Emsley, Clive and Sinclair, Georgina
Gray, Neil and Mooney, Gerry
Harrison, Virginia; Proudfoot, Judith; Wee, Pang Ping; Parker, Gordon; Hadzi Pavlovic, Dusan and Manicavasagar, Vijaya
Havard, Catriona and Memon, Amina
Havard, Catriona; Memon, Amina and Humphries, Joyce
Hillyard, Paddy and Tombs, Steve
Hunter, Sue and Pike, Graham
Lawrence, Paul
Lee, Nicholas and Motzkau, Johanna
Mackenzie Ross, Sarah; Harrison, Virginia; Madeley, Laura; Davis, Kavus; Abraham-Smith, Kelly; Hughes, Tessa and Mason, Oliver
Megreya, Ahmed M.; Bindemann, Markus and Havard, Catriona
Megreya, Ahmed M. and Havard, Catriona
Memon, Amina; Havard, Catriona; Clifford, Brian; Gabbert, Fiona and Watt, Moray
Mooney, Gerry (2011). Stigmatising poverty? The ‘Broken Society’ and reflections on anti-welfarism in the UK today. Oxfam, Oxford.
Mooney, Gerry and Hancock, Lynn
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill
Motzkau, Johanna
Motzkau, Johanna
Muncie, John
Muncie, John
Murji, Karim
Murji, Karim (2011). Drilling down: trust, confidence & ethnicity. ROTA, London.
Murji, Karim
Murji, Karim and Neal, Sarah
Pearce, Frank and Tombs, Steve (2011). Injustice upon Injustice: London 2012 and the Enduring Legacies of Bhopal. CrimeTalk.
Pearce, Frank and Tombs, Steve (2011). Flowers at the Altar of Profit and Power: the continuing disaster at Bhopal. CrimeTalk.
Phillips, Coretta and Earle, Rod
Pike, Graham
Rowe, Abigail
Rowe, Abigail
Snell, Katy and Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Turner, Jim
Westmarland, Louise (2011). Researching crime and justice: tales from the field. London: Routledge.
Williams, Chris A.
Wood, J. Carter
Wood, John
Wood, John Carter
2010To Top
Croall, Hazel; Mooney, Gerry and Munro, Mary eds. (2010). Criminal Justice in Scotland. Abingdon: Routledge/Willan.
Towheed, Shafquat; Crone, Rosalind and Halsey, Katie eds. (2010). The History of Reading. Routledge Literature Readers. London: Routledge.
Billsberry, Jon; Talbot, Danielle; Nelson, Patrick; Edwards, Julian; Godrich, Steven; Davidson, Ross and Carter, Christopher
Canning, Victoria
Croall, Hazel; Mooney, Gerry and Munro, Mary
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
Earle, Rod and Phillips, Coretta
Emsley, Clive
Evans, Rachel; Jamieson, Janet; O'Brien, Dave; Tombs, Steve and Yates, Joe
Goldson, Barry and Muncie, John
Havard, Catriona; Memon, Amina; Clifford, Brian and Gabbert, Fiona
Humphries, Joyce; Memon, Amina and Havard, Catriona
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex; Mooney, Gerry and Helms, Gesa
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Mackenzie Ross, Sarah Jane; Brewin, Chris Ray; Curran, Helen Valerie; Furlong, Clement Eugene; Abraham-Smith, Kelly Michelle and Harrison, Virginia
McCafferty, Patricia and Mooney, Gerry
Miller, David and Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry; Croall, Hazel and Murno, Mary
Mooney, Gerry and Neal, Sarah
Motzkau, Johanna
Müller-Wood, Anja and Wood, John Carter
Muncie, John
Munro, Mary; Mooney, Gerry and Croall, Hazel
Murji, Karim
Murji, Karim
Murji, Karim and Solomos, John
Phillips, Coretta and Earle, Rod
Scott, David
Thirkettle, M.; Scott-Samuel, N. E. and Benton, C. P.
Tombs, S. and Whyte, D.
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David (2010). Regulatory Surrender: Death, Injury and the Non-Enforcement of Law. London: Institute of Employment Rights.
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David (2010). Health and safety gone mad? Institute of Employment Rights, Liverpool.
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Towheed, Shafquat; Crone, Rosalind and Halsey, Katie
Walters, Reece (2010). Eco Crime and Genetically Modified Food. London: Routledge.
Walters, Reece
Westmarland, Louise
Williams, Chris
Williams, Chris A.
Wood, John Carter
Wood, John Carter
2009To Top
Coleman, Roy; Sim, Joe; Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David eds. (2009). State, Power, Crime. London: SAGE Publications Ltd..
Drake, Deborah; Muncie, John and Westmarland, Louise eds. (2009). Criminal Justice: Local and Global. Cullompton: Willan Publishing in association with the Open University.
Mooney, Gerry and Neal, Sarah eds. (2009). Community: Welfare, Crime and Society. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.
Muncie, John and Goldson, Barry eds. (2009). Youth Crime and Juvenile Justice: The Youth problem. Sage Library of Criminology, 1. London, UK: Sage.
Muncie, John and Goldson, Barry eds. (2009). Youth Crime and Juvenile Justice: Juvenile Corrections. Sage Library of Criminology, 2. London, UK: Sage.
Muncie, John and Goldson, Barry eds. (2009). Youth Crime and Juvenile Justice: Children's Rights and State Responsibilities. Sage Library of Criminology, 3. London, UK: Sage.
Muncie, John; Talbot, Deborah and Walters, Reece eds. (2009). Crime: Local and global. Uffculme: Willan Publishing.
Taylor, Wayne; Earle, Rod and Hester, Richard eds. (2009). Youth Justice Handbook: Theory, Policy and Practice. Cullompton: Willan Publishing.
Taylor, Wayne; Earle, Rod and Hester, Richard eds. (2009). Youth Justice Handbook - Theory, Policy and Practice. Cullompton: Willan.
Annetts, Jason; Law, Alex; McNeish, Wallace and Mooney, Gerry (2009). Understanding social welfare movements. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Billsberry, Jon; Edwards, Julian; Talbot, Danielle; Nelson, Patrick; Davidson, Ross; Godrich, Stephen and Marsh, Philip
Brace, Nicola
Brace, Nicola; Pike, Graham; Turner, Jim and Briggs, Gemma
Brace, Nicola A.; Pike, Graham E.; Kemp, Richard I. and Turner, Jim
Coleman, Roy; Sim, Joe; Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Crone, Rosalind
Drake, Deborah
Drake, Deborah and Muncie, John
Drake, Deborah; Muncie, John and Westmarland, Louise
Earle, Rod
Emsley, Clive (2009). The Great British Bobby: A History of British Policing from the 18th Century to the Present. London: Quercus.
Goldson, Barry and Muncie, John
Havard, Catriona and Memon, Amina
Hudson, Barbara and Walters, Reece
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Mehigan, James; Walters, Reece and Westmarland, Louise
Mooney, Gerry and Wright, Sharon
Mooney, G.; Morelli, C. and Seaman, P.
Mooney, G. and Wright, S.
Mooney, Gerry
Motzkau, Johanna
Motzkau, Johanna
Motzkau, Johanna F. and Jefferson, Andrew M.
Muncie, John (2009). Youth and crime. 3rd edition. London: Sage.
Muncie, John
Muncie, John
Muncie, John; Talbot, Deborah and Walters, Reece
Murji, Karim
Pearce, Frank and Tombs, Steve
Pearce, Frank and Tombs, Steve
Pearce, Frank and Tombs, Steve
Pearce, Frank and Tombs, Steve
Pike, Graham
Pike, Graham; Brace, Nicola; Briggs, Gemma and Turner, Jim
Scott, David
Thirkettle, M.; Benton, C. P. and Scott-Samuel, N. E.
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David
Turner, Jim; Briggs, Gemma; Pike, Graham and Brace, Nicola
Walters, Reece
Walters, Reece (2009). Crime is in the air - air pollution and regulation in the UK. 1746-6946; CCJS, Kings College, London.
Walters, Reece
Westmarland, Louise
Westmarland, Louise and Clarke, John
Williams, Chris A.; Patterson, James and Taylor, James
Wood, J. Carter
Wood, John
2008To Top
Brace, Nicola A.; Pike, Graham E. and Turner, Jim A.
Briggs, Gemma; Hole, Graham and Land, Michael
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet and Westmarland, Louise
Crone, Rosalind
Donovan, Pamela and Lawrence, Paul
Dorling, Danny; Gordon, Dave; Hillyard, Paddy; Pantazis, Christina; Pemberton, Simon and Tombs, Steve (2008). Criminal Obsessions: Why Harm Matters More Than Crime (2nd ed.). Harm and Society. London: Centre for Crime and Justice Studies.
Downes, Julia
Drake, D.
Drake, Deborah and Crewe, Ben
Drake, Deborah and Crewe, Ben
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Havard, Catriona; Chaudhry, Fraz and Memon, Amina
Havard, Catriona; Memon, Amina; Clifford, Brian and Gabbert, Fiona
Havard, Catriona; Memon, Amina; Clifford, Brian; Gabbert, Fiona and Watt, Moray
Hope, Tim and Walters, Reece (2008). Critical Thinking About the Uses of Research. Evidence Based Research. London, UK: Centre For Crime and Justice Studies.
Lawrence, Paul; Williams, Chris and Godfrey, Barry (2008). History and Crime. Key Approaches to Criminology. London: Sage.
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry; Scott, Gill and Mulvey, Gareth
Muncie, John
Murji, Karim
Murji, Karim
Paine, Carina B.; Pike, Graham E.; Brace, Nicola A. and Westcott, Helen L.
Phillips, Coretta and Earle, Rod
Sim, Joe and Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve
Tombs, Steve and Whyte, David (2008). A crisis of enforcement: the decriminalisation of death and injury at work. Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, King's College London, London.
Tombs, Steve and Williams, Brian
Walters, Reece
Walters, Reece
Westmarland, Louise
Williams, Charlotte and Mooney, Gerry
Williams, Chris A.
Williams, Chris A.
2007To Top
Crone, Rosalind; Gange, David and Jones, Katy eds. (2007). New Perspectives in British Cultural History. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
McKendrick, John H.; Mooney, Gerry; Dickie, John and Kelly, Peter eds. (2007). Poverty in Scotland 2007. London, UK: Child Poverty Action Group.
Mooney, Gerry and Law, Alex eds. (2007). New Labour/hard labour?: Restructuring and resistance inside the welfare industry. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Muncie, John ed. (2007). Criminal Justice and Crime Control: Visions of Justice. London, UK: Sage.
Muncie, John ed. (2007). Criminal Justice and Crime Control: State Punishment. London, UK: Sage.
Muncie, John ed. (2007). Criminal Justice and Crime Control: Risk, Prevention and Security. London, UK: Sage.
Bard, E. G.; Anderson, A. H.; Chen, Y.; Nicholson, H. B. M.; Havard, C. and Dalzel-Job, S.
Brace, Nicola; Pike, Graham and Turner, Jim
Briggs, Gemma; Hole, Graham and Land, Michael
Butler, Michelle and Drake, Deborah
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet and Westmarland, Louise
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet; Smith, Nick; Vidler, Elizabeth and Westmarland, Louise (2007). Creating citizen-consumers: Changing Publics and changing public services. London, UK: Sage Publications.
Crone, Rosalind
Donnachie, Ian and Mooney, Gerry
Downes, Julia
Drake, Deborah
Edwards, Julian; Cockerton, Tracey and Guppy, Andrew
Emsley, Clive (2007). Crime, police and penal policy: European experiences 1750-1940. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Fergusson, Ross
Fergusson, Ross
Frowd, Charlie D.; Bruce, Vicki; Ness, Hayley; Bowie, Leslie; Paterson, Jenny; Thomson-Bogner, Claire; McIntyre, Alex and Hancock, Peter J. B.
Godfrey, Barry S.; Williams, Chris A. and Lawrence, Paul (2007). History and Crime. Key approaches to criminology. London, UK: Sage.
Hobbs, Dick; O'Brien, Kate and Westmarland, Louise
Johnston, Charlie and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Lazard, L.; Buys, D.; Callaghan, J.; Motzkau, J. and Keating, S. (2007). Response to the Northern Ireland Office and DHSSPS consultation entitled “Hidden Crimes Secret Pain”. British Psychological Society.
Mackenzie Ross, S.; Clark, J.; Harrison, Virginia and Abraham, K.
McCafferty, Tricia and Mooney, Gerry
Mehigan, James and Rowe, Abigail
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry and Law, Alex
Mooney, Gerry and McCafferty, Tricia
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Adam
Morris, R.M.
Motzkau, Johanna F.
Müller-Wood, Anja and Wood, J. Carter
Muncie, John
Murji, Karim
Murji, Karim
Rowe, Abigail
Rowe, Abigail
Rowe, Abigail
Rowe, Abigail
Rowe, Abigail
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David
Sinclair, Georgina and Williams, Chris
Tombs, Steve
Turner, Jim; Pike, Graham and Brace, Nicola
Van Laar, Darren; Edwards, Julian and Easton, Simon
Walters, Reece
Walters, Reece
Walters, Reece
Walters, Reece
Walters, Reece and Woodward, Rona
Wood, J. Carter
Wood, J. Carter
Wood, J. Carter
2006To Top
Goldson, Barry and Muncie, John eds. (2006). Youth crime and justice. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Mooney, Gerry; Sweeney, Tony and Law, Alex eds. (2006). Social Care, Health and Welfare in Contemporary Scotland. Paisley: Kynoch and Blaney.
Muncie, John ed. (2006). Criminology Volume 2: The causes of crime. Sage Library of Criminology. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Muncie, John ed. (2006). Criminology Volume 3: Radical and critical criminologies. Sage Library of Criminology. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Muncie, John and Goldson, Barry eds. (2006). Comparative Youth Justice. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Muncie, John and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. (2006). The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (2nd ed.). London, Sage: Sage.
Barnsdale, Lee; MacRae, Rhoda; McIvor, Gill; Brown, Alison; Eley, Susan; Malloch, Margaret; Murray, Cathy; Popham, Frank; Piacentini, Laura and Walters, Reece (2006). Evaluation of the Airdrie Sheriff Youth Court Pilot. Final Report to the Scottish Executive Justice Department.; Scottish Executive, Edinburgh.
Brace, N.A.; Pike, G.E.; Allen, P. and Kemp, R.I.
Brace, Nicola; Pike, Graham; Kemp, Richard; Turner, Jim and Bennett, Peter
Bradley, Trevor; Taura, Juan and Walters, Reece
Bromby, Michael and Ness, Hayley
Crone, Rosalind
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive and Shpayer-Makov, Haia eds. (2006). Police Detectives in History, 1750-1950. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Goldson, Barry and Muncie, John
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Law, Alex and Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, G.
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry and Fyfe, Nick
Mooney, Gerry; Scott, Gill and Williams, Charlotte
Mooney, Gerry; Sweeney, Tricia and Law, Alex
Mooney, Gerry and Williams, Charlotte
Morris, R. M.
Muncie, John
Muncie, John
Murji, Karim
Ness, Hayley and Bruce, Vicki
Piacentini, Laura and Walters, Reece
Poole, Lynne and Mooney, Gerry
Scott, D.
Walters, Reece
Walters, Reece
Walters, Reece
Walters, Reece
Williams, Chris
Williams, Chris and Emsley, Clive
Wood, J. Carter
2005To Top
Emsley, Clive ed. (2005). The Persistent Prison: Problems, Images and Alternatives. London: Francis Boutle.
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill eds. (2005). Exploring social policy in the ‘New’ Scotland. The Policy Press.
Muncie, John ed. (2005). Criminology Volume 1: The meaning of crime: Definition, representation and social construction. Sage Library of Criminology. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Biglia, Barbara; Clark, Jude; Motzkau, Johanna and Zavos, Alexandra
Brace, Nicola; Pike, Graham; Turner, Jim and Kynan, Sally
Daly, Guy; Mooney, Gerry; Poole, Lynn and Davis, Howard
Emsley, Clive (2005). Hard Men: Violence in England since 1750. London, UK: Hambledon Press.
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Frowd, CHarlie D.; Carson, Derek; Ness, Hayley; McQuiston-Surrett, Dawn; Richardson, Jan; Baldwin, Hayden and Hancock, Peter
Frowd, Charlie, D.; Carson, Derek; Ness, Hayley; Richardson, Jan; Morrison, Lisa; McLanaghan, Sarah and Hancock, Peter
Godfrey, Barry and Lawrence, Paul (2005). Crime and justice 1750-1950. Cullompton, Devon, UK: Willan Publishing.
Lawrence, Paul (2005). Nationalism: history and theory. Pearson Longman.
Lawrence, Paul
ed. (2005). The SAGE Dictionary of Criminology. 2nd edition. UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Mooney, Gerry and McCafferty, Tricia
Mooney, Gerry and Poole, Lynn
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill
Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Gill
Motzkau, Johanna
Motzkau, Johanna
Muncie, John
Murji, Karim
Murji, Karim
Murji, Karim and Solomos, John
Pike, Graham; Brace, Nicola; Kynan, Sally and Turner, Jim
Pike, Graham; Brace, Nicola; Turner, Jim and Kynan, Sally
Poole, Lynne and Mooney, Gerry
Popham, Frank; McIvor, Gill; Brown, Alison; Eley, Susan; Malloch, Margaret; Murray, Cathy; Piacentini, Laura and Walters, Reece (2005). Evaluation of the Hamilton Youth Court Pilot 2003-2005. Final Report to the Scottish Executive Justice Department; Scottish Executive, Edinburgh.
Scott, Gill; Mooney, Gerry and Brown, Usha
Turner, Jim; Pike, Graham; Kynan, Sally and Brace, Nicola
Walters, Reece and Fergusson, Iain
Westmarland, Louise
Wood, J.Carter
2004To Top
Emsley, Clive; Johnson, Eric and Spierenburg, Pieter eds. (2004). Social Control in Europe 1800-2000. Columbus, OH,: Ohio State University Press.
Mooney, Gerry ed. (2004). Work: Personal lives and social policy. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Muncie, John and Wilson, David eds. (2004). Student Handbook of Criminal Justice and Criminology. London, UK: Cavendish.
Murji, Karim and Solomos, John eds. (2004). Racialization: Studies in Theory and Practice. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Williams, Chris ed. (2004). Giving the past a future: preserving the heritage of the UK's Criminal Justice System. London, UK: Francis Boutle.
Emsley, Clive (2004). Crime and Society in England, 1750-1900. 3rd edition. Themes in British Social History. Harlow, UK: Pearson Longman.
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Fergusson, Ross
Guppy, Andrew; Edwards, Julian A.; Brough, Paula; Peters-Bean, Kyron M.; Sale, Craig and Short, Emma
Karmiloff-Smith, Annette; Thomas, Michael; Annaz, Dagmara; Humphreys, Kate; Ewing, Sandra; Brace, Nicola; Van Duuren, Mike; Pike, Graham; Grice, Sarah and Campbell, Ruth
Lawrence, Paul
McWilliams, Chris; Johnstone, Charlie and Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry and Poole, Lynne
Muncie, John (2004). Youth and crime. 2nd edition. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Muncie, John
Murji, Karim
Newman, Janet and Mooney, Gerry
Walters, Reece
Westmarland, Louise
Williams, Chris A.
Willis, Alexandra; Gjersoe, Nathalia; Havard, Catriona; Kerridge, Jon and Kukla, Robert
Wood, J. Carter
Wood, J. Carter (2004). Violence and Crime in Nineteenth Century England: The Shadow of our Refinement. Routledge Studies in Modern British History, 1. London, UK: Routledge.
2003To Top
Godfrey, Barry; Emsley, Clive and Dunstall, Graeme eds. (2003). Comparative Histories of Crime. UK: Willan Publishing.
Emsley, Clive (2003). Napoleon: Conquest, Reform and Reorganisation. UK: Longman.
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Lloyde, J.; Braisby, Nick and Brace, Nicola
Mooney, Gerry
Murji, Karim
Walters, Reece (2003). Deviant Knowledge: Criminology, Politics and Policy. Cullompton, UK: Willan.
Walters, Reece
Walters, Reece
Williams, Chris
Williams, Chris A.
Williams, Chris A.
Wood, J. Carter
Wood, John Carter
2002To Top
Brown, Usha; Scott, Gill; Mooney, Gerry and Duncan, Bryony eds. (2002). Poverty in Scotland 2002: people, places and policies. London/Glasgow: Child Poverty Action Group in association with Scottish Poverty Information Unit.
McLaughlin, Eugene; Muncie, John and Hughes, Gordon eds. (2002). Criminological perspectives: essential readings. 2nd edition. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Muncie, John; Hughes, Gordon and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. (2002). Youth Justice: Critical readings. London, UK: Sage.
Bruce, Vicki; Ness, Hayley; Hancock, Peter J. B; Newman, Craig and Rarity, Jenny
Earle, Rod
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive and Clapson, Mark
Ferguson, Iain; Lavalette, Michael and Mooney, Gerry (2002). Rethinking Welfare: A Critical Perspective. UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Murji, Karim
Murji, Karim
Pike, Graham; Brace, Nicola and Kynan, Sally (2002). The Visual Identification of Suspects: Procedures and Practice. Home Office, A Publication of the Policing and Reducing Crime Unit Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate.
Westmarland, Louise
2001To Top
Marwick, Arthur; Emsley, Clive and Simpson, Wendy eds. (2001). Total War and Historical Change: Europe 1914-1955. Buckinghamshire: Open University Press.
Hildebrand-Nilshon, Martin; Motzkau, Johanna and Papadopoulos, Dimitris
Kemp, Richard I.; Pike, Graham E. and Brace, Nicola A.
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul; Baycroft, Timothy and Grohmann, Carolyn
McLaughlin, Eugene; Muncie, John and Hughes, Gordon
Mclaughlin, Eugene and Murji, Karim
Mclauglin, Eugene and Murji, Karim
Mooney, Gerry
Morris, Robert. M
Muncie, John
Turner, Jim; Pike, Graham; Brace, Nicola and Kemp, Richard
Walters, Reece
Walters, Reece and Zwaga, Wiebe (2001). The Younger Audience: Children and Broadcasting in New Zealand. Palmerston North, N.Z: Dunmore Press.
Westmarland, Louise (2001). Gender and policing: sex, power and police culture. Cullompton, UK: Willan Publishing.
Westmarland, Louise
2000To Top
Bessel, Richard and Emsley, Clive eds. (2000). Patterns of Provocation: Police and Public Disorder. UK: Berghahn Books.
Lavalette, Michael and Mooney, Gerry eds. (2000). Class Struggle and Social Welfare. London, UK: Routledge.
Emsley, Clive (2000). Britain and the French Revolution. UK: Longman.
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive; Levy, Rene and Rousseaux, Xavier
Lavalette, Michael and Mooney, Gerry
Lavalette, Michael and Mooney, Gerry
McLaughlin, Eugene and Murji, Karim
Mooney, Gerry and Johnstone, Charlie
Turner, Jim; Pike, Graham; Kemp, Richard and Brace, Nicola
Williams, Chris
Williams, Chris
1999To Top
Emsley, Clive (1999). Gendarmes and the State in Nineteenth-Century Europe. UK: Oxford University Press.
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive and Phillips, Sabine
McLaughlin, Eugene and Murji, Karim
McLaughlin, Eugene and Murji, Karim
Murji, Karim
Murji, Karim
Turner, Jim; Bennett, Peter; Pike, Graham; Brace, Nicola and Kemp, Richard
1998To Top
Emsley, Clive
McLaughlin, Eugene and Murji, Karim
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry and Danson, Mike
Murji, Karim (1998). Policing Drugs. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Murji, Karim
1997To Top
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Mooney, Gerry
Mooney, Gerry and Danson, Mike
1996To Top
Emsley, Clive and Knafla, Louis A. eds. (1996). Crime Histories and Histories of Crime: Studies in the Historiography of Crime and Criminal Justice in Modern History. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
Emsley, Clive
1995To Top
Emsley, Clive
1992To Top
Dorn, Nicholas; Murji, Karim and South, Nigel (1992). Traffickers: Drug Markets and Law Enforcement. London: Routledge.
Mooney, Gerry and Lavalette, Michael
1991To Top
Emsley, Clive (1991). The English Police: A Political and Social History. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
1990To Top
Lavalette, Michael and Mooney, Gerry
1989To Top
Lavalette, Michael and Mooney, Gerry
1987To Top
Clarke, Tony and Mooney, Gerry