Currently browsing: Forensic Cognition Research Group (FCRG)

Number of items at this level: 164.
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2025To Top

2024To Top

Kapageorgiadou, Violeta; Zhang, Min; Johnston, Emma; Nsiah Amoako, Emmanuel; Maclennan, Maria; Hughes, Vincent; Flowe, Heather; Nic Daéid, Niamh and Frumkin, Lara (2024). Trust in Forensic Science Evidence: Project Launch Event Report. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Matthews, Claire M.; Ritchie, Kay L.; Laurence, Sarah and Mondloch, Catherine J. (2024). Multiple images captured from a single encounter do not promote face learning. Perception, 53(5-6) pp. 299–316.

Sexton, Laura; Moreton, Reuben; Noyes, Eilidh; Martinez, Sergio Castro and Laurence, Sarah (2024). The effect of facial ageing on forensic facial image comparison. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38, article no. e4153.

2023To Top

Havard, Catriona; Breese, Emily; Thirkettle, Martin; Kask, Kristjan; Leol, Kris-Loreen and Mädamürk, Kaja (2023). A background of bias: Subtle changes in line up backgrounds increase the own race bias. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology (Early access).

Minhas, Rashid and Frumkin, Lara (2023). A review of cultural and ethnic bias in investigative decision-making: selected cases. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 21(3) pp. 207–229.

2022To Top

Humphreys, Louise; Higgins, Sarah and Roberts, Emma (2022). Task demands moderate the effect of emotion on attentional capture. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75(12) pp. 2308–2317.

Laurence, Sarah; Baker, Kristen, A.; Proietti, Valentina, M and Mondloch, Catherine, J. (2022). What happens to our representation of identity as familiar faces age? Evidence from priming and identity aftereffects. British Journal of Psychology, 113(3) pp. 677–695.

2021To Top

2020To Top

2019To Top

Curley, Lee J.; MacLean, Rory; Murray, Jennifer; Laybourn, Phyllis and Brown, David (2019). The bastard verdict and its influence on jurors. Medicine, Science and the Law, 59(1) pp. 26–35.

Curley, Lee J.; MacLean, Rory; Murray, Jennifer; Pollock, Andrew C. and Laybourn, Phyllis (2019). Threshold point utilisation in juror decision-making. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 26(1) pp. 110–128.

Elphick, Camilla; Hole, Graham and Welsh, Lucy (2019). Pupil changes linked to eyewitness memory strength in police lineups. In The Conversation The Conversation.

Pike, Graham (2019). Forensic Psychology. In: McLaughlin, Eugene and Muncie, John eds. The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (4th Edition). Sage.

Proietti, Valentina; Laurence, Sarah; Matthews, Claire M.; Zhou, Xiaomei and Mondloch, Catherine J. (2019). Attending to Identity Cues Reduces the Own-age but not the Own-race Recognition Advantage. Vision Research, 157 pp. 184–191.

2018To Top

McAlaney, J.; Frumkin, L. and Benson, V. eds. (2018). Psychological and Behavioral Examinations in Cyber Security. Hershey, USA: IGI Global.

Benson, Vladlena; McAlaney, John and Frumkin, Lara (2018). Emerging Threats for the Human Element and Countermeasures in Current Cyber Security Landscape. In: McAlaney, John; Frumkin, Lara A. and Benson, Vladlena eds. Psychological and Behavioral Examinations in Cyber Security. IGI Global, pp. 266–271.

Curley, Lee J.; MacLean, Rory; Murray, Jennifer and Laybourn, Phyllis (2018). Decision Science: A New Hope. Psychological Reports, 122(6) pp. 2417–2439.

Curley, Lee J.; Murray, Jennifer; MacLean, Rory; Laybourn, Phyllis and Brown, David (2018). Faith in thy threshold. Medicine, Science and the Law, 58(4) pp. 239–250.

Harrison, Virginia and Hole, Graham (2018). Can Social Categorisation Elicit Own-Group Biases in Face Recognition. In: British Psychological Society Cognitive Section Conference, 29-31 Aug 2018, Liverpool.

Pike, Graham and Clark, Clifford (2018). Identification Evidence. In: Griffiths, Andy and Milne, Rebecca eds. The Psychology of Criminal Investigation: From Theory to Practice. Issues in Forensic Psychology. Routledge, pp. 133–153.

Pike, Graham and Gore, Hannah (2018). The Challenges of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). In: Baxter, Jacqueline; Callaghan, George and McAvoy, Jean eds. Creativity and Critique in Online Learning: Exploring and Examining Innovations in Online Pedagogy. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 149–168.

Pike, Graham; Westmarland, Louise; Conway, Steve and Rowe, Michael (2018). Public and police perceptions of policing ethics. In: 2018 Conference of the Society of Evidence Based Policing, 1-2 Mar 2018.

Shaw, Julia and Elphick, Camilla (2018). In the #MeToo era, a chatbot can help people report workplace harassment. In The Conversation The Conversation.

2017To Top

Curley, L. J. (2017). Decision making process of jurors. In: Baker, B.; Minhas, R. and Wilson, L. eds. Factbook: Psychology and Law (2nd ed.). Kelowna: European Association of Psychology and Law Student Society.

Curley, Lee J.; MacLean, Rory and Murray, Jennifer (2017). The Relationship between the Big 5 Personality Traits and Eyewitness Recognition. Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis, 13(2)

Gjersoe, Nathalia and Havard, Catriona (2017). Developmental Psychology. In: Puri, Basant and Treasaden, Ian H. eds. Forensic Psychiatry,. Hodder Arnold, pp. 63–71.

Havard, Catriona (2017). Children’s face identification ability. In: Bindemann, Markus and Megreya, Ahmed M. eds. Face Processing: Systems, Disorders and Cultural Differences. Nova Science Publishers Inc.

Havard, Catriona; Laybourn, Phyllis and Klecha, Barbara (2017). The Mystery Man Can Increase the Reliability of Eyewitness Identifications for Older Adult Witnesses. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 32(3) pp. 214–224.

Havard, Catriona; Memon, Amina and Humphries, Joyce E. (2017). The own-race bias in child and adolescent witnesses: Evidence from video line-ups. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 19(4) pp. 261–272.

Havard, Catriona and Watson, Katherine D. (2017). Historical Overview. In: Vossler, Andreas; Havard, Catriona; Pike, Graham; Barker, Meg-John and Raabe, Bianca eds. Mad or Bad: A Critical Approach to Counselling and Forensic Psychology. Sage, pp. 23–36.

Vossler, Andreas; Havard, Catriona; Barker, Meg-John; Pike, Graham; Raabe, Bianca and Walkington, Zoe (2017). Working therapeutically in forensic settings. In: Vossler, Andreas; Havard, Catriona; Pike, Graham; Barker, Meg-John and Raabe, Bianca eds. Mad or Bad? A Critical Approach to Counselling and Forensic Psychology. Sage, pp. 9–22.

Wager, Nadia and Pike, Graham (2017). Prevention. In: Vossler, Andreas; Havard, Catriona; Pike, Graham; Barker, Meg-John and Raabe, Bianca eds. Mad or Bad? A Critical Approach to Counselling and Forensic Psychology. London: Sage, pp. 297–310.

2016To Top

Briggs, Gemma; Turner, Jim and Pike, Graham (2016). Testing the weapon focus effect: change blindness and eyewitness identification. In: European Association of Psychology and Law Conference (EAPL 2016), 5-8 Jul 2016, Toulouse, France.

Briggs, Gemma F.; Hole, Graham J. and Land, Michael F. (2016). Imagery-inducing distraction leads to cognitive tunnelling and deteriorated driving performance. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 38 pp. 106–117.

Curley, Lee J.; Murray, J. and MacLean, R. (2016). Heuristics: The good, the bad, and the biased. What value can bias have for decision makers? Psychology Postgraduate Affairs Group Quarterly(100) pp. 41–44.

Farrell, A. H.; Semplonius, T.; Shapira, M.; Zhou, X.; Laurence, Sarah; Willoughby, T.; Mahy, C. E. V.; Mondloch, C. J. and Evans, A. D. (2016). Research activity in Canadian developmental psychology programs. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 57(2) pp. 76–82.

Harrison, Virginia; Ness, Hayley and Skelton, Faye (2016). What’s so ‘super’ about super recognisers? In: European Association of Psychology and Law Conference (EAPL 2016), 5-8 Jul 2016, Toulouse, France.

Havard, Catriona; Humphries, Joyce and Memon, Amina (2016). The own race bias in child and adolescent witnesses. In: 57th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomics Society, 17-20 Nov 2016, Boston, US.

Stedmon, Alex; Richards, Dale; Frumkin, Lara and Fussey, Peter (2016). Human Factors in security: User-centred and socio-technical perspectives. Security Journal, 29(1) pp. 1–4.

Thirkettle, Martin; Havard, Catriona and Richter, Stephanie (2016). Variability of background colour in suspect line-ups and identification accuracy. In: 26th Annual Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), 05-08 Jul 2016, Toulouse, France.

Turner, Jim (2016). Does making a facial composite contaminate witness memory? Ecological validity and framing an innocent suspect. In: European Association of Psychology and Law Conference (EAPL 2016), 5-8 Jul 2016, Toulouse, France.

2015To Top

Capdevila, Rose; Dixon, John and Briggs, Gemma eds. (2015). Investigating Psychology 2 (Volumes 1-3). Milton Keynes: Open University.

Briggs, Gemma and Davies, Simon (2015). Is seeing believing?: visual perception and attention for dynamic scenes. In: Capdevila, Rose; Dixon, John and Briggs, Gemma eds. Investigating Psychology 2, Volume 2. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Briggs, Gemma and Hole, Graham (2015). Can I do two things at once? Attention and dual tasking ability. In: Capdevila, Rose; Dixon, John and Briggs, Gemma eds. Investigating Psychology, Volume 2. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Briggs, Gemma and Pike, Graham (2015). Identity, citizenship and engaging with the criminal justice system. In: European Association of Psychology and Law Conference (EAPL 2015), 4-7 Aug 2015, Nuremberg, Germany.

Eubanks, D. L.; Zhang, K. and Frumkin, L. (2015). Non-verbal cues to deception and their relationship to terrorism. In: Stedmon, A. and Lawson, G. eds. Hostile intent and counter terrorism: Human factors theory and application. Ashgate, pp. 75–92.

Harrison, Virginia; Pike, Graham; Havard, Catriona and Ness, Hayley (2015). Police perceptions of eyewitness evidence and research. In: European Association of Psychology and Law Conference (EAPL 2015), 4-7 Aug 2015, Nuremberg, Germany.

Havard, Catriona (2015). Improving line-up identifications using the mystery man procedure. In: The Student Connections Conference, 30 Jun - 4 Jul 2014, Milton Keynes, UK.

Havard, Catriona; Thirkettle, Martin; Barrett, David and Ritcher, Stephanie (2015). How does image background colour influence facial identification? In: 38th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), 24-27 Aug 2015, Liverpool, UK.

Ness, Hayley; Hancock, Peter J.B.; Bowie, Leslie; Bruce, Vicki and Pike, Graham (2015). Are two views better than one? Investigating three-quarter view facial composites. Journal of Forensic Practice, 17(4) pp. 291–306.

Turk, David J.; Gillespie-Smith, Karri; Krigolson, Olave E.; Havard, Catriona; Conway, Martin A. and Cunningham, Sheila J. (2015). Selfish learning: The impact of self-referential encoding on children's literacy attainment. Learning and instruction, 40 pp. 54–60.

Turner, Jim (2015). Believing the TV: Perceptions of crime fiction as a possible basis for the 'CSI Effect'. In: European Association of Psychology and Law Conference (EAPL 2015), 4-7 Aug 2015, Nuremberg, Germany.

2014To Top

Capdevila, Rose; Briggs, Gemma and Dixon, John (2014). Conclusion: the challenges and opportunities of an integrative approach. In: Capdevila, Rose; Dixon, John and Briggs, Gemma eds. Investigating Psychology 2: From biological to developmental, Volume 3. The Open University Press.

Capdevila, Rose; Dixon, John and Briggs, Gemma (2014). Investigating Psychology: an integrative approach. In: Capdevila, Rose; Dixon, John and Briggs, Gemma eds. Investigating Psychology 2: From social to cognitive, Volume 1. Open University Press.

Harrison, Virginia; Hole, Graham and Habibi, Ruth (2014). Revisiting a social-cognitive explanation of own-group biases in face recognition. In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Cognitive Section, 3-5 Sep 2014, Nottingham Trent University, UK.

Laurence, Sarah; Hole, Graham J and Hills, Peter J (2014). Lecturers' faces fatigue their students: Face identity aftereffects for dynamic and static faces. Visual Cognition, 22(8) pp. 1072–1083.

2013To Top

Groome, David; Brace, Nicola; Edgar, Graham; Edgar, Helen; Eysenck, Michael; Manly, Tom; Ness, Hayley; Pike, Graham; Scott, Sophie and Styles, Elizabeth eds. (2013). An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: Processes and Disorders. Hove, East Sussex: Psychology Press.

Edgar, Graham; Edgar, Helen and Pike, Graham (2013). Perception. In: Groome, David; Brace, Nicola; Edgar, Graham; Edgar, Helen; Eysenck, Michael; Manly, Tom; Ness, Hayley; Pike, Graham; Scott, Sophie and Styles, Elizabeth eds. An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: Processes and Disorders. Psychology Press, pp. 25–69.

Frumkin, Lara A. and Koutsoubou, Maria (2013). Exploratory investigation of drivers of attainment in ethnic minority adult learners. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 37(2) pp. 147–162.

Görzig, Anke and Frumkin, Lara (2013). Cyberbullying experiences on-the-go: when social media can become distressing. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 7(1)

Ke Zhang; Eubanks, Dawn L.; Frumkin, Lara A.; Saikayasit, Rose; Stedmon, Alex W. and Lawson, Glyn (2013). Telling the difference between deceiving and truth telling: An experiment in a public space. In: 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), pp. 1–8.

Lawson, Glyn; Stedmon, Alex W.; Zhang, Ke; Eubanks, Dawn L. and Frumkin, Lara A. (2013). The effects of self-awareness on body movement indicators of the intention to deceive. Applied Ergonomics, 44(5) pp. 687–693.

Zhang, Ke; Frumkin, Lara A.; Stedmon, Alex and Lawson, Glyn (2013). Deception in context: coding nonverbal cues, situational variables and risk of detection. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 28(2) pp. 150–161.

2012To Top

Clifford, Brian R.; Havard, Catriona; Memon, Amina and Gabbert, Fiona (2012). Delay and age effects on identification accuracy and confidence: an investigation using a video identification parade. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26(1) pp. 130–139.

Havard, Catriona; Laybourn, Phyllis and Klecha, Barbara (2012). Can the ‘Mystery Man’ help to reduce false identification for older adult witnesses? In: The European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), 10-13 Apr 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus..

Havard, Catriona and Memon, Amina (2012). Viewing a video lineup twice can reduce identification accuracy for child witnesses. In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Cognitive Section, 29-31 Aug 2012, Glasgow, UK.

Havard, Catriona and Memon, Amina (2012). Facial Recognition from Identification Parades. In: Wilkinson, C. M and Ryan., C. eds. Cranofacial Identification. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 86–100.

Havard, Catriona; Memon, Amina; Laybourn, Phyllis and Cunningham, Clare (2012). Own-age bias in video lineups: a comparison between children and adults. Psychology, Crime & Law, 18(10) pp. 929–944.

Havard, Catriona and Willis, Alexandra (2012). Effects of installing a marked crosswalk on road crossing behaviour and perceptions of the environment. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 15(3) pp. 249–260.

Laurence, Sarah and Hole, Graham J (2012). Identity specific adaptation with composite faces. Visual Cognition, 20(2) pp. 109–120.

Megreya, Ahmed M.; Bindemann, Markus; Havard, Catriona and Burton, A. Mike (2012). Identity-lineup location influences target selection: evidence from eye movements. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 27(2) pp. 167–178.

Megreya, Ahmed M.; Memon, Amina and Havard, Catriona (2012). The headscarf effect: direct evidence from the eyewitness identification paradigm. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26(2) pp. 308–315.

Pike, Graham and Brace, Nicola (2012). Recognition. In: Braisby, Nick and Gellatly, Angus eds. Cognitive Psychology. Oxford University Press, pp. 100–137.

Pike, Graham; Edgar, Graham and Edgar, Helen (2012). Perception. In: Braisby, Nick and Gellatly, Angus eds. Cognitive Psychology. Oxford University Press, pp. 65–99.

Turner, Jim (2012). The ‘CSI Effect’: Are potential jurors sensitive to the (un)realism of fictional forensic evidence? In: European Association of Psychology and Law Conference 2012 (EAPL 2012), 10-13 Apr 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus.

2011To Top

Briggs, Gemma; Hole, Graham and Land, Michael (2011). Emotionally involving telephone conversations lead to driver error and visual tunnelling. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 14 pp. 313–323.

Briggs, Gemma; Hole, Graham and Land, Michael (2011). Emotionally involving telephone conversations lead to driver error and visual tunnelling. In: 9th Conference of The Society for Applied Research in Memory & Cognition (SARMAC IX), 27-29 Jun 2011, New York City, NY, USA..

Havard, Catriona and Memon, Amina (2011). Can the Mystery Man help to reduce false identification for child witnesses: A study with video lineups. In: Society of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC) IX, 27-29 Jun 2011, New York.

Havard, Catriona; Memon, Amina and Humphries, Joyce (2011). Own race bias in video lineups: A comparison between Caucasian and Asian witnesses. In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference, 4-6 May 2011, Glasgow, UK.

Hunter, Sue and Pike, Graham (2011). Investigating eye movement patterns for sequential video VIPER line-ups. In: 9th Conference of The Society for Applied Research in Memory & Cognition (SARMAC IX), 27-29 Jun 2011, New York City, NY, USA.

Laurence, Sarah and Hole, Graham (2011). The effect of familiarity on face adaptation. Perception, 40(4) pp. 450–463.

Lawson, Glyn; Stedmon, Alex; Zhang, Chloe; Eubanks, Dawn and Frumkin, Lara (2011). Deception and self-awareness. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 9th International Conference, EPCE 2011. Orlando, FL, USA, July 9-14, 2011, Springer, 6871 pp. 414–423.

Megreya, Ahmed M.; Bindemann, Markus and Havard, Catriona (2011). Sex differences in unfamiliar face identification: evidence from matching tasks. Acta Psychologica, 137(1) pp. 83–89.

Megreya, Ahmed M. and Havard, Catriona (2011). Left face matching bias: right hemisphere dominance or scanning habits? Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 16(1) pp. 75–92.

Memon, Amina; Havard, Catriona; Clifford, Brian; Gabbert, Fiona and Watt, Moray (2011). A field evaluation of the VIPER system: a new technique for eliciting eyewitness identification evidence. Psychology, Crime & Law, 17(8) pp. 711–729.

Pike, Graham (2011). Violent, realistic and unexpected staged crimes: do participant-witnesses behave differently? In: 9th Conference of The Society for Applied Research in Memory & Cognition (SARMAC IX), 27-29 Jun 2011, New York City, NY, USA.

Turner, Jim (2011). Exploring the CSI Effect: What do potential jurors think they know about forensic evidence? In: Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition conference 2011 (SARMAC 2011), 27-29 Jun 201, New York City, USA.

2010To Top

Havard, Catriona; Memon, Amina; Clifford, Brian and Gabbert, Fiona (2010). A comparison of video and static photo lineups with child and adolescent witnesses. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24(9) pp. 1209–1221.

Humphries, Joyce; Memon, Amina and Havard, Catriona (2010). The influence of the cross-race effect on children’s and adolescents identification accuracy in sequential video line-ups. In: The British Psychological Society Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference,, 22-25 Jun 2010, Canterbury, UK.

2009To Top

Brace, Nicola; Pike, Graham; Turner, Jim and Briggs, Gemma (2009). Change blindness during an identification parade. In: The 8th Biennial Conference of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 26-30 Jul 2009, Kyoto, Japan.

Brace, Nicola A.; Pike, Graham E.; Kemp, Richard I. and Turner, Jim (2009). Eye-witness identification procedures and stress: a comparison of live and video identification parades. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 11(2) pp. 183–192.

Carpentieri, J.D.; Lister, Jenny and Frumkin, Lara (2009). Adult numeracy: a review of research. National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy, London.

Harrison, Virginia and Hole, Graham J. (2009). Evidence for a contact-based explanation of the own-age bias in face recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16(2) pp. 264–269.

Pike, Graham (2009). Improving the accuracy of visual and eyewitness evidence. In: The Eighth Biennial Conference of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 26-30 Jul 2009, Kyoto, Japan.

Pike, Graham; Brace, Nicola; Briggs, Gemma and Turner, Jim (2009). Comparing types of sequential lineups. In: The 8th Biennial Conference of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 26-30 Jul 2009, Kyoto, Japan.

Turner, Jim; Briggs, Gemma; Pike, Graham and Brace, Nicola (2009). Can composite construction contaminate witness memory? In: The 8th Biennial Conference of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 26-30 Jul 2009, Kyoto, Japan.

2008To Top

Briggs, Gemma; Hole, Graham and Land, Michael (2008). The effect of imagery induced distraction on driving performance: implications for mobile telephone use behind the wheel. In: BPS XXV Annual Cognitive Section Conference, 7-10 Sep 2008, University of Southampton.

Harrison, Virginia and Hole, Graham (2008). Expertise and the own-age bias in face recognition: Evidence from an inversion study. In: 5th Annual Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, 01Jul 2008, Brisbane, Australia.

Havard, Catriona; Memon, Amina; Clifford, Brian; Gabbert, Fiona and Watt, Moray (2008). Obtaining evidence from child witnesses: the advantage of VIPER parades. In: Scottish Institute of Policing Research (SIPR) Evidence & Investigation Network Seminar, "Obtaining evidence from vulnerable witnesses", 15 Oct 2008, Aberdeen, UK.

Havard, Catriona; Chaudhry, Fraz and Memon, Amina (2008). The behaviour of witnesses viewing VIPER Parades: evidence from a Scottish survey. In: 2nd Scottish Institute of Policing Research (SIPR) Annual Conference, 2 Sep 2008, Edinburgh, UK.

Havard, Catriona; Memon, Amina; Clifford, Brian and Gabbert, Fiona (2008). Obtaining evidence from child witnesses using video parades. In: 18th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, 2-5 Jul 2008, Maastricht,The Netherlands.

Paine, Carina B.; Pike, Graham E.; Brace, Nicola A. and Westcott, Helen L. (2008). Children making faces: the effect of age and prompts on children's facial composites of unfamiliar faces. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22(4) pp. 455–474.

2007To Top

Bard, E. G.; Anderson, A. H.; Chen, Y.; Nicholson, H. B. M.; Havard, C. and Dalzel-Job, S. (2007). Let’s you do that: sharing the cognitive burdens of dialogue. Journal of Memory and Language, 57(4) pp. 616–641.

Brace, Nicola; Pike, Graham and Turner, Jim (2007). Applying memory and cognition to facial compositing: Is eyewitness memory still the key problem? In: Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition conference 2007 (SARMAC 2007), 25-29 Jul 2007, Lewiston-Auburn, Maine, USA..

Briggs, Gemma; Hole, Graham and Land, Michael (2007). Emotionally involving telephone conversations lead to driver error and visual tunnelling. In: BPS XXIV Annual Cognitive Section Conference, 20-22 Aug 2007, University of Aberdeen.

Frowd, Charlie D.; Bruce, Vicki; Ness, Hayley; Bowie, Leslie; Paterson, Jenny; Thomson-Bogner, Claire; McIntyre, Alex and Hancock, Peter J. B. (2007). Parallel approaches to composite production: interfaces that behave contrary to expectation. Ergonomics, 50(4) pp. 562–585.

Frumkin, L. A. and Murphy, A (2007). Student perceptions of lecturer classroom communication style. European Journal of Social Sciences, 5(3) pp. 45–60.

Harrison, Virginia and Hole, Graham (2007). Evidence for a contact based explanation of the own-age bias in face recognition. In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Cognitive Section, Aug 2007, Aberdeen, UK.

Turner, Jim; Pike, Graham and Brace, Nicola (2007). Interference effects from feature and PCA compositing procedures: Does composite construction interfere with eyewitness identification? In: Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition conference 2007 (SARMAC 2007), 25-29 Jul 2007., Lewiston-Auburn, Maine, USA..

2006To Top

Brace, Nicola; Pike, Graham; Kemp, Richard; Turner, Jim and Bennett, Peter (2006). Does the presentation of multiple facial composites improve suspect identification? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 20(2) pp. 213–266.

Bromby, Michael and Ness, Hayley (2006). Over-observed? What is the quality of CCTV in this new digital legal world? International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 20(1&2) pp. 105–115.

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Ness, Hayley and Bruce, Vicki (2006). An investigation into the use of CCTV footage to improve likeness in facial composites. In: European Association of Psychology and Law Conference (EAPL 2006), 27-30 Jun 2006, Liverpool University, Liverpool.

2005To Top

Brace, Nicola; Pike, Graham; Turner, Jim and Kynan, Sally (2005). Do PCA compositing systems make better use of witness cognition than traditional systems? In: Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition conference 2005 (SARMAC 2005), 5-8 Jan 2005, Wellington, New Zealand.

Frowd, CHarlie D.; Carson, Derek; Ness, Hayley; McQuiston-Surrett, Dawn; Richardson, Jan; Baldwin, Hayden and Hancock, Peter (2005). Contemporary composite techniques: the impact of a forensically-relevant target delay. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 10(1) pp. 63–81.

Frowd, Charlie, D.; Carson, Derek; Ness, Hayley; Richardson, Jan; Morrison, Lisa; McLanaghan, Sarah and Hancock, Peter (2005). A forensically valid comparison of facial composite systems. Psychology, Crime & Law, 11(1) pp. 33–52.

Pike, Graham; Brace, Nicola; Kynan, Sally and Turner, Jim (2005). Comparing two PCA compositing interfaces: Is it better to limit or encourage witness interaction? In: Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition conference 2005 (SARMAC 2005), 5-8 Jan 2005, Wellington, New Zealand.

Turner, Jim; Pike, Graham; Kynan, Sally and Brace, Nicola (2005). Do array-based composite construction systems interfere with witness recognition memory? In: Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition conference 2005 (SARMAC 2005), 5-8 Jan 2005, Wellington, New Zealand.

2004To Top

Willis, Alexandra; Gjersoe, Nathalia; Havard, Catriona; Kerridge, Jon and Kukla, Robert (2004). Human movement behaviour in urban spaces: implications for the design and modelling of effective pedestrian environments. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 31(6) pp. 805–828.

2002To Top

Bruce, Vicki; Ness, Hayley; Hancock, Peter J. B; Newman, Craig and Rarity, Jenny (2002). Four heads are better than one: Combining face composites yields improvements in face likeness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(5) pp. 894–902.

Pike, Graham; Brace, Nicola and Kynan, Sally (2002). The Visual Identification of Suspects: Procedures and Practice. Home Office, A Publication of the Policing and Reducing Crime Unit Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate.

2001To Top

Turner, Jim; Pike, Graham; Brace, Nicola and Kemp, Richard (2001). The eyes have it: Feature saliency and facial composite construction. In: European Association of Psychology and Law conference 2001 (EAPL 2001), Jun 2001, Lisbon, Portugal.

2000To Top

Turner, Jim; Pike, Graham; Kemp, Richard and Brace, Nicola (2000). Applying perceptual research to E-FIT construction: A minimal face experiment. In: European Association of Psychology and Law conference 2000 (EAPL 2000), Apr 2000, Limassol, Cyprus.

1999To Top

Turner, Jim; Bennett, Peter; Pike, Graham; Brace, Nicola and Kemp, Richard (1999). Applying perceptual research to E-FIT construction. In: European Association of Psychology and Law conference 1999 (EAPL 1999), Jul 1999, Dublin, Republic of Ireland.


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