Currently browsing: Contemporary Cultures of Writing
2026To Top
Sargeant, Samuel (2026). Crimes of their Brothers. A Saga of Iceland. London: Neem Tree Press/Unbound (In Press).
2024To Top
Giaxoglou, Korina and Spilioti, Tereza
2023To Top
Doloughan, Fiona
Doloughan, Fiona J. (2023). Radical Realism, Autofictional Narratives and the Reinvention of the Novel. Anthem Frontiers of Global Political Economy and Development. London: Anthem Press.
Hogan, Edward
Hogan, Edward
Knight, Lania (2023). There Is Fire Here. Falmouth, UK: Signal 8 Press.
Richardson, Heather (2023). A Dress for Kathleen. Norwich: Story Machine.
2022To Top
Doloughan, Fiona
Dyer, Natalie; Mackenzie, Hollie; Teggi, Diana and de Vries, Patricia
Hogan, Edward
Knight, Lania (2022). Single-Track B-Road. Stroud, UK: Yew Tree Press.
Mac Cathmhaoill, Dónall
Richardson, Heather
2021To Top
Hogan, Edward
Taylor, Clare and Richardson, Heather
2020To Top
Neale, Derek ed. (2020). Writing Talk: Interviews with writers about the creative process. London: Routledge.
Campbell, Siobhan
Campbell, Siobhan and Jensen, Meg
Clarke, Caroline; Corlett, Sandra and Gilmore, Charlotte
Giaxoglou, Korina
Hogan, Edward
Hogan, Edward
Hogan, Edward (2020). The Electric. London: John Murray.
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek, Gilbert, Francis, Brayfield, Celia and Melrose, Andrew (eds.) (2020) Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research. (Vol. 6) National Association of Writers in Education.
2019To Top
Ashery, Oreet and Giaxoglou, Korina
Campbell, Siobhan
Georgakopoulou, Alexandra and Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina
Jensen, Meg and Campbell, Siobhan
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek, Etter, Carrie, Cashdan, Liz and Melrose, Andrew (eds.) (2019) Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research. (Vol. 5) National Association of Writers in Education.
Yeh, Jane (2019). Discipline. Manchester, UK: Carcanet Press.
2018To Top
Earle, Rod
Hogan, Edward
Marino, Alessandra
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek, Spencer, Amy, Howitt-Dring, Holly and Cable, Liz (eds.) (2018) Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research. (Vol. 4) National Association of Writers in Education.
Neale, Derek with Greenberg, Susan, Holloway, Simon and Melrose, Andrew (2018) Creative Writing Research Benchmark Statement. National Association of Writers in Education, UK.
Richardson, Heather
Tomkins, Leah and Eatough, Virginia
2017To Top
Campbell, Siobhan (2017). Heat Signature. Bridgend, Wales: Seren Press.
Campbell, Siobhan
Campbell, Siobhan
Doloughan, Fiona
Jensen, Meg and Campbell, Siobhan M. (2017). The Expressive Life-Writing Handbook. London and Edinburgh: Beyond Borders Scotland in association with The Stabilisation and Recovery Network.
Katritzky, M. A.
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Richardson, Heather
Richardson, Heather (2017). Doubting Thomas. Glasgow: Vagabond Voices.
Richardson, Heather
Richardson, Heather
Richardson, Heather
2016To Top
Hewings, Ann; Prescott, Lynda and Seargeant, Philip eds. (2016). Futures for English Studies: Teaching language, literature and creative writing in Higher Education. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Campbell, Siobhán
Doloughan, Fiona
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Prescott, Lynda
Prescott, Lynda
Prescott, Lynda; Hewings, Ann and Seargeant, Philip
Richardson, Heather
Sweeney, Emma Claire (2016). Owl Song at Dawn. London: Legend Press.
2015To Top
Doloughan, Fiona
Doloughan, Fiona J. (2015). English as a Literature in Translation. London: Bloomsbury.
Doloughan, Fiona J.
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek, Butt, Maggie, Whitehead, Harry and Brayfield, Celia (eds.) (2016) Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research. (Vol. 1) National Association of Writers in Education.
2014To Top
Campbell, Siobhán
Campbell, Siobhán
Reardon Lloyd, Joanne
2013To Top
Asbee, Sue
2012To Top
Doloughan, Fiona
Lavery, Hannah
Neale, Derek (2012). The Book of Guardians. London: Salt.
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Prescott, Lynda
Richardson, Heather
Yeh, Jane (2012). The Ninjas. Manchester, UK: Carcanet Press.
2011To Top
Doloughan, Fiona (2011). Contemporary Narrative: Textual Production, Multimodality and Multiliteracies. London and New York: Continuum.
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
2010To Top
da Sousa Correa, Delia and Owens, W. R. eds. (2010). The Handbook to Literary Research. Abingdon: Routledge.
da Sousa Correa, Delia
Doloughan, Fiona
Doloughan, Fiona J.
Fraser, Robert
Prescott, Lynda
2009To Top
Neale, Derek ed. (2009). A creative writing handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black.
Anderson, Linda and Neale, Derek (2009). Writing fiction. Abingdon: Routledge.
Doloughan, Fiona J.
Gupta, Suman (2009). Re-Reading Harry Potter (2nd Edn). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
Haslam, Sara and Neale, Derek (2009). Life writing. Abingdon: Routledge.
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Nasta, Susheila, ed. Moses Migrating: A Novel (new edition). By Samuel Selvon (1983). Boulder, Colorado, Lynne Reiner (2009).
2008To Top
Prescott, Lynda ed. (2008). A World of Difference - An Anthology of Short Stories from Five Continents. US: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gupta, Suman
Prescott, Lynda
2007To Top
Neale, Derek
2006To Top
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
2005To Top
Doloughan, Fiona
Doloughan, Fiona
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
Neale, Derek
2004To Top
Nasta, Susheila ed. (2004). Writing across worlds: contemporary writers talk. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
2002To Top
Doloughan, Fiona J.
Gupta, Suman (2002). The replication of violence: thoughts on international terrorism after September 11th 2001. London, UK: Pluto Press.
1989To Top
Gerschel, Liz and Nasta, Susheila