Currently browsing: Contemporary Cultures of Writing

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2026To Top

Sargeant, Samuel (2026). Crimes of their Brothers. A Saga of Iceland. London: Neem Tree Press/Unbound (In Press).

2024To Top

Giaxoglou, Korina and Spilioti, Tereza (2024). “The EU gave us a new beginning”: Liquid racism and affect in a curated migrant story. In: Archakis, Argyris and Tsakona, Villy eds. xploring the Ambivalence of Liquid Racism: In between antiracist and racist discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 181–201.

2023To Top

Doloughan, Fiona (2023). Radical Realism and Fictionality Modes in Contemporary Auto/Biographical Literature. In: Gibbons, Alison and King, Elizabeth eds. Reading the Contemporary Author: Narrative, Authority, Fictionality. Frontiers of Narrative. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, pp. 131–153.

Doloughan, Fiona J. (2023). Radical Realism, Autofictional Narratives and the Reinvention of the Novel. Anthem Frontiers of Global Political Economy and Development. London: Anthem Press.

Hogan, Edward (2023). War Work. In: Melia, Joe ed. Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology. Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology, 16. Bristol: Tangent Books, pp. 97–105.

Knight, Lania (2023). There Is Fire Here. Falmouth, UK: Signal 8 Press.

Richardson, Heather (2023). A Dress for Kathleen. Norwich: Story Machine.

2022To Top

Doloughan, Fiona (2022). Literary Translingualism and Fiction. In: Kellman, Steven G. and Lvovich, Natasha eds. Routledge Handbook of Literary Translingualism. Routledge Literature Handbooks. Routledge, pp. 31–42.

Dyer, Natalie; Mackenzie, Hollie; Teggi, Diana and de Vries, Patricia (2022). Pussy Riot Vs. Trump: Becoming Woman To Resist Becoming Fascist. In: Dolphijn, Rick and Braidotti, Rosi eds. Deleuze and Guattari and Fascism. Deleuze Connections. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 362–379.

Hogan, Edward (2022). Single Sit. In: Royle, Nicholas ed. Best British Short Stories 2022. Cromer, UK: Salt Publishing.

Knight, Lania (2022). Single-Track B-Road. Stroud, UK: Yew Tree Press.

Richardson, Heather (2022). 'The Mermaid's Curse': Case Study of a Multimodal Work-in-Progress. Writing in Practice, 7 pp. 18–29.

2021To Top

Hogan, Edward (2021). A Guide to Household Infestations. In: O'Connor, Rebecca ed. The Moth.

2020To Top

Clarke, Caroline; Corlett, Sandra and Gilmore, Charlotte (2020). On the Fringe/At the Fringe: Fleshing out Research. In: Pullen, Alison; Hellin, Jenny and Harding, Nancy eds. Writing Differently. Dialogues in Critical Management Studies, 4. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 25–52.

Hogan, Edward (2020). The Electric. London: John Murray.

Neale, Derek (2020). 'Last' scenes: Experiments with the poetic and phatic, gender and genre. Liminalities: the journal of performance studies, 16(4)

Neale, Derek (2020). Introduction. Writing in Practice: the journal of creative writing research, 6

Neale, Derek (2020). Introduction. In: Neale, Derek ed. Writing Talk: Interviews with writers about the creative process. London: Routledge, pp. 1–17.

Neale, Derek, Gilbert, Francis, Brayfield, Celia and Melrose, Andrew (eds.) (2020) Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research. (Vol. 6) National Association of Writers in Education.

2019To Top

Ashery, Oreet and Giaxoglou, Korina (2019). Digital Death and the Digital Afterlife: Oreet Ashery in Conversation with Korina Giaxoglou. In: Zielińska, Joanna ed. Performance Works. Milan: Mousse Publishing for Ujazdowski Castle Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw.

Campbell, Siobhan (2019). ‘Bygone canon, bygone spleen’: Richard Murphy as a conflict poet in The Battle of Aughrim. In: Keatinge, Benjamin ed. Making Integral: Critical essays on Richard Murphy. Cork, ROI: Cork University Press, pp. 111–126.

Giaxoglou, Korina (2019). Trajectories of treasured texts: laments as narratives. In: Falconi, Elizabeth and Graber, Kate eds. Storytelling as Narrative Practice: Ethnographic Approaches to the Tales We Tell. Studies in Pragmatics (19). Brill, pp. 136–162.

Jensen, Meg and Campbell, Siobhan (2019). Negotiated Truths and Iterative Practice: The Women in Conflict Expressive Life Writing Project. In: Douglas, Kate and Barnwell, Ashley eds. Research Methods for Auto/Biography Studies. Routledge Auto/Biography Studies. Routledge, pp. 115–129.

Neale, Derek, Etter, Carrie, Cashdan, Liz and Melrose, Andrew (eds.) (2019) Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research. (Vol. 5) National Association of Writers in Education.

Yeh, Jane (2019). Discipline. Manchester, UK: Carcanet Press.

2018To Top

Marino, Alessandra (2018). Canti di Rabbia, Frammenti di Vita. In: Chambers, I.; Curti, L. and Quadraro, M. eds. Ritorni Critici. La Sfida degli Studi Culturali in Italia. Bologna: Meltemi, pp. 63–76.

Neale, Derek, Spencer, Amy, Howitt-Dring, Holly and Cable, Liz (eds.) (2018) Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research. (Vol. 4) National Association of Writers in Education.

Neale, Derek with Greenberg, Susan, Holloway, Simon and Melrose, Andrew (2018) Creative Writing Research Benchmark Statement. National Association of Writers in Education, UK.

Richardson, Heather (2018). A dress for Kathleen. Review of Irish Studies in Europe, 2(1) pp. 279–294.

Tomkins, Leah and Eatough, Virginia (2018). Hermeneutics: Interpretation, Understanding and Sense-making. In: Cassell, Catherine; Cunliffe, Ann L. and Grandy, Gina eds. SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods. Sage, pp. 185–200.

2017To Top

Campbell, Siobhan (2017). Heat Signature. Bridgend, Wales: Seren Press.

Campbell, Siobhan (2017). Eavan Boland and the development of a poetics: ‘It may be beauty/but it isn’t truth’. In: Campbell, Siobhan and O'Mahony, Nessa eds. Eavan Boland: Inside History. Arlen House, pp. 155–176.

Doloughan, Fiona (2017). Translation as a Motor of Critique and Invention in Contemporary Literature: The Case of Xiaolu Guo. In: Gilmour, Rachael and Steinitz, Tamar eds. Multilingual Currents in Literature, Translation and Culture. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 150–167.

Jensen, Meg and Campbell, Siobhan M. (2017). The Expressive Life-Writing Handbook. London and Edinburgh: Beyond Borders Scotland in association with The Stabilisation and Recovery Network.

Katritzky, M. A. (2017). Virtuous needleworkers, vicious apes: the embroideries of Mary Queen of Scots and Bess of Hardwick. In: Münch, Birgit Ulrike; Tacke, Andreas; Herzog, Markwart and Heudecker, Sylvia eds. Künstlerinnen: neue Perspektiven auf ein Forschungsfeld der Vormoderne. Kunsthistorisches Forum Irsee, 4. Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, pp. 48–61.

Richardson, Heather (2017). This is not a memoir: case study of a memoir-in-progress. New Writing: The International Journal For the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, 14(2) pp. 160–166.

Richardson, Heather (2017). Doubting Thomas. Glasgow: Vagabond Voices.

Richardson, Heather (2017). All the rules we could ask for. In: Anderson, Linda and Sherratt-Bado, Dawn Miranda eds. Female Lines: New Writing by Women from Northern Ireland. Dublin: New Island.

2016To Top

Campbell, Siobhán (2016). Periwinkles. Poetry Ireland Review(119) p. 88.

Doloughan, Fiona (2016). Translation, Storytelling and Multimodality. Interférences littéraires/Literaire interferenties, 19 pp. 107–122.

Neale, Derek (2016). El cuento en la academia: mimesis, diégesis y el rol del drama y el cine. In: Angel, Marcos and Fernández, Gerardo Argüelles eds. Recetas para el misterio: ensayos de escritura creativa. Autores, Textos y Temas. Literatura (44). Mexico city, Mexico; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Barcelona and Madrid, Spain: Anthropos, pp. 47–67.

Neale, Derek (2016). Creativity and Creative Writing. In: Demjén, Zsófia and Seargeant, Philip eds. Creativity in Language: From Everday Style to Verbal Art. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 121–172.

Prescott, Lynda (2016). Using collaboration to foster academic integrity. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 31(2) pp. 152–162.

Prescott, Lynda (2016). The Short Story Anthology: Shaping the Canon. In: Head, Dominic ed. The Cambridge History of the English Short Story. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 564–580.

Prescott, Lynda; Hewings, Ann and Seargeant, Philip (2016). Introduction: Futures for English Studies. In: Hewings, Ann; Prescott, Lynda and Seargeant, Philip eds. Futures for English Studies: Teaching Language, Literature and Creative Writing. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmilan, pp. 1–8.

Sweeney, Emma Claire (2016). Owl Song at Dawn. London: Legend Press.

2015To Top

Doloughan, Fiona J. (2015). Translating culture: linguistic attachment, detachment and (self)-narration. In: Barta, Peter I. and Powrie, Phil eds. Bicultural Literature and Film in French and English. Routledge Studies in Comparative Literature. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 237–247.

Neale, Derek, Butt, Maggie, Whitehead, Harry and Brayfield, Celia (eds.) (2016) Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research. (Vol. 1) National Association of Writers in Education.

2014To Top

Campbell, Siobhán (2014). Seamus Heaney's 'Casualty' - Causal or Casual? Poetry Ireland Review(113) pp. 133–134.

Reardon Lloyd, Joanne (2014). Talking to the Dead – the Voice of the Victim in Crime Fiction. New Writing: The International Journal For the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, 11(1) pp. 100–108.

2013To Top

Asbee, Sue (2013). ‘Not quite every character is a living person in this story. And not quite the reverse.’ Margiad Evans: Memory, fiction and autobiography. In: Bohata, Kirsti and Gramich, Katie eds. Rediscovering Margiad Evans - Marginality, Gender and Illness. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

2012To Top

Doloughan, Fiona (2012). Transforming texts: learning to become a (creative) writer through reading. New Writing: The International Journal For the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, 9(2) pp. 182–203.

Neale, Derek (2012). The Book of Guardians. London: Salt.

Neale, Derek (2012). Writing and dreaming primary and primal scenes. New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, 10(1) pp. 39–51.

Prescott, Lynda (2012). Life writing and life-learning: an analysis of creative writing students' work. Studies in Continuing Education, 34(2) pp. 145–147.

Yeh, Jane (2012). The Ninjas. Manchester, UK: Carcanet Press.

2011To Top

Neale, Derek (2011). Writing and remembering: paradoxes of memory, imagination and fiction in stories about lives. Literature Compass, 8(12) pp. 951–961.

2010To Top

da Sousa Correa, Delia (2010). Literary research and other media. In: Da Sousa Correa, Delia and Owens, W. R. eds. The Handbook to Literary Research. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 148–166.

Doloughan, Fiona (2010). Bottling the Imagination: writing as metamorphosis in Ali Smith's Girl Meets Boy. New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, 7(3) pp. 241–251.

Doloughan, Fiona J. (2010). Multimodal storytelling: performance and inscription in the narration of art history. In: Page, Ruth ed. New Perspectives on Narrative and Multimodality. Routledge Studies in Multimodality (1). New York and Abingdon, Oxon.: Routledge, pp. 14–30.

Fraser, Robert (2010). Bugger the skylarks: Lawrence and Mansfield at war: a battle in ten scenes. Katherine Mansfield Studies, 2(1) pp. 100–163.

Prescott, Lynda (2010). How to read a short story. The English Review, 20(4) pp. 32–34.

2009To Top

Anderson, Linda and Neale, Derek (2009). Writing fiction. Abingdon: Routledge.

Gupta, Suman (2009). Re-Reading Harry Potter (2nd Edn). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

Haslam, Sara and Neale, Derek (2009). Life writing. Abingdon: Routledge.

Neale, Derek (2009). CASE STUDY 3: Literature and Film - Reading Film: An Angel at My Table. In: Da Sousa Correa, Delia and Owens, W. R. eds. The Handbook to Literary Research 2nd Edition. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 162–165.

Neale, Derek (2009). Writing stage plays. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 41–92.

Neale, Derek (2009). Writing radio drama. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 93–112.

Neale, Derek (2009). Writing films. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 113–133.

Neale, Derek (2009). Playing with genre. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 1–13.

Neale, Derek (2009). Splicing the strands. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 164–180.

Neale, Derek (2009). Revealing secrets. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook. London: A&C Black, pp. 58–72.

Neale, Derek (2009). Staging stories. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 73–92.

Neale, Derek (2009). Film structure. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 134–148.

Neale, Derek (2009). Voices in fiction. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 181–195.

Nasta, Susheila, ed. Moses Migrating: A Novel (new edition). By Samuel Selvon (1983). Boulder, Colorado, Lynne Reiner (2009).

2008To Top

Prescott, Lynda (2008). Pat Barker's Regeneration trilogy: fiction and history. The English Review, 19(2) pp. 17–20.

2007To Top

Neale, Derek (2007). Writing a wicked commentary. Writing in Education(41) pp. 28–31.

2006To Top

Neale, Derek (2006). The creative process: writing what you know. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 44–55.

Neale, Derek (2006). Writing fiction: showing and telling. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 127–140.

Neale, Derek (2006). Writing fiction: the story and the reader. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 154–166.

Neale, Derek (2006). Writing fiction: structure. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 140–154.

Neale, Derek (2006). The creative process: writing what you come to know. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 56–69.

2005To Top

Doloughan, Fiona (2005). "Reading Images, Telling Tales: Meaning-Making and the Culture of Narrativity". International Journal of Learning, 11 pp. 1697–1701.

Doloughan, Fiona (2005). Reflections on the concept of 'voice' in translation. In Other Words: The Journal for Literary Translators(26) pp. 26–33.

Neale, Derek (2005). Life writing: using memory. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 316–330.

Neale, Derek (2005). Life writing: versions of a life. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 330–343.

Neale, Derek (2005). Life writing: life characters. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 343–358.

Yeh, Jane (2005). Marabou. Manchester, UK: Carcanet Press.

2004To Top

2002To Top

1989To Top

Gerschel, Liz and Nasta, Susheila (1989). There's no such thing as only literature : English teaching in an anti-racist and multicultural context. In: Brooker, Peter and Humm, Peter eds. Dialogue and Difference: English into the Nineties. New Accents. London: Routledge, pp. 132–148.


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