Currently browsing: Social Work Research Group
2025To Top
Vicary, Sarah; Young, Alys; Rodriguez, Natalia; Tipton, rebecca; Napier, Jemina and Hulme, Celia
2024To Top
Ferguson, Gillian
Ferguson, Gillian
Ferguson, Gillian
Ferguson, Gillian and Giddings, Lindsay
Ferguson, Gillian and Sicat, Sherwyn
Ferguson, Gillian and Vicary, Sarah
Ferguson, Gillian and Vicary, Sarah (2024). Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), social work education, continuing professional learning and development (CPLD). Social Work and IPA (SWIPA) Research Network, The Open University.
Flynn, Ann
Giddings, Lindsay
Giddings, Lindsay
Hanley, Joe
Jackson, Lace M. (2024). Global Majority Leadership: The Experience and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
McCormick, Mick and Strang, Jo
Page, Sarah; Ferguson, Gillian; Shanley, Kirsty and Horton Ifekoya, Ayana
Rai, Lucy; Ferguson, Gillian and Giddings, Lindsay
Vicary, Sarah
2023To Top
Ferguson, Gillian
Giddings, Lindsay
Giddings, Lindsay
Hanley, Joe and Kerr, C
Rogers, Justin and Ali, Mariya
Simpson, J. E.; Haider, S. and Giddings, L.
2022To Top
Ferguson, Gillian (2022). The importance of workplace learning for social workers. Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services, Glasgow, Scotland.
2021To Top
Dunne, Justin and Parker, Andrew
Hanley, J; Bald, C; Kerr, C; Sen, R and Webb, C (2021). The Interdependence of Independence: A Network Map of Children’s Services. Network Ethnography.
Reynolds, M. (2021). Racism and Racial Discrimination from a Systems Thinking Perspective. Submission as part of Advisory Group of Experts: Joint Investigation Unit (JIU) Review “Measures and Mechanisms for Preventing and Addressing Racism and Racial Discrimination in the Institutions of the United Nations System”. United Nations.
Rogers, Justin; Whitelaw, Robert; Karunan, Victor and Ketnim, Pryn
2020To Top
Rogers, Justin M and Karunan, Victor
Teggi, Diana
2016To Top
McCormick, Michael