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2025To Top

2024To Top

Critten, Valerie; Messer, David and Sheehy, Kieron (2024). Reading Disabilities in Children with Cerebral Palsy: associations with Working Memory. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 40(4) pp. 396–411.

Okada, Alexandra; Panselinas, Giorgos; Bizoi, Mihai; Malagrida, Rosina and Torres, Patricia Lupion (2024). Fostering Transversal Skills through Open Schooling with the CARE-KNOW-DO Framework for Sustainable Education. Sustainability, 16(7), article no. 2794.

Sheehy, Kieron; Budiyanto; Widayati, Sri and Rofiah, Khofidotor (2024). Towards inclusive practice in Indonesian kindergartens. Evaluating the impact of Sign Supported Big Books. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 22(1) pp. 47–59.

2023To Top

Okada, Alexandra; Malagrida, Rosina; Vives-Adrián, Laia; Neuhaus, Sigrid; Alliaj, Greta; Mossuti, Giuseppe; Cakmakci, Gultekin; Gray, Peter and Kolionis, George (2023). Open Schooling Declaration. The Open University.

Okada, Alexandra; Okada, Alberto; Muller, Riulma; Moura, Rossana; Castro, Thais; Ferreira, Luciana; Oliveira, Eila; Vaz, Giseli; Benaian, Regina; Castro, Silvana; Almeida, Jaqueline and Rodrigues, Tayanne (2023). Open Schooling in the Amazon for Community Empowerment: A Case Study in the TUPÉ Sustainable Development Reserve. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.

Okada, Alexandra; Okada, Alberto; Muller, Riulma; Moura, Rossana; Castro, Thais; Ferreira, Luciana; Oliveira, Eila; Vaz, Giseli; Benaian, Regina; Castro, Silvana; Almeida, Jaqueline and Rodrigues, Tayanne (2023). Escolarização Aberta na Amazônia para Empoderamento Comunitário: Um Estudo de Caso na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável TUPÉ. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.

Okada, Alexandra; Souza, Karine Pinheiro de; Struchiner, Miriam; Rabello, Cíntia and Rosa, Luziana Quadros da (2023). Open schooling to empower Brazilian teachers: Emancipatory fun in education for a sustainable innovation ecosystem. In: Holliman, Andrew J. and Sheehy, Kieron eds. Overcoming Adversity in Education. Oxon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 234–248.

Rofiah, Khofidotor; Sheehy, Kieron and Kossewska, Joanna (2023). Beliefs of fun in learning and attitudes to inclusive education. In: Saroinsong, Wulan Patria; Ashar, Muhamad Nurul; Maureen, Irena; Hartant, Lina Purwaning; Anggaryani,, Mita and Titaley, Audrey Gabriella eds. Reimagining Innovation in Education and Social Sciences: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2022), September 10-11, 2022, Surabaya, Indonesia. Oxon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 32–39.

Sheehy, Kieron; Budiyanto; Widayati, Sri and Rofiah, Khofidotur (2023). Models of disability and their effects on children’s lives. In: Cooper, Victoria and Tatlow-Golden, Mimi eds. An Introduction to Childhood and Youth Studies and Psychology. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 123–138.

Sheehy, Kieron and Holliman, Andrew J. (2023). A multidimensional perspective on adversity: from peace to understanding. In: Holliman, Andrew and Sheehy, Kieron eds. Overcoming Adversity in Education. Oxon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 262–266.

Sujarwanto and Sheehy, Kieron (2023). Overcoming adversity for disabled students in higher education in Indonesia. In: Holliman, Andrew J. and Sheehy, Kieron eds. Overcoming Adversity in Education. London: Routledge, pp. 126–138.

2022To Top

Barros, Daniela Melaré Vieira; Ikeshoji, Elisangela Aparecida Bulla; Santos, Vanessa Matos dos; Mello, Diene Eire; Santo, Eniel do Espírito and Okada, Alexandra (2022). ENSINO SUPERIOR EM TEMPOS DE PANDEMIA: personalização, envolvimento, autonomia e novas estratégias de aprendizagem. TICs & EaD em Foco, 8(2) pp. 24–44.

Okada, Alexandra (2022). Online learning and fun to enhance enjoyment and retention in Higher
Education during COVID-19.
In: Dias, Paulo and Freitas, João Correia de eds. Digital, Distance and Networked Education. Portugal: Universidade Aberta de Portugal, pp. 111–123.

Sheehy, Kieron; Sujarwanto; Khofidotor, Rotofiah and Budiyanto (2022). Should meaningful online learning experiences be fun for higher education students in Indonesia? In: Ravi, Kumar, and McKinney,, Stephen eds. LSME Research Compendium 2022. London School of Management Education, pp. 270–290.

2021To Top

Arenge, G. and Dowdeswell, E. (2021). Liberated Learning: from pockets of resistance to imaginary spaces and back again. Environmental Education. The Journal of the National Association for Environmental Education, 126(Spring) pp. 20–21.

Khofidotur, Rofiah; Sheehy, Kieron; Widayati, Sri and Budiyanto (2021). Fun and the benefits of Sign Supported Big Books in mainstream Indonesian kindergartens. International Journal of Early Years Education, 31(2)

Laamanen, Merja; Ladonlahti, Tarja; Uotinen, Sanna; Okada, Alexandra; Bañeres, David and Koçdar, Serpil (2021). Acceptability of the e-authentication in higher education studies: views of students with special educational needs and disabilities. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 18(4)

Sheehy, Kieron; Sujarwanto; Rofiah, Khofidotor and Budiyanto (2021). Should Meaningful Online Learning Experiences be Fun for Higher Education students in Indonesia? In: 8th LSME International Research Conference on Sustainable Development and Education (Kumar, Ravi; McKinney, Stephen; McAreavey, Martin; Parhi, Sarita; Jackson-Sil, Dolly; Gray, Peter and Shifau, Hassan eds.), London School of Management Education, London.

Sujarwanto; Sheehy, Kieron; Rofiah, Khofidotur and Budiyanto (2021). Online Higher Education: The Importance of Students’ Epistemological Beliefs, Well-Being, and Fun. IAFOR Journal of Education - Studies in Education: Sustainable Education for the Future, 9(6) pp. 9–30.

2020To Top

Ferguson, Rebecca; Childs, Mark; Okada, Alexandra; Sheehy, Kieron; Tatlow-Golden, Mimi and Childs, Anna (2020). Creating a Framework of fun and Learning: Using Balloons to Build Consensus. In: 14th European Conference on Games Based Learning - ECGBL 2020, 23-25 Sep 2020, Brighton (held virtually due to COVID).

Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Okada, Alexandra; Correa, Andre and Scott, Peter (2020). Inquiry-Based Learning on the Cloud. In: Information Resources Management Association ed. Cognitive Analytics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global, pp. 529–549.

Rosa, Luziana Quadros da; Souza, Marcio Vieira de and Okada, Alexandra (2020). Open schooling with RRI for a significant participation of indigenous communities in network education. The Brazilian Journal of Education Policy and Administration, 36(3) pp. 1046–1067.

2019To Top

Budiyanto and Sheehy, Kieron (2019). Developing Signalong Indonesia: issues of politics, pedagogy and perceptions. In: Grove, Nicola and Launonen, Kaisa eds. Manual Sign Acquisition by Children with Developmental Disabilities. Nova Science.

Sheehy, Kieron; Budiyanto; Kaye, Helen and Khofidotur, Rofiah (2019). Indonesian Teachers’ Epistemological Beliefs and Inclusive Education. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 23(1) pp. 39–56.

2018To Top

Budiyanto; Sheehy, Kieron; Kaye, Helen and Rofiah, Khofidotur (2018). Developing Signalong Indonesia: issues of happiness and pedagogy, training and stigmatisation. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 22(5) pp. 543–559.

2017To Top

2016To Top

Sheehy, Kieron (2016). Developmental psychology: cognitive development and epistemologies. In: Ness, Hayley; Kaye, Helen and Stenner, Paul eds. Investigating Psychology 3. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

2015To Top

Sheehy, Kieron and Budiyanto (2015). The pedagogic beliefs of Indonesian teachers in inclusive schools. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 62(5) pp. 469–485.

2011To Top

Ferguson, Rebecca (2011). Meaningful learning and creativity in virtual worlds. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 6(3) pp. 169–178.

2010To Top

Clough, Gill and Ferguson, Rebecca (2010). Virtual worlds are authentic sites for learning. In: Sheehy, Kieron; Ferguson, Rebecca and Clough, Gill eds. Virtual Worlds: Controversies at the Frontier of Education. Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers.


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