Currently browsing: Praxis

Number of items at this level: 31.
Generated on Sun Jan 19 00:11:40 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Roy, James and Griffin, Lynda (2024). Engaging the fearful student in forums: Why and how? In: Fayram, Jo; Austen, Samantha and Phillips, Helen eds. Online Teaching and Learning in a Changing Pedagogic and Linguistic Landscape. Developing Online Language Pedagogies. London: Castledown Publishers, pp. 93–107.

von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina and Gargett, Andrew (2024). Machine translation in language learning, teaching and assessment. In: Stickler, Ursula and Hampel, Regine eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. Bloomsbury Handbooks. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 198–211.

Waterhouse, Philippa and Moller, Naomi (2024). Creating an online educational resource to support learners navigate their studies alongside work and/or family. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 25(1) pp. 226–239.

2023To Top

Bower, Virginia; Taylor, Julie; Hampson-Stemp, Hayley; Fullard, Michael; Peterson, Andrew and Carden (ed.), Catherine (2023). Character and ITE: A Practical Guide. In: Carden, Catherine ed. Character and ITE: A Practical Guide.

Mallon, Sharon; Richards, Chris and Rixon, Andy (2023). Student and teacher experiences of online synchronous learning. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 15(5) pp. 1688–1705.

Reynolds, M. (2023). Professionalising Systems Thinking in Practice: what's not to celebrate? In: Journal of the International Society for the Systems Sciences | 67th Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (Wilby, J. M. ed.), 67.

Reynolds, Martin (2023). Making ‘systems’ work for evaluation. In: Rising to Challenges: how does evaluation rise to the challenge of competing issues, crisis and uncertainty?, 3-5 Oct 2023, Friends Meeting House, London NW1 2BJ..

Stickler, Ursula and Emke, Martina (2023). Future-proofing language teaching: How the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our profession. CALICO Journal, 40(2) pp. 137–152.

2022To Top

Bossu, Carina (2022). Understanding the impact of an online accredited HEA Fellowship scheme on students’ experiences. In: Teaching and Learning Conference 2022: Teaching in the spotlight: Where next for enhancing student success?, 5-7 Jul 2022, Newcastle, UK.

Bossu, Carina (2022). Fostering lifelong learning through professional development and recognition at the Open University UK. In: Tenth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF10), 14-16 Sep 2022, Calgary, Canada, Commonwealth of Learning (COL).

Toledo-Rodriguez, Maria and Lister, Kate (2022). Resilience in the curriculum: outcomes of a curriculum infusion intervention with neuroscience students. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 24(1) pp. 139–164.

2021To Top

Bossu, Carina; Sargent, Julia; Ismail, Nashwa and Wilson, Jane (2021). Sharing experiences of an online HEA Fellowship scheme and its impact on learning and teaching. In: ALT Annual Conference: Shared Experience, Different Perspectives, 7-9 Sep 2021, UK/Online, Association for Learning Technologies.

2019To Top


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