Currently browsing: Open Societal Challenges

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2025To Top

Hamer, Laura and Minors, Helen Julia eds. (2025). The Routledge Companion to Women and Musical Leadership: The Nineteenth Century and Beyond. Routledge Music Companions. New York, USA and Oxon, UK: Routledge.

Jones, Kerry and Robb, Martin eds. (2025). Men and Loss: New Perspectives on Bereavement, Grief and Masculinity. Routledge Key Themes in Health and Society. Abingdon-on-Thames, UK: Routledge.

Baird, Kenneth and Hamer, Laura (2025). Lilian Baylis: The Visionary Impresario. In: Hamer, Laura and Minors, Helen Julia eds. The Routledge Companion to Women and Musical Leadership: The Nineteenth Century and Beyond. Routledge Music Companions. New York, USA and Oxon, UK: Routledge, pp. 127–140.

Hamer, Laura (2025). ‘Une belle manifestation féministe’: The Formation of the Union des Femmes Professeurs et Compositeurs de Musique. In: Hamer, Laura and Minors, Helen Julia eds. The Routledge Companion to Women and Musical Leadership: The Nineteenth Century and Beyond. Routledge Music Companions. New York and Oxon: Routledge, pp. 79–91.

Hamer, Laura and Minors, Helen Julia (2025). Defining, Surveying and Interrogating Women in Musical Leadership. In: Hamer, Laura and Minors, Helen Julia eds. The Routledge Companion to Women and Musical Leadership: The Nineteenth Century and Beyond. New York: Routledge, pp. 1–12.

Nartey, Emmanuel K. (2025). Generative AI in Higher Education: Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning. CRC Press Reference Books in Computer Science, 1. Abingdon, UK: Routledge (In Press).

Nartey, Emmanuel Kojo (2025). Metamorphic Frontiers: The Influence of Generative AI on Enhancing Student Employability within Higher Education Institutions in the United Kingdom. In: Caton, Lucy and Baker, Geoff eds. AI-Powered Pedagogy and Curriculum Design: Practical Insights for Educators, Volume 1. Abingdon, UK: Routledge (In press).

Okada, Alexandra; Sherborne, Tony; Panselinas, Giorgios and Kolionis, George (2025). Fostering Transversal Skills through Open Schooling supported by the CARE-KNOW-DO Pedagogical Model and the UNESCO AI Competencies Framework. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (In Press).

2024To Top

Antonini, Alessio and Naja, Iman (2024). Positive Media. In: 35th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '24), 10-13 Sep 2024, Poznań, Poland.

Borgstrom, Erica; Sowden, Ryann and Selman, Lucy (2024). Reflecting Grief During a Pandemic: Online UK Newspapers’ Reportage and Researchers’ Experiences. In: Coleclough, Sharon; Michael-Fox, Bethan and Visser, Renske eds. Difficult Death, Dying and the Dead in Media and Culture. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 249–264.

Bowman, Joshua; Chicot, Katie and Kayamaz, Mustafa (2024). Four Math Museums Around the World: From Oldest to Newest. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 71(9) pp. 1210–1217.

Brown, Joshua K.; Rashwan, Tarek L. and Gerhard, Jason I. (2024). Hydrogen - rich syngas derived from smouldering biomass and hydrocarbon wastes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 72 pp. 839–849.

Chicot, Katie (2024). Creating a Mathematics Discovery Centre in the UK. Matematica, Cultura e Società, Rivista dell'Unione Matematica Italiana (in press).

Ferguson, Gillian (2024). Learning in an extraordinary job – professional development matters in social work. In: Newly Qualified Social Worker Conference 2024, 12 Sep 2024, University of Dundee, Scotland.

Ferguson, Gillian (2024). Ziggy Stardust, a complex web, and extraordinary work: reconceptualising professional learning for social workers. In: BERA Conference 2024 and WERA Focal Meeting, 8-12 Sep 2024, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.

Ferguson, Gillian (2024). The power of IPA: Ziggy Stardust, extraordinary jobs and a professional learning ecosystem. In: Social Work IPA Research Network (SWIPA Inaugural Symposium), 11 Oct 2024, The Open University, Online.

Frowe, Helen and Matravers, Derek (2024). Stones and Lives: The Ethics of Protecting Heritage in War. Oxford University Press.

Golding, Berenice; Hamilton,, Sukhbinder and Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2024). Complex worlds, complex people: Auto-ethnographic conversations on decolonising the aftermath of death. In: Mallon, Sharon and Towers, Laura eds. Death, Dying and Bereavement: New Sociological Perspectives,. Sociological Futures. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 159–171.

Hegarty, Peter; Griffiths, David A; Prandelli, Marta and Smith, Annette (2024). [Book Review] What Haunts Intersex Studies? Sociology (Early access).

Hou, Fei; Zhong, Xiaoxing; Zanoni, Marco A.B.; Rashwan, Tarek L. and Torero, José L. (2024). Multi-step scheme and thermal effects of coal smouldering under various oxygen-limited conditions. Energy, 299, article no. 131421.

Hou, Fei; Zhong, Xiaoxing; Zanoni, Marco A.B.; Rashwan, Tarek L. and Torero, José L. (2024). Quantifying oxygen diffusion during thermal degradation of combustible porous media. Applied Thermal Engineering, 257(Part A), article no. 124219.

Jones, Kerry; Murphy, Sam and Robb, Martin (2024). We can’t play with them, but we can play for them’: fathers uniting in grief through football. In: Jones, Kerry and Robb, Martin eds. Men and Loss. New Perspectives on Bereavement, Grief and Masculinity. London: Routledge.

Joshi, Pallavi; Kale, Dinar and Wield, David (2024). Novel approaches for scaling up engineering-based inclusive innovation. In: 31st International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering 2024, 9-11 Jul 2024, University College London, London, UK.

Kingston, Ryan; Tatton, Ben; Rashwan, Tarek and Macey, Michael (2024). SPLICE: Dye Hard - Bioremediation of Heavy Metals and Dye Degradation in Wastewater Via Microbes. In: The 2024 Geomicrobiology Network Research In Progress Meeting, 02 Oct 2024, University of Glasgow, UK.

Matravers, Derek; Marino, Alessandra and Treviño, Natalie (2024). Unearthing Global Justice: From Space to Inter-Planetary Ethics. In: Garasic, Mirko Daniel and Di Paola, Marcello eds. The Philosophy of Outer Space. London: Routledge, pp. 127–138.

Motta, Enrico; Osborne, Francesco; Pulici, Martino M. L.; Salatino, Angelo and Naja, Iman (2024). Capturing the Viewpoint Dynamics in the News Domain. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW-24), 26-28 Nov 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Price, Linda; Rauf, Irum; Gooch, Daniel; Katz, Dmitri; Pearce, Oliver and Price, Blaine (2024). Children's perspectives on pain-logging: Insights from a Co-Design Approach. In: DIS '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference 1st - 5th July 2024, ACM, New York, NY, USA pp. 1306–1318.

Wang, Jiahao; Zanoni, Marco A.B.; Rashwan, Tarek L.; Torero, José L. and Gerhard, Jason I. (2024). Downward water mobility in applied smoldering. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40(1-4), article no. 105234.

Wang, Jiahao; Zanoni, Marco A.B.; Rashwan, Tarek L.; Torero, José L. and Gerhard, Jason I. (2024). Smoldering ignition of wet combustible materials. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40(1-4), article no. 105448.

2023To Top

Bülow, William; Frowe, Helen; Matravers, Derek and Thomas, Joshua Lewis eds. (2023). Heritage and War: Ethical Issues. Oxford Academic.

Cullen, Jane; Ocloo, Augustine; Owusu, Kofi; Murphy, Kerry; Velasco, Maria; Davies, Sarah-Jane and Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric (2023). Opportunities and challenges of tertiary level ICT-based science education in Ghana. In: Education for Social & Environmental Justice: Diversity, Sustainability , Responsibility: UKFIET 17th Conference on International Education and Development, 07 Sep 2023 online; 12-14 Sep 2023 Oxfo UK, Oxford, UK.

Frowe, Helen and Matravers, Derek (2023). Conflicts in Heritage Protection. In: Bülow, William; Frowe, Helen; Matravers, Derek and Thomas, Joshua Lewis eds. Heritage and War: Ethical Issues. Oxford Academic, pp. 33–50.

Hamer, Laura and Minors, Helen Julia (2023). Introducing WMLON: The Women’s Musical Leadership Online Network. In: Cimardi, Linda and Nenić, Iva eds. Women’s Leadership in Music: Modes, Legacies, Alliances. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 141–152.

Hegarty, Peter and Smith, Annette (2023). Public understanding of intersex: an update on recent findings. International Journal of Impotence Research, 35 pp. 72–77.

2022To Top

Frowe, Helen and Matravers, Derek (2022). The “Cultural Turn” and the Reconstruction of Heritage. In: Finkelstein, Claire; Gillman, Derek and Rosén, Frederik eds. The Preservation of Art and Culture in Times of War. New York, USA: Oxford University Press, pp. 53–69.

Hegarty, Peter and North, Chris (2022). Afterword to “Representing Intersex”. In: Walker, Megan ed. Interdisciplinary and Global Perspectives on Intersex. Springer, pp. 125–137.

Horan, C.; Zadeh, P. G.; Rennison, C.; Hoggart, L. and Kavanagh, J. (2022). A qualitative analysis of medical students’ attitudes to abortion education in UK medical schools. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 48 pp. 205–209.

2021To Top

Driessen, Annelieke; Borgstrom, Erica and Cohn, Simon (2021). Placing death and dying: Making place at the end of life. Social Science & Medicine, 291, article no. 113974.

Hegarty, Peter; Donnelly, Lois; Dutton, Paul Francis; Gillingham, Sara; Vecchietti, Valentino and Williams, Kaz (2021). Understanding of intersex: The meanings of umbrella terms and opinions about medical and social responses among laypeople in the United States and United Kingdom. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 8(1) pp. 25–37.

Lundberg, Tove; Roen, Katrina; Kraft, Carina and Hegarty, Peter (2021). How young people talk about their variations in sex characteristics: making the topic of intersex talkable via sex education. Sex Education, 21(5) pp. 552–567.

Monro, Surya; Carpenter, Morgan; Crocetti, Daniela; Davis, Georgiann; Garland, Fae; Griffiths, David; Hegarty, Peter; Travis, Mitchell; Cabral Grinspan, Mauro and Aggleton, Peter (2021). Editorial Introduction. Intersex: cultural and social perspectives. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 23(4) pp. 431–440.

2020To Top

Driessen, Annelieke; Borgstrom, Erica and Cohn, Simon (2020). Placing death and dying:the work of making place at the end of life. In: Palliative Care Congress, 19-20 Mar 2020, Telford.

Matravers, Derek (2020). Social and Cultural Costs. In: Cuno, James and Weiss, Thomas G. eds. Cultural Heritage Under Siege: Laying the Foundation for a Legal and Political Framework to Protect Cultural Heritage at Risk in Zones of Armed Conflict. J. Paul Getty Trust Occasional Papers in Cultural Heritage Policy. Los Angeles, CA: Getty Publications, pp. 54–64.

2019To Top

Hegarty, P.; Smith, A. and Bogan-Carey, T. (2019). Stigma as framed on YouTube: Effects of personal experiences videos on students’ beliefs about medicalizing intersex. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49(3) pp. 133–144.

Liao, Lih-Mei; Hegarty, Peter; Creighton, Sarah; Lundberg, Tove and Roen, Katrina (2019). Clitoral surgery on minors: an interview study with clinical experts of differences of sex development. BMJ Open, 9(6), article no. e025821.

Lundberg, Tove; Dønåsen, Ingrid; Hegarty, Peter and Roen, Katrina (2019). Moving intersex/DSD rights and care forward: Lay understandings of common dilemmas. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 7(1) pp. 354–377.

2018To Top

Lundberg, T; Hegarty, Peter and Roen, K (2018). Making sense of ‘Intersex’ and ‘DSD’: how laypeople understand and use terminology. Psychology and Sexuality, 9(2) pp. 161–173.

Roen, Katrina; Creighton, Sarah M.; Hegarty, Peter and Liao, Lih-Mei (2018). Vaginal construction and treatment providers’ experiences: a qualitative analysis. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 31(3) pp. 247–251.

Roen, Katrina and Hegarty, Peter (2018). Shaping parents, shaping penises: How medical teams frame parents’ decisions in response to hypospadias. British Journal of Health Psychology, 23(4) pp. 967–981.

2017To Top

Lundberg, T; Lindström, A; Roen, K and Hegarty, P (2017). From Knowing Nothing to Knowing What, How and Now: Parents' Experiences of Caring for their Children With Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 42(5) pp. 520–529.

2009To Top

Hegarty, P. J. (2009). Queerying lesbian and gay psychology’s coming of age: Was the past just kid stuff? In: Giffney, N. and O'Rourke, M. eds. The Ashgate Research Companion to Queer Theory. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Pub Co, 311 - 328.

2000To Top

1999To Top

Hegarty, PJ (1999). Taking intersexuality seriously: A new challenge for lesbian and gay psychology. newsletter of the BPS Lesbian and Gay Psychology Section(3) 6 - 8.


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