Currently browsing: Open Language Research Group

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2025To Top

Teng, Mark Feng; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Wu, Junjie Gavin eds. (2025). Theory and Practice in Vocabulary Research in Digital Environments. Routledge Studies in Applied Linguistics. New York: Routledge.

Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine (2025). Coaching for wellbeing: A study of the benefits and drawbacks for translators in the workplace. In: 11th European Society for Translation Studies (EST) Congress, 30 Jun - 04 Jul 2025, Leeds, UK.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2025). Conclusion: The next generation of studies in multimodal, multilingual and multi-agent vocabulary learning. In: Teng, Mark Feng; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Wu, Junjie Gavin eds. Theory and Practice in Vocabulary Research in Digital Environments. Routledge Studies in Applied Linguistics. New York, NY, USA: Routledge, pp. 249–256.

Pleines, Christine and Vialleton, Elodie (2025). Curriculum design. In: Álvarez, Inma and Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara eds. The Politics of Language Teaching and Learning. Perspectives from Higher Education in the UK. London: John Murray Press (In Press).

2024To Top

Hampel, Regine and Stickler, Ursula eds. (2024). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. Bloomsbury handbooks. London, New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Angermuller, Johannes (2024). Representing Discourse Studies: The unequal actors of an international and multidisciplinary field. In: Xu, Shi ed. The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Discourse Studies. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna (2024). Pronunciation anxiety in Spanish online learning. In: Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna; Galindo Merino, M. Mar and Pérez-Bernabeu, Aarón eds. La integración de la pronunciación en el aula de ELE. IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature (42). Amsterdam, NL: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 240–254.

Hampel, Regine (2024). Multilingualism and the Digital Media. In: Chapelle, Carol ed. Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley (In Press).

Hampel, Regine (2024). Ecological perspectives on CALL. In: Hampel, Regine and Stickler, Ursula eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. Bloomsbury Handbooks. Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 131–143.

Hampel, Regine and Lee, Helen (2024). Current and emerging theories in CALL. In: Stockwell, Glenn and Wang, Yijen eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (In Press).

Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine (2024). Studying psychological translation processes: towards an application in practice. In: Workshop for Network on Translators’ Job Satisfaction and Sustainability in the Translation Professions, 5-6 Dec 2024, Sigtuna, Sweden.

Muñoz-Basols, Javier and Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara (2024). Oportunidades de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de lenguas
Opportunities for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Language Teaching and Learning.
In: Muñoz-Basols, Javier; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and Cerezo, Luis eds. La enseñanza del español mediada por tecnología: de la justicia social a la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). Routledge, pp. 343–365.

Muñoz-Basols, Javier and Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara (2024). Interacción en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje / Interaction in Virtual Learning Environments. In: Muñoz-Basols, Javier; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and Cerezo, Luis eds. La enseñanza del español mediada por tecnología: de la justicia social a la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). Routledge, pp. 186–217.

Muñoz-Basols, Javier; Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara and Cerezo, Luis (2024). Planificar, Personalizar, Implementar (PPI): La enseñanza de lenguas mediada por tecnología [Planning, Personalization, Implementation (PPI): Technology-mediated language teaching]. In: Muñoz-Basols, Javier; Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara and Cerezo, Luis eds. La enseñanza del español mediada por tecnología: de la justicia social a la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). London: Routledge, pp. 1–19.

Panchenko, Yuri; García Folgado, María José and Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara (2024). Enseñanza del español en la Rusia estalinista (1947-1955): análisis de los manuales para la escuela general. Revista Internacional de Lenguas Extranjeras / International Journal of Foreign Languages, 21 pp. 93–119.

Stickler, Ursula and Hampel, Regine (2024). Conclusion. In: Hampel, Regine and Stickler, Ursula eds. Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. Bloomsbury Handbooks. London, New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 475–477.

Stickler, Ursula and Hampel, Regine (2024). Technology Integration in Europe: An Experiential Approach. In: Murphy Judy, Kathryn and Klimanova, Liudmila eds. The Handbook of Research in World Language Instruction. New York: Routledge (In press).

Stickler, Ursula; Kotschi, Susan and St John, Elke (2024). JenaCALLing: using residential school activities to develop an immersive online experience. In: Fayram, Jo; Austen, Samantha and Phillips, Helen eds. Online Teaching and Learning in a changing, pedagogic and linguistic landscape. Online Language Pedagogies (2). London: Castledown.

Stickler, Ursula and Shi, Lijing (2024). Participant-Focused Eyetracking in a Sociocultural Framework. In: Hampel, Regine and Stickler, Ursula eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. Bloomsbury handbooks. London, New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 413–427.

2023To Top

Stickler, Ursula and Emke, Martina eds. (2023). Online Language Teaching: Crises and Creativities. Developing Online Language Pedagogies, 1. London: Castledown.

Angermuller, Johannes (2023). Postfaktischer Diskurs und Wahrheit. Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung, 10(2) pp. 349–357.

Angermuller, Johannes (2023). The analysis of discursive subjects. In: Cap, Piotr ed. Handbook of Political Discourse. Elgar Handbooks in Political Science. Cheltenham: Elgar, pp. 180–203.

Angermuller, Johannes (2023). Der Brexit und seine Subjektpositionen. Soziale und sprachliche Prozesse der Subjektivierung im Diskurs. In: Dang-Anh, Mark ed. Politisches Postionieren. Sprachliche und soziale Praktiken. Akademiekonferenzen, 33. Heidelberg, DE: Winter Verlag, pp. 67–98.

Angermuller, Johannes (2023). Interpelando os sujeitos do Brexit. Processos linguísticos e sociais da subjetividade discursiva. In: Oliveira, Teresa; Teixeira, Carla; Marques, Isabelle Simões; Rosa, Rute; Gonçalvez, Matilde and Valentim, Helena Topa eds. Gramática e Texto: Contextos, usos e propostas didáticas. Lisboa, PT: Colibri | CLUNL, pp. 47–82.

Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and Kiss, Z. G. (2023). Production and perception of voicing contrast in assimilation contexts in Hungarian. Journal of Uralic Linguistics, 2(1) pp. 5–49.

Lewis, Tim; Rienties, Bart and Rets, Irina (2023). Communication, metacommunication and intercultural effectiveness in virtual exchange: The Evaluate project. In: Potolia, Anthippi and Derivry-Plard, Marine eds. Virtual Exchange for Intercultural Language Learning and Teaching: Fostering Communication for the Digital Age. Routledge Research in Language Education. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 133–155.

Muñoz-Basols, Javier and Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara (2023). Asociacionismo y enseñanza del español en Europa. Archiletras Científica, 10 pp. 107–119.

Stickler, Ursula and Emke, Martina (2023). Future-proofing language teaching: How the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our profession. CALICO Journal, 40(2) pp. 137–152.

2022To Top

Angermuller, Johannes (2022). Beyond discourse theory in the conspiratorial mode? The critical issue of truth in the age of post-truth. In: Demata, Massimiliano; Zorzi, Virginia and Zottola, Angela eds. Conspiracy Theory Discourses. Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture (98). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 489–494.

Stickler, Ursula (2022). Technology and Language Teaching. Elements in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Young, Tony Johnstone; Ganassin, Sara; Schneider, Stefanie; Schartner, Alina and Walsh, Steve (2022). Intercultural Challenges for the Reintegration of Displaced Professionals: A Response to the Language Learning Needs of Refugees in Europe. Routledge Studies in Language and Intercultural Communication. New York: Routledge.

2021To Top

Hauck, Mirjam; Satar, Muge and Kurek, Malgorzata (2021). Where multimodal literacy meets online language learner autonomy: “Digital resources give us wings”. In: Fuchs, Carolin; Hauck, Mirjam and Dooly, Melinda eds. Language Education in Digital Spaces: Perspectives on Autonomy and Interaction. Educational Linguistics. Springer, pp. 85–111.

Hubscher-Davidson, Severine (2021). Emotions and the affective side of Translation and Interpreting. In EST Newsletter European Society for Translation Studies.

Hubscher-Davidson, Severine (2021). Emotions and Translation. In: Gambier, Yves and Van Doorslaer, Luc eds. Handbook of Translation Studies (HTS). HTS, 5. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 53–58.

Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine and Lehr, Caroline (2021). Improving the Emotional Intelligence of Translators: A Roadmap for an Experimental Training Intervention. Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting. Cham, Switzerland: Spinger.

2007To Top


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