Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Zsuzsanna Barkanyi

28 items in this list.
Generated on Tue Feb 11 15:33:12 2025 GMT.

2025To Top

2024To Top

Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna; Galindo Merino, M. Mar and Pérez-Bernabeu, Aarón eds. (2024). La integración de la pronunciación en el aula de ELE. IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature (42). Amsterdam, NL: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna (2024). Ansiedad y aprendizaje virtual / Anxiety and virtual learning. In: Muñoz-Basols, Javier; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and Cerzo, Luis eds. La enseñanza del español mediada por tecnología: de la justicia social a la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). Advances in Spanish Language Teaching. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 160–185.

Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna (2024). Pronunciation anxiety in Spanish online learning. In: Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna; Galindo Merino, M. Mar and Pérez-Bernabeu, Aarón eds. La integración de la pronunciación en el aula de ELE. IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature (42). Amsterdam, NL: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 240–254.

2023To Top

Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and Kiss, Z. G. (2023). Production and perception of voicing contrast in assimilation contexts in Hungarian. Journal of Uralic Linguistics, 2(1) pp. 5–49.

Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna and G. Kiss, Zoltán (2023). Learning and unlearning voicing assimilation. Frontiers in Language Sciences, 2, article no. 1304666.

2022To Top

Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and G. Kiss, Zoltan (2022). A homofóniakerülés hatása a zöngeprodukcióban
[Homophony avoidance in the production of voicing].
Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok(34) pp. 143–168.

2021To Top

Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna (2021). Motivation, self-efficacy beliefs and speaking anxiety in language MOOCs. ReCALL - Researching Massive Open Online Courses for language teaching and learning, 33(2) pp. 143–160.

2020To Top

Alvarez, Inma., Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara. and Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna. (2020) Supporting the teaching of pronunciation in the language curriculum. in Ubachs, George (ed.) The Envisioning Report for Empowering Universities (4th Edition). Maastricht, The Netherlands, European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, pp.12-14.

2019To Top

2018To Top

Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna (2018). The acquisition of voicing assimilation by advanced Hungarian learners of Spanish. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 31(1) pp. 1–31.

Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna (2018). Can you teach me to speak? Oral practice and anxiety in a language MOOC. In: Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando; Beaven, Tita and Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara eds. Innovative language teaching and learning at university: integrating informal learning into formal language education., pp. 9–16.

Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and Blastik, Santosné eds. (2018). Palabras enlazadas: estudios en homenaje al profesor László Scholz. Szeged: Jate Press.

2017To Top

Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and Melchor-Couto, Sabela (2017). Foreign language anxiety on a massive open online language course. In: Borthwick,, Kate; Bradley, Linda and Thouësny, Sylvie eds. CALL in a climate of change: adapting to turbulent global conditions – short papers from EUROCALL 2017., pp. 24–29.

2015To Top

Mády, Katalin and Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna (2015). Voicing assimilation at accentual phrase boundaries in Hungarian. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Wolters, Maria; Livingstone, Judy; Beattie, Bernie; Smith, Rachel; MacMahon, Mike; Stuart-Smith, Jane and Scobbie, Jim eds.), The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015, Glasgow, UK.

Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna and G. Kiss, Zoltán (2015). Why do sonorants not voice in Hungarian?: And why do they voice in Slovak? In: É. Kiss, Katalin; Surányi, Balázs and Dékány, Éva eds. Approaches to Hungarian, Volume 14. Amsterdam, Holland: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 65–94.

Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and Štefan, Beňuš (2015). Prosodic conditioning of pre-sonorant voicing. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences Glasgow (Michaux, M; Caspers, J; van Heuven, VJJP and Hiligsmann, Ph eds.), University of Glasgow, Glasgow, article no. 0336.

2014To Top

Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna (2014). Reflexiones sobre la asimilación de sonoridad de la /s/. In: Fábián, Zsuzsanna; Szijj, Ildikó; Szilágyi, Imre and Déri, Balázs eds. GPS 60°: Köszöntő kötet Giampaolo Salvi 60. születésnapjára. Studi di linguistica neolatina per i 60 anni di Giampaolo Salvi. Budapest, Hungary: ELTE, BTK, pp. 25–36.

Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna (2014). Is there final devoicing in Spanish? In: Szigetvári, Péter ed. VLlxx: Papers in Linguistics. Presented to László Varga on his 70th Birthday. Tinta Könyvkiadó, pp. 279–288.


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