Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Xuchao Zhao

30 items in this list.
Generated on Wed Feb 12 01:55:36 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Greenwood, R. C.; Findlay, R.; Martins, R.; Steele, R. C. J.; Shaw, K. M. M.; Morton, E.; Savage, P. S.; Murphy, M. E.; Rehkämper, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Elliott, T.; Suttle, M. D.; King, A. J.; Anand, M.; Malley, J.; Howard, K. T.; Zhao, X.; Johnson, D.; Liu, M.‐C.; McCain, K. A. and Stephen, N. R. (2024). The formation and aqueous alteration of CM2 chondrites and their relationship to CO3 chondrites: A fresh isotopic (O, Cd, Cr, Si, Te, Ti, and Zn) perspective from the Winchcombe CM2 fall. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 59(5) pp. 1170–1193.

Stephant, A.; Anand, M.; Carli, C.; Zhao, X.; Davidson, J.; Cuppone, T.; Pratesi, G. and Franchi, I. A. (2024). Chondritic chlorine isotope composition of acapulcoites and lodranites. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 29 pp. 14–19.

van Kooten, Elishevah; Zhao, Xuchao; Franchi, Ian; Tung, Po-Yen; Fairclough, Simon; Walmsley, John; Onyett, Isaac; Schiller, Martin and Bizzarro, Martin (2024). The nucleosynthetic fingerprint of the outermost protoplanetary disk and early Solar System dynamics. Science Advances, 10(24), article no. eadp1613.

Abbas, A; Curson, K; Robertson, S; West, G; Franchi, I; Zhao, X; Xiong, G; Metzger, W; Liu, D and Walls, J M (2024). Selenium and Arsenic Interactions in CdSeTe/CdTe Solar Cells Using STEM-EDX, NanoSIMS and Cathodoluminescence. In: 2024 IEEE 52nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), IEEE, Seattle, WA, USA, pp. 1407–1410.

2023To Top

Stephant, A.; Zhao, X.; Anand, M.; Davidson, J.; Carli, C.; Cuppone, T.; Pratesi, G. and Franchi, I. A, (2023). Hydrogen in acapulcoites and lodranites: A unique source of water for planetesimals in the inner Solar System. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 615, article no. 118202.

Lee, Martin R.; Floyd, Cameron; Martin, Pierre‐Etienne; Zhao, Xuchao; Franchi, Ian A.; Jenkins, Laura and Griffin, Sammy (2023). Extended time scales of carbonaceous chondrite aqueous alteration evidenced by a xenolith in La Paz Icefield 02239 (CM2). Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 58(5) pp. 672–687.

2022To Top

Blanchard, I.; Rubie, D. C.; Jennings, E. S.; Franchi, I. A.; Zhao, X.; Petitgirard, S.; Miyajima, N.; Jacobson, S. A. and Morbidelli, A. (2022). The metal–silicate partitioning of carbon during Earth's accretion and its distribution in the early solar system. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 580, article no. 117374.

Blanchard, Ingrid; Petitgirard, Sylvain; Laurenz, Vera; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi; Wilke, Max; Rubie, David C.; Lobanov, Sergey S.; Hennet, Louis; Morgenroth, Wolfgang; Tucoulou, Rémi; Bonino, Valentina; Zhao, Xuchao and Franchi, Ian (2022). Chemical analysis of trace elements at the nanoscale in samples recovered from laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 49(6) p. 18.

2021To Top

Farsang, Stefan; Franchi, Ian A.; Zhao, Xuchao; Raub, Timothy D.; Redfern, Simon A.T. and Grady, Monica M. (2021). Carbonate assemblages in Cold Bokkeveld CM chondrite reveal complex parent body evolution. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 56(4) pp. 723–741.

Darling, J.R.; White, L.F.; Kizovski, T.; Černok, A.; Moser, D.E.; Tait, K.T.; Dunlop, J.; Langelier, B.; Douglas, J.O.; Zhao, X.; Franchi, I. A. and Anand, M. (2021). The shocking state of apatite and merrillite in shergottite Northwest Africa 5298 and extreme nanoscale chlorine isotope variability revealed by atom probe tomography. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 293 pp. 422–437.

Chan, Q. H. S.; Stephant, A.; Franchi, I. A.; Zhao, X.; Brunetto, R.; Kebukawa, Y.; Noguchi, T.; Johnson, David; Price, M. C.; Harriss, K. H.; Zolensky, M. E. and Grady, M. M. (2021). Organic matter and water from asteroid Itokawa. Scientific Reports, 11(1), article no. 5125.

2020To Top

Hu, S.; Lin, Y.; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Zhao, X.; Zhang, J.; Hao, J.; Zhang, T.; Yang, W. and Changela, H. (2020). Deuterium and 37Chlorine Rich Fluids on the Surface of Mars: Evidence from the Enriched Basaltic Shergottite Northwest Africa 8657. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125(9), article no. e2020JE006537.

Cernok, Ana; Anand, Mahesh; Zhao, Xuchao; Darling, James R.; White, Lee F.; Stephant, Alice; Dunlop, Joseph; Tait, Kimberly T. and Franchi, Ian (2020). Preservation of primordial signatures of water in highly-shocked ancient lunar rocks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 544, article no. 116364.

2019To Top

Stephant, A.; Anand, M.; Ashcroft, H. O.; Zhao, X.; Hu, S.; Korotev, R.L.; Strekopytov, S.; Greenwood, R.C.; Humphreys-Williams, E.; Liu, Y.; Tang, G.; Li, Q. and Franchi, I.A. (2019). An ancient reservoir of volatiles in the Moon sampled by lunar meteorite Northwest Africa 10989. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 266 pp. 163–183.


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