Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Wendy Hollway

40 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 15 15:39:14 2025 GMT.

BTo Top

Baraitser, Lisa; Spigel, Sigal; Betterton, Rosemary; Curk, Polona; Hollway, Wendy; Jensen, Tracey; Miller, Gavin; Miller, Tina; Parker, Rozsika; Pullinger, Kate; Raphael-Leff, Joan; Reynolds, Tracey and Simic, Lena (2009). Editorial: Mapping Maternal Subjectivities, Identities and Ethics. Studies in the maternal, 1(1)

ETo Top

Elliott, Heather; Ryan, Joanna and Hollway, Wendy (2012). Research encounters, reflexivity and supervision. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 15(5) pp. 433–333.

FTo Top

Froggett, Lynn and Hollway, Wendy (2010). Psychosocial research analysis and scenic understanding. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society, 15(3) pp. 281–301.

HTo Top

Hollway, Wendy (2022). Towards an eco-psycho-social analysis of climate change. In: Frosh, Stephen; Vyrgioti, Marita and Walsh, Julie eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Psychosocial Studies. Palsgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Hollway, Wendy; Kofoed, Jette; Ruch, Gillian; Sims, Louise; Thomson, Rachel and Tonkin, Lois (2020). Carbon-lite collaboration: a virtual visual matrix. Journal of Psychosocial Studies, 13(2) pp. 135–149.

Hollway, Wendy (2013). Objectivity. In: Theo, Thomas ed. Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. Heidelberg: SpringerReference.

Hollway, Wendy (2013). Locating unconscious "societal-collective" processes in psycho-social research. Organisational and Social Dynamics, 13(1) pp. 22–40.

Hollway, Wendy and Froggett, Lynn (2012). Researching in-between subjective experience and reality. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 13(3), article no. 13.

Hollway, Wendy (2012). Infant observation: opportunities, challenges, threats. Infant Observation: International Journal of Infant Observation and its Applications, 15(1) pp. 21–32.

Hollway, Wendy (2011). Through discursive psychology to a psycho-social approach. In: Bozatzis, Nikos and Dragonas,, Thaleia eds. Social psychology: the turn to discourse. Athens: Metaixmio, pp. 209–240.

Hollway, Wendy (2010). Conflict in the transitions to becoming a mother: a psycho-social approach. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society, 15(2) pp. 136–155.

Hollway, Wendy (2010). Relationality: the intersubjective foundations of identity. In: Wetherell, Margaret and Mohanty, Chandra eds. Sage Handbook of Identities. London, U.K.: Sage, pp. 216–232.

Hollway, Wendy and Volmerg, Birgit (2010). Interpretation group method in the Dubrovnik tradition. International Research Group for Psycho-Societal Analysis.

Hollway, Wendy and Jefferson, Tony (2009). Panic and perjury: A psychosocial exploration of agency. In: Sclater, Shelley Day; Jones, David W.; Price, Heather and Yates, Candida eds. Emotion: New Psychosocial Perspectives. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 123–138.

Hollway, Wendy and Jefferson, Tony (2009). Researching defended subjects with the free association narrative interviewing method. In: Cook, Harold J.; Bhattacharya, Sanjoy and Hardy, Anne eds. History of the social determinants of health: Global histories, contemporary debates. Hyderabad: Orient Black Swan, pp. 296–315.

Hollway, Wendy (2008). The importance of relational thinking in the practice of psycho-social research: ontology, epistemology, methodology and ethics. In: Clarke, Simon; Hoggett, Paul and Hahn, Herbert eds. Object relations and social relations: The implications of the relational turn in psychoanalysis. Exploring Psyco-Social Studies. London, UK: Karnac, pp. 137–162.

Hollway, Wendy (2008). Psychoanalytically informed observation. In: Given, Lisa M. ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods. Sevenoaks, California: Sage.

Hollway, Wendy (2008). Doing intellectual disagreement differently? Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society, 13(4) pp. 385–396.

Hollway, Wendy and Jefferson, Tony (2008). The free association narrative interview method. In: Given, Lisa M. ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods. Sevenoaks, California: Sage, pp. 296–315.

Hollway, Wendy (2007). Afterword. Infant Observation, 10(3) pp. 231–236.

Hollway, Wendy (2006). Introducing the capacity to care. In: Hollway, Wendy ed. The capacity to care: gender and ethical subjectivity. Women and Psychology. London, UK: Routledge.

Hollway, Wendy (2006). Psychoanalysis in social psychological research. Psychologist, 19(9) pp. 544–545.

Hollway, Wendy and Jefferson, Tony (2005). Panic and perjury: a psychosocial exploration of agency. British Journal of Social Psychology, 44(2) pp. 147–163.

Hollway, Wendy and Jefferson, Tony (2005). But why did Vince get sick?: A reply to Spears and Wetherell. British Journal of Social Psychology, 44(2) pp. 175–180.

Hollway, Wendy (2004). Feminism and heterosexual marriage: The return of the repressed? Feminism & Psychology, 14(2) pp. 319–322.

Hollway, Wendy (2001). The psycho-social subject in 'evidence-based practice'. Journal of Social Work Practice, 15(1) pp. 9–22.

Hollway, Wendy (2001). From motherhood to maternal subjectivity. International Journal of Critical Psychology, 2 pp. 13–38.

TTo Top

Turp, Maggie and Hollway, Wendy (2021). Climate activism among members. The Psychologist, 34

UTo Top

Urwin, Cathy; Hauge, Mona Iren; Hollway, Wendy and Haavind, Hanne (2012). Becoming a mother through culture. Qualitative Inquiry, 19(6) pp. 470–479.

WTo Top

Walsh, Julie; Hollway, Wendy and Mitchell, Juliet (2015). Interview with Juliet Mitchell – Psychoanalysis and Feminism: Then and Now. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 20(2) pp. 112–130.


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