Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Victor Popov

26 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Jan 24 03:27:33 2025 GMT.

2015To Top

Witton, Jonathan; Padmashri, Ragunathan; Zinyuk, Larissa E.; Popov, Victor I.; Kraev, Igor; Line, Samantha J.; Jensen, Thomas P.; Tedoldi, Angelo; Cummings, Damian M.; Tybulewicz, Victor L. J.; Fisher, Elizabeth M. C.; Bannerman, David M.; Randall, Andrew D.; Brown, Jonathan T.; Edwards, Frances A.; Rusakov, Dmitri A.; Stewart, Michael G. and Jones, Matt W. (2015). Hippocampal circuit dysfunction in the Tc1 mouse model of Down syndrome. Nature Neuroscience, 18 pp. 1291–1298.

2014To Top

Medvedev, Nikolay; Popov, Victor; Henneberger, Christian; Kraev, Igor; Rusakov, Dmitri and Stewart, Michael (2014). Glia selectively approach synapses on thin dendritic spines. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 369(1654), article no. 20140047.

Stewart, Michael G.; Popov, Victor I.; Kraev, Igor V.; Medvedev, Nikolay and Davies, Heather A. (2014). Structure and complexity of the synapse and dendritic spine. In: Pickel, Virginia and Segal, Menahem eds. The Synapse: Structure and Function. Neuroscience-Net Reference Book Series (3). Kidlington: Academic Press, pp. 1–20.

Medvedev, Ni. I.; Dallérac, G.; Popov, V. I.; Rodriguez Arellano, J. J.; Davies, H. A.; Kraev, I. V.; Doyère, V. and Stewart, M. G. (2014). Multiple spine boutons are formed after long-lasting LTP in the awake rat. Brain Structure & Function, 219(1) pp. 407–414.

2012To Top

Stewart, Michael and Popov, Victor (2012). Structural synaptic and dendritic spine plasticity in the hippocampus. In: Giese, Karl Peter ed. Memory Mechanisms In Health And Disease: Mechanistic Basis of Memory. Neurology/ Neuroscience. London: World Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 19–52.

Stewart, Michael; Popov, Victor; Kraev, Igor; Medvedev, Nikolay and Davies, Heather (2012). Structure and complexity of the synapse and dendritic spine. In: Pickel, Virginia and Segal, Menahem eds. The Synapse: Structure and Function. Neuroscience-Net Master Reference Book Series (MRBS), 3. New York: Neuroscience-Net LLC, pp. 1–20.

2011To Top

Kraev, Igor; Henneberger, Christian; Rossetti, Clara; Conboy, Lisa; Kohler, Lene B.; Fantin, Martina; Jennings, Alistair; Venero, Cesar; Popov, Victor; Rusakov, Dmitri; Stewart, Michael; Bock, Elisabeth; Berezin, Vladimir and Sandi, Carmen (2011). A peptide mimetic targeting trans-homophilic NCAM binding sites promotes spatial learning and neural plasticity in the hippocampus. PLoS ONE, 6(8) e23433.

2010To Top

Stewart, Michael; Popov, Victor; Medvedev, Nikolay; Gabbott, Paul; Corbett, Nicola; Kraev, Igor and Davies, Heather (2010). Dendritic spine and synapse morphological alterations induced by a neural cell adhesion molecule mimetic. In: Berezin, Vladimir ed. Structure and Function of the Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule NCAM. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 663. New York: Springer, pp. 373–383.

2009To Top

2008To Top

Medvedev, Nikolay I.; Rodriguez-Arellano, Jose J.; Popov, Victor I.; Davies, Heather; Tigaret, Cezar M.; Schoepfer, Ralf and Stewart, Michael (2008). The glutamate receptor 2 subunit controls post-synaptic density complexity and spine shape in the dentate gyrus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 27(2) pp. 315–325.

2007To Top

Sviridova-Chailakhyan, T. A.; Kraev, I. V.; Popov, V. I. and Chailakhyan, L. M. (2007). Study of nuclear remodeling in reconstructed mouse embryos by optical and electron microscopy. Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics, 417(1) pp. 306–310.

2006To Top

Gordon, R. Ya.; Ignatiev, D. A.; Rogachevskii, V. V.; Medvedev, N. I.; Kraev, I. V.; Patrushev, I. V.; Khutsyan, S. S. and Popov, V. I. (2006). Changes of activity of the protein-synthesizing system of brain neurons of the ground squirrel Citellus undulatus during hibernation and hypothermia. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology, 42(3) pp. 299–307.

2005To Top

Popov, V. I.; Deev, A. A.; Klimenko, O. A.; Kraev, I. V.; Kuz'minykh, S. B.; Medvedev, N. I.; Patrushev, I. V.; Popov, R. V.; Rogachevskii, V. V.; Khutsiyan, S. S.; Stewart, M. G. and Fesenko, E. E. (2005). Three-dimensional reconstruction of synapses and dendritic spines in the rat and ground squirrel hippocampus: New structural-functional paradigms for synaptic function. Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, 35(4) pp. 333–341.

2004To Top

Dhanrajan, Tiruchinapalli M.; Lynch, Marina A.; Kelly, Aine; Popov, Victor I.; Rusakov, Dmitri A. and Stewart, Michael (2004). Expression of long-term potentiation in aged rats involves perforated synapses but dendritic spine branching results from high-frequency stimulation alone. Hippocampus, 14(2) pp. 255–264.

2003To Top

Sandi, Carmen; Davies, Heather; Isabel Cordero, M.; Rodriguez, Jose J.; Popov, Victor I. and Stewart, Michael G. (2003). Rapid reversal of stress induced loss of synapses in CA3 of rat hippocampus following water maze training. European Journal of Neuroscience, 17(11) pp. 2447–2456.

Popov, V. I.; Medvedev, N. I.; Rogachevskii, V. V.; Ignatev, D. A.; Stewart, M. G. and Fesenko, E E (2003). The three-dimensional organization of synapses and astroglia in the hippocampus of rat and ground squirrel: New paradigms of synapse structure and function. Biophysics, 48(2) pp. 289–308.


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