Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Cinzia Priola

43 items in this list.
Generated on Thu Feb 13 14:01:00 2025 GMT.

ATo Top

Armstrong, Steven J. and Priola, Vincenza (2001). Individual Differences in Cognitive Style and their effects on task and social orientations of Self-Managed Work Teams. Small Groups Research, 32(3) pp. 283–312.

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Bend, Gemma L. and Priola, Vincenza (2018). What about a career? The intersection of gender and disability. In: Broadbridge, Adelina M. and Fielden, Sandra L. eds. Research Handbook of Diversity and Career. New Horizons in Management. Edward Elgar, pp. 193–208.

Brannan, Matthew J.; Parsons, Elizabeth and Priola, Vincenza (2015). Brands at Work: The Search for Meaning in Mundane Work. Organization Studies, 36(1) pp. 29–53.

Brannan, M J; Parsons, E and Priola, V (2013). Placing Branding within Organization Theory. In: Brannan, M J; Parsons, E and Priola, V eds. Branded Lives. The Production and Consumption of Meaning at Work. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 185–196.

CTo Top

Chaudhry, Shafaq and Priola, Vincenza (2018). Veiling Careers: Comparing gendered work in Islamic and Foreign Banks in Pakistan. In: Broadbridge, Adelina M. and Fielden, Sandra L. eds. Research Handbook of Diversity and Careers. New Horizons in Management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 375–390.

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De Simone, Silvia and Priola, Vincenza (2022). “Who’s that Girl?” The entrepreneur as a super(wo)man. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 39(1) pp. 97–111.

De Simone, Silvia and Priola, Vincenza (2015). 'What’s women’s work?’ Work-family Interface among women entrepreneurs in Italy. In: Broadbridge, Adelina M. and Fielden, Sandra L. eds. Handbook of Gendered Careers in Management: Getting In, Getting On, Getting Out. Edward Elgar, pp. 390–408.

GTo Top

Guillaume, Yves R. F.; Dawson, Jeremy F.; Priola, Vincenza; Sacramento, Claudia A.; Woods, Stephen A.; Higson, Helen E.; Budhwar, Pawan S. and West, Michael A. (2014). Managing diversity in organizations: An integrative model and agenda for future research. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23(5) pp. 783–802.

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Hurrell, Scott .A and Priola, Cinzia (2011). Organizational Design, Structure and Work Organisation. In: Butler, Michael and Rose, Edward eds. Introduction to Organisational Behaviour. London: CIPD, pp. 323–348.

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OTo Top

Otaye-Ebede ., L; Priola, V and Yerby, E (2020). Diversity in Organizations: HRM and International Practices. In: Crawshaw, J.R.; Budhwar, P. and Davis, A eds. Human Resource Management: Strategic and International Perspectives. 3rd edition. London: Sage, pp. 234–263.

Otaye-Ebede, Lilian; Priola, Vincenza and Yerby, Elaine (2017). Diversity in Organizations: HRM and International Practices. In: Crawshaw, Jonathan R.; Budhwar, Pawan and Davis, Ann eds. Human Resource Management: Strategic and International Perspectives, Volume 2nd ed. London: Sage.

Otaye-Ebede, Lillian; Priola, Vincenza and Yerby, Elaine (2014). Diversity in Organizations: HRM and International Practices. In: Crawshaw, Jonathan R.; Budhwar, Pawan and Davis, Ann eds. Human Resource Management: Strategic and International Perspectives. London: Sage, pp. 164–186.

PTo Top

Priola, Vincenza and O'Shea, Saoirse (2023). LGBTQ+ Inclusion. In: Yi, Ilcheong ed. Encyclopedia of Social and Solidarity Economy. Edward Elgar & United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force (UNTFSSE).

Priola, Vincenza and Pecis, Lara (2020). Missing voices: The absence of women from Italy’s COVID-19 pandemic response. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 35(7/8) pp. 619–627.

Priola, Cinzia (2017). Inequalities, discrimination and the pay gap. In HR Magazine HR - MA Business Ltd.

Priola, Vincenza (2016). Gender. In: Wilkinson, A and Johnstone, S eds. Encyclopaedia of Human Resource Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 155–156.

Priola, Vincenza; Lasio, Diego; De Simone, Silvia and Serri, Francesco (2014). The Sound of Silence. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Discrimination in ‘Inclusive Organizations’. British Journal of Management, 25(3) pp. 488–502.

Priola, Cinzia and Hurrell, Scott A. (2011). Organizational Culture and Change Management. In: Butler, Michael and Rose, Edward eds. Introduction to Organisational Behaviour. London: CIPD, pp. 349–373.

Priola, Vincenza (2010). Masculinity and Femininity. In: Mills, Albert J.; Durepos, Gabrielle and Wiebe, Elden eds. Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Case Study & Narrative Analysis. London: Sage, pp. 547–548.

Priola, Vincenza (2010). Multimethod Research Program. In: Mills, Albert J.; Durepos, Gabrielle and Wiebe, Elden eds. Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Case Study & Narrative Analysis. London: Sage, pp. 580–582.

Priola, Vincenza and Brannan, Matthew J. (2009). Between a rock and a hard place: Exploring women’s experience of participation and progress in managerial careers. Equal Opportunities International, 28(5) pp. 378–397.

Priola, V; Smith, J. L. and Armstron, S.J. (2004). Group Work and Cognitive Style: A Discursive Investigation. Small Group Research, 35(5) pp. 565–595.

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