Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Valerie Hope

26 items in this list.
Generated on Mon Feb 10 02:20:13 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Hope, Valerie M. (2024). Dead and Dying Bodies. In: Erasmo, Mario ed. A Cultural History of Death in Antiquity. A Cultural History of Death. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 15–31.

2020To Top

Hope, Valerie (2020). Octavia: a Roman mother in mourning. In: Sharrock, Alison and Keith, Alison eds. Maternal conceptions in classical literature and philosophy. University of Toronto Press.

Hope, Valerie (2020). Life at Sea, Death on Land: the Funerary Commemoration of the Sailors of Roman Misenum. In: Bargfeldt, Niels and Hjarl Petersen, Jane eds. Reflections: Harbour City Deathscapes in Roman Italy and Beyond. Rome: Quasar, pp. 79–98.

2019To Top

Hope, Valerie M. (2019). An Emperor's Tears: the significance of the mourning of the Julio-Claudian emperors. Thersites: Journal for Transcultural Presences and Diachronic identities from antiquity to date, 9 pp. 117–146.

2018To Top

Hope, Valerie (2018). Funerary practice in the city of Rome. In: Holleran, Claire and Claridge, Amanda eds. A Companion to the City of Rome. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 383–401.

Hope, Valerie (2018). Vocal expression in Roman mourning. In: Butler, Shane and Nooter, Sarah eds. Sound and the Ancient Senses. The Senses in Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 61–76.

Hope, Valerie (2018). Dead people's clothes: Materialising mourning and memory in ancient Rome. In: Newby, Zahra and Toulson, Ruth eds. The Materiality of Mourning: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 23–39.

2017To Top

Hope, Valerie (2017). Living without the dead: finding solace in ancient Rome. In: Tappenden, Frederick S. and Daniel-Hughes, Carly eds. Coming Back to Life: The Permeability of Past and Present, Mortality and Immortality, Death and Life in the Ancient Mediterranean. Montreal, Quebec: McGill Scholarly Publishing, pp. 39–70.

Hope, Valerie M. (2017). A sense of grief: the role of the senses in the performance of Roman mourning. In: Betts, Eleanor ed. Senses of the Empire. Multisensory Approaches to Roman Culture. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 86–103.

2016To Top

Graham, Emma-Jayne and Hope, Valerie M. (2016). Funerary practices. In: Cooley, Alison E. ed. A Companion to Roman Italy. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 159–180.

2015To Top

Hope, Valerie (2015). Bodies on the Battlefield: the spectacle of Rome's fallen soldiers. In: Hope, Valerie and Bakogiannia, Anastasia eds. War as Spectacle. Ancient and Modern Perspectives on the Display of Armed Conflict. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 157–178.

2014To Top

Hope, Valerie (2014). Inscriptions and Identity. In: Millet, Martin; Revell, Louise and Moore, Alison eds. The Oxford Handbook of Roman Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2011To Top

Hope, Valerie (2011). Livia's tears: the presentation of Roman mourning. In: Whittaker, Helène ed. In Memoriam: Commemoration, Communal Memory and Gender Values in the Ancient Graeco-Roman World. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 91–125.

Hope, Valerie (2011). Remembering to mourn: personal mementos of the dead in ancient Rome. In: Hope, Valerie and Huskinson, Janet eds. Memory and Mourning: Studies on Roman Death. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 176–195.

Hope, Valerie M. (2011). Introduction. In: Hope, Valerie M. and Huskinson, Janet eds. Memory and Mourning: Studies on Roman Death. Oxford: Oxbow Books, xi-xxiv.

2010To Top

Hope, Valerie (2010). The end is to the beginning as the beginning is to the end. Birth, death and the classical body. In: Garrison, Daniel H. ed. A Cultural History of the Human Body in Antiquity. A Cultural History of the Human Body, 1. Oxford and New York: Berg Publishers, pp. 25–44.

2009To Top

Hope, Valerie (2009). At home with the dead: Roman funeral traditions and Trimalchio's tomb. In: Prag, Jonathan R. W. and Repath, Ian D. eds. Petronius: a Handbook. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd, pp. 140–160.

2007To Top

Hope, Valerie (2007). Death in Ancient Rome: A sourcebook. London, UK: Routledge.

Hope, Valerie M. (2007). Age and the Roman soldier: the evidence of tombstones. In: Harlow, Mary and Laurence, Ray eds. Age and Ageing in the Roman Empire. Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplementary Series (65). Portsmouth, RI, USA: Journal of Roman Archaeology, pp. 111–129.

2003To Top

Hope, Valerie M. (2003). Trophies and tombstones: commemorating the Roman soldier. World Archaeology, 35(1) pp. 79–97.

Hope, Valerie M. (2003). Remembering Rome: memory, funerary monuments and the Roman soldier. In: Williams, Howard ed. Archaeologies of remembrance: death and memory in past societies. New York, USA: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp. 113–140.

2001To Top

Hope, Valerie M. (2001). Constructing identity: the Roman funerary monuments of Aquileia, Mainz and Nimes. British Archaeological Reports, International Series (960). Oxford, UK: Archaeopress.


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