Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Ursula Rothe

23 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 9 22:26:29 2025 GMT.

2023To Top

Rothe, Ursula; Hamelink, Anique and Delferrière, Nicolas (2023). Roman Clavus Decoration on Gallic Dress: A Reevaluation Based on New Discoveries. American Journal of Archaeology, 127(4) pp. 545–562.

2019To Top

Rothe, Ursula (2019). The Toga and Roman Identity. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

2018To Top

Rothe, Ursula (2018). Veiling in Pannonia. In: Ivleva, Tatiana; De Bruin, Jasper and Driessen, Mark eds. Embracing the Provinces: Society and Material Culture of the Roman Frontier Regions. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 93–100.

Rothe, Ursula (2018). The Roman Villa: Definitions And Variations. In: Marzano, Annalisa and Métraux, Guy P. R. eds. The Roman Villa in the Mediterranean Basin: Late Republic to Late Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 42–58.

Rothe, Ursula; Kenkel, Frauke and Zerbini, Andrea (2018). Excavations in Area III on Tall Zar‘ā. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 58 pp. 257–273.

2017To Top

Rothe, Ursula (2017). Ethnicity. In: Harlow, Mary ed. A Cultural History of Dress and Fashion, Vol. 1: Antiquity. Bloomsbury.

2015To Top

2014To Top

Rothe, Ursula (2014). Ethnicity in the Roman north-west. In: McInerney, Jeremy ed. A Companion to Ethnicity in the Ancient Mediterranean. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 497–513.

2013To Top

Rothe, Ursula (2013). Whose fashion? Men, women and Roman culture as reflected in dress in the cities of the Roman north-west. In: Hemelrijk, Emily and Woolf, Greg eds. Women and the Roman City in the Latin West. Mnemosyne Supplements, History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity (360). Leiden: Brill, pp. 243–268.

Rothe, Ursula (2013). Das norische Frauengewand. In: Tellenbach, Michael; Schulz, Regine and Wieczorek, Alfried eds. Die Macht der Toga: Dresscode im römischen Weltreich. Mannheim: Schnell und Steiner, pp. 189–193.

Rothe, Ursula (2013). Die norisch-pannonische Tracht: gab es sie wirklich? In: Grabherr, G.; Kainarth, B. and Schierl, T. eds. Relations Abroad? Brooches and Other Elements of Dress as Sources for Reconstructing Interregional Movement and Group Boundaries from the Punic Wars to the Decline of the Western Empire. Ikarus. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, pp. 33–48.

2012To Top

Rothe, Ursula (2012). Rome, resistance to (cultural). In: Bagnall, Roger S.; Broderson, Kai; Champion, Craige B.; Erskine, Andrew and Huebner, Sabine R. eds. The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 5950–5953.

Rothe, Ursula (2012). Dress in the middle Danube provinces: the garments, their origins and their distribution. Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts, 81 pp. 137–231.

Rothe, Ursula (2012). Dress and cultural identity in the Roman Empire. In: Harlow, Mary ed. Dress and Identity. University of Birmingham IAA Interdisciplinary Series: Studies in Archaeology, History, Literature and Art (2). Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 59–68.

Rothe, Ursula (2012). The “Third Way”: Treveran women’s dress and the “Gallic Ensemble”. American Journal of Archaeology, 116(2) pp. 235–252.

Rothe, Ursula (2012). Romanization. In: Bagnall, R.S.; Brodersen, K.; Champion, C.B.; Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. eds. The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 5875–5881.

Rothe, Ursula (2012). Roman Empire, regional cultures. In: Bagnall, R.S.; Brodersen, K.; Champion, C.B.; Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. eds. The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 5866–5870.

2011To Top

2010To Top

Rothe, Ursula (2010). Gallische Frauenkleidung in römischer Zeit. Mannheimer Geschichtsblätter, 19 pp. 65–80.

2009To Top

Rothe, Ursula (2009). Dress and Cultural Identity in the Rhine-Moselle Region of the Roman Empire. British Archaeological Reports, 2009 (S2038). Oxford: Archaeopress.

2007To Top

Rothe, Ursula (2007). The comparative and interdisciplinary approach and Romanisation studies. In: Schroeder, H.; Bray, P.; Gardner, P.; Jefferson, V. and Macaulay-Lewis, E. eds. Crossing Frontiers: The Opportunities and Challenges of Interdisciplinary Approaches to Archaeology. Proceedings of a Conference held at the University of Oxford, 25-26 June 2005. Oxford University School of Archaeology monograph (66). Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology, pp. 99–110.

2005To Top

Rothe, Ursula (2005). Die Anfänge der Romanisierungsforschung. In: Schoerner, Günther ed. Romanisierung - Romanisation. Theoretische Modelle und praktische Fallbeispiele. British Archaeological Reports (BAR) (S1427). Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 1–13.

Rothe, Ursula (2005). Kleidung und Romanisierung: der Raum Rhein-Mosel. In: Schörner, Günther ed. Romanisierung - Romanisation. Theoretische Modelle und praktische Fallbeispiele. British Archaeological Reports (B.A.R.) (S1427). Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 169–178.


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