Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Uwe Grimm

103 items in this list.
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2024To Top

Aedo, Ibai; Grimm, Uwe; Mañibo, Neil; Nagai, Yasushi and Staynova, Petra (2024). Monochromatic arithmetic progressions in automatic sequences with group structure. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 203, article no. 105831.

2023To Top

Grimm, Uwe and Schreiber, Michael (2023). Electronic structure of quasicrystals. In: Chakraborty, Tapash ed. Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics (2nd ed), Volume 5. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 290–297.

Aedo, Ibai; Grimm, Uwe and Short, Ian (2023). Forward limit sets of semigroups of substitutions. arxiv/Forward limit sets of semigroups of substitutions (Early access).

2022To Top

Aedo, Ibai; Grimm, Uwe; Nagai, Yasushi and Staynova, Petra (2022). Monochromatic Arithmetic Progressions in Binary Thue–Morse-Like Words. Theoretical Computer Science, 934 pp. 65–80.

Moat, R. J.; Muyupa, E.; Imediegwu, C.; Clarke, D. J.; Jowers, I. and Grimm, U. G. (2022). Compressive behaviour of cellular structures with aperiodic order. Results in Materials, 15, article no. 100293.

2021To Top

Baake, Michael; Frank, Natalie Priebe and Grimm, Uwe (2021). Three variations on a theme by Fibonacci. Stochastics and Dynamics, 21(3), article no. 2140001.

Baake, M.; Coons, M.; Grimm, U.; Roberts, J.A.G. and Yassawi, R. (2021). Aperiodic Order Meets Number Theory: Origin and Structure of the Field. In: Wood, David R.; de Gier, Jan; Praeger, Cheryl E. and Tao, Terence eds. 2019-20 MATRIX Annals. MATRIX Book Series (4). Cham: Springer, pp. 663–667.

2020To Top

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2020). Diffraction of a model set with complex windows. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1458, article no. 012006.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2020). Renormalisation of Pair Correlations and Their Fourier Transforms for Primitive Block Substitutions. In: Akiyama, Shigeki and Arnoux, Pierre eds. Substitution and Tiling Dynamics: Introduction to Self-inducing Structures. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2273. Cham: Springer, pp. 359–395.

2019To Top

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2019). Scaling of diffraction intensities near the origin: some rigorous results. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, May 2019, article no. 054003.

2018To Top

2017To Top

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2017). Aperiodic Order. Volume 2: Crystallography and Almost Periodicity. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications, 166. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2017). Diffraction of a binary non-Pisot inflation tiling. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 809(1), article no. 012026.

Grimm, Uwe (2017). Aperiodic Order. In: Bullett, Shaun; Fearn, Tom and Smith, Frank eds. Dynamical and Complex Systems. LTCC Advanced Mathematics Series (5). London: World Scientific Europe, pp. 41–80.

2016To Top

Adiceam, Faustin; Damanik, David; Gähler, Franz; Grimm, Uwe; Haynes, Alan; Julien, Antoine; Navas, Andrés; Sadun, Lorenzo and Weiss, Barak (2016). Open Problems and Conjectures Related to the Theory of Mathematical Quasicrystals. Arnold Mathematical Journal, 2(4) pp. 579–592.

Baake, Michael; Écija, David and Grimm, Uwe (2016). A guide to lifting aperiodic structures. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials, 231(9) pp. 507–515.

Baake, Michael; Damanik, David and Grimm, Uwe (2016). WHAT IS...Aperiodic Order? Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 63(6) pp. 647–650.

2015To Top

Baake, Michael; Birkner, Matthias and Grimm, Uwe (2015). Non-periodic Systems with Continuous Diffraction Measures. In: Kellendonk, Johannes; Lenz, Daniel and Savinien, Jean eds. Mathematics of Aperiodic Order. Progress in Mathematics (309). Basel: Birkhauser, pp. 1–32.

Grimm, Uwe (2015). Aperiodic crystals and beyond. Acta Crystallographica Section B, 71(3) pp. 258–274.

2014To Top

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2014). Squirals and beyond: substitution tilings with singular continuous spectrum. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 34(4) pp. 1077–1102.

Baake, M.; Grimm, U. and Nilsson, J. (2014). Scaling of the Thue-Morse diffraction measure. Acta Physica Polonica A, 126(2) pp. 431–434.

Grimm, U. and Baake, M. (2014). Recent progress in mathematical diffraction. Acta Physica Polonica A, 146(2) pp. 474–478.

2013To Top

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2013). Aperiodic Order. Vol 1. A Mathematical Invitation. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 149. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Baake, Michael; Gähler, Franz and Grimm, Uwe (2013). Examples of substitution systems and their factors. Journal of Integer Sequences, 16(2) pp. 1–18.

2012To Top

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2012). Mathematical diffraction of aperiodic structures. Chemical Society Reviews, 41(20) pp. 6821–6843.

2011To Top

Grimm, Uwe (2011). Electrons in quasicrystals. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 51(11-12) pp. 1257–1262.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2011). Kinematic diffraction from a mathematical viewpoint. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 226(9) pp. 711–725.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2011). Diffraction of limit periodic point sets. Philosophical Magazine, 91(19-21) pp. 2661–2670.

Thiem, Stefanie; Schreiber, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2011). Light transmission through metallic-mean quasiperiodic stacks with oblique incidence. Philosophical Magazine, 91(19-21) pp. 2801–2810.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2011). Mathematical diffraction theory of deterministic and stochastic structures: An informal summary. In: Mathematics of Quasi-Periodic Order, 21-23 Jun 2010, RIMS, Kyoto, Japan.

Grimm, Uwe and Deng, Xinghua (2011). Some comments on pinwheel tilings and their diffraction. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 284(1) 012032.

2010To Top

Grimm, Uwe; McGrath, Rónán; Degtyareva, Olga and Sharma, Hem Raj eds. (2010). 6th International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals (APERIODIC'09). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 226 (1). London: IoP Publishing Ltd.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2010). Surprises in aperiodic diffraction. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 226(1) 012023.

Moro, A.; Lucas, Michael; Grimm, U. and Grassi, E. (2010). Financing SMEs: a model for optimising the capital structure. In: 17th Annual Global Finance Conference, 27-30 Jun 2010, Poznan.

2009To Top

Thiem, Stefanie; Schreiber, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2009). Wave packet dynamics, ergodicity, and localization in quasiperiodic chains. Physical Review B, 80(21) p. 214203.

2008To Top

Grimm, Uwe and Baake, Michael (2008). Homometric point sets and inverse problems. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 223(11-12) pp. 777–781.

Baake, Michael; Grimm, Uwe; Heuer, Manuela and Zeiner, Peter (2008). Coincidence rotations of the root lattice A4. European Journal of Combinatorics, 29(8) pp. 1808–1819.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2008). The singular continuous diffraction measure of the Thue-Morse chain. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 41(42) p. 422001.

2007To Top

Baake, Michael; Frettlöh, Dirk and Grimm, Uwe (2007). Pinwheel patterns and powder diffraction. Philosophical Magazine, 87(18-21) pp. 2831–2838.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2007). Homometric model sets and window covariograms. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 222(2) pp. 54–58.

2006To Top

Baake, Michael; Grimm, Uwe and Giegerich, Robert (2006). Surprises in approximating Levenshtein distances. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 243(2) pp. 279–282.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2006). Multiple planar coincidences with N-fold symmetry. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials, 221(8) pp. 571–581.

Baake, Michael; Grimm, Uwe and Jockusch, Harald (2006). Freely forming groups: trying to be rare. The ANZIAM Journal, 48(1) pp. 1–10.

Vedmedenko, E.Y.; Grimm, U. and Wiesendanger, R. (2006). Interplay between magnetic and spatial order in quasicrystals. Philosophical Magazine, 86(6-8) pp. 733–739.

Baake, M. and Grimm, U. (2006). Averaged coordination numbers of planar aperiodic tilings. Philosophical Magazine, 86(3-5) pp. 567–572.

2005To Top

Grimm, Uwe and Schreiber, Michael (2005). Electronic structure of quasicrystals. In: Bassani, G; Liedl, Gerald and Wyder, Peter eds. Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics. U.S: Academic Press, pp. 95–100.

2004To Top

McGrath, Rónán; Grimm, Uwe and Diehl, Renee D. (2004). The forbidden beauty of quasicrystals. Physics World, 17(12) pp. 23–27.

Vedmedenko, E.Y.; Grimm, U. and Wiesendanger, R. (2004). Noncollinear magnetic order in quasicrystals. Physical Review Letters, 93(7) 0764071-0764074.

Garske, Tini and Grimm, Uwe (2004). Maximum principle and mutation thresholds for four-letter sequence evolution. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2004, article no. P07007.

Baake, Michael; Grimm, Uwe and Scheffer, Max (2004). Tilings colourful - only even more so. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 334-335 pp. 83–85.

Richard, Christoph and Grimm, Uwe (2004). On the entropy and letter frequencies of ternary square-free words. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 11(1), article no. R14.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2004). Bravais colourings of planar modules with N-fold symmetry. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 219(2) pp. 72–80.

Grimm, Uwe and Baake, Michael (2004). Shelling of homogeneous media. Ferroelectrics, 305(1) pp. 173–178.

2003To Top

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2003). Quasicrystalline combinatorics. In: Gazeau, J.-P.; Kerner, R.; Antoine, J.-P.; Metens, S. and Thibon, J.-Y. eds. Group 24: Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries. Institute of Physics Conference Series (173). Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing Ltd, pp. 193–200.

Grimm, Uwe and Martin, Paul P. (2003). The bubble algebra: structure of a two-colour Temperley–Lieb Algebra. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 36(42) pp. 10551–10571.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2003). A note on shelling. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 30(4) pp. 573–589.

Grimm, Uwe and Schreiber, Michael (2003). Energy spectra and eigenstates of quasiperiodic tight-binding Hamiltonians. In: Trebin, Hans-Rainer ed. Quasicrystals: Structure and Physical Properties. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, pp. 210–235.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2003). Combinatorial problems of (quasi-)crystallography. In: Trebin, Hans-Rainer ed. Quasicrystals: Structure and Physical Properties. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, pp. 160–171.

Grimm, Uwe (2003). Duality and conformal twisted boundaries in the Ising model. In: Gazeau, J.-P.; Kerner, R.; Antoine, J.-P.; Métens, S. and Thibon, J.-Y. eds. Group 24: Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetry. Institute of Physics Conference Series (173). Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing Ltd, pp. 395–398.

2002To Top

Baake, Michael; Grimm, Uwe and Scheffer, Max (2002). Colourings of planar quasicrystals. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 342(1-2) pp. 195–197.

Grimm, Uwe and Schreiber, Michael (2002). Aperiodic tilings on the computer. In: Suck, J.-B.; Schreiber, M. and Häussler, P. eds. Quasicrystals: An Introduction to Structure, Physical Properties, and Applications. Springer Series in Materials Science (55). Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 49–66.

Grimm, Uwe and Joseph, Dieter (2002). Modelling quasicrystal growth. In: Suck, J.-B.; Schreiber, M. and Häussler, P. eds. Quasicrystals: An Introduction to Structure, Physical Properties, and Applications. Springer Series in Materials Science (55). Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 199–218.

Grimm, Uwe and Repetowicz, Przemyslaw (2002). Partition function zeros of aperiodic Ising models. In: Kapuscik, Edward and Horzela, Andrzej eds. Quantum Theory and Symmetries. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 354–359.

Grimm, Uwe (2002). Spectrum of a duality-twisted Ising quantum chain. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 35(3) L25-L30.

Grimm, Uwe (2002). Aperiodicity and Disorder - Do They Play a Role? In: Hoffmann, K.-H. and Schreiber, Michael eds. Computational Statistical Physics: From Billiards to Monte-Carlo. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 191–210.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2002). Further Reading: Literature on Quasicrystals. In: Suck, J.-B.; Schreiber, M. and Häussler, P. eds. Quasicrystals: An Introduction to Structure, Physical Properties, and Applications. Springer Series in Materials Science, 55. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 539–544.

2001To Top

Guan, X. W.; Foerster, A.; Grimm, U.; Römer, R. A. and Schreiber, M. (2001). A supersymmetric Uq[osp(2|2)]-extended Hubbard model with boundary fields. Nuclear Physics B, 618(3) pp. 650–674.

Grimm, Uwe and Scheffer, Max (2001). Incommensurate crystals and quasicrystals. In: Meyers, Robert A. ed. Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Volume 7. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 731–749.

2000To Top

Repetowicz, Przemyslaw; Grimm, Uwe and Schreiber, Michael (2000). Planar quasiperiodic Ising models. Materials Science and Engineering A, 294-296 pp. 638–641.

Grimm, Uwe; Roemer, Rudolf A.; Schreiber, Michael and Zhong, Jian-Xin (2000). Universal level-spacing statistics in quasiperiodic tight-binding models. Materials Science and Engineering A, 294-296 pp. 564–567.

Baake, Michael; Grimm, Uwe; Joseph, Dieter and Repetowicz, Przemyslaw (2000). Averaged shelling for quasicrystals. Materials Science and Engineering A, 294-296 pp. 441–445.

Yuan, H. Q.; Grimm, U.; Repetowicz, P. and Schreiber, M. (2000). Energy spectra, wave functions, and quantum diffusion for quasiperiodic systems. Physical Review B, 62(23) pp. 15569–15578.

Wang, Xiaoguang; Grimm, Uwe and Schreiber, Michael (2000). Trace and antitrace maps for aperiodic sequences: Extensions and applications. Physical Review B, 62(21) pp. 14020–14031.

Guan, Xi-Wen; Grimm, Uwe; Roemer, Rudolf A. and Schreiber, Michael (2000). Integrable impurities for an open fermion chain. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 33(21) pp. 3863–3879.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2000). A guide to quasicrystal literature. In: Baake, Michael and Moody, Robert V. eds. Directions in Mathematical Quasicrystals. CRM Monograph Series (13). Providence, Rhode Island, USA: American Mathematical Society, pp. 371–373.

1999To Top

Schreiber, Michael; Grimm, Uwe; Roemer, Rudolf A. and Zhong, Jianxin (1999). Energy levels of quasiperiodic Hamiltonians, spectral unfolding, and random matrix theory. Computer Physics Communications, 121-122 pp. 499–501.

Repetozwicz, Przemyslaw; Grimm, Uwe and Schreiber, Michael (1999). High-temperature expansion for Ising models on quasiperiodic tilings. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 32(24) pp. 4397–4418.

Schreiber, Michael; Grimm, Uwe; Roemer, Rudolf A. and Zhong, Jian-Xin (1999). Application of random matrix theory to quasiperiodic systems. Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 266(1-4) pp. 477–480.

Eilmes, Andrzej; Grimm, Uwe; Roemer, Rudolf A. and Schreiber, Michael (1999). Two interacting particles at the metal-insulator transition. European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 8(4) pp. 547–554.

1998To Top

Guan, Xi-Wen; Grimm, Uwe and Römer, Rudolf A. (1998). Lax pair formulation for a small-polaron chain with integrable boundaries. Annalen der Physik, 7(5-6) pp. 518–522.

Grimm, Uwe; Römer, Rudolf A. and Schliecker, Gudrun (1998). Electronic states in topologically disordered systems. Annalen der Physik, 7(5-6) pp. 389–393.

1995To Top

Grimm, Uwe and Baake, Michael eds. (1995). Perspectives on Solvable Models. Singapore: World Scientific.


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