Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Umut Erel

42 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Dec 6 19:52:50 2024 GMT.

2024To Top

Reynolds, Tracey; Erel, Umut and O'Neill, Maggie (2024). Editorial introduction: Racialised migrants navigating the UK's hostile environment policies. Critical Social Policy, 44(2) pp. 165–177.

Erel, Umut (2024). Collaborations Between Academics, Artists and Activists: Transforming Public Understandings and Representations of Migration Issues. In: Sievers, Wiebke ed. Cultural Change in Post-Migrant Societies. IMISCOE Research Series. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 181–197.

2023To Top

Erel, Umut (2023). Afterword. In: Burlyuk, Olga and Rahbari, Ladan eds. Migrant Academics’ Narratives of Precarity and Resilience in Europe. Open Book Publishers, pp. 225–230.

2022To Top

Erel, Umut; Kaptani, Erene; O'Neill, Maggie and Reynolds, Tracey Ann Reynolds (2022). Migrants Performing Citizenship: Participatory Theatre and Walking Methods for Research. In: Czajka, Agnes and O'Brian, Aine eds. Art, Migration and the Production of Radical Democratic Citizenship. Frontiers of the Political: Doing International Politics. London: Rowman and Littlefield International, pp. 123–148.

Erel, Umut; Kaptani, Erene; O'Neill, Maggie and Reynolds, Tracey (2022). PAR: Resistance to racist migration policies in the UK. In: Bacal Roij, Azril ed. Transformative Research and Higher Education. London: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 93–106.

2020To Top

2019To Top

2018To Top

Reynolds, Tracey and Erel, Umut (2018). Migrant mothers: Kin work and cultural work in making future citizens. Families, Relationships and Societies, 7(3) pp. 357–363.

Reynolds, Tracey; Erel, Umut and Kaptani, Erene (2018). Migrant mothers: Performing kin work and belonging across private and public boundaries. Families, Relationships and Societies, 7(3) pp. 365–382.

Erel, Umut and Reynolds, Tracey (2018). Introduction: migrant mothers challenging racialized citizenship. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(1) pp. 1–16.

2017To Top

2016To Top

2015To Top

Ryan, Louise; Erel, Umut and D'Angelo, Alessio eds. (2015). Migrant Capital: Networks, Identities and Strategies. Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

Erel, Umut (2015). Thinking migrant capitals intersectionally: using a biographical approach. In: Ryan, Louise; Erel, Umut and D'Angelo, Alessio eds. Migrant Capital Networks, Identities and Strategies. Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship. Houndmills: Palgrave, pp. 18–32.

2014To Top

Erel, Umut and Reynolds, Tracey (2014). Research note: black feminist theory for participatory theatre with migrant mothers. Feminist Review, 108(1) pp. 106–111.

2013To Top

Erel, Umut (2013). Kurdish migrant mothers in London enacting citizenship. Citizenship Studies, 17(8) pp. 970–984.

Erel, Umut (2013). 'Troubling' or 'ordinary'? Children's views on migration and intergenerational ethnic identities. In: Ribbens McCarthy, Jane; Hooper, Carol-Ann and Gillies, Val eds. Family Troubles? Exploring Changes and Challenges in the Family Lives of Children and Young People. Bristol: The Policy Press, pp. 199–208.

2012To Top

Erel, Umut and Lutz, Helma (2012). Gender and transnationalism (Editorial). European Journal of Women's Studies, 19(4) pp. 409–412.

Erel, Umut (2012). Engendering transnational space: migrant mothers as cultural currency speculators. European Journal of Women's Studies, 19(4) pp. 460–474.

2011To Top

Erel, Umut (2011). Complex belongings: racialization and migration in a small English city. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 34(12) pp. 2048–2068.

Erel, Umut (2011). Reframing migrant mothers as citizens. Citizenship Studies, 15(6-7) pp. 695–709.

Erel, U. (2011). Migrant Mothers Transmitting and Transforming Ethnic Identities. In: Bertram, Hans and Ehlert, Nancy eds. Familie, Bindung und Care. Budrich, pp. 321–328.

Erel, Umut (2011). Rendre visible l'activisme des femmes migrantes. Cahiers du Genre, 51 pp. 135–154.

2010To Top

Erel, Umut; Haritaworn, Jin; Rodríguez, Encarnación Gutiérrez and Klesse, Christian (2010). On the depoliticisation of intersectionality talk: conceptualising multiple oppressions in critical sexuality studies. In: Taylor, Yvette; Hines, Sally and Casey, Mark E. eds. Theorizing Intersectionality and Sexuality. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 56–77.

Erel, Umut (2010). Migrant women challenging stereotypical views on femininities and family. In: Gill, Ros and Scharff, Christina eds. New Femininities: Postfeminism, Neoliberalism and Subjectivity. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

2009To Top

Erel, Umut (2009). Migrant women transforming citizenship. Studies in Migration and Diaspora. Aldershot: Ashgate.

2008To Top

Erel, Umut; Haritaworn, Jin; Rodríguez, Encarnación Gutiérrez and Klesse, Christian (2008). On the depoliticisation of intersectionality talk: Conceptualising multiple oppressions in critical sexuality studies. In: Kuntsman, Adi and Esperanza, Miyake eds. Out of place: Interrogating silences in queerness/raciality. New York: Raw Nerve Book, pp. 265–292.

2007To Top

Erel, Umut (2007). Transnationale Migration, intime Beziehungen und BürgerInnenrechte. In: Hartmann, Jutta; Klesse, Christian; Wagenknecht, Peter; Fritzsche, Bettina and Hackmann, Kristina eds. Heteronormativität. Empirische Studien zu Geschlecht, Sexualität und Macht - eine Einführung. Vs Verlag, pp. 251–267.

Erel, Umut; Haritaworn, Jinthana; Rodríguez, Encarnación Gutiérrez and Klesse, Christian (2007). Intersektionalität oder Simultaneität?! - Zur Verschränkung und Gleichzeitigkeit mehrfacher Machtverhältnisse - Eine Einführung. In: Hartmann, Jutta; Klesse, Christian; Wagenknecht, Peter; Fritzsche, Bettina and Hackmann, Kristina eds. Heteronormativität. Empirische Studien zu Geschlecht, Sexualität und Macht - eine Einführung. Vs Verlag, pp. 239–250.

2004To Top

Erel, Umut (2004). Migrantinnen zwischen Anerkennung und Abqualifikation [Migrant Women between Recognition and De-skilling]. In: Steyerl, Hito and Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Encarnación eds. Spricht die Subalterne deutsch? Migration und postkoloniale Kritik (Does the subaltern speak German? Migration and postcolonial criticism). Münster, Germany: Unrast Verlag, pp. 108–128.

Erel, Umut (2004). Geschlecht, migration und bürgerschaft [Gender, migration and citizenship]. In: Roß, Bettina ed. Migration, Geschlecht und Staatsbuergerschaft: Perspektiven für eine antirassistische und feministische Politik und Politikwissenschaft (Migration, Gender and citizenship: Prospects for an anti-racist and feminist politics and political science). Politik und Geschlecht (16). Wiesbaden, Germany: VS Verlag/GWV Fachverlage GmbH (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften), pp. 179–188.

Erel, Umut (2004). Paradigmen Kultureller Differenz und Hybriditaet. In: Sökefeld, Martin ed. Jenseits des Paradigmas kultureller Differenz: Neue Perspektiven auf Einwanderer aus der Türkei. Kultur und soziale praxis. Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript Verlag, pp. 35–51.

Erel, Umut (2004). Die Kraft der Schwachen? Soziales Kapital und Migration. In: Castro del Mar, Maria and Clayton, Dmitria eds. Migration, Gender, Arbeitsmarkt. Neue Beiträge zu Frauen und Globalisierung Konigsstein. Sulzbach/Taunus: Ulrike Helmer Verlag, pp. 154–185.


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