Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Thein Tun

68 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 9 06:50:18 2025 GMT.

Book SectionTo Top

Bennaceur, Amel; Tun, Thein Than; Yu, Yijun and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2019). Requirements Engineering. In: Cha, Sungdeok (Steve); Taylor, Richard N. and Kang, Kyo C. eds. Handbook of Software Engineering. Springer, pp. 51–92.

Tun, Thein; Yu, Yijun; Jackson, Michael; Laney, Robin and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2013). Aspect interactions: a requirements engineering perspective. In: Moreira, Ana; Chitchyan, Ruzanna; Araujo, João and Rashid, Awais eds. Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 271–286.

Saleem, Saad Bin; Montrieux, Lionel; Yu, Yijun; Tun, Thein and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2013). Maintaining security requirements of software systems using evolving crosscutting dependencies. In: Chitchyan, Ruzanna; Moreira, Ana; Araujo, Joao and Rashid, Awais eds. Aspect Oriented Requirements Engineering. Springer.

Hubaux, Arnaud; Acher, Mathieu; Tun, Thein Than; Heymans, Patrick; Collet, Philippe and Lahire, Philippe (2013). Separating concerns in feature models: retrospective and support for multi-views. In: Reinhartz-Berger, Iris; Sturm, Arnon; Clark, Tony; Cohen, Sholom and Bettin, Jorn eds. Domain Engineering: Product Lines, Languages, and Conceptual Models. Berlin: Springer, pp. 3–28.

Bandara, Arosha; Hayashi, Shinpei; Jurjens, Jan; Kaiya, Haruhiko; Kubo, Atsuto; Laney, Robin; Mouratidis, Haris; Nhlabatsi, Armstrong; Nuseibeh, Bashar; Tahara, Yasuyuki; Tun, Thein; Washizaki, Hironori; Yoshioka, Nobukazi and Yu, Yijun (2010). Security patterns: comparing modeling approaches. In: Mouratidis, Haris ed. Software Engineering for Secure Systems: Industrial and Research Perspectives. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 75–111.

Tun, Thein and Hall, Jon G. (2006). Developer requirements in the PF approach. In: ed. Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Advances and applications of problem frames. New York: ACM Press, pp. 87–90.

Journal ItemTo Top

Lopez, Tamara; Sharp, Helen; Bandara, Arosha; Thein, Tun; Levine, Mark and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2023). Security Responses in Software Development. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 32(3), article no. 64.

Rauf, Irum; Petre, Marian; Tun, Thein; Lopez, Tamara; Lunn, Paul; Van der Linden, Dirk; Towse, John; Sharp, Helen; Levine, Mark; Rashid, Awais and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2022). The Case for Adaptive Security Interventions. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 31(1), article no. 9.

Peters, Fayola; Tun, Thein; Yu, Yijun and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2019). Text Filtering and Ranking for Security Bug Report Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 45(6) pp. 615–631.

Yu, Yijun; Franqueira, Virginia N. L.; Tun, Thein; Wieringa, Roel J. and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2015). Automated analysis of security requirements through risk-based argumentation. Journal of Systems and Software, 106 pp. 102–116.

Nhlabatsi, Armstrong; Tun, Thein; Khan, Niamul; Yu, Yijun; Bandara, Arosha; Khan, Khaled M. and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2015). “Why can’t I do that?”: tracing adaptive security decisions. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Self-Adaptive Systems, 1(1), article no. e2.

Felderer, Michael; Katt, Basel; Kalb, Philipp; Jürjens, Jan; Ochoa, Martín; Paci, Federica; Tran, Le Minh Sang; Tun, Thein; Yskout, Koen; Scandariato, Riccardo; Piessens, Frank; Vanoverberghe, Dries; Fourneret, Elizabeta; Gander, Matthias; Solhaug, Bjørnar and Breu, Ruth (2014). Evolution of security engineering artifacts: a state of the art survey. International Journal of Secure Software Engineering, 5(4) pp. 48–98.

Hubaux, Arnaud; Tun, Thein Than and Heymans, Patrick (2013). Separation of concerns in feature diagram languages: a systematic survey. ACM Computing Surveys, 45(4), article no. 51.

Tun, Thein Than; Trew, Tim; Jackson, Michael; Laney, Robin and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2009). Specifying features of an evolving software system. Software: Practice and Experience, 39(11) pp. 973–1002.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Rauf, Irum; Petre, Marian; Tun, Thein; Lopez, Tamara and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2023). Security Thinking in Online Freelance Software Development. In: IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Society (ICSE-SEIS), 14-20 May 2023, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 13–24.

Rauf, Irum; Lopez, Tamara; Sharp, Helen; Petre, Marian; Tun, Thein; Levine, Mark; Towse, John; Linden, Dirk van der; Rashid, Awais and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2022). Influences of developers' perspectives on their engagement with security in code. In: Proceedings of CHASE ’22: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE) (CHASE 2022), ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 86–95.

van der Linden, Dirk; Anthonysamy, Pauline; Nuseibeh, Bashar; Tun, Thein Than; Petre, Marian; Levine, Mark; Towse, John and Rashid, Awais (2020). Schrödinger's security: opening the box on app developers' security rationale. In: ICSE '20: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA pp. 149–160.

Tun, Thein Than; Bennaceur, Amel and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2020). OASIS: Weakening User Obligations for Security-critical Systems. In: IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering, IEEE pp. 113–124.

Lopez, Tamara; Tun, Thein; Bandara, Arosha; Levine, Mark; Nuseibeh, Bashar and Sharp, Helen (2019). An Anatomy of Security Conversations in Stack Overflow. In: 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, 25 May - 1 Jun 2019, Montréal, Canada, pp. 31–40.

Lopez, Tamara; Sharp, Helen; Tun, Thein; Bandara, Arosha; Levine, Mark and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2019). Talking about Security with Professional Developers. In: 7th International Workshop Series on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry (CESSER-IP), 28 May 2019, Montréal, Canada.

Lopez, Tamara; Sharp, Helen; Tun, Thein; Bandara, Arosha; Levine, Mark and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2019). Hopefully We Are Mostly Secure: Views on Secure Code in Professional Practice. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering pp. 61–68.

Tun, T. T.; Yang, M.; Bandara, A. K.; Yu, Y.; Nhlabatsi, A.; Khan, N.; Khan, K. M. and Nuseibeh, B. (2018). Requirements and Specifications for Adaptive Security: Concepts and Analysis. In: SEAMS ’18: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, ACM, New York, pp. 161–171.

Tun, Thein and Bennaceur, Amel (2018). Agree to Disagree: Security Requirements Are Different, But Mechanisms For Security Adaptation Are Not. In: SEAMS ’18: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, ACM, New York, pp. 194–195.

Lopez, Tamara; Tun, Thein T.; Bandara, Arosha; Levine, Mark; Nuseibeh, Bashar and Sharp, Helen (2018). An Investigation of Security Conversations in Stack Overflow: Perceptions of Security and Community Involvement. In: SEAD '18 Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Security Awareness from Design to Deployment, ACM, New York pp. 26–32.

Pasquale, Liliana; Alrajeh, Dalal; Peersman, Claudia; Tun, Thein; Nuseibeh, Bashar and Rashid, Awais (2018). Towards forensic-ready software systems. In: Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering New Ideas and Emerging Results - ICSE-NIER '18, ACM Press pp. 9–12.

Yu, Yijun and Tun, Thein (2017). Snap Forensics: A Tradeoff between Ephemeral Intelligence and Persistent Evidence Collection. In: SERF '17 Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Software Engineering and Digital Forensics (Alrajeh, Dalal and Pasquale, Liliana eds.), ACM, New York pp. 10–11.

Tun, Thein; Price, Blaine; Bandara, Arosha; Yu, Yijun and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2016). Verifiable Limited Disclosure: Reporting and Handling Digital Evidence in Police Investigations. In: iRENIC: 1st International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Investigating and Countering Crime, 12 Sep 2016, Beijing, China.

Nhlabatsi, Armstrong; Yu, Yijun; Zisman, Andrea; Tun, Thein; Khan, Niamul; Bandara, Arosha; Khan, Khaled and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2015). Managing security control assumptions using causal traceability. In: 8th International Symposium on Software and Systems Traceability (SST 2015), 17 Jul 2015, Florence, Italy.

Tun, Thein; Lutz, Robyn; Nakayama, Brian; Yu, Yijun; Mathur, Divita and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2015). The Role of Environmental Assumptions in Failures of DNA Nanosystems. In: 2015 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Complex Faults and Failures in Large Software Systems (COUFLESS), pp. 27–33.

Yu, Yijun; Piwek, Paul; Tun, Thein Than and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2014). Towards explaining rebuttals in security arguments. In: 14th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument, 10 Dec 2014, Krakow, Poland.

Nhlabatsi, Armstrong; Tun, Thein; Khan, Niamul; Yu, Yijun; Bandara, Arosha; Khan, Khaled and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2014). Traceability for adaptive information security in the cloud. In: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Cloud Computing, IEEE, pp. 958–959.

Bennaceur, Amel; Bandara, Arosha; Jackson, Michael; Liu, Wei; Montrieux, Lionel; Tun, Thein; Yu, Yijun and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2014). Requirements-driven mediation for collaborative security. In: SEAMS'14 - The 9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, 2-3 Jun 2014, Hyderabad.

Yu, Yijun; Tun, Thein Than; Bandara, Arosha K.; Zhang, Tian and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2014). From model-driven software development processes to problem diagnoses at runtime. In: Models@run.time -- Foundations, Applications, and Roadmaps (Bencome, Nelly; France, Robert; Cheng, Betty H.C. and Aßmann, Uwe eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 188–207.

Pasquale, Liliana; Yu, Yijun; Salehie, Mazeiar; Cavallaro, Luca; Tun, Thein Than and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2013). Requirements-driven adaptive digital forensics. In: 21st IEEE Requirements Engineering Conference, 15-19 Jul 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Tun, Thein Than; Bandara, Arosha K.; Price, Blaine A.; Yu, Yijun; Haley, Charles; Omoronyia, Inah and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2012). Privacy arguments: analysing selective disclosure requirements for mobile applications. In: 20th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 24-28 Sep 2012, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 131–140.

Yu, Yijun and Tun, Thein (2011). Specifying and detecting meaningful changes in programs. In: 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference On Automated Software Engineering, 6-10 Nov 2011, Lawrence, Kansas, USA, pp. 273–282.

Yu, Yijun; Bandara, Arosha; Tun, Thein Than and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2011). Towards learning to detect meaningful changes in software. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Machine Learning Technologies in Software Engineering, 12 Nov 2011, Lawrence, Kansas, ACM, pp. 51–54.

Bergmann, Gábor; Massacci, Fabio; Paci, Federica; Tun, Thein; Varró, Dániel and Yu, Yijun (2011). SeCMER: a tool to gain control of security requirements Evolution. In: Towards a Service-Based Internet, pp. 321–322.

Franqueira, Virginia N. L.; Bakalova, Zornitza; Tun, Thein Than and Daneva, Maya (2011). Towards agile security risk management in RE and beyond. In: Workshop on Empirical Requirements Engineering (EmpiRE 2011), pp. 33–36.

Franqueira, Virginia Nunes Leas; Tun, Thein Than; Yu, Yijun; Wieringa, Roel and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2011). Risk and argument: a risk-based argumentation method for practical security. In: 19th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering, 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2011, Trento, Italy, pp. 239–248.

Yu, Yijun; Tun, Thein; Tedeschi, Alessandra; Franqueira, Virginia N. L. and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2011). OpenArgue: supporting argumentation to evolve secure software systems. In: 2011 IEEE 19th International Requirements Engineering Conference, pp. 351–352.

Massacci, Fabio; Mylopoulos, John; Paci, Federica; Tun, Thein and Yu, Yijun (2011). An extended ontology for security requirements. In: Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops, pp. 622–636.

Yu, Yijun; Petre, Marian and Tun, Thein Than (2011). Miki: a wiki for synchronous modeling of software requirements. In: 4th FlexiTools workshop @ ICSE 2011, 22 May 2011, Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Bergmann, Gábor; Massacci, Fabio; Paci, Federica; Tun, Thein; Varró, Dániel and Yu, Yijun (2011). A tool for managing evolving security requirements. In: CAiSE Forum, 22-24 Jun 2011, London, pp. 49–56.

Tun, Thein Than; Yu, Yijun; Haley, C. and Nuseibeh, B. (2010). Model-Based argument analysis for evolving security requirements. In: Fourth International Conference on Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement (SSIRI), 2010, IEEE, pp. 88–97.

Supakkul, Sam; Hill, Tom; Chung, Lawrence; Tun, Thein Than and do Prado Leite, Julio Cesar Sampaio (2010). An NFR pattern approach to dealing with NFRs. In: 2010 18th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, pp. 179–188.

Tun, Thein; Jackson, Michael; Laney, Robin; Nuseibeh, Bashar and Yu, Yijun (2009). Are your lights off? Using problem frames to diagnose system failures. In: 17th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 31 Aug - 4 Sep 2009, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Tun, Thein; Chapman, Rod; Haley, Charles; Laney, Robin and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2009). A framework for developing feature-rich software systems. In: 16th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2009), 14-16 Apr 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.

Classen, Andreas; Heymans, Patrick; Tun, Thein and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2009). Towards safer composition. In: 2009 31st International Conference on Software Engineering - Companion Volume, pp. 227–230.

Tun, Thein; Boucher, Quentin; Classen, Andreas; Hubaux, Arnaud and Heymans, Patrick (2009). Relating requirements and feature configurations: a systematic approach. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Software Product Line Conference, 24-28 Aug 2009, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Carnegie Mellon University, pp. 201–210.

Tun, Thein Than; Yu, Yijun; Laney, Robin and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2009). Early identification of problem interactions: A tool-supported approach. In: Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, 15th International Working Conference (Glinz, Martin and Heymans, Patrick eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Germany, pp. 74–88.

Tun, Thein and Heymans, Patrick (2009). Concerns and their separation in feature diagram languages: An informal survey. In: Workshop on Scalable Modelling Techniques for Software Product Lines, 24 Aug 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Classen, Andreas; Laney, Robin; Tun, Thein Than; Heymans, Patrick and Hubaux, Arnaud (2008). Using the event calculus to reason about problem diagrams. In: Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on applications and advances of problem frames, May 2008, Leipzig, Germany.

Tun, Thein Than; Hall, Jon G.; Rapanotti, Lucia; Cox, Karl and Jin, Zhi (2008). 3rd international workshop on advances and applications of problem frames. In: International Conference on Software Engineering, 10 May 2008, Leipzig, Germany, pp. 1029–1030.

Classen, Andreas; Heymans, Patrick; Laney, Robin; Nuseibeh, Bashar and Tun, Thein Than (2007). On the structure of problem variability: From feature diagrams to problem frames. In: Proceedings of International workshop on Variability Modeling of Software-intensive Systems, 16-18 Jan 2007, Limerick, Ireland, pp. 109–118.

Salifu, Mohammed; Nuseibeh, Bashar; Rapanotti, Lucia and Tun, Thein Than (2007). Using problem descriptions to represent variabilities for context-aware applications. In: Proceedings of 1st International workshop on Variability Modeling of Software-intensive Systems (VaMoS 2007), 16-18 Jan 2007, Limerick, Ireland, pp. 149–156.

Laney, Robin; Tun, Thein Than; Jackson, Michael and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2007). Composing features by managing inconsistent requirements. In: Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Feature Interactions in Software and Communication Systems (ICFI 2007), 3-5 Sep 2007, Grenoble, France, pp. 141–156.

OtherTo Top

Tun, Thein Than; Chapman, Rod; Haley, Charles; Laney, Robin and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2008). Introducing new features to a critical software system. Technical Report 2008/11; Department of Computing, The Open University.


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