Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Tarla Shah
2011To Top
Brennan, John; Brown, Roger; King, Roger; Singh, Mala; Little, Brenda; Williams, Ruth; Branco Sousa, Sofia; Elias, Marina and Klemenčič, Manja (2011). Higher Education and Society in Changing Times: looking back and looking forward. CHERI, The Open University, London.
2003To Top
Brennan, John and Shah, Tarla (2003). Access to what? Converting education opportunity into employment opportunity [Final report]. Centre for Higher Education Research and Information, London, UK.
Brennan, John and Shah, Tarla (2003). Report on the implementation of progress files. Centre for Higher Education Research and Information, Milton Keynes, UK.
Brennan, John and Shah, Tarla
2001To Top
Brennan, John; Johnston, Brenda; Little, Brenda; Shah, Tarla and Woodley, Alan (2001). The Employment of UK graduates: comparisons with Europe and Japan. Higher Education Funding Council for England.
1999To Top
Brennan, John; Mills, Jonathan; Shah, Tarla and Woodley, Alan (1999). Part-time students and employment: report of a survey of students, graduates and diplomates. CHERI, The Open University, London.
Brennan, John; Mills, Jonathan; Shah, Tarla and Woodley, Alan (1999). Part-time Students and Employment: Report of A Study of the Collection and Use of Information on the Employment Part-time Students, Graduates and Diplomates. CHERI, The Open University, London.
1997To Top
Brennan, John; Fredericks, Mark and Shah, Tarla (1997). Improving the quality of education: the impact of quality assessment upon institutions. Quality Support Centre; Centre for Higher Education Research and Information (CHERI); Council for Industry and Higher Education, London.
1996To Top
Brennan, John; Shah, Tarla and Williams, Ruth (1996). Quality assessment and quality improvement: the analysis of the recommendations made by HEFCE assessors. HEFCE, Bristol.
1994To Top
Brennan, John; El-Khawas, Elaine and Shah, Tarla (1994). Peer review and the assessment of higher education quality: an international perspective. Higher Education Report No.3; Quality Support Centre, London.
1992To Top
Brennan, John; Goedegebuure, Leo; Shah, Tarla; Westerheijden, Don and Weusthof, Peter (1992). Towards a methodology for comparative quality assessment in European higher education: a pilot study on economics in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA), Quality Support Centre (QSC) Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), Hochschul-Informations-System (HIS).