Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Theresa Lillis

85 items in this list.
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BookTo Top

Lillis, Theresa (2013). The Sociolinguistics of Writing. Edinburgh Sociolinguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Swann, Joan; Deumert, Ana; Lillis, Theresa and Mesthrie, Rajend (2004). A dictionary of sociolinguistics. Endinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.

Goodman, Sharon; Lillis, Theresa; Maybin, Janet and Mercer, Neil (2003). Language, literacy and education: A reader. Stoke on Trent, UK: Trentham Books in association with The Open University.

Lillis, Theresa (2003). Analysing language in context: A student workbook. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books/Open University Press.

Edited BookTo Top

Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa eds. (2017). Global academic publishing: policies, perspectives and pedagogies. Studies in knowledge production and participation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Lillis, Theresa; Harrington, Kathy and eds. (2016). Working With Academic Literacies: Case Studies Towards Transformative Practice. Perspectives on writing. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse/Parlor Press.

Carter, Awena; Lillis, Theresa and Parker, Sue eds. (2009). Why Writing Matters: Issues of access and identity in writing research and pedagogy. Studies in Written Language and Literacy, 12. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Goodman, Sharon; Graddol, David and Lillis, Theresa eds. (2007). Re-designing English. London, UK: Routledge.

Book SectionTo Top

Lillis, Theresa (2026). The language of social work. In: Nesi, Hilary and Milin, Petar eds. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 3rd Edition. London, UK: Elsevier (In Press).

Lillis, Theresa (2021). Prefacio. Herramientas para construir una pedagogía inclusiva de la escritura. In: Navarro, Federico ed. Escritura e inclusión en la universidad. Herramientas para docentes. Santiago, Chile: Editorial Universitaria, pp. 19–44.

Lillis, Theresa (2021). Academic Literacies: Intereses Locales, Preocupaciones Globales? Academic Literacies: Local Interests, Global Concerns? In: Ávila Reyes, Natalia ed. Multilingual Contributions to Writing Research Toward an Equal Academic Exchange. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado, pp. 35–59.

Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa (2017). Problematizing English as the Privileged Language of Global Academic Publishing. In: Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa eds. Global Academic Publishing: Policies, Perspectives and Pedagogies. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp. 1–20.

Cremin, Teresa; Lillis, Theresa; Myhill, Debra and Eyres, Ian (2016). Professional writers’ identities: the perceived influence of formal education and early learning. In: Cremin, Teresa and Locke, Terry eds. Writer Identity and the Teaching and Learning of Writing. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 19–36.

Lillis, Theresa and Curry, Mary Jane (2016). Academic writing for publication in a multilingual world. In: Manchón, Rosa M. and Matsuda, Paul Kei eds. Handbook of Second and Foreign Language Writing. Communication Competence Language and Communication Problems Practical Solutions, 11. Boston/Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 201–222.

Lillis, Theresa and Tuck, Jackie (2016). Academic Literacies: a critical lens on writing and reading in the academy. In: Hyland, Ken and Shaw, Philip eds. The Routledge Handbook of English for Academic Purposes. Routledge Handbooks. Routledge, pp. 30–43.

Lillis, Theresa (2016). Creativity in political discourse. In: Hann, David and Lillis, Theresa eds. The politics of language and creativity in a globalised world. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 65–113.

Lillis, Theresa (2012). English medium writing for academic purposes: foundational categories, certainty and contingency. In: Tang, Ramona ed. Academic writing in a second or foreign language: Issues and challenges facing ESL / EFL academic writers in higher education contexts. London: Continuum, pp. 235–247.

Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa (2010). Making professional academic writing practices visible: Designing research-based heuristics to support English-medium text production. In: Harwood, Nigel ed. English Language Teaching Materials: Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 321–345.

Lillis, Theresa (2009). Bringing writers' voices to writing research: Talk around texts. In: Carter, Awena; Lillis, Theresa and Parkin, Sue eds. Why Writing Matters: Issues of Access and Identity in Writing Research and Pedagogy. Studies in Written Language and Literacy (12). Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp. 169–187.

Brereton, John; Donahue, Christiane; Gannett, Cinthia; Lillis, Theresa and Scott, Mary (2009). La circulation de perspectives socioculturelles états-uniennes et britanniques : traitments de l'écrit dans le supérieur. In: Daunay, Bertrand; Delcambre, Isabelle and Reuter, Yves eds. Didatique du Français, le Socioculturel en Question. Éducation et Didactiques. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, pp. 51–68.

Hewings, Ann; Lillis, Theresa and Mayor, Barbara (2007). Academic writing in English. In: Mercer, Neil; Swann, Joan and Mayor, Barbara eds. Learning English. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 227–252.

Lillis, T.M. (2006). 'Academic Literacies' Research as Pedagogy: Dialogues of Participation. In: Ganobscik-Williams, Lisa ed. Teaching academic writing in UK Higher Education : Theories, practices and models. Universities into the 21st Century. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave.

Lillis, T. (2006). Readers and Writers. In: Goodman, Sharon and O'Halloran, Kieran eds. The Art of English: literary creativity. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 414–462.

Lillis, Theresa and North, Sarah (2006). Academic writing. In: Potter, Stephen ed. Doing postgraduate research (2nd ed). Open University series. London: Sage, pp. 114–151.

Lillis, T. M. (2005). Communicative competence. In: Brown, Keith ed. Encyclopedia of language and linguistics (2nd ed), Volume 1-14. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 666–673.

Lillis, T. and Ramsey, M. (2005). Student status and the question of choice in academic writing. In: Herrington, Margaret and Kendall, Alex eds. Insights from Research and Practice: A Handbook for Adult Literacy, Numeracy and ESOL Practitioners. Leicester, UK: NIACE.

Lillis, Theresa (2003). Introduction: mapping the traditions of a social perspective on language and literacy. In: Goodman, Sharon; Lillis, Theresa; Maybin, Janet and Mercer, Neil eds. Language, literacy and education: a reader. Stoke On Trent, UK: Trentham Books, xiii-xxii.

Journal ItemTo Top

Lillis, Theresa; Twiner, Alison; Balkow, Michael; Lucas, Gillian; Smith, Miriam and Leedham, Maria (2023). Reflections on the procedural and practical ethics in researching professional social work writing. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (Early Access).

Navarro, Federico; Lillis, Theresa; Donahue, Tiane; Curry, Mary Jane; Reyes, Natalia Ávila; Gustafsson, Magnus; Zavala, Virginia; Lauría, Daniela; Lukin, Annabelle; McKinney, Carolyn; Feng, Haiying and Motta-Roth, Désirée (2023). Manifesto: Reconsideração do Inglês como Língua Franca em Contextos Acadêmico-Científicos [Rethinking English as a Lingua Franca in Scientific-Academic Contexts]. Revista da Anpoll, 54(1), article no. e1926.

Lillis, Theresa and Curry, Mary Jane (2022). [Editorial]. Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes, 3(1) pp. 1–5.

Lillis, Theresa and Curry, Mary Jane (2022). The dynamics of academic knowledge making in a multilingual world: chronotypes of production. Journal of English for Research and Publication Purposes, 3(1) pp. 109–142.

Lillis, Theresa (2021). Writing as a critical moment in professional discourse. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 15(3) pp. 334–363.

Lillis, Theresa and Curry, Mary Jane (2018). Trajectories of knowledge and desire: Multilingual women scholars researching and writing in academia. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 32 pp. 53–66.

Lillis, Theresa; McMullan, Jenny and Tuck, Jackie (2018). Gender and academic writing. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 32 pp. 1–8.

Lillis, Theresa; Magyar, Anna and Robinson-Pant, Anna (2010). An international journal’s attempts to address inequalities in academic publishing: developing a writing for publication programme. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 40(6) pp. 781–800.

Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa M. (2010). Academic research networks: Accessing resources for English-medium publishing. English for Specific Purposes, 29(4) pp. 281–295.

Lillis, Theresa and Curry, Mary Jane (2006). Reframing notions of competence in scholarly writing: From individual to networked activity. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 53(Special Is) pp. 63–78.

Lillis, Theresa and Turner, Joan (2001). Student writing in higher education: contemporary confusion, traditional concerns. Teaching in Higher Education, 6(1) pp. 57–68.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Lillis, Theresa; Leedham, Maria and Twiner, Alison (2017). Writing in contemporary social work: texts, technologies and trajectories. In: BAAL2017: British Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, 31 Aug - 02 Sep 2017, University of Leeds, UK.

Lillis, T.; Leedham, M.; Twiner, A.; Moore, J. and Whitehead, M. (2016). ‘If it’s not written down it didn’t happen’: Social worker perspectives on contemporary writing and recording demands. In: Joint Social Work Education and Research Conference (JSWEC) 2016, 15 Jul 2016, Milton Keynes.

Lillis, Theresa; Hewings, Ann and Curry, Mary Jane (2008). The impact of global English on local knowledge production psychology in four national contexts. In: GlobEng: International Conference on Global English, 14-16 Feb 2008, Polo Zanotto, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.

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