Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Theresa Lillis
2026To Top
Lillis, Theresa
2025To Top
Lillis, Theresa and Tuck, Jackie
2024To Top
Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa
Lillis, Theresa and Leedham, Maria
Lillis, Theresa
Leedham, Maria; Lillis, Theresa and Twiner, Alison
2023To Top
Lillis, Theresa
Lillis, Theresa; Twiner, Alison; Balkow, Michael; Lucas, Gillian; Smith, Miriam and Leedham, Maria
Navarro, Federico; Lillis, Theresa; Donahue, Tiane; Curry, Mary Jane; Reyes, Natalia Ávila; Gustafsson, Magnus; Zavala, Virginia; Lauría, Daniela; Lukin, Annabelle; McKinney, Carolyn; Feng, Haiying and Motta-Roth, Désirée
2022To Top
Smirnova, Natalia and Lillis, Theresa
Lillis, Theresa and Curry, Mary Jane
Lillis, Theresa and Curry, Mary Jane
2021To Top
Leedham, Maria; Lillis, Theresa and Twiner, Alison
Lillis, Theresa
Lillis, Theresa
Smirnova, Natalia V.; Lillis, Theresa and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Lillis, Theresa
2020To Top
Lillis, Theresa; Leedham, Maria and Twiner, Alison
Leedham, Maria; Lillis, Theresa and Twiner, Alison
2019To Top
Lillis, Theresa
Lillis, Theresa
Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa
Leedham, Maria; Lillis, Theresa and Twiner, Alison
2018To Top
Lillis, Theresa and Curry, Mary Jane
Lillis, Theresa; McMullan, Jenny and Tuck, Jackie
Leedham, Maria; Lillis, Theresa and Twiner, Alison
2017To Top
Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa
Lillis, Theresa (2017). Writing in professional social work practice in a changing communicative landscape (WISP). In Impact Impact 2017(9) pp.61-63, Science Impact Ltd.
Lillis, Theresa; Leedham, Maria and Twiner, Alison
Lillis, Theresa
Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa eds. (2017). Global academic publishing: policies, perspectives and pedagogies. Studies in knowledge production and participation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Lillis, Theresa
Lillis, Theresa; Leedham, Maria and Twiner, Alison
2016To Top
Cremin, Teresa; Lillis, Theresa; Myhill, Debra and Eyres, Ian
Lillis, Theresa; Leedham, Maria and Twiner, Alison
Lillis, Theresa; Harrington, Kathy; Lea, Mary R. and Mitchell, Sally eds. (2016). Working With Academic Literacies: Case Studies Towards Transformative Practice. Perspectives on writing. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse/Parlor Press.
Lillis, Theresa and Curry, Mary Jane
Lillis, T.; Leedham, M.; Twiner, A.; Moore, J. and Whitehead, M.
Lillis, Theresa and Tuck, Jackie
Hann, David and Lillis, Theresa eds. (2016). The Politics of Language and Creativity in a Globalised World. Milton Keynes: The Open University.
Lillis, Theresa
2015To Top
Lillis, Theresa and Curry, Mary Jane
2014To Top
Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa
2013To Top
Lillis, Theresa (2013). The Sociolinguistics of Writing. Edinburgh Sociolinguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Rai, Lucy and Lillis, Theresa
Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa (2013). A scholars’ guide to getting published in English: critical choices and practical strategies. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
2012To Top
Lillis, Theresa
Lillis, Theresa
Lillis, Theresa and Rai, Lucy
Lillis, Theresa (2012). The sociolinguistics of writing in a global context. ESRC End of Award Report.
2011To Top
Lillis, Theresa
Rai, Lucy and Lillis, Theresa
2010To Top
Lillis, Theresa; Magyar, Anna and Robinson-Pant, Anna
Hewings, Ann; Lillis, Theresa and Vladimirou, Dimitra
Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa
Lillis, Theresa and Curry, Mary Jane (2010). Academic Writing in a Global Context: The politics and practices of publishing in English. Abingdon: Routledge.
Lillis, T.; Hewings, A.; Vladimirou, D. and Curry, M. J.
Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa M.
2009To Top
Coffin, C.; Lillis, T. and O'Halloran, K. eds. (2009). Applied linguistics methods: A reader. London, UK: Routledge.
Carter, Awena; Lillis, Theresa and Parker, Sue eds. (2009). Why Writing Matters: Issues of access and identity in writing research and pedagogy. Studies in Written Language and Literacy, 12. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Lillis, Theresa
Lillis, T.
Brereton, John; Donahue, Christiane; Gannett, Cinthia; Lillis, Theresa and Scott, Mary
2008To Top
Lillis, Theresa and Hewings, Ann (2008). Trajectories of knowledge production: English medium academic writing for national, transnational and international journals. ESRC, Swindon, UK.
Lillis, Theresa
Lillis, Theresa; Hewings, Ann and Curry, Mary Jane
2007To Top
Hewings, Ann; Lillis, Theresa and Mayor, Barbara
Goodman, Sharon; Graddol, David and Lillis, Theresa eds. (2007). Re-designing English. London, UK: Routledge.
Lillis, Theresa and Scott, Mary
2006To Top
Lillis, Theresa and Curry, Mary Jane
Lillis, Theresa and Curry, Mary Jane
Lillis, T.M.
Lillis, T.
Lillis, Theresa and North, Sarah
2005To Top
Lillis, T. M.
Lillis, T. and Ramsey, M.
2004To Top
Swann, Joan; Deumert, Ana; Lillis, Theresa and Mesthrie, Rajend (2004). A dictionary of sociolinguistics. Endinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.
Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa
2003To Top
Coffin, Caroline; Curry, Mary Jane; Goodman, Sharon; Hewings, Ann; Lillis, Theresa and Swann, Joan (2003). Teaching Academic Writing: A Toolkit for Higher Education. London, UK: Routledge.
Goodman, Sharon; Lillis, Theresa; Maybin, Janet and Mercer, Neil (2003). Language, literacy and education: A reader. Stoke on Trent, UK: Trentham Books in association with The Open University.
Lillis, Theresa (2003). Analysing language in context: A student workbook. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books/Open University Press.
Lillis, Theresa
Lillis, Theresa
2001To Top
Lillis, Theresa M. (2001). Student writing: access, regulation, desire. Literacies. UK: Routledge.
Lillis, Theresa and Turner, Joan