Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Tim Benton

45 items in this list.
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2023To Top

Benton, Tim (2023). The painter Le Corbusier; Eileen Gray's villa E1027 and le Cabanon. Berlin: Birkhauser.

2021To Top

2018To Top

Benton, Tim (2018). E-1027 and the «drôle de guerre». Rassegna di architettura e urbanistica(153) pp. 46–61.

2017To Top

Benton, Tim (2017). E-1027 and the Drôle De Guerre. In: Weaver, Thomas ed. AA Files, Volume 74. Architectural Association, pp. 123–143.

2015To Top

Benton, Tim (2015). Le Corbusier Peintre a Cap Martin. Paris: Editions du Patrimoine.

Benton, Tim; Fontan del Junco, Manuel and Zozaya, Maria eds. (2015). Modern Taste: Art Deco in Paris 1910-1935. Madrid: Fundacion Juan March.

2014To Top

Benton, Tim (2014). Le Corbusier et la Méditerranée. In: Bonillo, Jean-Lucien ed. Domus Mare Nostrum. Toulon: Hemisud for Conseil General du Var, pp. 23–33.

Benton, Tim (2014). Dom-Ino and the Phantom Pilotis. In: Weaver, Thomas ed. AA Files. AA Files, 69 (69). London: Architectural Association, pp. 13–37.

2013To Top

Benton, Tim (2013). E1027, une icône de la modernité des années 1920. In: Prélorenzo, Claude ed. Eileen Gray, L'Etoile de Mer, Le Corbusier: Trois Aventures en Méditerrannée. Paris: Archibooks, pp. 67–76.

Benton, Tim (2013). Atlantic Coast: nature as inspiration. In: Cohen, Jean-Louis ed. Le Corbusier: An Atlas of Modern Landscapes. New York: Museum of Modern Art, pp. 162–167.

Benton, Tim (2013). Marseille: Unité d'habitation or "The company of clouds, the sky, or the stars". In: Cohen, Jean-Louis ed. Le Corbusier: an Atlas of Modern Landscapes. New York: Museum of Modern Art, pp. 201–211.

Benton, Tim (2013). Les peintures murales. In: Prélorenzo, Claude ed. Eileen Gray, L'Etoile de Mer, Le Corbusier: Trois Aventures en Méditerranée. Paris: Archibooks, pp. 122–133.

Benton, Tim (2013). Lc Foto : Le Corbusier : Secret Photographer. Zurich: Lars Müller.

2012To Top

Benton, Tim (2012). La maison La Roche et les ateliers d'artistes de Le Corbusier. In: Torres Cueco, Jorge ed. Le Corbusier Mise au Point. Valencia: Memorias Culturales, pp. 8–33.

Benton, Tim (2012). Funktionnel (HO). In: Torres Cueco, Jorge ed. Le Corbusier Mise au Point. Memorias Culturales, pp. 227–242.

Benton, Tim (2012). Art Deco and Japonisme. In: Brown, Kendall H. ed. Deco Japan: Shaping Modern Culture 1920-1945. Alexandria, VA, USA: Art Services International, pp. 25–34.

Benton, Tim (2012). La maison La Roche et les ateliers d’artistes de Le Corbusier. In: Torres, Jorge ed. Le Corbusier Mise au Point. Memorias culturales. Valencia: General de Ediciones de la Arquitectura, pp. 10–35.

Benton, Tim (2012). Funktionnel. In: Torres, Jorge ed. Le Corbusier Mise au Point. Memorias Culturales. Valencia: General de Ediciones de Arquitectura, pp. 253–268.

Benton, Tim (2012). The miracle of Le Corbusier's roof terrace. In: Gargiani, Roberto ed. L'Architrave, le Plancher, la Plate-forme: Nouvelle Histoire de la Construction. Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, pp. 710–718.

Benton, Tim (2012). La rhétorique de la vérité: Le Corbusier à Alger. In: Bonillo, Jean-Lucien ed. Le Corbusier, Visions d'Alger. Les Rencontres de la Fondation Le Corbusier. Paris: Editions de La Villette, pp. 172–187.

Benton, Tim (2012). Le Corbusier's secret photographs. In: Herschdorfer, Natalie and Umstatter, Lada eds. Le Corbusier and the Power of Photography. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 30–55.

Dumont D'Ayot, Catherine and Benton, Tim (2012). Le Corbusier's Pavilion for Zurich: Model and Prototype of an Ideal Exhibition Space. Ennetbaden: Lars Muller Verlag.

2011To Top

Benton, Tim (2011). The Villa de Mandrot and the place of the imagination. In: Richard, Michel ed. Massilia 2011. Annuaire d'Études Corbuséennes. Marseilles: Editions Imbernon, pp. 92–105.

2010To Top

Benton, Tim (2010). Le Corbusier e il vernacolare: Le Sextant a Les Mathes 1935. In: Canziani, Andrea ed. Le Case per artisti sull'Isola Comacina. Quaderni fondation montandon. Como: NodoLibri, pp. 22–43.

Benton, Tim (2010). Il concorso per il palazzo del Littorio, 1934-1937. In: Reichlin, Bruno and Tedeschi, Letizia eds. Luigi Moretti Razionalismo e trasgressività tra barocco e informale. Milan: Electa.

Benton, Tim and Watson, Nicola (2010). Museum practice and heritage. In: West, Susie ed. Understanding Heritage in Practice. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 127–165.

2009To Top

Benton, Tim (2009). The art of the well-tempered lecture: Reyner Banham and Le Corbusier. In: Aynsley, Jeremy and Atkinson, Harriet eds. The Banham Lectures: Essays on Designing the Future. Oxford, UK and New York, USA: Berg, pp. 11–32.

Benton, Tim (2009). New books on Le Corbusier. Journal of Design History, 22(3) pp. 271–284.

Benton, Tim (2009). The Rhetoric of Modernism: Le Corbusier as Lecturer. Basel: Birkhäuser Publications.

2008To Top

Benton, Tim (2008). The complexities and contradicitions of modernism. Positions pp. 16–21.

Benton, Tim; Cohen, Jean-Louis and Phaidon Editors (2008). Le Corbusier le Grand. London: Phaidon.

Cohen, Jean-Louis and Benton, Tim (2008). Le Corbusier the Great. London/New York: Phaidon.

2007To Top

Benton, Tim (2007). Le Corbusier conférencier. Paris, France: Editions Le Moniteur.

2006To Top

Benton, Tim (2006). The Modernist Home. London: Victoria and Albert Museum.

Benton, Tim (2006). Building Utopia. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK.

Benton, Tim (2006). Modernism and nature. In: Wilk, Christopher ed. Modernism: designing a new world. London: Victoria and Albert Museum, pp. 311–339.

2003To Top

Benton, Tim and Benton, Charlotte (2003). The Style and the Age. In: Benton, Tim; Benton, Charlotte and Woods, Ghislaine eds. Art Deco 1910-1939. London, UK: Victoria and Albert Museum, pp. 12–27.

Benton, Tim (2003). Art Deco architecture. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK.

Benton, Tim (2003). Italian architecture and design. In: Benton, Charlotte; Benton, Tim and Woods, Ghislaine eds. Art Deco 1910-1939. London, UK: Victoria and Albert Museum, pp. 218–229.

Benton, Tim and Benton, Charlotte (2003). Avant garde sources. In: Benton, Charlotte; Benton, Tim and Woods, Ghislaine eds. Art Deco 1910-1939. London, UK: Victoria and Albert Museum, pp. 244–259.

Benton, Tim and Benton, Charlotte (2003). Decline and revival. In: Benton, Charlotte; Benton, Tim and Woods, Ghislaine eds. Art Deco 1910-1939. London, UK: Victoria and Albert Museum, pp. 426–429.

2001To Top

Benton, Tim (2001). Humanism and fascism. Comparative Criticism: An Annual Journal, 23 pp. 69–115.


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