Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Thomas Ullmann

59 items in this list.
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2024To Top

Ullmann, Thomas; Edwards, Chris; Bektik, Duygu; Herodotou, Christothea and Whitelock, Denise (2024). Towards generative AI for course content production: Expert reflections. European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (In press).

2023To Top

2022To Top

Alrashidi, H.; Almujally, N.; Kadhum, M.; Ullmann, T. and Joy, M. (2022). Evaluating an Automated Analysis using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Approaches to Classify Computer Science Students' Reflective Writing. In: Pervasive Computing and Social Networking. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 475 (Ranganathan, G.; Bestak, R. and Fernando, X. eds.), pp. 463–477.

Alrashidi, Huda; Almujally, Nouf; Kadhum, Methaq; Quqandi, Ebtihal; Ullmann, Thomas Daniel and Joy, Mike (2022). How to Assess Reflective Writing in Computer Science Education? A Critical Analysis. In: 2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), IEEE pp. 677–682.

2021To Top

Ullmann, Thomas and Rienties, Bart (2021). Using text analytics to understand open-ended student comments at scale: Insights from four case studies. In: Shah, Mahsood; Richardson, John T. E.; Pabel, Anja and Oliver, Beverley eds. Assessing and Enhancing Student Experience in Higher Education. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 211–233.

2020To Top

Alrashidi, Huda; Joy, Mike; Ullmann, Thomas and Almujally, Nouf (2020). Educators' Validation on a Reflective Writing Framework (RWF) for Assessing Reflective Writing in Computer Science Education. In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems (Kumar, Vivekanandan and Troussas, Christos eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 316–322.

Alrashidi, Huda; Joy, Mike; Ullmann, Thomas and Almujally, Nouf (2020). Validating the Reflective Writing Framework (RWF) for Assessing Reflective Writing in Computer Science Education Through Manual Annotation. In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems (Kumar, Vivekanandan and Troussas, Christos eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 323–326.

Alrashidi, Huda; Ullmann, Thomas; Ghounaim, Samiah and Joy, Mike (2020). A Framework for Assessing Reflective Writing Produced Within the Context of Computer Science Education. In: Companion Proceedings 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK20, 24/03/2020, Frankfurt, Germany.

2019To Top

Alrashidi, Huda; Joy, Mike and Ullmann, Thomas (2019). A Reflective Writing Framework for Computing Education. In: ITiCSE '19 Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ACM, New York, NY, USA p. 295.

Ullmann, Thomas Daniel; and (2019). A Visualisation Dashboard for Contested Collective Intelligence. Learning Analytics to Improve Sensemaking of Group Discussion. RIED: Revista Iboeroamericana de Educación a Distancia (The Ibero-American Journal of Digital Education), 22(1) pp. 41–80.

Ullmann, Thomas (2019). Reflective writing analytics - Validating machine learning approaches. In: CALRG Annual Conference 2019, 17-18 Jun 2019, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

2018To Top

2017To Top

Coughlan, Tim; Ullmann, Thomas Daniel and Lister, Kate (2017). Understanding Accessibility as a Process through the Analysis of Feedback from Disabled Students. In: W4A '17 Proceedings of the 14th Web for All Conference on The Future of Accessible Work, ACM, New York, USA, article no. 14.

Ullmann, Thomas Daniel (2017). Reflective Writing Analytics - Empirically Determined Keywords of Written Reflection. In: LAK '17 Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ACM, New York, USA, pp. 163–167.

2016To Top

2015To Top

Ullmann, Thomas Daniel (2015). Keywords of written reflection - a comparison between reflective and descriptive datasets. In: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning (Kravcik, Milos; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Pammer, Viktoria; Prilla, Michael and Ullmann, Thomas Daniel eds.), pp. 83–96.

2014To Top

2013To Top

Meyer, Philip; Kelle, Sebastian; Ullmann, Thomas Daniel; Scott, Peter and Wild, Fridolin (2013). Interdisciplinary cohesion of TEL – an account of multiple perspectives. In: Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Ley, Tobias; Klamma, Ralf and Harrer, Andreas eds. Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8095). Springer, pp. 219–232.

Ullmann, Thomas; Wild, Fridolin and Scott, Peter (2013). Reflection - quantifying a rare good. In: ARTEL13 2013: Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning, pp. 29–40.

2012To Top

Moore, Adam; Pammer, Viktoria; Pannese, Lucia; Prilla, Michael; Rajagopal, Kamakshi; Reinhardt, Wolfgang; Ullmann, Thomas and Voigt, Christian eds. (2012). Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning. CEUR-WS.

Sie, Rory L.L.; Ullmann, Thomas Daniel; Rajagopal, Kamakshi; Cela, Karina; Rijpkema, Marlies Bitter and Sloep, Peter B. (2012). Social network analysis for technology-enhanced learning: review and future directions. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(3/4) pp. 172–190.

Ullmann, Thomas Daniel; Wild, Fridolin and Scott, Peter (2012). Comparing automatically detected reflective texts with human judgements. In: 2nd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning, 18 Sep 2013, Saarbrucken, Germany, pp. 101–116.

2011To Top

Wild, Fridolin; Ullmann, Thomas; Scott, Peter; Rebedea, Traian and Hoisl, Bernhard (2011). Applicability of the technology acceptance model for widget-based personal learning environments. In: 1st Workshop on Exploring Fitness and Evolvability of Personal Learning Environments (EFEPLE'11), 30-31 Mar 2011, La Clusaz, France.

Ullmann, Thomas Daniel; Ferguson, Rebecca; Buckingham Shum, Simon and Deakin Crick, Ruth (2011). Designing an online mentoring system for self-awareness and reflection on lifelong learning skills. In: 1st Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Personal Learning Environments. In conjunction with the PLE Conference 2011., 11-13 Jul 2011, Southampton, UK.

Ullmann, Thomas Daniel (2011). An architecture for the automated detection of textual indicators of reflection. In: 1st European Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Learning Networks held in conjunction with the 6th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Towards Ubiquitous Learning 2011, 21 Sep 2011, Palermo, Italy.

Reinhardt, Wolfgang and Ullmann, Thomas (2011). Editorial: Awareness and reflection in personal learning environments. In: Reinhardt, Wolfgang and Ullmann, Thomas eds. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Personal Learning Environments. In Conjunction with the PLE Conference 2011. Southampton, United Kingdom, July 11, 2011. Not known, pp. 2–9.

Reinhardt, Wolfgang; Ullmann, Thomas Daniel; Scott, Peter; Pammer, Viktoria; Conlan, Owen and Berlanga, Adriana (2011). Editorial: Awareness and reflection in learning networks. In: Reinhardt, Wolfgang; Ullmann, Thomas Daniel; Scott, Peter; Pammer, Viktoria; Conlan, Owen and Berlanga, Adriana eds. Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Learning Networks. In conjunction with the 6th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Towards Ubiquitous Learning 2011. Palermo, Italy, September 21, 2011. CEUR-WS, pp. 2–7.

2010To Top

Ullmann, Thomas Daniel; Wild, Fridolin; Scott, Peter; Duval, Erik; Vandeputte, Bram; Parra, Gonzalo and Reinhardt, Wolfgang (2010). Components of a Research 2.0 infrastructure. In: 5th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (ECTEL'10), 28 Sep - 1 Oct 2010, Barcelona, Spain.

Wild, Fridolin; Ullmann, Thomas D. and Scott, Peter (2010). The STELLAR science 2.0 mash-up infrastructure. In: Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2010 IEEE 10th International Conference on, IEEE, pp. 621–623.

Wild, Fridolin and Ullmann, Thomas (2010). The afterlife of 'living deliverables': angels or zombies? In: Proceedings of the research 2.0 workshop at The 5th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (ECTEL'10), 28 Sep - 01 Oct 2010, Barcelona, Spain.

Duval, Erik; Ullmann, Thomas Daniel; Wild, Fridolin; Lindstaedt, Stefanie and Scott, Peter (2010). Editorial: Research 2.0 for TEL: four challenges. In: Duval, Erik; Ullmann, Thomas Daniel; Wild, Fridolin; Lindstaedt, Stefanie and Scott, Peter eds. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Research 2.0. At the 5th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning: Sustaining TEL, Barcelona, Spain, September 28, 2010. Publisher not known, pp. 2–4.

Camilleri, Anthony Fisher; Barak, Noaa; Burgos, Daniel and Ullmann, Thomas D. (2010). Engaging the community in multidisciplinary TEL research: a case-study from networking in Europe. In: EDEN 2010 Annual Conference: Media Inspirations for Learning. What Makes the Impact?, 9-12 Jun 2010, Valencia, Spain.

2009To Top

Ullmann, Thomas Daniel; Uren, Victoria and Nikolov, Andriy (2009). The SemSearchXplorer - exploring semantic search results with semantic visualizations. In: AST 2009 Applications of Semantic Technologies, located at the Informatik 2009, 2 Oct 2009, Lübeck, Germany.


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