Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Tim Blackman

19 items in this list.
Generated on Mon Feb 10 01:54:51 2025 GMT.

BTo Top

Blackman, Tim; Harrington, Barbara; Elliott, Eva; Greene, Alex; Hunter, David J.; Marks, Linda; McKee, Lorna and Williams, Gareth (2012). Framing health inequalities for local intervention: comparative case studies. Sociology of Health & Illness, 34(1) pp. 49–63.

Blackman, Tim; Hunter, David; Marks, Linda; Harrington, Barbara; Elliott, Eva; Williams, Gareth; Greene, Alex and McKee, Lorna (2010). Wicked comparisons: reflections on cross-national research about health inequalities in the UK. Evaluation, 16(1) pp. 43–57.

Blackman, Tim; Elliott, Eva; Greene, Alex; Harrington, Barbara; Hunter, David; Marks, Linda; McKee, Lorna; Smith, Kat and Williams, Gareth (2009). Tackling health inequalities in post-devolution Britain: do targets matter? Public Administration, 87(4) pp. 762–778.

Blackman, Tim; Wistow, Gerald and Wistow, Jonathan (2008). Accountability for health: a scoping paper for the LGA health commission. Local Government Association, London, UK.

DTo Top

Duggan, Sandra; Blackman, Tim; Martyr, Anthony and Van Schaik, Paul (2008). The impact of early dementia on outdoor life: A `shrinking world'? Dementia, 7(2) pp. 191–204.

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Farley, Katherine and Blackman, Tim (2014). Ethnic residential segregation stability in England, 1991-2001. Policy & Politics, 42(1) pp. 39–54.

HTo Top

Harrington, B. E.; Smith, K. E.; Hunter, D. J.; Marks, L.; Blackman, T. J.; McKee, L.; Greene, A.; Elliott, E. and Williams, G. H. (2009). Health inequalities in England, Scotland and Wales: stakeholders' accounts and policy compared. Public Health, 123(1) e24-e28.

STo Top

Shucksmith, Janet; Carlebach, Sarit; Riva, Mylene; Curtis, Sarah; Hunter, David; Blackman, Tim and Hudson, Ray (2010). Health Inequalities in Ex-Coalfield/Industrial Communities. Local Government Association, London.

Smith, Katherine E.; Hunter, David J.; Blackman, Tim; Elliott, Eva; Greene, Alexandra; Harrington, Barbara E.; Marks, Linda; McKee, Lorna and Williams, Gareth H. (2009). Divergence or convergence? Health inequalities and policy in a devolved Britain. Critical Social Policy, 29(2) pp. 216–242.

VTo Top

Van Schaik, Paul; Martyr, Anthony; Blackman, Tim and Robinson, John (2008). Involving persons with dementia in the evaluation of outdoor environments. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(4) pp. 415–424.


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