Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Timothy Arnold

7 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 16 19:42:08 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Buggey, T. W.; Randall, G.; Parsons, S.; Jones, L. S.; DeCaire, A. L.; Arnold, T.; Hetherington, O.; Holland, A. D. and Hall, D. J. (2024). Soft X-ray performance of an optimised charge-coupled device for astronomy. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1066, article no. 169636.

2023To Top

Sembay, S.; Alme, A.L.; Agnolon, D.; Arnold, T.; Beardmore, A.; Belén Balado Margeli, A.; Bicknell, C.; Bouldin, C.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Breuer, J.P.; Buggey, T.; Butcher, G.; Canchal, R.; Carter, J.A.; Crawford, T.; Cheney, A.; Collado-Vega, Y.; Connor, H.; Crawford, T.; Eaton, N.; Feldman, C.; Forsyth, C.; Frantzen, T.; Galgóczi, G.; Garcia, J.; Genov, G.Y.; Gordillo, C.; Gröbelbauer, H-P.; Guedel, M.; Guo, Y.; Hailey, M.; Hall, D.; Hampson, R.; Hasiba, J.; Hetherington, O.; Holland, A.; Hsieh, S-Y; Hubbard, M.; Jeszenszky, H.; Jones, M.; Kennedy, T.; Koch-Mehrin, K.; Kögl, S.; Krucker, S.; Kuntz, K.D.; Lakin1, C.; Laky, G.; Lylund, O.; Martindale, A.; Miguel Mas Hesse, J.; Nakamura, R.; Oksavik, K.; Østgaard, N.; Ottacher, H.; Ottensamer, R.; Pagani, C.; Parsons, S.; Patel, P.; Pearson, J.; Peikert, G.; Porter, F.S.; Pouliantis, T.; Randall, G.; Qureshi, B.H; Raab, W.; Randall, G.; Read, A.M.; Roque, N.M.M.; Rostad, M.E.; Runciman, C.; Sachdev, S.; Samsonov, A.; Soman, M.; Sibeck, D.; Smit, S.; Søndergaard, J.; Speight, R.; Stavland, S.; Steller, M.; Sun, TianRan; Thornhill, J.; Thomas, W.; Ullaland, K.; Walsh, B.; Walton, D.; Wang, C. and Yang, S. (2023). The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) on the SMILE Mission. Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1) pp. 1–10.


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