Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sophie Watson

64 items in this list.
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BookTo Top

Watson, Sophie and Studdert, David (2006). Markets as sites for social interaction : spaces of diversity. Bristol: Policy Press.

Edited BookTo Top

Watson, Sophie ed. (2019). Spatial Justice in the City. Space, Materiality and the Normative. Abingdon: Routledge.

Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary eds. (2011). The New Blackwell Companion to the City. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.

Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary eds. (2010). The Blackwell City Reader (2nd ed.). Oxford: Blackwell.

Carter, Simon; Jordan, Tim and Watson, Sophie eds. (2008). Security: Sociology and social worlds. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.

Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie eds. (2002). Blackwell Reader on the City. Blackwell Readers in Geography. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Book SectionTo Top

Watson, Sophie (2023). The Challenges of Consensus, Conflict and Democratic Participation in Turbulent Waters. In: Viderman, Tihomir; Knierbein, Sabine; Kränzle, Elina; Frank, Sybille; Roskamm, Nikolai and Wall, Ed eds. Unsettled Urban Space: Routines, Temporalities and Contestations. New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 261–270.

Watson, Sophie and Breines, Markus (2023). Markets and belonging: Untangling myths of urban versus small-town life. In: Sezer, Ceren and van Melik, Rianne eds. Marketplaces: Movements, Representations and Practices. Routledge Studies in Urbanism and the City. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 129–138.

Watson, Sophie (2023). River crossings: the mighty London Thames. In: Bates, Charlotte and Moles, Kate eds. Living With Water: Everyday Encounters and Liquid Connections. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 82–99.

Watson, Sophie (2021). Epilogue. In: Bramadat, Paul; Griera, Mar; Martínez-Ariño, Julia and Burchardt, Marian eds. Urban Religious Events: Public Spirituality in Contested Space. Bloomsbury Studies in Religion, Space and Place. London & New York: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 203–208.

Watson, Sophie (2021). Reflections on Water, Bodies and Habit. In: Bennett, Tony; Dibley, Ben; Hawkins, Guy and Noble, Greg eds. Assembling and Governing Habits. CRESC: Culture, Economy and the Social. London: Routledge, pp. 116–131.

Watson, Sophie (2019). Spatial Justice and Religious Water Based Practices. In: Watson, Sophie ed. Spatial Justice in the City. Space, Materiality and the Normative. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 62–78.

Watson, Sophie (2019). Introducing Spatial Justice. In: Watson, Sophie ed. Spatial Justice in the City. Space, Materiality and the Normative. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1–7.

Watson, Sophie (2019). Sociality Materiality and the City. In: Schwanen, Tim and van Kempen, Ronald eds. Handbook or Urban Geography. Research Handbooks in Geography. Edward Elgar, pp. 328–340.

Dodsworth, Francis and Watson, Sophie (2018). Coping with change: community, environment, and engagement in a London Buddhist Community. In: Dodsworth, Francis and Walford, Antonia eds. A World Laid Waste? Responding to the Social, Cultural and Political Consequences of Globalisation. Culture, Economy and the Social. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 88–108.

Dodsworth, Francis; Vacchelli, Elena and Watson, Sophie (2015). City. In: Brent Plate, S. ed. Key Terms in Material Religion. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 41–48.

Saha, Anamik and Watson, Sophie (2014). Ambivalent affect/emotion: Conflicted discourses of multicultural belonging. In: Jones, Hannah and Jackson, Emma eds. Stories of Cosmopolitan Belonging: Emotion and location. Routledge, pp. 99–111.

Watson, Sophie (2014). Spaces of difference: challenging urban divisions from the north to the south. In: Parnell, Susan and Oldfield, Sophie eds. The Routledge Handbook on Cities of the Global South. Routledge, pp. 385–395.

Watson, Sophie (2013). Global futures: reflections on culture, diversity and planning for the twenty-first Century. In: Young, Greg and Stevenson, Deborah eds. The Ashgate Research Companion to Planning and Culture. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 23–36.

Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary (2011). Reflections on publics and cultures. In: Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary eds. The New Blackwell Companion to the City. Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 379–390.

Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary (2011). Reflections on division and difference. In: Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary eds. The New Blackwell Companion to the City. Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 501–511.

Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary (2011). Reflections on Politics and Planning. In: Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary eds. The New Blackwell Companion to the City. Oxford, UK: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 619–631.

Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary (2011). Reflections on materialities. In: Bridge, gary and Watson, Sophie eds. The New Blackwell Companion to the City. Oxford, UK: Blackwells, pp. 3–15.

Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie (2011). Reflections on mobilities. In: Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie eds. The New Blackwell Companion to the City. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, pp. 157–169.

Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie (2011). Reflections on affect. In: Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie eds. The New Blackwell Companion to the City. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 277–287.

Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary (2010). Introducing mobilities. In: Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary eds. Blackwell City Reader. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 97–102.

Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary (2010). Introducing materialities. In: Watson, Sophie ed. Blackwell City Reader. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 3–10.

Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary (2010). Introducing division and difference. In: Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary eds. Blackwell City Reader (2nd revised edition). Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd, pp. 171–177.

Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary (2010). Introducing urban politics and urban cultures. In: Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary eds. Blackwell City Reader (2nd revised edition). Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd, pp. 255–261.

Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary (2010). Introducing urban politics and planning. In: Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary eds. Blackwell City Reader (2nd revised edition). Chichester: Blackwell, pp. 333–339.

Watson, Sophie (2009). Brief encounters of an unpredictable kind: Everyday multiculturalism in three London street markets. In: Wise, Amanda and Velayutham, Selvaraj eds. Everyday Multiculturalism. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 125–139.

Watson, Sophie (2008). Security in the City. In: Carter, Simon; Jordan, Timothy and Watson, Sophie eds. Security: Sociology and Social Worlds. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, pp. 111–144.

Watson, Sophie (2008). Abandoning the Monumental and Seeking the Serendipitous. In: Pagh, Christian and Verstaval, Ida eds. Changing Metropolis. Copenhagen, Denmark: VIA design.

Redman, Peter; Silva, Elizabeth and Watson, Sophie (2005). The uses of sociology: introduction. In: Redman, Peter; Silva, Elizabeth and Watson, Sophie eds. The Uses of Sociology. UK: Open University Worldwide, ix-xiv.

Watson, Sophie (2004). Cultures of democracy. In: Barnett, Clive and Low, Murray eds. Spaces of democracy: geographical perspectives on citizenship, participation and representation. Sage Publications Ltd.

Watson, Sophie (2004). Refuges. In: Harrison, Stephan; Pile, Steve and Thrift, Nigel eds. Patterned ground: entanglements of nature and culture. London, UK: Reaktion Books.

Watson, Sophie (2003). Housing diversity in the global city. In: Forrest, Ray and Lee, James eds. Housing and social change: East-West perspectives. Housing and society series. London, UK: Routledge.

Watson, Sophie (2002). The Public city. In: Eade, John and Mele, Christopher eds. Understanding the city: contemporary and future perspectives. Studies in Urban and Social Change. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Journal ItemTo Top

van Eck, Emil; Watson, Sophie; van Melik, Rianne; Breines, Markus; Dahinden, Janine; Jónsson, Gunvor; Lindmäe, Maria; Madella, Marco; Menet, Joanna and Schapendonk, Joris (2022). Moving marketplaces: Understanding public space from a relational mobility perspective. Cities, 127, article no. 103721.

Rose, Gillian; Raghuram, Parvati; Watson, Sophie and Wigley, Edward (2021). Platform urbanism, smartphone applications and valuing data in a smart city. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46(1) pp. 59–72.

King, Andy; Murji, Karim; Neal, Sarah; Watson, Sophie and Woodward, Kath (2017). Editors’ Report 2017. Sociology, 51(6) pp. 1127–1131.

Watson, Sophie (2016). Making multiculturalism. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40(15) pp. 2635–2652.

King, Andrew; Neal, Sarah; Murji, Karim; Watson, Sophie and Woodward, Kath (2016). Editors’ Report 2016. Sociology, 50(2) pp. 227–230.

Watson, Sophie and Saha, Anamik (2013). Suburban drifts: mundane multiculturalism in outer London. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(12) pp. 2016–2034.

Watson, Sophie (2005). Symbolic spaces of difference: contesting the Eruv in Barnet, London and Tenafly, New Jersey. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23(4) pp. 597–613.

Wells, Karen and Watson, Sophie (2005). A Politics of resentment: shopkeepers in a London neighbourhood. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 28(2) pp. 261–277.

Watson, Sophie and Wells, Karen (2005). Spaces of nostalgia: the hollowing out of a London market. Social & Cultural Geography, 6(1) pp. 17–30.

Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie (2002). Lest power be forgotten: networks, division and difference in the city. Sociological Review, 50(4) pp. 505–524.

Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie (2001). Retext(ur)ing the City. City, 5(3) pp. 350–362.

OtherTo Top

Taylor, Myfanwy; Watson, Sophie; González, Sara; Buckner, Lisa; Newing, Andy and Wilkinson, Rosie (2021). Queen's Market: A successful and specialised market serving diverse communities in Newham and Beyond. High Streets Task Force, London.


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