Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Siv Vangen

52 items in this list.
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Vangen, Siv (2019). Researching inter-organisational collaboration using RO-AR. In: Voets, Joris; Keast, Robyn and Koliba, Christopher eds. Networks and Collaboration in the Public Sector: Essential research approaches, methodologies and analytic tools. London: Routledge, pp. 125–141.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2013). Building and using the theory of collaborative advantage. In: Keast, Robyn; Mandell, Myrna P. and Agranoff, Robert eds. Network Theory in the Public Sector: Building New Theoretical Frameworks. New York: Routledge, pp. 51–69.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2010). Introducing the theory of collaborative advantage. In: Osborne, Stephen P. ed. The New Public Govenance? Emerging Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Public Governance. London: Routledge.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2009). En teoretisk forståelse av samarbeidssynergi. In: Willumsen, Elisabeth ed. Tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid i utdanning og praksis. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget Oslo, pp. 67–87.

Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv (2009). Doing things collaboratively: realizing the advantage or succumbing to inertia? In: O'Flynn, Janine and Wanna, John eds. Collaborative Governance: A New Era of Public Policy in Australia? Canberra: ANU E Press, pp. 29–44.

Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv (2009). Doing things collaboratively: realising the advantage or succumbing to inertia? In: van Zwanenberg, Zoë ed. Leadership in Social Care. Research Highlights in Social Work. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 71–87.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2009). En teoretisk forståelse av samarbeidets synergi. In: Willumsen, Elisabeth ed. Tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid - i praksis og utdanning. Oslo: Universitesforlaget, pp. 67–87.

Sweeting, D.; Hambleton, R.; Huxham, C.; Stewart, M. and Vangen, Siv (2004). Leadership and partnership in urban governance: evidence from London, Bristol and Glasgow. In: Boddy, M. and Parkinson, M. eds. City matters: competitiveness, cohesion and urban governance. Bristol, U.K.: Policy Press, pp. 349–366.

Vangen, Siv (2003). Managing trust in inter-organisational collaboration: conceptualisations and tools. In: Hibbert, P. ed. Co-creating emergent Insight: multi-organizational partnerships, alliances and networks. Glasgow: Graduate School of Business, University of Strathclyde, pp. 158–166.

Vangen, Siv (2003). Collaboration theory for collaboration practice: transfer design principles. In: Thurston, Wilfreda Enid; Scott, Catherine Mary and Dirk, Kathy eds. Collaboration in Context. Calgary, Canada: Health Promotions Research Group and Institute for Gender Research, University of Calgary, pp. 149–159.

Vangen, S. and Huxham, C. (2002). Tensions and dilemmas: how partnership managers lead collaboration. In: Purdue, D. and Stewart, M. eds. Understanding Collaboration: international perspectives on theory, method and practice. Bristol, UK: Faculty of the Built Environment, University of the West of England, pp. 45–51.

Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv (2001). What makes practitioners tick?: understanding collaboration practice and practising collaboration understanding. In: Genefke, Jens and Macdonald, Frank eds. Effective collaboration: managing the obstacles to success. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–16.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2000). What makes partnerships work? In: Osborne, Stephen ed. Public-Private Partnerships: theory and practice in international perspective. Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies. London, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.: Routledge, pp. 293–310.

Huxham, C. and Vangen, Siv (1999). New perspectives on leadership in collaboration. In: Schruijer, Sandra ed. Multoorganisational Partnerships and Co-operative Strategy. Tilburg, Netherlands: Dutch University Press, pp. 247–252.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, C. (1997). Creating a TIP: issues in the design of a process for transferring theoretical insight about inter-organisational collaboration into practice. In: Montanheiro, L.; Heigh, R. H. and Morris, D. S. eds. Understanding Public and Private Sector Partnerships. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University Press, pp. 78–94.

Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv (1996). Managing inter-organisational relationships. In: Osborne, Stephen P. ed. Managing in the Voluntary Sector: A Handbook for Managers in Voluntary and Non-profit Making Organizations. Management and Finance in Public Services Series. London, U.K. and Boston, MA, U.S.: International Thompson Business Press, pp. 202–216.

Vangen, Siv (1995). Local community groups combating poverty: a focus on collaboration. In: Bowen, Ken ed. In at the Deep End: MSc student projects in community operational research. Barnsley, U.K.: Community Operational Research Unit, Northern College, pp. 47–65.

Vangen, Siv and Barr, C. (1994). Investigating effective collaboration. In: Ritchie, Charles; Taket, A. and Bryant, Jim eds. Community Works: 26 case studies showing community operational research in action. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University Press, pp. 182–186.

Journal ItemTo Top

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2012). The Tangled Web: Unraveling the Principle of Common Goals in Collaborations. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 22(4) pp. 731–760.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2006). Achieving collaborative advantage: understanding the challenge and making it happen. Strategic Direction, 22(2) pp. 3–5.

Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv (2004). Doing things collaboratively: realizing the advantage or succumbing to inertia? Organizational Dynamics, 33(2) pp. 190–201.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2003). Enacting leadership for collaborative advantage: dilemmas of ideology and pragmatism in the activities of partnership managers. British Journal of Management, 14(Supp.1) S61-S76.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2003). Nurturing collaborative relations: building trust in interorganizational collaboration. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 39(1) pp. 5–31.

Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv (1996). Working together, key themes in the management of relationships between public and non-profit organizations. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 9(7) pp. 5–17.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Vangen, Siv; Potter, Karen and Jacklin-Jarvis, Carol (2017). Collaboration and the governance of public services delivery. In: Symposium on the policy and reform trajectory of public services in the UK and Japan, 8-9 Nov 2017, Japan.

Vangen, Siv (2016). Researching Leadership for Collaborative Advantage. In: Third Collective Leadership Workshop: Methodological Challenges in Collective Leadership Research, 29 Sep - 1 Oct 2016, New York City.

Vangen, Siv and McGuire, Michael (2015). Understanding Leadership in Public Collaborative Context. In: International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM 2015), 30 Mar - 1 Apr 2015, University of Birmingham.

Vangen, Siv (2012). Understanding, investigating and theorizing inter-organizational collaborations: a focus on paradox. In: BAM 2012: Management Research Revisted: Prospects for Theory and Practice, 11-13 Sep 2012, Cardiff, UK.

Hayes, John Paul; Cornforth, Chris and Vangen, Siv (2011). Tensions: a challenge to governance and cross-sector partnerships. In: 18th Multi-Organisational Partnerships Alliances and Networks, 4-6 Jul 2011, Glasgow.

Emberson, Caroline; Gould, Nick; Hearne, Pam; Huxham, Chris; Knight, Louise; Vangen, Siv and Winchester, Nik (2009). Teaching collaboration: Theory, principles and practices using games and simulations. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, 15-17 Sep 2009, Brighton, University of Brighton.

Vangen, Siv and Winchester, Nik (2007). An exploration of culture in cross-national collaborations. In: British Academy of Management annuan conference, 11-13 Sep 2007, Warwick.

Vangen, Siv and Winchester, Nik (2007). Managing culture in cross-national collaborations. In: EURAM annual conference, 16-18 May 2007, Paris.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2006). A framework for managing aims in collaborations. In: Academy of Management, 14-16 Aug 2006, Georgia.

Vangen, S. and Huxham, C. (2006). Aima in competition: a framework for understanding and managing collaborative purpose. In: 22nd EGOS Colloquium, 6-8 Jul 2006, Bergen.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, C (2004). An exploration of the complexity of goals in inter-organizational collaboration. In: British Academy of Management, 30 Aug - 01 Sep 2004, St Andrews, Scotland.


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