Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Stuart Taylor

47 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 20:56:52 2025 GMT.

Book SectionTo Top

Ayres, Tammy C. and Taylor, Stuart (2023). Drug Markets and Drug Dealing: Time to move on. In: Ayres, Tammy C. and Ancrum, Craig eds. Understanding Drug Dealing and Illicit Drug Markets: National and International perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge.

Ayres, Tammy and Taylor, Stuart (2022). Cultural Competence to Cultural Obsolescence: Drug Use, Stigma and Consumerism. In: Addison, Michelle; McGovern, William and McGovern, Ruth eds. Drugs, Identity and Stigma. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 197–220.

Ayres, Tammy and Taylor, Stuart (2020). Media and Intoxication: Media Representations of the Intoxicated. In: Hutton, Fiona ed. Cultures of Intoxication: Key Issues and Debates. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 239–261.

Journal ItemTo Top

Taylor, Stuart; Ayres, Tammy and Jones, Emily (2020). Enlightened hedonism? Independent drug checking amongst a group of ecstasy users. International Journal of Drug Policy, 83, article no. 102869.

Burke, Lol; Millings, Matthew; Taylor, Stuart and Ragonese, Ester (2020). Transforming rehabilitation, emotional labour and contract delivery: A case study of a voluntary sector provider in an English resettlement prison. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 61, article no. 100387.

Gunby, Clare; Carline, Anna; Taylor, Stuart and Gosling, Helena (2020). Unwanted Sexual Attention in the Night-Time Economy: Behaviors, Safety Strategies, and Conceptualizing “Feisty Femininity”. Feminist Criminology, 15(1) pp. 24–46.

Millings, Matthew; Taylor, Stuart; Burke, Lol and Ragonese, Ester (2019). Through the Gate: The implementation, management and delivery of resettlement service provision for short-term prisoners. Probation Journal, 66(1) pp. 77–95.

Taylor, Stuart; Beckett Wilson, Helen; Barrett, Giles; Jamieson, Janet and Grindrod, Lauren (2018). Cannabis Use in an English Community: Acceptance, Anxieties, and the Liminality of Drug Prohibition. Contemporary Drug Problems, 45(4) pp. 401–424.

Beckett Wilson, Helen; Taylor, Stuart; Barrett, Giles; Jamieson, Janet and Grindrod, Lauren (2017). Propagating the Haze? Community and professional perceptions of cannabis cultivation and the impacts of prohibition. International Journal of Drug Policy, 48 pp. 72–80.

Taylor, Stuart; Burke, Lol; Millings, Matthew and Ragonese, Ester (2017). Transforming Rehabilitation during a penal crisis: A case study of Through the Gate services in a resettlement prison in England and Wales. European Journal of Probation, 9(2) pp. 115–131.

Gunby, Clare; Carline, Anna and Taylor, Stuart (2017). Location, libation and leisure: An examination of the use of licensed venues to help challenge sexual violence. Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal, 13(3) pp. 315–333.

Taylor, Stuart (2016). Moving beyond the other: A critique of the reductionist drugs discourse. Cultuur and Criminalitiet, 1 pp. 100–118.

Taylor, Stuart (2008). Outside the outsiders: Media representations of drug use. Probation Journal, 55(4) pp. 369–387.

Mair, George; Burke, Lol and Taylor, Stuart (2006). ‘The worst tax form you’ve ever seen’? Probation officers’ views about OASys. Probation Journal, 53(1) pp. 7–23.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Taylor, Stuart (2024). Fatigue and Fatality: Remembering Roy. In: Eurocrim 2023 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, 6-9 Sep 2023, Florence, Italy.

Taylor, Stuart (2024). Challenging media representations of drugs from the inside: Reflections of being an academic consultant on the BBC’s Drugs Map of Britain series. In: The 24th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, 11-14 Sep 2024, Bucharest, Romania.

Taylor, Stuart and Ayres, Tammy (2022). Drug Markets and Drug Dealing: Time to move on? In: European Society of Criminology Annual Conference, 2022, Malaga, Spain.

Taylor, Stuart and Ayres, Tammy (2020). The 12 Dichotomies of Drug Policy. In: British Society of Criminology SW Branch: ‘Dangerous Drugs in the Contemporary Era, 2020.

Taylor, Stuart (2019). Drugs, Consumerism and Harm: Private drug checking. In: European Society of Criminology, 2019, Ghent.

Taylor, Stuart (2019). Private drug testing: reducing harm, guaranteeing good times? In: Drugs: North West, 2019, Manchester.

Taylor, Stuart (2018). How will different user groups respond to legal reform? In: Cannabis in a post-prohibition world (organised by LJMU Public Health Institute and Volteface), 2018, Liverpool.

Taylor, Stuart (2017). Deviant Leisure: Consuming Harm - Intervening with Deviant Leisure. In: American Society of Criminology, 2017, Philadelphia.

Taylor, Stuart (2017). Gendered sexual violence in the Night-Time Economy. In: Tackling Sexism On-Campus, 2017, University of Liverpool.

Taylor, Stuart (2017). Transforming Rehabilitation and Through the Gate. In: Penal Reform - Where to Next?, 2017, University of Nottingham.

Taylor, Stuart; Burke, Lol; Millings, Matthew and Ragonese, Ester Louisa (2016). Transforming Rehabilitation and Through The Gate: Research from a resettlement prison. In: American Society of Criminology Conference, 16-19 Nov 2016, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Taylor, Stuart (2016). The Metamorphosis of Prohibition: Do global drug policy reforms represent progressive change? In: American Society of Criminology Conference, 2016, New Orleans.

Taylor, Stuart (2015). On Fallacies and Alienation: The Reductionist Drugs Discourse. In: The Other, Cultural Criminology Conference, 2015, VU University, Amsterdam.

Beckett Wilson, Helen and Taylor, Stuart (2014). The Shifting Landscape of Cannabis in the Community: Acceptance, Anxieties and Ambiguities. In: BSC - British Society of Criminology Conference, 9-12 Jul 2014, Liverpool.

Taylor, Stuart (2014). The Shifting Landscape of Cannabis in the Community: Acceptance, Anxieties and Ambiguities. In: 2014 American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, 19-22 Nov 2014, San Francisco.

Taylor, Stuart and Wilson, Helen Beckett (2014). The Shifting Landscape of Cannabis in the Community: Acceptance, Anxieties and Ambiguities. In: European Society of Criminology Conference (Eurocrim2014), 10-13 Sep 2014, Prague.

Taylor, Stuart (2013). Public education and public criminology from the UK. In: 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology: Expanding the Core: Neglected Crimes, Groups, Causes and Policy Approaches, 20-23 Nov 2013, Atlanta.

Taylor, Stuart (2013). The ‘Day of Crime’ programme: Lessons in public education and public criminology from the UK? In: European Society of Criminology Conference, 4-7 Sep 2013, Budapest.

Taylor, Stuart (2012). The Path to Enlightenment? Public Engagement, Public Education and the role of the Public Criminologist. In: 25th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology, 27-29 Nov 2012, Auckland, New Zealand.

Taylor, Stuart (2012). The Great Unmentionable’ Just why do [we] continue to ignore the potential benefits of illegal drug use? In: Public lecture, 04 Dec 2012, University of Victoria, Wellington.

Taylor, Stuart (2011). ‘Days of Crime': The route to a more enlightened, engaged and educated public? In: 16th World Congress - International Society for Criminology conference, 5-9 Aug 2011, Kobe, Japan.

Taylor, Stuart (2010). Community Justice & Public Engagement: Rhetoric & Reality. In: European Society of Criminology Conference, 8-11 Sep 2010, Liege.

Taylor, Stuart (2008). Mutton Dressed as Lamb? The case of the community order and the suspended sentence order in England & Wales. In: World Congress of Criminology Conference, Jul 2008, Barcelona, Spain.

Taylor, Stuart (2007). The Community Order: Issues of implementation & use. In: British Society of Criminology Conference, 2007, Glasgow, Scotland.

Mair, George; Burke, Lol and Taylor, Stuart (2005). The worst Tax Form you’ve ever seen’: Probation Officers views on OASyS. In: British Society of Criminology Conference, 12-14 Jul 2005, Leeds, England.

OtherTo Top

Ayres, Tammy and Taylor, Stuart (2020). The Twelve Dichotomies of Drug Policy. British Society of Criminology.

Taylor, Stuart; Mair, George and Cross, Noel (2008). The community order and the suspended sentence order: The views and attitudes of sentencers. Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, London.

Taylor, Stuart; Mair, George and Cross, Noel (2007). The use and impact of the Community Order and the Suspended Sentence Order. Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, London.


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