Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Stuart Taylor

47 items in this list.
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2024To Top

Taylor, Stuart (2024). Fatigue and Fatality: Remembering Roy. In: Eurocrim 2023 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, 6-9 Sep 2023, Florence, Italy.

Taylor, Stuart (2024). Challenging media representations of drugs from the inside: Reflections of being an academic consultant on the BBC’s Drugs Map of Britain series. In: The 24th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, 11-14 Sep 2024, Bucharest, Romania.

2023To Top

Ayres, Tammy C. and Taylor, Stuart (2023). Drug Markets and Drug Dealing: Time to move on. In: Ayres, Tammy C. and Ancrum, Craig eds. Understanding Drug Dealing and Illicit Drug Markets: National and International perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge.

2022To Top

Ayres, Tammy and Taylor, Stuart (2022). Cultural Competence to Cultural Obsolescence: Drug Use, Stigma and Consumerism. In: Addison, Michelle; McGovern, William and McGovern, Ruth eds. Drugs, Identity and Stigma. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 197–220.

Taylor, Stuart and Ayres, Tammy (2022). Drug Markets and Drug Dealing: Time to move on? In: European Society of Criminology Annual Conference, 2022, Malaga, Spain.

2020To Top

Taylor, Stuart; Ayres, Tammy and Jones, Emily (2020). Enlightened hedonism? Independent drug checking amongst a group of ecstasy users. International Journal of Drug Policy, 83, article no. 102869.

Burke, Lol; Millings, Matthew; Taylor, Stuart and Ragonese, Ester (2020). Transforming rehabilitation, emotional labour and contract delivery: A case study of a voluntary sector provider in an English resettlement prison. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 61, article no. 100387.

Gunby, Clare; Carline, Anna; Taylor, Stuart and Gosling, Helena (2020). Unwanted Sexual Attention in the Night-Time Economy: Behaviors, Safety Strategies, and Conceptualizing “Feisty Femininity”. Feminist Criminology, 15(1) pp. 24–46.

Ayres, Tammy and Taylor, Stuart (2020). Media and Intoxication: Media Representations of the Intoxicated. In: Hutton, Fiona ed. Cultures of Intoxication: Key Issues and Debates. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 239–261.

Taylor, Stuart and Ayres, Tammy (2020). The 12 Dichotomies of Drug Policy. In: British Society of Criminology SW Branch: ‘Dangerous Drugs in the Contemporary Era, 2020.

2019To Top

Millings, Matthew; Taylor, Stuart; Burke, Lol and Ragonese, Ester (2019). Through the Gate: The implementation, management and delivery of resettlement service provision for short-term prisoners. Probation Journal, 66(1) pp. 77–95.

Taylor, Stuart (2019). Drugs, Consumerism and Harm: Private drug checking. In: European Society of Criminology, 2019, Ghent.

Taylor, Stuart (2019). Private drug testing: reducing harm, guaranteeing good times? In: Drugs: North West, 2019, Manchester.

2018To Top

Taylor, Stuart; Beckett Wilson, Helen; Barrett, Giles; Jamieson, Janet and Grindrod, Lauren (2018). Cannabis Use in an English Community: Acceptance, Anxieties, and the Liminality of Drug Prohibition. Contemporary Drug Problems, 45(4) pp. 401–424.

Taylor, Stuart (2018). How will different user groups respond to legal reform? In: Cannabis in a post-prohibition world (organised by LJMU Public Health Institute and Volteface), 2018, Liverpool.

2017To Top

Beckett Wilson, Helen; Taylor, Stuart; Barrett, Giles; Jamieson, Janet and Grindrod, Lauren (2017). Propagating the Haze? Community and professional perceptions of cannabis cultivation and the impacts of prohibition. International Journal of Drug Policy, 48 pp. 72–80.

Taylor, Stuart; Burke, Lol; Millings, Matthew and Ragonese, Ester (2017). Transforming Rehabilitation during a penal crisis: A case study of Through the Gate services in a resettlement prison in England and Wales. European Journal of Probation, 9(2) pp. 115–131.

Gunby, Clare; Carline, Anna and Taylor, Stuart (2017). Location, libation and leisure: An examination of the use of licensed venues to help challenge sexual violence. Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal, 13(3) pp. 315–333.

Taylor, Stuart (2017). Deviant Leisure: Consuming Harm - Intervening with Deviant Leisure. In: American Society of Criminology, 2017, Philadelphia.

Taylor, Stuart (2017). Gendered sexual violence in the Night-Time Economy. In: Tackling Sexism On-Campus, 2017, University of Liverpool.

Taylor, Stuart (2017). Transforming Rehabilitation and Through the Gate. In: Penal Reform - Where to Next?, 2017, University of Nottingham.

2016To Top

Taylor, Stuart; Burke, Lol; Millings, Matthew and Ragonese, Ester Louisa (2016). Transforming Rehabilitation and Through The Gate: Research from a resettlement prison. In: American Society of Criminology Conference, 16-19 Nov 2016, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Taylor, Stuart (2016). Moving beyond the other: A critique of the reductionist drugs discourse. Cultuur and Criminalitiet, 1 pp. 100–118.

Taylor, Stuart (2016). The Metamorphosis of Prohibition: Do global drug policy reforms represent progressive change? In: American Society of Criminology Conference, 2016, New Orleans.

2015To Top

Taylor, Stuart (2015). On Fallacies and Alienation: The Reductionist Drugs Discourse. In: The Other, Cultural Criminology Conference, 2015, VU University, Amsterdam.

2014To Top

Beckett Wilson, Helen and Taylor, Stuart (2014). The Shifting Landscape of Cannabis in the Community: Acceptance, Anxieties and Ambiguities. In: BSC - British Society of Criminology Conference, 9-12 Jul 2014, Liverpool.

Taylor, Stuart (2014). The Shifting Landscape of Cannabis in the Community: Acceptance, Anxieties and Ambiguities. In: 2014 American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, 19-22 Nov 2014, San Francisco.

Taylor, Stuart and Wilson, Helen Beckett (2014). The Shifting Landscape of Cannabis in the Community: Acceptance, Anxieties and Ambiguities. In: European Society of Criminology Conference (Eurocrim2014), 10-13 Sep 2014, Prague.

2013To Top

Taylor, Stuart (2013). Public education and public criminology from the UK. In: 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology: Expanding the Core: Neglected Crimes, Groups, Causes and Policy Approaches, 20-23 Nov 2013, Atlanta.

Taylor, Stuart (2013). The ‘Day of Crime’ programme: Lessons in public education and public criminology from the UK? In: European Society of Criminology Conference, 4-7 Sep 2013, Budapest.

2012To Top

Taylor, Stuart (2012). The Path to Enlightenment? Public Engagement, Public Education and the role of the Public Criminologist. In: 25th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology, 27-29 Nov 2012, Auckland, New Zealand.

Taylor, Stuart (2012). The Great Unmentionable’ Just why do [we] continue to ignore the potential benefits of illegal drug use? In: Public lecture, 04 Dec 2012, University of Victoria, Wellington.

2011To Top

Taylor, Stuart (2011). ‘Days of Crime': The route to a more enlightened, engaged and educated public? In: 16th World Congress - International Society for Criminology conference, 5-9 Aug 2011, Kobe, Japan.

2010To Top

Taylor, Stuart (2010). Community Justice & Public Engagement: Rhetoric & Reality. In: European Society of Criminology Conference, 8-11 Sep 2010, Liege.

2008To Top

Taylor, Stuart (2008). Mutton Dressed as Lamb? The case of the community order and the suspended sentence order in England & Wales. In: World Congress of Criminology Conference, Jul 2008, Barcelona, Spain.

Taylor, Stuart (2008). Outside the outsiders: Media representations of drug use. Probation Journal, 55(4) pp. 369–387.

2007To Top

Taylor, Stuart (2007). The Community Order: Issues of implementation & use. In: British Society of Criminology Conference, 2007, Glasgow, Scotland.

2006To Top

Mair, George; Burke, Lol and Taylor, Stuart (2006). ‘The worst tax form you’ve ever seen’? Probation officers’ views about OASys. Probation Journal, 53(1) pp. 7–23.

2005To Top

Mair, George; Burke, Lol and Taylor, Stuart (2005). The worst Tax Form you’ve ever seen’: Probation Officers views on OASyS. In: British Society of Criminology Conference, 12-14 Jul 2005, Leeds, England.


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