Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Nela Smolović-Jones
2025To Top
Smolović Jones, Owain; Smolović Jones, Nela and Carroll, Brigid
2024To Top
Tyler, Melissa; Butler, Judith; Cutcher, Leanne; Milroy, Talila; Lloyd, Moya; Riach, Kathleen; Kenny, Kate; Al‐Amoudi, Ismael; Guschke, Bontu Lucie; Harding, Nancy and Smolović-Jones, Nela
Smolović-Jones, Nela; Johansson, Marjana; Pullen, Alison and Giritli-Nygren, Katarina
Smolović-Jones, Nela (2024). Becoming a Feminist-Activist Ethnographer: Generating Gender-Equal Democratic Practice. In Figiel, Kasia ed. Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research SAGE Publications, Inc..
2023To Top
Smolovic-Jones, Nela
2022To Top
Smolović Jones, Owain; Smolović Jones, Sanela; Taylor, Scott and Yarrow, Emily
2021To Top
Smolovic-Jones, Sanela; Winchester, Nik and Clarke, Caroline
Smolović Jones, Owain; Smolovic-Jones, Sanela; Haslam, Daniel and Barthold, Charles
Smolović Jones, Owain; Smolović Jones, Sanela; Taylor, Scott and Yarrow, Emily
Smolovic Jones, Owain; Smolovic-Jones, Nela; Taylor, Scott and Yarrow, Emily
Hollis, David; Wright, Alex; Smolovic Jones, Owain and Smolovic-Jones, Nela
2020To Top
Smolovic Jones, Owain; Smolovic Jones, Nela and Grint, Keith
2019To Top
Smolovic-Jones, Sanela
2016To Top
Smolovic-Jones, Nela; Smolovic Jones, Owain; Winchester, Nik and Grint, Keith
2014To Top
Smolovic-Jones, S.; Smolovic Jones, O.; Winchester, N. and Grint, K.
Smolovic Jones, Sanela
2013To Top
Smolovic-Jones, Nela; Boocock, Kate and Underhill-Sem, Yvonne