Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sarah Stewart

19 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 15 00:42:50 2025 GMT.

Book SectionTo Top

Stewart, Sarah (2018). Pennod 9 - Chwarae a Chreadigrwydd. In: Ryder, Nanna ed. Cefnogi Pob Plentyn. Carmarthen: Ganolfan Peniarth, pp. 79–88.

Stewart, Sarah and Ryder, Nanna (2018). Pennod 8 - Tu Hwnt i’r Dosbarth. In: Ryder, Nanna ed. Cefnogi Pob Plentyn. Carmarthen: Ganolfan Peniarth, pp. 68–78.

Journal ItemTo Top

Stewart, Sarah; MacDonald, Natalie and Waters-Davies, Jane (2024). Addysg Plentyndod Cynnar yng Nghymru: Polisi, Addewidion a Realiti Ymarfer. Addewidion a Realiti Ymarfer, 26(2) pp. 128–144.

Stewart, Sarah; MacDonald, Natalie and Waters-Davies, Jane (2024). Early Childhood Education in Wales: Policy, Promises and Practice Realities. Wales Journal of Education, 26(2) pp. 124–139.

Defis, Nerys; Glover, Alison; Jennings, Carys; Stewart, Sarah; Wallis, Rachel; Craggs, Ben; Hay, Ceris; Linton, Beth; Powell, Thomas and Williams, Amanda (2022). Using video technology to support micro-teaching and reflection in Initial Teacher Education. Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 8(1)

Serarols, Jordi; Gonzalez, Jordi; Welton, Nicola; Stewart, Sarah; Pauwells, Ellen; Runfola, Caterina; Mara, Elena Lucia and Mara, Daniel (2018). Equity in Education: A New Definition from a European Perspective. ACTA Universitatis Lucian Blaga, 2018(1) pp. 224–232.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Stewart, Sarah and Bleasdale, Catharine (2023). Attracting under represented groups to train to teach in Wales. In: 7th Biennial International Conference on Access, Participation and Success: ‘Through the looking glass: How Higher Education is using the lens of access, participation, and success to create equity for all students’, 26-27 Apr 2023, The Open University [Online].

Stewart, Sarah (2023). The Doctoral Research Journey - A Critical Reflection. In: Collaborative Research Network Seminar Series (Professional Learning and Leadership), 14 Jul 2023, Online.

Stewart, Sarah (2019). Supporting Opportunity in Schools: Promoting Educational Equity – A Report on the Second and Final Year of Project Outcomes. In: British Education Studies Conference 15th Annual International Conference 2019, 27-28 Jun 2019, Swansea.

Stewart, Sarah (2018). International Perspectives on Equity. In: British Education Studies Association 14th Annual International Conference, 27-29 Jun 2018, University of Bolton.

OtherTo Top

Duggan, Brett; Thomas, Hefin; Davies-Walker, Morgan; Sinnema, Claire; Stewart, Sarah; Cole Jones, Nia; Glover, Alison and Griffiths, Mike (2022). Scoping study for the evaluation of the curriculum and assessment reforms in Wales: final report. Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.

Hayward, Louise; Jones, Dylan E.; Waters, Jane; Makara, Kara; Morrison-Love, David; Spencer, Ernest; Barnes, Janine; Davies, Heddwen; Hughes, Sioned; Jones, Christine; Nelson, Sam; Ryder, Nanna; Stacey, David; Wallis, Rachel; Baxter, Jayne; MacBride, George; Bendall, Rachel; Brooks, Siân; Cooze, Angella; Davies, Linda; Denny, Helen; Donaldson, Peter; Lewis, Ishmael; Lloyd, Peter; Maitra, Srabani; Morgan, Catherine; James, Sue Pellew; Samuel-Thomas, Shan; Sharpling, Elaine; Southern, Alex; Stewart, Sarah; Valdera-Gil, Francisco and Wardle, Georgina (2018). Learning about Progression – Informing thinking about a Curriculum for Wales. The University of Glasgow, The University of Wales Trinity Saint David; CAMAU.


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