Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Stefanie Ruel

15 items in this list.
Generated on Mon Oct 14 16:00:34 2024 BST.

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Ruel, Stefanie and Brewis, Jo (2025). Menopause at work. In: Helms Mills, Jean; Mills, Albert J.; Williams, Kristen S. and Bendl, Regine eds. Elgar Encyclopedia on Gender in Management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (In Press).

Ruel, Stefanie and Hammel, Kaitlynn C. (2022). Feminist historiography: Reconstructing histories that include women and gender-diverse individuals. In: Ballamingie, P. and Szanto, D. eds. Showing Theory to Know Theory: Understanding social science concepts through illustrative vignettes. Ottawa, Ontario: Showing Theory Press, pp. 161–170.

Ruel, Stefanie (2021). Barriers to space: “One giant leap” for Canadian early-career STEM women. In: Tajmel, Tanja; Starl, Klaus and Spintig, Susanne eds. The Human Rights-Based Approach to STEM Education. Munster, Germany: Waxmann, pp. 169–192.

Ruel, Stefanie; Dyer, Linda and Mills, Albert J. (2021). The Canadian Alouette women: reclaiming their space. In: Maclean, Mairi; Clegg, Stewart R.; Suddaby, Roy and Harvey, Charles eds. Historical organization studies: Theory and applications. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 107–130.

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van Hilten, Adriana and Ruel, Stefanie (2024). The Chihuahua and the Space Princess writing in the margins: Antenarratives of two (older) women early career academics. Gender, Work & Organization, 31(5) pp. 2066–2094.

Ruel, Stefanie; Aaltio, Iiris; Römer-Paakkanen, Tarja and Ozkazanc-Pan, Banu (2022). Guest editorial: Meanings, contexts and future of ageing studies: intersections of age and ageing with organizations. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 17(2) pp. 161–170.

Hamilton, Lynn Alison; Ruel, Stefanie and Thomas, Janice Lynn (2021). Prim'a'geniture: Gender bias and daughter successors of entrepreneurial family businesses. Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics, 5(2), article no. 29.

Ruel, Stefanie; Mills, Albert J. and Helms MIlls, Jean (2019). Gendering multi-voiced histories of the North American space industry: The GMRD white women. Journal of Management History, 25(4) pp. 464–492.

Ruel, Stefanie (2019). An open letter to the Universe: A reflection on conducting "good" research. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 14(1) pp. 55–74.

Ruel, Stefanie; Mills, Albert J. and Thomas, Janice L. (2018). Intersectionality at work: The case of Ruth Bates Harris and NASA. Ephemera: theory & politics in organizations, 18(1) pp. 17–49.

Ruel, Stefanie (2018). The "silent killers" of a STEM-professional woman’s career. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 37(7) pp. 728–748.


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