Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sanjooram Paddea

15 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 05:53:02 2025 GMT.

Journal ItemTo Top

Kornmeier, Joana Rebelo; Marques, Maria José; Gan, Weimin; Batista, António Castanhola; Paddea, Sanjooram and Loureiro, Altino (2022). Quantification of Residual Stress Relief by Heat Treatments in Austenitic Cladded Layers. Materials, 15(4), article no. 1364.

Ding, Rengen; Chiu, Yulung; Chu, Mingqiang; Paddea, Sanjooram and Su, Guanqiao (2020). A study of fracture behaviour of gamma lamella using the notched TiAl micro-cantilever. Philosophical Magazine. Part A: Materials Science, 100(8) pp. 982–997.

Benghalia, G.; Rahimi, S.; Wood, J.; Coules, H. and Paddea, S. (2018). Multiscale Measurements of Residual Stress in a Low-Alloy Carbon Steel Weld Clad with IN625 Superalloy. Materials Performance and Characterization, 7(4) pp. 606–629.

Conroy, Brian; Traore, Yeli; Paddea, Sanjooram; Kelleher, Joe and Tanner, David (2017). Application of multiple residual stress determination methods to coarse-grained biomedical implant castings. Materials Science and Technology, 33(10) pp. 1231–1251.

Zhang, Jikui; Zhang, Xiang; Wang, Xueyuan; Ding, Jialuo; Traore, Yeli; Paddea, Sanjooram and Williams, Stewart (2016). Crack path selection at the interface of wrought and wire+arc additive manufactured Ti–6Al–4V. Materials & Design, 104 pp. 365–375.

Paradowska, Anna M.; Tremsin, Anton; Kelleher, Joe F.; Zhang, Shu Yen; Paddea, Sanjooram; Burca, Genoveva; James, Jon A.; Ahmed, Rehan; Faisal, Nadimul H.; Grazzi, Francesco; Festa, Giulia; Andreani, Carla; Civita, Francesco; Bouchard, Peter J.; Kockelman, Winfried and Fitzpatrick, Michael E. (2012). Modern and historical engineering concerns investigated by neutron diffraction on ENGIN-X. Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 6(6) pp. 408–418.

Paddea, S.; Francis, J. A.; Paradowska, A M; Bouchard, P. J. and Shibli, I. A. (2012). Residual Stress Distributions in a P91 Steel-Pipe Girth Weld before and after Post Weld Heat Treatment. Materials Science and Engineering A, 534 pp. 663–672.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Duan, Xinjian; Glover, Andrew; Sun, Dongmei and Paddea, Sanjooram (2018). Experimental Study of the Weld Residual Stress in Manually and Mechanically Fabricated Dissimilar Metal Weld. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference - Volume 6B: Materials and Fabrication, ASME, article no. PVP2018-84136.

Paddea, S.; Francis, J. A.; Paradowska, A.; Bouchard, P. and Shiblis, I. A. (2010). Characterisation of residual stresses in a welded P91 steel pipe section using neutron diffraction. In: 8th European Conference on Residual Stresses, 26-28 Jun 2010, Riva del Garda, Italy.

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