Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sarah Neal

40 items in this list.
Generated on Thu Feb 6 13:23:53 2025 GMT.

2022To Top

Neal, Sarah and Cochrane, Allan (2022). Superdiversity through the lens of Brexit. In: Meissner, Fran; Sigona, Nando and Vertovec, Steven eds. Oxford Handbook of Superdiversity. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford University Press.

2021To Top

Neal, Sarah; Gawlewicz, Anna; Heley, Jesse and Jones, Rhys Dafydd (2021). Rural Brexit? The ambivalent politics of rural community, migration and dependency. Journal of Rural Studies, 82 pp. 176–183.

2018To Top

2017To Top

King, Andy; Murji, Karim; Neal, Sarah; Watson, Sophie and Woodward, Kath (2017). Editors’ Report 2017. Sociology, 51(6) pp. 1127–1131.

2016To Top

King, Andrew; Neal, Sarah; Murji, Karim; Watson, Sophie and Woodward, Kath (2016). Editors’ Report 2016. Sociology, 50(2) pp. 227–230.

2015To Top

2013To Top

2012To Top

Hancock, Lynn; Mooney, Gerry and Neal, Sarah (2012). Crisis social policy and the resilience of the concept of community. Critical Social Policy, 32(3) pp. 343–364.

2011To Top

Murji, Karim and Neal, Sarah (2011). Riot: Race and Politics in the 2011 Disorders. Sociological Research Online, 16(4)

Kesten, Jamie; Cochrane, Allan; Mohan, Giles and Neal, Sarah (2011). Multiculture and community in new city spaces. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 32(2) pp. 133–150.

2010To Top

2009To Top

Mooney, Gerry and Neal, Sarah eds. (2009). Community: Welfare, Crime and Society. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.

Neal, Sarah and McLaughlin, Eugene (2009). Researching up? Interviews, emotionality and policy-making elites. Journal of Social Policy, 38(04) pp. 689–707.

Agyeman, Julian and Neal, Sarah (2009). Rural identity and otherness. In: Kitchin, Rob and Thrift, Nigel eds. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Volume 5. Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier Ltd, pp. 227–281.

2008To Top

2007To Top

2006To Top

Neal, Sarah and Agyeman, Julian eds. (2006). The new countryside? Ethnicity, nation and exclusion in contemporary rural Britain. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Neal, Sarah and Agyeman, Julian (2006). Remaking English ruralities: Processes of belonging and becoming, continuity and change in racialised spaces. In: Neal, Sarah and Agyeman, Julian eds. The new countryside? Ethnicity, nation and exclusion in contemporary rural Britain. UK: The Policy Press, pp. 99–125.

2005To Top

Lewis, Gail and Neal, Sarah (2005). Introduction: Contemporary political contexts, changing terrains and revisited discourses. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 28(3) pp. 423–444.

2004To Top

McLaughlin, Eugene and Neal, Sarah (2004). Misrepresenting the multicultural nation. Policy Studies, 25(3) pp. 155–174.

2003To Top

2002To Top

2000To Top

Neal, Sarah (2000). Feared and revered bodies: mapping media representations of racialised and gendered bodies: a case study. In: McKie, Linda and Watson, Nick eds. Organising Bodies: Institutions, Policy and Work. Explorations in Sociology. British Sociological Association Conference Volume Series (58). Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 102–116.

1999To Top

Neal, Sarah (1999). Populist configurations of race and gender: the case of Hugh Grant, Divine Brown and Elizabeth Hurley. In: Brah, Avtar; Hickman, Mary J. and Mac an Ghaill, Mάirtin eds. Thinking Identities: ethnicity, racism and culture. Explorations in Sociology. British Sociological Association Conference Volume Series (52). Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 100–119.

1998To Top

Neal, Sarah (1998). The Making of Equal Opportunities Policies in Universities. Buckingham, U.K.: Open University Press and Society for Research into Higher Education.

Neal, Sarah (1998). Struggles with the research self: reconciling feminist approaches to antiracist research. In: Connolly, Paul and Troyna, Barry eds. Researching Racism in Education, Politics, Theory, Practice. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press, pp. 109–121.

1995To Top

Neal, Sarah (1995). A question of silence? Antiracist policies in higher education: two case studies. In: Griffiths, Morwena and Troyna, Barry eds. Antiracism, Culture and Social Justice in Education. Stoke-on-Trent, U.K.: Trentham Books Limited.


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