Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sarah-Jane Davies

32 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 09:18:40 2025 GMT.

ATo Top

Adams, Anne; Coughlan, Tim; Rogers, Yvonne; Collins, Trevor; Davies, Sarah-Jane; Blake, Canan and Lea, John (2011). Live linking of fieldwork to the laboratory increases students inquiry based reflections. In: CSCL 2011: International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 04-08 Jul 2011, Hong Kong.

Adams, Anne; Coughlan, Tim; Lea, John; Rogers, Yvonne; Davies, Sarah-Jane and Collins, Trevor (2011). Designing interconnected distributed resources for collaborative inquiry based science education. In: ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 13-17 Jun 2011, Ottawa.

Adams, Anne; Davies, Sarah; Collins, Trevor and Rogers, Yvonne (2010). Out there and in here: design for blended scientific inquiry learning. In: 17th Association for Learning Technology Conference ALT-C 2010 -, 07-09 Sep 2010, Nottingham, UK.

CTo Top

Cullen, Jane; Ocloo, Augustine; Owusu, Kofi; Murphy, Kerry; Velasco, Maria; Davies, Sarah-Jane and Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric (2023). Opportunities and challenges of tertiary level ICT-based science education in Ghana. In: Education for Social & Environmental Justice: Diversity, Sustainability , Responsibility: UKFIET 17th Conference on International Education and Development, 07 Sep 2023 online; 12-14 Sep 2023 Oxfo UK, Oxford, UK.

Collins, Trevor; Davies, Sarah-Jane and Marshall, Anita (2020). Inclusive Field Kit: sharing approaches for including students with disabilities. In: Enhancing Fieldwork Learning 2020, 8 Sep 2020, Online, United Kingdom.

Cooke, Julia; Wheeler, Philip and Davies, Sarah-Jane (2020). 15 Practical Tips for Online Teaching. In Harrison, Kate ed. The Niche The British Ecological Society, London, UK.

Cooke, Julia; Wheeler, Philip; Maseyk, Kadmiel; Davies, Sarah and Collins, Trevor (2019). Live, interactive fieldcasts: How flexible and robust is our technology and teaching design to multiple changes? In: The 8 th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2019 - STEM Scholarship: From Inquiry to Implementation, 8-9 May 2019, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Cooke, Julia; Wheeler, Phil; Collins, Trevor; Maseyk, Kadmiel and Davies, Sarah (2018). Widening access to fieldwork for large numbers of students with interactive livecasts. In: Enhancing Fieldwork Learning Showcase 2018, 3-4 Sep 2018, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom.

Collins, Trevor; Davies, Sarah and Gaved, Mark (2016). Enabling remote activity: widening participation in field study courses. In: Kennepohl, Dietmar ed. Teaching Science Online: Practical Guidance for Effective Instruction and Lab Work. Sterling, VA, USA: Stylus Publishing, pp. 183–195.

Coughlan, Tim; Adams, Anne; Rogers, Yvonne and Davies, Sarah-Jane (2011). Enabling live dialogic and collaborative learning between field and indoor contexts. In: The 25th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 04-08 Jul 2011, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 88–98.

Coughlan, Tim; Adams, Anne; Collins, Trevor; Davies, Sarah-Jane; Lea, John and Rogers, Yvonne (2011). Working with ‘mission control’ in scientific fieldwork: supporting interactions between in situ and distanced collaborators. In: The 2011 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 19-23 Mar 2011, Hangzhou, China.

DTo Top

Davies, Sarah-Jane; Aiken, Fiona; McPherson, Elaine; Patent, Volker; Townsend, Maria; Croft, Debra; Marshall, Harriet; Shelton, Joanna and Lister, Kate (2024). Ecoanxiety and environmental education: stories, conversations, actions. In: The 13th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2024: Sharing Scholarship and Best Practice – Implementing What Works, 10-11 Apr 2024, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Davies, Sarah-Jane; McPherson, Elaine; Keys, Mary; Croft, Debra and Rimmer, Russ (2023). Pathways and Intersections: Investigating awarding gaps on cross-faculty modules and degrees. In: The 12th eSTEeM Annual Conference: Enabling Student Success – Expanding Engagement in Scholarship, 19-20 Apr 2023, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Davies, Sarah-Jane; Cowie, Cat; Holden, Philip; Hudson, Lorraine and Maseyk, Kadmiel (2023). Embedding research into teaching: practices, motivations and impacts. In: The 12th eSTEeM Annual Conference: Enabling Student Success – Expanding Engagement in Scholarship, 19-20 Apr 2023, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Davies, Sarah-Jane; Thomas, Elaine and Walker, Steve (2015). Digital, material and networked: some emerging themes for SET education. In: Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2015 Annual Conference (Teixeira, António Moreira; Szűcs, András and Mázár, Ildikó eds.), European Distance and E-Learning Network, pp. 91–99.

Davies, Sarah-Jane; Thomas, Elaine and Walker, Steve (2015). Remote laboratories: Lessons from the literature. In: The 4th eSTEeM Annual Conference STEM Futures – Technology Enhanced Learning in Practice, 16-17 Apr 2015, Milton Keynes, UK.

Davies, Sarah-Jane; Collins, Trevor; Gaved, Mark; Bartlett, Jessica; Valentine, Chris and McCann, Lewis (2010). Enabling remote activity: using mobile technology for remote participation in geoscience fieldwork. In: Proc. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010 (EGU 2010), 02-07 May 2010, Vienna, Austria.

GTo Top

Grand, Ann; Davies, Sarah-Jane; Collins, Trevor and Scanlon, Eileen (2022). Alternative fieldwork, “real-world” communities. In: 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference Scholarship Success Stories – Innovation Through Community, 11-12 May 2022, Online.

HTo Top

Holliman, Richard; Marino, Alessandra; Berardi, Andrea; Grand, Ann; Mistry, Jay; Jafferally, Deirdre; Thomas, Raquel; Roberts, Grace; Marcus, Carol-Ann; Roopsind, Indranee; Roberts, Anthony; Davies, Sarah-Jane; Pearson, Victoria; Cooper, Hannah and Olsson-Francis, Karen (2021). Transforming astrobiology research and innovation: embedding an ethos of engaged research. In: Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference: Time, Technology and Transformation, 24-27 May 2021, Online.

MTo Top

Murphy, Kerry; Cullen, Jane; Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric; Stutchbury, Kris; Velasco, Maria; Davies, Sarah-Jane; Ansine, Janice; Herman, Clem; Biard, Olivier and Mallet, Joshua (2020). OpenSTEM Africa: Strengthening science education in Ghana. In: The 9th eSTEeM Annual Conference: Informing Student Success – From Scholarship to Practice, 29-30 Apr 2020, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Minocha, Shailey; Davies, Sarah-Jane; Richardson, Brian and Argles, Thomas (2014). 3D virtual geology field trips: opportunities and limitations. In: Computers and Learning Research Group Annual Conference 2014, 10-11 Jun 2014, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, UK.

STo Top

Stokes, Alison; Collins, Trevor; Maskall, John; Lea, John; Lunt, Paul and Davies, Sarah-Jane (2012). Enabling remote access to fieldwork: gaining insight into the pedagogic effectiveness of ‘direct’ and ‘remote’ field activities. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 36(2) pp. 197–222.

TTo Top

Thomas, Elaine; Walker, Steve and Davies, Sarah-Jane (2013). Hybrid digital/material/networked learning: scruffy mongrel or sleek new breed. In: The 2nd eSTEeM Annual Conference - STEM Futures: Innovations and Impact, 26 Mar 2013, Milton Keynes, UK.

WTo Top

Woo, Holly; Wheeler, Philip; Davies, Sarah-Jane and Maseyk, Kadmiel (2023). The plant communities of urban ancient woodlands: Post-urbanisation changes in ground flora species composition. In: British Ecological Society Trees for Climate Change, Biodiversity and People symposium., 28-29 Jun 2023, Canterbury, UK.

Walker, Steve and Davies, Sarah-Jane (2014). Examining hybrid digital/material resources in networked learning: a critical realist approach. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Networked Learning 2014, pp. 315–322.


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