Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Susan Ledger

32 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 9 14:33:15 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

2022To Top

Christian, Paul and Ledger, Sue (2022). Being part of history, being part of activism: Exploring the lives and experiences of Black people with learning disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50(2) pp. 239–251.

Ledger, Susan June; Martin, Anne-Marie and Tilley, Elizabeth (2022). What's important to me? Using collaborative and creative approaches to shift the power in assessment. In: Atherton, Helen and Crickmore, Debbie eds. Intellectual Disabilities: Toward Inclusion (7th ed.). Elsevier, pp. 53–76.

Bartlett, Terry; Charlesworth, Pat; Choksi, Ajay; Christian, Paul; Gentry, Susie; Green, Vicky; Grove, Nicola; Hart, Craig; Kwiatkowska, Gosia; Ledger, Sue; Murphy, Sharon; Tilley, Liz and Tokley, Kate (2022). Surviving through story: Experiences of people with learning disabilities in the covid19 pandemic 2020–2021. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50(2) pp. 270–286.

2021To Top

2020To Top

Graham, Helen; Green, Victoria; Headon, Kassie; Ingham, Nigel; Ledger, Susan; Minnion, Andy; Richards, Rowena and Tilley, Elizabeth (2020). The public and the relational: The collaborative practices of the Inclusive Archive of Learning Disability History. In: Popple, Simon; Prescott, Andrew and Mutibwa, Daniel H. eds. Communities, Archives and New Collaborative Practices. Connected Communities. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 219–234.

Tilley, Elizabeth; Ledger, Susan and de Haas, Catherine (2020). Enabling people with profound and multiple learning disabilities to belong in public and community archive collections. In: Nind, Melanie and Strnadová, Iva eds. Belonging for People with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities: Pushing the Boundaries of Inclusion. London: Routledge, pp. 176–195.

2019To Top

Ledger, Susan and Walmsley, Jan (2019). 'Madhouse': Performance artists with learning disabilities sharing the history of institutions. In: Soldatic, Karen and Johnson, Kelley eds. Global Perspective on Activism and Advocacy. London: Routledge, pp. 35–51.

Ledger, Susan and Shufflebotham, Lindy (2019). We were here: sharing stories of local support. In Community Living Community Living.

Ledger, Sue (2019). Stories show the way to stay home. In Community Living cl initiatives.

Access All, Areas; Ledger, Susan and Walmsley, Jan (2019). Sharing Learning Disability History - Inclusive Methods and Activities. In Making Heritage Accessible - The Madhouse My House? History of Learning Disability Project Guide Access All Areas, London.

Ledger, Susan and Shufflebotham, Lindy (2019). Staying local: stories of how it worked. In Community Living Community Living.

2018To Top

Brownlee-Chapman, Chloe; Chapman, Rohhss; Eardley, Clarence; Foster, Sara; Green, Victoria; Graham, Helen; Harkness, Elizabeth; Headon, Kassie; Humphries, Pam; Ingham, Nigel; Ledger, Sue; May, Val; Minnion, Andy; Richards, Row; Tilley, Liz and Townson, Lou (2018). Between speaking out in public and being person-centred: collaboratively designing an inclusive archive of learning disability history. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 24(8) pp. 889–903.

2016To Top

Walmsley, Jan; Earle, Sarah; Tilley, Elizabeth; Ledger, Susan; Chapman, Rohss and Townson, Lou (2016). The experiences of women with learning disabilities on contraception choice. Primary Health Care, 26(9) pp. 28–32.

Ledger, Susan; Shufflebotham, Lindy and Walmsley, Jan (2016). Disability. In: Denny, E; Earle, Sarah and Hewison, A eds. Sociology for Nurses (3rd Edition). Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 203–226.

2015To Top

Chapman, Rohhss; Ledger, Sue; Townson, Louise and Docherty, Daniel eds. (2015). Sexuality and Relationships in the Lives of People with Intellectual Disabilities: Standing in My Shoes. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Ledger, Sue; Chapman, Rohhss and Townson, Lou (2015). Stories from Around the Globe. In: Chapman, Rohhss; Ledger, Sue; Townson, Louise and Docherty, Daniel eds. Sexuality and Relationships in the Lives of People with Learning Disabilities: Standing in My Shoes. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 26–45.

Ledger, Sue; Chapman, Rohhss and Townson, Louise (2015). Law, Policy and Diversity: Exploring the Gap between Rhetoric and Real Life. In: Chapman, Rohhss; Ledger, Sue and Townson, Louise eds. Sexuality and Relationships in the Lives of People with Intellectual Disabilities: Standing in My Shoes. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 144–162.

Miller, Clare; Koronka, Adam; Shufflebotham, Lindy and Ledger, Sue (2015). Clare's Story: Gay Women Might Need a Rainbow Fairy Group. In: Chapman, Rohhss; Ledger, Sue; Townson, Louise and Docherty, Daniel eds. Sexuality and Relationships in the Lives of People with Intellectual Disabilities: Standing in My Shoes. Jessica Kingsley, pp. 193–209.

2007To Top

Owen, Katherine and Ledger, Sue (2007). People with Learning Disabilities: Perspectives and Experiences. In: Welshman, John and Walmsley, Jan eds. Community Care in Perspective: Care, Control and Citizenship. London: Palgrave, pp. 159–172.

2006To Top

Hreinsdottir, Eygló Ebba; Stefansdottir, Guðrún; Lewthwaite, Anne; Ledger, Sue and Shufflebotham, Lindy (2006). Is my story so different from yours? Comparing life stories, experiences of institutionalisation and self-advocacy in England and Iceland. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 34(3) pp. 157–166.

Mitchell, Duncan; Traustadoottir, Rannveig; Chapman, Rohhss; Townson, Louise; Ingham, Nigel and Ledger, Susan eds. (2006). Exploring Experiences of Advocacy by People with Learning Disabilities: Testimonies of Resistance. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Ledger, Sue and Shufflebotham, Lindy (2006). Songs of Resistance. In: Mitchell, D.; Traustadottir, R.; Chapman, R.; Townson, L; Ingham, N and Ledger, S eds. Exploring Experiences of Advocacy by People with Learning Disabilities Testimonies of Resistance. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 68–90.

2005To Top

Medora, Hector and Ledger, Susan (2005). Implementing and Reviewing Person Centred Planning: Links with Care Management, Clinical Support and Commissioning. In: Cambridge, Paul and Carnaby, Steven eds. Person Centred Planning and Care Management with People with Learning Disabilities. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 149–171.

Chapman, Rohhss; Ledger, Susan and Nind, Melanie (2005). Participation ... the promise of change at last? 1971-2001. In: Rolph, Sheena; Atkinson, Dorothy; Nind, Melanie and Welshman, John eds. Witnesses to change: families, learning difficulties and history. British Institute of Learning Disabilities Publications.


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