Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Susan Ledger

32 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Oct 6 14:16:00 2024 BST.

ATo Top

Access All, Areas; Ledger, Susan and Walmsley, Jan (2019). Sharing Learning Disability History - Inclusive Methods and Activities. In Making Heritage Accessible - The Madhouse My House? History of Learning Disability Project Guide Access All Areas, London.

BTo Top

Bartlett, Terry; Charlesworth, Pat; Choksi, Ajay; Christian, Paul; Gentry, Susie; Green, Vicky; Grove, Nicola; Hart, Craig; Kwiatkowska, Gosia; Ledger, Sue; Murphy, Sharon; Tilley, Liz and Tokley, Kate (2022). Surviving through story: Experiences of people with learning disabilities in the covid19 pandemic 2020–2021. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50(2) pp. 270–286.

Brownlee-Chapman, Chloe; Chapman, Rohhss; Eardley, Clarence; Foster, Sara; Green, Victoria; Graham, Helen; Harkness, Elizabeth; Headon, Kassie; Humphries, Pam; Ingham, Nigel; Ledger, Sue; May, Val; Minnion, Andy; Richards, Row; Tilley, Liz and Townson, Lou (2018). Between speaking out in public and being person-centred: collaboratively designing an inclusive archive of learning disability history. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 24(8) pp. 889–903.

CTo Top

Christian, Paul and Ledger, Sue (2022). Being part of history, being part of activism: Exploring the lives and experiences of Black people with learning disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50(2) pp. 239–251.

Chapman, Rohhss; Ledger, Susan and Nind, Melanie (2005). Participation ... the promise of change at last? 1971-2001. In: Rolph, Sheena; Atkinson, Dorothy; Nind, Melanie and Welshman, John eds. Witnesses to change: families, learning difficulties and history. British Institute of Learning Disabilities Publications.

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GTo Top

Graham, Helen; Green, Victoria; Headon, Kassie; Ingham, Nigel; Ledger, Susan; Minnion, Andy; Richards, Rowena and Tilley, Elizabeth (2020). The public and the relational: The collaborative practices of the Inclusive Archive of Learning Disability History. In: Popple, Simon; Prescott, Andrew and Mutibwa, Daniel H. eds. Communities, Archives and New Collaborative Practices. Connected Communities. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 219–234.

HTo Top

Hreinsdottir, Eygló Ebba; Stefansdottir, Guðrún; Lewthwaite, Anne; Ledger, Sue and Shufflebotham, Lindy (2006). Is my story so different from yours? Comparing life stories, experiences of institutionalisation and self-advocacy in England and Iceland. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 34(3) pp. 157–166.

LTo Top

Ledger, Susan June; Martin, Anne-Marie and Tilley, Elizabeth (2022). What's important to me? Using collaborative and creative approaches to shift the power in assessment. In: Atherton, Helen and Crickmore, Debbie eds. Intellectual Disabilities: Toward Inclusion (7th ed.). Elsevier, pp. 53–76.

Ledger, Susan and Walmsley, Jan (2019). 'Madhouse': Performance artists with learning disabilities sharing the history of institutions. In: Soldatic, Karen and Johnson, Kelley eds. Global Perspective on Activism and Advocacy. London: Routledge, pp. 35–51.

Ledger, Susan and Shufflebotham, Lindy (2019). We were here: sharing stories of local support. In Community Living Community Living.

Ledger, Sue (2019). Stories show the way to stay home. In Community Living cl initiatives.

Ledger, Susan and Shufflebotham, Lindy (2019). Staying local: stories of how it worked. In Community Living Community Living.

Ledger, Susan; Shufflebotham, Lindy and Walmsley, Jan (2016). Disability. In: Denny, E; Earle, Sarah and Hewison, A eds. Sociology for Nurses (3rd Edition). Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 203–226.

Ledger, Sue; Chapman, Rohhss and Townson, Lou (2015). Stories from Around the Globe. In: Chapman, Rohhss; Ledger, Sue; Townson, Louise and Docherty, Daniel eds. Sexuality and Relationships in the Lives of People with Learning Disabilities: Standing in My Shoes. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 26–45.

Ledger, Sue; Chapman, Rohhss and Townson, Louise (2015). Law, Policy and Diversity: Exploring the Gap between Rhetoric and Real Life. In: Chapman, Rohhss; Ledger, Sue and Townson, Louise eds. Sexuality and Relationships in the Lives of People with Intellectual Disabilities: Standing in My Shoes. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 144–162.

Ledger, Sue and Shufflebotham, Lindy (2006). Songs of Resistance. In: Mitchell, D.; Traustadottir, R.; Chapman, R.; Townson, L; Ingham, N and Ledger, S eds. Exploring Experiences of Advocacy by People with Learning Disabilities Testimonies of Resistance. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 68–90.

MTo Top

Miller, Clare; Koronka, Adam; Shufflebotham, Lindy and Ledger, Sue (2015). Clare's Story: Gay Women Might Need a Rainbow Fairy Group. In: Chapman, Rohhss; Ledger, Sue; Townson, Louise and Docherty, Daniel eds. Sexuality and Relationships in the Lives of People with Intellectual Disabilities: Standing in My Shoes. Jessica Kingsley, pp. 193–209.

Medora, Hector and Ledger, Susan (2005). Implementing and Reviewing Person Centred Planning: Links with Care Management, Clinical Support and Commissioning. In: Cambridge, Paul and Carnaby, Steven eds. Person Centred Planning and Care Management with People with Learning Disabilities. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 149–171.

OTo Top

Owen, Katherine and Ledger, Sue (2007). People with Learning Disabilities: Perspectives and Experiences. In: Welshman, John and Walmsley, Jan eds. Community Care in Perspective: Care, Control and Citizenship. London: Palgrave, pp. 159–172.

TTo Top

Tilley, Elizabeth; Ledger, Susan and de Haas, Catherine (2020). Enabling people with profound and multiple learning disabilities to belong in public and community archive collections. In: Nind, Melanie and Strnadová, Iva eds. Belonging for People with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities: Pushing the Boundaries of Inclusion. London: Routledge, pp. 176–195.

WTo Top

Walmsley, Jan; Earle, Sarah; Tilley, Elizabeth; Ledger, Susan; Chapman, Rohss and Townson, Lou (2016). The experiences of women with learning disabilities on contraception choice. Primary Health Care, 26(9) pp. 28–32.


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