Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sarah Jane Mukherjee

18 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 15:26:27 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Bugallo, Lucía; Mukherjee, Sarah Jane; Scheuer, Nora; Cremin, Teresa; Montoro, Virginia; Golinkoff, Roberta; Preston, Marcia; Wah Cheng, Doris Pui and Popp, Jill (2024). Children’s and mothers’ understanding of play and learning: Repertoires across five cultures. Learning and Instruction, 94, article no. 101981.

Mukherjee, Sarah Jane; Hunt, Sally and Leedham, Maria (2024). Uncovering Discourses of Representation in Young Adult Fiction. In: New developments in school libraries: The latest research, 9 Oct 2024, Online.

Erling, Elizabeth J.; Mukherjee, Sarah Jane; Safford, Kimberly and Tugli, Fritz Makafui (2024). Ideologies of English and language of instruction in Ghana: Educator perceptions and pressures. In: Reilly, Colin; Chimbutane, Feliciano; Clegg, John; Rubagumya, Casmir and Erling, Elizabeth J. eds. Multilingual Learning: Assessment, Ideologies and Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa. Routledge Series in Language and Content Integrated Teaching & Plurilingual Education. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 99–122.

Cremin, Teresa; Mukherjee, Sarah Jane; Aerila, Juli‐Anna; Kauppinen, Merja; Siipola, Mari and Lähteelä, Johanna (2024). Widening Teachers' Reading Repertoires: Moving beyond a Popular Childhood Canon. The Reading Teacher, 77(6) pp. 833–841.

Mukherjee, Sarah Jane; Hunt, Sally and Leedham, Maria (2024). Gendered characters and gendered worlds in best-selling, contemporary Young Adult fiction. In: 7th Corpora & Discourse International Conference #CADS2024, 17-19 Jul 2024, Innsbruck University, Austria.

2023To Top

Leedham, Maria; Hunt, Sally and Mukherjee, Sarah Jane (2023). Mirrors and windows in Young Adult fiction. In: The twelfth international Corpus Linguistics conference (CL2023), 3-6 Jul 2023, Lancaster, UK.

Mukherjee, Sarah Jane; McGreevy, Clare and Williams, Claire (2023). Celebrating reading. In: Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Kucirkova, Natalia eds. Reading Teachers: Nurturing Reading for Pleasure. London: Routledge, pp. 176–197.

Erling, E. J.; Mukherjee, S. J.; Safford, K. and Tugli, F. M. (2023). Ideologies of English and economic development: The influence on medium of instruction polices in Ghana. In: Reilly, C.; Chimbutane, F.; Clegg, J.; Rubagumya, C. and Erling, E. J. eds. Multilingual Learning: Assessment, Ideologies and Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa. Routledge (In Press).

Mukherjee, Sarah J.; Bugallo, Lucía; Scheuer, Nora; Cremin, Teresa; Montoro, Virginia; Ferrero, Martha; Preston, Marcia; Cheng, Doris; Golinkoff, Roberta and Popp, Jill (2023). Conceptions of play by children in five countries: towards an understanding of playfulness (Las concepciones acerca del juego de niños de cinco países: hacia un mejor conocimiento de la actividad lúdica). Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 46(1) pp. 109–153.

Aerila, Juli-Anna; Kauppinen, Merja; Cremin, Teresa; Siipola, Mari; Mukherjee, Sarah Jane and Lahteela, Johanna (2023). Student teachers as readers: the reading experiences and reading pedagogy of Finnish and British student teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 48(9) pp. 86–99.

2022To Top

2021To Top

Mukherjee, Sarah Jane and Charlesworth, Richard (2021). Towards hope, acceptance and overcoming adversity through Reading for Pleasure. In: The Applied Linguistics and Literacies Research Group (ALLRG) Seminar: ‘Beyond Reading for Pleasure’., 22 Jul 2021, online.

Mukherjee, Sarah Jane and Cremin, Teresa (2021). Readers, Texts and Talk: A Symposium for UKLA - Overcoming adversity through hope: Discussing picture fiction. In: UKLA 56th International Conference - We need to talk about Literacy: Why spoken language matters in literacy learning and teaching., Fri 2 - Sun 4 Jul 2021, Online.

2016To Top

2014To Top


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